Minnesota Outdoorsman

Contests => Archived Ice Fishing Challenges => MNO Ice Fishing Contest => 2016 MNO Ice Fishing Challenge => Topic started by: LPS on October 10/18/16, 01:19:37 PM

Title: Getting the urge.
Post by: LPS on October 10/18/16, 01:19:37 PM
Hey I just noticed there is no posts on this forum that has my Products as the banner.  SO this is just a bump to get it off 0....    ;)  I am looking forward to some ice fishing again this year.  Sure is peaceful out on the ice in the shack....
Title: Re: Getting the urge.
Post by: HD on October 10/18/16, 04:00:15 PM
That's cause I  archived all the old contest posts LPS. Soon we will be getting the contest going...but, we need ice first.  :snow5:
Title: Re: Getting the urge.
Post by: Boar on October 10/18/16, 04:24:53 PM
yes yes ice ice ice
Title: Re: Getting the urge.
Post by: Retired on Osakis on October 10/18/16, 07:51:23 PM
Yep, time for ice. I winterized the boat today.  :cry:
Title: Re: Getting the urge.
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/18/16, 08:47:16 PM
Oh!! When I seen this title I was wondering why you would start a thread just cause you where headed to the head!!! :doah: :laughroll: :laughroll: :nerd: