Minnesota Outdoorsman
Fishing Forums => Fishing News => Topic started by: HD on February 02/11/17, 09:45:04 AM
Truck went in on Minnetonka, Greys Bay
ANOTHER chebbie!!! :rotflmao:
On the news it looked like a Ford, but they busted off the axle pulling it out and the front end didn't look any better...Ouch.
On the news it looked like a Ford, but they busted off the axle pulling it out and the front end didn't look any better...Ouch.
It is a Ford, but I just had to throw that out there. Musta been trying to pull a chebbie out. ;D
WOW! and to think they have a huge walleye icefishing tourney goin on today on tonka,west arm,telling people the ice is 13-14"s and safe! on the news this morning.
Stoopid people. if they believe that! :doah:
over on site X there is a guy that lives on the horseshoe chain. he monitors the ice frequently and from my point of view is pretty truthful in his reports. he is STRONGLY advising people to get the big wheel houses off the ice this weekend due to the current ice conditions and pending weather forecast!!!!!!!
i'd say good advice!!!!!!!!
Car that went in on Pulaski in buffalo last night
could be an interesting weekend with these in the drink already by noon today.
Lake Sylvia by Annedale (SP)
What is wrong with these guys?! :doah:
Now that is something I don't ever want to experience. Thank goodness I got older and wiser before I put one in the drink. We took some stupid chances when we were younger but just got lucky and never went through.
I was fishing om White Bear about 8 years ago in February, and the ice was 16" thick, so said my measuring handle scoop. The day turned sunny, and the temp bumped up to around 38*, as I remember. Got warmer that afternoon.Suddenly, there was a hellacious *CRACK*BOOM* that was way TOO Close. We went outside my shack, and a huge crack as far as we could see, about 1" wide had opened up bewteen my shack and my buddies chebbie...as my Dad use to say, didn't know whether to "sh** or go blind".... :censored: :doah:
Can't really see it, (he didn't drop camera low enough) but I'm standing right behind the crack, leaning against Kenny's chebby. :tongue:
Lake Washington pouty-1023.gif
unreal!!!!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :doah: :doah:
Looks like a car went in off the access on pearl lake by Rockville. Picture is on FM in the Minnesota regional forums!
Who cares? This is MNO, ya widget!!! Do you need to be beatch slapped??!! training-087
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :applause: :applause:
Who cares? This is MNO, ya widget!!! Do you need to be beatch slapped??!! training-087
awe why don't you and that jig saw guy go fishing!!! :moon: confused-3316.gif :rotflmao:
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! He said YOU Union guys have all the free time!!! :azn:
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! He said YOU Union guys have all the free time!!! :azn:
considering the source.................MEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Sounds like a bunch of cars/trucks and atv's took a swim over the weekend,I went off ramsey beech yesterday not far from shore and came back right away,shore ice was breaking up,be just my luck to get out and then stuck later in the day,happened once on mille laces ,hopefully never again.
Fishing for trucks... Pulaski Lake, Buffalo
that was swimmer!! stupid folks!!
We're gettin real dark ice on the bay!!
black ice not good, and 78!!
Hey dew, that's not the long lake I'm thinking about is it? Or the one right by willmar! That picture looks like that point looking out from the campground!
Hey dew, that's not the long lake I'm thinking about is it? Or the one right by willmar! That picture looks like that point looking out from the campground!
Naw its da udder one
thanks, kinda what I though. think the one we were at was technically called north long.
WARNING !!!!! Do not try to drive across a pressure ridge on Mille Lacs!
Mille Lacs today....
I seen 2 vehicles out on pearl lake by Rockville today...........in the words of REBSTER................IDJIOTS!!!!!!! :doah: :bonk: :bonk:
Morjits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy-2239.gif
Had a guy drive out on a west metro lake yesterday. Only 12 to 15 inches of bad honeycomb ice. IDIOT
Randy's Rentals, Mille Lacs
how many more stupid people will we hear about this weekend and the coming week??
Nutter one on Mille Lacs...
Gee Wizz, at least he has the blue beacon on the topper to warn others!! face_plant-2139.gif
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :bonk:
Bobber, that was good!! I just can not under stand why!! :scratch:
Yea, look at the color of the ice?? And there driving on it? confused-3316.gif :mad1: don't think I'd even run a wheeler out there.
Ice does not have color. The refraction of light thru various densities of it are what yer beady little smurf eye perceive as "color". Except for yer blue smurf ice cubes made from smurf-o-riffic berry juice. :moon: :rotflmao:
:bonk: :bonk: yea whatever! Don't you need to check the neighbor lady out with dat spotting scope! sleazy-422.gif
Yesterday, Star Lake by Dent
There's something wrong when there is 3 pages in a thread of vehicles dropping in lakes. Granted there are comments but damn people figure it out. confused-3316.gif face_plant-2139.gif
Ever since Monday I have seen maybe two or three atv's out but the vast majority of the people have been walking. Yesterday I sat and watched some muskrats popping up in several different areas and running around on the ice. Now today, just before dark, I saw two medium size pickups drive out from the Battle Point access towards the middle area. Neither one stopped to check the ice at all. I just don't get it. :bonk: confused-3316.gif
I missed that and I glad, don't need to see stupid people!!
That's because YA CAN'T FIX STOOPID. :bonk:
but we keep trying to help yu reb. aaahhhhaahahahahaha
On 03/01/2017 at 7:41 am the Chisago County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a male who had fallen through the ice on West Rush Lake. The 71 year old male, who was on foot, fell through 75 yards from shore near the West Rush Lake public access. The male was able to pull himself out of the water and onto his portable fish house sled. He was then assisted to shore by a local fisherman and Sheriff’s Deputies. He suffered no injuries.
Local ice conditions continue to deteriorate, even with current colder temperatures. Seasonally warm weekend temperatures are forecasted and will continue to reduce the ice quality and safety. Please use caution when accessing area lakes.
I'm sitting right now at Tioga beach on lake pokegema looking at 2 cars on the lake.
WOW on foot!!!!! That should wake some people up the ICE IS IN POOR CONDITION!! Wait for open water in the souther 1/3 of the state maybe southern 1/2!
Read a report this morning from someone on our lake who said there was still 24" there :scratch:
must be in Canada! confused-3316.gif
Said he was out on the weekend of the 21st & all the snow on the lake was gone but he had 6-12" of slush / water but still 24" of ice. They're are going up again this weekend & plan to go :fishing:. Just looked & somebody who lives up there said he hadn't seen very many out lately, so we'll see. :scratch:
I was going to go out today on foot around Forest Lake, but with the recent snow I decided against it. I wouldnt be able to see the ice sheet, and I figured that spelt trouble.
I am probably hanging up the gear for the winter. (Unless I pop out on Saturday) - there should be a shore and ice sheet connection with colder temps today and tomorrow.
We went out that Friday & there was still a lot of ice where we drilled but we left the following Monday. They have had some colder weather so it could still be OK & without being up there, I can't really say. Now, just so I'm clear, we are about a hour from Cookie & about 2 hours from LPS
We went out that Friday & there was still a lot of ice where we drilled but we left the following Monday. They have had some colder weather so it could still be OK & without being up there, I can't really say. Now, just so I'm clear, we are about a hour from Cookie & about 2 hours from LPS
oh sure!!!!!!! :censored: :doah: training-087 :banghead: what am i ??????? dogmeat!!!!!!!! :doah: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You get enough air time here already! :bonk: I don't need to jump on that wagon too, do I? ;) ;D
You get enough air time here already! :bonk: I don't need to jump on that wagon too, do I? ;) ;D
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You get enough air time here already! :bonk: I don't need to jump on that wagon too, do I? ;) ;D
now that is funny!!!!! :rotflmao: :laughroll:
Four men rescued after falling through ice in pair of incidents
Those attempting to navigate atop Minnesota’s not-so-icy waters were literally falling through the ice one after another over the weekend, further proof of the sketchy condition of the ice on many Minnesota waterways this warmer-than-usual winter and the need to use great caution if going out on the ice.
According to reports, three people ended up in the water late Sunday afternoon on Moody Lake in Chisago County.
First, an ice angler went through the ice. A passerby saw the man partially submerged in the water, according to reports, and in attempting to help, also fell through the ice. Then, a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources conservation officer reportedly attempting to help the two men out of the water also fell through.
Fortunately, according to reports, other first responders were able to rescue the three men, adding that they were all treated for hypothermia and were in a stable condition.
According to another report, also on Sunday, a sheriff’s deputy fell through the ice and into waist-deep water in Gray’s Bay of Lake Minnetonka in the Twin Cities metro area while checking on a man who was removing his ice-fishing shelter. He reportedly was pulled out without incident.
Ice fishing shelters were to be removed by today on inland waters across the southern tier of the state and March 20 in the northern tier, although with ice conditions that have been fast deteriorating for several weeks, the DNR has been urging anglers not to wait for those deadlines and to remove shelters as soon as possible. The final deadline for shelter removal is March 31 — on waters bordering Minnesota and Canada, such as Lake of the Woods. But ice conditions have been much better there than other parts of the state, with reports of 20 inches-plus or so of ice still the norm.
McGregor man airlifted after four-wheeler falls through ice
A 59-year-old McGregor man was airlifted to North Memorial Medical Center after the ATV he was operating broke through the ice on Sandy River Flowage leading into Big Sandy Lake.
At 12:11 p.m. today, the Aitkin County Sheriff’s Office received a report from a resident that he believed an ATV had gone through the ice. The McGregor Fire Department, Aitkin County Sheriff’s Office and the McGregor Area Ambulance responded.
At the scene, fire department and sheriff’s office personnel found ATV tracks leading to a hole in the ice. They located the 2015 Polaris Ranger in about 8 feet of water with the driver in the cab. He was transported by McGregor Ambulance to the McGregor airport and then airlifted by North Air Care. The ice varied in thickness from about three inches to ½ inch.
The name of the driver is being withheld at this time.
According to the Up North Riders ATV Club, their Spring Ride event scheduled for Saturday has been cancelled.
Heard on the 5 o'clock news that he died.
that's way to bad!!!!!!!! :doah: :doah: if I could only way i'd go on the ce now is way up north!!!!!! just plain not worth it!!!!!!!!!
the news on the radio this morning is saying 2 ATV's went threw the ice yesterday. One on Lake Ida and the other on Osakis. just the wheels went threw the ice they said. wonder where the next one will go into the drink?
the one on Ida was 90 years old!
yea i'm thinkin the only place i'd feel safe on any ice is north of hwy 2 at this time!!!!!!!
hey Mike.............do you live right on osakis?????????
yea i'm thinkin the only place i'd feel safe on any ice is north of hwy 2 at this time!!!!!!!
hey Mike.............do you live right on osakis?????????
I'd bet not. Hard to build on water. Maybe a houseboat. Bet right next to it. ;)
yea i'm thinkin the only place i'd feel safe on any ice is north of hwy 2 at this time!!!!!!!
hey Mike.............do you live right on osakis?????????
I'd bet not. Hard to build on water. Maybe a houseboat. Bet right next to it. ;)
:moon: :moon: :censored: :doah: tut_tut-3315.gif face_plant-2139.gif face_plant-2139.gif training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: PUTZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yea i'm thinkin the only place i'd feel safe on any ice is north of hwy 2 at this time!!!!!!!
hey Mike.............do you live right on osakis?????????
I'd bet not. Hard to build on water. Maybe a houseboat. Bet right next to it. ;)
would not go onto the ice there either! no, I live on Little Lake Osakis, across from Head of the lakes resort kind of.
yea i'm thinkin the only place i'd feel safe on any ice is north of hwy 2 at this time!!!!!!!
hey Mike.............do you live right on osakis?????????
I'd bet not. Hard to build on water. Maybe a houseboat. Bet right next to it. ;)
:moon: :moon: :censored: :doah: tut_tut-3315.gif face_plant-2139.gif face_plant-2139.gif training-087 training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: PUTZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mornin', squirt! You too, Mikey! Frost on the onyum sets this morning! :doah:
yea i'm thinkin the only place i'd feel safe on any ice is north of hwy 2 at this time!!!!!!!
hey Mike.............do you live right on osakis?????????
I'd bet not. Hard to build on water. Maybe a houseboat. Bet right next to it. ;)
would not go onto the ice there either! no, I live on Little Lake Osakis, across from Head of the lakes resort kind of.
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1: we expect fishing reports from you this summer bucko!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Ya! And pics!! If Glenn can...never mind! :azn:
have to work on that.