Minnesota Outdoorsman

Fishing Forums => Fishing News => Topic started by: Lee Borgersen on February 02/18/17, 10:20:58 PM

Title: MNO Angler Survey
Post by: Lee Borgersen on February 02/18/17, 10:20:58 PM
    :scratch: MNO  Angler Survey :fishing:
                                                                You can't catch me...:fish2:

AnglerSurvey is used by state fish & wildlife agencies, fisheries conservation organizations and others to expand fishing opportunities. Fishing tackle companies often use the results to improve the products and services offered to anglers.

1.  When do you do most of your fishing:

2. Method used most:
   live bait

3. Type lakes fished most:
  large lakes
  smaller lakes

4. Average hours spent on water per 1 day outing:

5. Like to fish best with:
   friends, family, alone or hot chicks.

6. Most used method by you.
    bait casting or spinning.

7. Average miles driven round trip to fish your favorite lake or river.

Fill in the blanks!.......







Title: Re: MNO Angler Survey
Post by: Lee Borgersen on February 02/19/17, 02:23:48 AM
1.  When do you do most of your fishing:
   Summer *                  

2. Method used most:
   live bait *

3. Type lakes fished most:
  large lakes *
  smaller lakes

4. Average hours spent on water per 1 day outing:........8hrs *

5. Like to fish best with:
   friends,family, alone * or hot chicks.

6. Most used method by you.
    bait casting or spinning. *

7. Average miles driven round trip to fish your favorite lake or river. 80 *