Minnesota Outdoorsman

General Category => 🐦 Forum... => Topic started by: HD on December 12/16/17, 06:29:36 PM

Title: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on December 12/16/17, 06:29:36 PM
One Jake, and the rest Tom's

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on December 12/16/17, 08:12:46 PM
there's dinner!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/18, 10:41:45 AM
seen my first morning dove of the year this morning out on my back shed!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: all kinds of birds back there FLITTING around!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/18, 10:55:59 AM
Just wanna make sure that it wasn't a sparrow..... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/18, 10:57:10 AM
Just wanna make sure that it wasn't a sparrow..... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

  :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :doah: :mad1: :confused: :confused: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :taz: :taz: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/19/18, 10:37:15 AM
seen my first morning dove of the year this morning out on my back shed!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: all kinds of birds back there FLITTING around!!!!!!!

Just to keep you abreast of the correct terminology according to Judge Judy it's not called FLITTING! IT'S CALLED KANOODLEING!

Don't mind Glenn Judge Judy :tut: He don't watch yer show! :banghead:

click on da judge for response:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/19/18, 11:43:03 AM
just seen some sand hill cranes!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/18, 11:43:47 AM
 :tut: :tut: :tut: KANOODLIN is what Reb does in front of the NL's windows!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/19/18, 11:53:57 AM
just seen some sand hill cranes!!!

Heard some last week and & thought I was hearing things. Saw some fly over the ranch yesterday. They were farting around down the pond shortly after that.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/19/18, 12:01:54 PM
I had to look twice before I realized what they were!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/18, 12:45:24 PM
:tut: :tut: :tut: KANOODLIN is what Reb does in front of the NL's windows!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:

We is talkin' birdies here, ya blue-footed boobie! How about a nice Waxwing in my tree? Look close! See the yellow on his tail? Click on pic!  I know it's not current, I took it last April.....

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/18, 02:21:28 PM
Just saw the last of the Juncos poking around on the ground. Thought they'd be gone by now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/18, 02:27:01 PM
 i didnt know you knew the difference between a Junco or big bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

sorry............its mikeys fault!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/19/18, 02:41:59 PM
Like my Grandma used to say: "Gonna rain, the sh**birds are whistling"! That's true.  Think I just heard one. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/19/18, 06:32:06 PM
I got Crane's in the field.....

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dew2 on March 03/19/18, 06:46:28 PM
KOOL HD Their neat birds. Had 2 fly over 2-3 days ago,Then Sat when it was warm I was repairin the dock and heard 2 flocks saw 2 birds fly over again.I never seen them stay in this area.See lots of em summer/fall near Wadena
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/18, 07:19:24 PM
Sweet pictures HD!!

DEW there was a nesting pair on the land I used to bow and pheasant hunt.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/20/18, 12:52:00 PM
   *TWEET*  Right by the step.....

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/20/18, 12:54:44 PM
   *TWEET*  Right by the step.....
yepper.........beginning to see and hear them more often.

and just think, since robins have been spotted in the area.....................its only gonna snow 2 more times!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dew2 on March 03/20/18, 01:06:49 PM
Sweet pictures HD!!

DEW there was a nesting pair on the land I used to bow and pheasant hunt.
I'll check that out!! Thanks, gettin the camera out and starting after this next snow suppose to be maby up to 10 inches.We'll be checkin the nothern runs and lookin fer dem spring birds that pass through.
 Last year iceout was March 7th on Diamond. looks like it aint gonna happen till atleast mid April Then its crappie time. Then when Sandy caught the 32 inch eye off the dock crappie fishin that was late ice out close to end a april.MAYBE Its my turn??
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/21/18, 07:29:31 PM
not in my back yard but somewhere i think HD posted a video of a turkey struttin!!!!!! on my way home from work the first exit to st cloud, more commonly known, to me anyway is the Mcstop exit, there's a field there where often you see a lot of wildlife.

well tonite there were 10 deer out feeding, and had to be at least 20 turkeys. kinda hardtop take a picture with the phone doing 78 MPH!! :doofus: :tut: :rotflmao: anyways there were 2 Toms out there struttin there stuff kinda like Reb and Mikey in the female lounge of the nursing home!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/18, 08:46:20 AM
pretty neat this morning going out to the car hearing the robins and cardinals singing away!!! to bad there gonna get snowed on. also seen my first sandhill cranes too!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:

there had to have been 15 deer out in that field again this morning. i never see deer there in the morning. wonder if the impending weather has anything to do with it!! :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/18, 09:07:44 AM
"Birds in the backyard; deer on the hoof! Gophers in the garden, skwirrels on the roof!"  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/24/18, 01:20:52 PM
Lots of finches....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/24/18, 03:16:58 PM
thats fun to watch!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/18, 04:52:16 PM
seen my first blue heron and killdeer today!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/18, 05:37:58 PM
Where? On Nat Geo?    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/18, 05:55:25 PM
Where? On Nat Geo?    :rotflmao:
:bonk: :bonk: :bonk: ah go eat your roadkill pizza!!!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :doofus: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/18, 06:25:34 PM
I had my 'tato/sausage soup and some rolls & salami with cheese for dinner instead.  :moon:  ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/27/18, 05:42:16 PM
We have strutt'ers!

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/27/18, 06:12:07 PM
good pic's!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/28/18, 08:26:05 AM
just watched a blue heron land on the lake, first one of the year!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/28/18, 10:15:50 AM
Not sure what species dis was but sept I saw one like it in a movie back in da day. He was hovering over da back yard yesterday. I figured he'd scare da rest a da birds away. So, I ran out da back door ripped off my shoyt and shook my fist at um. Needless he took off expeditiously.  :blues brothers:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/28/18, 10:56:01 AM
 :pouty: :pouty: yea i'd get the hell outta dere in a hurry to iffin i seen ya take your shirt off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sick: :confused: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/28/18, 10:57:24 AM
I'd run backwards faster than Dotch bein' chased by his woolies!!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/28/18, 04:00:08 PM
Dem sheeps are mean. Ya better eat yer Wheaties is all I kin say... :shocked:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfzIraw91UY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfzIraw91UY)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/28/18, 04:10:40 PM
 :bonk: :bonk: that was sic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/03/18, 06:34:58 PM
 :mad1:    :offtopic:. 

Sandhills in the back yard with the deer...

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/03/18, 06:36:29 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/03/18, 06:37:19 PM
WOW!! that is cool!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/18, 08:35:56 PM
WOW!! that is cool!!!
X3!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/11/18, 08:08:04 PM
We've got a turkey running around the neighborhood.  I saw it in the median by menards, wife saw it down the block and people across the street saw it in our driveway, but before I could get out there it left.       

I don't know what gender it identifies as.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/11/18, 08:20:28 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/15/18, 10:23:30 AM
Even with the snow storm, 🦃 are still interesting to watch.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/15/18, 10:29:59 AM
Looks like dinner to me.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/15/18, 10:43:57 AM
great pictures HD!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/15/18, 11:12:40 AM
that is great!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/18, 08:16:55 PM
Seen the first hummingbird and bluebird tonight. The Cardinals are going crazy!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/07/18, 08:19:47 PM
Seen the first hummingbird and bluebird tonight. The Cardinals are going crazy!

Same here with the Cardinals....they're everywhere, chirpin' away!!! Been like that last couple days. What's up with that, I wonder?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/18, 09:00:18 PM
The males are looking for girl friends. Kinda like dotch and Mrs chevoit, only in reverse. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/08/18, 07:58:01 AM
Mourning doves cooing away this morning......been a long time since I've had them around here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/08/18, 08:14:47 AM
Mourning doves cooing away this morning......been a long time since I've had them around here.
quit shootin them!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/08/18, 08:22:55 AM
Shoot birds???! As Delmar would say, "What's wrong with you?!"  :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dew2 on May 05/08/18, 09:41:15 AM
The olegirl put hummer feeders out bout 5PM last afternoon instantly a single hummer was on it. This morn a oriole is hittin it. Never seen them but they are here once that feeder got out there. Mixin somE sugar water for the oriole feeders now. Not many wood ducks altho one pair been usin one box
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on May 05/08/18, 11:05:21 AM
We've got multiple feeders in da yard and enjoy all a da visitors dat we see. Da only ones I ain't crazy bout are dem dam doves. Dose tings dig and thrash true dem seeds and spread um all over da ground. Den da freakin squirrels invade da area fur dem seeds.

We have a pair of Mallard ducks (mom & pop) dat come every spring and I put out a bowl a water and flip out shredded bread fur dem. Day also eat mixed seeds wit corn. So yesterday here comes anudder male duck and is tryin ta steal Mr. Mallards bride. :doah:
It was more of a Mexican standoff den a fight. Da visiter keept stalking da female as da existing groom kept cuttin him off. Never saw any real battle, just jockeyin fur position. Finally da existing mate jumps on da female, holding on to da back a her neck and trowin da meat to her.
Den da udder male got frustrated and took off. :mad1:

 :coffee: ,,,,,Same Day Part #2

So, later in da day while resting in da shade of da bbq grill ( no not me...da ducks!) :bonk:   Here comes dis fox charging towards da ducks. Da male musta saw um and da ducks ran but were up in da air so fast I couldn't believe it. I told Borgie dat's probably da last we'll see a da ducks fur a while if at all. (Wrong!) :confused: day were back dat same night lookin fur food and water. I figured it must be my animal magnetism. :smoking:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/18, 11:45:47 AM
Just saw our first orioles this a.m. Wonder if they weren't waiting for a little more foliage to hide in before showing up. Had both Baltimore and orchard orioles. Goldfinches are plentiful and eating thistle seed like crazy. Pheasants are very active and track through the yard almost daily. Seems like we have lots of hens so that's a good sign. Roosters are sure purty right now. Need to make a jaunt down to the pond area if the weather is rainy just to see what kind of waterfowl is hanging out there. Gotta remember my cell phone & spotting scope. Wonder where I put it?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/08/18, 12:23:35 PM
Secks.  lol  So how long did it last Lee?  You did watch all of it didn't you?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/08/18, 12:29:47 PM
Secks.  lol  So how long did it last Lee?  You did watch all of it didn't you?
Lee's a window peeper?? :confused: :rotflmao:

As I am hard working here in red wing, momma called to inform me that the Orioles and rec breasted grosbeaks found the feeders.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/09/18, 07:10:57 AM
Secks.  lol  So how long did it last Lee?  You did watch all of it didn't you?
Lee's a window peeper?? :confused: :rotflmao:

As I am hard working here in Bev's Cafe in red wing, momma called to inform me that the Orioles and rec breasted grosbeaks found the feeders.

And I bet they're saying the same thing about you...!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:     (I fixed it for ya)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/09/18, 08:59:32 AM
Was a female grosbeak at the feeders this a.m.

Looks like Bev's is a popular hangout... :coffee:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/09/18, 09:32:37 AM
 :tut: :tut: :tut: training-087 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/09/18, 09:43:00 AM
Was a female grosbeak at the feeders this a.m.

Looks like Bev's is a popular hangout... :coffee:

 :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/09/18, 06:29:44 PM
So....what are the black and white birds with the little bit of red on the front of the breast. Their head is black, and have a little white on the wings?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/09/18, 06:35:28 PM
Sounds like you might be describing a rose breasted grosbeak.
In other news, I was happy to see the red headed woodpecker back!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/09/18, 06:42:06 PM
 :happy1: yeppers! That the male! The female is more grayish and white. They both have that heavy looking beak.

Kinda like Reb's nose!! :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:  :oops1: :sorry: not sure what got into me! :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/11/18, 04:03:30 PM
Ahh, go play with yer skwirrels.....!

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/18, 04:07:55 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: last nite when i got home i found a female grosbeak dead by a window............that stunk. still got a bunch of orioles at least one hummingbird and a whole bunch of yellow finches.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dew2 on May 05/11/18, 04:16:12 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: last nite when i got home i found a female grosbeak dead by a window............that stunk. still got a bunch of orioles at least one hummingbird and a whole bunch of yellow finches.
JEEZE 57 Havent I told you a million times YOU DON'T HAVE TO SMELL EVERYTHING YOU PICK UP OFF THE GROUND!!!!!!!!!!
 Dog turds rottin mushrooms now birds :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/18, 04:17:57 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: last nite when i got home i found a female grosbeak dead by a window............that stunk. still got a bunch of orioles at least one hummingbird and a whole bunch of yellow finches.
JEEZE 57 Havent I told you a million times YOU DON'T HAVE TO SMELL EVERYTHING YOU PICK UP OFF THE GROUND!!!!!!!!!!
 Dog turds rottin mushrooms now birds :mooning:
:bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :pouty: :pouty: it stunk dat a grosbeak croaked!!!!!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :doofus: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/11/18, 07:44:51 PM
My first Scarlet Tanager! This guy is hopping around the lawn edge, poking at the dirt....and watching him is a Cardinal. A double treat!  :cheesy:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/18, 09:56:15 PM
Cool!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/12/18, 07:10:28 AM
cool Rebs!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dew2 on May 05/12/18, 08:07:14 AM
First one ever Reb or this year? I never saw one till we moved out here. Now its yearly for 1 Maybe 2 days then its gone till next year.suppose to be some in Sibley st.Park. I spent hours sitting with skeeters an never saw one there.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/12/18, 09:22:47 AM
First one ever Reb or this year? I never saw one till we moved out here. Now its yearly for 1 Maybe 2 days then its gone till next year.suppose to be some in Sibley st.Park. I spent hours sitting with skeeters an never saw one there.

First one ever! Couldn't believe it...and it was 7:00 PM!! Musta been looking for supper in that lush grass.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/12/18, 09:39:15 AM
Way to go Reb! Much better to look at than the crows.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/14/18, 02:06:36 PM
Now this...I have a giant yew out front, noticed every time I went by it, a female cardinal would fly out and scold me...  Nest is about 5' up in it.    :azn:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/18, 02:18:49 PM
Awesome sauce!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/18, 02:43:30 PM
guard them well!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/18, 03:07:24 PM
just watched a bald eagle swoop down and miss a fish out on the lake!!  seen that before and even seen them get a fish!!  always fun to watch!!!  2nd time since ice out that they have done here...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dew2 on May 05/14/18, 03:30:57 PM
Now this...I have a giant yew out front, noticed every time I went by it, a female cardinal would fly out and scold me...  Nest is about 5' up in it.    :azn:
Thats kool reb Never seen one That and a hummingbirds nest!!! Man we look look and look but just cant keep a eye on em to see where a nest may be
 Mike we got 2 bald eagle nests one 1/2 mile away and one 3 miles both as the crow flies,The closest one we can see if I set up the telescope on a neighbors hill bout  80 yds away.They are here every day fishin.Our Resident Coopers has been goin by with birds in its talons the last few days.Once the nestlings fledge they hang around here we have a kiddy swimmin pool out just for a large bird bath they love it! Reb ya oughtta try it 4=5 ft round 2 inches a water to 10 inches tilted one end shallow other deeper.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/18, 03:35:55 PM
What's one of the birds name?? Dew2??? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/14/18, 03:41:03 PM
Now there's an idea! Name the three of 'em when they hatch out! We'll have a contest!  :bonk:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/18, 03:48:57 PM
Now there's an idea! Name the three of 'em when they hatch out! We'll have a contest!  :bonk:
i'll start..........Reb, Del and Dotch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/18, 04:25:08 PM
I dunno...I was kinda partial to glenn, del and mikey!

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/14/18, 04:35:54 PM
I'm thinkin' I kinda like Boar, Del, and Lee...it's got a certain ring to it... :bonk:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/18, 07:04:40 PM
larry moe and currly!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dew2 on May 05/14/18, 07:08:20 PM
But 2 are females!    Glenda an Delmina an Michelle.The manly one can be Dew2
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/18, 07:12:53 PM
But 2 are females!    Glenda an Delmina an Michelle.The manly one can be Dew2

that's four..............
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/15/18, 08:08:10 AM
Just checked on 'em, A OK. Figuring about 8 days until hatch..... :cheesy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/15/18, 09:34:16 AM
Seen 1 hummingbird up here in the last week :cool:, put the feeders ~ 10 days ago.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dew2 on May 05/15/18, 09:37:34 AM
But 2 are females!    Glenda an Delmina an Michelle.The manly one can be Dew2

that's four..............
UMM?? Well Rebs sittin on the nest
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/18, 09:46:01 AM
But 2 are females!    Glenda an Delmina an Michelle.The manly one can be Dew2

that's four..............
UMM?? Well Rebs sittin on the nest
heehee hee!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/15/18, 10:17:18 AM
 :taz:   :moon:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/15/18, 01:00:20 PM
Have had an indigo bunting hanging around the past couple days. glenn would like that. Purty little blue feller. The bird, not glenn!  :azn:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/15/18, 02:03:35 PM
Have had an indigo bunting hanging around the past couple days. glenn would like that. Purty little blue feller. The bird, not glenn!  :azn:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/15/18, 07:29:01 PM
that dumb eagle missed another fish tonight!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/15/18, 08:24:37 PM
Is he mentally challenged?  :bonk:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/16/18, 07:00:50 AM
he just might be!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/18, 09:11:14 AM
After a lighter day of consumption the orioles are back at it. Emptied the feeder again. Goldfinches are just nuts too. Lose count over two dozen because they're constantly on the move. Gotta clean out the hummingbird feeder I see. Stupid bugs.  :sad:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/16/18, 03:22:40 PM
not a bird but seen the first dragon fly today!!  they a fun to watch and colorful!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/16/18, 06:13:52 PM
Ha. Saw my first yellow jacket today
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/16/18, 06:16:24 PM
Noticed when I was mowing the back today, bumbles everywhere cruising around. Plus, that apple tree with the blossoms is loaded with honeybees. Even saw two white butterflies! Cardinal eggs are still eggs...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/16/18, 06:30:08 PM
Ha. Saw my first yellow jacket today

seen lots of bee's too!!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/17/18, 07:36:55 AM
He musta been shopping at Kohl's.... ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/17/18, 09:53:41 AM
Lots of red admiral butterflies yesterday and more June bugs.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/18, 09:54:33 AM
 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/17/18, 09:56:35 AM
How's yer blood pressure now?  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/18, 10:07:41 AM
How's yer blood pressure now?  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: just honky dorry!!!!!!!!!!!! :smoking:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/18/18, 09:17:16 AM
And the cardinal eggs are still eggs...anyone wanna bet on a hatch day? Should be within the next 5 days...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/18, 09:27:43 AM
I'm bettin' Sunday.

Opened the windows last nite and about 4:30 this a.m. there was a brown thrasher whoopin' it up right outside the bedroom window. I mean, I like their singin' just not at that time of day.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/18/18, 09:48:47 AM
I'm bettin' Sunday.

Opened the windows last nite and about 4:30 this a.m. there was a brown thrasher whoopin' it up right outside the bedroom window. I mean, I like their singin' just not at that time of day.

Better than a blue thrasher out there.... ;)

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/18, 10:29:02 AM
...then there's always the rose-breasted bed thrasher... :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/18/18, 06:15:25 PM
I'm gonna go for Monday.......
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/18/18, 07:08:11 PM
WE HAVE A HATCH, HOUSTON! 2 out of 3...... :shocked:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/18, 07:19:28 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/18, 10:53:23 PM
+1  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/18, 06:58:21 AM
Nice Rebs.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/19/18, 07:40:50 AM
I just tried to get another peek, and was viciously attacked by a crazed male cardinal.... :bonk:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/19/18, 08:02:38 AM
don't mess with his woman!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Coffee118 on May 05/19/18, 08:06:08 AM
Who needs a stump grinder when you have one of these

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/19/18, 08:21:16 AM
That's what happens when woody drinks a Red Bull!    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/18, 10:13:10 AM
Those pileateds can really make a pile of wood chips in a hurry.

No pileated woodpeckers here this a.m. but did have a red bellied with a really tight ladder back pattern & very bright red cap. Likes the ear corn. Lots of other birds too. Hummers, orchard and Baltimore orioles, a couple gray catbirds, an indigo bunting, goldfinches, doves, cardinals, a white crowned sparrow, wrens and a brown thrasher that has been singing all morning. Fun to just listen to him. The variety of music/sounds they make is incredible. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/19/18, 01:11:25 PM
Sad news, guys, my cardinals are all dead....the neighbor's cat got them. I am so f****g pissed right now I'm not sure I won't go over there and break her $#@!% neck. Caught the cat three times getting into the bush. AND, this happened once before, talked to her about it THREE times in  the past. NOW the s*** is gonna hit the fan. I just called the DNR, and they are sending an officer down. Way I see it, she knowingly killed wild birds, which is a huge offense. No difference if I shot them, IMO. Filing a formal complaint on Monday with CAWchesters with pretty much worthless Animal Control, and I'm gonna follow that one up until she gets nailed, if it takes me the next year.   :angry2:

Sorry about the rant.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/19/18, 02:15:42 PM
Sad news, guys, my cardinals are all dead....the neighbor's cat got them. I am so f****g pissed right now I'm not sure I won't go over there and break her $#@!% neck. Caught the cat three times getting into the bush. AND, this happened once before, talked to her about it THREE times in  the past. NOW the s*** is gonna hit the fan. I just called the DNR, and they are sending an officer down. Way I see it, she knowingly killed wild birds, which is a huge offense. No difference if I shot them, IMO. Filing a formal complaint on Monday with CAWchesters with pretty much worthless Animal Control, and I'm gonna follow that one up until she gets nailed, if it takes me the next year.   :angry2:

Sorry about the rant.

Soooooo....you send the neighbor lady to prison for killing the cardinals.....what are you going to do for fun?  :scratch: Maybe a bargaining chip for later?

Not sure where this is going.........
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/18, 02:49:08 PM
Sorry to hear about the cardinals Reb. In town, cats belong inside or confined to a person's property IMO. Nearly impossible to do that out in the country. They are a double edged sword at the ranch. Yeah, they catch a lot of mice & keep the sparrows out of the barn but in the meantime they raise a lot of hell with other stuff, particularly ground nesting birds. Tomcats pee all over everything and all of them crap wherever. Our family owned rental property over the years with some renters who kept way too many cats. The smell still about makes me puke. In addition cats can carry toxoplasmosis which causes ewes to abort their lambs. And the horrid infestation of fleas the cats brought onto the place last fall was the last straw. Once this batch of cats has run its course, no more cats.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/19/18, 03:00:24 PM
Sad news, guys, my cardinals are all dead....the neighbor's cat got them. I am so f****g pissed right now I'm not sure I won't go over there and break her $#@!% neck. Caught the cat three times getting into the bush. AND, this happened once before, talked to her about it THREE times in  the past. NOW the s*** is gonna hit the fan. I just called the DNR, and they are sending an officer down. Way I see it, she knowingly killed wild birds, which is a huge offense. No difference if I shot them, IMO. Filing a formal complaint on Monday with CAWchesters with pretty much worthless Animal Control, and I'm gonna follow that one up until she gets nailed, if it takes me the next year.   :angry2:

Sorry about the rant.

Soooooo....you send the neighbor lady to prison for killing the cardinals.....what are you going to do for fun?  :scratch: Maybe a bargaining chip for later?

Not sure where this is going.........

Go to prison for a misdemeanor? That would be a first. It's not going anywhere. Just a statement to let the guys know the birds are dead due to her cats killing them. I asked her numerous times to keep them out of my yard. Cats running loose in the city , with all the cats overflowing the animal shelters, is another result of this stupidity. No different than if I had dogs that came into your yard and killed your chickens. End of statement.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/19/18, 04:56:04 PM
Just pok'in ya in the ribs Reb......
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/19/18, 05:03:19 PM
Be sad if her cat got into a can of sardines contaminated with golden malrin....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/18, 08:14:41 AM
Yes that sucks Rebs.  We let out cat out for a minute now and then and she walks out on the deck and looks around.  Then we bring here back in the house.  Cats should not be allowed to run free anymore than dogs.  Irresponsible owners.  I see one walk across our property now and then and when I get a chance.........   Oh well.  Del had a great idea.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/27/18, 01:14:00 PM
so since I've been around all weekend I've noticed some of my normal birds haven't been around. we had bluebirds and them dive bombing barn swallow thingy's earlier, now none!!!!! orioles, I haven't seen them in 3 weeks, and very few hummingbirds.  :scratch: :censored: :doah:

but more often then I like I've been seeing a hawk of some variety...…….. :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/27/18, 01:35:12 PM
If you don't have a lot of trees and bushes for birdie cover, that hawk is probably why. Plus, they like lotsa shade in the summer, just like me.  :azn:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dew2 on May 05/27/18, 02:40:11 PM
Hawk will spook em but there should be some around yet..Blusbirds came late here last week they were workin hard in one box 2 days later we havent seen em at all.The last few HOT days birds only use the baths right now mid day we nave no birds at feeders or baths.Crows stopped commin in cept for early and late day.The heat affects then to
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/28/18, 12:19:28 PM
What the......!!!! Heard some chirping from the Cardinal nest this am that the filthy cat decimated, went and took a quick peek down in it...one made it!!!! YAY!!!!  :happy1: :azn:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/28/18, 12:48:22 PM
Glad one survived Reb. Cats are killers, it's their nature. I town they need to be confined for sure.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/28/18, 12:52:17 PM
What the......!!!! Heard some chirping from the Cardinal nest this am that the filthy cat decimated, went and took a quick peek down in it...one made it!!!! YAY!!!!  :happy1: :azn:

 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/30/18, 11:06:43 AM
Good news Reb! Problem is the deck is stacked against the poor little fellers. Amazing sometimes any of them make it. News story about a continuing cat saga to the south in neighboring Hartland. What a fiasco!

https://www.albertleatribune.com/2018/05/it-makes-you-wonder-whats-really-going-on/ (https://www.albertleatribune.com/2018/05/it-makes-you-wonder-whats-really-going-on/)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/30/18, 11:23:08 AM
The little feller was gone yday. Don't know if he got out, was blown out during the storm, but the adults were flitting back and forth from the bush chirping up a storm, which leads me to think something got to him.  :undecided:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/30/18, 11:29:12 AM
The little feller was gone yday. Don't know if he got out, was blown out during the storm, but the adults were flitting back and forth from the bush chirping up a storm, which leads me to think something got to him.  :undecided:
could be old enough to start trying to fly etc on its own?????????
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/30/18, 11:39:20 AM
I dunno...looked kinda small yet...

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/30/18, 02:02:00 PM
Good news Reb! Problem is the deck is stacked against the poor little fellers. Amazing sometimes any of them make it. News story about a continuing cat saga to the south in neighboring Hartland. What a fiasco!

https://www.albertleatribune.com/2018/05/it-makes-you-wonder-whats-really-going-on/ (https://www.albertleatribune.com/2018/05/it-makes-you-wonder-whats-really-going-on/)

That is quite a read. I think cat women are just as nutty as horse women and that is saying a lot!
Here is a website Reb might be interested in: https://thecafemeow.com/
On a more serious note, I'm sorry the last bird is missing. Hopefully they can find a safe place to nest and start another batch.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on May 05/30/18, 02:55:14 PM
I know a better cat restaurant.... :evil:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/31/18, 09:06:08 AM
We've got quite a few humming birds here, 2 feeders out & both have been filled since we came back.  :cool: little creatures. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/31/18, 10:18:34 AM
Cleaned the hummer feeder out last nite. The ant moat on top dried out or the other birds drank it so it was loaded with black ants. Need to get to FF for ant guards. When I was hanging the feeder back up a little male hovered about a foot away, waiting not so patiently. Geez they're cool little birds.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/01/18, 05:45:03 AM
Been hearing and seeing a couple young Cooper's hawks (aka chicken hawk) flying around and calling off and on all day/early am. Easy to tell it's a Cooper's, from the call, which is pretty distinct. I'm wondering, since their diet is mainly songbirds, if my baby Cardinal....*ulp*  :undecided:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/04/18, 09:29:45 PM
Took this up north.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/05/18, 07:38:30 AM
blackbird?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/05/18, 08:30:37 AM
its on a hummingbird feeder.......................so..................doah!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :smoking: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/05/18, 08:32:21 AM
Oh. I thought that was a bottle of Fireball.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/10/18, 09:39:36 PM
So any of you bird feeders out there feed mealworms? If so do you just feed them year round or just during the summer months? If so when do you quit. I've usually stopped when the bluebirds leave
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/11/18, 11:35:47 AM
I used to feed them to the orioles when they stopped coming to the jelly feeder. Had more consumed by house sparrows and starlings than orioles so I stopped. A real dearth of bluebirds at the ranch, probably because they're all over at our off site pasture.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/11/18, 12:45:33 PM
Never seen Orioles on the mealworm feeder, but this is the first time I've seen them friggin starlings.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/11/18, 02:08:01 PM
Never seen Orioles on the mealworm feeder, but this is the first time I've seen them friggin starlings.

Huh! How do you frig a starling?!  :scratch:  :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/11/18, 09:31:05 PM
Nope, but I have a carnivorous female cardinal who keeps coming to my suet feeder.   Hangs there awkwardly and gets a chunk then comes and sits on the deck rail.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/12/18, 08:47:58 AM
Saw the Cooper's hawk nail a bird in flight yday....he's wipin' out my songbirds!  :mad1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/24/18, 02:27:30 PM
the hummingbirds exited northern minnesota. i still have a couple around cold spring. has anyone seen any robins lately? they have been noticebly missing.

my feeders are a bit more busy right now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/24/18, 03:50:33 PM
I saw a green emerald hummer yday buzzing around my apple tree.....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on September 09/24/18, 09:24:25 PM
Hummers still jousting around the feeder.....  And there was a robin on the lawn this evening.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on September 09/25/18, 05:27:01 AM
We've had a large infiltration of robins here lately in da flatland. Borgie say's der headin south.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/27/18, 10:49:22 AM
Still havent seen any robins lately, few morning doves. took the hummingbird feeders down last nite, havent had one in a week.

going thru more food lately with some migrators coming through. pretty soon the juncos will be around, then a fun to what!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/27/18, 11:01:55 AM
Have some robins, mourning doves, lotsa flickers and still one hummingbird this a.m. yet. Put out the first suet feeder yesterday and a red bellied woodpecker showed up. Think he was actually after the ear corn tho.  :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/28/18, 09:06:07 AM
2 hummingbirds still hangin' around. Saw them yesterday afternoon while noshing on some leftovers and they were still here this a.m. when I was in the oval office. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/28/18, 04:32:16 PM
Were you into the Boodle's again? They were probably wrens.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/28/18, 05:27:14 PM
Oh hesh up and go help delbert play with his food bidet!  :mooning:

*Just peeked out the window at 5:40 and there's still one on the feeder. Must be the Beefeater I mixed in with the nectar!  :happy1:

**Still there at 6:30. Must be happy hour. Geez, I almost forgot... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/28/18, 06:21:59 PM
I dunno about the back yard, but my front yard is fulla robins right now.... :scratch:   :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/29/18, 08:00:48 AM
Still at least one hummingbird here yet as of a few minutes ago. Was almost positive they'd be a no show today.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/29/18, 08:05:48 AM
just noticed the bird bath is ice crusted!!  too soon... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/29/18, 09:26:08 AM
I haven't seen a Hummingbird here for a week or two. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/30/18, 11:05:21 AM
Still one hummer here as of 20 minutes ago. Didn't see any when I was looking at the feeder while seated in the oval office earlier. Just happened to look at the flower bed and noticed one working the 4 o'clocks over. It went to the cannas then circled around, coming after the petunias on the patio and ended up on the potted blue salvia.


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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/30/18, 11:07:34 AM
Kewl! And it's too early for ya to be snockered, so it can't be fake news!  :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/30/18, 12:41:59 PM
Now we got bumblebees. It must be summer again!  :happy1:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/03/18, 04:37:09 PM
Saw one last hummingbird about 2:15. Was on the petunias then went to the nectar feeder. It's too early for a G&T Reb altho it is warm enuff. Just hit 81 in Waseca a few minutes ago.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/03/18, 04:50:59 PM
It's 80* here right now...go ahead and have one for me, Dotch.  :toast:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/03/18, 07:02:06 PM
it might change tomorrow...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/03/18, 07:28:45 PM
Saw a hummer earlier today here.   Hard to believe the temp will go from 73 right now to 36 overnight, although looking at the clouds whipping by makes it seem more possible.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/03/18, 07:46:13 PM
Driving home from work, Monticello to cold spring the temp dropped  15 degrees. I get home by 5;30.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/03/18, 07:48:49 PM
Dropped 10* here, and I haven't got a hummer yet.  :evil:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/03/18, 07:50:29 PM
Dropped 10* here, and I haven't got a hummer yet.  :evil:
:pouty: :tut: there's that seks thing again!!! :pouty: go next door you poor deprived old phart!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/03/18, 07:52:31 PM
Driving home from work, Monticello to cold spring the temp dropped  15 degrees. I get home by 5;30.

I bet! You probably got home at 3:30, got a hummer and woke up at 5:30!  :rotflmao:

It's 61 here now and was 81 yet at 6 p.m.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/05/18, 10:57:49 AM
Just before chores last nite, saw one hummingbird on the nectar feeder. They are persistent little devils.:happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/18, 10:59:29 AM
Just before chores last nite, saw one hummingbird on the nectar feeder. They are persistent little devils.:happy1:
:scratch: as persistent as Mrs Cheviot???????????????
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/05/18, 11:07:01 AM
Nah, the birds eventually give up when it gets cold enuff. Mrs. Cheviot is always interested in my meat when I grill which is year round!  :surrender:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/05/18, 11:10:51 AM

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/18, 11:21:34 AM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/06/18, 08:04:45 AM
Still one hummingbird on the nectar feeder this a.m. The latest we've recorded them at our place is Oct. 9th. It's just plain raw outside today. Right now it's 44, cloudy, damp, with breezes gusting to 20 mph. I bet they'd like to come in the house to warm up!  :azn: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/06/18, 08:10:50 AM
That's all you need....hummers buzzing around inside. Might be fun for Ruby, though!   :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/07/18, 01:48:36 PM
Anyone got any ideas what made this nest? My guess is a hummingbird. Found it cutting lawn under the pine tree. Had 3 eggs, a lite blueish, green color. 1 looked to be hatched 2 didn't.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/07/18, 02:27:30 PM
looks like it could be..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on October 10/07/18, 02:28:51 PM
How big is it across? Is it really small?

Robins have blueish to green eggs....  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/07/18, 02:30:48 PM
I've heard that hummers nests are smaller than a shot glass. Some people we knew had a nest out on the end of a thin branch that whipped around in the wind and was in plain site.  I didn't see it though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/07/18, 04:14:42 PM
How big is it across? Is it really small?

Robins have blueish to green eggs....  :scratch:
yea it's as big and round as the opening of q coffee cup opening. I've seen plenty of Robin nest not that. This one is made of really fine material.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/07/18, 05:34:02 PM
Looks like a chipping sparrow nest. We have lots of them here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/08/18, 06:20:05 AM
Looks like a chipping sparrow nest. We have lots of them here.
:happy1: thanks Dotch, see plenty of them here at the feeder's!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/08/18, 08:37:06 AM
Saw my first blue bird in the back yard yesterday!

There was a "plethora" of different birds flitting through the yard yesterday - wrens or warblers or finches - on the move, only perching for a moment or two before moving on.  I wasn't able to identify all of them, but there was definitely at least two blue birds among them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/08/18, 08:53:55 AM
Saw my first blue bird in the back yard yesterday!

There was a "plethora" of different birds flitting through the yard yesterday - wrens or warblers or finches - on the move, only perching for a moment or two before moving on.  I wasn't able to identify all of them, but there was definitely at least two blue birds among them.
you been in boars fireball???????? LPS's hootch????????? dey been gone for a while in my neck of da woods.

next thing you'll tell us you done seen bigfoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :doofus: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/08/18, 10:31:21 AM
There were some bluebirds over at the neighbor's pasture as of last week. Guessing they're migrating thru, not the locals that spent the summer there. Lots of warblers moving thru but no time to figure out who they are. Alas, I think the hummers have departed. Didn't see any yesterday or this a.m. Can't say as I blame them. Costa Rica sounds pretty nice right about now.  :happy1: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on January 01/27/19, 09:19:40 AM
Pheasants are starting to show up...

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/27/19, 09:30:55 AM
Sweet!! :happy1: HD's wildlife zoo. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/27/19, 11:12:05 AM
 :happy1: :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/27/19, 11:36:16 AM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on January 01/27/19, 11:38:50 AM
Sweet!! :happy1: HD's wildlife zoo. :rotflmao:

It is a zoo....18 flipp'n squirrels.....

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on January 01/27/19, 11:42:11 AM
Just lookin' for that big nut!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Break out the box of Skwirrel Helper!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/27/19, 12:28:48 PM
that season is still open isn't it??  we have lots of them too!!  grey's mostly some fox and a few black one's!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/27/19, 01:04:17 PM
Sweet!! :happy1: HD's wildlife zoo. :rotflmao:

It is a zoo....18 flipp'n squirrels.....
:happy1: Ya didn't say somethin about glenn stoppin by did ya?  :rolleyes: ;) :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/27/19, 03:44:35 PM
Wow! That's a lot of tree rats. Mostly grays it appears? Nice to see as many hen pheasants as that too. A bunch of them, mainly roosters sleeping in the evergreens at nite here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/10/19, 08:55:53 AM
A few from this morning...

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/10/19, 09:12:28 AM
good pic's HD...  the other day I saw a big lump of snow in a spot there should not have been, I looked closer and it was a snow owl!!!  really cool to see!!!

it was perched on as telephone pole...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/10/19, 09:44:43 AM
good pic's HD...  the other day I saw a big lump of snow in a spot there should not have been, I looked closer and it was a snow owl!!!  really cool to see!!!

it was perched on as telephone pole...

Ya, I saw one on my gutter yesterday....  :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/10/19, 10:04:59 AM
Nice shots HD! Good to see the pheasants are looking good. 10 hens here yesterday with no roosters, eating corn and moving on through to better cover. This a.m. a couple roosters. Feeders need refilling here but I've gotta fix one of the bindings on my snowshoes in order to do it. One of my friends has made some snowy owl sightings west of town here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on March 03/14/19, 12:20:55 PM
Got a question. We received some bags of whole flax seed at work and I was wondering if this stuff would be OK to fill my bird feeder with in the back yard? If it will be bad for the birds I'll probally donate it to the food self or something.
 ??????? Thanks gents.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/14/19, 12:31:37 PM
From what I read flaxseed is used as a filler in dome bird foods and birds will generally go for more preferred seeds. I'd donate it to the food shelf or bear bait.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/14/19, 02:25:25 PM

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/25/19, 05:31:24 PM
Can always tell when spring arrives....the red wing blackbirds show up...

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/19, 05:54:41 PM
Don't the RWB's normally stick to marshy "ditch type" areas? You know, some cattails, water...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/25/19, 06:00:04 PM
I got cattails down by the pond.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/19, 06:03:03 PM
Don't the RWB's normally stick to marshy "ditch type" areas? You know, some cattails, water...
yes but they sure like to invade feeders when they first get back.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/19, 06:16:15 PM
I sure do like to hear them sing. Reminds me of fishing along the riverbank when I was a kid.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/19, 06:42:38 PM
jut had a male and female cardinal on my mealworm feeder. have never seen that!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/25/19, 06:45:18 PM
??? Why not? I see them feeding together a lot right before sunset....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/19, 06:51:05 PM
oh me too just never mealworm!!!!!!! I usually put the mealworm out when I see my first robin or bluebirds!!!!!!! after the bugs and worms are more accesable I quit the mealworm. that stuff aint cheap!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/26/19, 12:41:35 AM
??? Why not? I see them feeding together a lot right before sunset....

Same here :happy1: before sunset and before sunrise. Been here all winter :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/26/19, 04:20:04 PM
Cardinal foreplay... :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/29/19, 10:51:54 AM
seen my first pair of sandhill cranes out in a field this morning driving into work!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/29/19, 11:28:19 AM
seen some swans landing on the lake this morning..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/29/19, 11:38:39 AM
seen some swans landing on the lake this morning..
driving past theriver in moticello i see the swans, and alot of them, everyday!!!!! still amazies me!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on March 03/29/19, 12:23:58 PM
Went to Wheaton yesterday and seen about 200,000 snows, blues and canadians between there and Herman, and there was also a ton of ducks buzzing around there.  Found some water running through the ditches and culverts too. It's pretty wet out there.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/29/19, 12:42:22 PM
Cool Mark.  I would love to see that. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/07/19, 11:43:04 AM
anyone seen any morning doves??????? haven't seen a one yet?????????
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/07/19, 11:46:20 AM
Nope. None here yet. No robins either, although I can hear them. Rain should make them appear on the lawn today. Lotsa woodpeckers though, and two Cooper's hawks that are eating my songbirds up.... :angry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/07/19, 12:42:17 PM
I've got 4 doves that have been here for the last week or so.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/07/19, 01:34:25 PM
just a few doves so far......
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/07/19, 03:12:25 PM

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/07/19, 03:14:42 PM
Great pics!!!  :happy1:  Is that a racing stripe on that pesky skwirrel?!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/07/19, 03:19:04 PM
Great pics!!!  :happy1:  Is that a racing stripe on that pesky skwirrel?!

It's a young red....squack'in p.o.s.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/07/19, 03:44:30 PM
Those damned things ate right thru the soffit AND roof shingles of my neighbors shed, TWICE, and destroyed all the xmas decorations and lights stored in it. He borrowed my trap and caught both of 'em.  They went to nut heaven via Reb's skwirrel dunk.  :evil:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/19, 03:45:54 PM
I got one the other day.  Cute little things but I don't want them getting into my buildings.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/13/19, 06:18:45 PM
🦆 on da pond....

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/13/19, 06:37:10 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/19, 08:12:04 AM
seem y first 2 morning doves this morning by monticello!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/19, 08:18:38 AM
Well ya, it IS morning..... :rolleyes:
OH, you mean Mourning doves....due to their mournful call...  :azn:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/19, 08:22:14 AM
Well ya, it IS morning..... :rolleyes:
OH, you mean Mourning doves....due to their mournful call...  :azn:
yea whatever!!!!!!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :tut: dont start wit me or it'll be al ong day for you.!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :evil: :evil:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/19, 08:23:57 AM
Well ya, it IS morning..... :rolleyes:
OH, you mean Mourning doves....due to their mournful call...  :azn:
yea whatever!!!!!!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :tut: dont start wit me or it'll be al ong day for you.!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :evil: :evil:

OH MY!!!!  :shocked:    :bow:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/19, 08:49:13 AM
 :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/18/19, 08:58:43 AM
you two loony birds!!!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/19, 09:09:09 AM
you two loony birds!!!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

Well hello, Daffy!!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/18/19, 09:13:33 AM
mornin!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/19, 09:15:17 AM
you two loony birds!!!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

Well hello, Daffy!!!  :rotflmao:
if he's daffy........you must be rooster cogburn!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: or whatever that big chicken was called that was a doofus!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/18/19, 09:32:16 AM
O ya?! Well, then take this!!  *SLAP*  :doah:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/18/19, 09:43:29 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/18/19, 09:07:34 PM
you two loony birds!!!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

Well hello, Daffy!!!  :rotflmao:
if he's daffy........you must be rooster cogburn!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: or whatever that big chicken was called that was a doofus!!!!!!

I think you be referring to foghorn leghorn.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/19, 09:18:34 PM
you two loony birds!!!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

Well hello, Daffy!!!  :rotflmao:
if he's daffy........you must be rooster cogburn!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: or whatever that big chicken was called that was a doofus!!!!!!

I think you be referring to foghorn leghorn.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/19, 09:00:38 AM
Hey the tree swallows are here.  Were looking for them all weekend and here they are this morning.  We have 2 houses for them near the house.  So tame.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/22/19, 09:04:05 AM
I had to look those up, I've never seen one! Wow! They're neat!   Are they all that bright blue?! 

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/19, 09:08:20 AM
they are cool birds, bug eating machines too!!!!!!! we usually have a pair or 2 each summer. havent seen any yet, however we had out first MORNING dove yesterday!!!! :rotflmao:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/22/19, 09:28:53 AM
Always had lots of Purple Martins when I worked at the golf course  :happy1: & thought they were a  :cool: little bug eating bird too. Don't see many of them anymore, there was just a pc on 60 minutes this week about 'em & it said they're 'bout all gone because they're 1 of the few that rely on us to make 'em shelters. The TV segment featured some couple that had 94 houses & each house had room for 15 -18 nesting couples. It showed 'em bringin all the houses down to the ground, they were on a tall pole using a winch & cordless drill, to count how many little ones were in each 1. Most had 2-4 but 1 had 7
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/19, 09:36:09 AM
Yes they are cool colored Rebs.  They are super tame too.  They like to sit with their head sticking out of the hole in the house and watch what is going on.  I walk right up to them and talk to them and they just sit there and look at me.   LOL  I think they even raise a couple of hatches here.  Not sure though.  They have lots of babies as Gunner said so a typical Peterson Bluebird house is too small for them.  I have them too for bluebirds. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/22/19, 09:39:28 AM
Sounds a lot like talking to Glenn.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/19, 09:40:41 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/19, 09:40:55 AM
also, with most utilities going underground, purple martins like sitting on power lines and in open spaces.

people always lose them too, thats the only bird house you DONT clean out every year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/22/19, 09:49:29 AM
also, with most utilities going underground, purple martins like sitting on power lines and in open spaces.

people always lose them too, thats the only bird house you DONT clean out every year.
:scratch: Thought in the pc on TV the old boy said something at the end about it would be soon be time to clean their houses out & get ready for the next year, as all the Purple Martins would be headed for South America soon. :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/19, 10:15:51 AM
my mom had alot of martins at home, still have some but not near as many. they actually have a purple martin club in the area. i definetely remember cleaning out a nest made by the martins needed to stay. now we always cleaned out nests made by the starlings and sparrows.

we have a friend that has a lake place by annadale somewhere, he had a bunch of martins, he cleaned out the houses, the next spring he didnt get any martins.

just what i learned growing up. i had a martin house at one time when i moved to the place i'm at now. it didnt have enough wide open space or power lines for then to sit on so i never had any. :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/19, 08:08:10 PM
My brother has a lot of Martin houses.  Gourds and big multiplex houses.  He is swamped with them every year.  We play our Martin CD on the deck and have some lookers landing but none have stayed.  They are on a steep decline too so they need all of the help they can get.  Just like duck houses turned around the sharp decline of wood ducks years ago.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/19, 09:23:45 AM
2 pair of them tree swallows showed up here yesterday...….spring gotta be close!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/28/19, 09:31:41 AM
thought I saw some yesterday!!  cool!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/28/19, 09:38:34 AM
Wish I could see some!!!!!!!!!  :angry: Did hear some RW blackbirds along a creek the other day when I went out to see Mom.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/28/19, 09:48:47 AM
When I first bought the farm, I put up a purple martin condo. I had a friend that worked at the power company, and he gave me an old telephone pole to put it on. It's like 25 feet in the air.....never got a martin....ever....  :confused:

Now the trees have grown up around it, after 30 years. So, I don't think anything has ever nested in it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/19, 10:04:18 AM
When I first bought the farm, I put up a purple martin condo. I had a friend that worked at the power company, and he gave me an old telephone pole to put it on. It's like 25 feet in the air.....never got a martin....ever....  :confused:

Now the trees have grown up around it, after 30 years. So, I don't think anything has ever nested in it.
HD, martins a finicky, they seemed to like power lines to sit on. when they took the lines down at my moms, she lost a bunch.

you don't have starlings or sparrows using it??? them buggers usually take over a martin house in a hurry iffin you don't watch!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/28/19, 10:10:31 AM
They may have taken it over now...I'm not sure...never really see anything hanging around it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Smokey Hills Bandit on May 05/01/19, 01:08:07 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/19, 04:48:15 PM
Thought I might've seen a hummingbird out of the corner of my eye so put out the hummer feeder and the oriole jelly feeder. Looked back at last years data to see that the 1st hummingbird we spotted was on May 2nd and the 1st oriole was on May 8th. Bring 'em on!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/04/19, 07:32:41 PM
Thought I might've seen a hummingbird out of the corner of my eye so put out the hummer feeder and the oriole jelly feeder. Looked back at last years data to see that the 1st hummingbird we spotted was on May 2nd and the 1st oriole was on May 8th. Bring 'em on!  :happy1:

nice!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/19, 04:53:21 PM
Unreal. While talking on the phone just minutes ago, I saw a hummingbird on the nectar feeder. Then after he left, a younger male oriole showed up on the same feeder. Must not have seen the jelly feeder yet but he'll figure it out. There. He just did. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/19, 06:21:59 PM
Unreal. While talking on the phone just minutes ago, I saw a hummingbird on the nectar feeder. Then after he left, a younger male oriole showed up on the same feeder. Must not have seen the jelly feeder yet but he'll figure it out. There. He just did. :happy1:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/05/19, 07:20:29 PM
Love Orioles.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/19, 08:49:51 AM
Latest arrivals include a catbird last nite and an orchard oriole this a.m. Both were on the jelly feeder. Heard the orchard oriole singing earlier this a.m. but couldn't place the song. They're pretty secretive too so it was hard to get a look at him. Heard a house wren in town yesterday but haven't confirmed one at the ranch yet. A lot of the birds like the orioles are pretty  skittish so far, perhaps because the trees have been so slow to leaf out. If the birds on the jelly feeder see any movement inside the house they're gone. As dirty as the windows are that puzzles me. :scratch: :laugh:

Add: Rose-breasted grosbeak cleaning up corn left by squirrel just a bit ago.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: deadeye on May 05/11/19, 02:56:25 PM
Not my back yard, but at my land.  I took this a couple weeks ago while setting up turkey blinds.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2019/05/11/jnEgg.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/jnEgg)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/19, 09:29:57 AM
This morning we had a rooster pheasant crowing on the edge the yard and while I was seated in the oval office, watched a pair of wood ducks checking out some cavities on the silver maple. Still have a spare wood duck house so may have to put it up someplace.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/13/19, 09:37:46 AM
Had our first Oriole yesterday.  Right on the Hummer feeder in the window.  Then he went and pecked at the suet block for a minute. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/13/19, 09:58:44 AM
I saw something new in the backyard...  Twice in the past week we've had a falcon visit - once sitting on the fence and once sitting on the wire.

I got one crappy cell phone pic, which really doesn't show anything.  It doesn't stick around long enough for me to go grab a real camera.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/13/19, 06:40:21 PM
Had our first Oriole yesterday.  Right on the Hummer feeder in the window.  Then he went and pecked at the suet block for a minute.

We had our first Oriole yesterday too....pecked at the suet, and was gone.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/19, 07:37:30 PM
we have a few orioles around. seen a pair of males fighting. nite before 2 male cardinals where going at it.

only seen 1 hummingbird??? :scratch: :doah: no bluebirds or them barn swallows lately either.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/13/19, 07:42:39 PM
Hummers are buzzing around here now.   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/14/19, 09:05:23 AM
Lots of action at the feeders this beautiful morning. Saw the first pair (for me) of indigo buntings for the year. Good day all!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/14/19, 09:50:53 AM
Lots of action at the feeders this beautiful morning. Saw the first pair (for me) of indigo buntings for the year. Good day all!

First pair of the year?!?  I've never seen one in my life!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/19, 11:29:51 AM
Lots of action at the feeders this beautiful morning. Saw the first pair (for me) of indigo buntings for the year. Good day all!

Had one at the thistle feeder early this a.m. It was still dark enough that it almost looked black. The wrens were singing in time for me to check my cutworm and armyworm traps.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/14/19, 04:09:44 PM
What kinda bird is this? I seen at least a couple dozen down by the beaver damn. It's no bigger than a Finch.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/19, 04:26:25 PM
a black bird with orange spots!!!!!!!!!!! :smoking: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: I know the name but dang nabit……….it isn't coming to me!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: I've seen them before too!!!! UGH!!!!!! :doah: :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/14/19, 06:23:48 PM
What kinda bird is this? I seen at least a couple dozen down by the beaver damn. It's no bigger than a Finch.

American Redstart?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/19, 06:46:23 PM
Orchard Oriole?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/14/19, 07:30:32 PM
What kinda bird is this? I seen at least a couple dozen down by the beaver damn. It's no bigger than a Finch.

American Redstart?

I think you nailed it... web sez it is a medium sized warbler.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/19, 08:32:44 PM
Definitely a redstart
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/19, 08:33:55 PM
ok, i'll buy that!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on May 05/16/19, 05:47:49 AM
Put out the grape jelly and oranges on Tuesday and we had orioles within 30 minutes hanging on the feeders. We're thinking there's at least two if not three pair. As my bride and I were sitting outside enjoying the early evening last night this question came up; how come you never see any robins in the bird feeders? We have plenty of them around judging by the singing going on and the white spots that show up on pick up. At least I don't recall ever seeing them in a feeder.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/19, 07:20:14 AM
give them time, they'll find the grape jelly. they love that. robins are more of a worm/insect eater. I,ve been around bird feeding for a long time and that's the only feeder I've ever seen a robin on.

they also are a bit of a comedy show in a bird bath!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/19, 10:07:52 AM
The robins in our yard are only occasional feeders on the jelly feeders. As glenn said, they like earthworms and crawlers which our building site has lots of. When they arrive ahead of the ground thawing in the spring here they survive on stuff like crabapples, nannyberries & American cranberry (viburnum) until the worms show up.

Effing house sparrows have taken a shine to the jelly feeder however which royally pisses me off. Tempting to put an oriole nectar feeder out too but they're a pain when the wind empties them out, not to mention the ants, etc. The orioles don't take any crap off the sparrows tho and hopefully as their nesting continues, the sparrows will knock it off. I know they will if I find their nests and snuff them!  :mad1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/16/19, 12:21:47 PM
We put out our 2 feeders for the Hummers on Monday up at the lake & had visitors within hours. :happy1: :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/19, 03:01:48 PM
Seen a pair of wrens and these tree swallows this morning. There bug eating machines!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/16/19, 03:06:45 PM
So.....when you guy's put out grape jelly....

Do you have a special feeder for this?
How do you keep yogi away?
Smuckers or Welches?

What about oranges?
Do ya screw them to a hunk of wood?
Or do ya have a board with some pointed wood dowels you just shove them on?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/19, 03:48:32 PM
Yup, special feeder with a couple little plastic dishes. Got it at FF many moons ago.  No yogis here, just the occasional sasquatch.  Cheapest jelly I can find altho I just got Welchs at DG cheaper than the generic from the grocery store. Jelly feeder I have has a couple wooden dowels on each end for orange halves.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/16/19, 04:42:04 PM
Just bowls? What happens when it rains?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/16/19, 05:12:37 PM
So.....when you guy's put out grape jelly....

Do you have a special feeder for this?
How do you keep yogi away?
Smuckers or Welches?

What about oranges?
Do ya screw them to a hunk of wood?
Or do ya have a board with some pointed wood dowels you just shove them on?

Yogi not a problem in a good part of the state...  Like Rochester.    But I have never had much luck with oranges or grape jelly.   Or even those fancy freeze dried meal worms...

I need to put together a new feeder with a roof for the oriole smorgasboard.     
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/16/19, 06:12:04 PM
So.....when you guy's put out grape jelly....

Do you have a special feeder for this?
How do you keep yogi away?
Smuckers or Welches?

What about oranges?
Do ya screw them to a hunk of wood?
Or do ya have a board with some pointed wood dowels you just shove them on?

Yogi not a problem in a good part of the state...  Like Rochester.    But I have never had much luck with oranges or grape jelly.   Or even those fancy freeze dried meal worms...

I need to put together a new feeder with a roof for the oriole smorgasboard.   

I got one of them jumbo suet feeders for freeze dried meal worm blocks. They got seeds and nuts mixed in. I see the orioles on there once in awhile.

Seems like anything I put out for hummers or orioles.....yogi comes in and has a snack.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/17/19, 06:53:21 AM
We just put our jelly in a bowl about the size of a coffee mug. If it rains it just starts to turn it to grape juice and they will still eat it. So, when it rains I will dump out most of the water when we get home from work or in the morning when I fill it. That is also the trick with yogi, I usually put out jelly in the morning before work so the birds can eat it during the day nad not get lapped up by yogi at night. Find the cheapest grape jelly or jam you can, brand does not matter.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/19, 08:48:14 AM
I had 4 male orioles at my grape jelly feeder this morning. looked like they were trying to determine turf!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/17/19, 09:25:57 AM
Those two martins were back here yesterday.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/17/19, 09:53:22 AM
JB has it right. I'll watch the weather and if it looks like heavy rain is forecast, try to gauge the amount of jelly I dump in the feeder accordingly. Sometimes if it rains hard it dilutes the jelly so much I have to start over. The only time I've had any luck with mealworms is when the orioles are nesting and apparently after the young have hatched. Reputedly they don't feed the young jelly and are looking for insects which means protein. I used to put out nectar (sugar water) too but want to find a heavier feeder that's more windproof as well as easy to clean completely. I've seen a glass one at FF that might fit the bill. Then it means getting something to keep the ants out of it... :undecided:

A photo of our oriole feeder. Was swaying in the breeze so hard to get a good shot.


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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/19, 03:52:52 PM
been noticing this odd bird. kinda looked like a cardinal at first but the jet black wings just didn't seem right so I googled the scarlet tanager. guess what...…...dats what it is!!!!!! birds are going crazy out there.  :happy1: :happy1: I love it!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/19, 06:37:45 PM
That is a great bird spotting Glenn.  I would love to see one of them. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/19, 07:41:37 PM
That is a great bird spotting Glenn.  I would love to see one of them.
google it!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: sorry mikey made me. I thought it wasthat, so that's what I did. picture perfect!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/20/19, 07:29:42 AM
Dotch. to keeps the ants out of the nector feeder and jelly I will spray the post to the feeders with Tempo 2-3 times through the summer. Does the trick.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/19, 08:18:55 AM
Great idea JB.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/20/19, 10:17:21 AM
That is a good idea JB. Unfortunately all my hummer & oriole feeders are tree hangers. One less thing to mow & trim around. I've tried using the permethrin we have for livestock to recharge the last year's ant guards. Works for a week or two then runs out of gas. The hummer feeder has an ant moat on it. Have to fill it with water every few days tho or the ants & earwigs get in the feeder. The insects attracted to the jelly feeder seem to wind up being eaten by whoever happens to be feeding nestlings. I'm a little hesitant to coat the hangers with insecticide as the birds landing on them would be directly exposed. 

Did notice this yesterday the hummers were really looking for flowers as one was working over a flowering crab in the front yard. Not sure how much nectar he was finding but he was sure giving it a whirl. Wife has a lot of potted flowers ready to set out when it warms up. Time to get them out of my way in the pole barn.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on May 05/21/19, 02:43:33 AM
  Clean bird feeders to keep birds healthy!

 :tut: ....
Moldy birdseed and unclean bird feeders can make birds sick. Homeowners who enjoy feeding birds can takes steps now to help birds stay healthy, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

 :coffee: ....
In spring and especially in warm, humid weather, it is common for mold to form on wet birdseed. The mold can cause an avian disease called aspergillosis, which affects the birds respiratory systems. Salmonella is another disease that affects birds and is associated with unclean feeders. Both diseases can be fatal to birds. :banghead:

To clean a feeder, use a solution of one part bleach and nine parts water, and scrub the entire surface. Always allow the cleaned feeder to dry out in the sun, as the sunlight will help kill bacteria on the feeder. Hummingbird feeders should be cleaned about every week to 10 days during the summer, to keep the sugar water from producing mold.

Staff from the DNR Nongame Wildlife Program urges bird enthusiasts to also rake or sweep up any fallen seeds and seed hulls under their feeder to prevent moldy conditions from occurring on the ground. Seeds left on the ground can also attract meadow voles, house mice, other rodents, raccoons, deer and even bears. :mad1:

Keep the feed dry by using a hopper-type feeder or a fly-through feeder, and always scrape out old seed that accumulates in the corners. Tray feeders with a screen bottom will allow seeds to dry out from above and below after a rain shower, but thick layers of seed could still trap moisture, so consider more frequent fillings with less seed.
More information about bird feeding is available at :police: mndnr.gov/birdfeeding.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/22/19, 09:19:45 AM
Couple days ago while out back I had a female grosbeak on the feeder. Haven't seen many of them lately. Still haven't seen the male red breasted grosbeak. :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/22/19, 10:07:08 AM
I got a bunch of those Glenn, probably 12 to 14 pairs. Never seen so many.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/22/19, 10:11:43 AM
I got a bunch of those Glenn, probably 12 to 14 pairs. Never seen so many.
thats crazy. we used have  3-4 pair when we had the seasonal camper, but that was more wooded area then my city lot!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/22/19, 05:09:18 PM
I got a bunch of those Glenn, probably 12 to 14 pairs. Never seen so many.
thats crazy. we used have  3-4 pair when we had the seasonal camper, but that was more wooded area then my city lot!!!!!!

Yup, it is....that many birds sure clean out a bird feeder quick!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/23/19, 08:01:49 AM
man are them birds going through the grape jelly. I put it out 2 2 1/2 weeks ago and I have already gone through 3 of the 32 oz jars.

my wife went to cashwise yesterday and they didn't have a jar of any size or brand left on the shelf.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/23/19, 08:10:16 AM
people were buying it by the flat in Aldi's yesterday!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/23/19, 08:45:02 AM
Going thru a 32 oz. jar every couple days. Still have a week's supply but am going to DG today to see if they've still got inventory. Snuffed a couple house sparrows this a.m. so that should help.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on May 05/23/19, 07:29:12 PM
Couple days ago while out back I had a female grosbeak on the feeder. Haven't seen many of them lately. Still haven't seen the male red breasted grosbeak. :pouty:

Dis was da foyst year fur us ta have any a dem dare grosbesk birds. I didn't know what species dem critters were. Den we looked um up in da boyd book.  Very cool lookin!  :happy1: Unfortunetly we heard a bang on da window and figured it was one a dem goofy birds hit da glass. Sure enough it was one a dem grosbecke boyds. Dare he was on da ground wit what looked like a broken neck.

Told Borgie I'd dispose of him later. When later came it was gone, mus-ta been da friendly neighborhood hawk got um!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/23/19, 07:34:40 PM
I had one male Oriole here the other day but only had homemade rhubarb jelly out.  LOL  Now tomorrow I will switch to grape.  I can't believe how much you guys go through.  BUT the good news is that the juvenile female Martin sat in the bird house for at least 15 minutes this evening.  The male sat on the powerline.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/24/19, 04:42:46 PM
Have grape jelly out now but the Oriole likes the Hummer feeder.  That's ok.  Hope he finds the jelly.  Just had a small hawk in flight pin a bird up against our window and grab it.  Right as we were looking at it.  He better not get that Oriole.  That's all I will say on that subject. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/24/19, 06:12:03 PM
While at Menards today, I saw a Oriole feeder for $23
It had a roof, a jelly bowl and 2 spikes for oranges.
I didn't buy it yet cause I'm not sure how to keep Yogi from getting it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/24/19, 06:15:23 PM
I will check that out.  I want a nice Oriole feeder here to keep em around. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/24/19, 07:37:04 PM
Cool.  Right now I just have one oriole feeder up and it is shared by downy woodpeckers, orioles, and the littlest hummer I have ever seen.   

Blowing through a suet cake every couple days with multiple downy, hairy, and red bellied woodpeckers.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/25/19, 08:01:22 AM
Here is my Oriole feeding station. The blue tray in the background is for mealworms.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishnutbob on May 05/25/19, 02:03:22 PM
Bear at back door feeding.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/25/19, 02:33:57 PM
Bear at back door feeding.
:happy1: looks like momma and Jr. Suppose you have that experience quite often.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/31/19, 03:57:27 PM
there has been a  dramatic drop in birds at the feeders lately. can tell by the amount of times and amounts to refill the feeders.

reckon nesting and seks are the culprits!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/20/19, 06:19:21 PM
I bought another bird feeder from Menards thinking I didn't have to worry anymore....

But, Yoggy came back and trashed another feeder! It only had black sunflower seeds in it, but he tore it down.....

I put the trail camera back out to see what shows up....  :angry2:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/20/19, 08:17:52 PM
Just refilled my one year round feeder and put up a peanut cake.  Hopefully the rocky racoon problem has been resolved.    :angry2:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/21/19, 02:53:11 PM
Was that peanut cake a Paula Deen family recipe?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/21/19, 03:18:36 PM
Was that peanut cake a Paula Deen family recipe?  :scratch:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/21/19, 08:11:19 PM
Was that peanut cake a Paula Deen family recipe?  :scratch:

Nah, Menard's family recipe I thought.  Then I saw them at FF.... cheaper too.  Same brand
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on June 06/26/19, 09:14:20 AM
The birds have flown the coop here....since the family of Cooper's has taken up residence here, proclaiming their territory with that continual kak-kak-kak. Only birds that seem brave enough to show are the crows, that do some pretty good aerial fights with them. Wish they'd move on; I miss my cardinals , jays, and all the others since they "moved in".  :undecided:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/26/19, 09:34:56 AM
Bummer Reb. Think we may be down a male cardinal here. Had one that was constantly flying into the windows on the house, cars, tractor cab, mirrors, etc. Annoying but man could he sing! There was also one at the neighbors and the two of them would have singing contests, echoing each other. Hearing only one now and the one that was flying into windows isn't doing it anymore. His disappearance coincides roughly with the appearance of a mangy looking fuzzy tailed stray black cat, one of those that has the "please shoot me" look to it. More than happy to oblige if he's out where I can take a poke at him.  :angry2:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on August 08/20/19, 08:08:43 AM
 :coffee:. Dis is fur da boyds :confused:

 Hummingbirds are amazing tiny titans :happy1:

By: Blane Klemek | Aug 18th 2019
 :popcorn: ....
Each and every spring around Mother’s Day weekend is when I normally see my first ruby-throated hummingbird of the year. It’s always a lone male. Followed by another male. And then another. And another. And so on.

Shortly afterward a few females arrive, until, all four feeders are alive with a dizzying multitude of buzzing wings, dive-bombing bodies and chirping beaks. So intense is the battle for space and feeding ports, that it’s a wonder any of the birds get to feed at all, yet, truth be told, I find myself filling the feeders daily until the bulk of the mob disperses to establish separate breeding territories elsewhere. And, as is always the case, three to four pairs stay behind to nest near my home.

 :scratch: ....
Although a hummingbird lull at the feeders occurs every summer and is to be expected because the adults are busy capturing insects and feeding them to their hungry and demanding youngsters, I’ve nevertheless gone through 25 pounds of sugar this season and I’m about to buy another 20 pounds to get them through the remainder of August and September. Hordes of adults and fledglings -- and migrants later on -- have begun their relentless daily draining of the feeders.
 :scratch: ....
It’s hard to say exactly why I attract so many hummingbirds, but I presume it’s partly because I provide them with a steady, reliable, and high sugar-content source of energy. While some people opt for the four-to-one ratio, I’ve been mixing three parts water to one part sugar for many years. As well, I’ve plenty of nesting habitat and wild flowers, too. So who knows? Hummingbird haven? Maybe.
 :popcorn: ....
I remember the first time I learned about how sugar content affects hummingbird use. During the summer of 1995 I worked as a park naturalist at Itasca State Park. One of the other naturalists, Ben Thoma, a big man and sometimes a little rough around the edges who taught biology at Ridgewater College in Willmar during the school year, lived in a cabin at Bear Paw Campground most every summer for 41 years. Ben was a walking encyclopedia of animal natural history, Itasca State Park history and much more. He was widely known by park visitors and DNR employees present and past. Indeed, the park programs and interpretive hikes that Ben gave were very popular.
 :confused: ......
 On the front lawn of Ben’s cabin near the campground road was a clothesline-like set up with a single, thick wire stretched tightly between two tall posts that were placed about 30 feet apart. Hanging on the wire were a dozen or more hummingbird feeders of various sizes, shapes and styles. All of the feeders were spaced at equal distances from each other and each feeder was numbered.
The whole assembly was swarming with so many hummingbirds that it was impossible to count them. Oddly, some feeders attracted more birds than others. As I stood mesmerized by the spectacle and sounds of dozens of hummingbirds fighting for turns at the feeders, I asked Ben why there were so many feeders and why were they all numbered?

With a slight sneer, Ben barked, “Why do you think?!” I thought about it for a moment, but couldn’t come up with a good answer. :scratch: Yes, Ben, the consummate professor and naturalist, always inquisitive and always testing his younger subjects.

“It’s an experiment!” he bellowed. “Each feeder is filled with a different ratio of water to sugar. I’m trying to figure out which ratio they prefer!”  :bow:

It turned out that Ben’s experiment yielded “mixed” results, but what could not be denied was the visual evidence that sweeter mixes attracted more hummingbirds than the feeders containing diluted mixtures of sugar-water.

Hummingbirds, as we all know and Ben’s experiment showed, definitely have a sweet tooth. Moreover, they seem to be selective. The sweeter the better! Hummingbirds are unquestionably among the most unique and delightful of Minnesota’s migrant birds, sweet tooth and all. Fascinating to observe, to feed, and attract to our homes, the tiny titans, full of energy and entertainment, are endearing in every way as we get out and enjoy the great outdoors.

Blane Klemek is a Minnesota DNR wildlife manager. He can be reached at bklemek@yahoo.com.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/20/19, 08:22:39 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: cool read brudder Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :kingscourt: :kingscourt:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/20/19, 08:39:44 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on August 08/20/19, 08:45:26 AM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on September 09/18/19, 03:10:51 PM
 Do birds in your area appear to be drunk? :confused:

               They might be.  :doofus:

 :popcorn:  :reporter; ...Some udder stories included...... :shocked:
 Here is what happened when birds in Gilbert, Minn., showed signs of drunkenness after eating fermented berries.


Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/18/19, 03:36:49 PM
to funny!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/18/19, 04:13:13 PM
I didn't realize that they actually pass out.  That pigeon looked dead.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on September 09/18/19, 04:37:45 PM
Two days ago we heard a bang at to back of da house. Went ta see what happened and noticed a smear mark on da back door window. Looked around true da window and saw feathers and a dove (Borgie calls um pigeons :doah:) layin on da patio. he had small amount of blood by da beak and feathers scattered in da area. He was still alive and was vibraiting and still breathin.

I told da wife "I'll tro it in da garbage after it kicks da bucket." :happy1:
15 min later when I went back ta see, It was gone :confused:

Wonder if it ate to many of dem dare berries! :scratch:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/18/19, 04:44:04 PM
Nice story Lee.  Good to hear ya. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/16/20, 02:23:08 PM
The woodpeckers are hitting the feeders hard? Must be the time of year for lack of food....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Reinhard on February 02/16/20, 02:24:32 PM
Same here HD.  Putting a couple of suet logs out today.  they go fast.  good luck.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/16/20, 02:32:43 PM
 :scratch: I aint seen birds of any kind for a while!!!!!!!! not even da woodpeckers!!!!! :doah: :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/17/20, 11:51:59 AM
They've been sorta streaky here. When it gets cold there seems to be more suet activity with nuthatches, chickadees, downies, hairies & red-bellies. Been a few years since we saw a pileated. The horizontal feeders probably don't help matters. The goldfinches too will hit the thistle hard then nothing for several days. Blue jays have been busy working on the ear corn when the squirrels aren't. They're both consistent. 1 pair of cardinals clean up the cracked corn and safflower the sparrows toss out. Sunflower & safflower gets tapped every day by chickadees and the effing house sparrows although the latter's numbers are down. Smaller feeders have tended to help as do the horizontal suet feeders. Otherwise those rats with wings can monopolize everything.  :angry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/17/20, 01:04:44 PM
Got this one to pose while I was out walking.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/17/20, 01:06:27 PM
I didn't know there were still birds on Alcatraz.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/17/20, 02:00:47 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/17/20, 04:14:54 PM
I'm the birdman, surfing birdman.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on February 02/17/20, 04:23:25 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/29/20, 03:03:34 PM
Spring must be coming...1st Robin of the season...  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/29/20, 03:04:26 PM
yeppers……..good sign, only 2-3 more snow storms...…..then where good!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on March 03/02/20, 08:55:44 AM
robins at my place and one lonely grackel friday
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on March 03/03/20, 08:01:10 AM
morning doves yesterday,,snow geese migrating in southern south dakota already,we'll have canada geese showing up any day in central minn with these temps
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/05/20, 09:57:30 AM
Last nite during chores we saw 4 swans lumbering along and while grilling after dark could hear more flying over. Lots of geese heading north too. This a.m. the Indian Magic crabapple in front of the house was full of robins.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 10:35:35 AM
I saw a cardinal and a woodpecker. Rat-a-tat-tat    🐦
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Reinhard on March 03/05/20, 10:44:24 AM
Saw two Canadian geese for the first time this year.  Hope that's a sign of a early spring.  good luck.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 10:52:14 AM
Could be, RH....they've been flying overhead in the early mornings here, (dawn) honking away. That usually only starts in Spring here, as they hit the thawed out fields for any leftovers.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/20, 10:58:05 AM
Saw two Canadian geese for the first time this year.  Hope that's a sign of a early spring.  good luck.
reiny.........just drive up by moniticello....you'll see all kinds of gooses and swans!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 11:15:57 AM
Come down here to see 'em, lotsa honkers here at Silver Lake! Gets so noisy with 'em, it sounds like a union meeting!  :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/05/20, 12:50:09 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/20, 12:59:34 PM
Come down here to see 'em, lotsa honkers here at Silver Lake! Gets so noisy with 'em, it sounds like a union meeting!  :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:

:pouty: :pouty: :moon: :moon: :moon: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: BITE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/05/20, 01:04:15 PM
Well! That's just a fine how-do-you-do!!!!!  :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/08/20, 04:53:25 PM
done heard a robin this afternoon, never did see the bugger though. lotz of geese flew over too!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/08/20, 05:54:49 PM
Didja see a titmouse?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/08/20, 06:00:10 PM
I got Canada Geese here too... also had a pair of Sandhill Cranes...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/08/20, 07:21:02 PM
Didja see a titmouse?
no but when I see you in a picture I see a doah doah bird. :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/08/20, 07:21:56 PM
I seen a Robin,......I seen a Robin... :dancinred: :dancinred: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/08/20, 07:57:16 PM
Saw 3 swans close up landing in a field today. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/08/20, 09:41:23 PM
Turkey vultures are back, heard some killdeers and saw a flock of red-winged blackbirds. Geese are hanging around on our pond below the hill. Pretty sure it's still frozen over.  :huh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: GrandpaTom on March 03/09/20, 07:58:27 AM
It must almost be spring....I saw my first robin this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/09/20, 08:59:42 AM
A few grackles here at choretime.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/09/20, 09:21:22 AM
Two Juncos pokin' around on the ground.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/09/20, 09:29:26 AM
You still have some cardinals Reb? We share a pair with the neighbor to the south. The male cardinal sings his heart out every morning during chores. Then he takes a break to come up and pick at the sunflower & safflower seeds.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/09/20, 09:36:31 AM
Yup, in my giant yew out front. Since they return to the same nesting site every year (so they say) it's proven true by seeing them in the yew every year. They were out in it yday chirping away. They also seem to like music...when the tunes in the garage go on, (right next to the yew) they chirp and sing like crazy.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/09/20, 12:34:47 PM
Like I mentioned in Good Morning, we haven't hardly seen a grosbeak of any kind.  Had one immature male Rose Breasted one buy way back last fall we think.  We usually have a flock of Evening Grosbeaks hang around for a week or two.  Maybe they will still come. Have an occasional Pine Grosbeak too but not this year. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/09/20, 12:44:15 PM
Like I mentioned in Good Morning, we haven't hardly seen a grosbeak of any kind.  Had one immature male Rose Breasted one buy way back last fall we think.  We usually have a flock of Evening Grosbeaks hang around for a week or two.  Maybe they will still come. Have an occasional Pine Grosbeak too but not this year.
those pine at evening grosbeaks usually head south outta Canada when food gets hard to find up there. IF we can ever be up at the cabin on a consistent schedule to keep good in the feeders we had a bunch of both. Dang there colorful birds  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/09/20, 01:25:49 PM
This guy in KS had a few turkeys in his field...:Turkey:  :shocked:

  https://t.co/r3qcAiAv6O   (https://t.co/r3qcAiAv6O)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/09/20, 01:32:06 PM
Looked like a herd of cattle there are so many of them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/09/20, 01:40:51 PM
In fields like those, especially along wooded river bottoms, lakes & streams, you have to wonder how much crop is actually left at harvest. Between turkeys, squirrels, deer, bunnies and raccoons down here it's not unusual to see a dozen or more rows completely gone. Speeds up harvest that way!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/15/20, 08:58:21 AM
I got my first redwing black bird in the feeder this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/15/20, 09:01:59 AM
haven't seen them yet..  sure am hearing many "new" sounds when I'm out side...  spring is coming!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/20, 10:53:54 AM
I seen a morning dove yesterday!!!!!!! still not much for birds yet. I hear cardinals most mornings though!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 10:57:46 AM
Pretty devoid down here, haven't realllly seen any birds.... except for my cardinals! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/15/20, 11:05:45 AM
Just saw the first 2 Canada geese a few minutes ago.  Flew right over the house.  Have shot two red squirrels so far out of the bird feeder.  Missed one two.  I let the gray squirrels eat though. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/15/20, 11:20:00 AM
Saw and heard my 1st sandhill crane flying over yesterday altho I think HD saw one already last week or before. Buddy of mine had wood ducks trying to get in the houses at his place today. He'd blocked the entrances to keep the owls and other undesierables out. I had one about 15 years ago that put a full clutch of eggs in the one nesting box by the end of March. Never hatched however.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/15/20, 11:27:59 AM
Thanks for the reminder Dotch...I gotta go see if I got some fresh wood chips for the wood duck houses. Yup, the sandhills are already here.

LPS, I'm up to 6 of them little red  :censored:  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/15/20, 11:34:53 AM
The one wood duck house I cleaned out last year never got any occupants. Checked it a couple months ago and it looked like I'd just cleaned it. The other one is out in the water so if I'm going to get a crack at it while the pond is still frozen I'd better get going, otherwise I'll need my waders. Need to get some more shavings 1st.  :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/15/20, 05:22:34 PM
I did check the wood duck houses while out riding the range.& fixing fence. The one was still pretty fresh but some deer mice had moved in since last check. The other one definitely needs a cleaning & new shavings. Found these while I was down there.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/15/20, 06:32:40 PM
 Few robins showen up here lately. Seem ta be peckin da ground under da feeders fur seeds. First time I can ever remember seein dat. :scratch: A nudder one was peckin on one of da su-it cages. Must be hungry waitin fur dem worms & bugs ta show up!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/15/20, 06:35:14 PM
Do Robins hoard?  :confused:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/16/20, 01:32:50 PM
Do Robins hoard?  :confused:   :rotflmao:

Some say dat I kin collect dem faster den dem boyds kin eat -um-up. And yes I will continue ta hoard dem every chance I get. Crawlers are actualy considered an invasive species! Why do ya tink it's aginst da law in Minn ta trow yer left over worms on da ground???? Acording ta da US Forrest Service they devour much of da nutruents dat feed da forrest as day eat much of da decaying leaves and stuff.

Many studies have been made at universities  Dat Back this info up! :moon:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/20, 03:15:26 PM
Here I always though worm poop was a good thing for fertilizer. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 03:47:20 PM
The birds must be stopped. They're hoarding worms. One worm to a bird.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/16/20, 05:38:09 PM
Here I always though worm poop was a good thing for fertilizer.

As far as I know it is :happy1: However they are distroying the stuff dat feed the trees through natural fertilization as it rots. :banghead:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/20, 07:28:05 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/20, 07:44:09 PM
Here I always though worm poop was a good thing for fertilizer.

As far as I know it is :happy1: However they are distroying the stuff dat feed the trees through natural fertilization as it rots. :banghead:
who'd you hear that from ? Trump!! :rotflmao: more fake news. Trust me there's enough rotting leaves and branches in the woods, trees ain't going hungry!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/16/20, 09:22:24 PM
But, but, but...climate change!  :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/16/20, 09:23:19 PM
Smurfy ain't been reading his "minnesota volunteer"
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/20, 09:33:55 PM
Smurfy ain't been reading his "minnesota volunteer"
:tut: yes I be.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/16/20, 09:37:07 PM
Ya. Kat. Burd. Turkle. Phish.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/17/20, 07:56:57 AM

Well maybe it wasn't in the volunteer, but well known problem


What are the harmful effects of non-native earthworms?
Minnesota's hardwood forests developed in the absence of earthworms. Without worms, fallen leaves decompose slowly, creating a spongy layer of organic "duff." This duff layer is the natural growing environment for native woodland wildflowers. It also provides habitat for ground-dwelling animals and helps prevent soil erosion.

Invading earthworms eat the leaves that create the duff layer and are capable of eliminating it completely. Big trees survive, but many young seedlings perish, along with many ferns and wildflowers. Some species return after the initial invasion, but others disappear. In areas heavily infested by earthworms, soil erosion and leaching of nutrients may reduce the productivity of forests and ultimately degrade fish habitat.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 09:30:00 AM
NOW we gotta worry about earth worms taking over the world????????? :doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

them younger trees not surviving has a lot more to do with the lack of sunlight that what a worm eats. from what I see in the woods, there are multiple layers of decomposing leaves!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/17/20, 09:59:31 AM
NOW we gotta worry about earth worms taking over the world????????? :doofus: :doofus: :crazy: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

them younger trees not surviving has a lot more to do with the lack of sunlight that what a worm eats. from what I see in the woods, there are multiple layers of decomposing leaves!!!!

Hey Glenn! "When yer wrong yer seldom right!" So stop tryin twist da topic dat has actual facts in it. All yous' nagociators  try ta twist actuall facts when yer proven wrong bout sump-tin. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

PS> I won't debate da sunlight issue :happy1: but It don't change da proven facts bout da worms dat yer tryin ta de-bunk :doofus:

By Da Way :doah: Yer bird feeders are empty! :bonk: So get yer :moon: out dare an fill um!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/20, 10:13:05 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 10:35:11 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: so your worms don't sure some good purposes?? like loosen the soil to allow air into the ground????? 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/20, 10:58:36 AM
Sure but it's a little known fact that as a result of the last glaciation in this part of the world, we had no native earthworm population when European settlers arrived. So all these wonderful little creatures that the organic and soil health folks like to crow about & Lee likes to torment are in fact invasive species!  :bonk:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 11:03:20 AM
Sure but it's a little known fact that as a result of the last glaciation in this part of the world, we had no native earthworm population when European settlers arrived. So all these wonderful little creatures that the organic and soil health folks like to crow about & Lee likes to torment are in fact invasive species!  :bonk:
YEA well unless your 100% native American we are invasive species too!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/20, 11:07:18 AM
I think you and delbert need to go casino hopping!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 11:36:30 AM
Ya, Snoop and Blab hit Treasure Island....sounds like a Disney kid's movie.  ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/17/20, 01:37:23 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: so your worms don't sure some good purposes?? like loosen the soil to allow air into the ground?????

No, not in the forest.  Soil already porous.   Read the DNR article. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/17/20, 02:00:32 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: so your worms don't sure some good purposes?? like loosen the soil to allow air into the ground?????

No, not in the forest.  Soil already porous.   Read the DNR article.

He can't :coffee: about it Del :doah: when he's spendin all his time blabin bout what he didn't read! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:      OMG! :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 02:27:22 PM
 :pouty: HEY... :confused: WORMS LIVES MATTER. :sleazy: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 02:31:04 PM
Page 31 of the DNR manual says you cannot dump worms back in the ground. They must go in the trash.

Don't dump your worms in the woods. It's illegal to release most exotic species into the wild (Minnesota Statutes 84D.06).
Dispose of unwanted bait in the trash.
Tell others "the dirt" on invasive earthworms in Minnesota.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 02:31:56 PM
Page 31 of the DNR manual says you cannot dump worms back in the ground. They must go in the trash.
whatever. I rarely if ever use them for bait anyway.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 02:33:20 PM
Whatever.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/17/20, 02:34:20 PM
Page 31 of the DNR manual says you cannot dump worms back in the ground. They must go in the trash.

And where do they put the trash?   :confused:

Just sayin...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 02:34:54 PM
They burn it. I didn't write the laws. Just sayin....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 02:42:09 PM
Well the ringneck pheasant isnt a native bird.

Just saying... :confused:

I don't hear nuttin about eradicating them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 03:47:31 PM
You use them for bait?! From worms to birds?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/20, 04:33:57 PM
The trash is buried at landfills.  SO the worms are back in the ground. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 05:08:51 PM
Burned here first....in the big city incinerator. Turned to ash. Never made sense to me, when they (DNR) came out with it some years back, that worms CANNOT be put back into the ground. Half a cup of crawlers?! I made a post of the page from their website that said the worms loosen up the dirt and cause damage....! I'll keep looking for that. It was the dumbest thing I ever heard. I'm no biologist, but come on.......jeez!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/20, 05:31:00 PM
Along those same lines, the number of acres of farmland adjacent to forested land is enormous. The number of earthworms in those acres is also enormous. The worms aren't going to know or care whether they're on ag land or not.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/20, 05:35:05 PM
As long as they have something to eat.  I heard they like coffee grounds.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 05:51:04 PM
You use them for bait?! From worms to birds?  :scratch:
well this is a friggin bird thread!! :tut: :tut: :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 05:53:16 PM
OH, well so it is! I haven't seen any friggin birds, though, not sure we have them here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/20, 06:46:55 PM
I heard a bunch of ducks tonite, prolly mallards from the sound of things circling the pond below the hill. Still looks frozen from up here.  :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 06:49:09 PM
As long as they have something to eat.  I heard they like coffee grounds.   :sleazy:
:happy1: :rotflmao: :nerd:  they do!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 07:12:01 PM
Got home about 5:30 tonight. Put my tray with mealworm out. An hour and fifteen minutes later had a Robin feeding on it. :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/17/20, 07:12:13 PM
Burned here first....in the big city incinerator. Turned to ash. Never made sense to me, when they (DNR) came out with it some years back, that worms CANNOT be put back into the ground. Half a cup of crawlers?! I made a post of the page from their website that said the worms loosen up the dirt and cause damage....! I'll keep looking for that. It was the dumbest thing I ever heard. I'm no biologist, but come on.......jeez!

Dat half cup of crawlers has da potential to multiply. Den da cycle continues fur who knows how many years and how many dat 1/2 cup could actually increase ta.   :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 07:17:40 PM
I heard a bunch of ducks tonite, prolly mallards from the sound of things circling the pond below the hill. Still looks frozen from up here.  :confused:
meh that was you passing gas!! :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :nerd:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/20, 07:29:06 PM
Careful there pal. Think the local post office is still open tomorrow & my freezer is full of "gems"... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/20, 07:40:11 PM
Careful there pal. Think the local post office is still open tomorrow & my freezer is full of "gems"... :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/17/20, 07:56:58 PM
Careful there pal. Think the local post office is still open tomorrow & my freezer is full of "gems"... :rotflmao:

Yer gonna haveta mail mine to him, if ya don't mind,  Dotch. We're locked up tighter here than Pelosi's girdle.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/20, 08:07:09 AM
Careful there pal. Think the local post office is still open tomorrow & my freezer is full of "gems"... :rotflmao:

Yer gonna haveta mail mine to him, if ya don't mind,  Dotch. We're locked up tighter here than Pelosi's girdle.
:scratch: :scratch: so REB, i got a serious question i need to ask.................. :scratch: :scratch:

just EXACTLY how do you know Pelosi wears a girdle?????????? :doah: :scratch: :evil: :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/18/20, 08:26:47 AM
Don't gag me right away
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/20, 08:48:01 AM
She was addressing a Union meeting and said "We need to gird our loins"......
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/18/20, 08:51:36 AM
 :sick: :sick: :sick:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/20, 08:51:59 AM
She was addressing a Union meeting and said "We need to gird our loins"......
yea ah huh!!!!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/18/20, 11:33:59 AM
She was addressing a Union meeting and said "We need to gird our loins"......

she isn't wearing it high enough to cover the pie hole....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/18/20, 07:55:09 PM
I don't wanna think about Pelosi's pie hole... or any ...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/18/20, 07:58:51 PM
Yes you do. In Technicolor and 7 channel Dolby surround sound.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/18/20, 09:04:58 PM
Pet rooster pheasant was picking away out in the backyard tonite before chores. Pretty sure he's established himself a bachelor pad in the plum thicket. As spiny as that stuff is nothing's gonna bother him and his harem in there. Lucky bastage!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/19/20, 07:42:08 AM
Pet rooster pheasant was picking away out in the backyard tonite before chores. Pretty sure he's established himself a bachelor pad in the plum thicket. As spiny as that stuff is nothing's gonna bother him and his harem in there. Lucky bastage!  :happy1:

You're just jealous about the harem....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/19/20, 08:10:32 AM
Pet rooster pheasant was picking away out in the backyard tonite before chores. Pretty sure he's established himself a bachelor pad in the plum thicket. As spiny as that stuff is nothing's gonna bother him and his harem in there. Lucky bastage!  :happy1:

You're just jealous about the harem....
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/21/20, 02:28:06 PM
late this morning as I was looking at the north end of the lake I watched 2 swans flying over towards open water..  1st ones here that I have seen..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/23/20, 11:05:46 AM
Ran across this from Audubon & thought it was kinda interesting. Wondered what baby sandhills looked like as I suspect we've had a few sandhill cranes nest in the wetland area.

 https://www.audubon.org/news/15-awww-inspiring-photos-baby-birds   (https://www.audubon.org/news/15-awww-inspiring-photos-baby-birds)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 11:09:22 AM
Ha!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/23/20, 11:27:59 AM
interesting!!!   saw 2 dozen or more trumpeter swans this morning and red tailed hawks every where when I went to Sauk Centre this morning...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 11:42:01 AM
Ran across this from Audubon & thought it was kinda interesting. Wondered what baby sandhills looked like as I suspect we've had a few sandhill cranes nest in the wetland area.

 https://www.audubon.org/news/15-awww-inspiring-photos-baby-birds   (https://www.audubon.org/news/15-awww-inspiring-photos-baby-birds)
i've seen them little fellers up close........but holy hannah does ma and pa make a ruckus when humans are close to the little fellers!!!!!!!! like prehistoric noises!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/23/20, 11:55:37 AM
Prolly the first time they'd ever seen a smurf!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 11:56:35 AM
Prolly the first time they'd ever seen a smurf!  :rotflmao:
:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/23/20, 12:12:14 PM
Prolly the first time they'd ever seen a smurf!  :rotflmao:

And a funny lookin' one at that!  :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/23/20, 12:23:05 PM
In 2016 we had a pair of sandhills and a fully feathered youngster that couldn't fly yet, walking around our backyard. I still have the pictures. The adults took off and flew into the neighbor's recently harvested hay field. The youngster after getting tangled up in the electric fence, freed itself and walked across our pasture. It hopped over a woven wire fence, then walked across the neighbor's yard to his driveway. It walked down his driveway and crossed the road to the hay field where the adults flew. There were several other cranes over there as well. Looked like a nice wide open space to try out the youngsters' wings. Sounds like it takes about 3 months for them to get their flight feathers. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/20, 03:34:08 PM
Thinking I'm gonna set out the bird bath tonight when I get home. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 05:36:34 AM

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/20, 08:05:37 AM

:mooning: :mooning: :mooning: got it set out last nite and took all of 15 minutes before the first robin was on it, so..........there  :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 08:10:04 AM
Sew buttons on yer underwear! Robin, schmobin!  :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/24/20, 09:57:44 AM
It's also a place fer his pickled fishes to swim!  :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/24/20, 10:41:20 AM
Still ain't seen a robin! Hearin' 'em, though.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/24/20, 11:04:35 AM
Birding ideas for  pandemic

March 19, 2020
BY..Sharon Stiteler

 :coffee: ....
Some of the people in this country have never done fieldwork or gone camping, and it shows. While everyone else is stocking up on toilet paper, I’m making sure my binoculars are cleaned up. I’m making sure I have some bird seed and some suet. Getting outside and birding is how I will survive the COVID-19 situation.

Spring migration is underway, and with most sports and concerts cancelling or postponing and museums closing, what are we left with to do? :scratch: Hey, our yards full of wildlife. :happy1:

 :reporter; ....
As the early migration of waterfowl kicks in, it’s soon followed by native sparrows and finches. Next we will get some yellow-rumped warblers, kinglets, catbirds, thrushes and before we know it will be May with orioles, hummingbirds, and all the warblers.

When I worked at a wild bird feeding store, people would always ask me, “When do I stop feeding the birds?” :scratch: I thought this was bananas because spring is the most fun time. Oh sure, when common grackles and red-winged blackbirds find your feeders, it can be a pain in the neck, but it’s worth it when the rose-breasted grosbeaks hop in on your safflower feeder. It will be entertainment for you and it may even be educational for kids on an extended spring break.

Rose-breasted grosbeaks will be back before we know it and aren’t to be missed, virus or not.

So what can you do?

Load up on black oil sunflower seeds. More birds eat this seed than any other type of seed out there. Sunflower seeds are best.
Save one feeder for safflower only. Starlings cannot crack open hard shelled seeds and will leave it alone. Grackles and red-winged blackbirds appear to not care for it. They will certainly kick it to the ground, but don’t worry, cardinals, grosbeaks, house finches, mourning doves, chickadees and titmice will happily gobble it up in a hopper feeder or from the ground.

 :confused: Consider making you own suet. As the weather gets warmer, some suets are at risk of melting. There are several popular doughs you can purchase and they are handy when we get a sudden cold snap and warblers and tanagers come to feeders out of desperation. Bluebirds, orioles and catbirds will eat it, too. A great recipe to check out is Zick Dough from Julie Zickefoose. http://juliezickefoose.blogspot.com/2010/03/zick-dough-improved.html

Download iNaturalist for kids. This app can help kids identify pants, insects, birds and critters in the backyard. You can also use it to report your findings and learn what species are to be expected in your neighborhood. There’s a simplified version of the app that really appeals to kids known as Seek. Both apps are available for iPhone and Android and are free, but you do need to create an account to use it.

Consider a bird walk in parks that are open in your area if you feel healthy enough to go outside. You can enjoy the peace of nature and in a wide open area, it’s easier to maintain a six-foot or more distance from other people. You might also see a bald eagle soar overhead or a white-tailed deer lurking among the trees.

 :popcorn: ..
Grab some grape jelly. Orioles won’t be here for another month, :scratch: but it’s best to be ready if you’re home bound for a few weeks and those bright orange birds will be a welcome sight.

The future is uncertain and circumstances are changing rapidly, but for me, I always find comfort in birds.  :smiley:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/27/20, 11:26:55 AM
Just saw my first robin.  It was on Hwy 172..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/27/20, 11:43:05 AM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/27/20, 12:07:38 PM
 :rotflmao: If you mail it to Reb then he can say he's seen one!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/27/20, 12:26:41 PM
Boy yer helpful!  I've got a stuffed one I put out every Spring.... ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/28/20, 04:36:56 PM
seen my first pair of sandhill cranes going to ramsey.  :happy1:

seeing more ad more birds around home. morning doves are becoming more plentiful. usually takes about 2 days for the robins to clean out the mealworm feeder, but now them friggin starlings are here!!!!!!! :angry2: :angry2:

in our local paper, the schmuck who has a bird feed store claims the bluebirds at least the scouts, should be around soon. we shall see, all he wants you to do is come in and buy thee over priced stuff.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/29/20, 10:29:30 AM
The goldfinches are starting to show subtle signs of increasing yellow color here. Rooster pheasants continue to court the females. One of the roosters scared the bejeepers out of me when installing the armyworm pheromone trap yesterday. :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/29/20, 10:46:50 AM
Seem to be lotsa woodpeckers around....drumming and kwirring. (Red Bellied)
Actually saw a Flicker whamming on the birch tree too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/29/20, 02:19:55 PM
We had a few visitors this morning....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/29/20, 02:28:06 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: sweet. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/29/20, 02:57:12 PM
Birds are gradually coming back after a couple months of empty feeders.   Blue Jays, cardinal, nut hatch, chicadee, unidentified gray to black something.... Oh and red bellied and downy peckers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/29/20, 04:36:46 PM
Birds are gradually coming back after a couple months of empty feeders.   Blue Jays, cardinal, nut hatch, chicadee, unidentified gray to black something.... Oh and red bellied and downy peckers.
the gray to black...……..maybe cowbirds?????????????? they could be starlings or them red wing blackbirds???????
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/29/20, 05:11:47 PM
Birds are gradually coming back after a couple months of empty feeders.   Blue Jays, cardinal, nut hatch, chicadee, unidentified gray to black something.... Oh and red bellied and downy peckers.

It's those pesky grackles I think, Dell. They been pokin' around in the yard for bugs or what not, at least in my yard. Buncha common blackbirds out there, too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/30/20, 07:25:50 PM
Birds are gradually coming back after a couple months of empty feeders.   Blue Jays, cardinal, nut hatch, chicadee, unidentified gray to black something.... Oh and red bellied and downy peckers.

It's those pesky grackles I think, Dell. They been pokin' around in the yard for bugs or what not, at least in my yard. Buncha common blackbirds out there, too.

Nah, smaller than grackles or stuff.   Are Juncos still around?   That's sort of what they look like.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/30/20, 07:33:36 PM
Ya, I've seen a few....but they have that whitish tummy, and are rounder with that sharp, light colored tiny bill......maybe you've got a whole new species there, Delchirp.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/30/20, 09:19:58 PM
Ya, I've seen a few....but they have that whitish tummy, and are rounder with that sharp, light colored tiny bill......maybe you've got a whole new species there, Delchirp.

Great.  I'll be famous.   Maybe I'll get a better look at them tomorrow.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 09:25:03 AM
Ya, I've seen a few....but they have that whitish tummy, and are rounder with that sharp, light colored tiny bill......maybe you've got a whole new species there, Delchirp.

Great.  I'll be famous.   Maybe I'll get a better look at them tomorrow.

A new bird has been discovered in SW CAWchester.....has been named  Delchirps White-capped Tufted Spring Grebe... :rotflmao: :bonk:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 11:43:07 AM
Is this what yer seeing, Deltweet? It's a Junco, just noticed a bunch of them pokin' around where my sump hose is discharging....must be getting a drink. He does have a white tummy; just can't see it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/31/20, 01:51:21 PM
Looks a lot like that.   I thought maybe Junco but don't they  migrate?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 01:54:18 PM
Ya, I thought so. I always see some in the Spring around here, though. Don't know if they came back, or overwintered. Since I never see them in the summer, I'd say they overwintered. Maybe some bird person can answer that. I'm not real up on bird habits.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on March 03/31/20, 01:56:23 PM
Just saw 2 finches in da back yard. Der peckin on da finch feeder. No color to um yet but kin tell by da wing markings and der more streamline den our sparrows.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 01:56:54 PM
Found this from the Quarry Hill guy.....

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/31/20, 02:06:10 PM
Great article and made me realize that I do really like Juncos.  I will be looking for an Oregon Junco now and will pay attention to whether Juncos are here year around. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on March 03/31/20, 02:36:17 PM
Brought to you by Mutual of Omaha. ''Say Jim, howz it going with that alligator?" 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/20, 02:39:04 PM
Juncos are just traveling through. They don't stick around here. I think they summer up in Canada and even further north! :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/06/20, 12:37:53 PM
just had a bluebird checking out the housing situation!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/07/20, 07:09:22 PM
Tree swallows are back at least for tonite. Peonies are coming up. Saw a garter snake in the garden a few minutes ago and the western chorus frogs in the pond are almost deafening!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/07/20, 07:41:01 PM
Tree swallows are our favorites.  I better get their houses ready. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/08/20, 08:31:45 AM
Tree swallows were still here this a.m. Saw a brown creeper and was hearing what sounded like a white throated sparrow. It's about time for them to start moving thru here. In addition to the pheasants, geese and cranes that frequent the pasture we had a drake mallard wandering around. He's huge, almost the size of some of the domesticated ducks I've seen. Not sure if they cross up but it makes ya wonder...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/08/20, 08:51:22 AM
Tree swallows were still here this a.m. Saw a brown creeper and was hearing what sounded like a white throated sparrow. It's about time for them to start moving thru here. In addition to the pheasants, geese and cranes that frequent the pasture we had a drake mallard wandering around. He's huge, almost the size of some of the domesticated ducks I've seen. Not sure if they cross up but it makes ya wonder...

I recall my dad bringing home a couple of huge mallards back in the day.    And there is a breed of domestic duck that looks like a mallard as I recall  (off to look it up) back, turns out there are several breeds of domestic ducks that look a lot like a mallard only bigger.   

Any neighbors missing a duck? 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/08/20, 09:28:39 AM
My aunt raised Rouens with the mallard color pattern. Used to eat them at Thanksgiving & they were really good. Lots of moist dark meat. They were a little bigger than this guy was so not so sure this one isn't just a fluke of nature. Odds are I'll see him again as he's likely part of a nesting pair in the pond area.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/20, 10:34:24 AM
I saw a robin.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/20, 10:38:15 AM
I saw a robin.
was batman with!!!!! :rotflmao:

welcome back bud...……….hope all is well...…...I did miss you!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/20, 10:42:41 AM
Gee, Never thought I'd hear that....I must be dreaming. :doofus:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/20, 10:43:52 AM
Gee, Never thought I'd hear that....I must be dreaming. :doofus:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/08/20, 10:49:38 AM
Lotsa wooden peckers out there too.  *KWIRR*KWIRR*
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/20, 10:25:22 AM
For the past 2 weeks I've had a male bluebird around checking things out. Lady few days I've seen the female. Today I've been watching and it looks like there taking up residence. :happy1:

Now iffin I could get them friggin starlings off my mealworm feeder. :angry2: oh well, I'll get 1 more bag of mealworm, by then the bugs will be more plentiful and I'll quit putting out mealworm.do far I've seen Cardinals, Robins, chickadees and finches on the mealworm feeder. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/20, 12:00:17 PM
Saw a brown thrasher yesterday. Keep hearing the white throated sparrows but have yet to see one.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 01:00:11 PM
What's this little guy? Just sat here for a long time....saw it the other day there, too. Must like that old bench.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/20, 07:41:43 PM
That one's a toughy. Looked thru both the Sibley's I have, Peterson and Golden. About all I can say is it isn't a goose or a crow...  :scratch:

It looks like it might be one of those immature warblers w/o wing bars but no clue as to which one. The stripes on the breast  and lack of yellow coloration make it that much more confusing. Best guess is immature Canada warbler but I wouldn't bet my life on it. Now glenn's maybe... :rotflmao:   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/19/20, 08:00:36 PM
Gee! I have an unknown bird in my backyard! Thanks! Do I get a piece of Auntie Mar mars rhubarb crisp?  :smiley:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/20/20, 08:26:00 AM
We have chicadees and nuthatches all of the time here.  The last few days we have had at least one of those smaller nuthatches with orange on the belly.   Just had 8 swans fly right over the house. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on April 04/20/20, 08:53:45 AM
Well, that little guy is back.....maybe I'll just go out and ask what he is! I'm thinking it may be a female juvenile ruby-crowned kinglet....had quite a few of those in the tree next to that bench over the years. Just doesn't seem to have the wing "bands"....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/23/20, 06:37:58 PM
We got a few new visitors....a couple Geese....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/24/20, 10:07:26 AM
Had a couple rooster pheasants and a hen racing around the yard yesterday. Can't imagine what they're up to... :evil:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/24/20, 10:13:03 AM
Hey!  Our tree swallows are here this morning.  I have their houses all ready too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/30/20, 09:26:43 AM
1st barn swallows showed up last night around choretime. I saw the monster mallard again waddling around the pasture this a.m. Guessing his Mrs. must have a nest down in the wetland somewhere.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on April 04/30/20, 10:06:41 PM
Saw a first one of da season on da feeder ta-day. Woke up Borgie ta take a look but, she moves like a slug :doah: and it was gone when she got ta da window! :pouty:
I described it ta her and she looked it up in her bird book. Sure enough it was an Oriole. She had it checked off in her book from last year. Dis year it was 2 weeks earlier den last years date.


Dis photo is da same color as da one I spotted today.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/30/20, 10:15:01 PM
Good to know Lee. The white throated sparrows going thru here usually preclude the appearance of orioles. About the time the white crowned and Harris's sparrows come through, the orioles are right on their heels. Thought I might've caught a glimpse of an orchard oriole high in one of the ash trees tonite so I put out the jelly feeder and a nectar feeder that orioles and hummingbirds can use. Be intersting to see what transpires over the next couple days.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/20, 09:14:25 AM
Heard our first house wren of the season this a.m. No orioles or hummingbirds yet.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/20, 10:05:58 AM
Put the grape jelly out as well as the hummer and Oriole juice this morning. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/02/20, 10:55:50 AM
I saw a hummer zip by my kitchen window last night. The warden will get the feeders out today. May 5 is when we usually start seeing Orioles.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/02/20, 12:10:01 PM
 :scratch: How do the Orioles know when it's May 5th? :confused:                                                                                          ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on May 05/02/20, 01:43:27 PM
:scratch: How do the Orioles know when it's May 5th? :confused:                                                                                          ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

 :tut: Cuz dat's when da Oreo cookies go on sale each year!

    Sale starts on May 5th :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/02/20, 03:16:54 PM
:scratch: How do the Orioles know when it's May 5th? :confused:                                                                                          ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

Cuz that's when they play the twins?   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Auggie on May 05/02/20, 05:25:58 PM
Oriole's showed up yesterday. Only one pair so far. In a week or so we will have a dozen plus pair. Last year was around the 15th of May when the first ones showed up.No Orchard Oriole yet.
Wife and daughter saw the first Humming bird at the feeder today.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/20, 06:12:29 PM
:scratch: How do the Orioles know when it's May 5th? :confused:                                                                                          ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

 :tut: Cuz dat's when da Oreo cookies go on sale each year!

    Sale starts on May 5th :happy1:
:banghead:  :banghead: :banghead: :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/03/20, 10:30:55 AM
Saw my first Oriole today, it's two days early!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Auggie on May 05/03/20, 10:37:22 AM
Just had our first Rose Breasted Grosbeak at the feeder a few minutes ago. About a week ahead of last year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/03/20, 02:19:07 PM
We also had our first Gros beak a short time ago.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/03/20, 02:46:41 PM
Oriole showed up today.  Likes the hummingbird feeder better than the jelly or oriole feeder.   Maybe it identifies as a hummer :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/20, 07:28:13 PM
Well, so much for good intentions. You know the saying, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. So far after judiciously putting out the nectar and jelly, I've attracted a grand total of zero, zip, nada orioles and/or hummingbirds. I've had a couple blue jays eating jelly which is OK but those blasted little house sparrows think they own the feeder. I suddenly feel like I'm living on the Island of Misfit Toys. Might... Might just as well go to bed and start dreaming about next year...  :cry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/03/20, 07:32:15 PM
Finches found our jelly, about all I seen on it. Haven't had a hummer or Oriole spotted up this way yet.

Patience boo boo!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/03/20, 07:41:02 PM
watch out for cooler week too!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/03/20, 07:43:56 PM
Falcons back at mayo.... No masks either. 


Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: deadeye on May 05/04/20, 09:40:36 PM
Hummingbirds buzzing the windows giving us the evil eye because the feeder isn't out yet. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on May 05/05/20, 01:53:11 AM
Finches found our jelly, about all I seen on it.     :rotflmao: Haven't had a hummer :rotflmao:         or Oriole spotted up this way yet.

Patience boo boo!!

Dat not nice talk Glenn! :tut:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/20, 11:07:21 AM
was just watching 4 pelicans out front and seen something new to me!!  the wind is low today so they are a ways and they lay their head on their back and snooze a way..  they drift close to shore they paddle out and do it again...  
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/05/20, 11:12:41 AM
I kind of do that right after lunch.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/20, 11:19:47 AM
I kind of do that right after lunch.   :sleazy:

man if you can lay your head on your back no wonder the woman want you!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/05/20, 11:46:10 AM
Saw a red headed woodpecker a bit ago, sure don't see them too often anymore.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/20, 02:01:39 PM
White crowned sparrow & a gray catbird minutes ago. The possibility of an oriole in the area has my spidey senses tingling... :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/05/20, 07:25:21 PM
I kind of do that right after lunch.   :sleazy:

man if you can lay your head on your back no wonder the woman want you!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
You ought to see him lick his eyebrows
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Auggie on May 05/05/20, 08:57:48 PM
Saw a red headed woodpecker a bit ago, sure don't see them too often anymore.
I've seen a red headed once in the last 7 years. It was here for the summer and that was it. About 3 years ago.
We had a pair of scarlet tanagers last year. I sure hope they return this year!
Had 6 orioles on the jelly at supper time. They are showing up slow but sure......
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/05/20, 09:10:05 PM
I'm still looking forward to seeing my first scarlet tananger.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/20, 08:01:02 AM
I kind of do that right after lunch.   :sleazy:

man if you can lay your head on your back no wonder the woman want you!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
You ought to see him lick his eyebrows

I was trying to keep that a secret Del. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/06/20, 08:15:08 AM
Saw a red headed woodpecker a bit ago, sure don't see them too often anymore.
We have some Pileated Woodpeckers around the lake & 1 that really likes 1 of our big pines out by the big shed. They are huge compared to the other ones. :crazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/20, 08:23:29 AM
They are pretty cool birds.  We have them around here too.  I love their sounds. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/06/20, 08:48:35 AM
They are pretty cool birds.  We have them around here too.  I love their sounds. 
Except when he trades in the big pine for the galvanized steel shed & starts hammerin away. :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/20, 09:11:39 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/06/20, 09:44:45 AM
Checked out the pond area last nite while I was doing some maintenance on bluebird/tree swallow houses. On the pond there was a pair of blue-winged teal, one drake wood duck and the mallard pair including the mega mallard drake. Nothing in the on land wood duck house so I'm guessing the one out in the water is occupied. With crappy weather coming up I should get the waders out and go see.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/06/20, 08:12:16 PM
First Hummingbird at the feeder just now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/06/20, 08:21:14 PM
Still haven't seen a hummer or Oriole  :scratch: and even with the finches and Robin's around I haven't had to refill the grape jelly yet?!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/06/20, 08:40:33 PM
Between the blue jays, a catbird & those rats with wings otherwise known as house sparrows, they emptied our jelly feeder today. Still no orioles or hummingbirds here yet either... :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/07/20, 10:01:32 AM
The goldfinches have been nuts lately. Haven't been to FF in about a month so may have to take a major risk to restock the thistle seed supply. Maybe see if they have some of those feeders that allow you to attach the whole jar of jelly to it. Was eying those late in the season last year but didn't pull the trigger. Might've heard some oriole activity early this a.m. but most likely just the brown thrashers whooping it up. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/07/20, 03:12:58 PM
And like that, an oriole appears! Had a sign on him that said " Gotta run. Be late to Roony's! " 😊
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/07/20, 05:36:36 PM
And like that, an oriole appears! Had a sign on him that said " Gotta run. Be late to Roony's! " 😊

Thet like all that "clean livin'" in this part of the county.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/09/20, 03:35:12 PM
Seen my first wren and Oriole today  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/09/20, 06:51:10 PM
Had a rose-breasted grosbeak here yesterday, a red-headed woodpecker and 3 male orioles here today. Things are lookin' up!  :happy1: Still looking for a Harris's sparrow and a hummingbird.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Fawkinnae on May 05/09/20, 09:35:40 PM
White throated sparrow, chipping sparrow, fox sparrow and northern flicker - recent highlights
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on May 05/09/20, 09:39:59 PM
Seen my first wren and Oriole today  :happy1: :happy1:

Have not seen any Orioles yet this season but then again we can't put up feeders for a few more weeks either.  Way too many bears like them.  Seems every year I end up replacing 3-4 due to bear issues.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/09/20, 09:42:32 PM
Seen my first wren and Oriole today  :happy1: :happy1:

Have not seen any Orioles yet this season but then again we can't put up feeders for a few more weeks either.  Way too many bears like them.  Seems every year I end up replacing 3-4 due to bear issues.
do you put up hummingbird feeders?? Do they need with them?? We've never had an issue at the cabin with bears and the liquid feeders. Sunflower feeders at times though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Auggie on May 05/09/20, 09:56:24 PM
We had a red winged blackbird at the feeders today. Odd, I think he's lost. Nearest slough is about a mile. The river runs through the yard, but the only time we have seen them in the past is if they show up to early and we get a big snowfall after they arrive....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/10/20, 10:20:10 AM
I usually get a couple red wing blackbirds early on but not this year. Now them friggin starlings. :angry2: :angry2:

Been watching a dozen yellow finches by the feeders this morning. Sure are busybodies.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/10/20, 10:24:40 AM
red wings all over here...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/10/20, 10:41:24 AM
I just noticed that chickadees like the oriole/hummingbird feeders and the bowl of grape jelly on the rail.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Auggie on May 05/10/20, 10:47:43 AM
Catbirds really like the jelly too. I have noticed a blue jay or two eating jelly as well.  Our chickadees have yet to touch it. I have also noticed that all the birds eat certain brands better too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/10/20, 11:19:18 AM
We've had more red wing black birds here then ever before for some reason.  :scratch:
Also, some purple finches or house finches have shown up, that we never had before (not sure which ones they are, but they are a redish color)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/10/20, 12:03:24 PM
Finches with the reddish color, mainly there heads, are the purple finches. :happy1:

Still no signs of the hummingbirds though. :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/10/20, 12:15:16 PM
No hummers or hummingbirds either one here.  :sad: Did have this guy stop by and gawk in the window earlier today. He sat on the railing for quite a spell. Probably looking at his reflection. Not sure how that's possible as dirty as the window is.  :scratch:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/13/20, 11:40:51 AM
Couple of Indigo Buntings out there right now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/20, 12:03:30 PM

Been waiting on them too. They usually don't stay here. Had several female grosbeaks at the feeders last nite. No orchard orioles or hummingbirds as of this a.m.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/13/20, 04:04:56 PM
We have a Indigo Bunting here today, first I've ever seen here!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/13/20, 05:13:37 PM
They are beautiful, they seem to just pass through my place.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/13/20, 05:28:08 PM
That is great HD!.  I think I saw one once.  We are waiting for the Grosbeaks.  We usually get a few of them at our feeders. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/20, 06:04:38 PM
that is great!! and glad ya got the picture too!!  sometimes there's no time to get one!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/13/20, 07:39:33 PM
Had a flock of pelicans yesterday. I took a couple pictures, but they show white spots on the distance  or just a shiny spot since I was pointing the camera to the East as the sun came up. There were probably 25-30 of them and they did not practice social distancing. They moved around the lake as if they were glued together. Looked like a white raft.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/20, 07:59:56 AM
Just had a white crowned sparrow here.  Just sat here nice and calm.  Must have been taking a break.  Gave me time to get out the ol Birds of America book that my Mom signed and gave me 30 or more years ago. Some of the pages are just tucked in place now like a loose leaf notebook.  I love that book. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/20, 07:39:35 PM
Our first Hummingbird stopped in about 2 hours ago.  Has been back lots of times and at both feeders..  :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/20, 08:04:55 PM
Actually saw the first hummingbird here tonite as well. Also were special guest appearances by a male and female orchard oriole. Apple trees are starting to pop so they're right on schedule.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on May 05/15/20, 06:12:20 AM
Set out our oriole feeder last night and had the visitor about an hour later. Male and female. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/20, 08:52:07 AM
got a bunch of birds at the feeder.......cept the hummingbird  :pouty: :pouty: :confused: :confused: havent seen hide nor hair of one yet!!!!! :cry: :cry: :taz: :taz:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/15/20, 06:50:37 PM
Sort of fun watching the blue jays, the redbellied woodpecker, and assorted others trying to take turns at the feeder..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/20, 12:40:40 PM
Seen my first hummingbird today at the feeder!! :happy1: :dancinred: :dancinred: :dancinred:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/20, 01:46:16 PM
Anyone or everyone have those Eurasian collared doves? Used to see & hear them in town only but over the past several years we started seeing them at the ranch. Now I'm guessing there's a pair nesting. They're almost 1/3 bigger than a mourning dove so bet they'd be tasty!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/16/20, 01:52:50 PM
 :smoking:I have seen them around, until not so long ago I didn't realize that they were 2 different kinds...  and yes I'll bet they are good eating...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/16/20, 03:58:07 PM
Anyone or everyone have those Eurasian collared doves? Used to see & hear them in town only but over the past several years we started seeing them at the ranch. Now I'm guessing there's a pair nesting. They're almost 1/3 bigger than a mourning dove so bet they'd be tasty!  :happy1:
Other than size, do they look the same as a Mourning Dove?    We've had what I thought were mourning doves coming around all winter, and still here.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/20, 05:12:54 PM
Yea I've got a pair around. Bigger and they have a black little band on the back of there neck
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Auggie on May 05/18/20, 12:26:32 PM
Pretty sure my orioles are gonna end up being diabetic!  :rotflmao: About a jar a day between the 3 feeders. Counted 12 different males this morning in sight at one time.
Good thing I stocked up last fall. Less than a buck a jar is pretty cheap entertainment!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/18/20, 02:23:05 PM
Pretty sure my orioles are gonna end up being diabetic!  :rotflmao: About a jar a day between the 3 feeders. Counted 12 different males this morning in sight at one time.
Good thing I stocked up last fall. Less than a buck a jar is pretty cheap entertainment!

Wow.  I only see one once in a while.   But the finches and chickadees like grape jelly too.   I just have a small rubbermaid container on the deck rail.   What kind of feeder do you use? 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/20/20, 06:47:12 PM
Saw our first indigo bunting of the season. He was busy cleaning up some of the bits of corn left by the squirrels. The resident cardinal was there a little bit ago.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/20/20, 07:03:55 PM
I have seen a couple of what I think are warblers of some kind in the brushy area on the side of the yard.   Those things move quick.  No pics, hardly got a good look.  Dark color with some yellow or orange on them,  Sparrow sized. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Auggie on May 05/21/20, 07:15:10 AM
Pretty sure my orioles are gonna end up being diabetic!  :rotflmao: About a jar a day between the 3 feeders. Counted 12 different males this morning in sight at one time.
Good thing I stocked up last fall. Less than a buck a jar is pretty cheap entertainment!

Wow.  I only see one once in a while.   But the finches and chickadees like grape jelly too.   I just have a small rubbermaid container on the deck rail.   What kind of feeder do you use?
Del I have 3 feeders. One is the kind you put a whole jar on and twist the bottom to let jelly out. This one hangs outside my shop window.
 The other is just small cup on an orange platform that hangs. It holds about 2 heaping spoons full. And the last is just a small saucer we set on the table.
I refill morning and evening. And sometimes noon if I think of it. I'm barely back inside the door before they show up to start eating.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/21/20, 10:15:11 AM
I have seen a couple of what I think are warblers of some kind in the brushy area on the side of the yard.   Those things move quick.  No pics, hardly got a good look.  Dark color with some yellow or orange on them,  Sparrow sized.

Hard to say what they might be. You got that right. Sometimes it takes the patience of Job in order to make an ID. They just don't sit still & they're usually in the brushy cover where it's leafy. The plum & sumac thicket here is usually crawling with warblers this time of year. Trouble is most of them are passing through & don't stick around so no second chances. The common yellowthroats are the exception here. They sing all summer long.

Auggie: For the orioles, just ordered a jelly jar feeder that's on its way. Looking forward to seeing how it works. We've had the main jelly feeder with the two little cups that lasts about a day. House sparrows use it too so I've got a nectar feeder for overflow that both the hummers & orioles can use. It's like a circus in the backyard some days.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/21/20, 10:48:49 AM
Here's one for ya Dotch. A bird about the same tan color as a Morning Dove but 3 to 4 times as large. It was ground feeding. I couldn't get close enough for a picture and no alchohol was involved.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/20, 10:57:46 AM
Hen pheasant!?? :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/21/20, 10:59:02 AM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/21/20, 11:07:33 AM

this is a web site shown to me...  have not learned it yet...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/21/20, 11:28:10 AM

this is a web site shown to me...  have not learned it yet...

I'm thinking about putting an app on my phone that identifies bird songs..   Looks like there are several.  Has anybody tried them?   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/21/20, 11:39:47 AM
I have not but my sister will play bird vocalizations on her tablet and oftentimes birds of that species will show up. I was mildly amazed.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/20, 02:43:34 PM
grape jelly must be the new hot commodity. my wife just sent me a text, the cashwise in waite park doesnt have any. ya can tell the orioles are back!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/21/20, 03:31:30 PM
it's all about the birds!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Auggie on May 05/21/20, 10:22:17 PM
I have seen a couple of what I think are warblers of some kind in the brushy area on the side of the yard.   Those things move quick.  No pics, hardly got a good look.  Dark color with some yellow or orange on them,  Sparrow sized.

Hard to say what they might be. You got that right. Sometimes it takes the patience of Job in order to make an ID. They just don't sit still & they're usually in the brushy cover where it's leafy. The plum & sumac thicket here is usually crawling with warblers this time of year. Trouble is most of them are passing through & don't stick around so no second chances. The common yellowthroats are the exception here. They sing all summer long.

Auggie: For the orioles, just ordered a jelly jar feeder that's on its way. Looking forward to seeing how it works. We've had the main jelly feeder with the two little cups that lasts about a day. House sparrows use it too so I've got a nectar feeder for overflow that both the hummers & orioles can use. It's like a circus in the backyard some days.
I found that the one I have it works best to stir the jelly up good before I put the jar on the feeder. It does get a little sticky on the bottom but nothing to bad. I wash it every time I switch a new jar on.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/22/20, 06:44:47 AM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/22/20, 03:39:13 PM
Just had a bird looked sort of like a hairy woodpecker, black and white, about robin size or maybe a little smaller, sitting in the grass pecking at the ground.   Not a flicker, I know what they look like.    Could this be the evil sapsucker?  Do they eat ants?   Do regular woodpeckers eat ants in the ground?   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/22/20, 06:42:25 PM
Saw my first Scarlet Tanager ever just now. Beautiful
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/22/20, 06:56:55 PM
the hummers showed up today here!!!   :happy1:   good to hear roony!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/22/20, 07:02:21 PM
Saw my first Scarlet Tananger ever just now. Beautiful

that is so cool!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/16/20, 12:28:24 PM
I put up a new thistle feeder a week ago.  Haven't seen a finch on it yet other than standing on top of it.  The old one fell apart a couple of years ago.  About 5 or 6 years ago a lady gave me a 5 gallon bucket of thistle seeds.  The birds had been eating it fine but I am wondering if in the last year or two it went bad.  Either that or they haven't figured out how to use the feeder again.  It's just a regular one with the little holes in the plastic tube.  The pail is still half full of thistle feed.  May have to buy some new stuff and experiment. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/16/20, 01:05:18 PM
I have noticed that the traffic at my feeders has really dropped off.   Down to a bluejay, a red wing black bird and a squirrel that is too fast for me.   

Probably going to take them down....
I do have one hummingbird that keeps coming so I'll leave his feeders up. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/16/20, 01:08:04 PM
I put up a new thistle feeder a week ago.  Haven't seen a finch on it yet other than standing on top of it.  The old one fell apart a couple of years ago.  About 5 or 6 years ago a lady gave me a 5 gallon bucket of thistle seeds.  The birds had been eating it fine but I am wondering if in the last year or two it went bad.  Either that or they haven't figured out how to use the feeder again.  It's just a regular one with the little holes in the plastic tube.  The pail is still half full of thistle feed.  May have to buy some new stuff and experiment.
we havent had much for birds around lately either. there nesting for the most part. thats all i have to is the little tube thistle feeder.

yea at 5-6 years old i dont think that seed is much good anymore. i quit buying mass quantities of bird food when we quit the permy camper thing as i dont go through that much in town.

LPS, go throw it out in the woods, something is sure to eat it, its what i do, bring it to the cabin and set it out in the woods, its always cleaned up like Mikey's dinner plate  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: next time i go look!!!! :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/16/20, 01:37:52 PM
I would concur glenn. At 5-6 years old the oil in the seed may be rancid. Not that birds generally have much sense of taste or smell but they seem to be able to figure that out somehow.

The goldifnches are still visiting our feeders although not as numerous as they were 6-8 weeks ago. Aren't touching the one screen thistle feeder so may remove that. Otherwise when it rains in buckets a lot of seed gets ruined. They have two other tube feeders and a small screen feeder as well as two sunflower feeders they frequent. Orioles are still coming to the feeders some but they've slowed down too. Hummingbirds have been extremely active. They triangulate from their nectar feeder, to the oriole nectar feeder then to Mrs. Cheviot's petunia planter. Makes you dizzy trying to keep up with them sometimes.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/16/20, 01:50:38 PM
So the thistle seed isn't going to turn into thistles is it?   :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/16/20, 01:56:54 PM
No, it's supposed to be heat treated so it won't germinate. Even if a small amount does, it'll get mowed off or killed off when it freezes long before it has a chance to produce seed. Had a few plants show up over the years & none ever survived.

  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guizotia_abyssinica   (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guizotia_abyssinica)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/16/20, 04:00:29 PM
I read all of that Dotch.  I see ground niger seeds mixed with sugar and water is a cure for the common cold.  We may have stumbled onto the cure for the Crud too.  Gin and tonics  (quinine) along with a little niger paste sounds like THE CURE!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/16/20, 04:01:21 PM
I will get new seed tomorrow and let you know how it works.  Who knows how old this was before I got it?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/16/20, 06:29:16 PM
I read all of that Dotch.  I see ground niger seeds mixed with sugar and water is a cure for the common cold.  We may have stumbled onto the cure for the Crud too.  Gin and tonics  (quinine) along with a little niger paste sounds like THE CURE!
say what!!   :scratch: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/16/20, 06:31:52 PM
I'm game if you are Barry!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/16/20, 07:09:56 PM
I read all of that Dotch.  I see ground niger seeds mixed with sugar and water is a cure for the common cold.  We may have stumbled onto the cure for the Crud too.  Gin and tonics  (quinine) along with a little niger paste sounds like THE CURE!
say what!!   :scratch: :rotflmao: :happy1:

That was on the Wikipedia description on Nyjer seeds.  Thistle seeds..   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/16/20, 08:56:57 PM
I read all of that Dotch.  I see ground niger seeds mixed with sugar and water is a cure for the common cold.  We may have stumbled onto the cure for the Crud too.  Gin and tonics  (quinine) along with a little niger paste sounds like THE CURE!
say what!!   :scratch: :rotflmao: :happy1:

That was on the Wikipedia description on Nyjer seeds.  Thistle seeds..
yeppers, one and the same!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on June 06/16/20, 09:27:35 PM
I’ve had mixed results with thistle. At one house the finches couldn’t stay away from it and gobbled it up in no time. At a different house, I’ve never had them show any interest at all. They would ignore the thistle and just go after the black oil sunflower seeds.
Also the hummingbirds have really slowed down their activity at the feeders. A couple weeks ago they were having dogfights like WW 1 planes. Now they are kind of scarce.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/17/20, 07:47:00 AM
We have tried to get Martins here for years.  Even played the CD all day long for days.  Finally this year the tree swallows moved into the martin house and took it over.  That is fine cuz they are great birds too.  SO now occasionally a martin cruises around the house checking it out.  The swallows must have attracted the martins attention.  My brother has lots of martins and said the swallows won't let the martins near the house now.  Which is just fine with us. They had their chance.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/17/20, 08:06:51 AM
the purple martins like big open spaces and wires nearby to sit on. there also dive bombing specialists when they have there young ones.  :rotflmao: i had a martin house up for years with no luck, just friggin sparrows and starlings so took it down. mom used to have alot of them bu for some reason there population declined. there is even a purple martin group( society) around central mn.

yea those tree swallows are cool to, and bug eating machines. they usually took over out bluebird houses, this year they lost to the bluebirds!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/17/20, 09:25:59 AM
Martins are pretty cool. Dad had a house for them at the farm but as you said glenn, the sparrows & starlings were a constant nuisance. It was a lot of work trying to keep them out & cleaning out their messes. One more reason I dislike those rats with wings. Don't think Dad ever got any martins. The guy at the SWCD tried to talk me into putting up a martin house in our yard a few years ago. He thought it would be an ideal spot with the pond below the hill, surrounded by open pasture, etc. After Dad's experience, that sounds like a retirement project at best. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/18/20, 08:23:32 AM
My brother is a Marin officianodo!  He has houses galore and martins everywhere.  He does put a lot of effort into it though!  He contributes to that Purple Martin site that Glenn was talking about.  I don't have that touch so just loving our Tree Swallows.  LOL
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/18/20, 08:26:14 AM
SO my research of the day is the Goldfinches.  I did buy new Nyjer seed yesterday.  I refilled my feeder and am watching to see if it makes any difference.  The finches are a foot away at the sunflower feeder and so far haven't seen one on the thistle feeder.  It used to be so full of finches that they were waiting in line to get to it.  ???
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/20, 09:20:37 AM
so....anybody that's had bluebirds notice there gone?????? i've noticed the past 4-5 days that they havent been around. we had 2 pair.

now we have a pair of those tree swallows that took over one of the bluebird houses?????? :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on June 06/18/20, 09:29:10 AM
so....anybody that's had bluebirds notice there gone?????? i've noticed the past 4-5 days that they havent been around. we had 2 pair.

now we have a pair of those tree swallows that took over one of the bluebird houses?????? :scratch: :scratch:

Not ta get  :offtopic: but.... do dem dare tree swallows really swallow trees? :scratch: er what?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/20, 09:29:59 AM
so....anybody that's had bluebirds notice there gone?????? i've noticed the past 4-5 days that they havent been around. we had 2 pair.

now we have a pair of those tree swallows that took over one of the bluebird houses?????? :scratch: :scratch:

Not ta get  :offtopic: but do dem dare tree swallows really swallow trees? :scratch: er what?
:doofus: :pouty: :pouty: :offtopic: :offtopic: :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/20, 11:45:51 AM
 :surrender: :surrender: awe come on Lee, i was just funnin with ya......... :pouty: :doah: :sorry: :sorry: dont cry????? :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/18/20, 11:49:55 AM
Only if they are real hungry Lee!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on June 06/18/20, 12:24:23 PM
Only if they are real hungry Lee!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Tanks LPS :happy1: So now I've got da real scoop. How is anyone pos-ta get an answer from a guy dat's just tryin ta make fun of ya like Glenn! :angry2:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/18/20, 12:58:51 PM
All he is thinking of is retirement.   :crazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/18/20, 01:05:21 PM
All he is thinking of is retirement.   :crazy:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yep, gotta be it!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/18/20, 02:04:59 PM
Martins are pretty cool. Dad had a house for them at the farm but as you said glenn, the sparrows & starlings were a constant nuisance. It was a lot of work trying to keep them out & cleaning out their messes. One more reason I dislike those rats with wings. Don't think Dad ever got any martins. The guy at the SWCD tried to talk me into putting up a martin house in our yard a few years ago. He thought it would be an ideal spot with the pond below the hill, surrounded by open pasture, etc. After Dad's experience, that sounds like a retirement project at best. 
We had a big group of Purple Martins most of the time when I worked at the golf course. Used to really enjoy watchin them swooping around. :happy1: :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/18/20, 04:36:54 PM
We have plenty of poor man's martins: barn swallows! Low maintenance & amazing the places they find to manufacture a nest. Left a burned out water tank heater hanging on a nail in the lambing barn. Sure enough they used it as a pedestal the next spring for a nest. Wasn't junk, just needed to be repurposed I guess.  :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/20/20, 09:19:56 AM
Cleaned & filled the nectar feeders this a.m. then put more jelly out in the cup feeder for the orioles. Some younger male Baltimores and did see one full grown male orchard oriole last nite but they must be busy nesting otherwise. Both male and female feed the young. Catbirds are back at the jelly feeder occasionally too. Put out some ear corn for the red-bellied woodpecker. Heard & saw a male pecking at the cobs. He came back and was helping himself after they were replaced. Goldfinches in many bird books are described as "nomadic" & it seems to fit here. Saw a couple males yesterday feeding on dandelions seed but none on the feeders of any kind. When the maximillian sunflowers and other composites ripen in our CRP they seem to flock to that area. When the supply is exhausted they seem to gravitate to the yard more and more as we head into winter. Odd little birds. They nest in July & August when there's thistle and other downy plant material to make their nests from. Find their nests frequently here in our windbreak & EQUIP planting. They feed their young a regurgitated concoction made from the seed they eat. Then they change into their winter plumage in the fall.   

Wren had 7 eggs in my gas grill at last check. Little terds find the damndest places to nest. Have a nest of some sort in one of the spruce trees in the backyard. Spooked something off of it yesterday when I was putzing in the garden. No eggs but judging by the size & construction of the nest it's a brown thrasher but can't confirm it, yet. Should  check the bluebird nest at the neighbors pasture. Initially there were 5 eggs but something got two of them. Last I looked the female was still setting on the remaining eggs. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/20/20, 09:41:11 AM
As I mentioned I did change thistle seed and today the gold finches are finally pecking away at it now.  The do spend more time eating the sunflower seeds yet though.  I will dump the rest of the old seed in the woods and see what eats it. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/21/20, 01:13:07 PM
The good news: There is indeed a brown thrasher nest in one of the backyard spruce trees. They've got the nest pretty well concealed. It took a little before she got off the nest, then hid while scolding me. We had one nest right outside the front door in the yew shrub many moons ago. Neat birds. Look forward to their return every spring.

The bad news: The nesting box at the neighbor's pasture w/three buebird eggs in it a few days ago was commandeered by wrens. They stuffed it full of little sticks so I tore all of them out of there. I'll keep doing it until they leave it alone. I'll clean any sparrow nests out in the nesting boxes by the neighbors barn too. The wrens can contend with the sparrows instead. The sparrows will lose that battle.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/21/20, 02:21:58 PM
Have had wrens for years. None this year.  :pouty: bummer.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/21/20, 02:29:43 PM
This year more than ever there are 3 or 4 birds that follow the horses.  I mean they are a foot from their heads when they are browsing.  Cool as heck.  Thinking they must be cowbirds.  Haven't seen one of either horses back yet. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/21/20, 03:55:09 PM
hey Dotch we have some brown thrashers here too!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/21/20, 07:07:10 PM
We've had an abundance of wrens recently glenn altho it hasn't always been that way. When we first moved here there were none. We put up several wren houses and within a few years we had all kinds of them. About the time they started talking about West Nile virus a few years back we had none. They've since rebounded & at the neighbor's pasture they've become a nuisance. I need to go back to putting some alternative nesting boxes over there for them so they're not constantly occupying the bluebird houses. Those cowbirds ride around on the sheeps' backs somedays Barry. They must like that deep pile carpeting. The barn swallows follow the sheep around too picking off the flying insects they kick up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/03/20, 02:49:56 PM
After not seeing Orioles in a long while, 2 different ones showed up today. :happy1: do I quickly freshened up the feeders.

Working in the garden yesterday I realized I was getting scolded by a wren, low and behold the wren house I was by had nests in 2 of the 3 holes. :happy1:

Hummingbirds are even more frequently.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/03/20, 02:52:03 PM
I get orioles every day at the bird bath... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/03/20, 04:49:13 PM
Let my jelly feeders run out & just refilled them. Had been several young orioles showing up before that. Can hear them around so am sure they'll know quickly the feeders are full again. The wrens in the gas grill have been amusing at least to me anyway. There were 7 eggs in the nest and a few days ago I counted 7 little heads before I closed the lid. Those poor parents must be about pooed by now. Something got the eggs in the brown thrasher nest so that kinda pissed me off. Thinking they'd be better off using the arborvitae in the windbreak. It was a little too easy for me to see the nest. If I could find it am sure it wasn't too tough for a predator of some kind. Looks like at last check the bluebirds at the pasture had reoccupied the nesting box where the wrens had kicked them out earlier. Was a new bluebird nest & one egg in it. The wrens did move into one of the houses closer to the barn there so fingers crossed.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/20, 01:21:12 PM
Orioles didn't waste any time. Within an hour yesterday there was a male orchard oriole working over the jelly jar feeder. Was a full color male Baltimore at the dish-type jelly feeder a few minutes ago. Now I suppose they figure I'm obligated to keep it full this weekend.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/20, 01:24:51 PM
Orioles didn't waste any time. Within an hour yesterday there was a male orchard oriole working over the jelly jar feeder. Was a full color male Baltimore at the dish-type jelly feeder a few minutes ago. Now I suppose they figure I'm obligated to keep it full this weekend.  :scratch:
well get on it ya bum!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

To much activity here for much bird viewing today.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/20, 01:48:29 PM
Activity!?!?!? I bet it consists of yer staring at those wimmens all day agin, ya putz!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/20, 02:09:41 PM
Activity!?!?!? I bet it consists of yer staring at those wimmens all day agin, ya putz!  :rotflmao:
Yea... So...... :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/04/20, 07:02:47 PM
Haven't seen an Oriole yet this year.  Love em.  Other people here do see them.  Just not into our woods I guess. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/11/20, 08:52:39 AM
Orioles are doubling down here all the sudden. There were four of them at the feeders earlier this a.m., 3 male Baltimore types & 1 male orchard. Starting to see and hear some of the youngsters coming to the feeders the past several days. The wrens finally left the gas grill and are scattered all over the yard. Bumble into them and get royally scolded by the parents when you do. Was fun fun to watch their progression & now I've got my gas grill back!  :cool: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/11/20, 09:10:33 AM
Dotch, don't the bees or wasps chase the birds away?? I have a liquid Oriole feeder  and jelly feeder and it's swarmed by them damn bees. Not to far away from them I have a wasp trap also that gets plenty of action.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/11/20, 10:09:56 AM
No bees or wasps to speak of here glenn. I did clean some kind of wasp out of the hummingbird nectar feeder the other day but that's been about it. I've wondered why we don't have them myself as up north and even at the State Fair grounds the yellow jackets are thick. Main problem here is those black ants about 1/2" long. They get in the hummer & oriole nectar feeders if I don't keep the ant moats full. Same with the earwigs. Once they crawl inside the feeder seems like the hummers quit coming to it until they're cleaned out and filled with fresh stuff. The ants also get in the jelly feeders but it's almost like the orioles, especially when they're feeding their young, thin them out too. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/11/20, 10:40:51 AM
Because of the bees, when the jelly is empty I'm taking them down. Seems like right away we get a decent amount of Orioles but then like now none. I did see a couple 2 weeks ago. Not since.

When those come down another wasp trap is going up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/12/20, 07:33:55 AM
We don't start getting bees in the jelly until late summer early fall. That is when I pull the jelly. When I start getting ants in the hummer feeder I spray the post of the bird feeder a couple feet up with Talstar. No more ants after that for a month or so.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/12/20, 08:14:35 AM
I get wasps and bees here at the hummer feeders during the football season it seems.  I keep my small shop vac plugged in by my feeder.  During time outs I go out turn it on and suck the wasps in it.  The sound of it doesn't seem to scare them away so works pretty darn good.  They hover around and I vacuum them right in. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on July 07/13/20, 05:36:08 AM
  Orioles are hammering down about two to three heaping tablespoons of jelly a day at our place. No bees....yet. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dakids on July 07/13/20, 09:42:20 AM
We don't start getting bees in the jelly until late summer early fall. That is when I pull the jelly. When I start getting ants in the hummer feeder I spray the post of the bird feeder a couple feet up with Talstar. No more ants after that for a month or so.

Dont the humming birds eat the ants
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/13/20, 10:37:12 AM
Don't think so. When they get in the nector I think it starts to make it go bad.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/13/20, 10:42:29 AM
nope i dont believe the hummers eat anything but whatever it is they get from flowers and the feeders............i did read once however they may eat small bugs???????? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

and yes, once bugs get in that bird juice it goes bad fast..............
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/13/20, 10:57:03 AM
yes they do eat small insects, but I didn't see any thing about ants... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/07/20, 10:49:09 PM
Up north this past 7 days I noticed that alot if the hummingbirds might of headed south. There were a few around but not many. Think most the loons left. On the 5 lakes I was on only seen 1 adult with 2 youngins. There was an many as 8 blue jays at the feeder.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/08/20, 08:22:19 AM
Still have hummers here but the bees are starting to show up.  That usually creates some territory issues.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/08/20, 01:37:38 PM
The transition continues here. Still a couple young orioles at the jelly feeders this a.m. but the jelly consumption is waning. The hummingbirds have been just nuts, chasing each other all over the yard. Hard to tell how many there are cuz they move so quickly from point A to point B. Sounds like fall tho. Blue jays and chickadees are about all I hear.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/08/20, 01:40:34 PM
The transition continues here. Still a couple young orioles at the jelly feeders this a.m. but the jelly consumption is waning. The hummingbirds have been just nuts, chasing each other all over the yard. Hard to tell how many there are cuz they move so quickly from point A to point B. Sounds like fall tho. Blue jays and chickadees are about all I hear.
yea well just maybe iffin ya'd lighten up on the gin you could count them!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :evil: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :super smiley: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:

sorry Mikey dared me too!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/08/20, 02:01:51 PM
Why I oughta...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/08/20, 02:05:12 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: happy anniversary!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :bow:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/09/20, 08:57:01 AM
Still have hummers here but the bees are starting to show up.  That usually creates some territory issues.
Some still working our feeder along the shore here too. Been still seein & hearing a bunch of Loons, DNR says we have 8 nesting pairs on the lake most years.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/09/20, 05:02:17 PM
Had an immature male Rose Breasted Grosbeak at the feeder today.  We get all three types of Grosbeaks some years but hardly had any of them last year.  Hope for more this year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/09/20, 07:03:37 PM
Still one lone oriole tonite at the jelly jar feeder. Looked like a female Baltimore. Hummingbirds are still going nuts. They emptied one feeder & pulled on the other one pretty hard. Mixed up another batch of sugar water to refill them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/10/20, 08:01:11 PM
Still an oriole at the jelly feeder yet tonite. Looks like the same one. Hummers have the life of Riley. Between all the flowers and feeders they've got it made.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/10/20, 08:21:16 PM
Still got hummingbirds up this way to. Sunflower feeders are busy too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/10/20, 08:33:53 PM
Still one lone barn swallow hanging around tonite as well. Ironically when I checked the sheep earlier at the other pasture, there was a dead swallow by the waterer there. Wasn't there yesterday when I stopped. With the cooler temps there aren't a lot of flying insects for them to eat. Hope it didn't starve to death.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/12/20, 09:21:53 AM
One barn swallow still here last nite and there was an oriole at the jar type jelly feeder this a.m.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/12/20, 09:27:33 AM
still a few hummers around. my sunflower feeders are full of finches and an occasional morning dove. last night seen a tree rat back by my black walnut with a walnut in its mouth. after last years bumper crop of walnuts, not many this year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/12/20, 10:22:59 AM
 I see The Narrows took down 1 of their hummer feeders & put up a suet cake feeder so they must have fewer over there.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/12/20, 10:27:25 AM
That one male rose breasted grosbeak was back for a snack. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/12/20, 10:54:44 AM
Just loaded up a ram and a bunch of barn swallows showed up. The flies and other flying insects are getting active again so the swallows are more likely to have something to nosh on as they move on thru.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/12/20, 11:08:33 AM
 We just had a woodpecker beating the siding on the house. :confused: Stoopid thing.its aluminum siding. Musta been after bugs. :doofus:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/12/20, 02:24:36 PM
Catbird(s) still here. Just came out of the 4 o'clock patch. Flickers are here today as well.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/02/20, 08:19:47 PM
Took down, cleaned up and put away the jelly feeders for the season. Let the blue jays finish off any remaining jelly so I didn't have to contend with it. Replaced one of the feeders with another suet feeder and put out some more ear corn. Been seeing a red-bellied woodpecker so figured he might appreciate it. Otherwise mostly chickadees, blue jays and white breasted nuthatches using the feeders. Lots of robins on the move. They're eating lots of nannyberries as are some of the cedar waxwings. Flickers seem to be finding something in the lawn to eat. Several of them moving thru as well. Nectar feeders will come down next week & will install the last suet feeder then. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/02/20, 08:26:45 PM
Filled the feeders at the cabin the blue jays were plentyfull. Some chickadees and woodpeckers on the suet cakes. Juncos showed up to.

Around home still a bunch of finches, both the purple and a few yellow finches. Couple woodpeckers. Still see cardinals.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on October 10/05/20, 12:13:10 PM
Agree with you guyz,hummers are gone,or the one I had most of the summer,more squrriels are in my feeders than birds lately,whacked a bunch over the weekend and a huge wood chuck  that was snacking on my wind fall apples,got him before my dog notice him out back,not sure where all these squrriels come from? take out two four more show up the next day...red squrriels are the worst,got one thats been gnawing on my garage service door trim trying to get in when bird feeders are empty,must smell the sunflower seeds inside,his days are numbered,amazing how fast these little reds are.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/08/20, 08:57:36 AM
seems some of the birds headed south, not near as many at the feeders last 4-5 days!!!! :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/08/20, 09:25:35 AM
Saw some juncos here Monday after seeing them at my Mom's place on Saturday. Tons of robins and lots of flickers yet. Plenty of berries for the robins to eat. Between the blue jays and the robins there are purple bird crap stains all over everything.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/08/20, 09:31:58 AM
dont recall seeing any juncos around home yet but there were plenty up at the cabin last time i was up!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on October 10/20/20, 05:55:22 PM
Lots of Woodpeckers tonight!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/20/20, 06:05:19 PM
those are fun to watch!!!    big bird!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/20/20, 06:43:35 PM
Lot's of Juncos here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/20/20, 06:50:21 PM
Yea we had alot of juncos at the cabin too.  Have a bunch around here to. Quiet a few purple finches too. They really worked the feeders over today. :happy1: :rotflmao: fun to watch.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/20/20, 07:31:52 PM
not sure why but they are using the bird bath any more????    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  only 6 inches of snow on it... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/20/20, 08:26:44 PM
not sure why but they are using the bird bath any more????    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  only 6 inches of snow on it...
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: could set up my spearhouse on mine!!!!!!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/21/20, 09:12:09 AM
Last Sunday there were scads of Eastern Bluebirds moving through the back yard.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on October 10/21/20, 11:11:48 AM
plenty of junco's and a bunch of small brown birds with white on wings and tail feathers,the size of fenches? robins and mourning doves left,cardinals and jay's are hoarding the feeders.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/21/20, 11:56:53 AM
Seen a robin this morning yet but must of had 50 of them yesterday afternoon when it was snowing.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/21/20, 03:56:33 PM
While I was home & talking on the phone a few minutes ago, there was a male bluebird in the maple tree that kept looking in the window. Was there 5 - 10 minutes. It flew off then came back & did the same thing. Looked cold. No surprise. Cloudy, 33 degrees, changing from rain to sleet to snow then back to rain again. Nothing warm about it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/21/20, 05:15:39 PM
 :scratch: :scratch: :doah: BLUEBIRD???  You at the boodles already?? :confused: :surrender: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/23/20, 09:40:12 AM
plenty of junco's and a bunch of small brown birds with white on wings and tail feathers,the size of fenches? robins and mourning doves left,cardinals and jay's are hoarding the feeders.
I have read that bluejays stash thousands of food items in the fall, and are able to, unlike me, remember where they put them.   

They certainly have been hitting the sunflower seeds recently.     
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/23/20, 09:47:07 AM
plenty of junco's and a bunch of small brown birds with white on wings and tail feathers,the size of fenches? robins and mourning doves left,cardinals and jay's are hoarding the feeders.
I have read that bluejays stash thousands of food items in the fall, and are able to, unlike me, remember where they put them.   

They certainly have been hitting the sunflower seeds recently.   
i can agree with that Del. there are a couple around here busy as a beaver. up at the cabin there where 8 to 10 at the feeders all day long and going to town.

same with the chimpmunks, funny as a get out to watch them. there cheecks are packed so full of food its a wonder they could get any more in there.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/23/20, 09:59:23 AM
Red-bellies stash things too apparently. Watched one take kernel after kernel of corn one day and tuck it away in a tree trunk. The squirrels must've taken note because they were helping themselves to it the next day.  :doah: Out of sunflower so need to restock. Blowing thru ear corn & suet like it's mid-January already.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/23/20, 01:42:30 PM
Think I figured out why I still have so many robins here. My good neighbor  :smiley: had a couple of those ash trees vi think that gave them reddish/ orange berries on them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/23/20, 04:11:57 PM
Between squirrels and birds I am going through sunflower seeds faster than ever this fall.  Mayhaps that is an omen!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/24/20, 05:14:37 PM
I have squirrel repellent by the back garage door....   :angry2:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/28/20, 08:15:19 PM
Well it looks like all the robins headed south and just some of the year round birds are still here. Haven't seen the juncos either.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/28/20, 09:20:04 PM
Still some robins yet today but nothing like Sunday when there were a dozen that just descended out of nowhere on one crabapple tree. Lots of juncos this a.m. No ostriches or emus however... :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/29/20, 11:39:37 AM
We saw a robin Tuesday up here.  Also today saw an Evening Grosbeak at our feeder today.  I just read in the Outdoor News about the smaller red breasted Nuthatches moving south due to lack of food in Canada.  We see them pretty regular here.  My neighbor had eagles build a nest in his trees about 6 years ago. A couple of years after that another family of eagles built a nest in his trees.  They land in our pasture and take horse hay to their nests.  Cool to see.  We have some real tall pine trees on our property and eagles land in them once in a while.  I took a walk to the river with Buddy a little while ago and an eagle was sitting in the tree.  They may be going to build a nest there.  Two of them have been landing in the tree pretty often lately.   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/29/20, 11:46:29 AM
LPS, you guys ever get any of those evening grosbeaks  or... Grrrr can't think of the name now. :angry2: one type of bird is yellow, the other is red. They also come down from Canada in the winter due to lack of food. We used to have a pile of them at the cabin.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/29/20, 11:52:17 AM
Have seen a few red breasted nuthatches here but they're not regular. Maybe because I still don't have any sunflower seed out...  :scratch: Also figured out what one species migrating thru is: white-throated sparrows. They don't come out where we can see them. Hang in our windbreak and always sound like they're pissed. Heard them at Mom's too a few weekends ago. After dark when I tossed some lime slices into the weeds. It woke them up and they really were pissed!  :azn:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/29/20, 12:00:14 PM
I just edited my last bird thing Glenn. Evening Grosbeaks is what we have here today.  Some years there will be a flock of them hanging in our trees and they fill our feeder there are so many of them.  We do get Pine Grosbeaks too and sometimes they seem  to travel with the Evening Grosbeaks.  And yes we do get Rose breasted Grosbeaks sometimes too.  Had an immature male one hanging around here late this last summer.  Nice birds.  I hope they all keep the woodpeckers chased away from here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/29/20, 12:15:34 PM
Yep that's the one I was thinking about, the pine grosbeaks, there the red ones. Beautiful birds.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/29/20, 01:30:15 PM
these are sorta in the back yard, got about 8 swans out on the lake... cool birds...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/29/20, 01:47:54 PM
Several bluebirds passing thru at the ranch when I was home at lunch. Have not had any that nested there for a few years so may have to work on that starting with a bunch of cats. I see the Chinese place in Owatonna is back up and running.  :evil: Found my FF gift card stash too so may have to remedy the sunflower seed situation.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/30/20, 02:36:06 PM
Like LPS we get the Pine Grosbeak too. Been a few years since we have seen the evenings at our feeder. Maybe this will be the year if LPS is seeing them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/30/20, 03:14:22 PM
I just saw another robin too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/05/20, 10:28:02 AM
we have several swans and their signets out on the lake again today, fun to watch!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/05/20, 11:58:01 AM
That's something I've missed this year with the border being closed. Usually some swans on those puddles between Bemidji & I Falls.   :sad:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/05/20, 01:18:59 PM
That's something I've missed this year with the border being closed. Usually some swans on those puddles between Bemidji & I Falls.   :sad:

they are a fun bird to watch...  and I understand what you are saying... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/13/20, 07:34:54 AM
The other day we had a flock of Evening Grosbeaks land in, on and around our feeder.  There were about 25 of them and they didn't all fit in the feeder.  Glad I had just filled it with sunflower seeds that morning.  Haven't seen them since.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/13/20, 09:32:25 AM
Would be cool to see something like that!  :happy1: The daily customers here include chickadees, white breasted nuthatches, red-bellied woodpeckers, blue jays, juncos, downies, hairies and a pair of cardinals. Were a few house finches and goldfinches but they're erratic. Were a few robins yet a couple days ago and a red-winged blackbird this a.m. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/13/20, 12:39:22 PM
Been a hoot today watching 3 gray squirrel and 2 black ones chasing each other around. The usual blue jays nut hatches Juncos and chickadees .

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/15/20, 10:17:56 AM
I got a pic with about half of them here.  Sometimes the roof is full of them too. 

(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/11/15/ZaQ0S.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/ZaQ0S)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/15/20, 10:57:57 AM
About 20 of the evening grosbeaks showed up at the cabin this morning. But man is the weather crappy here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/15/20, 11:09:33 AM
Thanks for sharing that nice pic Barry! Of course some of us *cough* glenn *cough* can't post pics so we just have to take their word for it... :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/15/20, 11:31:59 AM
Thanks for sharing that nice pic Barry! Of course some of us *cough* glenn *cough* can't post pics so we just have to take their word for it... :doah:
:rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/15/20, 11:43:39 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  I always thought the male Evening Grosbeak looked like the Michigan Wolverine helmets.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/15/20, 11:53:39 AM
And I always think of Dotch as the farms version of Gomer Pyle.

 :sleazy: :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/15/20, 12:14:10 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/15/20, 02:44:48 PM
 :mooning: :mooning:


Had to laugh a minute ago. A rooster pheasant made a brief stop in the yard then flew off right over the top of the sheep grazing on the hillside. Didn't even faze them. Must be used to it.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/15/20, 02:54:50 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/20, 10:32:05 AM
think i went through almost a full 40 lb bag of sunflower seeds the 12 days i was at the cabin. we have 2 feeders for sunflowers and it took them about 3 days to empty them. like i said earlier it sure was great to see the evening grosbeaks, was fun to watch the squirrels chase each other around. for a while now we have had 2 black squirrels, all of a sudden 2 more showed up and i watched 4 black squirrels feeding.

kinda bummed though i havent seen the flying squirrels in a while. :pouty: at one point i counted 6 of them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/17/20, 12:09:27 PM
Ya right. I bet there were only 3 flying squirrels. You were probably so popped you just thought there were 6!  :shocked:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/20, 01:26:43 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea maybe!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on November 11/19/20, 03:58:21 PM
Why are there black birds still here?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/19/20, 04:19:48 PM
Better your house then mine. :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on November 11/19/20, 05:57:46 PM
Better your house then mine. :sleazy:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on November 11/20/20, 07:06:30 AM
Had a kestral hawk picking off chicadee's in my feeders late yesterday evening,majestic birds,so quick and sneaky.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/26/20, 01:58:01 PM
got 5 juvenile eagles out on the ice just 75 yards out..  pretty cool!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/26/20, 07:31:01 PM
got 5 juvenile eagles out on the ice just 75 yards out..  pretty cool!!
that would be cool to see.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/27/20, 10:12:16 AM
We see an eagle or two once in a while. There are some that hang around between Beaver & St. Olaf lake but never do we see in a group 5 like mikey.

Really had a lot of bird activity yesterday. I'd cleaned the thistle feeders night before last out and scattered the seed on the ground. The juncos were all over that. Blue jays, cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, downies, hairies, a few goldfinches and a male red belly were constantly on the feeders. Could hear what sounded like pine siskins in the windbreak this a.m. but so far none at the feeders. Lotsa berries and other stuff to eat out there.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/27/20, 10:31:52 AM
before it was over a 6th joined the first 5!!!  never seen that before!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/27/20, 10:33:16 AM
 :tut: no pictures, didnt happ.........oh wait!!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/27/20, 10:44:22 AM
I hear ya!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on November 11/27/20, 01:36:19 PM
The usual assortment of common birds around, but we have a pair of otters sitting on the ice about 50 feet from shore. They’re doing a good job of thinning the small panfish population and driving my dogs crazy.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/27/20, 02:03:46 PM
The usual assortment of common birds around, but we have a pair of otters sitting on the ice about 50 feet from shore. They’re doing a good job of thinning the small panfish population and driving my dogs crazy.

they sure are fun to watch too!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/27/20, 10:12:45 AM
Sure haven't seen many birds  :confused: even up at the cabin.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on December 12/27/20, 08:43:11 PM
We have nuthatches, chickadees, cardinals, jays, mourning doves, and an assortment of LBJ, also some gray ones.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on December 12/28/20, 07:12:18 AM
Last week before the snow storm,"robins" everywhere,just showed up one day couple dozen zooming around the back 40 scratching around for morsels of food.

local mallards found my cracked corn last week before the blizzard.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/29/20, 08:12:06 AM
Last week before the snow storm,"robins" everywhere,just showed up one day couple dozen zooming around the back 40 scratching around for morsels of food.

local mallards found my cracked corn last week before the blizzard.
so how many are now in the freezer!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on December 12/29/20, 09:44:56 AM
glenn lol,thought about tagging a few for xmas dinner,big fat northern mallards,but my frezzer is full,ducks,geese ,sharptail a few huns and pheasants stashed away,ran out of walleye tho,dang walleyes we catch in south dakota are full of mercury and other crap from farming,pesticides,fertilizer's etc so we don't keep em,I'll keep a few jumbo perch on occassion for a shore lunch but thats it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/29/20, 02:34:22 PM
Was just home a little bit ago and watched the usual suspects bopping around the yard: blue jays, downies, hairies, juncos, chickadees and a pair of cardinals. Also a song sparrow in amongst the house sparrows.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/02/21, 05:14:26 PM

a funny one for the bird feeding folks!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/03/21, 07:54:03 AM
That is kind of spooky Glenn.  A blue jay would pick up one of our puppies. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on January 01/05/21, 04:59:50 PM
Red poles, blue jays, chickadees, nuthatches, Downy woodpeckers & Cardinals..... it's what we got.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/21, 05:02:32 PM
I ain't got nuttin for birds  :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on January 01/06/21, 07:02:54 AM
Pretty much just Blue jays in our yard lately. We did have a female cardinal in the yard about 3 weeks ago. Which is very odd to be that far north. Wish more would show up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/06/21, 07:53:00 AM
Mostly chickadees and nuthatches here.  Had 4 Evening Grosbeaks around noon.  We even had a pileated woodpecker pecking at out suet thing yesterday.  Don't think we have seen that before. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/06/21, 03:33:37 PM
It is strange.  They come and go.   Yesterday we had a whole bunch, like 50, lbj birds (little brown jobs).   They would mob the feeders and the ground for awhile and then take off all at once.   Little while they would be back.    Today, not much, they aren't around.   Just the regulars.   The redbelly, the downy the hairy, the cardinals, chickadees and the nuthatches.   

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/06/21, 07:17:01 PM
Getting a few more goldfinches as of late. Song sparrow seems to keep hanging around too. Maybe spring is around the corner... :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/07/21, 03:18:28 PM
We ran 2 single tube screen type feeders for a long time, they were getting emptied every couple of days. Put up this 3 way feeder with 3 different types of seed and I haven't refilled it in 4 weeks, they don't like something..  :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/07/21, 04:03:02 PM
Are there smurf birds? Asking for a friend... :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/07/21, 04:24:48 PM
Are there smurf birds? Asking for a friend... :scratch:
:confused: suppose dat be mikey??/ :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :confused:

boober i havent had much for birds either. maybe having 3 different types of bird seeds altoghter in the same place aint a good idea??? :scratch: :scratch: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/07/21, 04:56:59 PM
Are there smurf birds? Asking for a friend... :scratch:
:confused: suppose dat be mikey??/ :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :confused:

boober i havent had much for birds either. maybe having 3 different types of bird seeds altoghter in the same place aint a good idea??? :scratch: :scratch:
Very well could be, FF sells em so it has to be top notch.. :bonk:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/07/21, 05:05:11 PM
i'm somewhat skeptical about all these new fancy looking feeders. especially the hummingbird and oriole feeders. the old simple ones seem to be best, but the same with the new fangled seed feeders, yo me the more plain jane the better they seem to like them.

i usually get all all my bird feed at FF too!!!!!! i feed only

thistle seeds
safflower seeds and suet cakes. anything else seems to draw unwanted birds like sparrows.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/07/21, 07:21:09 PM
I agree glenn. Stuff with lots of millet and other grain tends to be a house sparrow magnet. The Chinese chickens don't seem to mind however. They love corn, millet & milo (sorghum). The pheasants scared the crap out of me late this afternoon when I came home early to unload straw. Got out of the car to get the mail and a half dozen of 'em exploded out of the Austrian pine by the driveway. I damn near needed a G&T to calm my nerves after that! Made a good excuse anyway... :rotflmao:

Simple feeders seem to work best here too. After getting all the stuff cleaned up at Mom's I remembered there was a feeder in a box of junk in the pickup. Not a huge feeder but the birds always liked it where it hung on the shepherd's crook by her kitchen. I looked at it more closely and saw there was a hole in the plastic on the feeder, possibly squirrel damage. Patched the hole with Gorilla tape, filled the feeder with a sunflower/safflower blend and hung it out there on her same shepherd's crook on Tuesday. Chickadees were after it nonstop almost immediately. It was completely empty tonite when I refilled it.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/07/21, 08:23:29 PM
I sure wish we had pheasants up here.  I have seen a few but they were released by people that raised them.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/21, 10:30:20 AM
Got a feeder with 8-10 purple finches this morning. Wonder if there stocking up pending the incoming weather???
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/13/21, 10:44:21 AM
Got a feeder with 8-10 purple finches this morning. Wonder if there stocking up pending the incoming weather???

Is there bad weather coming?  (I try not to watch the news these days.)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/13/21, 11:01:31 AM
Moderate Weather Hysteria.      Few inches of snow for us here in the southland
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on January 01/13/21, 11:18:48 AM
4 to 7 inches for us according to nws
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/13/21, 12:18:39 PM
saying it could be 3 to 6 here
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/21, 01:07:54 PM
Depends on who you look at. Some say 3-6, others 4-9. :crazy:

And there talking 3-6 up north. Hope Gunner gets outta Inger before it gets to bad. :sleazy: well thrn he might be scheming to get stuck there. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/13/21, 08:23:47 PM
What's gunnar doing in Inger, and who is she?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/14/21, 09:04:39 AM
 :tut: :mooning: :pouty: Been @ the cabin for almost 24 hours already , glenn, so don't worry I won't be botherin any of your girlfriends down there. Besides they're ALL TO OLD for me anyway.  :thumbs:  :nerd: :nerd: Just looked the WWA in effect here says 2-6 & cable weather station out of Bemidji was more like 3-5" last I looked. :scratch: :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on January 01/14/21, 09:26:54 AM
What's gunnar doing in Inger, and who is she?
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: Not you too!!  :doah: :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/14/21, 09:28:36 AM
What's gunnar doing in Inger, and who is she?
:tut: :mooning: :pouty: Not you too!!  :doah: :shocked:
:nerd: :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/24/21, 02:18:46 PM
seen 2 morning doves this morning on the neighbors  TV antenna while cleaning out the driveway this morning. they musta got into dotch's gin last night!!!!!!!!1 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/24/21, 03:37:12 PM
I have had bunches of mourning doves off and on, as many as a dozen, more or less.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/24/21, 03:39:59 PM
seen 2 morning doves this morning on the neighbors  TV antenna while cleaning out the driveway this morning. they musta got into dotch's gin last night!!!!!!!!1 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :tut: It's a little known fact the only birds that like gin are pine siskins and cedar waxwings. :nerd:

We've had a few mourning doves this winter when the weather was warmer and there was less snow. Also some collared doves. More of both kinds in town where it's more sheltered though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/24/21, 08:20:18 PM
Collared Doves?    Guess I need to look those up, since I never heard of them.   Maybe they are coming around here and I didn't even know it.   

How much do they look like a mourning dove?   The black collar it? 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/24/21, 09:01:33 PM
They look a lot like mourning doves only more pigeon-sized with a dark collar behind their neck. First noticed them here about 5 years ago probably. The sound they make is almost more owl-like.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/24/21, 10:13:11 PM
They look a lot like mourning doves only more pigeon-sized with a dark collar behind their neck. First noticed them here about 5 years ago probably. The sound they make is almost more owl-like.

Thanks.  I'll keep an eye out for them.   I hear they are good eating.. :doofus:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/25/21, 08:34:02 AM
yes Del there supposed to be good eating........lot of states have a hunting season for doves.....including minnesota now. i'll never get to try it though. :pouty: my wife wont let me hunt them........knowingly!!! :smoking: :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/25/21, 08:40:14 AM
ya can get all the pidgins ya want, same thing... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/25/21, 10:23:03 AM
We had this discussion over coffee about whether or not the collared doves were included in the mourning dove season and appears they are. Not protected it appears.

Did the dove hunting thing the first year it was legal when I lived in ND. Walking tree strips & shelterbelts, it was a great way to sharpen your eye for sharptail & Huns that opened later. Dove was OK but it took a bunch to fill a guy up. Usually wrapped them in bacon and grilled them along with a bunch of turkey gizzards.  Washed 'em down with Schmidt big mouths. All this on the deck of a '59 Marshfield trailer house in Cando ND. Now that was livin'!  :happy1: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/06/21, 08:12:39 AM
Wood Peckers and Bunnies
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/06/21, 08:39:14 AM
those big fellers are fun to watch!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/06/21, 08:46:28 AM
we have one hear no and then.....yep there fun to see and big fellers too!!!!!!!

aint had much fer birds lately. :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/06/21, 11:12:14 AM
Haven't seen a pileated here for many moons. Plenty of red-bellies, downies & hairies tho. Bird activity since the weather changed has been slowed here. Still plenty of chickadees, juncos, nuthatches, blue jays and cardinals. Still too many house sparrows. Rats with wings!  :angry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/14/21, 11:20:47 AM
Filled the bird feeders yesterday ahead of the deepest part of the cold snap. I've seen their tracks around the feeders but hadn't caught up to one until this a.m.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/14/21, 11:27:48 AM
 :smoking: :fudd: rooster stew!! :wowza: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/14/21, 11:30:38 AM
It'd be Smurf stew if Mrs. Cheviot caught you shooting one of "her" precious rooster pheasants! You could always shoot the hens I guess... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/14/21, 02:00:09 PM
That is great Dotch.  Beautiful birds.  Wish there were more around here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/19/21, 03:50:16 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/19/21, 05:07:21 PM
That was great HD.  Nice looking rooster.  Do they take off when you go out?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/19/21, 06:49:21 PM
darn nice looking bird, the tail is very long the way it looks!!  thought I could some in the background too...  they sure have been in the fields around here scratching for feed..   good video!! thanks!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/20/21, 04:03:56 AM
That was great HD.  Nice looking rooster.  Do they take off when you go out?
Most of the time, they just run to the tree line and wait till the coast is clear.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/20/21, 11:59:17 AM
He's a beauty! Do they set up territory to court the ladies like they do here? Looks like we've got one claiming dibs on the yard here already. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/20/21, 01:26:41 PM
I know there's other roosters around (cause I see them in the hayfield) but this one is the one that always comes in. Usually he has a few girlfriends with him. The girls are more skidish when it comes to feeding under the bird feeders.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on February 02/22/21, 08:37:24 AM
Good to see a few pheasants made it through our cold snap,yesterday with the temps in the 20's my cardinals were digging the warm snap in central minn,very vocal,sense spring in the air.

Last week at the farm in sodak pheasants (rooster's) were squaring off already,sharptails were coupled up as well.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/22/21, 11:54:05 AM
Chickadees are doing their "fee-bee" spring call. There are a half dozen keeping the feeders hopping. Also a slowly building population of goldfinches being detected. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on February 02/23/21, 07:06:18 AM
This morning my cardinals were sure happy,they woke up when the sun started to peek on the eastern horizon,and the chickadee's all day long are busy like dotch called..."fee-bee" very vocal,soon we'll see canada geese migrating in to our state,the blizzard in texas will slow the snow goose migration some,but we're ready to roll when it starts.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on February 02/25/21, 06:50:22 AM
Robins yesterday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/25/21, 06:59:55 AM
I think it is going to be an early spring.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/25/21, 08:49:21 AM
I think it is going to be an early spring.
beginning to think so to.......and our perchapalooza might not happen???????/ :scratch: hope not.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/25/21, 03:06:36 PM
Bet it will. I sure do like the longer days. Some of my best perch fishing has been in late March when the water is running down the ice holes. Granted I was younger and in much better shape.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on February 02/25/21, 03:22:04 PM
I think it is going to be an early spring.

Oh so your going to listen to silly Robin's who didn't know to fly south over the Ground Hog??  :doah: :doah: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/25/21, 04:24:20 PM
No Robins here.
The Pheasants are just starting to get feisty.
The Deer, Rabbits & Squirrels are under the bird feeders a lot.

I haven't had much for Turkeys this winter  :scratch: I wonder where those went?  :Turkey:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on February 02/25/21, 04:36:37 PM
No Robins here.
The Pheasants are just starting to get feisty.
The Deer, Rabbits & Squirrels are under the bird feeders a lot.

I haven't had much for Turkeys this winter  :scratch: I wonder where those went?  :Turkey:
Just yesterday I saw a whole group of like 15 Turkeys walking right in the middle of a busy street in the city of St Anthony, mn. So looks like your birds came down to the cities for the winter!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/25/21, 06:45:18 PM
thinking about it I haven't many turkeys this winter either?..  interesting.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/28/21, 08:46:39 AM
Turkeys here seem to pick on certain neighbors which is fine with me. They can raise hell with things around their yards from what they tell me. Saw a lone goose doing a flyby yesterday a.m. and this morning during chores we had our first robin. Didn't actually see it but their sound is pretty unmistakable. Plenty of cover, berries and crabapples  so they've got lots of places to hang out.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/28/21, 09:14:43 AM
no robins here yet........and with an additional 4-5 inches of snow.......might be a while yet. reminds me maybe i should go and stalk up on some mealworms for when they do arrive.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/01/21, 06:23:00 PM
I've been living here since 1979 and have just seen a first. Had an owl sitting in the neighbors tree across the street. Gave never seen them in town, up at the cabin Yea.

Have seen plenty of hawks, never an owl.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/01/21, 06:35:58 PM
If you keep drinking that icky Cold Spring beer, you'll probably see all kinds of stuff!  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/01/21, 06:59:30 PM
If you keep drinking that icky Cold Spring beer, you'll probably see all kinds of stuff!  :rolleyes:
Yea that ain't happening. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/04/21, 02:07:09 PM
when I was coming home from town this morning I seen one lone swan flying over...  great looking birds!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/04/21, 02:41:46 PM
I've had some swans and geese flying over the house the last few weeks. Not every day but often enough. Haven't been pooped on yet. :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/04/21, 02:55:28 PM
Just got back into Bugtussle after feeding bottle lambs. No frost in the ground on the south facing slope south of the house. Rhubarb starting to break dormancy & about a dozen robins in the road ditch when I left. Rhubarb pie for Easter!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/04/21, 03:22:35 PM
My rhubarb is still covered with snow.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/04/21, 03:25:34 PM
It's still nicer there I bet... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/04/21, 03:28:11 PM
It's still nicer there I bet... :rotflmao:
It's all that clean livin'.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/04/21, 03:36:04 PM
My rhubarb is still covered with snow.
My rhubarb died a year or so ago.   The replacement also died.     Try again this spring...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/04/21, 04:09:10 PM
Del how the hell you kill rubarb??? :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/04/21, 04:19:30 PM
You can do almost anything with those soused verde machines glenn!  :rotflmao: Not picking on you del; it is possible. I killed the first stuff that was already here when we bought the place. It was getting too shaded where they'd planted it so I transplanted it to an open spot with nice heavy black dirt that looked decent. That was during the drought of '88. It kinda sat there a few years then the wet year of '91 showed up and the spot I chose turned into a quagmire. Rhubarb doesn't have webbed feet apparently.  :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/05/21, 08:12:31 AM
It's a mystery to me.  It was like it got some kind of root rot after growing there for 30 years.  Planted replacement in same spot.  Gotta find a new spot, that one is jinxed
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/21, 08:24:17 AM
It's a mystery to me.  It was like it got some kind of root rot after growing there for 30 years.  Planted replacement in same spot.  Gotta find a new spot, that one is jinxed
guess it happens  :scratch: :scratch: i had planted winter onions in a spot i had a sand box for my kids when they were younger...then the wife insisted on rubarb, so i planted it there too and its keeps on spreading.  :doah: to the point i may dig out and toss the new shoot.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/05/21, 09:47:30 AM
Ours has been spreading too glenn. The newer plants are more vigorous and in an area where the soil fertility might be better based on the samples I pulled last fall. I know some of the things I've read suggest it be moved or divided from time to time. Some of the nicest patches locally though are those that have been there forever. Must've dumped bookoo amounts of manure in the hole when they planted it. Rhubarb is a fairly heavy user of fertilizer and I know some of ours was looking like it needed sheep manure worked in around it again. Some of it looks fine but while I'm at it might as well git' er done.  There is also a stalk borer that's been showing up in some of my customers patches coming from the curly dock plants, its normal host. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/05/21, 10:49:15 AM
I bought a small $5 rhubarb bundle about 3 years ago.  Doesn't get much bigger.  I just dug a small hole in my yard.  Full sun and plunked it in thinking it would go wild.  I have some 10-10-10.  Should I put some of that around that Dotch?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/21, 10:53:00 AM
I bought a small $5 rhubarb bundle about 3 years ago.  Doesn't get much bigger.  I just dug a small hole in my yard.  Full sun and plunked it in thinking it would go wild.  I have some 10-10-10.  Should I put some of that around that Dotch?
it sure wouldnt hurt....pretty much what i do......that and any other fertilizer. i also leave the leaves and other stuff lay there to rot away.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/05/21, 10:56:21 AM
I have a bag I have had for years and want to just use it up.  Should be fine to till into the garden too I would think. Or is it better top put it around the plant so it doesn't touch it?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/05/21, 11:00:40 AM
I have a bag I have had for years and want to just use it up.  Should be fine to till into the garden too I would think. Or is it better top put it around the plant so it doesn't touch it?
yea either throw it on the garden before you till it or around the plant. it will burn the leaves if it stays on the leaves. you can use it also as a lawn fertilizer...if you do such a thing.

but.........if you just put it around the plant do it right before it rains.......maybe dotch can elaborate more but i was told if you dont get it in the ground or it dont rain in 24 hours you lose alot of the nitrogen value??????
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/05/21, 11:41:09 AM
Great, I will get it used up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/05/21, 11:46:53 AM
Good idea to let the leaves lay there. Recycles the nutrients. The leaves are toxic to livestock too. I tell the neighbors where we pasture that they can toss just about anything vegetative over the fence to the sheep they want except rhubarb leaves. As far as fertilizer, it certainly won't hurt. When it contains nitrogen, usually a good idea to work it in some. Just needs to be covered is all. If you get some on the leaves, good idea to wash it off. The leaf burn is generally cosmetic but the idea is to get the fertilizer, nitrogen or otherwise near the root system where the plant can best utilize it.

A couple decent releases on rhubarb. Had some commercial veggie production soil fertility sheets I misplaced somewhere. Might've mailed them to glenn!  :scratch:


Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/05/21, 11:58:18 AM
Thanks for the info. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/06/21, 12:05:11 PM
Just heard a killdeer...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/06/21, 12:29:51 PM
when i lived at home, we had the railroad tracks by the house. used to see alot of killdeer there.  couple days after i seen the owl in the neighbors tree  i could of swore i heard it hootin. well 3rd day in a row now.....i know im not hearing things!!!!! during the day too!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/06/21, 12:37:04 PM
Interesting. Those collared doves sound sorta like an owl.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/06/21, 12:48:38 PM
Haven't seen them yet either. We did have 6-8 purple finches at the feeder yesterday. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/06/21, 04:12:23 PM
Grackles this afternoon  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on March 03/08/21, 10:28:03 AM
Pair of morning doves yesterday...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/10/21, 11:56:14 AM
red winged black birds and black birds are back!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/10/21, 12:48:35 PM
Saw my first Robins yesterday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/10/21, 12:57:26 PM
seen them yesterday too
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/10/21, 03:30:59 PM
I was just thinking about that a couple of hours ago watching the rain...

Still waiting for my first robin.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on March 03/11/21, 09:18:20 AM
Cardinals singing up a storm this morning signaling a beautiful sun filled sky day....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/21, 12:15:43 PM
Yesterday on the Ides of March I saw my first goose of the year.  Today I see a couple dozen on the Baudette River.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/20/21, 01:49:00 PM
Yesterday I set the birdbath out, filled it with water. Today had my first robin visit it. :happy1: so I put my mealworm feeder out.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/21/21, 11:12:40 AM
Glenn, what does your worm feeder look like? Is it just an open tray?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/21/21, 11:16:25 AM
Glenn, what does your worm feeder look like? Is it just an open tray?
yea i bought it at fleet farm. its blue with a metal hook that the tray fits pretty snug in.

its called a STOKES mealworm jelly feeder. i dont put jelly in it as it has small drain holes on the bottom. my main purpose for the feeder is to attract and retain bluebirds, but put it out early to keep the robins around.

them damn crakles and red winged blackbirds like it to.  :tut: :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/21/21, 12:06:45 PM
Like this?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/21/21, 12:08:56 PM
Like this?
:happy1: yeppers. I buy the dried mealworms. Not real cheap but I like watching the birds on that feeder
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/21/21, 12:47:27 PM
10 pounds for $60.... yeah, not cheap
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/21, 09:05:58 AM
this morning i had a cardinal eating out of that mealworm feeder!!!!!!!  :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:

seen chickadees there too!!!!!!! and robins found it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/21, 11:13:32 AM
b een watching the feeders this morning... quite a few birds "fliting " about!!!!!!  :happy1: :rotflmao: juncos, purple finches, yellow finches, few different woodpeckers!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/23/21, 11:36:12 AM
yup more and more birds are arriving, no sand hill cranes yet...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/24/21, 10:07:51 AM
Grrrr... :angry2: :confused: damn starlings are back. :confused: just seen one on the mealworm feeder. :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/28/21, 01:48:36 PM
just seen something way different!!!   A rooster pheasant was walking along the shore line and along came a grey squirrel...  the next thing the two of them were chasing each other around the yard!!!  only lasted a few seconds but it sure was funny and good to watch!!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/29/21, 08:28:52 AM
Grrrr... :angry2: :confused: damn starlings are back. :confused: just seen one on the mealworm feeder. :doah:
:scratch: So now it's  :cry: :cry: :violin: :violin: about the poor little hungry birds. :tut: :pouty:                               
  ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/29/21, 08:29:55 AM
Grrrr... :angry2: :confused: damn starlings are back. :confused: just seen one on the mealworm feeder. :doah:
:scratch: So now it's  :cry: :cry: :violin: :violin: about the poor little hungry birds. :tut: :pouty:                               
  ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:pouty: :pouty: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :nerd: :nerd: :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/29/21, 08:33:22 AM
 :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :evil:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/01/21, 01:24:27 PM
was just in the kitchen cleaning up and doing dishes,  kapow!!!  a bird nails the bow window or patio door!!  rather loudly fpr sure..  well i looked and there was one of Glenn's favorite birds laying there dead, a black bird!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/01/21, 01:42:10 PM
Hey, I know... :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/01/21, 01:51:51 PM
10 pounds for $60.... yeah, not cheap

lol H.D. now I know where the asian joint in my little town gets these things its a good protein filler,put a handful out of fresh meal worms for my blue birds,dang robins scarfed them all up everday.

sandhills showed up  and are thick in central south dakota right now.Keep hoping to see a rare whooping crane in the mix,like a needle in a hay stack tho,as a protected species not many breeding pairs in our country.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/21, 03:35:52 PM
Hey, I know... :evil: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/21, 03:39:52 PM
was just in the kitchen cleaning up and doing dishes,  kapow!!!  a bird nails the bow window or patio door!!  rather loudly fpr sure..  well i looked and there was one of Glenn's favorite birds laying there dead, a black bird!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
the last couple days i've had all of a sudden hundreds of them damn things come in... late afternoon.  :angry2: :angry2: :confused: then about a dozen starlings. not sure how many times i've went out on the deck to scatter them...........sure wish i could shoot in down....dont dare with that crabby, call the cops jerkoff neighbor next door. :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/01/21, 04:38:11 PM
Pellet gun or strong bb gun.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/01/21, 06:44:58 PM
Pellet gun or strong bb gun.
Ha!! He'd just shoot his eye out!!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/21, 06:48:26 PM
Pellet gun or strong bb gun.
Ha!! He'd just shoot his eye out!!  :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/01/21, 07:01:25 PM
Pellet gun or strong bb gun.
Ha!! He'd just shoot his eye out!!  :rotflmao:

look out dogs!!!   thats my thoughts!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/21, 07:06:20 PM
 :pouty: :pouty: oh the abuse..  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :taz:

at deer camp they call me the deer sniper!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:

i had a pellet gun, it sucked, finally didnt work so i disassembled it and tossed it. there has got to be a pellet gun the has more accuracy then the one i had. it was one of them pump up jobs. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/21, 07:37:27 PM
I know a guy that just paid $800 for one of those very accurate pellet guns.  Too much for me to spend.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/02/21, 06:33:52 AM
You can get a break barrel single pump type with either a spring or a gas cylinder for a little over 100 bucks, Mine is a Benjamin.   If I check the sighting in once in a while it does a great job.   Scope is sort of junk but works most of the time.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/02/21, 07:06:01 AM
When I was a young lad. I had I think it was a Daisy 880.  :scratch: It was a single pump. But that was one accurate pellet gun. Oh the pigeons we picked off with those guns. We noticed the grackles and black birds also on Tuesday night.  :angry2:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/02/21, 10:22:30 AM
I had one of those one pump pellet guns 1100ps that was junk made more noise than my 22 long rifle with quiet loads,dang pellet gun sights had to be adjusted after two or 3 shots as the barrel kept moving around on each pump,gave it away,had better luck years back with a crossman 10 pump bb/177 air gun until the plunger crapped out,wouldn't hold air
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/02/21, 10:44:04 AM
Have a Powerline 880 Daisy that the seal or seals are shot on. I see one can buy the seal kits for about $15. It was a decent pellet gun for the $ but had to be careful shooting it in the pole barn. More than about 4 pumps and it'd blow a hole in the steel when shooting sparrows. Would also shoot BB's but wasn't accurate. I grew up shooting a Daisy pump BB gun that was handed down from my older brother. Would hold ~500 BB's. Spend my gopher feet money on a tube of BB's and I'd disappear for a week. Brother & I would go up in the hay mow at night with a flashlight & pick the sparrows & starlings off the old hay track. Pretty well eradicated them for a while. Cats loved us. Good times.  :happy1:

This a.m.: Saw a group of around 40 juncos in the front yard. Don't recall seeing that many in a bunch like that. Heading north already?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/02/21, 11:45:36 AM
I had a Crossman V-350.  I thought I was so cool cuz it had a wood stock.  This is before I was old enough for a .22. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/21, 11:59:29 AM
if i see any birds today they might be florida birds!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :crazy: holy hannah its windy!!!!!! :confused: :doofus: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/21, 12:07:16 PM
I had a Crossman V-350.  I thought I was so cool cuz it had a wood stock.  This is before I was old enough for a .22.
i go through this every spring.........after about 3 weeks these unwanted birds usually go off elsewhere so i will fight of the urge to buy another pellet gun.  :pouty: :surrender:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/03/21, 11:16:25 AM
A couple roosters under the line.... Never mind the audio, the TV was on.....

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/21, 11:22:13 AM
A couple roosters under the line.... Never mind the audio, the TV was on.....

judging by the length of the tail on the feller to the left he is an older bird. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/03/21, 11:48:35 AM
that's pretty cool!!  ya don't see that every day!!!  :happy1:

and leave it too Glenn checking out some tail!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/21, 11:56:04 AM
that's pretty cool!!  ya don't see that every day!!!  :happy1:

and leave it too Glenn checking out some tail!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:smoking: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/03/21, 03:06:37 PM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/03/21, 03:54:47 PM
Sure beats the hell out of watching the George Floyd trial reports.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/05/21, 10:39:16 AM
I see the sand hill cranes are finally back up here..  seen a pair just down the road yesterday!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/05/21, 10:54:10 AM
Thought I heard some barn swallows last night but no evidence of them at choretime Hope they show up soon. Flies are having a heyday & swallows eat a lot of them. Swatted a bunch of them in the bar yesterday & the bottom of the cutworm sticky trap was almost black with flies this morning.  :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/05/21, 12:29:52 PM
So you were in the bar all afternoon I suppose..  Don't they have screens on their windows?   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/05/21, 02:44:09 PM
Was pretty warm yesterday but don't have a thermometer or a clock in the Studebaker. Nice to live off the grid sometimes.  :happy1: No windows open in the bar either but they had the front door wide open with no screen door inside of it. That might be a nice addition in the future. Of course, then it'd be harder to throw union thugs and other assorted delinquents out in the street!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/05/21, 03:17:06 PM
 :mooning:  :tut: :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/06/21, 08:00:33 AM
This morning we have so many Evening Grosbeaks in our feeder that I can't count them.  Of course they are coming and going constantly.  Great to see.  Been awhile.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/06/21, 08:22:21 AM
This morning we have so many Evening Grosbeaks in our feeder that I can't count them.  Of course they are coming and going constantly.  Great to see.  Been awhile.
yea them are awesome birds to have around. beauty of a bird to!!!!!!!!!!

i've had morning doves around, fun hearing them coo a bunch too. had 2 under the feeder this morning.

anyone seen any blue herons yet, or heard any loons???? with the lakes open one would thing they'd be moving in?????
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/06/21, 08:37:16 AM
have not seen them yet....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/06/21, 09:08:00 AM
Nope, but did see a vulture sailing overhead yesterday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/06/21, 09:10:46 AM
Nope, but did see a vulture sailing overhead yesterday.
Dotch can fly????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doah: :oops1: :sorry: :laughroll: gunner dare me!!!!!!! :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/06/21, 09:34:51 AM
This morning we have so many Evening Grosbeaks in our feeder that I can't count them.  Of course they are coming and going constantly.  Great to see.  Been awhile.
Nice! you get all the evening grosbeaks and we get  all the grackels. Dang birds. Must have been a 100 of them at the feeder last night.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/06/21, 10:41:12 AM
just seen a vulture too!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/06/21, 12:34:38 PM
We aren't grackle fans neither. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/06/21, 12:56:50 PM
We aren't grackle fans neither.
grackles, starlings, rex winged blackbirds. :angry2: :angry2: :fudd: :fudd:

I need to fend off any thoughts of a pellet or BB gun. :confused: if my jerk for a nei
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/06/21, 01:07:35 PM
Nope, but did see a vulture sailing overhead yesterday.
Dotch can fly????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doah: :oops1: :sorry: :laughroll: gunner dare me!!!!!!! :pouty:

 :tut: :tut: :tut: Careful, I haven't been to the post office yet today, pal... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/06/21, 01:15:05 PM
Nope, but did see a vulture sailing overhead yesterday.
Dotch can fly????????? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :doah: :oops1: :sorry: :laughroll: gunner dare me!!!!!!! :pouty:

 :tut: :tut: :tut: Careful, I haven't been to the post office yet today, pal... :rotflmao:
:shocked: :shocked: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/06/21, 05:42:49 PM
This morning we have so many Evening Grosbeaks in our feeder that I can't count them.  Of course they are coming and going constantly.  Great to see.  Been awhile.
yea them are awesome birds to have around. beauty of a bird to!!!!!!!!!!

i've had morning doves around, fun hearing them coo a bunch too. had 2 under the feeder this morning.

anyone seen any blue herons yet, or heard any loons???? with the lakes open one would thing they'd be moving in?????

I had a loon on my pond 2 weeks ago....  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/21, 02:20:21 PM
seen a pair of loons this morning!!  almost forgot to post it!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/09/21, 02:33:28 PM
Got a Blue Heron in the creek, Saw wood ducks yesterday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/21, 03:03:28 PM
Got a Blue Heron in the creek, Saw wood ducks yesterday.
no herons yet, but plenty of many kinds of ducks the last couple weeks or so...  many woodies too!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/09/21, 08:42:14 PM
 :sleazy:Just checking—what caused the woodies?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/09/21, 08:47:32 PM
:sleazy:Just checking—what caused the woodies?
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: a Linda bird. :tut: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/10/21, 09:45:14 AM
No woody, at least not today but did have this drake mallard wandering in the yard this a.m.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/21, 10:30:46 AM
Mallard stew!!!🤭 :rotflmao: you haven't trained Ruby to retrieve them yet. :sleazy: :rotflmao:

Pretty bird!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/10/21, 05:49:52 PM
Got a pair tonight....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/10/21, 06:09:15 PM
 :happy1:  they are fun to watch!!!  still have a rooster running around here but no hens.........
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/12/21, 08:44:15 AM
Is that just funny camera lighting, or is that hen really that light colored.

I don't think I've ever seen one so white.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/12/21, 10:34:16 AM
not sure what's worse the squrriels or grackels? some beeches are going thru 1 lb of black sunflower seeds daily,spent yesterday thinning them both out,dang grackels are like small crows,they bully my song birds off the feeders,last summer I watched one raid a robins nest in my small pine tree,so its open season at my place.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/14/21, 04:20:54 PM
Saw our first two pelicans about noon today.  Flying towards JB's direction. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/14/21, 05:28:00 PM
Saw our first two pelicans about noon today.  Flying towards JB's direction.
I like them about as much as the Cormorants.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/14/21, 07:18:47 PM
Saw our first two pelicans about noon today.  Flying towards JB's direction.
I like them about as much as the Cormorants.
Usually there's a lot of 'em just down from the DNR's egg collection site that they set up on Little Cutfoot. There's so many that they need to have a small trailer over there so they can stay overnight to guard the holding pens or they would be empty in the morning.  :crazy: :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/15/21, 06:46:05 AM
Saw our first two pelicans about noon today.  Flying towards JB's direction.
I like them about as much as the Cormorants.
Boy isn't that the truth.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/15/21, 09:23:51 AM
Looks like we have Harris's sparrows in the yard at the ranch. The immature birds make it more of a challenge to ID but their song is a giveaway. It's a little similar to the white-throated sparrows but more broken with more of a variety of sounds. The white-throated and white-crowned sparrows should be around soon.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/16/21, 08:21:37 AM
Have had a red bellied woodpecker visiting our feeder this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/16/21, 09:05:55 AM
seen a grey heron last night....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/16/21, 12:38:44 PM
Bought a NY Strip loin yesterday.  I cut the thick fat off and put it in a baggie in the freezer.  Thinking I will just pack our square suet feeder with it.  Don't feel like rendering it.  Have never done it before.  The birds should eat it shouldn't they?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/16/21, 12:51:23 PM
Use it in the winter, then they will eat it. In the warmer weather it will be to soft for them. I do that with deer tallow all winter long. The birds really it it up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/16/21, 12:54:15 PM
Don't see why not. Those big hunks of suet I get are just fat from around the kidneys. They might want A1 or 57 with that steak fat tho... :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/17/21, 06:48:47 AM
This one came in yesterday afternoon

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/17/21, 07:12:51 AM
good lookin bird!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/17/21, 07:22:10 AM
Pretty cool.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/18/21, 09:59:24 AM
Saw our first tree swallows yesterday forenoon.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/18/21, 10:04:01 AM
I've got my eyes peeled for them.  Had a Coopers Hawk land on the railing next to our feeder this morning.  Looking at us. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/19/21, 11:26:18 AM
Spent all day yesterday battling a territorial robin.

They day started with this robin seeing his reflection in our front window and incessantly bashing his head into it to defeat his perceived rival.

Step 1.  Open and close the interior blinds to see if that made a difference in the window reflection.
Nope.  More banging and pecking.
Step 2.  Hang a sheet over the window outside of the window.
The sheet puckered at the top and the robin flew up and sat pecking at his reflection again.
Step 3.  Duct tape around the edges to close puckers and gaps.
The robin moved over to the next window away from the tree.  It started on the ground and flapped up until it saw its reflection and started pecking again.
Step 4.  Hang and duct tape a sheet over the next window.
The robin moved around the corner and found another window.
Step 5.  Hang and duct tape a sheet over a third window.
More pecking and banging.  The sun was baking the west side of the house and the tape wasn't sticking.
Step 6.  Even MORE duct tape.
The clouds blew in with cooler temps and light rain.  It was quiet for the evening until the sun set.

Now I wonder what the neighbors are thinking with all the sheets covering our windows.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/19/21, 12:05:45 PM
 We normally have that every year. At the crack of dawn, this deranged Robin throws himself at the window over and over for hours. In between collisions with the glass, he sits on the deck rail to rest. We’ve tried bird spikes on the rail, which do not work; a fake owl or two perched on the rail, which doesn’t work; flashy Mylar ribbons in front of the window to blow in the breeze, which doesn’t work; and blow up giant eye balloons, that don’t work. I’ve heard of people smearing the windows with Dawn dish soap and covering the windows with post it notes.   Those might work, but that prevents you from seeing out the window.
He hasn’t  shown up this year so far. Maybe he moved to your place, Steve-o.
I will say he doesn’t damage anything, unlike the woodpeckers and nuthatches who really do a number on redwood siding. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on April 04/19/21, 05:40:47 PM
  Just shoot the bugger. :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/20/21, 08:11:01 AM
Almost did at 6:30 this morning.   :fudd:

Instead we replaced the sheets that were falling off the windows with Press and Seal wrap.  We found we couldn't leave even an one inch strip uncovered because it would find its reflection and peck at it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/20/21, 08:14:26 AM
Almost did at 6:30 this morning.   :fudd:

Instead we replaced the sheets that were falling off the windows with Press and Seal wrap.  We found we couldn't leave even an one inch strip uncovered because it would find its reflection and peck at it.
you ever think that robin has the hotz  :hubba: :wowza: for you???? :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/20/21, 11:50:49 AM
I heard about somebody putting saran wrap and black shoe polish on toilets in the women's dorm once... :scratch:  :evil:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/20/21, 12:00:07 PM
I heard about somebody putting saran wrap and black shoe polish on toilets in the women's dorm once... :scratch:  :evil:
Is that a confession?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/20/21, 12:24:14 PM
I heard about somebody putting saran wrap and black shoe polish on toilets in the women's dorm once... :scratch:  :evil:
Is that a confession?

sounds like one!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/20/21, 12:58:10 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/21/21, 06:15:56 PM
I forgot the update from yesterday with the kamikaze robin.

The last thing we did was to put opaque press and seal on the windows, but our hurried attempt to cover them in the morning left 1 inch strips of exposed glass, which the bird would find and bash into.

So my wife had to completely cover every the windows with film and painters tape.

But that wasn't good enough either cause the bird started beating its beak against the press and seal even though there was no clear reflection.

She solved that problem by printing out pictures of faces and owls and hawks and taping them to the window.

That appears to have thwarted the bird for now.  It has been a quiet Wednesday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/21/21, 06:33:40 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

tell her good job!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/21/21, 08:27:31 PM
More than 1 here that has a ceramic owl on the canopy of their lift in an effort to keep the gulls & ducks from using it for their outhouse.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/21/21, 09:34:45 PM
More than 1 here that has a ceramic owl on the canopy of their lift in an effort to keep the gulls & ducks from using it for their outhouse.

A few strands of mono or braid seems to do the trick for me.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/23/21, 08:13:58 AM
Yeah Del, windsocks or about anything that moves looks to be helpful too.  :scratch: Not sure why but they don't seem to like ours & that's OK with me.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/23/21, 09:18:57 AM
Purple finch on the feeder this a.m. and a fully colored adult Harris's sparrow finally. No white-throated or white-crowned sparrows yet though. Odd. Usually we're overrun by them about this time of year. Might be a quick visit if they show up at all.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/23/21, 10:22:05 AM
Yeah Del, windsocks or about anything that moves looks to be helpful too.  :scratch: Not sure why but they don't seem to like ours & that's OK with me.
Had a flag next to our lift.   As long as it wasn't hitting them, they were cool with it.   Stringing thread is only thing I have found to work for very long.   I don't think they can see it and it freaks them out when they hit it.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/21, 10:35:56 AM
A 20 X 40 ft picture of boar should work!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/23/21, 10:48:43 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Weighted strands of monofilament work well to deter the sparrows & starlings from bluebird houses & the horizontal suet feeders. Had to change that up tho when the downies started getting entangled in it. Used florists wire instead. Worked equally as well on the trash birds & didn't hurt the little 'peckers.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/26/21, 02:08:10 PM
White-throated sparrows were en masse in the backyard over lunch. Were a few chipping sparrows yesterday so it's getting closer to hummingbird & oriole time.  :happy1: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/26/21, 02:11:05 PM
was watching a king fisher this morning..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/26/21, 03:38:49 PM
Reminds me to get the hummer/oriole feeders out...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/26/21, 03:51:20 PM
The kamikaze robin is back - this time at the back windows.  Or maybe it is a different bird.

Instead of masking off all the windows - as was necessary last week - we just hung up a few pictures of faces and raptors.

He still bashes the window now and then, but this combative robin seems to be less persistent.

Funny, in 27 years in the house, we never had this problem before.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/26/21, 06:15:31 PM
Add barn swallows to the list of returnees. Tree swallows have also reappeared.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/26/21, 06:20:18 PM
I am hoping to see Tree Swallows.  The seem to like us more than Martins.  I find that Robin thing so interesting.  Almost as it has babies in your house that she is trying to find.  Keep us posted.  I am curious about it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/26/21, 07:22:00 PM
Interesting, Steve-o. This is the first year in memory that we have not had the wacko Robin attacking our living room window. Knock on wood.!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/27/21, 10:55:33 AM
I don't have any physco robins  :rotflmao: but I have several robins eating at my suet cake and going to the sunflower feeders feeding. :scratch: not sure if this odd kinda weather is making it tough to find there desired foods or not. :scratch: but I ve never seen this before??? :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/30/21, 10:40:04 AM
Just hooked up the camper and took the wheeler out to get the mail.  Here the tree swallows were going in and out of the blue bird house down the driveway.  By the time I got back they were on the wires here at the house.  That is where there houses are.  I talk to them and they look at me.  I can tell they think there is that cool guy that lives here.  LOL
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/21, 09:01:36 AM
I put a jelly feeder with oranges on the end out yesterday along with a nectar feeder. Thought with the warm up it might push the orioles and hummers this direction. Haven't seen any yet... :huh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/01/21, 09:47:53 AM
Same thoughts here, the warden put out the hummer nectar and the grape jelly. We've been wondering where the finches are.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/21, 10:20:29 AM
I was wondering about the goldfinches here too. See one occasionally but not like they were for a while & seemingly on the increase. Should fill my feeders with sunflower & safflower again. Reports of rose-breasted grosbeaks heading this way.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/01/21, 10:36:55 AM
The grosbeaks and orioles usually come a day or two apart here. The warden and I had an intellectual discussion about birds last night in Pemberton while waiting for our chow. Over a few adult beverages I might add. Usually May 4th or 5th bring the first Orioles and Grosbeaks.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/01/21, 11:58:22 AM
Update: First Oriole of the year just sighted at the grape jelly feeder! Surprised the heck out of me.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/21, 02:25:22 PM
You always have nicer birds than we have... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/01/21, 03:04:56 PM
Guess they like me.
Or it could be the pear trees in full bloom.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/01/21, 04:49:38 PM
put the oriole feeder out with sugar water.... No food color.   No action.   No birds either.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/21, 05:37:55 PM
Guess they like me.
Or it could be the pear trees in full bloom.

I see ours popped today. The wild plums too but this heat will make them short-lived. Love the smell of plum blossoms.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/21, 10:12:22 AM
More Harris's sparrows today than we've ever seen. Half a dozen cruising the backyard. & just like that, a bunch of fully colored male goldfinches to brighten the day.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/02/21, 11:29:52 AM
Saw a single goldfinch. Then the red headed woodpecker showed himself to me.
So I got that going for me.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/02/21, 11:46:57 AM
A Wood Thrush was on the ground under a feeder. Also saw the first cat bird of the year. I'm going to ask the warden to pick up a supply of grape jelly before it gets short.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/21, 12:26:36 PM
Have had a brown thrasher here for a week or so but no catbirds yet.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/02/21, 12:41:16 PM
seen a flicker the other day..  male cardinal too
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/02/21, 05:07:43 PM
Thanks for the reminder about the jelly.   got some sugar water out.  But an orange and some jelly  would be good. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/21, 09:16:47 AM
Had some pine siskins show up on the thistle seed feeders yesterday. Also heard the 1st house wren of the season in Bugtussle this a.m.

Talked to my brother down by Waterloo. He had 2 rose-breasted grosbeaks there this a.m.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/03/21, 11:43:38 AM
Had some pine siskins show up on the thistle seed feeders yesterday. Also heard the 1st house wren of the season in Bugtussle this a.m.

Talked to my brother down by Waterloo. He had 2 rose-breasted grosbeaks there this a.m.
He gets all the good birds. :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/21, 12:29:38 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

That's what I always tell him!  :bonk:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/03/21, 12:53:30 PM
Not the back yard, but the other day I saw two bald eagles dogfighting over the Minnesota River.  I presume they were two males grappling with each other's talons over territory.

The kamikaze robin action has slowed somewhat.  We just get a few head bonks around 6:30 AM.  Otherwise starting to see male and female robins paired up and hopping around the yard looking for worms.

So there just must be a few young, narcissistic, lone males who can't resist their own reflection in the window.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/21, 10:14:16 AM
Thought I heard an oriole before chores this a.m. Song was coming from the silver maple by the barn. The sheep were in an uproar awaiting their feed & after they were fed, heard or saw nothing.  :doah:

We had a robin doing the window thing briefly this spring. Mrs. Cheviot taped a chunk of newspaper on the inside of the sliding glass door. Noticed the issue was mostly on cloudy days. Ruby liked sleeping on the rug there when the sun was shining. That and when we'd hear the robin banging away we'd say "Squirrel!" which sent Ruby to the window to investigate. Must not have been as persistent as yours Steve-O.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/21, 01:18:00 PM
Just saw an orchard oriole at the jelly feeder
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/05/21, 01:49:10 PM
I sent one of my extra ones down there.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/21, 02:01:05 PM
Bird hog!  :tongue:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/21, 06:30:03 PM
Finally saw a white-crowned sparrow so that completes the trifecta of white-throated, white-crowned & Harris's sparrows. They've been coming through our yard every spring for the past 20 years or so. No Baltimore orioles or hummers yet. No hummingbirds either... :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/05/21, 06:34:42 PM
You usually get all the hummers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/05/21, 06:53:07 PM
I see one pair of geese hatched some little ones...  seen then just down at the neighbors place... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/05/21, 08:17:20 PM
Had an oriole feeder out, with clear sugar water....  Not seeing any thing.   then today there was something flew across the back yard that was sort of orange, in the like 2 seconds it took.   

So I went out and put half an orange by the feeder, fancy cara cara from Costco.   Ate the other half.   

No visitors so far.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/06/21, 10:16:53 AM
Del, maybe that orange streak you seen was just some of that good Mary Jane you where token on. :rotflmao: :happy1:

Put out the oriole and hummingbird feeders this morning.  Grape jelly too!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/06/21, 11:06:30 AM
My Mom lives in Princeton and just seen their first oriole this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/06/21, 02:02:34 PM
Del, maybe that orange streak you seen was just some of that good Mary Jane you where token on. :rotflmao: :happy1:

Put out the oriole and hummingbird feeders this morning.  Grape jelly too!!!

Could have been...   Had a couple little brown jobs on the oriole feeder this morning.    Almost looked like wrens.   Then one went in the birdhouse granddaughter made me for christmas so hope they stick around.    Gonna rig up some sort of feeder thing for grape jelly today.     Used to put it in a dish on the deck rail but I think it was too close to the house.    So I'll come up with some redneck substitute. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/06/21, 02:03:24 PM
Seen my barn swallows, tree swallows, whatever there called today whilst I was mowing the lawn. Took the locks off the door and didn't take long for them to check them out. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/07/21, 03:11:24 PM
Got a hummer! Bird
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/07/21, 03:12:35 PM
Both?  :scratch:

How long is this orchard oriole on loan for? At least he likes to beat on the house sparrows while he's here!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/07/21, 03:39:47 PM
You can have the oriole for the season. Now I need some indigo buntings.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/21, 03:41:07 PM
Our tree swallows were here for one day and then left.   :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/07/21, 06:33:27 PM
seen some martens today..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/08/21, 08:09:17 AM
Our tree swallows were here for one day and then left.   :confused:
mine are showing up sporadiclly too!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/21, 08:13:11 AM
Just saw a rose-breasted grosbeak here...& just like that a Baltimore oriole :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/08/21, 08:15:28 AM
Just saw a rose-breasted grosbeak here...& just like that a Baltimore oriole :happy1:
Roony is right........you get all the good birds!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/08/21, 09:18:36 AM
Yesterday had some sort of woodpecker down in the grass pecking at the ground.   Black and white, like a Hairy but looked a little bigger, could have just been me though.  Not big enough for a pileated. 

I've seen flickers do that but never one of the black and white jobs.   Must have been some ants or something out there.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/08/21, 11:01:20 AM
Put up a new double Shepard pole with a finch feeder and a hummingbird feeder for the warden's Mother's Day present. Took all of 10 minutes to have customers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/21, 03:02:07 PM
Sweet! I got Mrs. Cheviot a potted red salvia with a few blooms opening & lots of buds on it. Hummingbirds should appreciate it if & when they show up. Too damn cold & windy to put it out today. The furnace just ran a few minutes ago!  :doah:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/08/21, 03:07:06 PM
nice flower for her Dotch, furnace died??  not good any time of the year!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/21, 03:24:22 PM
No, furnace is fine. The fact that it's been running today kinda bites tho. I see the floor heat has kicked in too. At least my tootsies will be warm.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/08/21, 03:27:22 PM
got ya, mine still runs some too..  but I have it turned way down... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/08/21, 03:50:12 PM
The warden started the pellet stove this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/08/21, 04:38:30 PM
Put out a hummer feeder to go with the oriole stuff....  pretty lonesome,  :pouty: :pouty: :thumbs:
No customers...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/08/21, 05:03:49 PM
Just spotted my first hummingbird at the feeder. No orioles yet! :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/09/21, 11:56:32 AM
The tree swallows are back.  They were here last week but disappeared.  Glad they are back. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/09/21, 12:46:03 PM
I sent you a few spares.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/10/21, 07:50:14 AM
 :rotflmao: :happy1:  Thank you sir.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/10/21, 05:39:25 PM
Finally seen the first oriole. :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/11/21, 07:36:28 AM
This morning we have our first Hummingbird.  Lots of white crowned sparrows too.  They know this is going to be the first of the nice weather.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/21, 07:38:42 AM
i've heard a report of bluebird siteings..........none here yet........anyone else???????/
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/11/21, 08:42:48 AM
No bluebirds yet....

I did get some pictures of a Cardinal.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/11/21, 09:20:41 AM
I sure miss the cardinals.  :pouty: We used to have lots of them when we lived in Becker.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/11/21, 10:56:22 AM
Same here JB.  We did have a male and female land at out feeder about 5 years ago.  Only one time though. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/21, 06:45:14 PM
Just saw our 1st hummingbird of the season working over a crabapple tree.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/21, 07:00:34 PM
Just saw our 1st hummingbird of the season working over a crabapple tree.  :cool:
you steal it from roony???🤭
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: birdswacker on May 05/11/21, 07:29:10 PM
I saw the first Oriole today
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/21, 07:31:16 PM
Just saw our 1st hummingbird of the season working over a crabapple tree.  :cool:
you steal it from roony???🤭

I think he took his orchard oriole back & subbed a hummingbird... :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/21, 07:37:44 PM
Just saw our 1st hummingbird of the season working over a crabapple tree.  :cool:
you steal it from roony???🤭

I think he took his orchard oriole back & subbed a hummingbird... :scratch:
Yea gotta keep an eye on roony, he's a sneaky devil. :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/11/21, 07:46:23 PM
Just saw our 1st hummingbird of the season working over a crabapple tree.  :cool:
you steal it from roony???🤭

I think he took his orchard oriole back & subbed a hummingbird... :scratch:
Sent one of the factory seconds over there.
 If I get that big ass coon in the live trap I'll run that over there before visiting mom tomorrow. Iff'n I have ta kill it I'll stuff it in a large flat rate box and mail it up to Smurfy. :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/21, 08:14:13 PM
Just saw our 1st hummingbird of the season working over a crabapple tree.  :cool:
you steal it from roony???🤭

I think he took his orchard oriole back & subbed a hummingbird... :scratch:
Sent one of the factory seconds over there.
 If I get that big ass coon in the live trap I'll run that over there before visiting mom tomorrow. Iff'n I have ta kill it I'll stuff it in a large flat rate box and mail it up to Smurfy. :sleazy:
:tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/11/21, 08:20:11 PM
I'll gut it so it don't spoil. Been pretty cool out. You could can that coon meat.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/12/21, 07:09:59 AM
Trapper Roony got the coony! The warden woke me up from a deep slumber at 3am to let me know I captured it. It's now at its final destination.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/12/21, 07:34:55 AM
Trapper Roony got the coony! The warden woke me up from a deep slumber at 3am to let me know I captured it. It's now at its final destination.

it's at Glenn's already??   sweet!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/12/21, 07:40:23 AM
Trapper Roony got the coony! The warden woke me up from a deep slumber at 3am to let me know I captured it. It's now at its final destination.

it's at Glenn's already??   sweet!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  Hence the enchilada he gave his Mom.  I'll bet he didn't tell her what was in it. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/12/21, 07:44:18 AM
glenn suddenly noticing his mom's habit of washing her food...

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/12/21, 08:54:30 AM
 :tut: :confused: :confused: :pouty: :pouty: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 :taz:

putzes!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/12/21, 08:45:52 PM
Hummingbird found the feeder tonite. Can hear a cat bird in the windbreaker but hasn't located the jelly yet.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/21, 09:04:20 AM
House wrens arrived at the ranch this a.m. Had heard some in town a week or so ago. Need to get some spare wren houses in place. Winter was not kind to some of the older models. Otherwise they nest in my not so frequently used gas grill like last year... :scratch:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/21, 09:58:50 AM
yup save the grill Dotch!!!  I seen yesterday my robin that has a nest on the side of my garage in the vines is back!!  man she makes noise when I get to close!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

seen the pair of geese that had two little ones were down to one...  looking today I'm not sure they have that one yet???  my guess is a northern, bass or a snapping turtle maybe got them...  have to keep watch.... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/21, 10:26:44 AM
Maybe Roony dropped off the racoon at your house. :doah: :rotflmao: he's a pretty sly feller???🤭🤭 :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/21, 11:28:12 AM
naw, he likes you better!!!   the oriole's are finally here too!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/21, 11:31:50 AM
naw, he likes you better!!!   the oriole's are finally here too!!   :happy1:
:tut:  :tut: :rotflmao: nobody likes me. :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/21, 11:46:00 AM
aw your mother does!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/21, 11:47:30 AM
aw your mother does!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: yea, that kinda depends. :pouty: :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/21, 07:15:03 AM
Just had a male Oriole land on our hummer feeder.  Beautiful bird.  We all love you Glenn. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/14/21, 07:26:26 AM
Just seen an Oriole on the hummer feeder this morning at our house too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/14/21, 08:13:22 AM
The neighbor said he had a hummer at his feeder yday mornin :happy1: :cool: so I'll be watchin ours pretty close the next few days.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/21, 10:43:24 AM
Holy crap, there just be 20 yellow finches on the feeders out back  :happy1:  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/21, 01:06:41 PM
Got done mowing and went out to start the frig in the camper.  I sat in a chair for a rest and to smell the flowers so to speak.  The dogs are wrastling for a stick.  Here this minature oriole bird is "flitting about".  (Rebs would have like that term)  I had to look it up and it is an American Redstart. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/14/21, 04:54:08 PM
The Orioles are extra busy today. The warden is gonna have to get more grape jelly.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/14/21, 05:04:34 PM
Finally had a couple hummers show up here in Cawchester... No orioles yet.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/21, 06:48:21 PM
The Orioles are extra busy today. The warden is gonna have to get more grape jelly.

Tossed their first empty this a.m. Luckily I bought 2 a few weeks back. Once the catbird finds it it'll mean another trip sooner than later.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/21, 07:12:40 PM
Had _ male orioles at the feeders a bit ago. :happy1: of course they all thought they were Dotch strutting there stuff like he was still in college.  :evil: :rotflmao: :moon:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/15/21, 02:10:24 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I was more apt to be slithering along in the gutter. Remember, I had a '74 burnt orange Gremlin with big black hockey stick decals on the sides. I mean, how cool was that?  :shocked: I still recall my then girlfriend getting off work & coming over to one of our major league after finals parties. I was already passed out on the floor under a pile of dirty clothes in the bedroom & no one could find me. My roommate opened the door, turned on the light & I remember him telling her, "Well he's gotta be in here somewhere. He just just sorta blends in!" She was not amused.  :rotflmao:

Just saw an immature male orchard oriole at the jelly feeder. He had his back to me at 1st so it was a little tough to tell what he was until he turned around and revealed the dark black bib.  :happy1:

Finished mowing El Capitan w/o falling to my death & started relaxing with an adult beverage. Heard my 1st common yellowthroat of the season.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/16/21, 09:27:05 AM
just seen a green heron!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/16/21, 10:09:02 AM
Slither is a good word.  Like Rebs used to slither home from the NL.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/21, 04:15:12 PM
Judging by the song coming from numerous locations around the yard, we have several wrens that are new arrivals. Cleaned out some of their usual birdhouses in anticipation this a.m. Also spied the catbird finally. It was doing its damndest not to be seen, flitting between clumps of leaves in the nannyberry bushes. Jelly consumption has really taken off. Go figure... :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/21, 04:03:14 PM
I haven't seen or heard wrens or bluebirds yet. :confused:

Roony must have them all. :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/17/21, 09:16:52 PM
I like wrens about as much as starlings and sparrows
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/18/21, 06:56:17 AM
Seen 2 hummers chasing each other this morning. 1st sighting for us.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/21, 07:24:08 AM
seen some over the weekend!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/21, 07:39:35 AM
I like wrens about as much as starlings and sparrows
:shocked: :shocked: them wrens are bug eating machines.....what's not to like Roony..........other then they like to make a lotta noise really early in the day!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/18/21, 08:08:15 AM
Seen 2 hummers chasing each other this morning. 1st sighting for us.
None here yet, that I've seen. :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/21, 10:41:55 AM
I like wrens about as much as starlings and sparrows
:shocked: :shocked: them wrens are bug eating machines.....what's not to like Roony..........other then they like to make a lotta noise really early in the day!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:

I was thinking of that during chores this a.m. While they can be annoying the morning after a bomb session with the gin bottle, wrens are only here for about 5 months, & only noisy for a few of those. Sparrows & starlings are annoying year round, monopolizing bird feeders, making unwanted nests all over, pecking female bluebirds to death in nesting boxes, crapping on equipment in the barn, all this while merrily spreading various disease organisms as they go. If I could get Mr. Peabody to take me back in time with the Wayback machine, I'd find the clowns who introduced those trash birds and ask them, "WTF were you thinking?" :confused: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/18/21, 12:02:45 PM
Of course I am exaggerating my distaste for house wrens but....
They have the bird version of little man syndrome. All birds are territorial but they take it to a new level attacking the eggs of more preferable species. They are mean and nasty little flockers. I could do without them.
Had a huge coon in the live trap when I got home from work at 4ish this morning. It will go to one of you wren lovers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/21, 02:10:41 PM
I agree roony, wrens can be real aggressive. I haven't noticed a problem with them messing with other birds nests here. Have read about their pecking their eggs in birdhouses however. That's why I try to keep the wrens supplied with plenty of houses with an inch diameter hole in the brushy areas. Sparrows, bluebirds and tree swallows won't use them. It keeps the competition down for the houses out in the open meant for tree swallows & bluebirds. I have had my belly full of male house sparrows pecking bluebirds & tree swallows to death.

Something I read once about wrens was that if you put wren houses on or in the vicinity of the barn, their territorial nature will help keep the sparrows out. The present group of cats I have appears to be doing a pretty good job of that. Altho I wouldn't miss them tho if the wren trick worked & something would happen to them... :whistling:     
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/18/21, 03:43:10 PM
Not a top notch photo but here's my redhead. As you might notice, I have a "bee friendly" lawn......and I like it
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/21, 04:09:58 PM
That is great!  I would love to see one of them.  Nice looking bird.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/18/21, 05:41:46 PM
The warden just sighted a scarlet tanager. It is rare for us to see one.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/21, 06:44:07 PM
You get all the good birds... :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/21, 06:48:55 PM
You get all the good birds... :pouty:
:rotflmao: Yea I'd say. :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/18/21, 08:04:09 PM
In the last few days, wood ducks perched in the trees, a turkey today, a bluebird today. First hummingbirds after we put up window boxes with red geraniums.
A couple of non-birds—a turtle the size of a dime and a big healthy coyote.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/18/21, 08:12:03 PM
Out on the drive lookin at the lake, havin a little HH & what stops by but our 1st hummer.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/21, 08:31:41 PM
Out on the drive lookin at the lake, havin a little HH & what stops by but our 1st hummer.  :cool:
:happy1: good thing it was just a little HH, or you mighta seen 6.🤪😂😂😂 :smoking: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/18/21, 08:43:40 PM
 :scratch: Little? :tequila; :tequila; :tequila;                             :confused:                                ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/19/21, 07:05:44 AM
Not a top notch photo but here's my redhead. As you might notice, I have a "bee friendly" lawn......and I like it
We used to have a pair of them for 5-6 years. They would bring their babies to the feeder. Haven't seen them now for 2-3 years. Not sure what happened to them. Man did they like the oranges. They would rap on the top of the bird feeder in the morning to let me know they needed their orange. Miss seeing them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/21, 07:10:13 AM
ok, i give up.......what kind of bird is it???????//
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/19/21, 07:12:14 AM
It is a red headed wood pecker. I thought Roony said that in his post.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/21, 07:24:09 AM
It is a red headed wood pecker. I thought Roony said that in his post.  :scratch:
:scratch: he said redhead.....i thought, well........awe never mind.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea cool picture!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/19/21, 07:40:20 AM
Ok. I see, you must have just been looking at the go fishing thread again.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/21, 07:44:31 AM
Ok. I see, you must have just been looking at the go fishing thread again.  :rotflmao:
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :evil:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on May 05/19/21, 09:33:51 AM
Any of you bird guru's have a fix for a little devil woodpecker of some sort tearing up my cedar post on my pole barn over hang,small white chested black checkered back and a small red patch behind the head ,larger than a nutt hatch between him and a red squrriel they're making a mess outof the exposed cedar 4x4 post,tried using boiled linseed oil,but me thinks it made things worse,kinda like gravy on meat.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/21, 09:38:09 AM
Bullet?? :scratch: :rotflmao: iffin ya can hit it.  :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/21, 09:50:30 AM
Sounds like you've got a downy that's convinced there's insect activity he (red patch=male) needs to check out. They've been dicking around with the white cedar railing on our porch too. Not sure what might work to deter them tho. Some say shiny objects, remove dead limbs, etc. that might attract them while others say attract them elsewhere which in my case is pretty tough to do. I may have to fill the suet feeder again if they don't knock it off. They were after it until I let the feeder run empty then went after my railings more. I usually stop feeding suet when the temps warm up.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on May 05/19/21, 11:46:59 AM
yeah the little booger is also enlarging the screw holes on my deck.also cedar as the screws are sub surface,he must think each hole is bugs,also noticed my norway pines are infected with tiny worm holes,some area of tree bark looks like a cribbage board,I've read to water the tree's so they can produce more sapp to protect themselves,haven't seen the critters making the holes yet so not sure if its worm or insects,after living in colorado for years and the damage pine beetle do up in the mountains  I was concerned.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/21, 05:04:37 PM
Snow, I think you really do know what the only solution to both of those problems, don't you?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:  So do we just don't tell anyone.  It is illegal to shoot woodpeckers.  :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/19/21, 05:38:06 PM
Just put a picture of boar up  :pouty: that'll scare anything away. :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on May 05/20/21, 07:01:17 AM
LPS, :happy1: thought has crossed my mind,after last summer wilst on furlough  for 3 months I cleaned out the neighborhood gray and red squrriel colony,.22 quiet load ammo is on short supply these days so I gooberd up the cedar 4x4's where all the activity is taking place with boiled linseed oil to slow these critter's down then sprayed the bird feeder pole down with wd40 as another crop of surriels moved in,so any of you guyz that stumble across some .22 long rifle in partion quiet loads let me know,also on the lookout for winchester AA  12ga super sport in 1oz #8 shot.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/20/21, 07:03:17 PM
177 pellets available
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/21, 08:48:55 PM
My brother who is one heck of a hunter got a pellet gun recently.  Cost $800 I think.  I haven't seen it yet.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on May 05/21/21, 06:42:28 AM
177 pellets available

True Del,however .22 quiet loads makes less noise than my  .177 pellet gun made  before I gave it away,besides I get woodchucks every so often and the pellet gun just made them limp,some kill shots are 50yds and beyond so,need the Hp to roll em over
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/21/21, 06:51:46 AM
was watching a king fisher this morning...  seen some kill deere yesterday too
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/21/21, 07:39:28 AM
Seen our first grosbeak in da feeder last night.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/21, 07:48:25 AM
Seen our first grosbeak in da feeder last night.
man. i'm jealous!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/21, 09:41:11 AM
has anyone else seen any wrens, or bluebirds???  :scratch: i have not???? my tree/barn swallows appeared to have also bailed out!!!! :doah:

thinking i might just yank my mealworm feeder iffin i dont see a bluebird soon!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on May 05/21/21, 09:57:20 AM
house wrens at my place recently,couple black birds staking claim in the creek bullrushes,grackles pissing off the robins for territory,seen my first oriole two days ago and one blue bird,pulled my meal worms as the robins found them and made pigs of themselves,hummingbird feeder's going out this weekend,might pickup some store bought nector flowers to help attract the hummers as well.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/21/21, 10:02:45 AM
Lotsa wrens. Altho they like roony's place better... :rotflmao: No bluebirds yet tho. Have had difficulty attracting them consistently at the ranch. Haven't been to the kindly neighbor's pasture recently. Usually have at least one there. Tree swallows use one house every year by the wetland but they haven't occupied a couple others closer to the building like normal do so maybe the bluebirds will. Finnners crossed... :huh: Hummingbirds have found the planters and the nectar feeder. May put another one out.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/21/21, 10:06:53 AM
Had some bluebirds and tree swallows but the wrens kilt all of em.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/21/21, 10:31:42 AM
 :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/21/21, 04:16:40 PM
Saw first bluebird last night on the power line by the house.  Had some immature Grosbeaks at the feeder at noon.  Didn't have much color to them.  I'm thinking Rose Breasted male and female kids.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/21/21, 04:57:17 PM
Saw first bluebird last night on the power line by the house.  Had some immature Grosbeaks at the feeder at noon.  Didn't have much color to them.  I'm thinking Rose Breasted male and female kids.
Hope the wrens don't come and ruin it all for ya!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/21, 05:00:07 PM
Saw first bluebird last night on the power line by the house.  Had some immature Grosbeaks at the feeder at noon.  Didn't have much color to them.  I'm thinking Rose Breasted male and female kids.
Hope the wrens don't come and ruin it all for ya!
roony, maybe you need politically correct wrens??🤔 :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/21/21, 06:08:01 PM
Wren Lives Don't Matter!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/21, 06:20:46 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/22/21, 08:14:16 AM
Daughter has barn swallows, or similar trying to nest under her deck.  She doesn't want them because the are territorial so goes out and hoses the nest doen every morning but they don't seem to get the message.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/22/21, 09:41:14 AM
My Grandma had a carport that was where you went to go inside.  There was always barn swallows in there zooming around us.  Scared us as kids.  She liked them to keep the bugs down. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/22/21, 10:41:36 AM
My Grandma had a carport that was where you went to go inside.  There was always barn swallows in there zooming around us.  Scared us as kids.  She liked them to keep the bugs down.
that's why I like them around. Bug control. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on May 05/24/21, 12:09:50 PM
Hey dotch,my little downy took the hint to leave my cedar 4x4 post alone after a snoot full of boiled linseed oil,that and he was seen chasing the misses around all weekend on my old silver maple tree,horny little some beech.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/24/21, 01:50:08 PM
The male gave up drilling on the railing here & is focusing on his Mrs. instead. They're both using the oriole nectar feeder. Hadn't seen them doing that before.  :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/24/21, 02:03:34 PM
the female oriole's here sure enjoyed the apple tree blossoms!!!  every year I see them working them over!!!  must smell and taste good I guess... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/29/21, 09:49:06 AM
All kinds'a birds yesterday...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/29/21, 11:50:04 AM
Looks like Wild Kingdom there HD!  :happy1:

Got a little of that going on here today. I'd like to get some guineas but the road by here is like a race track. They wouldn't last long. Afraid this guy is about as close as we'll get. At least I think it's a guy... :scratch:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/29/21, 09:08:44 PM
We've never had tried to attract orioles but with a few pairs flying around the cabin we thought we'd give it a whirl.  The kid picked up a jelly/orange feeder deal so hoping they'll find it . He also brought up a bat house, which we put up on the side of the shed. I got no problem housing bats for skeeters.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/03/21, 08:03:30 PM
We have that Bluebird on what used to be the Tree Swallow house.  They took over the never used Martin house.  All worked out great.  The Bluebird house is about 40' from where we sit on the deck.  I took a peek inside and this is what I found. 

(https://tinypix.top/images/2021/06/04/iZKnr.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/iZKnr)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/06/21, 02:21:12 PM
We seem to have a lot of grosbeaks this year. And the neighbor lady got a picture of the last one....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/06/21, 06:04:17 PM
Had Orioles a couple of weeks ago at the lake bouncing around, now after a feeder goes out and Nuttin.  What gives??
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/06/21, 06:08:14 PM
We have a robins nest up on the floodlights on the east side peak of the garage. Pretty sure she has little 1's in there as she's out in the yard gathering food early everyday & usually leaves the nest whenever we walk by there. :happy1: :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/06/21, 06:49:07 PM
Had Orioles a couple of weeks ago at the lake bouncing around, now after a feeder goes out and Nuttin.  What gives??
probably found another good source, other feeder or they are nesting. Iffin ya filled it they could be Back. I got hummingbird feeding out of my oriole feeder.

Our hummingbird feeders go empty at the cabin, it don't take them long to figure out there refurbished again. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/06/21, 06:58:28 PM
Had Orioles a couple of weeks ago at the lake bouncing around, now after a feeder goes out and Nuttin.  What gives??

Their jelly consumption has slowed substantially in the past week here. They never run out & have a nectar feeder to boot. I suspect it's nesting time & they're preoccupied with that. I put some pieces of string ~6" long out the other day and it disappeared quickly.  :scratch: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/06/21, 07:06:15 PM
Had Orioles a couple of weeks ago at the lake bouncing around, now after a feeder goes out and Nuttin.  What gives??
they will come back...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/06/21, 07:17:44 PM
We seem to have a lot of grosbeaks this year. And the neighbor lady got a picture of the last one....

What kind of bird is that yellow one HD?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/06/21, 08:34:42 PM
We seem to have a lot of grosbeaks this year. And the neighbor lady got a picture of the last one....

What kind of bird is that yellow one HD?
:scratch: I was wondering the same thing. The beak on it doesn't resemble the grosebeak family?? :scratch:.

Wonder if Roony had them? :sleazy: :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on June 06/06/21, 09:09:24 PM
My orioles must be nesting, haven't seen them. Glenn, shakeup! Hope the wrens get ya.⁰
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/06/21, 09:20:38 PM
 :nerd: :nerd: well Dotch told me!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/07/21, 05:32:29 AM
We seem to have a lot of grosbeaks this year. And the neighbor lady got a picture of the last one....

What kind of bird is that yellow one HD?

Someone on Fartbook said it was a hooded warbler.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/07/21, 07:00:42 AM
don't think I have ever seen one of those...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/07/21, 07:22:19 AM
Cool looking bird. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/07/21, 08:24:15 AM
We seem to have a lot of grosbeaks this year. And the neighbor lady got a picture of the last one....

What kind of bird is that yellow one HD?

Someone on Fartbook said it was a hooded warbler.
well google says there correct!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: yea dang cool looking bird...i aint never seen one!!!!!! :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/07/21, 11:55:43 AM
We seem to have a lot of grosbeaks this year. And the neighbor lady got a picture of the last one....

What kind of bird is that yellow one HD?

Someone on Fartbook said it was a hooded warbler.
well google says there correct!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: yea dang cool looking bird...i aint never seen one!!!!!! :pouty:

Well here's why...

The National Audubon Society shows their range to the south and east of us.  Is this more proof of global warming that they are moving our way?   :confused:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on June 06/08/21, 10:12:54 PM
Not exactly a bird, but the hot weather has brought out the first tree frog of the year tonight. They climb the dusk til dawn light usually not until August and have a buffet of bugs attracted to the light.
On the bird side, I have seen kingbirds perching in the backyard.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on June 06/08/21, 10:19:11 PM
Oh, yeah—
I get all the good tree frogs.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/08/21, 10:32:13 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/14/21, 03:24:47 PM
Yesterday doing an all around inspection of things after being gone 6 days I noticed a wasp of some sort buzzing around my oriole feeders so I out out a wasp trap today.

I just opened up a new jar of grape jelly Vince that's gone I'll take the oriole feeders down. Them wasps jeep the orioles away  :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on June 06/14/21, 03:41:36 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/21/21, 05:29:04 PM
Anyone else notice this. I have never seen robins feed off sunflower feeders like this year. It's a daily occurance here for at least the last month.

Not that I mind, just never seen this before.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/21/21, 05:52:07 PM
Anyone else notice this. I have never seen robins feed off sunflower feeders like this year. It's a daily occurance here for at least the last month.

Not that I mind, just never seen this before.

Nope, no robins in the feeders...bird bath, yes...feeder, no..

I've noticed more grackles, black birds and cat birds more than normal this year though....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/21/21, 08:09:40 PM
The black birds, starlings left, haven't seen them lately. Had a pair of cow birds but haven't seen in a while.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on June 06/22/21, 10:23:13 AM
lots of various finches lately and maybe the 1st hummingbird? tiny fella in one feeder about the size of a golf ball,no color just grayish,young of the year maybe?...two hummer feeders out,colored glass one is orange and the other grape colored,seems the orange feeder gets the most action although I only seen the one little feller in it but refilled it 3 times so far so must be more hummers around when I'm not looking.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/22/21, 11:03:16 AM
The black birds, starlings left, haven't seen them lately. Had a pair of cow birds but haven't seen in a while.

You get all the good birds.. :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/22/21, 11:16:52 AM
The black birds, starlings left, haven't seen them lately. Had a pair of cow birds but haven't seen in a while.

You get all the good birds.. :pouty:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: I thought you and roony where fighting over all the good birds  :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on June 06/24/21, 08:16:46 AM
Recent shore birds have shown up,as a kid we called them "shy pokes" however today they are called "green herons" they are attracted to the creek in my back yard but land in my back yard tree's  layering everything underneath in a white mess,guessing they are nesting along the creek but hunt in our yards,seen one fly away with a garder snake the other day,major find.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/24/21, 08:24:46 AM
Recent shore birds have shown up,as a kid we called them "shy pokes" however today they are called "green herons" they are attracted to the creek in my back yard but land in my back yard tree's  layering everything underneath in a white mess,guessing they are nesting along the creek but hunt in our yards,seen one fly away with a garder snake the other day,major find.
there used to be a huge blue heron colony along the sauk river between cold spring and rockville you could see from hwy 23...then all of a sudden they all left!!!! :confused: :scratch: :scratch: was a pretty big deal for a while when they left. they even had a look out  on the hill on the south side of 23.

backyard birds......seeing cardinals at the bird bath, still have orioles around, and a cowbird occasionally on the grape jelly feeder. and of course the usual birds, english sparrows, robins and hummers. seems there feeding in the evenings more though now!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/24/21, 10:52:18 AM
Here: Cardinals, chickadees, goldfinches, nuthatches, downies, all sorts of orioles especially young ones, catbirds, blue jays, grackles, robins, a few hummingbirds, & oh yeah, the wild turkey. Dumb@$$ wanders around the yard like he owns the place. Really not afraid of us either. Ambles off into the brush when we come outside. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/24/21, 10:55:55 AM
Here: Cardinals, chickadees, goldfinches, nuthatches, downies, all sorts of orioles especially young ones, catbirds, blue jays, grackles, robins, a few hummingbirds, & oh yeah, the wild turkey. Dumb@$$ wanders around the yard like he owns the place. Really not afraid of us either. Ambles off into the brush when we come outside.
whack that turkey fer thanksgiving............or wont da MIsses let you...... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/24/21, 11:10:33 AM
He starts messin' with her planters and them's fighting words...she'll take him out! :whistling:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/24/21, 11:25:39 AM
He starts messin' with her planters and them's fighting words...she'll take him out! :whistling:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/25/21, 06:13:20 PM
 Got a hen and a bearded hen come in with 13 chicks tonight....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/26/21, 03:03:42 PM
Went out earlier to put fresh juice in the hummingbirds and oriole feeders and noticed more ants then I cared for so i picked up this stuff. Hope it works as well as it says it's supposed to. There are 8 of those things in the box for 5 bucks. Put them on the bottom of the Shepard's hooks
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/26/21, 08:22:43 PM
Good idea.  That might work great.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/27/21, 09:09:32 AM
when i went out back this morning to check the rain gauge i took a peek at the hummingbird feeder!!!!! :happy1: so far so good.......not ants!!!!! think i'll bring a few to the cabin for those feeders!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on June 06/28/21, 08:33:16 AM
Interesting find glenn....few years back I had issues with black ant's engourging themselves in our hummingbird feeders,little rascals sniffed out the feeders worse than late summer bee's....went to home depot for ant ammo,bought a can of "ant raid",at check out little old lady cashier quizzed me about my ant issue,she told me to use peppermint oil 50/50 with water in a spray bottle,still using the same batch today  works great.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/30/21, 04:45:39 PM
Went out fishing...and got some video of a loon...

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/30/21, 06:07:26 PM
 Sure wish I took a vid of momma loon feeding her little ones a sunnie a couple weeks ago, cool stuff.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/30/21, 06:15:02 PM
years ago the wife and I had a VHS tape of some loons like that..  they sure a neat bird!!!!   never get tired of the sounds they make!!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/01/21, 07:29:28 AM
Yeah, I really like loons.    They are scary looking when you are swimming and they are close by.   Those big pointy beaks.... 

We have a pair with two chicks out in our little bay here.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/01/21, 08:04:58 AM
Usually see at least a couple everytime I go out  :fishing:. DNR told us a while back that most years we have 8 nesting pairs on the lake & that they're a sign a good quality water. :happy1: Sometimes, generally in the Fall, I'll see as many as 6-8  together. Very  :cool: bird!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: GrandpaTom on July 07/01/21, 09:47:03 AM
I found this bird feeder. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/21, 09:57:27 AM
Dual purpose. I like it!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/01/21, 10:00:17 AM
that is great!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/01/21, 11:02:22 AM
This morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/06/21, 08:45:08 PM
Look closely.  https://youtu.be/2T68vR07Q4w
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/07/21, 06:50:56 AM
not even time to say ouch!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/07/21, 06:55:50 AM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on July 07/09/21, 08:19:45 AM
Not birds but monachs started to show this week,I planted a bunch of milk weed years ago they are drawn to every summer,come fall I'll have swams of monachs as they migrate,got a tree along the creek that has small black berries every sept they are attracted to,kinda early for these butterflies to show up but I like it.

young of the year robins are growing up fast,watched one youngen chasing a little finch around on the ground in tall grass snarfin up bugs,little robin seemed to want his share,the finch didn't oblige tho,those little robins sure run fast....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/12/21, 10:31:26 AM
the last few days the blue jays are really having a blast in the bird bath!!  they are sticking their heads in the water, turning around and flick their tails in it and then they turn around again and jump in!!  fun to watch for sure..  still getting all the other birds yet too!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/17/21, 10:33:11 AM
Cleaned all our feeders out the other nite. This morning we had a male rose-breasted grosbeak back at the feeders. Doubt he'll stick around but ya never know. Looks like one pair of loyal goldfinches, nuthatches, chickadees, blue jays, an occasional house finch & of course the icky house sparrows. Still plenty of orioles and the barn swallows must've had a good hatch. Good deal as we need all the help we can get against the flies and mosquitoes.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/18/21, 08:05:38 AM
Jerry Carlson had a nice article in the sunday paper today about the red headed woodpecker. says there population has decreased 70% due to the lack of old oak and cottonwood trees. loss of habitat in other words. i do see one occasional, but not often!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/18/21, 08:44:06 AM
We used to have a pair of red-headed woodpeckers for 6-7 years then all the sudden they were gone. They loved the oranges I put out for the orioles. They would eventually bring their babies to the feeder too. Have not seen then in about 3 years now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/18/21, 08:54:58 AM
Seen some here yet, thought  :scratch: I seen a pileated 1 earlier this Spring.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/18/21, 08:58:54 AM
Seen some here yet, thought  :scratch: I seen a pileated 1 earlier this Spring.
yea i've seen both up at the cabin recently. even see an occasional pileated around home.  but there's a whole lot more trees up there for them to find a home too!!!!! that helps!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/19/21, 07:29:19 AM
seen a female red breasted grosbeak this morning on the feeder, no sign of the male though!!!!!!! :confused: :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/22/21, 07:54:14 AM

now what??? 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/22/21, 07:57:58 AM
i'm keeping mine up......based on that article.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/22/21, 08:04:51 AM
same here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/22/21, 09:45:02 AM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/22/21, 10:01:23 AM
Same here. Activity at the feeders has slowed aside from the stupid house sparrows and I'd just as soon more of them found a way to croak.  :angry:

Back on the red-headed woodpeckers, haven't seen one in the yard for a number of years. I am seeing more in other places where there are more dead and dying trees. The bur oak blight may help their cause the way that's going. Something that I find interesting is the increase in the red-bellied woodpeckers. I never remember seeing very many of them as a kid. We see them routinely now.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/22/21, 04:14:08 PM
My feeders are getting hammered...I can't keep the suit or the black sunflower full. I also put those bigger feed blocks out, in 2 days.... their gone.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/23/21, 10:58:56 AM
My feeders are getting hammered...I can't keep the suit or the black sunflower full. I also put those bigger feed blocks out, in 2 days.... their gone.
what type of birds ya all got out there HD
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/23/21, 12:06:56 PM
3 different types of woodpeckers, grosbeaks,  finches, bluejays, chickadees, grackles, redwing blackbirds, redpolls.....and of course the turkeys.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/23/21, 12:15:18 PM
don't forget that Chinese bird!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/23/21, 12:26:18 PM
3 different types of woodpeckers, grosbeaks,  finches, bluejays, chickadees, grackles, redwing blackbirds, redpolls.....and of course the turkeys.
I'd start target practice on red wing black birds and grackles.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/23/21, 12:48:49 PM
3 different types of woodpeckers, grosbeaks,  finches, bluejays, chickadees, grackles, redwing blackbirds, redpolls.....and of course the turkeys.
I'd start target practice on red wing black birds and grackles.

but Glenn they are god's creatures too!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/23/21, 01:41:18 PM
3 different types of woodpeckers, grosbeaks,  finches, bluejays, chickadees, grackles, redwing blackbirds, redpolls.....and of course the turkeys.
I'd start target practice on red wing black birds and grackles.

but Glenn they are god's creatures too!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea......maybe so...........BUT some of gods creatures where meant for target practice!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: those are just 2 of them!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/23/21, 01:43:48 PM
I hear ya!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/23/21, 04:03:19 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/23/21, 04:10:57 PM
don't forget that Chinese bird!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

Yup, we have some pheasants too.....to many birds to list...don't know why the  :censored: Glenn wanted to know.  :scratch: There's also some...I think they're cat birds...maybe cow birds  :scratch: I'm not "retired" yet so I don't have ALL day to look at the flipp'in birds.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/23/21, 04:48:01 PM
don't forget that Chinese bird!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

Yup, we have some pheasants too.....to many birds to list...don't know why the  :censored: Glenn wanted to know.  :scratch: There's also some...I think they're cat birds...maybe cow birds  :scratch: I'm not "retired" yet so I don't have ALL day to look at the flipp'in birds.  :rotflmao:
:shocked: :doah: :cry: :cry: :cry: :sorry: :embarrassed: :embarrassed:

Well ya did answer me, so there is that  :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/23/21, 06:18:29 PM
don't forget that Chinese bird!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

Yup, we have some pheasants too.....to many birds to list...don't know why the  :censored: Glenn wanted to know.  :scratch: There's also some...I think they're cat birds...maybe cow birds  :scratch: I'm not "retired" yet so I don't have ALL day to look at the flipp'in birds.  :rotflmao:

and there it is!!  Glenn!!  to funny!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/23/21, 07:46:11 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/25/21, 09:43:42 AM
This morning's contestants. They were heading towards the garden when I shooed them away.  :tut:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/25/21, 09:44:38 AM
This morning's contestants. They were heading towards the garden when I shooed them away.  :tut:
that coulda been a funniest home video moment!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/25/21, 09:45:38 AM
or on the grill!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/25/21, 10:24:17 AM
This morning's contestants. They were heading towards the garden when I shooed them away.  :tut:
that coulda been a funniest home video moment!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

 :taz: :taz: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 training-087

Aw, go eat yer smurfberries, ya gol durn pot stirrer!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/25/21, 10:36:33 AM
I thought you only had one of them. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/25/21, 10:52:10 AM
I was hoping. These two are different from what appeared to be a jake that was terrorizing the place earlier. He had no fear. These skedaddled pretty quickly once they saw and heard me.  Not sure if they're hens or just younguns from an early hatch this season. Maybe someone who knows a lot more about wild turkeys than I do could chime in. I know next to nothing about them other than they can raise a lot of cain in a hurry. All the more reason to eat them!  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/25/21, 11:15:16 AM
This morning's contestants. They were heading towards the garden when I shooed them away.  :tut:
that coulda been a funniest home video moment!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

 :taz: :taz: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 training-087

Aw, go eat yer smurfberries, ya gol durn pot stirrer!
:sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

IMO those are to big to be this year's batch, maybe last year's youngins.

I'd like a full tom turkey mount. If I want turkey to eat, I'll go to the frozen section. I did dehydrate a wild turkey and that wasn't bad.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/25/21, 11:26:40 AM
The jerky that I've had made from them isn't too bad. And when they were first turning them loose a neighbor had some of one type the DNR decided not to release. Butchered one of those. It was a young bird so it was pretty tasty. Pretty much all trophy hunting going on now from the sound of it tho.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/10/21, 07:07:39 PM
Out the cabin window
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/10/21, 07:09:11 PM
Nudder one!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/10/21, 07:48:59 PM
Pretty nice Glenn!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/11/21, 06:52:28 AM
Nice pictures.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on August 08/11/21, 09:16:51 AM
Change of the season is in the air at my placemy place,robins and youngens left the area,grackles gone,downies gone,just a few chickadee's.fenches and cardinals left.

pheasant hatch in sodak looks like a good one plus the 200 chicks we released at twelve weeks old now have color,the few sharptail broods are growin up,should be a good hunting season along the missouri river system this season.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/21, 09:23:03 AM
Cool pics, Glenn! So yer wife took them?  :nerd:

I'm not seeing any birds, because this family of Coopers is decimating everything. Continual kak-kak-kak calling all day long, and they're continually swooping all over. Did see some big crows in an aerial fight with them. That was cool. A bit unnerving....even went after a neighbors tiny chihuaha. Wonder if ya could get rid of 'em somehow, as in move along? They've been around here for about 15 years.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/11/21, 09:28:51 AM
Cool pics, Glenn! So yer wife took them?  :nerd:

I'm not seeing any birds, because this family of Coopers is decimating everything. Continual kak-kak-kak calling all day long, and they're continually swooping all over. Did see some big crows in an aerial fight with them. That was cool. A bit unnerving....even went after a neighbors tiny chihuaha. Wonder if ya could get rid of 'em somehow, as in move along? They've been around here for about 15 years.
:mooning: :mooning: no she was sitting in here recliner in cold spring.........these where taken in itasca county 3 1/2 hours north!!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

she hasnt been up there since labor day last year. BUT......i might get her up there twice this year. maybe labor day IF her granddaughter and boyfriend come up, but we do have a trip planned end of sept with some friends so i  know she will be up there once.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/21, 09:39:08 AM
I'll trade yer hummers for these!!!  Looks like my deck is the new Hawk Central today..... and they sure do leave a mess on the deck. :angry: Appears they don't like the 76* dewpoint we're havin'. Notice the 3 of 'em in second pic. There are 4, but couldn't get one with all of them together. Hope those two aren't trying to lay an egg...... :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/11/21, 09:54:42 AM
I prolly posted this before, but it is appropriate again for Reb...

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/21, 10:09:49 AM
 :rotflmao: Gotta love Larson. If this keeps up, I'll need a wind sock and landing lights....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on August 08/11/21, 10:26:22 AM
Cool pics Reb, I  had  a family of cooper's couple years ago,was fun watching them hunt,they also swooped my dog and chased his chucket ball,for some reason the hawks chased the lime green ball the  most,they're stealth while nailing a rabbit was amazing,incredible in air agility,crows took over the hawks nesting area in my pine tree's,plus the nesting barred owls across the creek didn't help.

Today a kestrel hawk will swing over my back 40 alerting all the song birds once they get busted,all the birds warn each other,jays are the siren,all take to tree tops to spot danger.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/11/21, 11:15:09 AM
Damn Reb, he gets all the cool birds. :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/21, 12:48:49 PM
Damn Reb, he gets all the cool birds. :pouty: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/11/21, 04:25:39 PM
all i get are mouning doves and crows.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/11/21, 06:13:46 PM
all i get are mouning doves and crows.   

You have a lithp? "I thaw a mouning dove"... :rotflmao:  :bonk:

Did you want one of my hawks? I might be able to deliver one to yer mailbox.....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on August 08/11/21, 09:19:38 PM
That's what I get typing on a phone...  You can drop off a hawk or two, just let them loose in the back yard.   Not there to get them out of the mailbox.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/21/21, 03:57:13 PM
So what's this creature??? See them every year about this time on my hummingbird feeders and wasp traps??? Not the wasp, he is now RIP. By the way the hummingbirds are quite active too!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/21/21, 04:15:42 PM
looks like a flying turd!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/21/21, 04:48:54 PM
Pic's a little fuzzy but could be one of the stink bugs. Hopefully not the brown marmorated stink bug, once touted as being the next multi-colored Asian lady beetle as far as invading houses for winter. Hasn't been the case, yet.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/21/21, 04:54:25 PM
  :happy1: yep that's it all right. They will ALL DIE!! :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/21/21, 05:06:13 PM
And who else would have stinkbugs?  :rotflmao:    :nerd:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/21/21, 05:07:12 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

He is a stink bug!  :cool:

Back on the bird front, left a week ago after filling the jelly feeders for the orioles. That lasted at most a couple days. Wasn't sure the orioles would still be here but heard one this a.m. during chores. Put some more jelly out and it wasn't more than an hour before seeing the first one. still quite a bunch here apparently. Hummingbirds are going nuts. So many flowers and the feeders have been refilled. Good times.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/21/21, 05:14:43 PM
Been kinda wondering if Roony's wrens are still around?? :scratch: haven't seen or heard them in a while.

Morning doves are sure noisy too, cardinals same thing
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/21/21, 05:56:10 PM
Been kinda wondering if Roony's wrens are still around?? :scratch:

Gee, I sure hope so... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/22/21, 12:17:52 PM
I saw something unexpected this morning in the barn at choretime: a nest of barn swallows that hadn't fledged yet. Sounded like bats (or glenn... :rotflmao:) squeaking at first, then located the sound coming from a nest in the rafters. There are still some barn swallows hanging around here but thought they were just passing through. Lots of swallows of all kinds grouping up on the powerlines around the countryside.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on August 08/22/21, 12:23:44 PM
A fledgling leaving the nest?! O goodie!!   :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on August 08/24/21, 09:25:21 AM
Finally got a better look at my tiny little hummingbird,not one ruby throated in my feeders this summer but this tiny feller appears to be a rufous hummingbird looking online,you guyz see them? very small and very fast.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/05/21, 12:12:52 PM
Gradually transitioning the bird feeding operation into fall mode. Scrubbed out the hummingbird feeders big time and refilled them. Did the same with the cups in the jelly feeder and put the last of the cheap jelly in them. Took down the jar type jelly feeder and cleaned it up for winter. Replaced it with a suet feeder. Saw an oriole yesterday and sure enough one showed up within a half hour of refilling their feeder. The last of the barn swallows started leaving the nest yesterday, finally. Looks like there's still one being coaxed by its parents and siblings that isn't real sure what it's up to just yet.  :scratch:   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/05/21, 01:22:33 PM
Saw two Bluejays out back this am. First I've seen all year; don't think they like the Cooper's zooming around. They sure have scared everything else away. :angry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/05/21, 07:55:46 PM
We yanked the Oriol feeders a couple of weeks ago here, nuttin but bee's on em. The hummers are still going strong but surprisingly we havnt seen many wrens this year, they're usually all over.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/06/21, 08:01:13 AM
Filled the hummer feeder the other day cuz it really went down fast lately.  Had an Oriole sitting on it the other day too.  Still lots of chicadees and nuthatches around here and sapsuckers keep coming back too.  No grosbeaks for a long time now. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/06/21, 01:21:59 PM
I have nuthatches and black-capped chickadees in my spuce...seems they like the little needles on the end of a branch. They hop from there into my gutters, and scavenge around...*tap*tap*tap* Couldn't figger out what that noise was until I went out and looked!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/07/21, 03:50:20 PM
We yanked the Oriol feeders a couple of weeks ago here, nuttin but bee's on em. The hummers are still going strong but surprisingly we havnt seen many wrens this year, they're usually all over.
Dats cause roony got all the wrens!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on September 09/27/21, 03:17:45 PM
I need a bigger bird bath.....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/27/21, 03:28:29 PM
Keep them bastages up there!  :angry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/27/21, 03:42:57 PM
ya sure do!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on September 09/28/21, 08:27:20 AM
Well the change of season sent my resident robins south or somewhere else a few weeks ago,seen dozens grouped up flocks every evening heading south from my neighborhood,last night new arrivals (robins) showed up scratching through the dead leaves along my property edges,my popple tree's dropped leaves last week,willow tree doing the same now,gold finches turning brown already,downies came back,nut hatches are very active,seem to be feeding on my feeder's and for meat hitting the box elder bug's,even tho I spray them some beeches they have daily orgies on my southern facing pole barn....Someone here on MNO suggested using dawn liquid soapy water in a sprayer,didn't work,before that had a big cluster I sprayed with the only thing handy WD-40...nope,even tried window glass cleaner,finally broke down and bought some kills all bug spray...mass murder... :smoking:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/28/21, 08:31:22 AM
I was just gonna ask about the robins...I've got them everywhere this week, pokin' thru the leaves, tossing crap outta the gutters (all over the deck...%$#@!) and continually flying into my picture window. *THUD*BONK*
I swear, they haveta be the Homer Simpsons of the bird world....*THUD*  DOH!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on September 09/28/21, 08:59:18 AM
LOL Reb,me thinks your robins are jacked up on your fermented crab apples....squirrels get a buzz on those apples as well,funny watching a drunk squrriel in my yard go from point A to point B when I let my trusting yard guard doggo golden retriever out.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/28/21, 09:21:24 AM
Not this year...it's the no-apple every other year. I've read at this time of year, and Spring, they're being territorial and attack their reflection. I think that's bunk; how do they see a reflection 40' away? They can't. They just fly straight into it. I think they're just stoopid. Or need glasses.  :bonk:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on September 09/28/21, 10:52:29 AM
LOL most likely...This past summer I had a rooster pheasant kicking the shete out of himself on my truck bumper one morning whilst in south dakota,poor young rooster was a mess when he ambeled off after the fight,rest of the summer I kept my rear bumper dirty,it's more fun shooting mr rooster later in the year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/28/21, 01:27:24 PM
Seems my family of Cooper's are gone, as I haven't heard the continual KAK-KAK-KAK they did all day long. Now seeing lots of birdies...and some winter ones!  :scratch: Spotted a few juncos, a fair number of nuthatches (love the way they hang upside down) yellow warblers, my cardinals, and a bird I love (except when squirrel huntin') but haven't seen for years...bluejays. They're picking and cracking acorns.
It has to be the fact those Cooper's finally moved on outta here...and I sure don't miss 'em.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on September 09/29/21, 02:14:52 PM
I've been seeing lotsa wooden peckers lately, hammering on just about everything from my birches to my deck rails to my gutter's. *CLANG*CLANG*

Sept 29 (Reuters) - The ivory-billed woodpecker - not officially seen since 1944 and long sought by birders in the American South - is one of 23 species that would be declared extinct by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under a proposal it announced on Wednesday.

Government scientists have exhausted efforts to find these 23 bird, fish and other species and warned that climate change and dwindling habitats on top of other pressures, could make such disappearances more common, the service said in a statement.

"With climate change and natural area loss pushing more and more species to the brink, now is the time to lift up proactive, collaborative, and innovative efforts to save America's wildlife," said Deb Haaland, U.S. Secretary of the Interior.

Each of the 23 species represents a permanent loss to America's natural heritage, Bridget Fahey, who oversees species classification for the Fish and Wildlife Service, told the New York Times.

"And it's a sobering reminder that extinction is a consequence of human-caused environmental change," Fahey told the newspaper.

The extinctions include 11 birds, eight freshwater mussels, two species of fish, a bat and a plant, the agency said.

The ivory-billed woodpecker, also known to bird watchers as the "Lord God Bird" was America's largest woodpecker but logging of old growth forests in the South destroyed its habitat. Its last confirmed sighting was in 1944 in northeast Louisiana, the service said.

Also on the list is Bachman's warbler, considered one of America's rarest songbirds. It has not been seen since 1962 in the United States. The last documented sighting of the migratory bird was in Cuba in 1981.

Eleven species are proposed to be listed as extinct in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands, due to the heightened risks of limited geographic range, the service said.

The wildlife service will accept public comment for the next 60 days and a final judgment will be published Dec. 29, said Brian Hires, a service spokesman.

"These decisions are being made based on the best available science," he said.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/29/21, 03:08:32 PM
That's one handsome bird.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/07/21, 11:03:33 AM
Anyone seeing any juncos yet?? Usually see a bunch when they start heading south

None here yet that I've seen.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/07/21, 12:29:37 PM
We seen some last weekend up here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on October 10/07/21, 12:46:15 PM
New group of robins showed up,ton's of chicadee's and finches lately,mourning doves every evening...

Reb seen an article recently regarding this ivory billed critter,seen a pic of a sighting by some birdie guy floating the byou's of LA.,claimed to be legit?

my old giant silver maple with a giant dead limb attracts many peeker types,even flickers feed on it and this guy,every spring he/she tears up the dead limb ,makes a mess before I mow every week.

Must be a relative of your ivory bill ?

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/07/21, 12:54:43 PM
That's a Pileated. One has a nest in neighbors rotting maple tree. Likes whacking on nearby phone pole, too.

Like I posted a few days back, have Juncos hopping around on the ground with the brain-dead robins.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/07/21, 01:07:41 PM
That's a Pileated. One has a nest in neighbors rotting maple tree. Likes whacking on nearby phone pole, too.

Like I posted a few days back, have Juncos hopping around on the ground with the brain-dead robins.
kinda why i asked..........i remember you saying that.....i havent seen any here yet and thought it odd you had some and none here????????
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/07/21, 01:49:51 PM
Plants are all mixed up, too.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/07/21, 02:40:44 PM
Plants are all mixed up, too.

they had something like that on the #4 news not to long ago too!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/08/21, 08:26:48 AM
And guess what I just saw in my pine outside my window.....a Junco!  :azn:

Hope that doesn't mean s*** will be here soon......... :undecided:

%$#@! Lost the pic off my cam....was here!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on October 10/08/21, 08:38:46 AM
Have not seen "cedar wax wings" yet,little rascals always show in the fall,they feed on my cedar tree little berries,but no show yet?

Still alot of various bird /feeder activety to date.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/08/21, 08:39:04 AM
it was there a bit ago.............i did click on the picture to enlarge it but came up error??????//
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/08/21, 08:52:44 AM
I dunno what happened!!!! :bonk: Now I gotta wait for another birdie!!! :angry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/08/21, 08:59:37 AM
Have not seen "cedar wax wings" yet,little rascals always show in the fall,they feed on my cedar tree little berries,but no show yet?

Still alot of various bird /feeder activety to date.

Heres some for ya!  I shot this 6 yrs ago... I think they were all tipsy, it was Early Spring and apples were all fermented. Went on all day, was quite a sight!  Never seen it happen since, only one or two waxwings seen since then. Musta been a fly-by stop....:laugh:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/16/21, 10:14:18 AM
Lotsa yellow-rumped warblers moving thru or as my brother and I nicknamed them "bitch birds". Last fall when we were cleaning out my Mom's place, we stayed overnite in the camper that he'd parked in the yard there. After dark we'd stumble outside to do our business or toss the cubes and limes in the weeds so we could reload. Invariably it'd wake up these birds that didn't sound happy about the whole deal. In the daylight we were able to ID them.

Along with the bitch birds here today, boat loads of juncos showed up recently. A few flickers still passing thru. The usual complement of blue jays, chickadees, nuthatches, downies, and hairies. Refilled the feeders, stuck a few partial ears of corn on the pegs, and put more suet out. The fox squirrel population took a hit this past week. A couple biffed it on the road between here & the neighbors. Think we've probably been feeding most of the neighborhood squirrels all summer. Their parents must not have told them to look both ways.  :scratch: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/16/21, 05:31:06 PM
Got a red squirrel that is really fast.   Too bad he can't be a wide receiver for the queenies.  But I'll get a shot at him soon enough.   

The jays and red bellied are hitting the feeder along with the assortment of little ones.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/16/21, 05:42:01 PM
Better dead than red.  :fudd:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/16/21, 08:20:51 PM
Red-bellied woodpecker found the ear corn & the male cardinal showed up to eat the bits and pieces of corn left by the squirrels this afternoon.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on October 10/19/21, 07:14:46 AM
Last evening the yard was filled with robins and grackles,new wave showed up as all the residents left weeks ago.

Del,agreed,red squrriels are lightning fast,smart little critters once you take a poke at them and miss,had my share last summer and a couple this past summer but finally found the mark.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/19/21, 07:19:50 AM
ihavent really watched the birds at home yet, but by the looks of the feeders they where busy in my absence!!!!

at the cabin blue jays continue to plummet the sunflowers, had some juncos finally arrive along  with chickadees and various varieties of woodpeckers. along with a few gray skurrels and 2 black skurrrels!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/19/21, 07:24:35 AM
Wow...skwirrel diversity!! Lot of red-bellied wooden peckers hammering on everything lately, and the BC chickadees are all over, pokin' around in the gutters and such. Seeing bluejays for the first time in many years. Brain-dead robins still smashing into picture window.  *THUD*   :angry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/19/21, 10:30:00 AM
dang Glenn is back home and now I have hundreds of blackbirds here!!!  WTH!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on October 10/20/21, 09:07:54 AM
I live trap those dirty little reds. A nubbins ear of corn smeared with peanut butter sends them to the promised land.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/20/21, 09:27:06 AM
Those red squirrels are the embodiment of evil!  :evil: Lots of tales from Americans with cabins in Canada that were shredded after sitting empty for most of two years. Even had some help from some of your buddies I am told. Oh wait, don't think the picture posting thing works. Oh well...you get the picture 😉

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/20/21, 09:44:03 AM
We had a red squirrel get into a camper and chew on the electric cord when it was plugged in. 

I had to get a new cord and the squirrel got a one-way ticket to the big oak tree in the sky.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/21, 09:52:04 AM
We had a red squirrel get into a camper and chew on the electric cord when it was plugged in. 

I had to get a new cord and the squirrel got a one-way ticket to the big oak tree in the sky.

Yup, usually goes bad for birdies too..........but zap all those gingers ya want.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/20/21, 10:06:17 AM
very rarely do i see red squirrels here in my yard in Cold Spring, but up at the cabin..................yea we get a bunch and they usually end up getting lead poisoning. there are still 2 running around, but there pretty skittish.......... we will get them sooner or later!!!!!!!! :Hunter: :fudd: :whistling:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/20/21, 10:16:02 AM
That's 'cuz they're inside yer she-shed chewin' everything to pieces!  One got in my neighbors by chewing thru the soffit, then destoyed a box of xmas lights, a xmas tree, and shredded the hell out of everying else in the shed. Finally caught him in my live trap. He met Mr. Red Ryder later that day.  :whistling:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on October 10/26/21, 07:21:57 PM
I live trap those dirty little reds. A nubbins ear of corn smeared with peanut butter sends them to the promised land.

OK, gonna try that.  bb gun ain't getting it done. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/26/21, 08:52:12 PM
I live trap those dirty little reds. A nubbins ear of corn smeared with peanut butter sends them to the promised land.

OK, gonna try that.  bb gun ain't getting it done.

Then take 'em for the 6 gal swim. Works well.  :evil:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on October 10/26/21, 09:08:14 PM
The grass below my feeders gets trashed with all the birds eating the stuff that gets thrown down. Anybody have a solution for the mess or is it the price for feeding birds?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/26/21, 09:29:15 PM
The grass below my feeders gets trashed with all the birds eating the stuff that gets thrown down. Anybody have a solution for the mess or is it the price for feeding birds?
feeding sunflower seeds?? The oil in the seeds kills the grass.

I have a couple nets/ baskets that hook to mine.  Tomorrow I'll take a picture of one and post it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on October 10/27/21, 07:03:34 AM
The grass below my feeders gets trashed with all the birds eating the stuff that gets thrown down. Anybody have a solution for the mess or is it the price for feeding birds?
We just live with it. Or not mow it and let the sunflowers grow. Did that a few times to. I keep telling the wife we should just put a flower garden under the feeder.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/27/21, 08:10:52 AM
This is what I use for my big feeders. The smaller ones I just try and keep the ground cleaned up but I don't feed them anything more than thistle seeds, sunflower and safflower seeds.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/27/21, 08:15:26 AM
I'll take them down before the first real snow fall.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Rebel SS on October 10/30/21, 10:55:36 AM
Birdies must know the cold spell is gonna hit on Monday...backyard is just fulla juncos, robins, wrens, and finches. Apple tree is loaded with 'em flittin' in and out.....🐤
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on October 10/30/21, 12:10:06 PM
Birdies must know the cold spell is gonna hit on Monday...backyard is just fulla juncos, robins, wrens, and finches. Apple tree is loaded with 'em flittin' in and out.....🐤

Agreed. They are talking a chance of snow here Monday, it won't stick. Had a Buck at the feeder at 10 this morning. First time I saw him here.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/30/21, 12:11:42 PM
Had lapsed a little on filling the birdfeeders with the recent rain. Refilled them last night & saw lots of chickadees, nuthatches, blue jays and two pair of cardinals. Took down all the nectar feeders & replaced some with suet feeders. Robins and cedar waxwings are gobbling down the crabapples and nannyberries. The waxwings seem to like to staying concealed in the remaining leaves whenever possible. There are also some icky starlings that showed up. May have to get out the 20 ga. target load 9 shot someone gave me to see how they like that!  :angry: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/31/21, 09:04:49 AM
still the usual birds, but have had a few cardinals right at dark hitting up the bird bath!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on October 10/31/21, 09:15:53 AM
 :scratch: These kind? https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=church+cardinals&qpvt=church+cardinals&tsc=ImageHoverTitle&form=IQFRML&first=1  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: What've you been doing?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/31/21, 09:17:33 AM
:scratch: These kind? https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=church+cardinals&qpvt=church+cardinals&tsc=ImageHoverTitle&form=IQFRML&first=1  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao: What've you been doing?
:angry2: :censored: :doah: :mad1: :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :taz: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/14/21, 10:35:51 AM
Refilled bird feeders this a.m. Bought a small batch of fresh thistle seed yesterday. Dumped and cleaned a couple thistle feeders to see if the goldfinches become interested. Can hear them when I come out to do chores but never see them on the feeders. Pretty good activity as the morning has worn on otherwise on the sunflower, suet and ear corn. Chickadees, downies, hairies, blue jays, nuthatches and a passel of juncos ground feeding. Cardinals were here yesterday but no shows so far this a.m. Surprisingly no squirrels yet after seeing as many as 5 eating ear corn yesterday. Didn't think there were that many in the neighborhood anymore. Numerous casualties on the road recently.  :scratch:

*~10:45 the fox squirrels made their appearance, at least a couple of them so far. So did a male cardinal. Must've been waiting for the wind to go down some.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/15/21, 10:40:47 AM
Had gleaned a couple dozen ears of corn while soil sampling this fall but they'd gotten wet in the box of the Gator. Dumped them off in the plum & sumac thicket yesterday so I could harvest winter radishes. Wondered how long it would take the wildlife to find it. This morning almost like clockwork a rooster pheasant was wandering across the yard. Large white collar on him so possibly an old one. Pretty bird nonetheless. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/15/21, 11:02:41 AM
Nothing like the sight & sounds of Pheasants. Wish I had some up here on the Tundra.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/15/21, 01:24:43 PM
That they are db. Are there wild turkeys as far north as you are? Saw some by the turn to Itasca St. Park a few years back.

Curious if we'll see some Huns moving thru the yard this winter. Saw more out and about this summer than in many moons. Back in the late 80's, several groups came thru right by the house. Bizarre behavior. Run forward & then suddenly back up in the snow, almost like they were trying to collect snow under their feathers for water or something.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on November 11/15/21, 01:37:30 PM
My kamikaze cardinal is still attacking the windows of my shop and truck thinking he's seeing a rival male. I thought this was more of a springtime behavior but I guess not.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/15/21, 02:30:12 PM

I saw some Turkeys over on Hwy 71 North of Big Falls. I'm amazed they are so far North. I think it was only 15-20 years ago I saw some on Hwy 95 between Princeton and Cambridge. It was unheard of to see Turkeys that far North. They were mostly in the SE corner of the state then. They are everywhere now, kind of like the Eagles that went from almost extinct when I was a kid to being as common as a lying politician today.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/15/21, 02:53:20 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/15/21, 03:23:12 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/15/21, 03:24:04 PM
I have seen 4 or 5 turkeys in 16 years up here but was told they must have been released by someone.  ????  Who knows.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on November 11/15/21, 03:48:13 PM
I have seen 4 or 5 turkeys in 16 years up here but was told they must have been released by someone.  ????  Who knows.
Maybe, but they still survived the winter and predator's right?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/15/21, 04:18:33 PM
I have seen 4 or 5 turkeys in 16 years up here but was told they must have been released by someone.  ????  Who knows.
so,  :scratch: :scratch: to you were in red lake falls huh!!!🤭🤭
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/15/21, 04:24:48 PM
I've seen some up here too :rolleyes: they're usually up by the Spring Lake Store when I see 'em.  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/15/21, 04:39:06 PM
I've seen some up here too :rolleyes: they're usually up by the Spring Lake Store when I see 'em.  ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on November 11/15/21, 07:36:54 PM
I’ve seen turkeys in several places around Grand Rapids and east toward Virginia. Every year I see some further north since first seeing them down around St. Peter maybe 25 years ago.
I remember the first bald eagle I saw. Upper Michigan about 1971 or thereabouts. I stopped the car and tried to get closer with binoculars and a camera to get a picture. These days I see them sitting on my dock or roosting on a tree in my yard.
The turkey thing reminds me of seeing my first possum—dead in the road while pheasant hunting just north of the Iowa border about 30+ years ago. Now they are common at least halfway up the state.
Just read about armadillos that have become pests up through North Carolina and  Virginia.
 Nature is evolving. Hope I never see our northern lakes with walleyes squeezed out and overrun by carp. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/15/21, 07:43:54 PM
hey fishwidow, seen my first vulture driving up the hill west out of Henderson back in the late 70's!!!  kind of like what the heck did I see!!  and I agree with what you say on the other critters too!!!   I came out Mankato back in the day...  like 45 years ago...   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on November 11/15/21, 07:55:43 PM
Yep, I see turkey vultures regularly these days. Somebody’s gotta clean up the roadkill.  Although the eagles feast on it all the time, too
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/16/21, 06:41:41 AM
got that right, and don't forget the crows too!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/16/21, 07:42:59 AM
Got some crows here that can't hardly wait for me to get done at the compost pile all the time. They are really on it this time of year though. Got some fox in the neighborhood that know where it's at as well. We had some black & white striped visitors quite often when it was real dry too, finally discouraged those guys ;)........................ with some lead. :smiley:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/22/21, 08:05:40 AM
must about 50 swans out on the lake this morning!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/22/21, 10:43:15 AM
When I was rotating my ear corn around yesterday, I dumped some more of it in the thicket. Heard something rustling in the grass and our pet rooster pheasant flew out through all the brush. Must've woke him up from a nap.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/22/21, 11:09:18 AM
must about 50 swans out on the lake this morning!!!
yea no picture, didnt happen.......... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

yea dotch i'm thinkin it was likely the other way around.  :doah: the rooster was scratching around in the corn, you were napping!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

and a good monday to you bud!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/22/21, 11:10:51 AM
Glenn teach Mike how to do the picture thing. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/22/21, 11:11:45 AM
Glenn teach Mike how to do the picture thing.
i already offered................. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/22/21, 11:31:24 AM
must about 50 swans out on the lake this morning!!!
yea no picture, didnt happen.......... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

yea dotch i'm thinkin it was likely the other way around.  :doah: the rooster was scratching around in the corn, you were napping!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

and a good monday to you bud!!!!! :happy1:

never took a picture any way...  to far away to get a clear one...   oh well I guess it didn't happen then according to popular demand...    :pouty:   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/22/21, 11:55:50 AM
must about 50 swans out on the lake this morning!!!
yea no picture, didnt happen.......... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

yea dotch i'm thinkin it was likely the other way around.  :doah: the rooster was scratching around in the corn, you were napping!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

and a good monday to you bud!!!!! :happy1:

 :tut: :tut: :tut: Just wait till your father gets home... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/05/21, 09:34:07 PM
A few sightings yesterday. Had a pileated woodpecker appear briefly and a robin that was hanging around the yard. Ground was still thawed along with lots of crabapples and berries for them to eat. Our suet feeders are all the horizontal type to keep sparrows and starlings from feeding. Thought perhaps if I put one regular feeder back up it might persuade the pileated woodpecker to come back. Not yet but it did attract the damn sparrows and starlings within about 10 minutes!  :angry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/05/21, 09:39:37 PM
 :scratch: don't starlings head south???

Yesterday afternoon running some piss and vinegar out of shadow seen a cardinal and a few woodpeckers. Seems to be a few finches around too
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/05/21, 09:59:37 PM
The goldfinches have been cranking it up here. Several times the past several days I'd see all the perches on the thistle seed feeders occupied. Helped to get some fresh seed. Left one screen feeder with the old stuff in it. They know which ones have the new stuff in them.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/22/21, 08:29:25 AM
birds around the home front arent very plentiful, but a few around. couple different varieties of woodpeckers, chickadees and finches. and an occasional cardinal.

up at the cabin lots of chickadees, blue jays and woodpeckers. didnt take long for the squirrels to figure out the food was served either. seen 3 of the 4 black squirrels too!!!

the eagles and crows or whatever the hell there called didnt take long to polish off the fish guts on the lake either!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on December 12/22/21, 09:35:21 AM
Had 5 Pine Grosbeaks the other day.  Hardly see squirrels in the feeder anymore since Cooper caught that one a few weeks ago. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on December 12/22/21, 10:03:03 AM
Last week during our warm snap had two morning doves below the feeder's,gave my live trap to the young neighbor boy,he's been having a ball catching the feeder robber squirrels lately,I marked a couple of these pain in the arse pests with a florescent pink spray paint as they release these squirrels down the road about a mile or so,I could swear the same fat little some beeches find they're way back...might need to dust off my .22 sniper rifle again if this keeps up.

other than that not much bird activeity.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/22/21, 10:40:46 AM
Have 4 fox squirrels that are regulars at the ear corn feeder. Varies by the day how active they are. Seems like they're more active a day or two in advance of the weather getting real. Days like yesterday when we're heading into a warmup, less so judging by the amount of corn they consume.

Saw two resident rooster pheasants playing in the backyard when I came home yesterday after lunch. Screwballs like to squabble then pick up the mess the squirrels leave. Goldfinches have sure been erratic here. Before the storm last week they were hitting the thistle feeders hard. Down to just a few loyal customers again.  :scratch:     
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/01/22, 11:21:38 AM
this morning running water for coffee i notice about 30 plus birds in my neighbors birch tree. couldnt figure out wht none where at the feeders??? :doah: :scratch:

i couldnt make out what they where so i went and rounded up my binocs, only to see they where cedar wings!!!!!! cool birds!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/01/22, 11:56:08 AM
Those are beautiful birds.  I was walking in the woods with my first yellow lab Willy about 30 years ago and saw a Cedar Waxwing in a tree with about 4 or 5 babies in a branch right along the trail.  They were actually passing berries to each other.  I couldn't believe it.  I wish I had a cell phone with a camera then.  They let us walk within 10 or 15 feet of them too and they never did fly.  We just kept walking. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/09/22, 09:58:08 AM
Been a busy morning observing the backyard activity. Tried to photo a rooster pheasant eating corn but he was having no part of it. No black oil sunflower at FF so had to substitute with a blend containing black oil sunflower, confection (striped) sunflower, peanuts & safflower. Also bought a new feeder. The new feeder has a tray on it & is more of a bulk type feeder than the tube feeder it replaced. So far it's been a hit as has the different seed blend. Has attracted goldfinches, chickadees, nuthatches & woodpeckers. So far the sparrows haven't liked it. Those little bastards were emptying the tube feeder almost daily when filled with black oil sunflower. Years ago I tried confection sunflower in the feeders to dissuade the sparrows. It seemed to work for a while but within a matter of a year the SOB's figured it out.

Was getting to the point recently where I was ready to resurrect the repeating sparrow trap. That thins 'em down but as long as the neighbors do nothing to control them, they'll keep coming back. Some years between under the feeders and in the barn I'd catch 100's of them. I'd freeze them & my sister in law took them to feed the raptors in the project she's involved in down in IA. The cats have done a pretty good job of keeping their numbers down in our barn but still too many here for my taste.     
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/22, 10:02:32 AM
Been a busy morning observing the backyard activity. Tried to photo a rooster pheasant eating corn but he was having no part of it. No black oil sunflower at FF so had to substitute with a blend containing black oil sunflower, confection (striped) sunflower, peanuts & safflower. Also bought a new feeder. The new feeder has a tray on it & is more of a bulk type feeder than the tube feeder it replaced. So far it's been a hit as has the different seed blend. Has attracted goldfinches, chickadees, nuthatches & woodpeckers. So far the sparrows haven't liked it. Those little bastards were emptying the tube feeder almost daily when filled with black oil sunflower. Years ago I tried confection sunflower in the feeders to dissuade the sparrows. It seemed to work for a while but within a matter of a year the SOB's figured it out.

Was getting to the point recently where I was ready to resurrect the repeating sparrow trap. That thins 'em down but as long as the neighbors do nothing to control them, they'll keep coming back. Some years between under the feeders and in the barn I'd catch 100's of them. I'd freeze them & my sister in law took them to feed the raptors in the project she's involved in down in IA. The cats have done a pretty good job of keeping their numbers down in our barn but still too many here for my taste.     
:scratch: :scratch: really.....you have issues with sparrows feeding sunflowers???? i never had.

yea them striped sunflowers suck. last time i went to fleet for sunflowers then only had like a 20 or 25 lb bag.  :surrender: :bs: that place is pathetic. stopped at the local country store and bought a 50 lb bag and was cheaper then 2-25's at fleet.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/09/22, 10:43:08 AM
FF was supposed to have 40# bags of black oil sunflower seed on sale for $16.99. None in sight. Also supposed to be a sale on suet cakes that were nowhere to be found. A lot of shoppers wandering around in that area with lost looks on their faces. Overheard employees muttering "They must all be looking for the same things". Well, duh!  :doah: I get that sunflower prices are high due to tight supply. But if you advertise stuff, you better have it or offer something as a substitute or a raincheck if you don't. Getting so sick of this half fast attempt at customer service, not just at FF but it's become rampant everywhere. Let's go Brandon!  :angry:

I need to check out the outfit in Meriden. They bag & distribute a lot of bird seed & sunflower seed. A friend who trucked a lot of stuff in there said they sell all kinds of product direct, a lot cheaper than you can buy it retail. Be worth the short trip for me just see what they've got.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/22, 10:56:42 AM
I friend of mine lives in montecillo, I talks about some place there that sells all kinds of critter good. But I ain't driving that far. I can get everything I need at the country store here in town.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/09/22, 11:21:05 AM
Looks like I can get you a hopper bottom rail car of black oil sunflower seed. How much room do you have in yer garage?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/09/22, 11:25:51 AM
Looks like I can get you a hopper bottom rail car of black oil sunflower seed. How much room do you have in yer garage?  :scratch:
:rotflmao: not that much. :rotflmao: about 4-5 years ago I asked my former boss who lives out by Mandan ND if he could get me sunflower seeds since his neighbor grew them. I asked just for stuff that fell on the ground. He was told a no go . Everything he had was already contracted out  :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/09/22, 11:38:39 AM
We have 2 screen feeders up with 1 having black oil seed and the other with safflower,  but the birds really haven't been hitting them much. Thinking about bringing out the tube feeder and trying Nyjer seed??? Menardos seems to have plenty of food when I check. Say you guys hear about the Parrot that's been hanging around the east metro? The wif has been following it on the book of faces..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/09/22, 11:42:07 AM
Going to be gone for a couple of days so I filled the feeders yesterday.

Just stepped outside.......damn that wind is cold today!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/09/22, 11:43:43 AM
that's cool!!  and interesting!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/10/22, 03:19:19 PM
:scratch: :scratch: really.....you have issues with sparrows feeding sunflowers???? i never had.

yea them striped sunflowers suck. last time i went to fleet for sunflowers then only had like a 20 or 25 lb bag.  :surrender: :bs: that place is pathetic. stopped at the local country store and bought a 50 lb bag and was cheaper then 2-25's at fleet.

Ya, the house sparrows eating black oil sunflower seed here has been an issue since not long after we moved here. All the bird feeding sages at the time said they wouldn't eat black oil sunflower seed. Within a matter of a year or two that was proven wrong. The bastards would eat some but dump most on the ground underneath the tube-type feeder, wasting a bunch of it. Tried confection sunflowers and the larger, harder to open seeds helped for a while. Within a year or so they figured that out. As I've mentioned here before, the sparrows started eating suet cakes & raw suet too. Not only that, within a few years of my brother moving onto his farmstead near Cedar Falls IA, guess what? I got a call from him complaining about the exact same things!  :angry: They're also tough on the bluebirds, with the male house sparrows pecking female bluebirds to death inside the nesting boxes on the nest. Ya roony, the house wrens can peck holes in their eggs but I only gotta put up with them 6 months out of the year. Besides, they sing so beautifully, starting about 3:30 - 4 a.m.!  :rotflmao:

Cool beans about the parrot boober! Been getting more goldfinch activity as of late so your idea about putting out thistle seed might work. Can see they're pulling our tube feeders down faster. Not much except cardinals eating the safflower here and then usually if it's on the ground (effing sparrows again!) or in a tray on the feeder. They also seem to like the striped sunflower. We've had 3 male cardinals hanging around periodically, usually at dawn and towards dusk. It's like Where's Waldo when they show up.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/15/22, 08:31:05 PM
Kinda late in the day to report, but man where my feeders busy today.

All kinds of finches. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on January 01/16/22, 06:35:53 AM
Yup, the finches have been hitting the tube feeders here hard to.
I have that Menards finch blend in there, and the only pick out what they want.
Good thing that what lands on the ground is cleaned up by the Morning Doves and Junco's

Do you guys run a heated bird bath? My daughters got me one for Christmas. I put it out, but man, the water gets dehydrated out of it quick. I've never saw a bird on it yet...Jr said he did, but not me.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/16/22, 07:27:45 AM
HD ,mom  and dad had one. Well more my dad. When he passed away she was to tight to plug it in.

They did have some birds use it. Not sure how much. :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/16/22, 07:53:18 AM
I read something about those winter bird baths, the writer downplayed them with the birds being wet in really cold conditions...who knows. I pulled my the screen feeders yesterday and put up 1 tube with a Midwest blend and thisle in the other,  the nut hatchers were on the feeders pretty fast. They preferred the blend tho.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/16/22, 08:27:13 AM
My Mom and Dad used to have a heated bird bath and they had birds visit it too.  I never have had one but have thought about it. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/16/22, 09:01:24 AM

HD's question and then Bobber's answer had me wondering..  so I looked into it..  looks like folks are about 50/50 on those heated ones..  the above article I thought was interesting..  but most say block so the birds can only drink and and not splash..  rather interesting.. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/16/22, 09:25:09 AM
Ya I think my Mom had a small brick in theirs so birds could sit on it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on January 01/16/22, 09:32:18 AM
Yeah, the sides get all frosted up and I don't think they could get to the water if they wanted to.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/16/22, 11:32:35 AM
Had a smaller heated bird bath for several years. It worked pretty good at first, stayed thawed well. It didn't hold enough water tho so I was constantly filling & cleaning it. After a while it  only worked half-fast and then not at all. Gave up on it.

Goldfinches have been hot & cold here. Yesterday they were all over the thistle seed tube feeders. Today, a couple here and there is about it. Plenty of other birds tho including blue jays, cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, downy, hairy & red bellied woodpeckers plus a few juncos, Need to refill the sunflower seed feeders after making a FF run yesterday. Our 2 pet rooster pheasants are picking away under the spruce trees so will put some corn out as well. 

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/16/22, 11:40:14 AM
We have a group of redpolls at our feeder today. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/17/22, 11:52:50 AM
Miss those little guys. Think it was winter of '09 we had an irruption that sent lots of redpolls & pine siskins this direction. There were days I'd count over 100 between the two species. Between them & the birds that were already here, they emptied the feeders daily for quite a stretch. Haven't seen anything like it since.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/17/22, 01:15:25 PM
Miss those little guys. Think it was winter of '09 we had an irruption that sent lots of redpolls & pine siskins this direction. There were days I'd count over 100 between the two species. Between them & the birds that were already here, they emptied the feeders daily for quite a stretch. Haven't seen anything like it since.
Wrens?????????/ :evil: :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/17/22, 02:05:17 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

...in their winter plumage
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/22/22, 12:38:06 PM
Have had a flicker here today. Likes the suet feeders. Only one pheasant but guessing the other one is napping nearby.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on January 01/22/22, 04:06:09 PM
For the first time ever, we had a male and a female Cardinal at the same time. Never happened before.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/22/22, 04:13:14 PM
sure enjoy those birds!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/22/22, 05:32:48 PM
For the first time ever, we had a male and a female Cardinal at the same time. Never happened before.
Wait til spring when he is feeding her...  Some guys will do anything for love.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on January 01/22/22, 06:09:41 PM
For the first time ever, we had a male and a female Cardinal at the same time. Never happened before.
Wait til spring when he is feeding her...  Some guys will do anything for love.
We've had feeders out for over 15 years. We buy good black oil sunflower seeds yet seldom see a cardinal. Maybe once a year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/22/22, 06:50:22 PM
they are ground feeders a lot..  and they love a bird bath!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/22/22, 06:53:06 PM
For the first time ever, we had a male and a female Cardinal at the same time. Never happened before.
Wait til spring when he is feeding her...  Some guys will do anything for love.
We've had feeders out for over 15 years. We buy good black oil sunflower seeds yet seldom see a cardinal. Maybe once a year.
where you at TT????? here in cold spring i've seen 3 pair at a time at the feeders i have!!!!!!!

its totally awesome in the spring with no leaves on the trees seeing them on the tree tops just givin er!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on January 01/22/22, 07:10:56 PM
Blue Earth County. Daughter lives in town. She has them all the time. We have lots of bluejays, woodpeckers, goldfinches, darkeyed juncos, nuthatches, chickadees and sparrows. Visits from cardinals are rare.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/22/22, 07:16:02 PM
They do like a wooded area??? :scratch: depends on what you feed them. They like sunflower and safflower seeds.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/22/22, 07:17:08 PM
Blue Earth County. Daughter lives in town. She has them all the time. We have lots of bluejays, woodpeckers, goldfinches, darkeyed juncos, nuthatches, chickadees and sparrows. Visits from cardinals are rare.

what town??  left Mankato in the late 80's..   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on January 01/22/22, 07:30:47 PM
Kind of in the VC and Garden City area. Used to live in Mankato, too, till about 2004.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/22/22, 07:35:46 PM
good country in that area, by a river maybe???
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on January 01/22/22, 08:15:33 PM
About 3 miles from The Blue Earth. Close to the Watonwan and Minnesota, too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/22/22, 08:33:46 PM
yup some nice country..  so I have a decent idea where are and yup good area!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/25/22, 01:42:31 PM
The flicker is back! Further investigation revealed it's a female (no moustache) although those gals from Inger glenn cavorts with reputedly sport them! (Sorry, gunner made me say that)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/25/22, 01:52:29 PM
The flicker is back! Further investigation revealed it's a female (no moustache) although those gals from Inger glenn cavorts with reputedly sport them! (Sorry, gunner made me say that)
:tut: :pouty: you do know the mail goes south to... Right,!! :smoking: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/29/22, 03:51:06 PM
The usual Nuthatchers have been hitting the feeders pretty much all day but this morning there was a male and female purple finch that dined on the Midwest blend. Yeah I had no idea what they were until I looked em up.. I need to go get a bird book..lol.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/29/22, 04:22:17 PM
The usual Nuthatchers have been hitting the feeders pretty much all day but this morning there was a male and female purple finch that dined on the Midwest blend. Yeah I had no idea what they were until I looked em up.. I need to go get a bird book..lol.
just a heads up boober.........if you do get a bird book, make sure its of Minnesota birds......... :happy1:

our bird feeders have been quiet  lately.  :doah: :confused:

therewas a neat article in this weeks outdoor news at the back about grosbeaks.... and there declining population.......i was bummed..........
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on January 01/30/22, 09:58:39 PM
I'm always bummed :angry2: :thumbs: :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on January 01/31/22, 01:46:09 PM
up until our last cold snap.had a couple robins scratching out back,not sure what they call these black faced littke chickadee's,nuthatches,then a big ole red cardinal showed up yesterday,brilliant red,good to see.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/31/22, 02:00:34 PM
Spied both rooster pheasants yesterday so all is well in the world once again. I have some spare ears of corn I'll donate to their cause when the cold snap starts up again.  :cold: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/05/22, 09:01:36 AM
Finches are hungry this morning....

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/05/22, 09:04:04 AM
cool!!!!!!!!!!!  :happy1: :happy1:

we have flurries of a bunch for a few days, then just stragglers........ :doah: :doah:

but i've noticed a damn hawk flying around lately!!!!!! :confused: :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/05/22, 09:07:14 AM
Our bird feeder is full of little birds today. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/05/22, 09:11:23 AM
fun to watch them!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/06/22, 10:18:16 AM
Definitely an uptick in finch numbers here recently. Rooster pheasants move through the yard daily and we have 3 male cardinals hanging around. Was a group of  ~10 cedar waxwings feeding in the Indian magic crabapple tree during breakfast.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/06/22, 12:13:18 PM
I've never seen a Cedar Waxwing here. Must be a southern bird?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/06/22, 12:17:03 PM
I've never seen a Cedar Waxwing here. Must be a southern bird?
HD your more apt to see them if you have trees that have some kind of berry on them,like a mountain ash, maybe crab apple??
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/07/22, 06:18:11 AM
Cedar waxwing s hammer the choke cherries in our yard in late summer. Don't see them up here in the winter though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/07/22, 06:23:45 AM
I've got choke cherries on one of the property lines and a couple dozen crabapple trees.... never seen one.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/07/22, 06:31:27 AM
We used to see some when we lived in Becker too. I start watching the choke cherry trees when I see the berries start to disappear.  Maybe they are just sneaky for you.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/07/22, 10:23:52 AM
I don't recall seeing cedar waxwings this time of year very often at our place. Usually it's in the fall & occasionally in the spring when large groups suddenly descend out of nowhere on the crabapples. Seems like just as suddenly they're gone. We have about a dozen different berry species on the property they'll eat depending on the time of year. Our EQIP planting has a 200' long row of American cranberry & the fruit stays on the bushes over winter. They might be using that too but we can't see it from the house. In glenn's case, they are probably after his smurfberries!  :doah:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on February 02/10/22, 06:18:44 PM
Question for the guys up here on the border. A few times on my drive West towards Baudett I see birds that are black with white. I don't see them once I get around I-Falls. They are a pretty big bird, look bigger than Blue Birds. I haven't been able to get a picture yet. Idea's?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/10/22, 06:27:33 PM
Might be a magpie.  I had to ask about those a couple of times too.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on February 02/10/22, 06:29:23 PM
Thanks! That looks like it. Wonder why I don't see them around I-Falls.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/10/22, 06:32:19 PM
I was wondering the same thing.  I've seen em - mostly out west, but not very often in MN.  Maybe one or two here.

I just googled this, which - I think - explains it.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/10/22, 06:37:52 PM
We see them around the cabin area at times. Dutchy, maybe it's because your in no man's land?! :scratch: :rotflmao: birds don't even know where you are.  :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on February 02/10/22, 06:39:45 PM
We see them around the cabin area at times. Dutchy, maybe it's because your in no man's land?! :scratch: :rotflmao: birds don't even know where you are.  :sleazy:

Well, you wouldn't be wrong thinking that. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/10/22, 06:56:39 PM
We see them around the cabin area at times. Dutchy, maybe it's because your in no man's land?! :scratch: :rotflmao: birds don't even know where you are.  :sleazy:

Well, you wouldn't be wrong thinking that.
:happy1: :rotflmao: wishing my wife would agree. I'd love it. I told her once when I retired we should move up north. She told me see you when you come back!! :pouty: :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on February 02/10/22, 08:12:19 PM
I can give the pro's and cons of doing that. Well, at least the pro's.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/11/22, 06:54:35 AM
Yep, I love living up here!!! The pros out way the cons.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/11/22, 08:05:31 AM
Yup I agree.  The winters are a little longer and that can be a downer at the end of winter but all else makes it a wonderful place to be.  Yes we see Magpies a lot.  I used to put some dog food in the bird feeder and they appeared out of nowhere.  They are an agressive bird and I have heard they will pick the eyes out of baby critters if they find them???   Coincidently I saw a hunting show yesterday called the Nordic Outdoorsman I think.  This guy in his 50's makes a blind out of spruce branches and slept in it overnight in the early winter.  He was right by a recent deer kill.  His goal was to shoot some magpies, gray jays, and maybe a raven or crow or two.  He wanted them to eat them.  The next day he got 2 magpies and then a jay.  He cleaned them up and made a fire and cooked and ate them.  ??????  So he slept overnight in his blind in a sleeping bag two nights to do that.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/11/22, 08:14:31 AM
 :doah: :pouty: well so far I'm not impressed with the order.  :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/11/22, 08:23:30 AM
We see them around the cabin area at times. Dutchy, maybe it's because your in no man's land?! :scratch: :rotflmao: birds don't even know where you are.  :sleazy:

Well, you wouldn't be wrong thinking that.
:happy1: :rotflmao: wishing my wife would agree. I'd love it. I told her once when I retired we should move up north. She told me see you when you come back!! :pouty: :pouty:
:scratch: :doah: I know I've told you before but all you probably really need is a new recliner & PBTV so she can watch her favorite channels, Hallmark & Lifetime.                    :sleazy: :nerd: :evil:                 ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/11/22, 09:58:25 AM
I enjoyed seeing magpies when I lived in the Little House on the Prairie. I'd dump the goose guts from our hunting excursions back in the weeds amongst some junk farm equipment. There was an old pull type swather, a small field cultivator and other assorted stuff that were kinda interesting to look at. When I'd go back there with the next batch, not unusual to see several magpies helping themselves. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on February 02/11/22, 10:19:25 AM
Do the Magpies feed on the ground or out of feeders? Maybe I should put something out there and see what shows up. Suggested food for them?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/11/22, 11:22:51 AM
I know they sure like gut piles from the deer. Nut sure what the do eat.  :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/11/22, 12:44:06 PM
Like i said dog food drew them into our feeders
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on February 02/12/22, 09:37:33 AM
I have a couple of those suet logs hanging on my feeders. Those woodpeckers just love those things. Fun watching them hang upside down hammering away on it. -20 and they are all over them this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/12/22, 11:43:40 AM
Tried to get a pic of a male cardinal right outside the living room window earlier. Camera shy apparently. Any slight movement and he was back hiding in the spruce tree. 4 fox squirrels pigging out on ear corn & anything dropped under the birdfeeders. They pulled 2 of the 3 ears of corn off the deck screws anchoring them to the feeder today. Must be on roids. Pheasants are no shows. Lotsa downies, hairies, red bellies, blue jays and goldfinches.     
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Cooperman on February 02/12/22, 12:14:22 PM
We have these at our feeder today. I’ve never seen these before. I looked them up and I think it’s a pine grosbeak?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/12/22, 12:17:01 PM
Nice pic Coop.  We get them once in a while but it has been a long time.  I did see one Evening Grosbeak yesterday.  Just one.  Usually there are a few of them.  We still have redpolls, nuthatches, and chicadees showing up. And some woodpeckers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/12/22, 12:28:55 PM
We have these at our feeder today. I’ve never seen these before. I looked them up and I think it’s a pine grosbeak?

I would agree Cooperman..  nice looking birds... :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/22, 12:32:33 PM
Yea coopy there the pine grosbeak. We used to get a bunch of them at the cabin. They usually come down from Canada when food is tougher to find up there
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/12/22, 06:02:19 PM
was looking at the MN DNR eagle cam today and it sure looked like she had an egg already!!! 

just looked up and read Feb is normal for them to lay eggs!!   cool!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/13/22, 05:57:34 AM
Hope it don't freeze!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/13/22, 06:57:22 AM
that was my thoughts too!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/13/22, 08:01:46 AM
We have had pine grosbeaks steady this winter. As long as I keep the sunflower seed in there for them. Been a long time since we have had the evenings though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Cooperman on February 02/13/22, 10:39:41 AM
Nice pic Coop.
I tried taking my own photos, but they didn’t turn out very good. I got that one off the internet while I was trying to figure out what kind of bird it was. I see the female has a yellow head, but I didn’t see one.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/13/22, 11:34:36 AM
I volunteer glenn to climb up and sit on the eagle egg since he has nothing better to do than fish!  :evil:

1 rooster pheasant back this a.m. along with the usual suspects...  :coffee:

Have had a large group (25 - 30) of small brown birds that I hear periodically in the mornings while I'm on my way to the barn. Since I'm usually hauling buckets across the ice I don't get a chance to see where they're at much less get close enough to ID them. Noticed the other day something's been picking the seeds out of the spruce cones. Never seen so many cones on the trees as this winter. There were the papery little wings from the seeds all over the windshield of the pickup. This morning though on my way back into the house I saw a whole bunch of them fly out of the tops of a couple taller spruce trees. Couldn't get close enough to be sure what the birds are. Leaning towards pine siskins based on the calls after playing their calls on several bird watching sites. Whatever they are, they don't seem to be coming to the feeders at least not when I'm looking.  :scratch: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/13/22, 11:51:11 AM
You'd probably see more birds iffin you'd spend less time looking for porn to send me via email. :tut: :pouty: :rotflmao: :evil:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/13/22, 01:32:53 PM
mikey said you were just mad because you were looking at yer phone & missed the turn for Morey's... :hubba:

After cleaning the floors & feeding the bottle lambs I took a break to watch the feeder activity. Saw a couple of common redpolls under the thistle feeder picking at seed the goldfinches are dropping. Redpolls were my 2nd guess earlier. Can't say for sure that's what's been in the spruce trees but can't say it isn't either.  :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/15/22, 03:32:49 PM
Feeders been hit or miss lately,  had a single little bird running around on the ground I couldn't identify,  google said its a dark eyed junco.. cute lil feller.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/19/22, 12:45:07 PM
Just got in from filling the bird feeders after feeding the bottle lambs. Had a couple male cardinals who are still camera shy earlier. Had 4 rooster pheasants here the other day so scattered some corn around the backyard for them. The female flicker is back. Put another suet cake in the regular feeder and within minutes there she was. Plenty of chickadees & goldfinches after their share of the sunflower feeder refill. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/19/22, 08:38:18 PM
I've got 3 tube feeders for finches and redpoll's...they literally drain them all in 8 hours.

Just plain  :crazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/20/22, 07:28:29 AM
birds around here are sporadic to say the least. some days a few stragglers...then a couple days the feeders and ground are crawling with birds?????????  :scratch: :scratch: then back to hardly any!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/24/22, 01:14:13 PM
had some birds yesterday. in the morning a male cardinal, momma cardinal came around later afternoon.  :happy1:

most days i have swans flying over the house too!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on February 02/24/22, 01:50:52 PM
Birds are hitting the feeder pretty hard here also. They are fun t watch. Those Swans are likely a Hallucination from the rot gut beer you like. :smoking:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/24/22, 02:37:55 PM
Birds are hitting the feeder pretty hard here also. They are fun t watch. Those Swans are likely a Hallucination from the rot gut beer you like. :smoking:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: :tut:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/24/22, 03:13:47 PM
had some birds yesterday. in the morning a male cardinal, momma cardinal came around later afternoon.  :happy1:

most days i have swans flying over the house too!!!!

I know at my son's place in Monticello they are flying over head there to year round...   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/24/22, 03:19:49 PM
had some birds yesterday. in the morning a male cardinal, momma cardinal came around later afternoon.  :happy1:

most days i have swans flying over the house too!!!!

I know at my son's place in Monticello they are flying over head there to year round...
Yea they sit in the river there. Used to have a gal that fed them. I took the grandkids there once to look and watch them, even donated 20 bucks.

Grandkids where more interested in getting to our destination.  :confused: :pouty: the holiday inn water slide in ostego. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/24/22, 04:38:23 PM
Before I moved here I lived on the Ottertail River just upstream from Ottertail Lake.  There were spots on the river that didn't freeze and there were swans there all winter.  I thought it was cool as heck.  I do miss that.  My brother lives on that river and pours corn on his yard and the swans come right up and get it.  They are so used to him that they stay right by him as long as he has that bucket with him.  We have just had the usual nuthatches, chicadees, both the little orange breasted and the bigger ones.  Today a squirrel ran under the grill cuz we went out and he was in the feeder.  Cooper grabbed the squirrel and I grabbed Cooper.  He dropped the squirrel and I gave him a huge head start so he would make it to the trees.  I have to look out for them better. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/25/22, 07:02:30 AM
Pine Grosbeaks and Blue Jays have really been hammering our feeder. plus the usual chikadees.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/04/22, 03:56:39 PM
Almost fergot, geese have been winging their way north the past couple nights during chores. This morning we had our first robins!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/04/22, 04:44:56 PM
We have had just one make Pine Grosbeak the last couple of days.  Very cool birds. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/05/22, 07:14:59 AM
Love the pine grosbeaks too. We have a bunch here this morning and lots of redpolls too. Bluejays should start showing up soon too. We have had starlings here this winter too, which I thought was weird.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/05/22, 07:24:02 AM
I put up a tray feeder last weekend and the birds went crazy.  Lots of purple finches,  it'll be interesting to see if the forecasted rain will have any impact on it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/05/22, 07:56:52 AM
Seen a bluejay out along our shoreline last week 1 day. :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/05/22, 02:06:31 PM
Just heard the 1st killdeer of the season moments ago whilst coming in from the barn. Afraid he's in for a rude awakening... :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/06/22, 08:03:38 AM
Used to enjoy hearing those back in my golf course days.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/06/22, 08:11:05 AM
Just heard the 1st killdeer of the season moments ago whilst coming in from the barn. Afraid he's in for a rude awakening... :doah:
did you spike your coffee?? :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/06/22, 10:30:30 AM
Nope, I was over at the neighbor's looking for meadow muffins... :shocked:

A group of cedar waxwings just swung thru. Still plenty of crabapples to eat.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/06/22, 11:10:15 AM
With the rain and snow gotta go clean up the feeders. Get rid of the wet seeds.

Out finishing the driveway I did hear a cardinal singing away!!👍
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/07/22, 12:12:45 PM
Red-winged blackbirds made a flyover this a.m.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/07/22, 01:08:43 PM
Saw 6 Robin's on the Maple tree.  They never come to the feeders. Anyone else notice that?   :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/07/22, 01:47:53 PM
Guess I've never tried to attract robins to a feeder. If I did tho, I'd probably be looking at dried fruit or berries of some kind. Until the ground thaws and they can get earthworms, that's a lot of what they survive on here. Crabapples and American cranberry are a couple favorites. They like nannyberries too in the fall but they're almost all gone by now in our planting. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/07/22, 02:07:40 PM
they do like the bird bath I have!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/07/22, 05:46:12 PM
nannyberry?   Thats one I had to look up.   Says berries are edible.   Is that true?    Maybe it would be something to plant as I work on getting rid of a bunch of Buckthorn in a low area
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/07/22, 06:59:42 PM
Nannyberries are edible. If they weren't I'd be dead by now. Dad gave me some to eat from the planting in our windbreak as a kid. I'd pluck a mouthful off the bushes in the fall when out plowing for a snack. Spit the seeds for a round then grab another batch on the next round. I still eat them in the fall when I'm mowing or gardening here at the ranch. The fruit contains a relatively large, flat stone and the flesh tastes a little like a prune. Would take a lot to fill a person up but for wildlife, not so much. Was reading the blurb from the SWCD and it says the bushes are adapted to a wide range of soil conditions from wet to dry. They're native & have beautiful red foliage in the fall. However, they're susceptible to powdery mildew if it's dampish or they're partially shaded, which dulls the color. I've pruned the snot out of them for easier mowing & to provide more air movement which seems to help.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/07/22, 08:44:13 PM
Saw 6 Robin's on the Maple tree.  They never come to the feeders. Anyone else notice that?   :scratch:
put out a feeder with mealworms in it, you'll have robins!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/07/22, 09:19:14 PM
Saw 6 Robin's on the Maple tree.  They never come to the feeders. Anyone else notice that?   :scratch:
put out a feeder with mealworms in it, you'll have robins!!

Will wax worms or Euro lave work?  I got some of those!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/07/22, 09:25:56 PM
Saw 6 Robin's on the Maple tree.  They never come to the feeders. Anyone else notice that?   :scratch:
put out a feeder with mealworms in it, you'll have robins!!

Will wax worms or Euro lave work?  I got some of those!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
give it a whirl!!👍👍 :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/09/22, 03:11:11 PM

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/09/22, 07:27:46 PM
There's a real one! Spring is on the way!  :happy1:

Click it
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/09/22, 07:32:16 PM
were you in Iowa??    :rotflmao:  way cool to see the birds coming back for sure!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:

good pic too!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/09/22, 08:29:13 PM
were you in Iowa??    :rotflmao:  way cool to see the birds coming back for sure!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:

good pic too!! :happy1:
  Was in north mpls.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/10/22, 07:34:21 AM
Some of them cidiot robins don't fly south.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/12/22, 10:54:39 AM
I got a tree rat infestation...... again....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/22, 10:59:44 AM
I got a tree rat infestation...... again....
:confused: :doah: where where them damn things last fall!!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :banghead: :banghead:

musta been afraid of the sharp shooter!!!!!! :Hunter: :fudd: :whistling: :nerd:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/12/22, 04:32:29 PM
Is dat Glenn's chair still sitting der next to da bait station? Maybe try moving around next time..  :rotflmao: ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/22, 05:11:43 PM
Is dat Glenn's chair still sitting der next to da bait station? Maybe try moving around next time..  :rotflmao: ;)
:confused: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/13/22, 09:14:51 PM
Saw a couple white blobs about a 1/4 mile away in the field this afternoon. At first I thought it was snow, then realized the only snow left is in the ditches & fencelines.They weren't in the backyard so got the birding glasses out. Yup, just a couple swans playing in a puddle. Later tonite when I was grilling I heard swans in our pond area. Lotsa geese flying over about then too. Way cool.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on March 03/14/22, 07:08:06 AM
Good sign Dotch,spring is knocking at the door,I headed to nebraska to hunt snow geese after I got the "get your arse down here" call and pics of several 1000 snow geese only to show up with 10" of fresh snow,not a goose to be seen,they all went back south when the blizzard blew thru,oh well it was good to see old friends.

yesterday afternoon had abunch of robins picken thru the dead leaves for ?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/14/22, 08:22:12 AM
I love the sounds of swans and geese in the spring.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/15/22, 07:29:00 PM
had a blue jay in the bird bath today!!  tried his best to even splash for a bath!!  fun to see!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/15/22, 07:32:43 PM
Funny you say that, I thought about putting my bird bath tub out yesterday!! :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/16/22, 06:19:47 AM
I got a pelican, egret and a ibis....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on March 03/16/22, 06:43:57 AM
Nice H.D.,so what the heck is a  "IBIS?" looks like a plastic bag.

more robins showing up at my place,herd unseen morning dove yesterday afternoon whilst smoking a cigarout back in my pole barn,he was perched somewhere in the stand of pinetrees coooing away
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/16/22, 07:24:48 AM
It's a shore bird with a long red beak. It was a good 60 yards away. The best picture I could get with my phone...oh well..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on March 03/16/22, 07:50:51 AM
It's a shore bird with a long red beak. It was a good 60 yards away. The best picture I could get with my phone...oh well..

LOL....gotta ask,about the sidewalk,it just ends for no apparent reason,left over concrete from a nearby job maybe?

Oh even zooming in looking for this IBIS,still can't see it,but thanx for the pics.

you get in some fishing or just ppl watching?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/22, 08:18:41 AM
i.ve keeping an eye out for doves and robins.....nuttin yet. think we have to much snow on the ground around here ?????i have been hearing cardinals more often though!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/22, 08:21:37 AM
been seein doves here...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on March 03/16/22, 08:51:24 AM
My back yard has had doves over a week. Still see our cardinal almost daily. No Robbins yet.
I did hear what I think was an eagle but I never saw it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/22, 09:36:59 AM
The neighbor has a couple of eagle nests in his trees.  I see this morning one is in the pasture picking up hay to bring to the nest.  They have landed in our trees but haven't built a nest yet. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on March 03/16/22, 09:57:51 AM
The neighbor has a couple of eagle nests in his trees.  I see this morning one is in the pasture picking up hay to bring to the nest.  They have landed in our trees but haven't built a nest yet.

That's cool LP,lucky you,been a few years since I had a family of "cooper hawks" in my pine tree stand,it was much fun watching the young grow and learn to hunt,at the time we had little ankle bitter pup's I  was concern one of these small dogs would be scarfed up one day,as they had no problem hitting rabbits.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/16/22, 10:37:39 AM
Speaking of that, must've been an owl hit a bunny overnite. Nearly full moon. Fur all over the yard. Have heard some great horned owls at nite when I do lamb check. Before sunrise, the cardinal sings his lungs out from the windbreak as I'm dumping water buckets. No better music to start the day.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/22, 11:17:57 AM
Done seen my first 2 robins... So I put out the mealworm feeder!!!

I'm such a swell guy. :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/16/22, 04:59:19 PM
It's a shore bird with a long red beak. It was a good 60 yards away. The best picture I could get with my phone...oh well..

LOL....gotta ask,about the sidewalk,it just ends for no apparent reason,left over concrete from a nearby job maybe?

Oh even zooming in looking for this IBIS,still can't see it,but thanx for the pics.

you get in some fishing or just ppl watching?

Nope, I just worked on my tan 🤣
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/22, 07:57:20 AM
The neighbor has a couple of eagle nests in his trees.  I see this morning one is in the pasture picking up hay to bring to the nest.  They have landed in our trees but haven't built a nest yet.

That's cool LP,lucky you,been a few years since I had a family of "cooper hawks" in my pine tree stand,it was much fun watching the young grow and learn to hunt,at the time we had little ankle bitter pup's I  was concern one of these small dogs would be scarfed up one day,as they had no problem hitting rabbits.

I read or was told years ago that when you see an Eagle to think of a loved one that is no longer with us.  Their spirit my be in that Eagle watching you!  I like that thought!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/17/22, 08:08:39 AM
Done seen my first 2 robins... So I put out the mealworm feeder!!!

I'm such a swell guy. :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
:scratch: Any sign of Keaton & Clooney? :nerd: :evil:          ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on March 03/17/22, 09:43:27 AM
Done seen my first 2 robins... So I put out the mealworm feeder!!!

I'm such a swell guy. :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:

Explain "mealworm feeder" last summer when blue birds showed up I put they're houses out and meal worns in a old small bowl,darn piggy robbins always cleaned the worms out before blue birds got a taste.maybe a mealworm feeder is the way to go?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/17/22, 06:39:33 PM
just watched some robins here for the first time this year!!   :happy1: :happy1:

went outside again and were the robins ever singing away!!  sweet!! 

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/18/22, 06:36:33 PM
Turns out after getting a bird book we've had house finches and not purple.  Pretty close tho in color. After the snow melted it appears a bunny took a hit during the winter..lol.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/19/22, 08:17:05 AM
I just saw a red (pine) squirrel run into the bird feeder.  The hunt is on.  I don't waste any time getting rid of them. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/19/22, 03:41:52 PM
We got Robin's here too.....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on March 03/19/22, 10:19:08 PM
I just saw a red (pine) squirrel run into the bird feeder.  The hunt is on.  I don't waste any time getting rid of them.

Me either.  Reds and Grays.   Just got home a couple days ago and filled the feeders.   So far not much has shown up, they must have moved some when the goodies stopped while I was away.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/19/22, 11:56:03 PM
They’ll be back. Won’t take long.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/20/22, 07:47:44 AM
We had just got our bonfire going yesterday and had two Canadas flew right over us.  First of the year too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/20/22, 07:53:59 AM
the geese have been really going over us all week now..  no sand hills yet..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/20/22, 08:13:08 AM
Had 1 flying east honkin here yday too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/20/22, 08:16:52 AM
Had a great blue heron fly out in front of me by Mud Lake yesterday in my travels.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/20/22, 09:00:49 AM
haven't seen them yet either...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/20/22, 09:22:30 AM
Didn’t see, but heard a sandhill Friday. Saw a couple swans shortly after that.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/20/22, 09:47:50 AM
i seen alot of geese flying yesterday going up to Alex!!!! no sandhill cranes yet. i've had swans flying over the house all winter.....with the river being close. that stretch by goldnplump never freezes!!!!!

i officially call spring is hear when i see or hear the first loons!!!!!!

i darn near put out my birdbath yesterday.......today might be the day!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/20/22, 10:20:19 AM
 :scratch: It was officially Spring here yday :rolleyes:............................. I took the scoop shovel & cleared the door to the outhouse.  :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/20/22, 10:22:30 AM
:scratch: It was officially Spring here yday :rolleyes:............................. I took the scoop shovel & cleared the door to the outhouse.  :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :tut: i'll bet there aint no loons out in your bay!!!!! :sleazy: :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/21/22, 04:20:48 PM
Big gaggle of Sandhill cranes flew by earlier.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/21/22, 06:31:43 PM
Saw a couple egrets yesterday morning doing a flyby then heard some sandhill cranes tonite.

Boober mentioned house finches above. There are a few of them hanging around here lately. They were one of my Mom's favorites when they'd faithfully come to the window feeder in the care center during her last days. If they only knew how happy that made her. Have had a special appreciation for them ever since.   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on March 03/23/22, 09:24:03 AM
yesterdayhad a handful of redwing blackbirds hanging along my creek,eyeballing the cattails...good to see,many high flying honkers and sanhills heading north as well lately.

Didn't make it out to south dakota last week snow goose hunting,had family issues to deal with,but word from my hooligan friends tell me the migration and hunting is going strong further these guyz are finding many sick and dead snow geese in the fields,"bird flu" is suspected,dead birds have mucus pouring out of they're mouth,possibly sufficating the birds.

they collected a few of these geese for USFW folks to check out.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/28/22, 02:08:43 PM
First Juncos of the year showed up today. At least first I noticed.

Seen morning Doves last week.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/28/22, 02:27:02 PM
The make robins are banging their heads against our windows again.    Only a couple of hits in the morning, but it is increasing.

We live in this house 27 years - no problems - and all of a sudden last year - the robins start attacking our windows all around the house.

I think they're organizing.  ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/28/22, 02:48:17 PM
We have the crazy robin deal every year. Hadn’t started so far. I’ve tried everything I can think of to discourage him, but nothing has helped.

Had wood ducks perching in trees in the yard this morning near the creek.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/30/22, 04:49:08 PM
I don't know about you boys, but I can't keep up with filling the feeders....  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/30/22, 06:21:34 PM
They are constantly burning calories aren't they.  They don't rest long. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/30/22, 06:31:11 PM
Holy crap HD!!! You might need to have birdseed hauled in by the semi load, you know kinda like Dotch and his gin!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/30/22, 06:57:13 PM
man the tweety birds are happy there!!!   

finally seen some kill deer and sand hill cranes today!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on April 04/01/22, 11:47:20 AM
First red finch showed up yesterday. Da color is very faint at dis stage a-da season!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/02/22, 01:17:00 PM
Just watched a robin pull an earthworm out of the ground on the south side of the house a couple minutes ago. Frost must be out of the ground there... :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/02/22, 01:21:30 PM
I still can't pull out my markers for my one horseshoe pit and garden on the south side of my property line  :confused:

Don't help the neighbors wood fence blocks the sun most of the day!!🙄
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/02/22, 04:47:38 PM
Havnt seen a house finch in a week or so but the gold ones are piling in. I had no idea that the males this time of year aren't super yellow. Thanks to my bird book!! Anyhow we had a bag of meal worms in the cart at FF but for some reason it didn't make it to the register.. soo I put up another shepherds hook with some safflower and some thistle just to see what happens,  but they sure do like that Midwest blend.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/02/22, 05:39:41 PM
The roosters have returned to Capistrano....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/22, 06:43:45 PM
Friday I was going to pick up some mealworms, seen a package that said mealworm and nuts. Had all kinds of pretty birds on the package. Thought what the hey, give it a try . I've had a cardinal sitting on the bluebird feeder the last 2 days!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/03/22, 06:49:47 PM
Had me worried for a minute. Thought you were going to eat them. Yer hero Walzo wants people to eat bugs ya know... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/03/22, 06:58:32 PM
Has anyone tried this type of hummingbird feeder?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/03/22, 07:08:29 PM
nope.i have found the more simple, less fancy work best!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/03/22, 07:09:13 PM
Never seen one like that. With some kind of an ant guard, sure looks like something they'd like here. If the openings were big enough, I could see the orioles possibly using it too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/03/22, 07:10:29 PM
haven't seen that before either... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/05/22, 09:42:32 AM
Good to see the mating season in full swing,seen the first wood ducks hanging on my creek bottom,poor hen mallards are taking a beating by a bunch of horned up drakes,morning doves the same,poor girls.Doesn't appear our gold finches are turning yellow yet,sure have a bunch on the feeder lately.

This bird flu is worry some,farmers are nixing entire flocks,100's of chickens gone,bet this will further increase our prices of poultry and eggs...

snow geese in the dakota's are taking a big hit,not many honkers tho,I watched a kestral hawk fall stone dead outof a tree it was perched on,checked it out,just skin n feathers like the dead snow geese,no body mass,sad as it is it's nature.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/05/22, 10:22:56 AM
Had me worried for a minute. Thought you were going to eat them. Yer hero Walzo wants people to eat bugs ya know... :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: i've noticed when i refill this, it gets picked threw........not everything gets cleaned up????  :scratch: most odd thing was there leaving sunflower nuts alone????? peanut pieces also??? i may just bring it up to the cabin........critters up there eat anything!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/05/22, 06:06:10 PM
I have the same problem... the finches seem to eat anything but the millet, and pick it out to the ground.... thankfully, I have Turkey's that come in and could care less to clean up the mess.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/06/22, 07:13:16 AM
Our feeder was full of small birds yesterday whist it was snowing those huge flakes.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/07/22, 06:51:09 AM
Ours too. Was loaded with Redpolls in the feeder and on the ground.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/07/22, 12:35:29 PM
Came home a bit ago and noticed a pile of robins.y neighbor has an ash tree, he's got a wahoo pile of robins under it now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/22, 10:21:31 AM
The yard got kinda quiet the past few days when the weather was crummy. Let the bird feeders go until that moved out. There was seed left in some of them but needed to clean the wet stuff out and refill. They'd emptied a couple of suet feeders too. Once cleaned and refilled, the birds came out of the woodwork. Chickadees, goldfinches, house finches, nuthatches, blue jays, cardinals, red-bellies, downies, hairies, juncos, and the flicker. There's been one robin banging into the sliding glass door this a.m. Shooed him off but he'll likely be back. Sad to see one of the pet rooster pheasants got hit the other day. Last week a couple of them were fighting in the road. Had to stop and honk the horn before they'd move.  :huh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/09/22, 02:07:36 PM
Some say we shouldn't be feeding the birds until the avian flu dies down. Not sure whst to think about that.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/09/22, 02:11:20 PM
I wondered about that too Roony.  Also we are not supposed to feed birds I think from April 1 till Nov 1 so we don't attract bears.  ?????   So do we let the birds die after they are used to our feeders for many years? 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/22, 02:37:48 PM
Stop feeding the birds? Not according to anything official I've seen. I put out masks for them to wear tho...😷😉


Copied and pasted the article below in case you didn't want to get butt jabbed by the Red Star for a subscription:

t's OK to leave up the feeders. Right now in Minnesota avian flu is not a major concern outside of poultry farms.
By Jim Williams Special to the Star Tribune APRIL 6, 2022 — 7:44AM

Blue jays are among the bird species infected with avian flu. As of the end of March, other species, nationwide, are, as well, including American crow, bald eagle, red-tailed hawk, wild geese, many species of duck, black vulture, hooded merganser, brown pelican, sanderling, snowy owl, and mute swan. Migration is expected to add to that list.

Avian flu is highly unlikely to injure or kill your backyard birds or infect your feeders.

"Right now avian flu is not a major concern for us" in relation to backyard bird feeders, Tami Vogel of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota said in late March.

"We're not advising people to take down their bird feeders," she said.

Commercial poultry farms in Minnesota — raising turkeys and chickens — have infected birds; they have the problems.

Wild birds are being infected, too, but only a handful from the metro area by the end of March — species included a crow, blue jay, mallard and wood duck, Vogel reports.

Wild waterfowl can carry the virus. It presents the most danger to domestic fowl.

Is it a danger to you? Rarely would there be transmission from the birds in your backyard to you or anyone else, according to Vogel.

"If ducks/geese congregate beneath your feeders you might want to consider making that area inaccessible in some way," Vogel said.

She suggested that my wife and I stop scattering shelled corn in our back yard for visiting mallards, wood ducks and Canada geese, all three species high on the infection list.

That's a "you never know" precaution, she said.

Also, now more than ever you should routinely clean feeders and bird baths.

How can you tell if the bird in question is ill? If it looks sick, it probably is sick, Vogel said. Look for lethargy and draining from the nares (nostrils).

Don't try to help the bird, she told me. Call local animal control or the Minnesota Department of Conservation and ask for instructions. Follow protocols you are given for handling deceased birds.

The WRC is hoping municipalities have plans in place for how to handle sick/dying birds as well as dead birds.

In Minneapolis, people who encounter sick or injured wildlife should call 311 and request an animal control officer come out to assist, according to Casper Hill of the city communication department.

"It's helpful if callers provide a good description of the animal and where it was last seen," he wrote in an e-mail. "If able they could monitor the animal (from a distance) until an officer arrives.

"Deceased wild birds pose little risk to humans," Hill wrote. But he offered this advice if you are to dispose of the dead bird yourself:

Use reasonable caution (wear gloves, use a shovel, wash hands for at least 20 seconds, etc.), he wrote. Out of the utmost caution, people can wash clothing and disinfect soles of shoes that may have come in contact with the deceased animal.

Disinfect shoes by spraying soles with a bleach solution (one part bleach, three parts water), letting them stand for 10 minutes, then wiping them off.

In Roseville, the rehab center at the end of March was accepting songbirds as patients, but not waterfowl, crows or blue jays.

It's possible that an infected bird will show no sign of illness, according to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

"The virus can spread through regular respiration (airborne), saliva, and through fecal matter. The virus can remain infectious on objects like feeders/seed, and bird baths," the APHIS website says.

"We're hoping to see an end of infections in the wild bird population by mid- to late June, but that is purely hope right now," Vogel said.

"We don't know how long the outbreak will last. It's been in Europe for months," she said.

As of March 28 the U.S. Department of Agriculture listed the virus present in more than two dozen states and a half-dozen Canadian provinces. Most of the infected birds were ducks or geese. Trumpeter swans are listed as susceptible.

APHIS anticipates that additional avian influenza detections will occur as wild bird migration continues, according to its website.

Lifelong birder Jim Williams can be reached at woodduck38@gmail.com.

Correction: This story has been updated to clarify that the avian bird flu is not viewed a major concern right now by the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota in relation to backyard bird feeders.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/09/22, 03:27:17 PM
I just filled the feeders!! :happy1:

Wouldn't be the first time I didn't listen to the so called experts.  :sleazy: :evil: :nerd: :snow5: :nerd:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/22, 05:09:45 PM
They're not birds & they can't fly but they do sing, sort of. Heard my 1st western chorus frogs of the season while harvesting pussy willows.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/09/22, 05:54:32 PM
Thanks. I could handle it if the wrens get it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/09/22, 08:53:52 PM
I wondered about that too Roony.  Also we are not supposed to feed birds I think from April 1 till Nov 1 so we don't attract bears.  ?????   So do we let the birds die after they are used to our feeders for many years?
I’ve read a lot about feeding birds from experts like Caroll Henderson snd George Harrison( not the Beatle). From what I’ve seen, the birds will be fine if we stop feeding them. I have not put out food for a few weeks to avoid attracting bears. I’ve had that problem with feeders torn down and damaged several times.

On another note, not a bird but another sign of spring—came across a skunk foraging in a south facing ditch this afternoon.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/10/22, 08:10:17 AM
Well these two waddlers just showed up, if they keep coming back I might hafta put up a sign " no fowl at the feeder"  ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/22, 08:14:22 AM
thats cool boober.........for about 2-3 years i had a pair of mallards come to the feeders here too!!!!!i didnt mind ground feeding birds.they kept them mess cleaned up a bit!!! :happy1:

still got juncos around.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/10/22, 08:42:47 AM
We will keep feeding the birds.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/22, 08:46:56 AM
We will keep feeding the birds.
so will I!!!! :happy1: in all the years up north i dont ever recall the bears getting after are feeders......so i think i'll just keep feeding there too!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/10/22, 09:24:25 AM
We will here too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/10/22, 09:26:24 AM
'zactly. We've planted all kinds of stuff so migrating birds would have food for their journey thru. If they ban bird feeding, are we supposed to pick & discard all the crabapples & berries off the viburnum too?  :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/10/22, 09:30:57 AM
Heard talk of some taking theirs down last Fall here as Yogi was tearin 'em up all the time. Don't remember if that was going on in the Spring too. :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/10/22, 04:21:24 PM
I saw a timber doodle today  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/10/22, 05:17:17 PM
Isn't a viburnum a lady part? 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/10/22, 07:58:22 PM
Mulva?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/11/22, 07:09:33 AM
Sure was busy weekend of bird's migrating,here in central minnsewta,seen  shovlers,wood ducks,and mergansers already,the sounds of sand hills was none stop all day,beautiful sunday afternoon.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/11/22, 07:19:48 AM
Not sure but I thought I saw some mergansers take off from the river yesterday. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/13/22, 06:47:31 PM
Rooster pheasant's own our backyard, even after one of them got smoked on the road a few days ago. Snapped this guy's pic as he was heading for the pasture tonite. A couple seconds later one crowed from the brush pile on the other side of the yard.  :cool:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/13/22, 06:50:41 PM
Great pic of a great bird.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/13/22, 06:51:54 PM
I could come down and rid them invasive species!!! :fudd: :Hunter:
 :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on April 04/13/22, 08:39:40 PM
Speaking of the red star paywall.... If you put a . after com it bypasses the paywall.   Just helping spread the wealth from the evil capitalist paper owners to the poor working class here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/14/22, 10:57:19 AM
Thanks, comrade. Wonder how long it'll take before they discover the word is out & folks are sent to the gulag?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/14/22, 01:22:54 PM
Rooster pheasant's own our backyard, even after one of them got smoked on the road a few days ago. Snapped this guy's pic as he was heading for the pasture tonite. A couple seconds later one crowed from the brush pile on the other side of the yard.  :cool:

I was shocked to see one running around up in Finlayson, Minnesota a few weeks ago when I was up that way.  Didn't think any of them were up that far?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/14/22, 03:24:01 PM
Rooster pheasant's own our backyard, even after one of them got smoked on the road a few days ago. Snapped this guy's pic as he was heading for the pasture tonite. A couple seconds later one crowed from the brush pile on the other side of the yard.  :cool:

I was shocked to see one running around up in Finlayson, Minnesota a few weeks ago when I was up that way.  Didn't think any of them were up that far?  :scratch:
ya I've seen a few on that stretch,  good mix of grouse and ringnecks.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/14/22, 04:07:11 PM
Ya, when I think about that Finlayson area, I envision trees and such altho if it's like everywhere else these days, there are probably corn fields scattered around along with other field crops. On the flip side, SE North Dakota has some pretty good pheasant hunting and that would be on about the same latitude.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/14/22, 11:49:49 PM
Not sure if you heard on the News tonight. They want us all to Stop feeding birds at our feeders because of the Bird flu.   :undecided:

I wonder if we stop for two weeks, if it will flatten the curve-too?  :bonk:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/15/22, 06:47:49 AM
I don't know what to think of it.  ???
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/15/22, 07:35:21 AM
I agree Leech. Saw the report on TV & read the blurb from the Red Star. I'll post some food for thought including data later, after I shower, record weather data, play initials & do payroll. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/15/22, 10:55:20 AM
Oops! Forgot I had to email my black cutworm data XL spreadsheet. Annaway, as Sid Hartman was fond of saying...

I've been monitoring the avian flu situation closely as it could be an important factor when it comes to not only grain supply and price for farmers temporarily but what it means for prices in the grocery store. Those of us who like eggs and grilling yardbirds are already aware of that. I have a spring planting article ready that will go to print on Monday so we have the most current info possible concerning the avian flu. Originally it was slated to go to print a week ago so I had it submitted then. A lot has changed in a week. When I asked the editor if I could resubmit it with more current data on Monday, he was all for it in light of the changes. He "gets it". Something I also found from talking to a gal who is involved with the turkey industry is that once it warms up, the avian flu tends to disappear. Again, it's a virus and they generally don't like heat or sunlight. This one is no exception. If you look at the cases right now, they are focused where it is still cold. They also tend to be in areas where waterfowl has migrated recently or is still migrating. If you look at Texas, which is one of the largest egg producing states in the US, they have detected the disease in one county versus the 17 counties and counting here in MN. The forecast high for Dallas today is 85. It will struggle to get past 35 here.

1st off, the individual from the raptor center who was quoted does not represent a regulatory or enforcement agency. Until I see something concrete from USDA, APHIS, MN BAH, the CDC, MN DNR or some such official authority, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. That said, look at the CDC's data included in the link. Tell me how many songbirds you see included on their list. I saw none. The predominant birds affected are waterfowl species with only a few raptors having the potential to be readily exposed to songbirds, one of those being a single instance of a Cooper's hawk. I know the lady claimed they were finding blue jays affected. Give us access to the data then so we can say, yup, there's a problem rather than making a blanket proclamation telling everyone to stop feeding the birds. As I said before, if that's the case, am I also supposed to pick & discard all the fruit off the 300' of row of American cranberry and a dozen or so crabapples? I hope not because the robins are struggling right now with the ground being froze and staying too cold the rest of the day for earthworms to surface. I'm not feeding them per se but in reality I am. I clean my feeders as well as anyone. They get periodic treatments in not only a 10% bleach solution but water so damn hot it'll take your hide off. We need it that temp for washing the bottles for our bottle lambs. Haven't had one get sick from lack of sanitation on our part.


Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/15/22, 11:04:32 AM
Thank you.  We do get blue jays so was concerned about that. Our neighbor has two active eagle nests too so want to do what is the best for all.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/15/22, 11:11:26 AM
I look at it a lot like the mask deal Barry. If it makes you feel better, by all means pull your feeders. If you're taking the necessary precautions and are comfortable based on what you know, leave them out. I suspect the eagles that have been affected have been feeding on dead waterfowl carcasses. They're largely carrion feeders as are the vultures.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/15/22, 11:13:57 AM
from what I have seen or rather read, it seems turkeys are affected the most here Mn...  seems strange unless I'm missing some thing... 


this is the site have been looking at... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/15/22, 11:29:21 AM
Ya Dotch I guess an eagle isn't going to catch a songbird or even a blue jay for lunch.  Just filled the feeder!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/15/22, 11:34:28 AM
from what I have seen or rather read, it seems turkeys are affected the most here Mn...  seems strange unless I'm missing some thing... 


this is the site have been looking at...

MN leads the country in turkey production as far as # of birds. Interesting to see where we rank on other poultry related production. I've been looking at the MN BAH site too. I see they added one more site since yesterday and are up to nearly 2 million birds affected between all the different poultry types. They're a few days behind as I found last week when I knew of a couple barns locally that hadn't been reported yet.


Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/15/22, 12:16:46 PM
Oops! Forgot I had to email my black cutworm data XL spreadsheet. Annaway, as Sid Hartman was fond of saying...

I've been monitoring the avian flu situation closely as it could be an important factor when it comes to not only grain supply and price for farmers temporarily but what it means for prices in the grocery store. Those of us who like eggs and grilling yardbirds are already aware of that. I have a spring planting article ready that will go to print on Monday so we have the most current info possible concerning the avian flu. Originally it was slated to go to print a week ago so I had it submitted then. A lot has changed in a week. When I asked the editor if I could resubmit it with more current data on Monday, he was all for it in light of the changes. He "gets it". Something I also found from talking to a gal who is involved with the turkey industry is that once it warms up, the avian flu tends to disappear. Again, it's a virus and they generally don't like heat or sunlight. This one is no exception. If you look at the cases right now, they are focused where it is still cold. They also tend to be in areas where waterfowl has migrated recently or is still migrating. If you look at Texas, which is one of the largest egg producing states in the US, they have detected the disease in one county versus the 17 counties and counting here in MN. The forecast high for Dallas today is 85. It will struggle to get past 35 here.

1st off, the individual from the raptor center who was quoted does not represent a regulatory or enforcement agency. Until I see something concrete from USDA, APHIS, MN BAH, the CDC, MN DNR or some such official authority, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. That said, look at the CDC's data included in the link. Tell me how many songbirds you see included on their list. I saw none. The predominant birds affected are waterfowl species with only a few raptors having the potential to be readily exposed to songbirds, one of those being a single instance of a Cooper's hawk. I know the lady claimed they were finding blue jays affected. Give us access to the data then so we can say, yup, there's a problem rather than making a blanket proclamation telling everyone to stop feeding the birds. As I said before, if that's the case, am I also supposed to pick & discard all the fruit off the 300' of row of American cranberry and a dozen or so crabapples? I hope not because the robins are struggling right now with the ground being froze and staying too cold the rest of the day for earthworms to surface. I'm not feeding them per se but in reality I am. I clean my feeders as well as anyone. They get periodic treatments in not only a 10% bleach solution but water so damn hot it'll take your hide off. We need it that temp for washing the bottles for our bottle lambs. Haven't had one get sick from lack of sanitation on our part.


Here's my response to the Raptor Center on Facebooks post below.  I'm sure like Deer with CWD they killed millions of Turkeys because they found a few birds with a cold!  Good thing they don't do that with humans!  :surrender:

"All I'm reading is a lot of "we know, maybes, possibilities, and gaps in our knowledge" Get you Shat together before you spread fear, kill millions of farm birds, drive up the costs of food and start another panic like Covid during a time when inflation is running wild. Living on fears and panic seem to be the new costly and deadly norm! 😒"
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on April 04/16/22, 05:08:12 PM
Funny thing with my feeder this morning. Birds got all the sunflower seeds out and somehow 2 of them got under the glass and got trapped inside.    :rotflmao: Never saw that before. Anyway by the time I got around to getting out there one had gotten out. I lifted the roof off and the other one shot out of there.

Also saw a Robin in the Pine tree outside the kitchen window yesterday. Only one i've spotted so far. Only a month and a half until the Hummingbirds show up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/16/22, 06:48:00 PM
 :sleazy: birds got worse problems then the flu!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on April 04/16/22, 07:36:19 PM
First killdeer of the year in my backyard yesterday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/16/22, 08:08:40 PM
Seen a loon on the horseshoe chain today.  :happy1:

They usually follow open water!! But hey it's a start!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/17/22, 08:12:07 AM
Some of the smallest lake just south of ML looked open or close to it on Modis yday. First day clear enough in a week or so to even get a look. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/18/22, 09:47:13 AM
hmmmm,yesterday the sandhills were really active/vocal then what appeared to be a "black-back woodpecker out back along the creek downed  tree's,he was pestering a squrriel eye balling my feeder...fun to watch.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/18/22, 06:57:31 PM
Good article on the homepage concerning the feeding of birds during the avian flu outbreak. I put my main feeder back out Saturday after cleaning it up. Not much activity today and I could see why. A Cooper's hawk was patrolling the grounds tonite when I got home. It went after a bunny but it was bigger than the hawk was so no danger there.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/19/22, 06:57:01 AM
I had to rescue a Redpoll out of the feeder last night. Some how when it gets low enough on seed they can sneak in there somehow. I just filled it on Saturday and the Redpolls and Juncos have been hammering it. A 2.5 gallon bucket will fill the feeder. There have been close to a 100 birds the last week at the feeder and on the ground.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/19/22, 07:02:08 AM
That is a lot of activity JB.  We have had juncos too the last few days. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/19/22, 11:07:04 AM
Good article on the homepage concerning the feeding of birds during the avian flu outbreak. I put my main feeder back out Saturday after cleaning it up. Not much activity today and I could see why. A Cooper's hawk was patrolling the grounds tonite when I got home. It went after a bunny but it was bigger than the hawk was so no danger there.  :rolleyes:

Been thinking about our avian bird flu....

I find it interesting that the ONLY solution the govt folks have is to kill every bird in the flock, but then they all ask for people that see birds behaving strangely in their own flocks to call them so they can test the flock. WHY would any chicken owner willingly call when the only solution is total loss of your birds??? It never said in any of the reports of these so called "Positives" that the birds were symptomatic, sick, or dying. Just that they tested positive, with the same PCR tests that have been proven problematic with false positives numerous times in the past. Bird flu comes in two flavors from what I can tell, Low Pathogenic and High Pathogenic. High Pathogenic has high mortality in birds and the other doesn't do much of anything and neither infects people. Why kill all the birds? Why not let the flu take it's course thereby leaving the resistant birds in the flock and improving the flocks genetic health?? Seems to work for wild birds just fine. I just find it odd that instead of trying to build bird flu resistant poultry flocks, we kill them all and only accomplish reducing the supply of meat and eggs. Seems to me we are shooting ourselves in the foot as bird flu is uncontrollable in wild birds and we will continue to have this problem.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/22, 12:23:28 PM
I don't think the owners really have a choice given the USDA protocol. USDA and MN BAH veterinarians are both monitoring the buildings as I understand it. The majority of these buildings are owned by folks like Glen Taylor (egg laying operations in IA) and other large corporate entities like Hormel (turkeys). They own the birds inside the buildings while the property owner usually owns the buildings themselves and provides the labor, which is how they get paid. I too wonder why the meat couldn't somehow be salvaged altho that would put a sudden burden on slaughter and packing capacity. Then there's the also the potential liability issue should the virus suddenly decide to cross boundaries and discovers it likes humans too. I don't think it would be wise to just let it run its course either. Then you run the potential of creating a huge pool of disease carrying birds to infect others with, along with the increased potential for mutation in a huge petri dish.

While I don't like what is happening, I really don't see much of an alternative at this point. I do think they need to work on new prevention measures and the place to start is to determine how it's getting into the buildings in the first place. I have some sneaking suspicions that the lovely house sparrow and starling populations serve as a bridge and are partly to blame. Some have said go free range like Europe. What do they do in Europe when bird flu shows up in the wild bird population within proximity of their poultry operations? They put the poultry inside! Smaller, less localized flocks like the good old days when I was growing up would probably help but then efficiency is lost and resulting prices are higher.

In the sheep industry, we've been involved in the USDA's scrapie eradication program for many years. Luckily, the USDA did their homework well on this program and they made the proper changes when producers voiced their concerns about problems. While it's still an animal destruct policy on animals affected, there's genetic testing allowing identification of individuals that are genetically resistant and they are spared. The prevalence of scrapie is almost unheard of anymore. USDA needs to quit spending so much time worrying about climate change, cover crops, soil health, carbon credits, etc., and focus more on what's feeding this country in the here and now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/19/22, 02:03:39 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/22, 02:29:45 PM
You got some?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/19/22, 02:43:25 PM

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/19/22, 03:14:49 PM
You got some?  :scratch:
Haven't seen any of them suspected bird flu spreaders yet!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/22, 04:11:21 PM
WLM= Wren Lives Matter!  :angry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/19/22, 05:44:00 PM
Oh Oh, for the first time ever we have two Canada geese eating green grass that is under one of our bird feeders that we don't fill very much.  They are probably 30 yards from the house and they are driving Cooper crazy.  He is settling down some now I guess.  SO are we in bird flu territory now?  LOL 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/20/22, 10:34:05 AM
Oh Oh, for the first time ever we have two Canada geese eating green grass that is under one of our bird feeders that we don't fill very much.  They are probably 30 yards from the house and they are driving Cooper crazy.  He is settling down some now I guess.  SO are we in bird flu territory now?  LOL

LOL,Oh oh is right,they'll be laying large green land mines accross your yard LP, but cooper is your huckleberry,he'll scarfing them up ,maybe rolling in them...lucky you...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/20/22, 10:58:47 AM
After on hour or so I let him out to scare them away.  Haven't seen them yet today.  I too thought of him rolling in the goose crap
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/20/22, 11:02:49 AM
It only stinks until they get it all rubbed off on the furniture...🦨
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/20/22, 11:16:09 AM
Had to bathe one of my dogs last night. He cornered a mink in a small hollow in the base of a tree. Got him in the house and my wife handed me a bottle of Skunk-Off. I didn’t notice outside,  but once in the house it was really apparent.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/20/22, 11:17:17 AM
I always so "go see your Mom".  I think it is funny as heck but it never works.  LOL
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/20/22, 11:36:29 AM
Okay fish, I'm confused,mink spray?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/20/22, 11:37:53 AM
Mink piss.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/20/22, 12:00:41 PM
I worked at a mink ranch when I was a kid and they stink bad.  Our family dog growled mean at me the first night I got home from work.  It took awhile for me to get her to calm down. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/20/22, 12:01:41 PM
lol,so your pup got ahold of the critter....they let out piss to wort off enemies? like a skunk.never knew this,I have mink that crusie along my creek at times luckly my dog never made contact with them,he has killed a few muskrats tho.I'm sure they pissed when he grabs em just not on him.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/20/22, 01:14:10 PM
Hey, LPS, was that near Annandale?  I knew a guy whose family had a fur farm near there. They had at least one of every possible critter that had fur.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/20/22, 02:47:34 PM
No it was in Luverne.  The family had been in it for years and I helped to build the new ranch.  Pretty cool operation.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/20/22, 04:20:25 PM
Thanks for the heads-up on mink,  never knew that.  Our dogs are on leash at the cabin while walking ( just cuz people drive 50 in a 30) but have seen a few of them critters cut across the slough areas.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/20/22, 05:11:04 PM
Yeah, it’s not like skunk spray—not as sharp— but it definitely is a nasty odor. I found it also easier to get rid of on the dog than skunk. Poor guy—just in the wrong place athe wrong time. If he had stayed near the creek instead of crossing paths with my thug of a cocker spaniel, he’d still do alive doing mink stuff.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/20/22, 06:22:04 PM

But songbirds are likely at very little risk of carrying the disease, according to Carstensen and the DNR.

There have only been a handful of known bird flu cases in songbirds throughout history, Carstensen said.

"The risk of them carrying the virus isn't high, but it is certainly not impossible," she said. "Birdfeeders are probably not very problematic."

This seems to contradict what the Raptor center stated a week ago. Hoping more name calling doesn’t get started again.
copied this from else where, take it for what it's worth...   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/20/22, 06:46:50 PM
Or if a guy lived by a big turkey or chicken facility I could see maybe being more careful but there are none of those near me.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/20/22, 08:03:16 PM
There are several, myself included, who think the Raptor Center overstepped its bounds and with the mainstream media performing as it does, you can see what happens. If they have data on songbirds being infected, let's see it. As any math teacher would request, show your work. Don't play the CYA game that's rampant in our MN governmental agencies. The media too is so lazy it's pathetic. Sounds like avian flu is slowing some as well. Only a couple new cases on the MN BAH website today. Not surprising as the likely source of infection, namely large flocks of waterfowl, have passed thru the area. Also not surprising, a couple of the Waseca Co. barns that broke with it are in close proximity to a body of water where large numbers of waterfowl rest on their migration through.   

Speaking of the media, I submitted the spring planting article I'd written for the local paper Monday, after having made additions and corrections because they hadn't run it the week before like they'd told me they would. Luckily I caught it or the dummies would've run the 10 day old information on the avian flu portion of the article and made me look like a fool. I updated the info so it would be as current as possible and provided corrected info for my bio which they had royally botched. What happened? I got the paper today and looked at the article. The corrections in the copy itself were made but the stuff in my bio was still all effed up! Things I'd included in parentheses & assumed they'd figure out weren't to be printed, got printed & only made it worse!🤡🤡🤡's :doah: In my book, it's a cardinal sin not to show the article's author the copy as it will appear before it goes to print. I've dealt with some great pro's over the years thru Farm Journal, Successful Farming, Pro Farmer, The Farmer, RRFN, and the list goes on. They've always had the brains and courtesy to do that. They might want an interview down the road so it's just good policy, especially when dealing with technical info they're not familiar with. I chewed the guy's dad out for the same crap when he owned the paper. The apple doesn't fall from the tree I guess. Talk a good show but too lazy to make sure the info is right or to check other sources and provide the other side of the story as was the case with the info you provided mikey. Too bad when you have to do their work for them.  :sad:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/21/22, 07:09:48 AM

good info on your thoughts of the bird flu,I'm amazed very little print about what has been taking place in our western states regarding all the infected waterfowl as they migrate,bet we picked up well over 100 dead snow/blue geese on every day outing's (several hunts)from nebraska and the dakota's,seen one kestrel hawk fall stone dead out of a tree over hanging my pole barn in chamberlain,also seen a snow goose fall stone dead out of a huge flock escaping my approach,upon inspection of dead goose to verify whether it was shotgun pellet that hit a vital and resulted in a slow death which happens quite often folks shooting steel ammo,not the case on this goose,these dead birds are feathers/skin no body mass,we burned piles of these dead birds on a daily basis,nature has a away to reduce populations.

Regarding your farm journal issue,it's my belief our younger generation 20-30 year olds are lacking hands on experience/street smarts,they have learned to take the easy route,let someone else to the leg work and if it's wrong blame someone else...sound familiar?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/21/22, 07:22:39 AM
Frustrating Dotch.  Laziness seems like the way of the world these days.  Let someone else do it instead of taking the bull by the horns. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/21/22, 10:14:35 AM
Yup and it's not just the media stuff either Barry. Boomers are retiring and a lot of places are having a devil of a time finding people to replace them and the work ethic they represented. A lot of the replacements no longer want to pay their dues. Want to start where the people they're replacing were getting paid but not do as much work.

snow, I see on the CDC map that hasn't been updated since early April (speaking of laziness) that there are a lot of primarily waterfowl detects in the states to our west. And as you said, not much mention about it. My brother (works for what used to be Informa) & I were exchanging info too and both of us were wondering how much testing was done last time around on not only waterfowl but songbirds.

I agree too snow, definite lacking of hands on experience, part of paying your dues. We've been talking about that in here, that especially these younger guys really have an issue trying to figure out when conditions are fit to work ground and plant in the spring. Most of them don't garden anymore & wouldn't be caught dead checking behind the planter to see if it's tacky or their planting depth and singulation are good. What if their buddy down the road saw them? No style points.  :doah: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/21/22, 11:03:20 AM
Latest MPR article

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/21/22, 11:56:27 AM

I hunted this spring with a ornthologist from nebraska university,we talked about the bird flu and why kill every bird in the flock,he has done extentive studies the past 15 years.

His input best I can remember:

he's done thousands of PCR's some have trivial mistakes buit not all,If a chicken flock has h5n1 or higher pathogenic version it will spread quickly to every bird,killing every bird in the flock,workers will spread the virus on shoes etc.,he claims only logical action is to kill off the flock as quickly as possible,this flu doesn't run it's course like our annual influenza,The possibility of a chicken will be resistant to h5n1 is very low and not worth the risk.

Further when this professor was in S.E. asia several years ago doing a study this flu infected the asian population,he claimed about 50% of the ppl that caught this flu died within a couple days of being infected.although they lacked quality medical care.

He said fortunately the flu doesn't transmit to humans easily or from person to person.

he lectures often and sent me to this site for more information,I thought you or others might want to check out.

This site shows how far this flu has spread all thru asia and euorpe,even africa.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/21/22, 06:23:59 PM
another sign of spring, the pelicans are back now...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/22/22, 10:14:07 AM
another sign of spring, the pelicans are back now...

Last week in south dakota,seen flocks of pelicans,sand hills and two small family groups of whooping cranes riding high altitude thermals,circling and slowly heading north,cool to witness,only second time in my life I've seen wild whooping cranes,rare site.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/22, 10:47:16 AM
another sign of spring, the pelicans are back now...
shootz 'em!!! :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/22/22, 11:07:56 AM
another sign of spring, the pelicans are back now...
shootz 'em!!! :confused: :rotflmao:

so Glenn is it true they taste like chicken???   people want to know!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/22, 11:24:42 AM
another sign of spring, the pelicans are back now...
shootz 'em!!! :confused: :rotflmao:

so Glenn is it true they taste like chicken???   people want to know!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
naw, more along the lines of a bald eagle!!! :mooning: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/22, 11:35:27 AM
Saw two wood ducks yesterday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/22/22, 12:28:21 PM
To me the damn fish eatin' pelicans taste a lot like cormorants only they got more meat on them and ypu get a huge bill.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on April 04/22/22, 12:41:32 PM
Locals tell me they taste like a cross between a bald eagle and a loon...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/22/22, 12:42:00 PM
To me the damn fish eatin' pelicans taste a lot like cormorants only they got more meat on them and ypu get a huge bill.
dats to scoop yer soup with!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/23/22, 09:12:11 AM
another sign of spring, the pelicans are back now...
You should see 'em over at Mosomo Pt/Little Cutfoot when the walleyes are runnin & the DNR is taking spawn over there. :rolleyes: There must be at least 50, maybe more most years. Had 1 DNR worker tell me they have to have someone stay out there, they usually have a small trailer house with their set up, or the pens would be empty every morning. :crazy: :pouty: :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/22, 09:19:33 AM
another sign of spring, the pelicans are back now...
You should see 'em over at Mosomo Pt/Little Cutfoot when the walleyes are runnin & the DNR is taking spawn over there. :rolleyes: There must be at least 50, maybe more most years. Had 1 DNR worker tell me they have to have someone stay out there, they usually have a small trailer house with their set up, or the pens would be empty every morning. :crazy: :pouty: :doah:
shootz'em!!!!!!!! :Hunter: :fudd: :fudd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/23/22, 09:30:52 AM
 :scratch: Hoosegow??? :evil:          ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/22, 11:17:09 AM
:scratch: Hoosegow??? :evil:          ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
:pouty: :pouty: dont kiss and tell!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :nerd: :nerd: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/23/22, 11:19:11 AM
heard a loon when I was checking on the ribs in the smoker!!!   sweet!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/22, 11:22:18 AM
heard a loon when I was checking on the ribs in the smoker!!!   sweet!!!   :happy1:
:scratch: is boar in the neighborhood????  :scratch: :doah: he's a bit loony!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/23/22, 05:36:46 PM
Saw our first barn swallow of the season in the main barn tonite. Can the wrens with their melodious soundtrack for summer be far behind?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/22, 05:57:13 PM
Saw our first barn swallow of the season in the main barn tonite. Can the wrens with their melodious soundtrack for summer be far behind?  :scratch:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: I'll bet ole Roony is on the lookout!!  :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/24/22, 06:56:49 AM
My brother is big into Martins and has beautiful houses for them.  He said the first ones showed up on Friday in the Ottertail area.  Tree swallows which are kind of our favorites he saw on Saturday.  SO they should be here in a few days.  I wonder when the Bluebirds will show up.  We enjoyed the one that nested right by the deck in a house we put up years ago. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/24/22, 08:06:08 AM
My brother is big into Martins and has beautiful houses for them.  He said the first ones showed up on Friday in the Ottertail area.  Tree swallows which are kind of our favorites he saw on Saturday.  SO they should be here in a few days.  I wonder when the Bluebirds will show up.  We enjoyed the one that nested right by the deck in a house we put up years ago.
glad to hear you had a bluebird!!! :happy1: last year during there spring trip back they ran into some serious bad weather and alot of them didnt make it. we never had any last summer!!!! :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/24/22, 08:36:35 AM
Wrens killed all the baby bluebirds here last year. :>(
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/24/22, 08:40:08 AM
For Roony it's the wrens. For me it is the grackles. I hate them dang things and they just showed up at the feeder this morning.  :angry2: They will have the feeder empty by tomorrow night. And that sunflower seed is expensive.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/24/22, 08:50:55 AM
Starlings and house sparrows are my main enemies. The dummies who decided it was a good idea to turn them loose in the US back in the 1800's should've been shot. Sunflower seed has really increased in price. A short crop last year and increased demand have made for record prices. 

More barn swallows here this a.m. Not sure what they'll do for food the next several days with the cooler temps. Won't be a lot of flying insects around.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/24/22, 08:51:46 AM
For Roony it's the wrens. For me it is the grackles. I hate them dang things and they just showed up at the feeder this morning.  :angry2: They will have the feeder empty by tomorrow night. And that sunflower seed is expensive.
shootz'em!!!!!!!! :Hunter: :fudd: :fudd: :green archer: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/24/22, 09:01:58 AM
so...with this goofy weather when do ya'all think the hummers will be back????? :doah: in a normal year i usually put the oriole feeder and hummer feeders out around mothers day/fishing opener?????
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/24/22, 10:22:14 AM
watching the lake this morning there is a bog, about 5 or 6 foot across, floating with the wind and ice..  well for the last couple hours a pelican has taken up residence on it...  kinda fun watching it and how the ice has changed so much in the last 4 hours, along with all the different ducks out there too!!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/26/22, 06:34:00 PM
finally a blue heron on the lake!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/26/22, 07:38:23 PM
Saw our first pelicans yesterday evening but no herons yet.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/28/22, 05:34:20 PM
Whilst changing the lure in the black cutworm trap tonite, saw & heard my first brown thrasher of the season. This as opposed to the red-breasted bed thrashers glenn and gunner commonly encounter in Inger! 🤭
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/29/22, 11:03:54 AM
Speaking of red-breasted thrashers...

The robins are getting frisky in the back yard this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/29/22, 11:35:36 AM
Thought I heard a white-throated sparrow on my journey out to the cutworm trap this a.m. About time for them to start moving thru. Couldn't see it tho & really didn't have time to go look for it. That's been the one downside to having planted all this habitat stuff. The birds are more scattered now, not just in the back yard where they're easier to see.  :doah:

Watched a young fox squirrel tangle with the roller feeder at lunchtime. Got dumped off twice. Served him right. Was fishing thru the fridge & came across a bag that I couldn't remember putting in there. It was a couple jars of jelly a nice elderly column reader had given me. She found 'em in her fridge & was gonna toss them. Then she recalled I liked feeding jelly to the orioles. Another week or so and they could be here. I need to replace the nectar feeder they share with the hummingbirds too before time slips away. Wife got me a new hummingbird feeder, same as the old one. Can salvage the parts off the old one in case the squirrels chew it up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/29/22, 04:33:32 PM
Speaking of red-breasted thrashers...

The robins are getting frisky in the back yard this morning.

Yep, we’ve had a lovelorn male throwing himself against his reflection in the window the last couple days.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/29/22, 04:37:58 PM
That is really something that so many of youse guys have had that happen.  I never have.  That is a big bird hitting a window. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/29/22, 04:49:15 PM
 Lung yourself lucky. It really gets to be annoying, and I have not found an easy or effective way to discourage it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/29/22, 04:52:12 PM
I  could see putting something on the outside of the window which sucks.  I would like to see it though.  Must be quite a deal.  We have birds smacking our windows a lot but it is small birds. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/22, 07:26:25 PM
them friggin ugly pelicans where thick on that lake south of branierd on 371. i didnt put bird food in the feeders at the cabin. i cleaned them and fixed one up that needed it. mom has this suet feeder with 4 of the wire cages attached, it was down with a door off. i didnt see any signs of yogi or boo boo but wasnt taking a chance. i'll fill them next trip up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/22, 09:39:22 PM
Something worked this tree over during the winter in the cabin yard. Kept an eye out but never did see the culprit.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/29/22, 10:02:06 PM
Looks like the work of a pileated. Lots of wood fibers st the base of the tree?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/22, 10:24:29 PM
Looks like the work of a pileated. Lots of wood fibers st the base of the tree?
oh yea!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/30/22, 01:03:17 AM
Something worked this tree over during the winter in the cabin yard. Kept an eye out but never did see the culprit.
Gotta be Bigfoot   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/30/22, 06:45:49 AM
We had an Elm tree fall down this winter and it was from a Pileated pecking at the bottom of it.  Will be firewood this winter.  Huge pile of chips.  Hard to believe a bird could do that.  He must have been pretty mad.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/22, 07:51:01 AM
Something worked this tree over during the winter in the cabin yard. Kept an eye out but never did see the culprit.
Gotta be Bigfoot   :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea i was thinking the same thing!!!!!!1 :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/30/22, 08:00:55 AM
Looks like the work of a pileated. Lots of wood fibers st the base of the tree?
Seen that on a couple of our big pines along the driveway here too. Caught 2 of those big Woody's out there working them over. :sad:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/30/22, 08:37:19 AM
Saw one here briefly this winter. Guessing that's what got after one ash tree. Lotsa bark on the ground around it. Hope it doesn't have emerald ash borer.

Definitely hearing white throated sparrows this a.m. Have been chipping sparrows here for over a week.  Goldfinches are sure getting lots more color to them.
These two have been hanging around the yard & pasture the past couple days. Guessing they're a couple of Jake's. Camera shy but fairly large & no beards I could see.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/22, 09:34:11 AM
for what its worth, catching up on my daily papers, theres this guy that owns thew wild bird center in st cloud says that hummingbirds have been spotting in the twin cites?????

i dont take much stock in what he says yet i read in stuff. he wants to sell bird stuff mainly!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/30/22, 06:25:22 PM
I did finally see one white-throated sparrow this afternoon. Saw one of the turkeys off & on. Then after chores this guy sauntered thru the backyard. Drizzly old afternoon & evening so far.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/22, 08:37:01 AM
Can add white-crowned sparrow to the list of birds migrating thru at the ranch. Still waiting for the Harris's sparrow to make an appearance.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/01/22, 08:44:03 AM
hey Dotch........you gots some twigs and sticks to pick up!!!!!!! :smoking: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

we've had a few yellow finches the past couple days. just south of here heard someone had an oriole!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/22, 09:02:05 AM
Waiting for the wrens to show up & haul all the sticks up to roony's... :whistling:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/01/22, 09:03:04 AM
Waiting for the wrens to show up & haul all the sticks up to roony's... :whistling:
:happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/01/22, 09:40:35 AM
I see the Mn DNR eagle cam set has only one chick left..  sounds like the bigger one pushed out the smaller one and they couldn't save it... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: deadeye on May 05/01/22, 12:31:45 PM
Not many birds in the backyard since crows took up to nesting in the neighbor's pine trees.  :angry2:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/01/22, 01:22:18 PM
I see the Mn DNR eagle cam set has only one chick left..  sounds like the bigger one pushed out the smaller one and they couldn't save it...
I heard a wren got it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/01/22, 01:32:36 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/01/22, 01:41:58 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on May 05/02/22, 05:30:41 PM
      At 17:45 Sunday, we saw our first Ruby Throated Hummingbird of the year. My wife put our hummingbird feeder out on Saturday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/22, 05:32:24 PM
Putting my hummingbird and oriole feeders out tomorrow!! :happy1: I done worked to hard today!!! :confused: I be tuckered out!! :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/22, 06:23:41 PM
Saw my 1st Harris's sparrow of the season this afternoon so it didn't take long to see the sparrow trifecta (white-throated, white-crowned & Harris's). Have been seeing them come thru here for ~ 25 years. If I stay home tomorrow which I plan on I'll probably follow suit & put out the oriole & hummer feeders too. Out of suet cakes so it's time. 🕰

Whereabouts are you located TT? 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/02/22, 06:37:53 PM
Bird flu hits home........
Every year we have purchased trees from the county. This year as we planned on where these trees would go and looking around, we found a turkey vulture in distress. I took pictures, and sent them to the raptor center. They had said that they couldn't come out..... anyways, the bird expired today.  :sad:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/02/22, 06:45:05 PM
heard some great horned owls got it too....

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on May 05/02/22, 07:29:56 PM
      Dotch, I'm west and a bit north of The Greater Metropolitan Amboy Area.
      Actually, as I sit here and think (never a good idea), I guess I live closer to Willow Creek.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/22, 08:34:35 PM
 :rotflmao: I hate when that happens, that thinking stuff. I bought some tractor wheel weights from some guy who restores International tractors somewhere out in the weeds south of Willow Creek. Have they done any work on Hwy 30 to the west of Amboy? Smooth as glass now from Bugtussle to Mapleton. I need to make a point of getting to Amboy for Swedish pancakes again someday. Have some friends who live there as well. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/03/22, 06:22:07 AM
I've heard about them Willow Creekers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/03/22, 07:12:56 AM
Too bad about the vulture HD.  Hate to hear that the bird covid is getting closer to any of us. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/03/22, 04:17:18 PM
I've heard about them Willow Creekers.
What are you hearing?  Our kids went to Willow Creek Middle school....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/22, 04:22:02 PM
Putting my hummingbird and oriole feeders out tomorrow!! :happy1: I done worked to hard today!!! :confused: I be tuckered out!! :pouty:

Iff'n ya didn't drink all that beer afterwards ya wouldn't be so tuckered!  :rotflmao:

Took down 2 of the 3 suet feeders. Was a little dab of suet left in one so put that in the feeder #3. Put two hummingbird nectar feeders out. Can watch the hummingbirds from the dining room or the oval office that way. Got the oriole feeder out with one dish of peach preserves and one of grape jelly. Will the wrens be far behind? Better put out some houses for them or they'll build a nest in the gas grill again!  :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/03/22, 04:54:12 PM
Few years ago when I shot on a traveling pool league we shot the Willow Creek team. Shot them in Vernon Center.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/22, 05:10:30 PM
Were they middle school grads?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/03/22, 06:03:37 PM
Didn't ask if they graduated. We had more important things to talk about. None of em ever mentioned Del.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/03/22, 06:29:45 PM
Few years ago when I shot on a traveling pool league we shot the Willow Creek team. Shot them in Vernon Center.

Well what is the rest of the story Roons.  What the heck did you do with them after that???   How many of them were there?   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/03/22, 06:37:19 PM
Dead men tell no tales.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/22, 08:44:21 AM
Saw a brown creeper this a.m. and a catbird was eyeing the jelly feeder. Place is crawling with white-throated sparrows and some Harris's sparrows every once in a while. Haven't noticed any white-crowned sparrows this a.m. Still an occasional junco but they're getting scarcer. Lotsa goldfinches. I see a house sparrow thinks they're going to nest in the birdhouse by the garden. Will evict them so the wrens will have a place to reside. 😄
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/22, 08:48:28 AM
i put out the hummer feeders, oriole feeder and grape jelly feeder yesterday. seen a finch at the jelly feeder....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/04/22, 08:53:30 AM
Gonna get some jelly and nectar out there when I get home from the care center. Thought I saw a female grosbeak this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/04/22, 08:59:10 AM
Lots O juncos up here yet. And the dang grackles.  :angry2:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/04/22, 09:30:03 AM
Catbird sighting in Bugtussle.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/22, 09:48:46 AM
Are you down visiting yer Mom today roony?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on May 05/04/22, 09:49:38 AM
noticed the first swallows recently,also local slough is loading up with diver ducks,mostly bluebills and ring bills and a few buffelheads,enjoy watching the migration.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/04/22, 09:52:24 AM
Are you down visiting yer Mom today roony?
Yes, trying to have someone here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/22, 09:55:10 AM
A few minutes after I posted my initial observations, a couple rooster pheasants made their way across the pasture to the CREP acreage. They stopped to spar occasionally then continued on their way. Their breeding plumage is almost metallic when the sun hits it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/22, 09:59:22 AM
Are you down visiting yer Mom today roony?
Yes, trying to have someone here.

Ah, you are the good son.

I have a good friend in there rehabbing after a knee replacement. Planned on stopping in to see him this week before the Chinese flu struck.  :sad: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/22, 12:11:10 PM
Just seen my first tree swallow!! We're getting there!!!👍
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on May 05/04/22, 12:28:35 PM

Lucky you to have a couple rooster's around that made it thru our nasty winter.

I had one mean old rooster at my place in sodak that stopped by and put a beat down almost everyday on my trucks rear bumper unless my truck was dirty (no reflection) haha.

had a buddy living in the high altitude in colorado,fall rutt he has video of a big horn sheep almost knocking itself out head butting his wife's suv.critters are fun to watch.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/22, 01:03:39 PM
They sure are. Got a voice mail the other day from my buddy who has goslings already on the pond across the driveway from his house. As crappy as April was, we were amazed the goose could keep the eggs warm enough to hatch. Bet they won't be so fun to watch once they start eating his beans! 😁 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: deadeye on May 05/04/22, 02:54:07 PM
Last week I got a few pictures of a lone crane. I assume the other is on the nest.

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/05/04/4tyfN.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/4tyfN)

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/05/04/4tjEz.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/4tjEz)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/05/22, 07:18:02 AM
We just had a male and female red wing blackbirds land on our feeder.  The squirrels are eating us out of house and home so not much for them to munch on.  May have to let the dogs put more pressure on those squirrels. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/22, 08:40:01 AM
Saw the 1st oriole of the season eating grape jelly here a little bit ago. Like the rooster pheasants, very wary and camera shy. Thought I heard a hummingbird last nite around dusk when putting out the birdbath. Couldn't see it but sure sounded like one. Ready for them anytime. Needs to be spring.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on May 05/05/22, 08:49:06 AM
May have to let the dogs put more pressure on those squirrels. 

 LPS, Try useing some of them "cure all" tubes on them. They're yellow, 2 3/4" long and fit in a 20ga. :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/05/22, 08:53:45 AM
Saw the 1st oriole of the season eating grape jelly here a little bit ago. Like the rooster pheasants, very wary and camera shy. Thought I heard a hummingbird last nite around dusk when putting out the birdbath. Couldn't see it but sure sounded like one. Ready for them anytime. Needs to be spring.
You always get all the early birds.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/22, 10:50:58 AM
Wowsirs! Good morning for gawking out the window. Had a wren land on the porch railing & announce it was here. Rooster pheasant has paraded past several times. The crowning touch was a tom with a 7" - 8" beard sauntering thru. Hadn't seen him before. He was huge & absolutely magnificent.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on May 05/06/22, 09:48:07 AM
We just had a male and female red wing blackbirds land on our feeder.  The squirrels are eating us out of house and home so not much for them to munch on.  May have to let the dogs put more pressure on those squirrels.

LP,squrriels like mice if you see one you have dozens...they all look the same excluding red squrriels.

couple years ago layed off as non-essential I spent many afternoons chipping away at my squrriel population as they were going thru 1 lb of bird seed daily.

I figure on the low end over 3 months I took out 70 critters,high end 80 outof 100 shots,my resident owls thanked me for the meals then red tail hawks took over that summer.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/22, 10:11:43 AM
Other places that I lived there were endless supplies of squirrels.  Up here I was surprised that we only had about 3 of them.  Now we have maybe 5 of them tops.  They are gray squirrels.  One had hardly any hair on his tail and he has white feet.  I wondered it one of the dogs grabbed his tail once. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/06/22, 10:28:03 AM
shoot em and eat em...  good eats!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/06/22, 11:14:51 AM
shoot em and eat em...  good eats!!
yep. There considered a game animal and illegal to shoot when season isnt open

And they taste just like chicken!! :rotflmao:

Seriously there great eating!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/06/22, 11:22:10 AM
Still looking for that first oriole, hummingbird, or grosbeak.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/06/22, 11:25:36 AM
Haven't eaten a squirrel in a long time glenn but I agree. The young fox squirrels in the backyard are tempting after they've been fattened up on ear corn. They're kinda territorial so while some live at our place, some also commute on the road from the neighbors to get at our feeders. A lot of them get squashed in the process but like bunnies, they're a renewable resource.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/06/22, 11:36:00 AM
Still looking for that first oriole, hummingbird, or grosbeak.

Heard another wren this a.m.... :whistling:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/06/22, 11:43:54 AM
Still looking for that first oriole, hummingbird, or grosbeak.

Heard another wren this a.m.... :whistling:
Better you than me. :crazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/06/22, 12:12:04 PM
Just got home and we have an oriole. Life is good.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/07/22, 07:59:45 AM
Male rose-breasted grosbeak and a male orchard oriole here this a.m. Fewer migrating sparrows when I looked. No hummingbirds but wrens have set up shop. Singing their lungs out when I walked out the door to do chores.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/07/22, 08:21:05 AM
Bummer about the wrens.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/22, 08:29:59 AM
Our Tree Swallows showed up the other day.  Sure hope they stick around. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/22, 08:33:47 AM
Our Tree Swallows showed up the other day.  Sure hope they stick around.
Yea there bug eating machines!! One would think with the river there and woods plenty of bugs to gorge themselves with.

Ours are still around, seen there fighting with the sparrows this morning. Funny how fast them worthless sparrows find them bluebird houses after I opened them up. :confused: never seen them all winter.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/07/22, 08:43:36 AM
Haven't seen any tree swallows yet. Usually do but some of their houses are in tough shape. Female grosbeak is here now. Red-bellied woodpecker is squawking at me to put out some ear corn for him. He's a pig.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/07/22, 06:32:04 PM
Ist hummer at the feeder.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/07/22, 07:04:59 PM
Ya beat me by a half hour roony. Just spied the 1st one here.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/22, 09:02:53 PM
Youz guyz get all the hummers!! :pouty: :smoking: :sleazy: :rotflmao:

Did see my first oriole today!!👍
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/08/22, 08:42:14 AM
I didn't clean out the tree swallow houses.  I wonder if that will bother them??
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/08/22, 08:52:14 AM
I didn't clean out the tree swallow houses.  I wonder if that will bother them??
LPS.........from what i've been told and know about it, the only bird house you DONT clean out every year is a purple martin house????

not sure how accurate that is, but i know them friggin sparrows dont mind a house already nested up!!!!!!! :angry2:

some birds will also make nests in more then one house...think its a territorial thing.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/22, 10:44:16 AM
Happy Mother's Day!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Lee Borgersen on May 05/08/22, 04:05:03 PM

Spotted one of deez guys at da feeder dis mornin. Borgie looked it up in da bird book and it already had a check mark on dat page. Dat means we must-a seen it in da past once before.  :scratch:

 :coffee: ....... Photo

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/09/22, 08:34:16 AM
Birdies are nuts this morning. We got orioles, yellow finches, grosbeaks, and hummers. Stealing the show were two indigo bunting. What a treat!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/09/22, 08:41:22 AM
You get all the good buntings... :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/09/22, 08:43:38 AM
You get all the good buntings... :pouty:
I resemble that statement. :sleazy: :smoking:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on May 05/09/22, 06:27:12 PM
I'll do the Hummingbird feeder this week although I think it's to early yet up here.

Sure wish we had Pheasants up here.   :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/09/22, 06:31:22 PM
Had our first hummingbird here today 👍👍
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/10/22, 08:53:15 AM
Had our first hummingbird here today 👍👍
as did we last evening Glenn! Momma just sent me these pics of an indigo bunting,  never seen one before pretty cool looking bird!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/10/22, 08:58:00 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: those are such an awesome bird. i've had them around but not often!!!!! :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/10/22, 09:19:30 AM
haven't seen one of them in a long time!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/10/22, 09:24:06 AM
Yeah, I've only spotted one, maybe two indigo buntings lifetime.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/10/22, 09:51:41 AM
Went out to freshen up all the feeders, had 5 orioles !! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/10/22, 10:22:59 AM
Has a red breasted male grosbeak sitting in the sunflower tube feeder for quite a while!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/10/22, 01:46:55 PM
Seen our first oriole when we got home a little bit ago.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/10/22, 02:37:36 PM
Saw a black and white warbler while I was eating lunch. Looked like a nuthatch wearing striped pajamas.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/10/22, 03:24:09 PM
Weii it had to happen. Saw a flocking wren this mornin
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/10/22, 03:29:49 PM
Bugtussle overflow perhaps... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/22, 09:19:28 AM
Got in on the indigo bunting action this a.m.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/11/22, 09:28:47 AM
And I saw some orioles this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/11/22, 01:12:25 PM
And I saw some orioles this morning.

just seen one and he was singing away!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/11/22, 05:36:36 PM
I thought someone dumped some "Peeps" on the ground.....  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/11/22, 06:13:45 PM
We've got a bunch around to!!👍 Haven't congregated like that though.

Sure wish da hell Roony quit hoarding all the wrens!! :pouty: :smoking: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/11/22, 06:48:46 PM
Wrens are great!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/12/22, 07:41:14 AM
Seen our 1st hummingbird here yday when I was over havin a beer with the neighbor. :cool: Feeders have been up for over a week &thought I noticed 1 looked like it was down a little the last couple days. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/12/22, 08:20:12 AM
Just saw our first one right before the wife went to work.   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/12/22, 08:21:53 AM
I better get our hummer feeder out then.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/12/22, 09:30:13 AM
No new arrivals at the feeders so far today. Have several male rose-breasted grosbeaks hitting the sunflower feeders. Been so windy lately I have to take their favorite feeder down overnite or it blows it out of the tree. This morning there was a wild turkey waiting for me to put it back out.  :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/12/22, 03:06:23 PM
Ok bird experts, need your thoughts. I got these from my mom thinking as some kind of a decoration in the garden, BUT think these would scare or chase the other birds away?????

Yea the eyes on them look like boar when I catch another fish!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/12/22, 03:16:53 PM
Sure wouldn't hurt.  May work for awhile.  Move them around or take them in for awhile and put them back out if they get used to them. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/13/22, 04:08:16 AM
Well, got some orioles and hummingbirds hanging around.    Yesterday saw this.   Looks a lot like an oriole but more yellow, and a little smaller.   this just a female oriole or something else.   Was eating jelly.

They don't seem picky about which feeder they use, the oriole feeder or hummer feeder.   

Sorry about picture being a little fuzzy.    cell phone out the kitchen window
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/13/22, 04:10:29 AM
Anybody got a way to terminate crows in the yard?   They are too jumpy for the pellet gun....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on May 05/13/22, 07:09:45 AM
First hummingbird did a fly-by Monday night thur the garage. Orioles and finches showed up Wednesday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/13/22, 07:12:13 AM
Have our first orioles here this morning.  Two or three of them.  :happy1: The male is pecking away on our suet right now. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/22, 07:42:40 AM
yea i dont see any effect of this bird flu..........i probably got more birds around this spring then ever before!!!!!!!! :happy1:

except wrens.......Roony's hoarding them apparently!!!!!!! :pouty: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/13/22, 07:57:37 AM
Ok bird experts, need your thoughts. I got these from my mom thinking as some kind of a decoration in the garden, BUT think these would scare or chase the other birds away?????

Yea the eyes on them look like boar when I catch another fish!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
I've seen something very similar to those on the lake here, glenn. It looks to me like some are using them to protect their docks & lift canopies from becoming an outhouse for gulls & other unwanted birds IMO. :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/22, 08:02:03 AM
yea i put them up along the edge of my garage close to the building. not sure if it just happened to be there werent alot of birds around at the moment or not but i didnt see many birds. i did take them down for now?????

still undecided  :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/22, 09:41:39 AM
From what I can tell del it's probably an immature male. Just in the past couple days, have seen more immatures. The females for both the orchard and Baltimore orioles have also arrived.

Those owls might work on some birds glenn but when guys I know have put them in pole barns and such, usually the house sparrows crap all over them! :rotflmao:

I agree about the bird flu glenn. I'd like to send a video clip of the bird activity in our backyard to the lady at the Raptor Center. Right now it's like a 3 ring circus between the orioles, goldfinches, grosbeaks, chickadees, cardinals, wrens, woodpeckers and hummingbirds. Never seen a spring where we had more birds overall than this one. Had to put the jelly jar feeder out because the dish feeder couldn't keep up. Bought sugar and cheap jelly at the grocery store yesterday. The lady just laughed when I brought it to the checkout. She likes to feed the birds too. :happy1:   

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/13/22, 11:07:03 AM
Also have chickadees at the hummingbird feeder and the jelly dish
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/13/22, 11:37:07 AM
Also have chickadees at the hummingbird feeder and the jelly dish
Pretty soon...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/22, 12:51:27 PM
This is where I put them. Put them back up this morning while I was outside. Went in to grab something to eat and watched. Didn't seem to phase the birds so there staying  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/13/22, 12:57:42 PM
I've got a question... I was thinking about putting some of these up by the pond. I see some of the purple martins are using some of my wood duck houses.

The question is, is there maintenance with these? Do they need to be cleaned every year?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/22, 01:01:05 PM
My mom has a bunch of them and purple martins in them. They work and is supposed to be the new in thing for martins.

And NO, you don't clean out a martin house ever!!

Clean them out if something else nests in it but MOT if a purple Martin shacks up in one!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/13/22, 07:59:55 PM
Finally, some tree swallows here. Now I gotta make the circuit and see if I need to boot any sparrows or smurfs out of their birdhouses!  :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/22, 06:51:30 AM
seen a green heron yesterday!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/22, 07:02:54 AM
Finally, some tree swallows here. Now I gotta make the circuit and see if I need to boot any sparrows or smurfs out of their birdhouses!  :doah:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: :tut:

I got wrens  :happy1: think I heard them saying Rooony....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/14/22, 07:42:30 AM
This is where I put them. Put them back up this morning while I was outside. Went in to grab something to eat and watched. Didn't seem to phase the birds so there staying  :happy1:
:scratch: It doesn't seem like the gulls were very scared of 'em here either. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/14/22, 07:53:13 AM
Yea the birds don't seem to be the least bit concerned!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/15/22, 04:34:50 PM
The pair of Indigo Bunting has returned this year.

And, a new visitor....a Scarlet Tanager.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/15/22, 06:03:29 PM
Those tanagers are special. I've seen one, ever, and that was when I was about 18.

Had to chuckle here yesterday when I was raking in the backyard. When I'd pause after dumping any of numerous scoop shovels of crap, I'd hear this crackling sound. Turns out it was a male grosbeak cracking open sunflower seeds as fast as he could stuff them in his face. In the morning I'd seen him take exception to a house sparrow on HIS feeder. He clamped onto the sparrow's wing and I swore he was gonna tear it right off. Sparrow didn't mess with him after that. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/15/22, 06:59:00 PM
Had a pair of red headed woodpeckers this morning. They seem to be eying up a spot to nest in a dead elm.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/15/22, 07:16:50 PM
HD that is a big time duo to see both of them at your own feeders.  I too don't know if I have seen one of them.   :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:  I haven't seen a red headed woodpecker in years.  That would be great Roony. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/15/22, 07:57:49 PM
Awesome 👍👍
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/16/22, 06:54:09 AM
We had about a dozen blue jays converge on us yesterday.  I kept chasing them away but it took a bunch of noise to do it. Had one morning dove too at the same time. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/16/22, 07:46:18 AM
The pair of Indigo Bunting has returned this year.

And, a new visitor....a Scarlet Tanager.
Neighbor seen an Indigo Bunting over there Friday & he had to show us a pic as we didn't know what they looked like. :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/22, 09:21:00 AM
Common yellowthroats are singing duets with the wrens from the plum & sumac thicket. Enough leaves now so they're feeling right at home.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/16/22, 06:48:05 PM
We had the first red-headed woodpecker in our backyard in many moons. Liked the ear corn and the jelly feeder. Had the red heads routinely for a long time then all the sudden they stopped coming. The only place I'd see them nearby was occasoinally at the kindly neighbor's pasture. We have more aging soft maple and boxelder now so there's more places for them to drill away.

Was also a jake turkey here tonite taking a dust bath in the pasture. Hope he goes somewhere else before I decide to get serious about gardening. Maybe roony would take one in trade for some wrens.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/16/22, 06:52:18 PM
Very nice!  Thanks for the picture too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/16/22, 09:10:55 PM
Seen a redhead woodpecker here this evening. We used to have a pair of them for quite a few years. They would bring their babies to the feeder. Then they disappeared. Was cool to see one back tonight. Also seen our first hummer.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/17/22, 06:30:05 AM
I love the redheads. They were so commonplace when I was a lad that I didn't appreciate them.
 Dotch, I'll trade ya three woodchucks for a wren.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/17/22, 08:10:06 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: I will trade some blue jays for a wren too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/17/22, 09:15:03 AM
I love the redheads. They were so commonplace when I was a lad that I didn't appreciate them.
 Dotch, I'll trade ya three woodchucks for a wren.

Think I'm good on woodchucks. At least wrens don't dig around foundations!  :doah:

The red-head was back this a.m. Was watching him from the oval office.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/17/22, 09:52:10 AM
Been seeing at least one the last few mornings. That elm tree has a hole about the diameter of a tennis ball. He or she goes in far enough so you just see the tips of the tail feathers. I dont know if it is feeding babies or preparing a nest.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/17/22, 12:33:37 PM
Your mention of the elms reminds me of the river bottoms over our direction when I was a kid. The bottoms in places like Bear, Deer, and Spring Valley Creeks along with the Root River were just loaded with dead elm trees after Dutch Elm Disease went through. There were red-headed woodpeckers all over the place working them over seemed like.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/17/22, 12:59:57 PM
Kind of a bird/fish question. At work we have water control ponds. I spent some time this past weekend cleaning up the grounds and, much to my surprise, I found a couple smallish dried up sunfish by one of the ponds. Then I found out the regular grounds keeper had found some larger ones when the ice went out. Can waterfowl transplant eggs from a nearby lake? That's the only way I can think of how they got in there.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/17/22, 01:04:36 PM
That's interesting Roony.. We had a bunch of little waddlers stroll thru a little bit ago.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/17/22, 01:17:32 PM
Kind of a bird/fish question. At work we have water control ponds. I spent some time this past weekend cleaning up the grounds and, much to my surprise, I found a couple smallish dried up sunfish by one of the ponds. Then I found out the regular grounds keeper had found some larger ones when the ice went out. Can waterfowl transplant eggs from a nearby lake? That's the only way I can think of how they got in there.

here is some thing roony;
The surprising survival story suggests that birds can act as carriers for fish eggs, transporting the casings far from their original locations, researchers suggest in a new study published in the journal Ecology.  even if they have been ingested it said too..  very interesting I think too!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/17/22, 01:31:43 PM
Kind of a bird/fish question. At work we have water control ponds. I spent some time this past weekend cleaning up the grounds and, much to my surprise, I found a couple smallish dried up sunfish by one of the ponds. Then I found out the regular grounds keeper had found some larger ones when the ice went out. Can waterfowl transplant eggs from a nearby lake? That's the only way I can think of how they got in there.

here is some thing roony;
The surprising survival story suggests that birds can act as carriers for fish eggs, transporting the casings far from their original locations, researchers suggest in a new study published in the journal Ecology.  even if they have been ingested it said too..  very interesting I think too!!!

I kind of figured this had to be the case somehow...  How else could you explain all of the unconnected lakes have all the various fish species - as natural reproduction permits.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/22, 02:46:32 PM
YES birds can transfer fish eggs from one body of water to another.

AND contrary to the DNR's ramblings they also spread unwanted weeds and the zeebs and whatever else.

Yes I'll admit so does a man and his wife's boat!🤣
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/17/22, 03:43:08 PM
Yupper, from an email I got from a USFWS biologist regarding some minnows I had seen in our wetland shortly after the restoration project, he stated that "dispersal can be be by transfer of fish embryos and fry by aquatic birds". Most prairie potholes like our wetland didn't have native minnows due to the isolation of the basins and their shallow depth, freezing out in the winter. OK by me. I never intended it to be for fishing in the first place.  :coffee: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/17/22, 06:05:59 PM
I got a better shot of him today, not real clear... but better. I went to grab my Cannon Rebel to get a real close up clear photo... but the battery took a crap  :banghead: ( got a new one coming from Amazon)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/22, 09:10:36 AM
that is so friggin cool HD. we had one out when we had the camper at the campground for a while. never here in town!!!!!!!

noticed this morning a wren was working on a nest in the wren house!!! :happy1:  Nary a sign or siting of any bluebirds!!!!!! i have noticed less bird activity, i reckon there beginning to nest now!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/22, 09:33:37 AM
Was thinking the same thing glenn. Except for the goldfinches, the bird activity in the backyard has slowed some. Looks like fewer young birds and what's left are those that will be or are already nesting here. Some like the catbird(s) are just starting to be noticed at the jelly feeder so it's still a nice variety for us to watch and feed. :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/22, 03:14:25 PM
Kind of a bird/fish question. At work we have water control ponds. I spent some time this past weekend cleaning up the grounds and, much to my surprise, I found a couple smallish dried up sunfish by one of the ponds. Then I found out the regular grounds keeper had found some larger ones when the ice went out. Can waterfowl transplant eggs from a nearby lake? That's the only way I can think of how they got in there.

here is some thing roony;
The surprising survival story suggests that birds can act as carriers for fish eggs, transporting the casings far from their original locations, researchers suggest in a new study published in the journal Ecology.  even if they have been ingested it said too..  very interesting I think too!!!

I kind of figured this had to be the case somehow...  How else could you explain all of the unconnected lakes have all the various fish species - as natural reproduction permits.

I have always wondered if mergansers and cormorants spread more due to them diving down and eating snails and stuff off the bottom.  Then go poop it out in the lake next door. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/18/22, 03:48:42 PM
Kind of a bird/fish question. At work we have water control ponds. I spent some time this past weekend cleaning up the grounds and, much to my surprise, I found a couple smallish dried up sunfish by one of the ponds. Then I found out the regular grounds keeper had found some larger ones when the ice went out. Can waterfowl transplant eggs from a nearby lake? That's the only way I can think of how they got in there.

here is some thing roony;
The surprising survival story suggests that birds can act as carriers for fish eggs, transporting the casings far from their original locations, researchers suggest in a new study published in the journal Ecology.  even if they have been ingested it said too..  very interesting I think too!!!

I kind of figured this had to be the case somehow...  How else could you explain all of the unconnected lakes have all the various fish species - as natural reproduction permits.

I have always wondered if mergansers and cormorants spread more due to them diving down and eating snails and stuff off the bottom.  Then go poop it out in the lake next door.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/18/22, 04:20:32 PM
Things have slowed off here as well, a few stragglers yet I believe their cow birds have shown up ( black body with a brown head) . Last weekend at the cabin we went thru a big jar of jelly and several oranges with the orioles,  they were flat out going nuts. We get quite a few Wrens also out yonder, the sad news one hit a window and didn't make it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/22, 05:43:39 PM
We have seen them some other years.  SO are they considered good birds or bad birds?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/18/22, 08:27:03 PM
Bad birds - "circle of life" not withstanding.  The females lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and the cowbird chick out-competes the other chicks.

I notice 4 male and 2 female cowbirds picking thru the grass in the back yard.  The males were in a line sort of following a female.  Every once in a while a male would lean forward and fluff our his feathers and I realized it was a courtship dance.  It must have been a bit early because none of the females was particularly interested.

Then, all of a sudden, a robin swoops down and chases the whole lot of cowbirds out of the yard.  She must have had a nest nearby and didn't appreciate mating cowbirds in the area.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/22, 06:20:26 AM
Ok I do remember hearing that now that you mentioned it.  Glad we haven't seen any yet then.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/22, 08:57:34 AM
See a few cowbirds here occasionally. Most of the time they're following the grazing sheep around waiting for them to kick up insects. Have found their eggs in chipping sparrow nests from time to time. They get tossed when that happens. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/20/22, 05:38:20 PM
Thanks to Google and the new book, but had a female red wing black bird at the feeder. She wasn't shy by any means, photo after photo kinda like Glenn's garage wall ladies!!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/20/22, 09:50:34 PM
Good point.  So a cowbird must look like a female Red Wing Blackbird.  Is that close? Or a cross between that and a grackle?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/22, 06:07:49 AM
Good point.  So a cowbird must look like a female Red Wing Blackbird.  Is that close? Or a cross between that and a grackle?
Yea kinda, and like the grackles, not one you want around your feeders,there mean .

I better hide them walk pictures better  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/22/22, 07:22:24 AM
Ya grackles are terrible. Only thing that seems to be meaner then the grackles is the blue Jays. And they don't empty the feeder in 3 days.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/23/22, 07:40:43 AM
Filled the feeders here at the cabin. Lot of yellow finches, a pair of red breasted grosbeak AND t Scarlett tanager!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/23/22, 08:34:30 AM
You and HD get all the good tanagers... :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/23/22, 09:13:06 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: snow1 on May 05/25/22, 08:48:15 AM
My robins are actively protecting my yard,they team up and attack grackles that make the mistake of foraging in my yard,they even chase off other robins that feed on my back 40.Very territorial.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/25/22, 09:01:08 AM
I've been watching the pair of redheaded woodpeckers that have made a dead elm a home just roughly 50 feet from our home. I sure hope things work out so I can see the young ones after they hatch. I was going to cut that tree up this spring, glad I didn't get that job done.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/25/22, 09:15:54 AM
That's great to hear. :happy1: Haven't seen the red-head here recently but think I've heard it squawk. Still lots of orioles, more immatures along with adult males of both species. On a pace to eat a couple jars of grape jelly a week.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/25/22, 09:49:16 AM
Another thing I like about the Red-headed Woodpeckers is that they HATE wrens.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/25/22, 01:09:54 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/25/22, 06:08:20 PM
Man are there alot of yellow finches up here. Also seen an indigo bunting! :happy1: :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/26/22, 12:27:09 PM
Can't even find grape jelly around here.  All sold out.  A lady we talked to said her daughter made some using pectin and grape juice and sugar.  We are researching that. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/26/22, 03:36:48 PM
Good to know. We are going to need more too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/27/22, 02:37:30 PM
Need to make a run to see if I can find some jelly meself. The orioles are blowing thru it faster than I thought. I haven't seen them at the jelly feeder but we've had a whole passel of cedar waxwings, again. They like to hang out in the hackberry tree then fly off to parts unknown. No idea what that's all about but there sure are a bunch of them.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/27/22, 02:50:21 PM
Last week at the store we got a bunch in. Went off the shelf as fast as it was put on.

Week before some lady took 2 whole cases, jars come 12 to a case . :confused:

Some are using the jam but don't know if they eat that???

Birds are kinda scarce around here now!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/27/22, 07:32:16 PM
So I thought I would drill out the holes in one of our hummingbird feeders so the orioles could use it.  I have looked at a hundred sites and noone says what size of hole to drill.  Anyone know?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/27/22, 07:36:08 PM
So I thought I would drill out the holes in one of our hummingbird feeders so the orioles could use it.  I have looked at a hundred sites and noone says what size of hole to drill.  Anyone know?
just go order one from Amazon!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: or a real live store. there not that spendy............or did the wife shut you down!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/27/22, 07:41:59 PM
just take a drill bit and stick it in the hole till you find one that wont fit then figure out out how big to drill it out...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/27/22, 07:45:36 PM
just take a drill bit and stick it in the hole till you find one that wont fit then figure out out how big to drill it out...

Ok thanks.  LOL
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/28/22, 09:40:26 AM
So, are the cow birds, the black birds with the brown heads?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/28/22, 09:46:53 AM
Looks like the one with its butt facing the camera is a male cowbird
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/28/22, 09:47:11 AM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/28/22, 10:31:48 AM
Thanks, now I will know. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/28/22, 10:34:08 AM
So I thought I would drill out the holes in one of our hummingbird feeders so the orioles could use it.  I have looked at a hundred sites and noone says what size of hole to drill.  Anyone know?
just go order one from Amazon!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: or a real live store. there not that spendy............or did the wife shut you down!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

She thought that was pretty funny Glenn.  LOL
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/28/22, 01:05:39 PM
I seem to have more than my share, I counted 9 as I'm sitting here. Never had them before....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/28/22, 01:12:55 PM
been awhile since I seen one...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/29/22, 12:04:54 PM
I finally seen a hummingbird since I've been back. Nary hide nor feathers of any orioles.

Birds are definitely in a different mode around home then they are at the cabin!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/29/22, 05:00:33 PM
There's been a sudden shift in behavior here in the past day with the orioles. I suspect the females are nesting and the immatures are less frequent, maybe being chased off by the territorial males of both species. Had to buy one jar of the cheap jelly and one of the next step up. Put the better jelly in the cup feeder and it didn't disappear as quickly. Buggers really like the jar type feeder with the cheap stuff in it. Also, with the warm temps, they seem to be more inclined to hit the new nectar feeder. It's hard to tell how much the birds drank because the wind hasn't stopped blowing for two days. The downies have been using it too. Time to replace the nectar in the hummingbird feeders so will restock the oriole nectar feeder as well.

Had a couple wood ducks flying around the yard today. I have a spare wood duck house in the garage. If I could find some aluminum flashing or slick plastic sheeting to keep the raccoons, squirrels and cats out of it I'd be tempted to put it in a tree near the house. Makes me wonder what wound up nesting in the 2nd house down on the pond.  :scratch: Just sent my buddy's wife down to the CREP acreage to see if she could scare up that tom or one of the jakes that keep walking through the yard. Be nice to thin the herd before getting too excited about planting much garden.  :Turkey: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/29/22, 05:08:57 PM
We haven't done the make grape jelly thing yet.  Busy with the Grandson.  I also read that you can do a 50/50 with grape jelly and water in a blender and it will be watery but will set up like jelly in awhile.  Still supposed to be plenty sweet enough for Orioles. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/30/22, 08:42:43 AM
seen something new to me last night, while we were sitting outside by the garage I was watching some birds in the apple tree..  I then realized they were all female cardinals!!  10 to 12 of them!!!   all working over the blossoms on the apple tree..   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/30/22, 12:21:38 PM
At that point I'd expect you where seeing double!! :mooning: :drinking: :drinking: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/30/22, 12:28:22 PM
there was 5 of us and we all seen them trouble maker!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/30/22, 12:56:20 PM
there was 5 of us and we all seen them trouble maker!!   :rotflmao:
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :angel: :angel: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/30/22, 04:22:06 PM
Momma thought we'd try some meal worms in the tray feeder with the usual cherry cobbler. The problem was the black birds emptied all of it within a few hours.  Sooo yanked the tray , put the meal worms in a tube/screen feeder and now they are on the ground looking pissed..lol.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/30/22, 05:24:18 PM
I did the same thing bobber....I was feeding the finches that $30 a bag gourmet food, and the cowbirds & black birds kept draining the feeders....I took them down and put up just thistle feeders, so now the crap birds are on the ground scrounging for food now  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on May 05/31/22, 12:01:05 PM
Bad birds - "circle of life" not withstanding.  The females lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and the cowbird chick out-competes the other chicks.

I notice 4 male and 2 female cowbirds picking thru the grass in the back yard.  The males were in a line sort of following a female.  Every once in a while a male would lean forward and fluff our his feathers and I realized it was a courtship dance.  It must have been a bit early because none of the females was particularly interested.

Then, all of a sudden, a robin swoops down and chases the whole lot of cowbirds out of the yard.  She must have had a nest nearby and didn't appreciate mating cowbirds in the area.

Update.  I figured out why the robin was so ornery.  She had a nest less than 5 yards away from where those cowbirds were doing their love dance.

Long story short...  the cow birds never found the robin nest.  One robin egg fell on the ground and the other robin hatched.  My dogs spooked the little guy off its perch in the short pine tree and chased it around the yard a bit (out of curiosity, not predatory) as the mom and dad robins dive bombed them.  I was able to call the dogs off and the baby robin bopped along into the next yard.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on May 05/31/22, 04:06:28 PM
Welp, they're all scrounging now...the storm took out my bird line.

If I put it back up, I'm downsizing (8 feeders was to much work)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/31/22, 05:50:24 PM
Welp, they're all scrounging now...the storm took out my bird line.

If I put it back up, I'm downsizing (8 feeders was to much work)
then you'll just have to fill them more often!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/01/22, 08:49:28 AM
Haven't seen an oriole since we got back from a trip to Duluth for the ship commissioning.. :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty: :pouty:

That big storm came through with hail and stuff while we were gone, maybe they left.    They were here for a couple weeks  and then not here. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/01/22, 09:40:18 AM
You can have some of mine del. The dummies like to drink the water out of the ant moats on the hummingbird feeders. They have a bird bath for that. Cleaned the nectar feeders out this a.m. and one of them was full of big black ants thanks to the orioles.  :doah:

Not seeing as many orioles here either and most of what we see are male Baltimore and orchard orioles. I'm pretty sure they're nesting & likely have been for a while. Females do the incubation that takes 12 - 14 days. Both parents feed the young in the nest & it takes about 12 - 14 days before the young leave the nest.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/01/22, 02:08:47 PM
Sure I'll take them you betcha.  Send them on over.   I have not seen a single oriole in like a week.   I thought they were settling in and then poof they were gone.

I do have one tiny hummingbird that comes to the various feeders.   Doesn't seem to bother it that some are big and orange and others are red.   

It is really small, like half the size of the ones I see in California, and even that I see up north.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on June 06/01/22, 02:13:56 PM
Sounds like one of them midget hummers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/22, 12:38:04 PM
so this morning i helped out a bit in the aisle the jelly is in. just the small bottles of grape jelly.......... BUT they do have the big like bulk size cans of grape jelly if anyones interested!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/02/22, 01:40:12 PM
Are they in back right beside the 55 gallon drums of ketchup?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/02/22, 02:32:45 PM
Are they in back right beside the 55 gallon drums of ketchup?  :scratch:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: no there's a place on the shelves for them  :rotflmao: smarty-pants  :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on June 06/02/22, 08:14:53 PM
Sounds like one of them midget hummers.

Sure looks like one fer sure
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/04/22, 04:41:17 PM
Today, I got around to putting the bird 🐦 feeder line back up..... I downsized from 8 feeders to 3
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/05/22, 09:02:47 AM
Man with the price of sunflower seeds I hope the birds appreciate it.  Getting spendy.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on June 06/05/22, 09:19:20 AM
I keep my sunflower seeds in a plastic tote in the garage. Something ate right through the plastic lid! I duct taped the hole and put one of those sticky pad things right over the hole. Caught a mouse. Next day the tape was eaten away and I suspect a squirrel is the culprit. Anything I can put down that will keep the squirrel from eating it's way in? I could set the tote in the yard and administer lead poison but would prefer something easier. Any ideas?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/05/22, 09:25:23 AM
dutchy we put ours in 5 gallon pails with a lid. never had issues!!!!!! even at the cabin.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on June 06/05/22, 09:43:02 AM
I'll pick up a metal can and load the .17. My problem will get resolved.   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/05/22, 09:56:16 AM
if ya varmints in the closed garage you may have bigger issues that a few seeds in the future...   just sayin....   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/05/22, 09:59:22 AM
I have most of my various feed in them old style metal garbage cans....dem 🐿️ would need titanium teeth.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on June 06/05/22, 10:00:42 AM
Yes the garage has issues for sure. Broken and sunk concrete makes it impossible to close the door tight. In addition the service door was put in 1/2 ass. It's all on a list to be fixed but the list might be longer than my life-span.   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/05/22, 10:16:27 AM
Squirrels bored thru a plastic garbage can lid when I stored ear corn outside. Put the cat food in a metal garbage can here too. Dadgum varmints!  :angry:

Grape jelly supply getting tight. None of the cheap stuff locally at the grocery store or DG. Even Glenn World in Waseca was out yesterday. Might have to drive to Cold Spring for the economy size.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/05/22, 10:27:33 AM
The squirrels chewed through my plastic one too years ago so I got a small galvanized garbage can.  It almost holds a 40 lb bag of seeds.  I see squirrels on the can and then I know the feeder is empty. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/05/22, 10:34:45 AM
Squirrels bored thru a plastic garbage can lid when I stored ear corn outside. Put the cat food in a metal garbage can here too. Dadgum varmints!  :angry:

Grape jelly supply getting tight. None of the cheap stuff locally at the grocery store or DG. Even Glenn World in Waseca was out yesterday. Might have to drive to Cold Spring for the economy size.  :scratch:
:happy1: come on up tomorrow morning, I'll help ya out!!!🤭 :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/05/22, 11:08:19 AM
understand dutchboy....   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/14/22, 05:38:03 PM
I'm assuming that the hens are on eggs, but the roosters are coming in.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/14/22, 05:40:00 PM
Cool as heck! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/14/22, 09:21:01 PM
Most definitely!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/19/22, 06:09:06 AM
Trimming trees yesterday, I found this baby Robin sitting on a branch.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/19/22, 08:43:41 AM
They sure are ugly babies aren't they?  LOL  Poor thing, I wish him well. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/19/22, 09:21:14 AM
lots of young robins here this year
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/19/22, 03:49:05 PM
I got HD's birds beat!! :rotflmao: all of a sudden the dog started barking and growling. This was in my front yard. Might belong to jenno's.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/19/22, 03:55:55 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

and that is a chicken plant in Cold Springs!!!   it is lost!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/19/22, 04:27:37 PM
I bet it's a rare albino wild turkey glenn. I'd call the DNR! Let us know what they say...:coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/19/22, 04:58:55 PM
I bet it's a rare albino wild turkey glenn. I'd call the DNR! Let us know what they say...:coffee:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Yea I bet it is.  :sleazy: :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/19/22, 07:07:16 PM
That sure as heck better be on your grill right now.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/19/22, 07:09:37 PM
That sure as heck better be on your grill right now.
nope!! That thing didn't look healthy. Breast didn't have feathers and looked bruised.

Stupid things been in the neighborhood all afternoon.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/19/22, 07:12:31 PM
That doesn't sound too appetizing.  Chase it to the neighbors. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/19/22, 07:25:51 PM
That sure as heck better be on your grill right now.
nope!! That thing didn't look healthy. Breast didn't have feathers and looked bruised.

Stupid things been in the neighborhood all afternoon.

take it in and let it heal and you will have a thanksgiving dinner!!!!    all the antibiotics will out of it by then, if it's still alive!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/19/22, 07:45:07 PM
Heck of a good idea.  Let it live in the garage as you fatten it up. LOLOL
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/19/22, 07:46:13 PM
HEY!  Butcher it and make it a prize for the winter ice fishing program.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/19/22, 07:59:33 PM
HEY!  Butcher it and make it a prize for the winter ice fishing program.   :sleazy:
Yea it could be boars booby prize!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/19/22, 08:02:59 PM
That sure as heck better be on your grill right now.
nope!! That thing didn't look healthy. Breast didn't have feathers and looked bruised.

Stupid things been in the neighborhood all afternoon.

take it in and let it heal and you will have a thanksgiving dinner!!!!    all the antibiotics will out of it by then, if it's still alive!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
when we left to go have a pizza it was across the street in the old biddy's yard. Was still there when we got home but the neighbors dog chased it away
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/20/22, 05:58:26 PM
That's funny stuff Glenn!! A good brine will cure what ales that fella. On a sad note we had a male Goldfinch hit the front window earlier.  Left him be hoping he was just out...but he was way out.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/22/22, 02:05:33 PM
Second nest of robins in the back yard.  The first time all the eggs fell out except one.

Four robins hatched in this nest.  They are growing fast.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/27/22, 06:40:08 PM
We've gotten lots of firsts at the feeders this year, which is realy neat. I don't live near any slough or wetland but the red winged black birds are taking over. Might just hafta go with straight screen feeders to get em otta here..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/27/22, 06:47:53 PM
they can be a real pest!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/27/22, 07:21:08 PM
Pellet gun!! :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/01/22, 09:12:24 PM
Fun night listening to & watching the backyard birds from the patio. Gorgeous evening, very few bugs & dead still again so you hear everything. Appears the little wrens in the nesting box by the garden are leaving it, judging by the scolding I get & sounds coming from the bushes. I made sure to slip roony's address in the birdhouse 1st. Also getting scolded by the orchard orioles coming to the jelly feeder. Sheep are calling it quits for tonight, heading back to the lot area for the day. The hummingbirds figured out I'd cleaned & restocked their feeders. No complaints from them just the sound of those little wings beating for all they're worth as the sun is down. Getting their last licks in until morning while the fireflies are getting warmed up.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/02/22, 06:01:00 AM
Our favorites the tree swallows left the bird house the other day.  With the babies grown it was full of activity here until they left.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/03/22, 12:31:50 PM
Think the wrens are out of their birdhouse. I hear the little buggers in the windbreak now. Lots of cover there. I just wonder how many there were. A few years back I counted 9 in a nesting box at the kindly neighbors pasture. Has been fun watching all the juvenile birds whilst grilling today. Lotsa young orioles from this year's hatch and downy parents feeding their youngsters sunflower seeds. The circle of life continues in spite of us fools... :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/04/22, 09:01:55 AM
Not sure what birdhouse or tree they might've been in, but this morning there are juvenile chickadees all over the place including on the feeders. Haven't seen any young cardinals yet but an adult male was by a little bit ago singing his lungs out. Wrens singing backup vocals. They're probably getting ready to start another brood soon. Wouldn't want to run out of wrens... :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/04/22, 11:58:54 AM
We ain't got no albinos like Glenn, but the turkeys have been coming in with the babies.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/05/22, 09:20:25 AM
when I was sitting and relaxing for a bit last night/late afternoon I seen a green heron again fly into one of my pine trees..  as I was watching it, one flew across the road and the next thing I see is at least 3 or 4 more hoping around in the tree!!  that was really neat to see!!!  I knew they could nest in tree's but it's the first time here!!!  more fun to see I hope!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/05/22, 03:42:37 PM
That would be neat. Haven't seen any of those in our parts lps.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/05/22, 07:55:42 PM
Hummingbirds at the cabin were out full force again. Other birds, meh not so much! :confused:

Saves on sunflower seeds though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/08/22, 09:42:04 AM
So I am out checking the cattle this morning.  They were in a nice cool woods so I just sit and watch for awhile.  Very relaxing.  Here a red headed woodpecker lands on a tree 30' away from me.  Beautiful.  I haven't seen one in many years so was a treat. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/10/22, 08:54:46 AM
In the tangle of downed willows and boxelders the wife found this nest as she was lopping off branches.  It is a small nest.  Half the size of my hand.  Too small for a robin.  We backed away and will leave it alone for a few days.  Good excuse anyways.  lol  My brother thought mayhaps a catbird.  Any other ideas.  Hope it isn't already abandoned. 

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/07/10/K1MrT.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/K1MrT)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/10/22, 10:00:19 AM
2nd catbird too I think..

also the green heron chicks are out of the nest and searching for food on the ground now!  was watching 3 of them this morning...   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/10/22, 11:16:12 AM
Catbird sounds about right. Have stupid squirrels trying to build nests in the backyard out of ash leaves & twigs. Dummies chew ash twigs off about 12" long with green leaves on them then try to fashion a nest. Works like crap. In addition the ground is littered with their failed attempts. Even when they're successful the nests don't last very long. Usually a big wind comes along and blows them out of the trees or the leaves disintegrate like ash leaves typically do. Why they haven't figured out that oak leaves make better nests that last longer is beyond me. They must not have got the memo that two passes with the mower & ash leaves are pulverized into dust.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/16/22, 11:03:33 AM
Refilled both jelly feeders this a.m. & the backyard has been a flurry of activity. Lots of adult and juveniles of Baltimore and orchard orioles. Also the red bellied woodpeckers young and old eating jelly. Had the first male rose breasted grosbeak we've seen in a while at the roller feeder. Sometimes the larger birds don't like that one but he seemed fine with it. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on July 07/16/22, 04:51:13 PM
Any way (other than lead poisoning) to squirrel proof a metal shepherds hook?

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/16/22, 06:01:47 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/16/22, 06:44:26 PM
Any way (other than lead poisoning) to squirrel proof a metal shepherds hook?


My daughter sent this to me....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/16/22, 06:56:49 PM
good one!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on July 07/16/22, 09:20:39 PM
Up here in the north woods, been fooling with the "kestrel" app from Cornell.  It listens to bird songs and tells what they are.  Turns out we have "red eyed vireos" around... who knew.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/17/22, 11:08:46 AM
Here's what we have on a double shepherds crook db. My Mom had it so not sure where the baffle came from. Looks like they're readily available on Amazon tho. Had to retighten this one as it worked loose in the wind & slipped down the pole a foot or so. Once back where it belonged, haven't seen any squirrels on either feeder. Both of them are "squirrel proof" in name only. We have only fox squirrels at our place. Reds & grays may be more ambitious.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on July 07/17/22, 03:05:57 PM
Thanks Dotch, thats what I was wondering about, if those things actually work. I think I saw some at Menards where I can "save big money."   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/17/22, 03:08:56 PM
Thanks Dotch, thats what I was wondering about, if those things actually work. I think I saw some at Menards where I can "save big money."   :rotflmao:
hell, don't forget that 11% rebate!!👍 :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/17/22, 03:10:57 PM
That's great db! I heard glenn still likes to wear his smurf mask when he goes there... :whistling:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/17/22, 03:31:58 PM
That's great db! I heard glenn still likes to wear his smurf mask when he goes there... :whistling:
:pouty: watch it bubba, post office opens early tomorrow. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: it could be in your mailbox someday next week.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/19/22, 10:44:47 AM
 :scratch: i havent noticed Wrens around the past few days???? Roony???????// :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/19/22, 04:46:01 PM
Watching the birds, and the deer came in....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/19/22, 05:34:20 PM
That is great HD.  So to get a video to work here you have to send it to youtube first?  How do you do that?  If it is a quick answer.  lol
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/19/22, 05:41:46 PM
That is great HD.  So to get a video to work here you have to send it to youtube first?  How do you do that?  If it is a quick answer.  lol
I have my own "channel" and upload from my phone....then I hit share, and I copy the link and post.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/19/22, 05:59:04 PM
Get that Glenn?  After you teach Mikey we can approach this challenge.  Probably pretty easy.  I did the Youtube account to get that first Vikes game a couple of years ago that wasn't on regular TV cuz Bally dropped Dish.  Then dropped it after the game.  The keep asking me to reup.  I told the local cable guys to get me hooked up by Sunday and I will switch.  They got it done.  SO do you have to have an active account to have a channel HD? 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/19/22, 06:13:55 PM
yea right!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/19/22, 06:21:14 PM
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer but I usually don't download,  read or look at any link posted, on any site. Wether it's you tube ,my tube it doesn't matter...ain't gonna do it. Good luck. Before Reb left that's mostly what posted... boring.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/19/22, 06:23:53 PM
So far Norton has kept me safe and we don't have kids here on our computers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/19/22, 06:40:40 PM
Get that Glenn?  After you teach Mikey we can approach this challenge.  Probably pretty easy.  I did the Youtube account to get that first Vikes game a couple of years ago that wasn't on regular TV cuz Bally dropped Dish.  Then dropped it after the game.  The keep asking me to reup.  I told the local cable guys to get me hooked up by Sunday and I will switch.  They got it done.  SO do you have to have an active account to have a channel HD?
I guess I do...I don't pay for an active account.....I just uploaded to My channel, then copy the link and paste.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/20/22, 06:27:15 PM
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer but I usually don't download,  read or look at any link posted, on any site. Wether it's you tube ,my tube it doesn't matter...ain't gonna do it. Good luck. Before Reb left that's mostly what posted... boring.
Yup, that's up to you. Reb complained that the site was unsecured, so I payed extra for the secured site.... and he still left......oh well.....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on July 07/20/22, 07:27:57 PM
 Nice video. Seems like a lot more twins around this year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/20/22, 07:29:29 PM
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer but I usually don't download,  read or look at any link posted, on any site. Wether it's you tube ,my tube it doesn't matter...ain't gonna do it. Good luck. Before Reb left that's mostly what posted... boring.
Yup, that's up to you. Reb complained that the site was unsecured, so I payed extra for the secured site.... and he still left......oh well.....
yea but what didnt reb complain about!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/27/22, 05:12:56 PM
Seems we have WAY to many red winged blackbirds.....oh well, soon they will migrate South  :laugh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/27/22, 05:20:58 PM
Schootz em!!?!!! :fudd: :fudd: :Hunter: :Hunter:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/27/22, 05:51:28 PM
Schootz em!!?!!! :fudd: :fudd: :Hunter: :Hunter:

BLM  :nerd:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/27/22, 06:51:28 PM
Schootz em!!?!!! :fudd: :fudd: :Hunter: :Hunter:

BLM  :nerd:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

they are over here....   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/27/22, 07:47:56 PM
I don't approve nor acknowledge them!!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/28/22, 07:33:28 AM
Lots of grackles here too. We also have a resident red headed woodpecker that has been at the feeder for a couple weeks now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/28/22, 08:42:49 AM
Looks like the orioles disappeared while I was gone. Kinda wondered if that would happen. The wife won't keep the feeders full whenever I take off for a while. Put jelly back in them but haven't seen anything other than sparrows.  :sad:

On my way in to town this a.m. I saw something in the neighbor's beans. I thought it might be a doe and fawn but it was a family unit of sandhill cranes. The soybeans were about midway up on the bodies of the adults. They were walking in the sprayer tracks.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/29/22, 10:20:46 AM
Saw a few orioles later afternoon & again this a.m. Older, more mature birds. Doesn't look like they're part of the same crew that was eating me out of house and home before I went on vacation. The hummers found the purple salvia the wife had in a couple planters and were quarreling over it last nite. Both fully colored males so makes me wonder if their migration has started... :scratch: Saw lots when we were in Canada last week, especially after I dumped the cloudy sugar water out of their feeders, cleaned them up and put fresh nectar back in them. Need to do that at home too. After a week the nectar is starting to get cloudy. Don't want to make them sick.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/29/22, 10:55:53 AM
Dotch, are you noticing any wasps or unwanted type bees around the feeders yet?? I've seen a few but not enough to warrant the wasp traps yet??

Kinda surprised so far the lack of ants also.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/29/22, 11:34:19 AM
Dotch, are you noticing any wasps or unwanted type bees around the feeders yet?? I've seen a few but not enough to warrant the wasp traps yet??

Kinda surprised so far the lack of ants also.

No bee problems here but lots of flies & ants especially in the jelly feeders. The ants were really a PITA early on with the nectar feeders too. The feeders have built in ant moats that keep them out if you keep the reservoir full of water. The birds kept drinking the water out of them so ants got in the feeders almost daily. When that happens seems like the hummingbirds here turn their noses up at the feeders & won't use them until they're cleaned out. I bought some cheap additional hanging ant moats at FF. That seemed to help as long as I filled them with water every couple days. All of our nectar & jelly feeders are suspended from the trees so ants are always a battle.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on July 07/29/22, 02:39:56 PM
The wrens have practically wiped out the honeybees around here. Hey, I may have discovered the answer to why bee numbers are plummeting!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/29/22, 04:14:42 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/29/22, 06:22:11 PM
 :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/30/22, 03:16:52 PM
the blue jays are really having a good time in the bird bath!!  some cardinals too, lots of young ones!!   and baby robins are every where!!  I don't recall seeing so many around here...   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/30/22, 04:15:22 PM
I miss the cardinals.  Had lots of them at Ottertail.  People do see them here.  We had a pair I think it was in our sunny feeder about 10 years ago.  Haven't seen one since. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/30/22, 04:55:13 PM
 :sleazy:I'm watching a cardinal on the feeder now!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/30/22, 04:59:08 PM
LOL  I am envious.  You have all the good birds.   :cheesy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/02/22, 12:40:42 PM
Hows about birds in the driveway.  This grouse kept coming out as I was mowing today.  It would come out and trot about 10' ahead of me.  It did that twice and it just stood and watched me as I mowed the other side of the driveway. Was still standing there a half hour later when the wife came home for lunch.  Funny I called it a she and the wife called it a he.   LOL

(https://tinypix.top/images/2022/08/02/K2acr.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/K2acr)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/02/22, 12:43:41 PM
I was on the mower when I took this and I did blow it up so hence the fuzzines.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on August 08/02/22, 07:30:32 PM
Grouse have never impressed me as being very smart. I’ve shot at them and missed and watched them perch in a tree looking at me.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/02/22, 07:37:04 PM
We've had what are apparently young rose-breasted grosbeaks feeding at the sunflower tray feeder since I got back from Canada. There are males turning colors and there are some that appear to be females. They are content to sit on the feeder and crack sunflower seeds much of the day. Not sure if they nested here but there was a song earlier this spring I didn't remember hearing before. We had several males at the feeders for a while. The song sounded robin-esque but I wasn't sure. Wasn't able to devote much time to figuring it out.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on August 08/02/22, 07:51:53 PM
We had grosbeaks nest here too. First time I know of.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/02/22, 08:17:53 PM
Grouse have never impressed me as being very smart. I’ve shot at them and missed and watched them perch in a tree looking at me.

When I first moved here I did a lot of grouse hunting.  A buddy and I saw one.  So me being a pheasant guy ran way around him so if my buddy missed it would run past me.  LOLOL   He asked WTH were you doing?  So I told him my plan and he about died laughing.  He then said grouse don't run they just sit there.  I shot 13 that year and felt bad cuz it was so easy.  Hard to believe they even survive.  I never shot another one. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on August 08/02/22, 08:53:58 PM
They’re tasty, but hardly worth a shot. Little tiny drumsticks and a bit of breast meat. Good to have if you’re lost in the woods and trying to survive. Not so much as a civilized dinner.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/02/22, 09:05:12 PM
I think the opposite. Yea they can be dumb as a box of rocks at times but they sure can figure things out in a hurry, why do they flush so far out at times??

And those tree chickens taste better than ditch chickens.

As far as grosbeaks we see one once in a while around home but they seem to hang around the cabin more!! Think it has a lot to do with being wooded.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/03/22, 09:28:11 AM
Bird song has dramatically decreased. About all I hear out of the orioles is griping when I let their feeders run empty. Robins must be about done with their 2nd hatch because they're quiet and scold when you get close to their young 'uns. Still hear cardinals however and there was a wren on the porch railing belting it out when I was getting ready for work. So loud it sounded like it was inside the house.

They're not birds but they do fly and was glad to see them. What am I referring to? Bats! After a number of years without seeing them at the ranch, there were several flying around at dusk last night. We used to have scads of them but guessing the white-nose syndrome may have taken a lot of them out. There were some mosquitoes after me last nite when I decided to quit picking string beans. When I saw the 1st one, I wasn't sure it was a bat. When I saw several others then I knew.  :happy1:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/03/22, 09:40:40 AM
Bats are a good thing..........no such thing as to many bug eating machines!!!!!! :happy1:

i'm starting to get a lot more hummingbird activity the past few weeks!!!!!! :happy1: this past summer i've gone thru more suet cakes then i've had the past 5 years combined!!!!! :scratch: i like it.

i put out a mealworm feeder every spring to attract bluebirds, but since there population took a hit couple years ago i havent had any. i bought some kind of bluebird mix that had mealworm and all kinds of different seeds and nuts in it. i've had all kinds of different birds feeding in that. cardinals, and even had morning doves sitting in it. i used to take it down mid summer but thinking i'm leaving it up all year.

i take a bag of that stuff and add a big bag of plain meal worm mix it up and the birds seem to love it!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/03/22, 10:03:47 AM
What all do you have eating your suet glenn?

I need to spray the neighbor's pasture fence this weekend. Was one nest of bluebirds back in June but after I got done working on the fence, I left them alone. Seems like they're happiest that way. Sometimes they'll re-nest in the same house. Haven't had to monkey with the fence much this summer after I put in all the new electric fence posts but can tell the weeds are starting to build up on it. Gives me an excuse anyway.  :coffee: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/03/22, 10:40:11 AM
I've seen robins, finches, redpolls?? and a few others I can't think of. I get the suet cakes that have sunflower seeds in it and other seeds. They seem to like that better then the ones I buy at FF buy the box for the cabin.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/03/22, 12:59:02 PM
Second nest of robins in the back yard.  The first time all the eggs fell out except one.

Four robins hatched in this nest.  They are growing fast.


Those birds birds did grow fast.  They flew away on July 1.  (Their picture is attached to the next post.)

The day after that, there was another set of robins building the third nest in our yard in that very same bush.

Today August 3rd, and those robins from the third nest left the nest today.  I know that second picture thru the screen is crappy, but the baby robin is clinging to the side of the house.  I tried to go outside and get a better photo, but it flew 20 feet away into the hostas.  Momma bird followed and so I decided to leave them alone.  Its fun to see those baby bird fly with tiny tail feathers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/03/22, 01:01:22 PM
Second nest of robins in the back yard.  The first time all the eggs fell out except one.

Four robins hatched in this nest.  They are growing fast.


Those birds birds did grow fast.  Here they are on June 30.  They flew the nest the next day.

The day after that, there was another set of robins building the third nest in our yard in that very same bush.

Today August 3rd, and those robins from the third nest left the nest today.  I know that second picture thru the screen is crappy, but the baby robin is clinging to the side of the house.  I tried to go outside and get a better photo, but it flew 20 feet away into the hostas.  Momma bird followed and so I decided to leave them alone.  Its fun to see those baby bird fly with tiny tail feathers.

OK. so I didn't get both pics added to the post.    These are the babies from the second nest almost ready to go. 

The bird on the side of the house was from the 3rd nest.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/03/22, 01:14:55 PM
Steveo.... The robin whisperer!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on August 08/03/22, 01:32:02 PM
They sure do grow fast!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on August 08/03/22, 02:55:27 PM
that's why there are so many around here too...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/03/22, 02:56:48 PM
So 30 minutes after I chased the robin away, this guy shows up just outside the very same window as the baby bird.  I got one pic of the hawk and chased him away trying to get a better pic.

5 minutes later, he is back, and I get the second pic.  Again I chase him away trying to get a better pic, and as I see him flying away, mamma and papa robin are chirping at him and dive bombing him.

Never seen a hawk so close to the house before today.

Can anyone tell me what type of hawk this is?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/03/22, 03:01:27 PM
Coopers hawk I would say.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on August 08/03/22, 03:09:13 PM
I think so too
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/06/22, 02:26:38 PM
Prolly a Cooper's Steve O. Could be a sharp shinned but looks a little too big for that.

When I sprayed the kindly neighbor's pasture fence this a.m., I checked to see if there were any bluebirds in any of the bird houses. Saw & heard some bluebirds, cleaned an old wren nest out of one house and found baby wrens in the other one. Was hoping the bluebirds would re-nest in that one but as is so often the case, wrens take over. Lucky they're not in roony's jurisdiction... :police:   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on August 08/06/22, 03:47:16 PM
I’m with you, Dotch. Looks bigger than a sharpie. The end of the tail in the second picture also looks to be rounded, which is another difference. Sharpies tails are more straight across at the end.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/07/22, 02:01:06 PM
Just finished cleaning and refilling the hummingbird & oriole feeders. Nectar was starting to get cloudy & gunky again so it was time. Looks like the migration might be underway. Seems to be a bunch of males and they don't like it when someone else messes with THEIR feeder. They have so much other stuff besides the nectar feeders to graze on now the cannas, morning glories and four o'clocks are hitting their stride. The rose-breasted grosbeaks have hung around, A couple fully colored males and one that's transitioning. Several females as well. They occasionally hit the jelly feeders along with about everything else. Back to blowing through 4+ quarts a week of that after thinking perhaps the orioles were gone. Not so much.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/07/22, 07:35:14 PM
Unreal that you go through that much jelly.  We go through one jar and we think we are really having a lot of action.  Good for you.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/08/22, 06:48:00 AM
Unreal that you go through that much jelly.  We go through one jar and we think we are really having a lot of action.  Good for you.
Right. We go through about a jar a week here too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/08/22, 07:33:16 AM
We were just going to start trying to make jelly out of juice awhile back when we were all talking about it.  All of a sudden the orioles were gone and we still had some jelly left.  ???
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/08/22, 09:11:14 AM
The first few days after I was back from Canada there wasn't much activity. Picked up pretty fast after that. Two kinds of orioles, red-bellied woodpeckers, downies, hairies, grosbeaks, catbirds, and house sparrows all pulling on it. It would help to eliminate the house sparrow population. Too many of those little ass hats. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/15/22, 08:11:01 PM
Man the birds have been busy lately. All the feeders are getting hit. Great to see the activity.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on August 08/15/22, 08:25:30 PM
I have a troop of sugar ants working my Hummingbird feeder. They remind me of the cartoons. Anybody have a idea how to get rid of them?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/16/22, 07:52:25 AM
Same issue here db, & ours is next to steps down to the lake so I've been keeping a close eye on it. When I see them taking over the feeder, I take the pump style sprayer that we keep ~ a 1/2 gallon of insecticide mixed in & spray the Sheppard's hook that it hangs on down really good. I will spray around the base of the hook too. I've had to do it 2-3 times in the last couple months, but it has really put a kabash to their party here. :happy1: :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/16/22, 08:05:38 AM
that seems to be an issue i havent had this year. a few but not as many as in the past. i've put these ant bait thingys around the bottom when i did have issues, seemed to work.

havnet had to many issues with wasps yet either..........that might come yet!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/16/22, 09:05:10 AM
I cleaned the hummer feeders the other day and filled them with fresh juice.  When the NFL regular season is on is when we get bees.  The guy has them across the road which is a quarter mile from the feeder but they hit it hard and even scare the hummers away.  I keep my small shop vac out there and during breaks in the game I just vac up the bees.  They aren't even afraid of the vac noise. Works great!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/16/22, 11:24:54 AM
I have a troop of sugar ants working my Hummingbird feeder. They remind me of the cartoons. Anybody have a idea how to get rid of them?

The ant moat thingys on the top of the hummer & oriole feeders seem to do the trick as long as I keep them full of water. The other birds like using them as a source of drinking water so every couple days I need to fill them. I've also used the green little ant repellent dealies too that you hang the feeders from. They contain a disk up inside them that's impregnated with permethrin. Keeps ants of all types out. They've become expensive tho, $5 or $6 apiece the last time I saw them. Have not seen them at FF in Owatonna for a long time. No surprise there.  :coffee: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/16/22, 11:33:25 AM
Same issue here db, & ours is next to steps down to the lake so I've been keeping a close eye on it. When I see them taking over the feeder, I take the pump style sprayer that we keep ~ a 1/2 gallon of insecticide mixed in & spray the Sheppard's hook that it hangs on down really good. I will spray around the base of the hook too. I've had to do it 2-3 times in the last couple months, but it has really put a kabash to their party here. :happy1: :cool:
Same here. I have a spray bottle with tempo or talstar in it that I spray the pole with and that keeps them out. Bees in the fall, that is another story. Mostly get those in the jelly for the orioles. And when there gets to be to many the orioles give up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on August 08/17/22, 09:17:19 AM
Monday morning we had three hens and 18 or 19 little ones in the back. I also got Ringo our "guard cat" in the picture.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on August 08/17/22, 09:18:53 AM
dats one big cat!!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:

looks like he gets along with the wildlife too!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on August 08/20/22, 10:59:47 AM
Just a question ⁉️ shouldn't gold finches be done breeding and nesting by now?

 I brushed out one of the dogs and left the hair by the side of the driveway. As I'm sitting here, there's a breeding pair... and after they were done doing their "thing" the female started to gather up the dog hair and flew away with it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on August 08/20/22, 11:20:23 AM
found this so they just might be breeding now...  it's interesting and never realized that either... 

 Its breeding season is tied to the peak of food supply, beginning in late July, which is relatively late in the year for a finch. This species is generally monogamous and produces one brood each year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/20/22, 11:28:03 AM
Never knew that either!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/29/22, 03:41:52 PM
Thanks mikey! I knew goldfinches were late nesters but wasn't sure how late. Also didn't know they'd use dog hair in their nests. Knew they'd use thistle down. Had watched the chipping sparrows pick up hunks of dog hair & when they'd fly off, they looked like Wilford Brimley. Still lots of male goldfinches at the feeders here. After a week without jelly, can still hear a few orioles in the windbreak. Filled the feeders again yesterday so be interesting to see if they reappear. They're usually gone for good around Labor Day here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/29/22, 05:23:08 PM
Well that didn't take long. When I got home there was a male Baltimore oriole on the jelly feeder. I'd forgotten that I filled the oriole nectar feeder before leaving on the 20th so they might've been tapping that.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on August 08/29/22, 06:36:55 PM
Oriole's have came back.....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/30/22, 09:30:34 AM
As we were sitting by the fire on Sat. we heard an Oriole so the wife got right up and put oranges and grape jelly out for him. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/22, 12:43:32 PM
not a bird, but a big tiger swallowtail butterfly was around the house yesterday..  fun to watch!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/31/22, 12:51:46 PM
Love those things! So pretty altho it's hard to get 'em to sit still long enough to get a good pic sometimes.  :happy1:

Been waiting for the white-lined sphinx moths to show up in the evenings but haven't spotted one yet.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/22, 01:38:25 PM
yup the rascal just kept fluttering around!!!   then it was gone!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/02/22, 10:23:24 AM
Saw my first sphinx moth on some petunias night before last. I may get out the flashlight tonite as there are numerous beds & planters of stuff where they may be spotted. Once it gets dark they're really hard to see otherwise.

Barn swallows seem fidgety. Won't be long and they'll skedaddle. Put out what might be the last dose of grape jelly for the orioles. They emptied the cup type feeder but their consumption has slowed. That & I can't tell how much the rest of the birds are eating. Hummingbirds are numerous and really active. Cleaned and refilled their feeders last nite. Enjoy watching them while I'm seated in the oval office. Goldfinches are going through the thistle seed at a pretty good clip. Their colors are starting to fade a little. Don't like seeing that but nothing I can do to stop it.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/03/22, 10:36:22 AM
Still numerous orioles stopping by today, squabbling with the house sparrows and amongst themselves. Hummingbirds are all over the place. Almost like they fly in circles around the house sometimes. Refilled the main sunflower feeder and got instant house sparrows. Think I'm going to get my repeating sparrow trap out and see if I can thin the herd somewhat. I don't buy that stuff to feed to the crap birds.  :angry: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/03/22, 10:53:08 AM
My sunflower feeder out back is getting hit hard. I first that it was the squirrels but after watching it yesterday the finches and a few other feathered friends hit it hard. The feeder holds about 11 lbs.

Hummingbird feeders here a busy also .
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/04/22, 08:29:56 AM
Seems as though the orioles have dispersed from up here. I have not seen any for 3-4 days now. Hummers are still busy at the feeder.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/04/22, 09:24:38 AM
Saw one oriole earlier this a.m. at the jelly feeder. Also saw house sparrows and a red-bellied woodpecker on it. Jelly isn't disappearing nearly as fast as it was so it's a matter of time. Usually around Labor Day we see the last oriole. Barn swallows might have left. Didn't see any this morning but noticed last night there was a huge gathering of swallows on the power lines just to the north. Hummingbirds are just nuts. Can't go anywhere in the yard or look out the window without one showing up out of nowhere. Sounding more like fall all the time. Blue jays have been calling while the chickadees and nuthatches are busy at the feeders, including one red-breasted nuthatch. Got the flashlight out and saw a couple white-lined sphinx moths last night. Hope the DNR doesn't show up, thinking I'm shining deer!  :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/04/22, 04:58:21 PM
 :sleazy:I already called them. :sleazy: :tut: :evil: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/04/22, 08:55:37 PM
No shortage of monarchs  flying around,  tried to avoid em but sadly a few found the grill of the pick em up. They best get going if they want to make Mexico..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/05/22, 11:08:09 AM
:sleazy:I already called them. :sleazy: :tut: :evil: :rotflmao:

 :tut: :tut: :tut: Post office opens at 8 o'clock sharp... :coffee: :happy1:

Spotted one Baltimore type oriole a little bit ago. Was hoping I could get by without buying another jar of grape jelly. Usually happens this way. Buy a couple jars of Welch's from DG so once the orioles are gone for good, we can eat it. The cheap store brand stuff is awful but the birds don't seem to care.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/11/22, 08:00:39 PM
seems the hummingbirds mostly went south up north. took the feeders down. not much for other birds either.  :scratch: :scratch:

even seen one of them misterious moths Dotch see's while shining deer!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: and i didnt even need to go deer shining!!!!!1 :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/12/22, 06:50:06 AM
Seen one hummer yesterday morning up here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/12/22, 07:09:11 AM
We had some yesterday too. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on September 09/12/22, 08:59:11 AM
      Here in southern Minnesota, our hummingbird feeders are really busy. We had 7 of them here Sunday. Busy place again today. Wife makes up food every other day lately.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/12/22, 10:17:07 AM
I've counted at least 4 then I lose track. Never sure if it's just the same ones making laps around the house or what.  :scratch:

Looks like the orioles are gone for good. Last visual evidence here was Sept. 5th. Jelly is no longer disappearing.  :sad: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/17/22, 08:31:52 AM
still a few hummingbirds around. most my juice seems to be going into the wasp traps. think the wrens went down to Roony's place!!!!! :scratch: :doah:

other birds are hitting the sunflower feeders pretty good. having cardinals and morning doves hitting the mealworm feeder is sweet to watch!!!!! i need to get some more!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on September 09/17/22, 12:48:47 PM
My Hummingbirds are gone, at least I hope they are. I brought the feeder in and washed it and put it away.       :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: deadeye on September 09/18/22, 06:05:06 AM
Same here dutchboy. They have flown south I presume. Always a bit sad to see them go.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/18/22, 03:02:02 PM
Hummers are still here but perhaps not the numbers we had a week ago. Has been an uptick in sphinx moth activity around dusk and after dark. Fun to watch.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/18/22, 07:01:48 PM
I haven't seen a hummer for 2 days.  Will take the feeders down tomorrow. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/19/22, 08:04:27 AM
I will take the feeder down this afternoon when we get home.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/19/22, 08:08:02 AM
 :scratch: Thinkin ours may be gone too. I'll check with the neighbor & see if he's seen any the last 3-4 days. :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on September 09/19/22, 08:31:18 AM
Had a hummer this morning before work.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on September 09/19/22, 09:05:24 AM
That’s a great way to start the day!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/19/22, 12:33:39 PM
That’s a great way to start the day!
:tut: :tut: we know where your mind is!! :tut: :sleazy: :rotflmao:

Think the hummingbirds around here went AWOL to
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/20/22, 07:22:44 AM
Haven't seen a hummer for days.  I will take our feeders down and warsh them out today. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/20/22, 08:22:39 AM
i'm taking mine down today also!!!!!!!!!! winter is on its way i guess!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/20/22, 08:48:18 PM
Our feeders look like they're still goin down & the neighbor said he seen 1 on his feeders today. So' ours will stay up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/20/22, 09:11:27 PM
Leaving on our annual fall car cruise to Dubuque on Friday a.m. I fear when I get back Sunday the hummingbirds may be gone.  :sad: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/21/22, 07:20:20 AM
Ours are down and all cleaned up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/21/22, 07:49:19 AM
Neighbor said he seen some hummingbirds over there yday AM yet, so ours will stay up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/21/22, 09:46:37 AM
Still several hummingbirds here this a.m. Will probably mix up one more small batch of sugar water to tide them over whilst I'm gone. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/26/22, 02:40:02 PM
Saw at least one hummingbird this morning. Saw one on the nectar feeder outside while I was seated in the oval office. Saw it or another one on the cannas when I came in from chores.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/26/22, 03:42:04 PM
Just had a magpie land on the deck railing and then into the sunflower seed feeder.  Didn't stay long. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/26/22, 04:30:53 PM
I enjoyed seeing them when I lived in the Little House on the Prairie. They seemed to like the piles of goose guts I dumped out in the weeds.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/27/22, 02:08:43 PM
No hummingbirds spotted this a.m. :sad:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/27/22, 07:41:44 PM
Update: I saw a hummingbird tonite. It was working over the blue salvia along with the red & white impatiens. Noticed it just as I was finishing up picking the last of the pears.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/28/22, 07:07:11 AM
Still one here on the feeder outside the oval office... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/30/22, 09:37:19 AM
Haven't seen any hummingbirds since Wednesday. Unless they make an encore appearance during this warmer stretch of weather, guessing they're done here for the year.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/01/22, 07:37:23 AM
Saw a hummingbird this a.m. while seated in the oval office. Yet more evidence of global climate change... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/02/22, 07:49:24 PM
No hummingbirds sighted today. A few nice days yet. Be keeping an eye out in case... :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/02/22, 07:55:15 PM
No hummingbirds sighted today. A few nice days yet. Be keeping an eye out in case... :shocked:
BUT, you seem to do your best work in the oval office!!!🤣🤣🤣
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/02/22, 07:57:25 PM
Per Barry's advice, I've been eating plenty of stool softener... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/02/22, 07:58:04 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/02/22, 08:37:22 PM
It works doesn't it? 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/03/22, 09:31:30 AM
Saw one hummingbird again this a.m. from my seat in the oval office. Also looked like a ruby crowned kinglet drinking water out of the ant moat on the nectar feeder. All kinds of warblers moving thru right now. Still enough leaves combined with the birds constantly being on the move that it makes them difficult to ID.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on October 10/03/22, 09:47:14 AM
      I saw two hummingbirds on our feeders yesterday. Not certain they were ruby throated, though. More grayish.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/05/22, 08:50:15 AM
Was surprised this a.m. to see a hummingbird yet outside the oval office. Beginning to think they're perverts.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on October 10/05/22, 09:32:03 AM
You always get all the hummers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on October 10/05/22, 09:45:12 AM
Careful, Dotch. Hummers in the Oval Office can get a guy impeached.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/22, 02:29:10 PM
Took the boat out to my friends place to put ni-nite for the winter, damn if I didn't see a bluebird. Thought they'd be gone by now?? :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/06/22, 09:52:19 AM
Bluebirds have been congregating at the kindly neighbors pasture. Cool to see a half dozen of them sitting on the fence when I go over there.  :cool: No hummer this a.m. though.  :sad:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/07/22, 09:00:12 AM
Peering out of the oval office, I spotted no hummingbirds this a.m.  :sad:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/11/22, 05:56:31 PM
Seen the first juncos under the feeder a bit ago.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on October 10/11/22, 06:39:00 PM
I’ve been seeing them for the last week or so.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on October 10/14/22, 09:29:24 AM
Fun watching the birds dig through the snow on the feeders this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/14/22, 03:55:36 PM
We have juncos now too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/17/22, 09:35:34 AM
Making it official: no more hummers, bird-wise or otherwise.  :sad: Took the last nectar feeder down yesterday. Replaced all of them with suet feeders. Couldn't believe what the price of suet cakes has done when at FF yesterday. Was expecting to see some in the $6.99 - $8.99 range. Nothing less than $9.99 for a package of 10. If that keeps up I'll go to the locker plant and get a 10 lb. hunk for $2 like I used to. PITA to cut it up for the smaller feeders but if they keep asking stupid prices for it at FF, it'll be worth it. Still a lot of birds moving through. White-throated sparrows and juncos are here. Lotsa robins too. They've eaten their fill of nannyberries that's for sure. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/17/22, 09:47:22 AM
bird bath is froze today...    a skating rink!!     :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/17/22, 01:06:01 PM
bird bath is froze today...    a skating rink!!     :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/17/22, 02:33:23 PM
No skating rinks here yet but the Goldfinches are thick,  8 atta crack it seems but the catch is they all look like females.. young ones?? Nonetheless the tube feeder and tray feeder I'm filling daily.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/21/22, 06:04:28 PM
Sitting by the fire and enjoying my beer seen  a group of 10 robins headed south? They telling us something??! :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/22/22, 11:28:18 AM
Been lots of cedar waxwings thru here lately. They feed on the nannyberries and crabapples then get a drink out of the birdbath. Not much open water for any of the birds lately so been trying to keep that filled and cleaned. Blue jays, red-bellied woodpeckers and squirrels of course like the ear corn I've been putting out.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/08/22, 03:30:24 PM
The feeders were hit hard up until last week.  Lately hardly anything but an occasional single house finch, sparrow and a red bellied woodpecker.  The squirrels are trying to fatten up but nuttin is dropping for em..lol.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/17/22, 11:17:51 AM
Filled the bird feeders at the cabin yesterday. Got about 20 of the evening grosbeaks here. :happy1:

About 50 ducks out on the lake to. :happy1: at least I'm seeing some wildlife  :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/17/22, 11:41:00 AM
When I get a spare moment I need to fill the feeders and put some ear corn out. Lots if activity including chickadees, house finches, goldfinches, downies, hairies, red-bellies, juncos, & blue jays. Feeders are getting on the lower side. Cardinals have been scarce but there are still some waxwings feeding on crabapples. Pheasants were scrambling along the north side of the grove heading for heavier cover during chores . Good idea.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/17/22, 03:15:42 PM
Just had a flock of Evening Grosbeaks here too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/17/22, 03:39:40 PM
Yesterday afternoon while I was doing my chores ( dog poo, and playing fetch)I know sounds exhausting doesn't it ,the swans were pouring thru, really neat to see that kinda #'s.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/17/22, 03:44:31 PM
the swans are really loaded on Lake Osakis too...  ....   they are saying 27,000 I think, sand hill cranes were at Sherburn wildlife refuge too!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/17/22, 07:29:13 PM
Would love to go see that crane thing in Nebraska. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on November 11/20/22, 11:28:46 AM
I hung one of those large cages and filled it with beef fat. The woodpeckers love it!

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2022/11/20/PXL_20221120_144006806.MP.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/PXL-20221120-144006806.MP.s4AL)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/21/22, 11:04:36 AM
I like to use deer fat the same way. Birds love it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/21/22, 11:17:16 AM
Saw bald eagles by Ellendale gnawing on a roadkill deer. Geese & swans overhead getting the hell out of Dodge the past several days. Swans got a bunch of woofs out of Poppy when they honked.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/21/22, 11:53:48 AM
I like to hang a deer rib cage in a tree and watch the birds attack it and go in and out of it.  They pick it clean.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/21/22, 05:33:00 PM
If I did that I'd have every crow in the county here, besides word would get out with the animal lovers. Maybe I should try a pheasant skeleton just to see.. just don't tell Mrs. Dotch..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/21/22, 06:29:28 PM
If I did that I'd have every crow in the county here, besides word would get out with the animal lovers. Maybe I should try a pheasant skeleton just to see.. just don't tell Mrs. Dotch..

tell her it's a chicken carcass!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/21/22, 06:43:34 PM
I like to hang a deer rib cage in a tree and watch the birds attack it and go in and out of it.  They pick it clean.
i 'd like to hang one on my washline pole!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: my dickhead neighbors could see it from there kitchen window!!!!!!1 :evil: :evil: :rolleyes: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/21/22, 06:47:29 PM
go to the meat locker and and get one!!!  Waite Park will have them!!   or Schrupps!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/21/22, 06:55:31 PM
go to the meat locker and and get one!!!  Waite Park will have them!!   or Schrupps!!!
naw, they've been known to call the cops on their neighbors!! :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/21/22, 07:05:26 PM
go to the meat locker and and get one!!!  Waite Park will have them!!   or Schrupps!!!
naw, they've been known to call the cops on their neighbors!! :confused:

no law against feeding the birds with some thing legal.. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/21/22, 08:00:00 PM
Very good use of a carcass.  Nothing wrong with it.  The birds love it.  May be some fun shock value too.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on November 11/22/22, 08:28:06 AM
go to the meat locker and and get one!!!  Waite Park will have them!!   or Schrupps!!!
Very good use of a carcass.  Nothing wrong with it.  The birds love it.  May be some fun shock value too.   :sleazy:
  :tut: He doesn't need any tips on pot stirring from you guys.  ;) :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/22/22, 09:02:58 AM
he's help us!!!  so we help him!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/22/22, 09:08:54 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/22/22, 10:55:04 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/22/22, 11:40:26 AM
 :pouty: :pouty: yea i was the ultimate alter boy until i ran into you clowns!!!!!!! :pouty: :confused: :evil: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/23/22, 10:40:24 AM
Pheasants are making themselves at home. 1st the roosters hung out in the grove by the small lot & moved to the plum/sumac thicket. 2 days ago it was hens in the thicket & yesterday it was both hens & roosters picking through garden leftovers in the backyard. Hope I can get some pics. 🤞
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/27/22, 06:15:25 PM
2 weeks ago around home i had all kinds of birds........now not so much  :confused: :pouty: still see the cardinals though!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/10/22, 09:30:53 AM
Still seeing the pheasants slinking around between cover around the yard. Many of the other birds are suddenly AWOL. There's been a Cooper's Hawk making a swing thru the the feeder area the past couple days. Hope he's helping himself to the house sparrows while he's at it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/10/22, 09:59:09 AM
2 weeks ago around home i had all kinds of birds........now not so much  :confused: :pouty: still see the cardinals though!!!!!! :happy1:
Seeing tons of birds, squirrels and bunnies at the feeders.  I use to think retired people spent all their money at the casino's. Nope Bird seed!   :coffee:   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/10/22, 06:59:31 PM
Money well spent Leech!! We had a lull in the bird action but this evening the sparrows and chickadees were hitting it hard, must be a storm brewing  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/10/22, 07:10:00 PM
Money well spent Leech!! We had a lull in the bird action but this evening the sparrows and chickadees were hitting it hard, must be a storm brewing  :scratch:
I'd believe the birds and wildlife before the weather forecasters!! :sleazy: :doah: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on December 12/10/22, 07:17:53 PM
I agree with that...   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on December 12/10/22, 07:20:57 PM
Leech even though this is the bird thread you mentioned retirement.  Did you retire from downtown Minneapolis???   You talked about it from time to time.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/10/22, 08:22:29 PM
Leech even though this is the bird thread you mentioned retirement.  Did you retire from downtown Minneapolis???   You talked about it from time to time.
Yep, last May.  Worked in Mfg management for over 30 years and spent the last few with my feet up at a school in the evening making sure the boilers didn't blow up!   :surrender:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/10/22, 08:50:09 PM
Money well spent Leech!! We had a lull in the bird action but this evening the sparrows and chickadees were hitting it hard, must be a storm brewing  :scratch:
Well Franky says it's coming and what hits ND probably coming our way!  "Be Prepared"   :surrender: :rotflmao:


Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on December 12/11/22, 07:29:10 AM
what a guy!!!!!   :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/16/22, 11:59:34 AM
its been pretty baron of birds that past 3 weeks or so.............this morning i had a pile of finches!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: all the feeders are now full and absent of wet soggy sunflowers!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on December 12/16/22, 12:14:49 PM
Been seein' a few chickadees pecking at the seed pods in the birch, but otherwise, the birds have been hunkered down somewhere else.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/16/22, 01:53:41 PM
It is dark when we leave for work and dark when we get home so I never know what is around until the weekend.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on December 12/16/22, 03:03:34 PM
The Evening Grosbeaks cleaned us out at noon so I filled the feeder up again.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/18/22, 11:22:42 AM
You get all the good grosbeaks Barry... :pouty:

Lotsa bird activity in the morning sunshine. Really makes the male cardinal's red pop against the new fallen snow.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/21/22, 10:23:33 AM
Was doing a visual inspection of the birdfeeder levels around dusk when I got in from chores, cocoa & brandy in hand. Poppy was at my feet and was growling loudly at something. I looked down the hill to see 4 large bodies digging through the garden leftovers. Thought it was the neighbors heifer calves at first but it was just some neighborhood deer. They were fond of the sweet corn and loved the beets and radishes I hadn't tossed over to the sheep. I just hope they don't file that in their memory banks for next spring.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/22/22, 11:52:55 AM
Yesterday was the bird activity day but there are still plenty to observe. Snapped this shot of a pheasant parked on the east side of a nannyberry clump. Not a great pic but there's also a nuthatch on the tree photobombing it. A few minutes later I saw two roosters & two hens rummaging through the sweet corn patch. A little out of range of my cell phone camera.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/31/22, 11:00:11 AM
Have had a few oddballs lately. There was a Harris's & a white-throated sparrow cleaning up under the feeders a couple days ago. There has also been a flicker using the horizontal suet feeders. Thought at first it was a male red-bellied woodpecker but was a little too large for that. Looking at him hanging upside down made it more difficult to ID until I got the binocs out.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/14/23, 09:41:34 AM
For the past week it seems that the Evening Grosbeaks are not here but the Pine Grosbeaks are here now.  Sometimes as many as 6 or 8 of them. A male hit the window hard and the wife went out and picked him up and set him in the feeder.  It took a couple of hours before he started turning his head as birds ate around him.  They he finally moved and sat on the edge of the feeder. By dark he was gone so must have made it.  The exact same thing happened about 10 years ago and that on made it too.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/16/23, 08:42:30 AM
Last week after filling the feeders the goldfinches filled every perch & covered the screen feeder. A lot of other birds too but no blue jays. Within minutes everything scattered & a sharp-shinned Hawk showed up. Was fun while it lasted. The blue jays returned and a portion of the birds. The jays seem to serve as sentinels. This guy visited this a.m.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/16/23, 09:58:26 AM
Looks like dinner! Tell the Mrs were having grilled free range chicken.   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/16/23, 12:40:13 PM
Looks like dinner! Tell the Mrs were having grilled free range chicken.   :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: that sucka gotz a long tail!!!!!!!! :happy1: he's been around a while!!!!! or...... :scratch: :scratch: dotch's bird food has steroids!!!!! :shocked: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/16/23, 01:19:26 PM
Hadn't paid much attention to his tail but now you mention it, it is pretty long. Have been some hens blowing thru with the roosters too. Was lucky to get this picture. Under the feeder they're only about 20' - 25' from the house & really spooky. Any sudden move & they're gone, especially on a sunny day.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/18/23, 02:06:50 PM
Well I'm ready for the orioles now!!! :happy1: this brand was 2 fer $6.00!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on January 01/18/23, 02:22:39 PM
I know there is a sizeable number of robins that do not fly south for the winter.

So far I hadn't seen any robins this winter... until today.  This morning I saw robins in New Brighton AND Minnetonka.

I thought it strange that they should suddenly decide to appear today and across such a wide ranging area.  I wonder if the resident population is in the middle of a mini-migration that is taking them thru the Twin Cities right now.   :scratch:

Any of you guys been seeing robins this winter on a regular basis?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/18/23, 02:34:47 PM
Nope, haven't seen a robin nor Batman  :mooning: :moon: since snow flew! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/18/23, 02:39:09 PM
No, haven't seen any. A flicker is about as close to an oddball we've had. In the TC like that I'm guessing it increases the odds they'll stick around. The heat island effect, wooded habitat & higher concentration of food sources wouldn't hurt. Lotsa wide open space between those sorts of things here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/18/23, 03:32:53 PM
none this way either
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on January 01/18/23, 04:22:45 PM
Sure been seeing a lot of pheasants along the roads lately getting grit. This hard crust on the snow isn't good for them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/22/23, 10:45:13 AM
Lots of bird activity out back this morning. Fiches, chickadees and even a woodpecker!!👍
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/23/23, 11:31:31 AM
Pheasants on parade yesterday. Saw 8, mostly roosters, digging through the garden & trying to pluck off the few remaining nannyberries. Hilarious watching as they got out on the smaller branches & fell out of the trees.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/24/23, 11:49:08 AM
Later afternoon yesterday & this morning the pheasants were in the crabapple trees. Really tough to get good shots of them as they're so spooky. There's a reason they're survivors.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/24/23, 12:30:29 PM
I have a nice raised deer stand that I hunt in when I go to my buddies farm in SW MN.  I can open a window when a deer isn't looking and they don't even know I am there.  The pheasants all fly  away when I even wiggle it.  Much more wary than deers. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/27/23, 09:39:26 AM
Living up here in the Falls I really miss Pheasants.    :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/27/23, 11:45:47 AM
Well, I'll try to keep you supplied with some pics from time to time. The pheasants like our yard and some of the plantings we've made over the years. They've been sleeping in the evergreen trees lately. About scare the living crap out of me when I accidentally scare them off their roost.

I see the wind blew my bulk sunflower feeder out of the tree last nite along with a lot of other stuff. Poppy & I will have to retrieve and refill it after the Mrs. dr. appt.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/27/23, 11:49:03 AM
 :pouty: grouse scare the bejesus outta to up in the Northwoods. Even when your hunting them! :confused:

But then again then buggers flush when you least expect it!🙄
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/27/23, 04:06:52 PM
I need to find a bigger feeder for my sunflower seeds. I wonder if one of those chick watering cans would work? That thing must hold a gallon?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/27/23, 04:14:45 PM
Dutchy, get one of these!! All metal and plastic. Skurrels proof. A bit more spendy then most but I've had these for I bet over 15 years. You can replace the plastic, i have but it's  not because of bird or skurrels abuse.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/27/23, 04:28:50 PM
the wishing well???   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/27/23, 04:34:27 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:

That's what I was wondering...🤔
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on January 01/27/23, 04:38:56 PM
How do ya train them birds to turn the crank?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/27/23, 04:45:49 PM
 :pouty: :moon: :banghead: :banghead: :pouty: :pouty:.it's hard to soar with eagles when you gotta deal with a bunch of turkeys!! :pouty: :doah: :surrender: :surrender:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on January 01/27/23, 04:50:48 PM
Thats ok Glenn, I knew what you was talkin about.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/27/23, 05:58:41 PM
I can see why them Pheasants are so skiddish tho, imagine getting chased from day one from the air and ground predators.  Then come fall you got guys like me with dogs chasing them more..no thanks don't sign me up for 1 after life..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/28/23, 02:31:31 PM
The small group of pheasants through the yard this afternoon wasn't as camera shy as others. Think I might've figured out why the ear corn disappears so fast some days... :scratch:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/28/23, 05:37:02 PM
That's pretty cool to see that rooster actually jumps up on it like that. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/28/23, 05:42:37 PM
With all them being corn fed I'd bet they'd taste pretty good!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/29/23, 10:43:02 AM
These guys (& gals) look really healthy so far. I was surprised to see the one up on the ear corn feeder too. That's where the blue jays, red-bellied woodpeckers, cardinals & occasionally a nuthatch come to feed. Usually the pheasants perform clean up duties under the feeders. There were 3 back again earlier this morning, 2 roosters & a hen. Guessing it was the same bunch as yesterday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/29/23, 12:36:49 PM
Very nice Dotch.  Good for you to feed them. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/01/23, 01:49:22 PM
I really haven't put feed out for the pheasants specifically. Some days they have to share.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/01/23, 05:20:46 PM
Them pheasants would be fun to watch.  Think if I lived outside the land of Tar and houses I'd have them fed til they can't fly! Anywho the Rabbits are destroying the bushes out front (we were going to yank em this year anyway) as I took this pic a bunny was getting all it could with bird seed on the ground,  during the day. It looks they leave the greens and chew on the stems.. :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/01/23, 06:28:02 PM
i dont have bushes at home.......but up at the cabin you can pretty much tell where the snow line was........alot stuff chewed off!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/01/23, 06:55:38 PM
My favorite invasive species!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/01/23, 06:56:27 PM
I get they need to eat, but we've been here for almost 19 yrs and this is the first year they destroyed them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/01/23, 06:58:04 PM
My favorite invasive species!
:scratch: rabbits or wrens?? :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/01/23, 08:07:45 PM
Them pheasants would be fun to watch.  Think if I lived outside the land of Tar and houses I'd have them fed til they can't fly! Anywho the Rabbits are destroying the bushes out front (we were going to yank em this year anyway) as I took this pic a bunny was getting all it could with bird seed on the ground,  during the day. It looks they leave the greens and chew on the stems.. :confused:

They've been terrible here as well. I noticed they were messing with my apple trees. Wrong answer.  :coffee: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dutchboy on February 02/02/23, 08:49:09 AM
One year I had Rabbits. Next year I had Hawks and less  Rabbits. Following year I had neither. Rinse & repeat.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/03/23, 11:32:54 AM
I need to burn some brush piles so the great horned owls can get a better whack at 'em. At least the pheasants are smart enough to roost in the trees. The bunnies not so much.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/23, 09:58:56 AM
Had some corn screenings spilled in the barn so scooped them into a bucket, added some oats & scattered them in the backyard. Put them out yesterday afternoon & took off on some errands. Wife said I wasn't gone a half hour & the pheasants found it. Lots of takers this morning including cardinals, blue jays, juncos, & these roosters.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/04/23, 04:52:56 PM
Even the pooch is looking over my shoulder checking out your rooster pics Dotch,  ya he has been road hunting a bit  ;) . 2 Robin's were just out at the feeders,  sure am hoping their telling that rodent Phil he's wrong.... :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/05/23, 10:41:44 AM
Great to hear about the robins boober.  :happy1: Pheasants are back this a.m. Saw bunches of them  between here & Hope yesterday. Mostly roosters so hope the hens are just hanging out elsewhere. The flicker was feeding on the suet a little bit ago. Appears to be wintering well.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/05/23, 02:47:42 PM
Hopefully the spring is good to them Roosters,  they sure are a neat bird! Had around 6 Robin's earlier,  some house finches ( I think, I gotta figure out the differences between them and the purple ones) lots o sparrows and a Junco. Did see a yellow female finch but rumor is the males lose the bright yellow before winter so who knows.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/10/23, 02:56:09 PM
This is outside the wife's office window.  Under a cedar tree.  Waxwings.  Never seen so many in my life. If you zoom in the tree is full of them too.

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/02/10/IMG_0104.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-0104.ow6l)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/10/23, 03:10:07 PM
 :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/10/23, 04:27:39 PM
Nice! Beautiful birds.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/11/23, 08:38:56 AM
That is a cool picture!! We have lots of wax wings here in the summer, but never in the winter. The love the choke cherries when they are ready.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/11/23, 09:53:30 AM
Way cool Barry. :happy1: They seem to be nomadic here. Need to refill the birdfeeders sometime today. All the tearing around Poppy does tuckers her out. It also allows her plenty of potty time so I feel fairly comfortable leaving her loose when we come back in. And she actually likes watching the birds once back in the house.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/17/23, 11:56:00 AM
Just got in from filling the birdfeeders. Could hear the goldfinches but couldn't see them. Guessing they were hiding in the spruce trees out of sight. Once the feeders were filled, they descended like little vultures, especially on the thistle feeders. Within minutes, they were gone. Suspect one of the resident small hawks may be lurking in the vicinity. Not even any house sparrows.  :scratch: It's been a good winter of bird feeding altho the thistle seed consumption has been nuts. Not cheap either but nothing is these days. The pheasants blow through the yard once a day. They vary their routine some. Later in the day I've noticed them trekking along the north side of the grove. They're heading back to cover in the CRP across the road. Just hope people are paying attention and not diddling on their cell phones. They've picked off a bunch of squirrels this winter between here and the neighbors.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/17/23, 03:18:39 PM
My pheasants are bigger than yours https://youtu.be/qibR-xgArbM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/17/23, 03:24:50 PM
My pheasants are bigger than yours https://youtu.be/qibR-xgArbM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/17/23, 03:26:10 PM
just had a couple roosters out by the lake walking around!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/17/23, 03:31:28 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Must be those ZZ Top pheasants... :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/17/23, 03:34:27 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Must be those ZZ Top pheasants... :scratch:

beard isn't long enough!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/19/23, 10:11:34 AM
Been noticing horned larks along the road this past week. This morning heard & saw our 1st robin at the ranch in the red oak tree. If they hang around & the forecast comes to fruition, they may be in for a rude awakening. 😒
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/19/23, 08:06:10 PM
Had pheasants in my grove last Friday. I was hoping they'd come by the bird feeders but if they did I didn't see them. This crust on the snow is making their life difficult.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/21/23, 02:15:54 PM
i was genuinely surprised with this weather moving in the bird feeders werent busy??? :scratch: haven't seen many lately!!!!!!!! sometimes i wonder if some kind of hawk in hovering around,,,,,,,,i've seen then on occasion!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/21/23, 02:41:30 PM
There was more bird activity yesterday here. I put some corn out for the pheasants. A few minutes ago there was one up in the crabapple tree. Should fill the birdfeeders this afternoon then sit back to see what they're up to thru the storm.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/21/23, 03:20:11 PM
I agree they hit it hard yesterday,  although the safflower was down some today so I topped that off while i was out. Funny watching em tho, if the sparrows are on one feeder the finches got to the other.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/21/23, 04:27:17 PM
Half dozen pheasants were working the corn over. They wasted little time.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/22/23, 12:10:26 PM
Lotsa bird activity this morning. Pheasants were back. They like the shelter the yard provides on days like today.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/23, 12:39:10 PM
yea the birds where busy here this morning too!!!!!!! they must know something?????? :shocked: :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/22/23, 03:32:46 PM
Safflower completely empty when I got home. Momma counted close to 16 gold finches hammering away at it today. As soon as I refilled got back inside I counted 12...pigs. they are neat. All the same color, if lps keeps doing the spring warm up dance they'll be turning yellow perty quick!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/22/23, 03:46:31 PM
And yes I am doing the dance.  I need to get sunflower seeds tomorrow.  Rolled oats too for the horses.  We still have the Pine Grosbeaks here which we really like.  A gray squirrel the other day too.  They are a rare specie here with Cooper keeping guard. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/26/23, 11:25:25 AM
Was glancing at the pheasants & thought oh crap! One of the ewes is up in the yard! 2nd look & it was just Bambi.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/26/23, 02:26:10 PM
LIKE!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/27/23, 07:48:18 AM
The last few days we have had lots of evening grosbeaks in with the pine grosbeaks. Haven't seen evenings here for a few years. LPS has them all the time.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/27/23, 06:37:47 PM
 :pouty: :confused:youz guys got deer and turkeys under your feeders!; :bonk: I just looked out back and had a frickin possum under one of mine! :confused: :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/27/23, 07:06:09 PM
:pouty: :confused:youz guys got deer and turkeys under your feeders!; :bonk: I just looked out back and had a frickin possum under one of mine! :confused: :banghead: :banghead:
  only you!!!   too funny!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/27/23, 09:09:10 PM
That is cool as heck Glenn.  Probably living in your garage.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   Put an old blanket out there for him.  OR her, you may be a Grandpa by spring. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/27/23, 09:26:29 PM
Naw he headed in the neighbors yard. Probably under his shed. I live trapped a young one 2-3 summers ago, they most certainly don't have a very good disposition!! :shocked:

Looks like I may need to dig out ole granny clampetts cookbook!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/28/23, 08:28:12 AM
 :doah: I got a text... Some friends I have!! :confused: :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/28/23, 08:49:44 AM
 :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/28/23, 03:55:00 PM
Keep doing what your doing for an early spring lps, seen a good size flock of swans today with several smaller groups of honkers.   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/28/23, 03:56:53 PM
Wonder how glenn's pet possum is doing?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/28/23, 04:03:48 PM
I put on my tracking shoes this morning, he's doing fine 2 houses down underneath there back shed! :happy1: :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/03/23, 09:33:30 AM
There's a skunk making the rounds out here. I should have you come & track that one. Can smell he's been in the main barn some nights when I do lamb check about 10 p.m. Prolly time to bait the live trap and see how many cats I catch before I nail the SOB. Saw another robin yesterday & heard geese flying over last night. 🌙
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/03/23, 10:29:31 AM
Poppy would look eye to eye with a skunk.  May even like each other.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/03/23, 10:31:30 AM
Poppy would look eye to eye with a skunk.  May even like each other.

 :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/03/23, 10:41:31 AM
Poppy is a lot like our Sheltie was in that dept. Pretty cocky for a little dog. Murphy took on a skunk one night in the front yard at potty time. Came in the house dripping with eau de skunk. Didn't get her corralled before she managed to rub against the furniture. Thank god for the Dawn/baking soda/hydrogen peroxide concoction to clean her up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/03/23, 10:55:32 AM
LOL  Yup you don't know for sure until they get in the house, then it's too late.  And thanks to whoever came up with the skunk cleaner recipe.  Lifesaver.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/03/23, 11:27:48 AM
dats da best way ever to get rid of the smell...   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/03/23, 12:52:26 PM
that's the one thing that concerns me when i set that live trap.....is catching pepe lepew!!!!!!!!!! :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/03/23, 03:56:08 PM
I caught one several years ago at the cabin, I had to they were trying to take over under our porch. Cat food and dog food didn't work but an egg otta the fridge worked wonders. Sooo I didn't have the seeds to walk up and cover the trap with a blanket to carry down to the lake,  so I shot it...And that sucker sprayed HUGE... :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/03/23, 04:17:21 PM
I caught one several years ago at the cabin, I had to they were trying to take over under our porch. Cat food and dog food didn't work but an egg otta the fridge worked wonders. Sooo I didn't have the seeds to walk up and cover the trap with a blanket to carry down to the lake,  so I shot it...And that sucker sprayed HUGE... :doah:
bet your neighbors liked ya after that!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: depending on how big the trap was.....dont think they can spray if they cant pull there tail all the way up!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/04/23, 08:37:49 AM
More geese and red-winged blackbirds this a.m.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/06/23, 09:15:15 AM
Heard a killdeer yesterday. More robins thru here this a.m. No wrens yet but am hoping... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/06/23, 12:56:10 PM
Quote from: Dotch link=to=36304.msg427437#msg427437 date=1678115715
Heard a killdeer yesterday. More robins thru here this a.m. No wrens yet but am hoping... :coffee:
:pouty: :doah: :scratch: you need to quit drinkin so early........robins killdeer????? i've seen 1 junco!!!!!!

next you'll claim you seen sasquatch!!!!!! :surrender: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/06/23, 02:13:13 PM
I have! & Nessie too... :coffee:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/06/23, 02:20:06 PM
I have! & Nessie too... :coffee:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/07/23, 10:58:09 AM
Male cardinals singing their spring song. Chickadees have been at it for a couple weeks. Lots more geese flying around. Caught one black cat in the live trap so far but no skunks. Haven't smelled any skunks since I put the trap out. Cat came out of the trap like it was shot out of a cannon. Had only been in there an hour or so. It was eating cat food at choretime.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/07/23, 10:59:28 AM
Male cardinals singing their spring song. Chickadees have been at it for a couple weeks. Lots more geese flying around. Caught one black cat in the live trap so far but no skunks. Haven't smelled any skunks since I put the trap out. Cat came out of the trap like it was shot out of a cannon. Had only been in there an hour or so. It was eating cat food at choretime.
you wanna see a critter go ballistic in a live trap......get a gray skurrel in there!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/07/23, 11:02:11 AM
I've seen as many Bigfoots as I have Robin's and Wrens so far.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/08/23, 09:05:50 AM
More geese & a large flock of red-winged blackbirds. When I asked where they were headed, they said there's a guy in Cold Spring who has nice bird feeders. His beer sucks but his sunflower seed is great!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/08/23, 09:08:35 AM
More geese & a large flock of red-winged blackbirds. When I asked where they were headed, they said there's a guy in Cold Spring who has nice bird feeders. His beer sucks but his sunflower seed is great!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: f$%^&* blackbirds!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/08/23, 10:51:36 AM
Forgot to mention I caught another cat this morning, the gray-striped tomcat this time. Third time's the charm?🦨🦨🦨🦨
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/08/23, 10:52:56 AM
Forgot to mention I caught another cat this morning, the gray-striped tomcat this time. Third time's the charm?🦨🦨🦨🦨
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:   you sure got alot of pus............er never mind!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/08/23, 11:46:19 AM
Seeing more hen pheasants in our backyard lately. Tough to get more pheasants without them... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/09/23, 09:17:48 AM
Whilst taking Poppy out for her morning after breakfast potty, a sandhill crane flew overhead squawking away. Poppy cocked her head and looked at it like WTH?!?!  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/09/23, 09:44:18 AM
seen 2 swans and a few geese yesterday!!!   a little surprised to see the swans already... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/09/23, 10:38:28 AM
Buddy of mine has a pond across the driveway from his house. Has Canada geese nest there every year. Said this morning the geese were sitting on the ice, perhaps waiting for it thaw out. They might be waiting a while the rate things are going.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/09/23, 12:42:06 PM
seen 2 swans and a few geese yesterday!!!   a little surprised to see the swans already...
with the sauk river open......i see swans all winter around here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/09/23, 06:37:41 PM
Well, the skunk saga continues or does it? Last nite I caught our big white tomcat in the live trap. He's a PITA so was very lucky I decided to let him out. This time of year (breeding season) he shows up only sporadically and every time he does, he pisses all over. I hate taking a jacket off, laying it down, bringing it in the house only to have it smell like tomcat piss!!!! :angry:

Fast forward to tonite's chores: Picked up the feed pans, emptied water buckets and stuffed a dumb@$$ ewe back in her pen. She'd jumped into another ewe's pen apparently convinced her neighbor had more hay. She didn't. I was not amused. Walked down to the main barn, opened the walk-in door, turned on the lights, and saw the cats wanting to be fed. Except there was an extra black cat in the dark corner, with a big white stripe down its back! I shut the door quickly and ran back to the house as fast as my gimpy left leg would carry me. Grabbed my loaded 20 ga. SXS and went back to the barn. Tactical maneuver, threw the door open, stepped in, skunk was still there, bam! 2 3/4 #6 shot modified choke at about 8'. Stepped out, slammed the door. Waited a few seconds, no smell, opened the door again, stepped in, skunk still moving, bam! 2nd barrel, full choke 2 3/4 #4 shot. Was taking no chances. Pretty well cut the SOB in half. Then it stunk. Sorry glenn, when I was boxing it up, I thought you could maybe still make a hat out of it but afraid you'll have to settle for a pair of ear muffs.  :pouty:

Dotch 1, 🦨 0

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/09/23, 06:41:45 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :confused: :tut:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/09/23, 07:09:10 PM
wait till his wife gets the mail!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/13/23, 07:31:28 PM
Night shift... :coffee:

4 deer in the pic but ya really gotta look to see 2 of them. Judging by the growling & woofing, they really got Poppy's panties in a twist.  :coffee:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/14/23, 04:48:53 PM
A couple days late cause of the snow squall.....

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/14/23, 05:01:22 PM
That is so cool HD.  That's a lot of deer and turkeys.  Thanks for the video. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/14/23, 05:25:30 PM
looks like ya missed a few deer!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao:

just as i figured no skurrels!!!!!!! :pouty: :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on March 03/15/23, 10:15:37 PM
Cool video.  Fun to watch them critters.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/23, 11:33:07 AM
seen something interesting this morning when I drove to LP about 8am...  usually see many pheasants along the way, about 8 miles...  well I only seen 2 or 3 of them, but fox squirrels  were every where along the way!!!   a good dozen of them in that drive...  interesting I thought...   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/16/23, 12:08:39 PM
Saw a morning dove under one of the feeders. Do they migrate? I haven't seen one for quite some time.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/23, 12:55:38 PM
Saw a morning dove under one of the feeders. Do they migrate? I haven't seen one for quite some time.

according to my bird book they do migrate but not that far overall...  more about food for them...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/16/23, 03:05:35 PM
I see lots of roony's striped-tail buddies napping along side the roads lately. Wonder why they're all so tired?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/16/23, 03:40:16 PM
They are really run down.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/23, 03:50:06 PM
I see lots of roony's striped-tail buddies napping along side the roads lately. Wonder why they're all so tired?  :scratch:
thats a good place for them down there......i could maybe send ya a possum!!!!!!!! :evil: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/16/23, 04:44:06 PM
I see them lounging around a lot too. They look shot.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/16/23, 06:19:39 PM
I bet they do,  dead tired. Not much going on the feeders,  last weekend we had lots of finches but not alot this week. I did see mornin dove a little bit ago so that's a positive!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/16/23, 06:47:26 PM
Robins bouncing around the yard today. glenn's red-winged blackbirds were cleaning up under the sunflower feeder. Poppy's deer haven't shown up tonite. That probably won't stop her from growling and barking at them anyway. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/23, 06:49:14 PM
We like red wing blackbirds here.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/16/23, 08:39:34 PM
We like red wing blackbirds here.
It's the grackles that me completely crazy.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/16/23, 09:45:30 PM
They both suck!; :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/17/23, 07:26:55 AM
The Starlings have been raiding our feeders. They rank down there with the wrens.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/23, 08:48:22 AM
Grackles, starlings, and sparrows are target practice here normally.  I see a bird getting in a bird house that the nuthatches use.  Took a minute for my eyes to focus and it was an English Sparrow.  Target practice but with my cataract no way could I hit it so I yelled at it and threw a snowball at him.  LOL  I showed him.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/23, 01:35:39 PM
For whatever reason the grackle numbers seem to be declining here. Prolly have had more robins than grackles nesting for several years. I agree tho about the sparrows & starlings. Both are messy, nasty, disease carrying birds that can spread things like coccidiosis, salmonella, & bird flu. The outfits that own the turkeys barns in the area have low tolerance for either species. With the exception of wrens, they can also disrupt native birds when nesting such as bluebirds. One year, starlings even occupied one of my wood duck houses! I cleaned those eggs out and tossed them in the pond. Bastages anyway! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/23, 01:42:13 PM
Dotch, I would suspect you'd have sparrows with the barn and feed . Once the blackbirds and grackles move off to nest I usually don't have them around.

One key I find in not having in wanted birds is don't put out cracked corn of and seed mix with millet in it. I feed sunflower seeds, safflower and thistle. They don't like that they can pound sand!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/23, 02:34:23 PM
Actually we keep the sparrow population under control fairly well here as long as the cats do their job. If they don't & I can get at the nest, it's toast. If I catch a female house sparrow in a bluebird house I dispose of her. If it's somewhere I can't get at the nest as easily like in the barn, I like letting the eggs hatch then tearing the nest down before they can fly. Cats take care of the rest. The repeating sparrow trap has also helped when we haven't had cats. We keep the feed covered so birds, vermin and insects can't get into it. Also keeps the cats from crapping in it which can create a whole 'nother set of disease issues. Our neighbors to the south not so much. Beef operation so there tends to be a lot of feed around. Their dog kills cats so there's little to prevent birds from getting into feed and nesting all over the place. As hard as I try to eliminate the little bastages, they just keep coming back.

No cracked corn or millet fed here either, just ear corn and they don't bother that. The sparrows here will eat sunflower seed and for a while, even ate suet as did the starlings of course. Went to horizontal type suet feeders a few years back which helped at first. They adapted to that too until I used an old bluebird house trick and suspended some bell sinkers on some thin florist wires from the corners of the feeders. The sparrows aren't crafty enough to fly up from the ground and around the wires, keeping them away. The starlings can if there are only wires on two corners on the wooden feeder as they can sit on top of it. Four wires are better for those jerks if they persist on being a PITA. Lead works too. :happy1:       
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: dakids on March 03/17/23, 06:23:33 PM
This turkey likes teasing the puppy.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/23, 06:48:53 PM
7 deer tonite. Poppy is having a comeapart too.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/17/23, 06:53:25 PM
This turkey likes teasing the puppy.

 looks like the dog was set up!!!  too funny!!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/17/23, 06:54:23 PM
7 deer tonite. Poppy is having a comeapart too.

she on her hind legs, standing up??    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/17/23, 07:05:21 PM
yep..she see's the one taking the dump and cant wait to get out there and eat it!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/17/23, 07:14:36 PM
yep..she see's the one taking the dump and cant wait to get out there and eat it!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :sleazy:

 :thumbs: :tut:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/22/23, 09:34:15 AM
Heard a loud noise outside: Hundreds of red-winged blackbirds asking where Cold Spring is!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/22/23, 09:42:02 AM
Heard a loud noise outside: Hundreds of red-winged blackbirds asking where Cold Spring is!  :happy1:
there's one in new york....send them there!!!!!!!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/22/23, 11:19:59 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I think that's where roony would like to send his wrens... :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/23/23, 03:51:52 PM

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/23, 04:44:33 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/23/23, 06:45:21 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on March 03/24/23, 06:58:23 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/25/23, 07:19:40 PM
Went for a long ride today. Came across a corn field with lots of swans scattered throughout the whole field. I’m guessing upwards of a hundred.   A couple miles from open water. Also saw one sandhill crane  and a few pheasants. All of the critters seem to be moving about.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/25/23, 08:27:39 PM
Some snows & blues reported west of Bugtussle in a field on Hwy 30 yesterday afternoon. Were a lot of Canada geese in the air last nite at 10 & 4 a.m. when I had Poppy out to poop. Today there was even a good sized flock of specklebellies.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/26/23, 06:40:53 AM
been seeing more geese lately and also seen a pair of swans yesterday too in a field...  getting to be more and more birds around!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/26/23, 07:32:38 AM
Still waiting for our first goose here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/26/23, 08:25:09 AM
Saw two sandhill cranes just west of my place
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/26/23, 08:43:21 AM
Saw two sandhill cranes just west of my place

haven't seen any yet here,,,
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/26/23, 09:29:09 AM
with the sippi not all that fat from me and the sauk river right here see a good number of canadian honkers and swans........no cranes though!!!!!!

robins, blackbirds, starlings or wrens  :evil: either for that matter!!!! but good gawd.......2 nights this week are supposeed to be single digit lows. at the cabin below 0.  :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/26/23, 10:51:19 AM
Feeders been kinda quiet,  just a few house finches , sparrows and a lone Junco was bouncing around a little bit ago. Ma and Pa ran out to Willma on Friday, west of Hutch aways the snow is really piled up, they lost count on the pheasants spotted.  Been seeing plenty of honkers here for a few weeks. Hopefully it won't be long and the Orioles will be back..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/26/23, 11:26:49 AM
Yup boober, figure it'll be 5 - 6 weeks here and it'll be showtime for the orioles. Sky was full of geese on our way back from Mayberry this a.m. Sounds like spring out there too. Robins are setting up shop, the chickadees are singing fee-bee and the cardinals are singing as the geese make their way north honking away. Not counting my chickens before they hatch though. I trust this weather like a fart anymore.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/29/23, 09:53:33 AM
by golly.......seen my first morning dove on my walkabout outside this morning!!!!!!!!! :happy1: no robins though yet!!!! :surrender:

LPS is right...spring is just around the corner!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/29/23, 10:46:22 AM
Have those red-winged blackbirds I sent your direction showed up yet?  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/29/23, 10:48:54 AM
Have those red-winged blackbirds I sent your direction showed up yet?  :coffee:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:nope.......thought you sent them to new york!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/29/23, 12:22:24 PM
Well I can check robins off the list. Seen 3 on my way out of town along the street where the snow was melted off the grass in people's yard. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/29/23, 03:53:49 PM
Want me to send ya that railcar full of sunflower seed for when the blackbirds show up?  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/29/23, 04:05:56 PM
Want me to send ya that railcar full of sunflower seed for when the blackbirds show up?  :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: you bet......there spendy nowadays!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/30/23, 09:06:49 AM
Appears the rooster pheasants have dispersed & staked out their territory. Only seeing single birds passing thru the yard again so courting season is underway. Speaking of expensive, thistle seed is really nuts. Think it was $47 for a 20 lb. bag at FF the other day. Was debating about refilling the feeders ahead of the rain but think I'll wait and let them pull the feeders down close to empty. No reason to let it ruin several $'s worth of seed. They can get at sunflower seed in the feeders that are more weather proof. 

Add great blue herons to the list of birds tooling around out here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/05/23, 10:42:13 AM
The Redwing Blackbirds are here!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/05/23, 11:07:50 AM
And they all seem to be shoutng "Cold Spring!" at the top of their lungs... :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/05/23, 11:24:25 AM
And they all seem to be shoutng "Cold Spring!" at the top of their lungs... :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: and that be Cold Spring New York  :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/08/23, 08:35:48 AM
Some of the male goldfinches are getting closer to their yellow summer plumage. Surprised they've been as faithful as they've been this winter & now into early spring. :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/23, 08:42:12 AM
Some of the male goldfinches are getting closer to their yellow summer plumage. Surprised they've been as faithful as they've been this winter & now into early spring. :scratch:
:happy1: i noticed that yesterday. got lotz of juncos on and around the feeders this morning. been seeing more then the usual geese flying over to yesterday.

still no starlings or blackbirds  :rolleyes: :sleazy: :rotflmao: but no wrens or bluebirds... :confused: :doah: been hearing of bluebird sightings around the red wing area!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/08/23, 09:05:51 AM
Seen some honkers up here yesterday. Also seen some chithawks(seagulls). Guessing the grackles won't be to far behind.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/23, 09:10:58 AM
Seen some honkers up here yesterday. Also seen some chithawks(seagulls). Guessing the grackles won't be to far behind.
chithawks......... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: when we where in duluth one time the natives up there called them sky rats!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/23, 10:46:18 AM
Haven't seen either yet but I suppose some are around. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/23, 04:47:54 PM
Important update from the Canadian border.  We saw our first Seagulls today.  Maybe a half dozen of them. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/09/23, 08:30:55 AM
Have about 10 English Grosbeaks filling our feeder.  Haven't seen the for quite awhile.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/09/23, 09:31:15 AM
What is an English grosbeak?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/23, 09:33:49 AM
What is an English grosbeak?  :scratch:

good question.... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/09/23, 09:56:35 AM
It's not a German one!! :shocked: :rolleyes: :rotflmao:

Perty certain he means an evening grosbeak. The yellow ones!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/23, 09:57:28 AM
the numbers of birds is increasing in leaps and bounds the last few days!!!!   the variety is great!!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/23, 10:07:25 AM

Looks like the juncos are grouping up & moving out. Won't be long & we should start seeing white throated, white crowned  Harris's sparrows show up at the ranch. Filled the thistle seed feeders this a.m. Goldfinches keep grinding away on my thistle seed supply. Will need a loan to keep buying thistle seed for them. Glenn will be happy to hear the blackbirds have been cleaning out the one sunflower feeder. 🌻
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/09/23, 10:14:23 AM
It's not a German one!! :shocked: :rolleyes: :rotflmao:

Perty certain he means an evening grosbeak. The yellow ones!! :happy1:
Guessing that too. Been seeing many of those here too this winter. Been a few years since having them here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/09/23, 10:18:13 AM
Dozens of juncos this morning. All over the yard, not just around the feeders.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/23, 10:22:24 AM
same here!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/09/23, 10:59:45 AM
Saw a wood duck in the grove this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/09/23, 11:04:21 AM
Saw a wood duck in the grove this morning.
its a wren in disguise!!!! :evil: :evil: :rotflmao:

yep lotz of Junco's. had a cardinal singin away the other day!!!!! all kinds of finches......and rebs favorite.......skurrels!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/09/23, 11:28:07 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Them wrens are tricky little devils... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/09/23, 01:11:24 PM
Funny, it didn't taste like a wren.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/09/23, 07:17:10 PM
the blue herons are back!!!   lots of birds every where!!!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/09/23, 07:33:15 PM
the blue herons are back!!!   lots of birds every where!!!!!
:scratch: :moon: :sleazy: :whistling:no comment!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/10/23, 08:11:18 AM
Man do we have birds at the feeder this morning.  2 Grackles showed up, lots of sparrows, finches, Juncos, etc
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/10/23, 08:32:25 AM
Had a tree swallow here yesterday. The sandhill cranes & Canada geese in the wetland were having a contest before sunrise to see which one could make the most racket. No need for an alarm clock. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/10/23, 03:17:44 PM
ready for the birds....iffin dere thirsty my bird bath is at full alert!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/10/23, 03:29:43 PM
ready for the birds....iffin dere thirsty my bird bath is at full alert!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

mine has been at the ready for a few days now!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/11/23, 05:04:16 AM
Man do we have birds at the feeder this morning.  2 Grackles showed up, lots of sparrows, finches, Juncos, etc
I was afraid them dang grackles weren't to far away. Should see them here to any day now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/11/23, 07:27:36 AM
Yup they jumped right in the feeder and the other birds sat on the deck railings waiting for the grackles to leave.   :angry2:   We did have a goose sitting on the ice here and across the river there were about 5 of them on the peoples yard eating grass. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/11/23, 08:06:05 AM
Yup they jumped right in the feeder and the other birds sat on the deck railings waiting for the grackles to leave.   :angry2:   We did have a goose sitting on the ice here and across the river there were about 5 of them on the peoples yard eating grass.
none of them here yet........Dotch musta gave them bad mapquest directions!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/13/23, 03:13:22 PM
seen a bunch of flickers this morning!!!   interesting bird....   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/13/23, 05:49:07 PM
Well, I'll try to make it short. But momma caught wind that the hummers were on there way back so she put out a feeder just to see I will say. Fast forward my shoulder is doing great,  I grabbed a hockey stick and started firing balls around for Remi and sure enough I hit a feeder square,  it went flying and losing some well thought out solution momma whipped up. I ain't got it in me to tell her, just gonna sit back and say....There back!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/13/23, 06:27:05 PM
Good for you Bobb.  Now don't overdo it at the last stage of healing. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/13/23, 06:30:00 PM
Hey Roony... Seen and heard wrens today!!👍 :sleazy:

Boober your toast. Best hit the flower shop tomorrow!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/13/23, 06:41:08 PM
Unloading stuff from the car this afternoon and heard loud chirps.    A pair of sharp shinned hawks crashed into the ground about 20 feet away. Going through their spring mating ritual I guess. They nest in one of the big red pines near the house.
Filling the feeders is suspended now that the snow is gone in the open areas. We’ve had a couple too many bear visits to them this time of year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/13/23, 06:47:17 PM
Woodpeckers are really going at it, too. I’ve got a siding repair job coming up soon.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/13/23, 06:55:31 PM
Unloading stuff from the car this afternoon and heard loud chirps.    A pair of sharp shinned hawks crashed into the ground about 20 feet away. Going through their spring mating ritual I guess. They nest in one of the big red pines near the house.
Filling the feeders is suspended now that the snow is gone in the open areas. We’ve had a couple too many bear visits to them this time of year.
odd, I don't recall the last time we had bear mess with the feeders at the cabin  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/13/23, 07:51:01 PM
It’s not every year, but we’ve stopped feeding in the spring. A couple of years they dragged stuff off and really banged them up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/14/23, 08:08:41 AM
We see a lot of reports(Nextdoor) from people around the lake taking their feeders down because of the bears every Spring too. Especially when it's a little extra warm & dry early on. No issues with that where we are though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/16/23, 09:51:25 AM
No bears at the feeders but did see our 1st white-throated sparrow under the feeders this morning. Filled the feeders yesterday.  Birds have been nuts today.

Shortly after I posted the 1st paragraph,  a pair of wood ducks was sniffing around the silver maple in the back yard. I have a spare nesting box I haven't put up. I'd need to get some flashing to keep the critters out of it but it would be fun to watch from the oval office. 🤔
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/17/23, 07:15:11 AM
Haven't seen any wood ducks here yet.  Lots of juncos and other little birds at the feeder. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/17/23, 02:35:10 PM
I saw wood ducks in SE MN last week.

Saw a robin gathering nesting materials in the front yard just now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/23, 03:41:32 PM
when i went up to moms i drove past schneider lake.......pair of loons imn the open part!!!!!11 SPRING is here!!!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/18/23, 08:32:25 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: sitting down in my mancave in front of the laptop.........looking out under my deck watching a robin trying to build a nest. brings in some nest material........and 4 fall off the base!!!!!! :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on April 04/18/23, 09:21:58 AM
Seen my first pair of wood ducks this morning.  Tried to take a pic of them but just as I was about to take it they decided to fly.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/23, 09:46:36 AM
that robin has finally made good headway with that nest!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:

i see the damn crackles are here!!!!!!!1 :confused: :confused: thanks dotch and roony!!!!!! :surrender: :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/23, 10:45:36 AM
Anytime... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/19/23, 10:57:23 AM
Ya, the grackles keep multiplying in our yard too. Into double digits now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/19/23, 11:01:55 AM
I think they tripled here!!!    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/23, 11:17:17 AM
Some yellow-headed blackbirds being spotted in the area. Seldom see them in our yard but sometimes down in the wetland. Usually by the time they show up, the mosquitoes do too so I stay away from the wetland. The yellow-headed blackbirds are pretty but their call always sounds like someone is strangling them or something. The third set of calls from the top is similar to what we hear at the ranch.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/19/23, 12:16:55 PM
been along time since I last seen 1 of them!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/19/23, 02:04:59 PM
loons are back here now!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/19/23, 04:28:23 PM
I'll have keep an eye out for those yellow headed ones. Just had a red wing female black bird hanging around. She dined with a pair of house finches,  which didn't mind a bit.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/23, 04:33:54 PM
for the most part i think those yellow headed ones stay close to water??????? you can probobly see them fishing sheepies!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/19/23, 05:23:07 PM
for the most part i think those yellow headed ones stay close to water??????? you can probobly see them fishing sheepies!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy:
Lotsa red wing blackbirds in the the cattails,  those are usually the sounds of spring fishin to us..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/23, 06:11:06 PM
for the most part i think those yellow headed ones stay close to water??????? you can probobly see them fishing sheepies!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy:

According to Sibley's, yes, they like to nest in marshes, which usually means there's open water someplace in them. Occasionally they'll get up in our yard looking for food of some sort. One was in the trees out behind the barn one night when we were doing chores. The noise they make scared the crap out of the wife. She thought it was some kind of varmint. Told her it was a yellow headed blackbird or it could be a smurf... :scratch:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/23, 06:51:38 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea them smurfs can make some noise!!!!!!!!! :surrender: :rotflmao:

 :scratch: you posting from your phone????? :scratch: figured you'd be in the big city front row of king walz state of screwed up state speech tonight!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on April 04/19/23, 08:09:40 PM
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea them smurfs can make some noise!!!!!!!!! :surrender: :rotflmao:

 :scratch: you posting from your phone????? :scratch: figured you'd be in the big city front row of king walz state of screwed up state speech tonight!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: This kind of smurf noise? :violin: :violin: :cry: :cry:        :nerd: ;) :rolleyes: :smiley: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/20/23, 09:52:23 AM
Cool bird.  Haven't seen one in a long time also. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/21/23, 09:09:02 AM
 :scratch: is it possible that robins laid eggs already????/ that robin that built the nest under my deck has been sitting all morning here so far??????

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/21/23, 09:26:48 AM
set up your game camera!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/21/23, 11:19:01 AM
:scratch: is it possible that robins laid eggs already????/ that robin that built the nest under my deck has been sitting all morning here so far??????

They usually don't procrastinate. Clock is ticking & if they're gonna get two broods in, they have to get busy.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/21/23, 11:26:36 AM
 :rotflmao: :happy1: I chuckled good at the first part of the article. Well crafted nest... Yea you betcha!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/21/23, 11:54:35 AM
Watch out for them cowbirds... :coffee:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/21/23, 09:44:40 PM
My wily cocker spaniel showed up with a flicker in his mouth. When told to drop it he immediately complied snd looked at me for praise.  The bird is doing ok, just seems a little shocked. It’s spending the night in a crate and hopefully will be ready to head back outside in the morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/22/23, 10:27:25 AM
Hearing and seeing more white-throated sparrows daily moving through the area. They stay temporarily but eventually they move along, heading to their summer homes far to the north. Love their song. It says it's spring here in SC MN. Or if it isn't, it should be.

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXsiA6wcdSA&t=57s   (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXsiA6wcdSA&t=57s)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/23, 10:32:14 AM
I have seen them here before.  Had our first male redwing blackbird here today.  Lots of juncos and other small birds.  Better get out the bird book.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/23, 03:35:03 PM
an article i read on bring me the news this morning titled loons falling out of the sky.

apparently up in northern Mn and Wi, with this crappy wet snow, rain and freezing rain ., loons are having a difficult time flying in that stuff. they get froze up on there wings and cany fly and fall down!!!!!

friggin crazy. ONE would think thye'd maybe know better  :doah: :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/22/23, 03:50:33 PM
articleread an aertilse

?????? Boar!!!!!! A little help here please!  :rotflmao:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/23, 04:16:31 PM
articleread an aertilse

?????? Boar!!!!!! A little help here please!  :rotflmao:
:bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/23, 04:16:46 PM
No idea. :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/22/23, 06:52:08 PM
an article i read on bring me the news this morning titled loons falling out of the sky.

apparently up in northern Mn and Wi, with this crappy wet snow, rain and freezing rain ., loons are having a difficult time flying in that stuff. they get froze up on there wings and cany fly and fall down!!!!!

friggin crazy. ONE would think thye'd maybe know better  :doah: :scratch:

here's the article   

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/24/23, 08:18:19 AM
I saw a pair of cardinals in the rhododendron bush just outside the front door.  He had a twig in his mouth and she was watching attentively.  Next he tried to bend and break other wigs into place, but the green twigs would not yield.  I was hoping they would build a nest there, but they both moved on.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/24/23, 10:23:16 AM
Heard the first brown thrasher of the season this morning.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/24/23, 12:46:00 PM
Heard the first brown thrasher of the season this morning.  :coffee:
:scratch: i thought you heard that every morning in the oval office!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

and what kind of a bush......Steveo!!!!!! :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on April 04/24/23, 01:49:58 PM
Heard the first brown thrasher of the season this morning.  :coffee:
:scratch: i thought you heard that every morning in the oval office!!!!!!!!!! :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

and what kind of a bush......Steveo!!!!!! :scratch: :doah:
I'll take the high road...  ;)

You can also call them azaleas - like the bushes you see blooming all around Augusta National Golf Course when the broadcast The Masters.


We did have a pair of birds build a nest in our bush a couple-few years back, but I am hard pressed to remember what they were now.  Sparrows?  House finches?   Yellow-bellied sap-suckers?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/24/23, 02:48:35 PM
 :scratch: i wouldnt know.........i dont watch golf............ :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/28/23, 10:30:21 AM
Barn swallows are back and they brought some tree swallows with them. Lots of white-throated sparrows this morning. Juncos are pretty much gone. Haven't seen any white-crowned or Harris's sparrows yet. Thinking I should put out some grape jelly & maybe some orange halves over the weekend. If the weather warms up like they're talking next week, wouldn't be surprised to see an oriole or two.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/28/23, 11:08:19 AM
We ususally see the first orioles and grosbeaks around Cinco de Mayo. This past week I saw my first Blue Heron of the season.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/28/23, 04:08:32 PM
We have been waiting for the tree swallows.  They nest in our martin house.  I thought they were martins at first.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/23, 04:32:14 PM
judging by the bird feeders here at home they havent been busy here.

at the cabin the past couple days some birds came around, so did the 2 black skurrels!!!!!but they havent been fed either since mid feb. last time someone was up there was super bowl weekend!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/29/23, 10:16:55 AM
Put the jelly feeder out with a couple orange slices on it. Forgot to pick up grape jelly but found a squeeze bottle of cheap stuff in the fridge I must've finished out the season with last year. Keep thinking I'm seeing a hummingbird out of the corner of my eye when seated in the oval office so will likely mix up some sugar water and put a dual purpose feeder out. It's orange and intended for orioles but the hummers like it too. Lots of goldfinches at the feeders and cardinals singing their lungs out. A whole herd of white-throated sparrows too. Great to hear all the birdsong after essentially none most of the winter.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/23, 11:27:07 AM
Keep thinking I'm seeing a hummingbird out of the corner of my eye when seated in the oval office so will likely mix up some sugar water and put a dual purpose feeder out.

Mike and Boober texted me....they think its the "WEED" Timmy dropped off for ya!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/29/23, 01:14:27 PM
At leastya havent hallucinate about wrens.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/29/23, 03:22:13 PM
I usually put out the hummingbird feeders and oriole feeders the week prior to fishing opener. I want to set out the mealworm feeder but haven't seen any yet. Maybe next week??!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/23, 11:30:54 AM
At leastya havent hallucinate about wrens.

I keep having flashbacks tho... 😵‍💫

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSe3R1b8zak&t=8s   (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSe3R1b8zak&t=8s)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/01/23, 01:27:50 PM
A Redheaded Woodpecker this morning!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/01/23, 02:59:51 PM
Beautiful birds.  I haven't seen one in years.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/03/23, 09:28:06 AM
anyone seen any orioles or hummingbirds yet??? thinkin i'll wait on the juice feeders but gonna put out the jelly today. mayhaps next week for the juice?????
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/23, 09:35:03 AM
Saw a female yellow rumped (Myrtle subspecies) warbler yesterday in the kindly neighbor's backyard. Warblers would be a lot easier to ID if they'd just sit still for a little bit. Guessing we probably have some at the ranch too. They're likely in the plum & sumac thicket where all the wood ticks hang out.  :doah:

Haven't seen any orioles or hummers yet. Nothing eating the jelly except house sparrows. :mad1: Nothing has touched the orange halves. When I head home for lunch today, I might put the nectar feeder out. Punted on it over the weekend after it cooled down & we had gale force winds.  :angry:  Almost forgot, my neighbors also saw bluebirds there yesterday. They said when the sun caught them the blue color was so intense they stuck out like a sore thumb.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/03/23, 09:36:32 AM
maybe i'll wait a bit then!!!!!!! :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/23, 09:48:36 AM
They gotta be getting close here. Seems like they'll show up in municipalities first where it's more sheltered & they know there's food. We're usually a few days off the pace at the ranch as we're more like an oasis in the middle of the desert. The bottom link lists a lot of sightings from other species of note including some insects. Did notice more red admiral butterflies out and about yesterday afternoon at the ranch. Their sightings sometimes coincide with true armyworm flights. I haven't seen the Harris's or white-crowned sparrows yet but, usually the orioles and hummingbirds are right on their heels. As I said, got to be close.




Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/23, 09:18:11 AM
Saw the 1st Harris's sparrow of the spring here this morning. When checking the cutworm trap thought I heard an oriole in the windbreak too. There's getting to be enough evergreens and foliage for them to hide in so doubled down and filled the jelly feeder. Effin' house sparrows keep eating it so it needed to be replenished. Put the oriole nectar feeder out too in case there's an errant hummingbird passing thru. More red admiral butterflies along with armyworm moths. Also noticing what appear to be queen bumblebees that have emerged from hibernation. At least that's what my friend the Boy Entomologist told me. One flowering bulb they're particularly fond of. The queens are very large relative to the workers and sends a clear signal that spring is underway at the ranch.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/05/23, 10:00:02 AM
Just saw the first Rose Breastfed Grosbeak at the feeder.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/05/23, 10:06:38 AM
Followed by an Oriole at the tuna can grape jelly feeder! A red letter day.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/23, 10:11:32 AM
You get all the good orioles  :pouty:

Mebbe I wasn't hearing things... :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/05/23, 11:01:01 AM
I heard a bird singing in the tops of our trees but couldn't locate it.  I'm thinking oriole. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/05/23, 12:12:55 PM
put the jelly and juice feeders out.............. i put the bluebird feeder out the other day. its a mix of mealworm and various other seeds and nutz. i mix it up with more mealworm and so far i've had cardinals and morning doves on it!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/23, 07:57:43 AM
We have a Coopers Hawk landing on our feeder almost daily the last few day. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/06/23, 08:28:55 AM
Saw a rose-breasted grosbeak this a.m. & Mrs. Cheviot claimed to have seen an oriole. Entirely possibly but couldn't prove it by me. More Harris's sparrows, up to 4 at a time under the feeders. No white-crowned sparrows though. They've been a little pokey the past few years.

Update: Just saw an oriole while I was seated in the oval office.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/06/23, 08:38:00 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/06/23, 09:08:15 AM
you do your best work there dotch!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: so i've been told!!!!!!

ok i need some bird ID help. this morning i have all kinds of these same birds in the pine tree next to the bird bath. seen as many as 8-10 all at once on the bird bath.

there about the size of a sparrow. grayish but they have to small white stripes on there back on each side of the tail, and some of them they have a white stripe at the end of there tail.

any ideas??? it was fun watching them!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/06/23, 10:44:37 AM
Not sure what you might have had there glenn. Should've had some of my farmer friends take a fuzzy picture of them for you like they do with weed pictures. I swear they're the same guys who post all the grainy pictures of sasquatch online. Had a white-throated sparrow hit the window a little bit ago. Alive but not flying away just yet.

Just saw our first hummingbird on the oriole nectar feeder. Still buzzing around the yard. Must be looking at some of the flowers while he's at it.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/06/23, 10:54:31 AM
That wasn't them I need to find the bird book later
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/06/23, 11:00:17 AM
Didn't figure it was. The one in the photo is the one that hit the window. As dirty as the window is don't know how he didn't see it... :confused:

Checked on him a minute ago and he can run and flutter short distances. Seems to be regaining function. As long as the cats don't find him he might be OK.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/06/23, 02:36:52 PM
Saw our1st white-crowned sparrow. Now it can be spring. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/06/23, 02:39:30 PM
I went through 3 bird books and still haven't figured out what those birds are  :confused: :pouty: :doofus:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/23, 03:36:15 PM
Now I am really curious as to what they are.  Weren't just juncos were they?   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/06/23, 05:25:27 PM
Nope juncos have headed north
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/06/23, 07:52:18 PM
I guess we don't have any of them here now either.  Could they be Phoebe's?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/07/23, 07:55:05 AM
Heard our first house wrens of the season whilst checking the cutworm moth trap this a.m. Now it can be summer!  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/07/23, 08:26:23 AM
We spotted some birds we couldn't identify on our walk earlier,  momma snapped some pics and Google tells us cedar wax wings,  havnt seen them at home,just out here. Can always take a pic Glenn and hit da Google button for ID.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/07/23, 09:09:57 AM
That's pretty high tech for Glenn. ;) Still seeing a couple of juncos here. Not many though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/07/23, 10:25:38 AM
I struggle with warbler ID in particular. There are so many different kinds, they rarely sit still & many are just passing through so you only get a quick look a lot of the time.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on May 05/07/23, 12:03:54 PM
I went through 3 bird books and still haven't figured out what those birds are  :confused: :pouty: :doofus:

Put the "merlin" app on your phone.  It will identify birds by sound or picture.

PS Saw the first hummingbird and the first red winged blackbirds of the season a few minutes ago.   Just put the hummer and oriole feeders out a day or two ago.    Never have much luck with oranges or jelly.  But I'll keep trying..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/07/23, 04:53:25 PM
Got hummers in God's Country!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/07/23, 06:18:13 PM
That's pretty high tech for Glenn. ;) Still seeing a couple of juncos here. Not many though.
I sent him and Mike the know how to do it, havnt a heard back so they must be still trying  ;) . Perty simple hit your search engine ( Google,  bing) a little camera symbol is usually in the upper right, hit that and walk thru the steps to your gallery. You can ID anything and everything.  Just had a rose breasted Grosbeak on the tray feeder, first for us.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/07/23, 06:34:17 PM
the green herons are back in my pine tree!!!  at least 4 of them so I'm thinking the 3 chicks and the folks are checking out... hope they nest there again!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/23, 06:50:46 PM
I honestly haven't tried boobers method nor Dels for that matter. Been busy today. I usually don't have much trouble ID'ing  birds but these baffled me. :doah: they where gone today. :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/07/23, 07:08:53 PM
That's pretty high tech for Glenn. ;) Still seeing a couple of juncos here. Not many though.
I sent him and Mike the know how to do it, havnt a heard back so they must be still trying  ;) . Perty simple hit your search engine ( Google,  bing) a little camera symbol is usually in the upper right, hit that and walk thru the steps to your gallery. You can ID anything and everything.  Just had a rose breasted Grosbeak on the tray feeder, first for us.

never used and didn't know why it was there...  maybe I can figure it out sometime....   thanks Bobber!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/07/23, 07:45:24 PM
That is pretty cool, not something I was aware of. I put this pic in & got more Corgi pics

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/08/23, 07:17:10 AM
That's pretty high tech for Glenn. ;) Still seeing a couple of juncos here. Not many though.
I sent him and Mike the know how to do it, havnt a heard back so they must be still trying  ;) . Perty simple hit your search engine ( Google,  bing) a little camera symbol is usually in the upper right, hit that and walk thru the steps to your gallery. You can ID anything and everything.  Just had a rose breasted Grosbeak on the tray feeder, first for us.

never used and didn't know why it was there...  maybe I can figure it out sometime....   thanks Bobber!!!

I just looked at that too.  How cool.  Especially on my new phone that I thought was a 13 but no it is a 14Pro.  More than I can handle.  LOL
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/08/23, 08:53:07 AM
It comes in handy for Id'ing mushrooms,  it'll let ya know what ya can eat and not.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/23, 09:35:16 AM
I'll have to remember that. I bumble into lots of fungi when out and about. Saw a whole slug of inky caps growing around an ash stump a couple days ago. Have never eaten them & probably shouldn't. I'd have to plan ahead if I did.


Repaired the birdbath over the weekend. It got left out over the winter. It's a plastic model that a large branch must've fallen on & cracked it where the bowl hooks onto the pedestal. Cleaned it up, put some super glue in the crack, let 'er dry for a day, put some water in it overnite to see if it held water. Didn't leak so screwed it back on the base. Backyard is fully functional for birdwatching again. Added some jelly to the dishes. Just waiting for the orchard orioles to show up.  :whistling:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/08/23, 01:56:46 PM
Have the first oriole!! :happy1: :happy1: :cheerleader:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/08/23, 02:06:38 PM
I'm sure I heard one today too..   good for you!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/09/23, 12:48:58 PM
Just saw our 1st orchard orioles of the season. Recognized their scolding call while Poppy was pooping 💩
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/09/23, 01:11:20 PM
Saw a cat bird just now at the jelly feeder.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/09/23, 06:53:53 PM
Hummers made there arrival here!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/23, 03:56:32 PM
Have an indigo bunting here this afternoon.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/11/23, 04:00:15 PM
Nice! Haven't seen one yet this season.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/11/23, 07:33:57 PM
Have an indigo bunting here this afternoon.  :cool:

I've only seen a couple in my life.  Beautiful birds.  The Tree Swallows showed up yesterday.  They are what we confused as martins for awhile.  They live in the martin house. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/12/23, 07:56:59 AM
Hummers made there arrival here!! :happy1:
feeders went out Monday, seen the 1st one Wednesday. :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/12/23, 08:01:21 AM
i'll get the hummingbird feeders out when i get up there on the 22nd. brother has no interest in feeding birds.  :doah: :embarrassed:

i havent seen any tree swallows yet....they usually occupy a bluebird house, which i dont mind....they eat lotz of bugs!!!!! :happy1: when i went up to moms last week she had all kinds of purple martins...... thye like to have power lines to perch on, and i have nothing here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on May 05/12/23, 01:08:42 PM
We got to the cabin yesterday afternoon, put out the oriole feeder and within minutes they were doing fly bys. There really not sure, maybe I have it too close to the woods  :confused: Or could be us and the pooches running around.  1 humming bird so far, Lotta roonys wrens tho.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: KEN W on May 05/12/23, 01:10:56 PM
Rooster pheasant crowing in the back yard. Hear him off and on every day.

 :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/12/23, 02:43:04 PM
No wrens flying around here.  :sleazy: :sleazy: :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on May 05/13/23, 05:16:02 PM
I have confused birds. I had orioles and grosbeaks on our finch feeder. Had goldfinches and indigo buntings on our seed feeders. The starlings and grackles like the suet.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/23, 06:21:59 PM
I have confused birds. I had orioles and grosbeaks on our finch feeder. Had goldfinches and indigo buntings on our seed feeders. The starlings and grackles like the suet.

spring fever!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/23, 08:28:42 AM
The wife put out the hummer feeders and some jelly for the orioles.  I came in from fishing and there were already hummers here.  We have orioles this morning.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/14/23, 04:03:42 PM
I went through 3 bird books and still haven't figured out what those birds are  :confused: :pouty: :doofus:

Put the "merlin" app on your phone.  It will identify birds by sound or picture.

PS Saw the first hummingbird and the first red winged blackbirds of the season a few minutes ago.   Just put the hummer and oriole feeders out a day or two ago.    Never have much luck with oranges or jelly.  But I'll keep trying..

The orioles preferences here seem to vary with the group passing through and what's available. Early on they were only eating jelly with an occasional drink from the nectar feeder. Lately I can't keep up with their jelly feeding habits. When that happens, now they've opted to go after the orange halves. They wasted no time eating the two halves I put out so I put 4 halves out just a little bit ago. Hope they eat them up as I have lots of leftover oranges that are squishy on the outside but just fine on the inside.     
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/23, 08:06:54 PM
I'll get a bag of oranges when I hit the store tomorrow.  I like them too. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/16/23, 04:52:36 PM
Watching the robin under my deck I'd wager her eggs hatched. She's out gathering food and there's a hatched blue egg shell in my garden
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/17/23, 11:16:02 AM
While making me a little something to eat had a red breasted grosbeak on the birdbath.  :happy1: :clap: :dancinred: :rocker;
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/18/23, 10:44:08 AM
Watching the robin under my deck I'd wager her eggs hatched. She's out gathering food and there's a hatched blue egg shell in my garden
How far is that from the nest? I'm thinking a dirty nest raiding wren dragged it there. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/23, 01:03:26 PM
Watching the robin under my deck I'd wager her eggs hatched. She's out gathering food and there's a hatched blue egg shell in my garden
How far is that from the nest? I'm thinking a dirty nest raiding wren dragged it there. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:just yesterday i seen cowbirds, a cardinal and a WREN in my black walnut tree all at the same time. those wrens are friendly and eat alot of damn bugs!!!!!! :happy1: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/18/23, 01:14:50 PM
Watching the robin under my deck I'd wager her eggs hatched. She's out gathering food and there's a hatched blue egg shell in my garden
How far is that from the nest? I'm thinking a dirty nest raiding wren dragged it there. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:just yesterday i seen cowbirds, a cardinal and a WREN in my black walnut tree all at the same time. those wrens are friendly and eat alot of damn bugs!!!!!! :happy1: :rolleyes:
One out of three worth having around
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/22/23, 07:44:29 PM
not a bird but seen the first monarch butterfly's yesterday and a couple more today!!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/22/23, 09:08:10 PM
Must be a cowbird that hangs around Bucko in the pasture.  Walks around right next to the horse. Like a female red wing blackbird.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/31/23, 08:29:08 AM
after a 2 year absence we finally seen bluebirds, so we opened up the bluebird houses..........got home last night and picking up dog crap i find a dead bluebird below are big living room window!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: musta bonked himslef on the window chasing bugs!!!!!!

BUMMER!!!!!!!! :doah: :confused: :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/31/23, 09:23:16 AM
Bummer. Ya windows are tuff on them. We get plenty of window hits here too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/31/23, 12:29:23 PM
yea birds in the patio doors suk...   too many here to... 

not birds, but dragonflies!!!   was going to say last week I was seeing them, well now they are are everywhere!!!   cool to watch and the colors!!!    :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/31/23, 12:32:16 PM
Wish we had some dragonflies right about now. The mosquitoes are fierce. Haven't seen any bats at night either, yet.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/31/23, 12:38:53 PM
Wish we had some dragonflies right about now. The mosquitoes are fierce. Haven't seen any bats at night either, yet.

skeeters are really bad here too...   picking asparagus was nuts!!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/31/23, 12:42:29 PM
Here in the city of clean living I,ve had very few skeeters.

On a side note I have been watching a bluebird adding nesting material to a blue bird house.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/31/23, 03:15:53 PM
Even after spraying the skeeters are still thick here late evening. Daytime is good.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/31/23, 08:55:50 PM
Had big owl swoop across the yard at about 5 feet yesterday. Probably a great grey.
 Not birds but we have a mama bear with three cubs hanging around. The dogs were pretty interested but cautious this afternoon.  The cubs were up a tree and mom staked out the bottom and snarled when they got within about 20 yards. I managed to get them herded to the house and she waited for about an hour before she let the little ones come down. I’m hoping she took them further back into the woods so there’s no confrontation when I take the dogs out about 10;30 tonight.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on June 06/01/23, 07:03:18 AM
Even after spraying the skeeters are still thick here late evening. Daytime is good.
:scratch: I think the neighbor sprayed at least 2, maybe 3, times in about a week or 2 before we dared to sit out on his patio for a little HH before we left.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/01/23, 07:05:54 AM
The city sprayed last night but still some squites around.  Sure helps though.  I did see my first Monarch of the year the other day.  Some yellow butterflies too. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/01/23, 07:33:17 AM
Even after spraying the skeeters are still thick here late evening. Daytime is good.
:scratch: I think the neighbor sprayed at least 2, maybe 3, times in about a week or 2 before we dared to sit out on his patio for a little HH before we left.  :rolleyes:
The wife was talking about doing it again this weekend too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on June 06/01/23, 07:34:58 AM
Seen my first fawn Monday evening. Standing up, pretty shaking and mom was busy cleaning him/her up. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/01/23, 07:52:11 AM
Seen my first fawn Monday evening. Standing up, pretty shaking and mom was busy cleaning him/her up. :happy1:
i'll have to look at my bird books to see what that kind of bird looks like!!!!!!!! :evil: :rolleyes: :scratch: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

just giving ya grief!!!!!!! :happy1: awesome to hear!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/02/23, 10:30:36 AM
Was wondering when those fawns would start showing up. Have to be on the lookout for them. Not like we need more deer in these parts but never like hitting deer of any size with a vehicle. Jelly consumption by the orioles has slowed some. They must be in nesting mode. Saw a female oriole last week looking for nest building material. Need to take some of the suet feeders down and replace them with a couple hummingbird feeders the next couple days. Have been lots of hummers around. Hope they're nesting here. The little ones are really cute when they first show up at the nectar feeders. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/02/23, 11:35:06 AM
man does the bird bath really go down in this weather...   got to keep full for the tweety birds!!!    :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/03/23, 10:30:41 AM

just read this!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/03/23, 11:22:01 AM
Hmm, interesting. We have our jelly in a cup on the feeder. Have never seen a hummer get into it. The hummer feeder hangs about 16" away from the cup too. Doesn't really say how the jelly is affecting them?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/03/23, 11:24:01 AM
said something about getting it into their feathers!!!   I have never seen anything like that ever happen...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/03/23, 11:59:35 AM
We offer grape jelly & orange halves for the orioles. Nectar (4:1 ratio sugar water) is provided for both hummingbirds and orioles, with numerous flowering plants to provide nectar to hummingbirds and pollinators of all kinds throughout the season. Like jb, have rarely seen hummingbirds so much as sniff at the jelly over the decades we've been feeding it. Have no problem with it liquifying either aside from after a rain. When that happens, it usually gets dumped. Our feeders are also cleaned routinely. If they wanna whine about lack of protein provided by jelly to the young, they obviously haven't noticed the orioles picking the ants out of the jelly feeder and carrying them back to the nest to feed their young. We have more hummingbirds and orioles than we've ever had. Until I see something not using conjecture and speculation to arrive at a conclusion, in other words sound, multiple-location data, the jelly feeding will continue at the ranch. 

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/03/23, 03:28:49 PM
 :happy1: atta boy Dotch.........you tell'em!!!!! :rotflmao: same here!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on June 06/03/23, 10:03:53 PM
Anyone else noticing fewer Baltimore Orioles at their feeders? I think I saw a Orchard Oriole only a few times.
Now that I think of it, I haven't seen many woodpeckers, either. I have heard them in my grove, though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/04/23, 08:18:06 AM
i've still got orioles around.............they might be starting to nest  :scratch: thats when they seem to disappear for me!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/05/23, 04:25:48 PM
i know robins typically have 2 broods a year............sometimes anyway. do they use the same nest?????? i havent seen any activity in the one under my deck recently! :scratch: thinking of taking it down!!

one of her youngins got sckmucked out on the street in front of the house the other day!!!!!!!1 :confused: bummer!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/05/23, 05:29:50 PM
Normally they don't reuse the nest altho we had one in the barn that did for a couple years. The nest got to look like a chimney about a foot tall. The 3rd year they didn't show up again. Only one I've ever seen do that.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/05/23, 07:21:28 PM
had one that nested in the brush and used it 2 or 3 years,,   then nothing....  if it was the same bird anyway.. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/05/23, 07:29:00 PM
When the kids were young we built a platform unser the eves by the windows.  We did that after watching the robins try to build a nest on the angled downspout.

Sometimes, if i forgot to clean out the old nest, they'd build a new nest on top of the old.

We usually had two broods a year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/06/23, 01:27:31 PM
One of glenn's buddies having a little lunch... :coffee:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on June 06/06/23, 01:58:38 PM
Nice peaceful birds. Love em.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/07/23, 10:08:52 AM
Just saw a newly fledged robin in the back yard:  speckled (not red) breast and tiny tail feathers.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/08/23, 01:00:57 PM
just seen my 1st baby robin today too!!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/08/23, 01:04:32 PM
Yesterday I saw a female cardinal hopping around with a twig in its mouth.  I was hoping it would fly up into one of our trees and betray her nest location, but she flew out of the yard and out of sight.  She was back this morning - no stick this time - so her nest must not be too far away.   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/08/23, 06:43:09 PM
oh happy day!!!   seen the pair of loons just a few minutes ago on the lake with a chick on their back!!!!!!  sure hope they don't lose it!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/08/23, 07:32:25 PM
I was wrong!!!   it's a pair of chicks!!!!   nice!!!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/08/23, 08:01:25 PM
I was wrong!!!   it's a pair of chicks!!!!   nice!!!!!
put the beer away, it might really be only one!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/09/23, 06:41:04 AM
I was wrong!!!   it's a pair of chicks!!!!   nice!!!!!
put the beer away, it might really be only one!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:

nope they were swimming away out there and seen them very clearly!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/09/23, 08:20:54 AM
I was wrong!!!   it's a pair of chicks!!!!   nice!!!!!
put the beer away, it might really be only one!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:

nope they were swimming away out there and seen them very clearly!!!    :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Watching a couple of chicks out swimming in the lake...   :confused:  Sure this doesn't belong in the fishing thread.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/09/23, 09:10:45 AM
^^^^^^  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/09/23, 09:11:24 AM
Which begs the question, can cougars swim?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/09/23, 09:15:36 AM
Which begs the question, can cougars swim?  :scratch:
:happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/09/23, 09:34:17 AM
Which begs the question, can cougars swim?  :scratch:
:happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy:
Must resist...  must not...  post...  pic...  of cougars...  in a hot tub...  in the bird watching thread.   :banghead:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/09/23, 04:15:24 PM
You mean Glenns babes??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  They probably used to be able to swim but not anymore.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/09/23, 04:59:26 PM
You mean Glenns babes??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  They probably used to be able to swim but not anymore.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
That's funny stuff lps, Steve-o has to have a pic of that!  :happy1:  ;) 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/09/23, 05:18:27 PM
You mean Glenns babes??   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:  They probably used to be able to swim but not anymore.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:pouty: :banghead: :banghead: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

only one way to find out!!!!!!!!1 :sleazy: :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/09/23, 05:51:31 PM
Their big bazongas keep them afloat.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on June 06/09/23, 06:00:04 PM
They float like a winter killed carp.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/09/23, 06:25:48 PM
come on Steve-o!!!!   bring it on!!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/09/23, 08:34:10 PM

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/09/23, 08:35:04 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/09/23, 08:41:01 PM
 :crazy: :doofus: :shocked: oh boy talk about a derailment.....from birds in da back yard to cougars on a trail!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

and dotch started it!!!!!!! :surrender: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/09/23, 09:04:46 PM
Yeah, Dotch!  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/09/23, 10:05:39 PM
Trump's fault... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/10/23, 06:43:48 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/10/23, 08:45:03 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/10/23, 08:52:40 AM
 :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/10/23, 08:53:28 AM
 :pouty: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/10/23, 12:42:11 PM
I had a bunch of scrap cedar pieces, so I decided to build some 🐦 🏠 today.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/10/23, 05:45:01 PM
Bluebird houses I suspect.

If they were wren houses ole Roony would of bought them all!?! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/10/23, 07:05:03 PM
Bluebird houses I suspect.

If they were wren houses ole Roony would of bought them all!?! :sleazy: :rotflmao:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/12/23, 08:19:07 AM
I just spied a robin with a mouthful of dried grass.  Sure enough... its building a nest in the bush 20' outside my window.  Same bush that had two nests last year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/12/23, 08:21:32 AM
yesterday after mowing the lawn I was watching a mother robin feeding 2 or 3 little ones...   was she busy hopping around the yard!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/14/23, 08:02:54 AM
I see we still have a male rose-breasted grosbeak as of yesterday. Wondering if they decided to nest here. There have been some bird songs I don't recognize so may have to investigate.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/14/23, 02:27:26 PM
Just looked it up.  What we thought were Phoebe's that we have around here are actually Eastern Kingbirds. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/14/23, 05:59:02 PM
Just looked it up.  What we thought were Phoebe's that we have around here are actually Eastern Kingbirds.
We did the same thing a few years back.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on June 06/14/23, 07:25:28 PM
 I felt bad but had to do it.  The overhang of the porch here had a nest, looked to be a house sparrow but don't see many of those this away.  She didn't come back after we arrived so 2 days later I knocked it down cuz we were painting,  3 little eggs. I know I know, had no choice...  :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/17/23, 10:47:46 AM
Never have to feel bad about messing up a house sparrow nest boober. If I had a time machine I would go back in time and kick whoever thought it was a good idea to bring them over here square in the arse with a steel toed shoe. They are disease carrying, bluebird & tree swallow destroying, horrid little birds that have no business being here in the first place. Make good cat food and keep the small hawks fed but that's about it.

Appears the grosbeaks maybe have nested here. Their song is almost robin-like. I heard it several times over the course of the spring. Sounded like a robin but was a little different. Keep seeing a male periodically so will keep an eye out for youngsters.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/17/23, 01:06:01 PM
I have been hearing green heron's in the tree's again lately, sure hopping they are nesting again here!!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/17/23, 01:31:24 PM
I think there are 2 eagles nests at my neighbors now.  They land in our tall spruce trees but haven't nested here but we would love it.  Well they land in our pasture and pick up old hay for their nests.  We have a lot of white eagle feathers in our yard the last week.  Maybe 8 or 10 of them.  Must be molting or mating and picking at each other.  ???
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/17/23, 01:39:30 PM
going to make a war bonnet???    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Glenn wanted to know!!!     :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/17/23, 02:10:09 PM
Been seeing a bald eagle east of the golf course almost daily on my way to and from Bugtussle. At 1st glance, thought it was some guy with a white hat on, crouched down looking at the replant corn. A closer look revealed it was an eagle, apparently feeding on something dead out there.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/17/23, 04:35:56 PM
I have been told that when you see an eagle you should think of someone who has died.  I kind of like that! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on June 06/17/23, 07:01:41 PM
Watch your pup
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/17/23, 07:42:03 PM
Good point! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/18/23, 08:53:51 AM
Got the crap scared out of while fixing fence yesterday.  My back was up against a large patch of reed canarygrass when about 3' behind me a good sized jake got up. Later when I was on my way to Hope I spied a piebald turkey along the road.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/18/23, 09:54:52 AM
I just spied a robin with a mouthful of dried grass.  Sure enough... its building a nest in the bush 20' outside my window.  Same bush that had two nests last year.
Mom (or maybe dad...   I dont know) is sitting the nest now.  Must be some eggs. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/24/23, 11:36:11 AM
I noticed the other day the loons have lost one of their chicks...   sure hope the last one makes it...    still have oriole's and all the rest of the birds at the bird bath.....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/25/23, 07:58:59 PM
Been fun watching the bluebirds and wrens bomb around the yard collecting bugs for the youngins!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/25/23, 08:34:52 PM
Wrens are great... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/26/23, 11:48:26 AM
No cowbird eggs!   :happy1:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/28/23, 08:48:13 AM
Not the best quality, but glad I was able to get a pic...  Papa cardinal feeding a young cardinal.

I assumed the young ones would be at least as redish as the females, but apparently not - all grayish tan.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/28/23, 10:45:36 AM
young males here are showing some red!!!!   they have been at the bird bath too!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on June 06/29/23, 06:14:15 AM
Baby bird birthday.

I didn't want to stick around longer to try and get a less blury pic.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on June 06/30/23, 08:27:21 AM
Orioles are sure going through the jelly again here
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on June 06/30/23, 10:13:40 AM
Same here. Lots of them hitting the jelly.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/23, 11:01:17 AM
 :pouty: :pouty: after there initial arrival and a short feeding frenzy they disappear here after they nest. i took the juice feeder down a few weeks ago, got the last of 4 jars in the jelly feeder..........when that's gone that gets put away too. then i'll put up the wasp traps!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/30/23, 02:37:06 PM
So, how do you get rid of redwing black birds and grackles....we seem to have a over abondance of them this year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/23, 02:42:37 PM
So, how do you get rid of redwing black birds and grackles....we seem to have a over abondance of them this year.
lead. Unfortunately I can't in town  :confused: after you shoot one or 2 leave them lay there, they get the hint quickly. I did this when we had the camper! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/30/23, 03:01:12 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on June 06/30/23, 05:21:55 PM
It takes a skilled marksman to peg them pesky wrens.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/30/23, 06:52:10 PM
We had a fire in the pit by the house tonight.  Someone made me a wren house years ago and we hung it in an Elderberry bush/tree.  The wrens kept going in and out of their house even though we were there.  I couldn't help wondering why you don't just love those cute little birds.  LOLOL
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/30/23, 07:07:14 PM
So, how do you get rid of redwing black birds and grackles....we seem to have a over abondance of them this year.

ok this is something that is rather mean...  when there chicks fell out of the nest we'd catch them and get them making noise, man did that bring in plenty of adult birds...   they got the hint there too....   we were doing this in our early teens, back in the mid 60's...   could then, good luck!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: deadeye on June 06/30/23, 07:18:59 PM
Big and little birds.

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/07/01/the-pass-turkey-43-R.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/the-pass-turkey-43-R.huyV)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/01/23, 09:16:49 AM
last night I was lucky to watch a pair of very young orioles trying to figure out the bird bath...   one parent was there and started drinking, the youngins were begging to get a drink from her...   nope she flew off and they looked like what the heck!!!   they did figure out finally!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/03/23, 09:29:20 AM
I thought I'd check on the baby robins this morning.  They seem to be sleeping in.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/03/23, 04:54:18 PM
Great pics Steve-o ! How you getting the birds eye shots? Us here we can't keep up with the golden safflower,  the gold finches go nuts over the stuff, I can only find it at Ace is the place.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/03/23, 06:35:54 PM
They built the nest low in a bush.  They were up feeding today.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/05/23, 12:22:45 PM
Mama was not happy when I took this pic...  I thought the coast was clear, but she was coming back with a mouthfull of worms.  Even with her mouth full, she could still chirp her displeasure.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/05/23, 12:27:56 PM
they will working over time feeding them 4 birds!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/06/23, 02:32:44 PM
Here's one for roony:

Was home making lunch a little bit ago. Whilst I was waiting for the microwave to nuke it, I spied a wren diving into one of the wife's flower pots so decided to investigate. All the sudden it popped back out with something in its mouth & landed on the porch. It had a relatively large moth about an inch long it fished out of the bridal veil plant. I wondered how in tarnation the little bugger was going to eat that thing. It proceed to hold it with its feet, very methodically tore the wings off, and swallowed the body. Coulda swore I heard a little belch afterwards... :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/06/23, 05:11:15 PM
I'm shutting down my feeders!
It's almost like fall with the black birds infesting the yard.... I'm not feeding those bastards!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on July 07/06/23, 05:35:25 PM
Here's one for roony:

Was home making lunch a little bit ago. Whilst I was waiting for the microwave to nuke it, I spied a wren diving into one of the wife's flower pots so decided to investigate. All the sudden it popped back out with something in its mouth & landed on the porch. It had a relatively large moth about an inch long it fished out of the bridal veil plant. I wondered how in tarnation the little bugger was going to eat that thing. It proceed to hold it with its feet, very methodically tore the wings off, and swallowed the body. Coulda swore I heard a little belch afterwards... :doah:
Yeah, I've seen rhem do the same thing with baby bluebirds.  :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/07/23, 09:20:45 AM
We've solved that. The male house sparrows kill the adult female bluebirds on the nest so there are no babies to worry about... :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/09/23, 07:05:04 AM
Watching a couple Cedar Waxwings and Robin eating on the choke cherries this morning. The waxwings show up in the yard when the choke cherries start getting ready.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/09/23, 09:19:13 AM
Watching a couple Cedar Waxwings and Robin eating on the choke cherries this morning. The waxwings show up in the yard when the choke cherries start getting ready.
those are such cool looking birds!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/10/23, 08:00:53 AM
The nest is getting crowded...

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/11/23, 05:21:10 PM
And just like that... they're gone.

I only saw 2 birds in the nest last night.  I didn't know if the other two were under the top two or not...  Guess I know now.   :bonk:

When I took this pic, for some reason, mom was still anxious about me being near the nest, so I assumed the babies weren't too far away.  She was cheep, cheep, cheeping at me with a mouthful of bugs or worms.

Then I saw one of the little ones fly up, sans tail feathers, up to tree branch in the neighbor's yard.  It didn't look all that different from Woodstock flying up to its nest in the Peanuts cartoons.  I hope they all made it.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/11/23, 07:23:12 PM
Good and fun pictorial.   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/13/23, 08:24:08 AM
been seeing a couple brown thrashers here lately!!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/16/23, 09:47:29 AM
found out yesterday how much blue jays like apples!!!   there were about a dozen or so in the tree and the area for over 2 hours!!  didn't know there were that many around here!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/16/23, 03:17:27 PM
Have never seen a blue jay in our little apple trees.  One has a lot of apples this year. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/16/23, 05:45:27 PM
found out yesterday how much blue jays like apples!!!   there were about a dozen or so in the tree and the area for over 2 hours!!  didn't know there were that many around here!!!

They ruin a lot of ours in the fall along with the squirrels, robins and everything else.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/16/23, 06:26:43 PM
same here but the jays surprised me!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/22/23, 11:23:20 AM
done think my bluebirds flew the coop???? :scratch: havent seen them in a while........anyone else????
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on July 07/22/23, 02:30:14 PM
Wrens got mine
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/22/23, 06:44:09 PM
now I see the crows like my apples too!!!   they were in the tree and even carried some off!!  new one to me again like the bluejays!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/22/23, 06:47:14 PM
Wrens got mine
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: my wrens are fine!! :happy1: matter of fact there eating so many bugs there the size of bluebirds now!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/22/23, 07:00:17 PM
then they best get to eating the potatoe bus!!   I see they are back now too... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/22/23, 07:10:02 PM
then they best get to eating the potatoe bus!!   I see they are back now too...
them friggin things are like the boxelder bugs...  :confused: :angry2: nuttin eats them. If birds did they'd be the size of eagles.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: KEN W on July 07/23/23, 07:18:17 AM
Saw my first potato beetles yesterday also. smashed them. Looked underside of  the leaves for eggs. Didn't find any. Hopefully got them first.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on July 07/26/23, 01:15:36 PM
I saw this robin fledgling hopping around my back yard.  It didn't appear to be doing as well as the other baby robins that hatched in my bushes.  However, I went to check on it a couple of hours later, and it had moved on.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/26/23, 02:55:09 PM
Just amazing how fast they develop.  By the minute.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/26/23, 03:12:13 PM
Are those smoking chips inside that lawn edging? :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/26/23, 03:14:59 PM
and tough too!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/01/23, 08:20:20 PM
Anyone still feeding the orioles? When I went to Canada there were still some young Baltimore orioles coming to the feeder. While I was gone the wife quit filling the feeder & since I've been back, they quit coming. I'd filled the nectar feeder in anticipation that would happen. Still putting a dab of jelly out every few days but I think the house sparrows are eating much of it.  :mad1: I have seen a mature adult male orchard oriole too from time to time but that's been about it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on August 08/02/23, 05:51:51 AM
We are going through grape jelly like crazy here. Your birds must have come here. There was a pause in activity a while back, probably when they were nesting.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/02/23, 05:59:57 AM
I put enough in the HB feeder down by the shore to make it ~ 2/3 full on Sunday & it was already empty yday. :crazy: We have 1 up here between the outhouse and the generator too & it looks like they haven't hardly touched that 1 since I put some in it just before we went back to Ia. :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/02/23, 09:36:27 PM
Still have orioles up here yet too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/03/23, 09:09:06 AM
The hummingbirds are going crazy here. :rolleyes: :happy1:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/03/23, 09:41:34 AM
Saw an immature Baltimore male on the nectar feeder when I was seated in the oval office. Still jelly in the feeder tho. Have a male cardinal singing his lungs out every morning. Lotsa wrens chiming in.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on August 08/03/23, 11:45:32 AM
Last night while grilling we heard a birdcall from the other side of the windbreak. Turns out it was the Sandhill Cranes.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/04/23, 08:25:53 AM
Had to fill the HB feeder again this morning. :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/04/23, 02:11:19 PM
Took them a while but 4 Baltimore orioles were back over lunchtime. They had cleaned up the remaining jelly and were demanding more. Who am I to argue?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/05/23, 04:56:41 PM
I cleaned and set these up a little over 24 hours ago. There's gotta be 50 of these wasps in it already.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/05/23, 04:58:05 PM
These son of breeches! :confused:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/05/23, 06:13:50 PM
Had a nest of theirs under the lift canopy a couple days ago, I nuked it the next day.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/05/23, 06:30:22 PM
 :happy1: it really helps keeping them away from the hummingbird feeders.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/06/23, 07:51:46 AM
  :doah: Well, I didn't get 'em all as they were back when I came in this AM. :mad1: I was afraid of that, so the can of spray never left the boat. Might wait 'til they're all sleepin again though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/06/23, 08:31:23 AM
Those darn wasps find ours every year too. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/07/23, 08:02:51 AM
Nuked 'em on the way out & when I came in again today. What was left of the nest fell in the lake the last time. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/11/23, 07:33:46 AM
Not exactly a bird thing but it involves the bird feeder.  I mentioned about a month ago that a squirrel without a tail was in the feeder.  We don't know if Cooper pulled it off or some other critter.  Mayhaps a fisher.  We have seen them in our trees.  But we never found the tail so who knows.  Well we have never seen that squirrel again.  Life must have been pretty hard for him without a tail for balance. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on August 08/11/23, 07:47:37 AM
yup no tail suks!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/11/23, 08:44:06 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/11/23, 08:44:11 AM
yup no tail suks!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: sheez....mind is always in the gutter!!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/11/23, 10:19:27 AM
There's that seks thing again... :coffee:

Saw a fully colored Baltimore oriole yesterday hanging around the jelly feeder so reloaded it this a.m. Had to dump the water & jelly mixture out of it 1st. Need to use up the rest of the cheap jelly so I'm not tempted to use it when I run out of the good stuff. Should clean and refill the hummingbird feeders soon. I see the 4 o'clocks are starting to flower so they have lots of alternatives. They really like the cannas that are in full bloom.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on August 08/11/23, 11:16:04 AM
yup no tail suks!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: sheez....mind is always in the gutter!!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :rolleyes:

just saved you from saying it is all!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/11/23, 12:03:28 PM
yup no tail suks!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: sheez....mind is always in the gutter!!!!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :rolleyes:

just saved you from saying it is all!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :angel: :angel: :angel:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on August 08/12/23, 03:28:04 PM
Here's an oddity, I think.
Wife and daughter are canning peaches today. They had some of the syrup left over and decided to dilute the syrup and put it on the hummingbird feeder. Hummingbirds and orioles are all over it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/12/23, 06:57:54 PM
One my favorite things was when my Grandma got my mom and our cousins and they canned peaches.  Hard to beat a jar of canned peaches. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/12/23, 08:14:40 PM
Few things better as a kid than home canned pears or peaches with cottage cheese. Gotta start 'em young! 😉
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/12/23, 09:44:15 PM
One my favorite things was when my Grandma got my mom and our cousins and they canned peaches.  Hard to beat a jar of canned peaches. 
We always did a crate of Colorado's every year when I was in school. Dad loved 'em, especially with a little vanilla ice cream.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on August 08/12/23, 10:23:12 PM
I used to buy lugs of peaches at Eisenbergs Fruit in St Paul. And canned them for the winter. Really cheap snd good stuff. I also bought boxes of bananas from them. When my youngest daughter was born. I had just bought a 40 lb box of bananas. I spent the next four days visiting my wife snd newborn baby daughter and slicing bananas to dehydrate for banana chips. About three days without much sleep.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/13/23, 10:18:15 AM
we just got a case/box of peaches from our fruit supplier........was $40.00but man are they good!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: deadeye on August 08/14/23, 07:53:40 PM
I think these will make it. The four hens should be able to keep
them out of trouble.

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/08/15/the-pass-turkey-54.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/the-pass-turkey-54.OWks)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/17/23, 05:16:59 PM
Roony  :confused: :tut: what da hell you do with the wrens! :pouty: mine packed up and headed out  :confused:

Haven't seen them in a week.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on August 08/17/23, 05:58:09 PM
Weren't me. Wish I could take credit.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on August 08/17/23, 06:48:41 PM
I can't keep up with the golden safflower,  the way the gold finches are hitting it you'd think winter was around the corner.. oops was that out loud  :bonk:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/18/23, 07:18:04 AM
 The hummers are keeping the neighbor & I pretty busy here too, Bobber. :scratch: He's got 3 smaller feeders & we have 2 that are quite a bit bigger.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/18/23, 07:39:10 AM
yea the hummers are crazy here too!!!!!!!!!thinking there getting a bit hungry at the cabin. they'll be fed good the next 3 weekends!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on August 08/18/23, 07:47:29 AM
your bother will be there to feed them!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/18/23, 08:02:31 AM
your bother will be there to feed them!!!
yea that aint gonna happen. i dont see him going up there till first week of Oct. he could care less about bird feeding. i'm headed up next weekend. my kid is there labor day weekend and i'll be back up the weekend after.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on August 08/21/23, 06:41:50 PM
      Where did all the robins go? Usually, after I mow, there all over looking for a meal or nest repair material. I haven't seen one in some time, now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/21/23, 06:57:22 PM
      Where did all the robins go? Usually, after I mow, there all over looking for a meal or nest repair material. I haven't seen one in some time, now.
Roony probably hates them too!!!!!!!!1 :pouty: :pouty: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on August 08/21/23, 07:24:18 PM
Nothing tastes better than the first spring robins.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/21/23, 08:13:55 PM
      Where did all the robins go? Usually, after I mow, there all over looking for a meal or nest repair material. I haven't seen one in some time, now.
Good point.  I'll keep a lookout for 'em.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/28/23, 11:07:16 AM
Was in a holding pattern yesterday so cleaned out the hummingbird feeders. They are nuts right now between the cannas, the planters and the feeders. The 4 o'clocks are just getting cranked up so they'll have even more to choose from. Hadn't seen any orioles for a while but filled their jelly feeder just for laughs. It was empty for a week or two. Could still hear the occasional catbird so thought what the heck. This morning there was a fully-colored male Baltimore oriole feasting on it. This is the first year I've seen these big, nasty black wasps on the jelly. They were back too. The goldfinches are starting to taste test the sunflowers as they ripen. They're also plucking a few sunflower seeds out of the feeder. This last batch of sunflower seed I got from the feed store at Hope was open & we wound up with a whole bunch of Indian meal moths flying around the garage. The silk threads the larvae leave behind tend to make the seed bridge up and not feed through some of our feeders.  :sad:   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/28/23, 12:04:21 PM
We had an adult female Evening grosbeak and a juvenile female at the feeder.  She was feeding the juvenile sunflower seeds.  Seem late for juveniles isn't it?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/30/23, 07:04:53 AM
Still a couple male orioles on the jelly feeder this morning. Hummingbirds are busy as well.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/30/23, 08:46:03 AM
Bees got so bad I quit filling both of them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/30/23, 09:22:43 AM
I've gone to filling the feeders around dusk when the wasps go to bed. I'd like to know just what kind they are. They also seem to be feeding on ground fall apples or pears when I don't get them picked up quickly. Poppy got stung by one of them the other nite.  :angry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/30/23, 10:00:46 AM
i have a few wasps around the feeders. i also have 2 wasp traps out and away from the feeders. i really believe they help keeping them from the feeders.

i just fill them with the hummingbird juice and they flock to it. i usually end up cleaning them out and refilling them about every 3 days between evaporation and filling up with wasps!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/31/23, 08:39:44 AM
My coopers hawk was back.  I watched 'em kill and eat a young red squirrel.  I was really surprised at how long it took him to kill it.  It wasn't very aggressive.  It just passed it from claw to beak, and dropped it, and picked it up again, and repeated until the critter expired.  And then it spend over 15 minutes slowly picking it apart and eating it.  This is all that is left.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on August 08/31/23, 08:42:37 AM
a good red tree rat!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

that would have been interesting to watch!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/31/23, 08:55:13 AM
It's a cold cruel animal world.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/31/23, 09:12:55 AM
Way cool, Steve-O. I don't like to see them hit the songbirds but if they take out sparrows, starlings, grackles or the occasional dove, that's fine by me. The fox squirrels here might be a little more than they bargained for. Orioles still chattering this a.m. yet. Usually Labor Day here is about the last we see of them. Following glenn's lead, think I'll take one of the sticky traps we use for rootworm beetles, smear it with some grape jelly and see if I can capture some of those big wasps to ID them. Prolly put the trap in a plastic grocery bag, place it in the freezer for a day, then see what they look like. Not taking any chances of getting stung after seeing Poppy get nailed. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on August 08/31/23, 10:19:51 AM
I did get some grainy, Zapruder film-like video of the incident, but the quality is so bad that it isn't worth sharing.  I really didn't want to get close and interrupt his meal.   :happy1:
Which is to say I wanted him to eat the whole thing and not scare it away and let the dogs find what was left.   :bonk:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/01/23, 01:32:50 PM
Still orioles feeding at the jelly feeder altho the wasps (think they're actually murder hornets  :rolleyes: ) are doing their best to dissuade them. Actually, I got a closer look at them this a.m. and think they're baldface hornets. Fits the visual and behavior descriptions. Put the sticky trap out smeared with jelly but so far no takers on their part. They're not as dumb as they look.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/01/23, 03:59:49 PM
We get bald face hornets and yellow jackets here every year.  Mud daubers too.  They all hurt too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/02/23, 09:13:11 AM
with those wasp traps the hornets, bees are pretty minimal at the feeders!!! sure doesnt seem to stop the hummers from coming to them. i have to refill them about every 3-4 days. yesterday after i cleaned and refilled the traps at least 4 times i watched a hummer feeding out of them!!! i also am seeing alot of flies in them traps!!!!! :happy1: good friggin riddance to!!!!

but dang all the other type of birds are scarce!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/03/23, 10:50:44 AM

the bird migration map is already going!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/03/23, 11:18:10 AM
Kewl!  :happy1:

Still orioles here battling the hornets to get at the jelly feeder. Some of the orioles don't take any crap off of them. Sharp beaks and hornets can't sting thru their feathers very easily. Will keep filling the jelly feeder at nite when the hornets go to bed.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/04/23, 02:01:33 PM
After forgetting to fill the jelly feeder last nite, dodged the hornets & plopped a couple spoonful's in the cups. Didn't see any before I started mowing. Now there's what appears to be a younger male plucking some jelly out then retreating when the hornets get too aggressive. Hope the orioles stay a while but pretty sure these are migrating thru. The hornets can leave any time.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/04/23, 02:44:49 PM
asked my company who are from Worthington Mn if they were seeing robins and they haven't seen any for a bit too... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/04/23, 03:01:52 PM
That's a neat migration deal ya got there Mike!  We have them bald faced hornets at the cabin, the neighbor nuked the nest cuz he wanted to take the little boat out. The nest is upside down after we rolled the boat over and ran! There nasty! We have 2 honeycomb nests with wasps above our deck but they don't bother us like those hornets. You can see one on the bottom left.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/04/23, 03:16:42 PM
asked my company who are from Worthington Mn if they were seeing robins and they haven't seen any for a bit too...

They're still coming thru here. We have abundant chokeberries (aronia), nannyberries, American cranberry and crabapples for them to eat. Pretty sure they peck at the apples and pears while they're at it, judging by the icky Asian lady beetles feeding on the fruit.  :angry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/04/23, 03:40:18 PM
ya know I wonder witht the lack of rain if that makes a difference for getting worms??    :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/04/23, 03:59:43 PM
 :scratch: We had 3 right outside the kitchen window a couple days ago. :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/05/23, 09:10:04 PM
Still one immature male oriole at the jelly feeder this a.m. Filled it up full last nite so suspect that'll probably be the end of that. Should still be another 3 weeks to feed the hummingbirds.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/06/23, 06:22:06 AM
had an immature coopers hawk land on the bird bath yesterday..  stayed there about 10 minutes and drank some and watched the area...   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/06/23, 06:55:22 AM
had an immature coopers hawk land on the bird bath yesterday..  stayed there about 10 minutes and drank some and watched the area...
Lemme guess:  He watched the area like a ... 
  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

 :sorry:, I couldn't resist.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/06/23, 07:00:01 AM
yuppers!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/06/23, 07:24:29 AM
1 fully colored male Baltimore oriole yet this a.m. Clock is ticking...🕰️
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/06/23, 07:52:46 AM
LPS and his feeders... 

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/06/23, 08:38:16 AM
 :scratch: hummingbirds are kinda scarce here at the cabin. :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/06/23, 09:19:41 AM
Not as many here anymore neither.  I wonder if those darn wasps chase them away or if other stuff is available in nature. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/08/23, 09:52:41 AM
No orioles yesterday altho I did have 3 catbirds. No orioles or catbirds this a.m.  Seems to be a pattern starting here... :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/08/23, 06:04:35 PM
Felt bad, we've had lots of doves lately.  One was sitting in our tray feeder going to town and a red bellied wood packer lands on the edge, starts pecking the side of the dove as it it's raising its wing protecting itself.  He kept it up until the dove flew off.... prick.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/08/23, 08:02:44 PM
never seen that before!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/09/23, 08:17:41 AM
Pretty cool to see that.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/10/23, 08:29:58 AM
Not as many here anymore neither.  I wonder if those darn wasps chase them away or if other stuff is available in nature. 
We still had a couple on Wednesday, so I put a little more nectar in 1 feeder & I haven't seen 1 since. :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/10/23, 08:52:06 AM
I did see one yesterday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/11/23, 12:10:26 PM
Neighbor said he's seen a couple in the last day or 2 & 1 feeder looks like it's being used too. So, they might still be around.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/11/23, 12:30:52 PM
seem some humming birds and orioles yesterday zipping around    :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/13/23, 01:16:01 PM
Hummingbirds are as numerous as I've ever seen them here. I still have some of the icky jelly left. Interesting to see if there might be a stray oriole around after your post mike... :scratch:

For laughs I put a dollop of jelly in one of the cups and immediately a bald-face hornet showed up. Put another spoonful in the other cup and the hornet got aggressive. Imagine that! In the meantime, one of the barn cats was stalking some of the birds in the backyard. I let Poppy out and since she loves chasing birds, that pretty well rained on the cat's parade. Not a fan of cats hunting songbirds. Many of them over the years here won't do it again.  :whistling: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on September 09/13/23, 01:41:11 PM
No orioles since Sunday here. Lots of hummers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/14/23, 12:23:08 PM
No orioles on the jelly feeder after restocking it, just lotsa hornets. Think I'll get my sweep net out, capture a bunch & mail them to glenn. After my nap of course... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/16/23, 01:09:02 PM
Had a hummingbird working over the sediums last night, seems to be less and less of them. Haven't seen any gypsy moths yet. There pretty cool.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/16/23, 07:54:23 PM
Looks like we might be about at the peak for hummingbird activity. No gypsy moths here but several white-lined sphinx moths working over the petunias and four o'clocks nightly it seems. Should've been a banner year for them given the amount of purslane in the garden. There was a red-headed woodpecker on the light pole in the middle of the yard when I got back from Faribault around 5:30. Squawk, fly off the pole a few yards then fly back to it. Did that at least a dozen times. Poppy and I have bird feeders to fill and maintain in the morning. Time to put out some of the ear corn from my yield sampling and maybe some suet while we're at it. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/17/23, 10:12:30 AM
3 bluejays have been raiding our feeder this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/18/23, 05:16:59 PM
i havent seen  a hummingbird in 2 1/2 days so there all cleaned up and ready to put ni-nite for  the season!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/18/23, 05:43:29 PM
May as well clean ours up too.  All that we see is bees now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/18/23, 06:36:45 PM
Last week we had a hummer smoke our bay window,  she lay shaking in the rocks. I told momma to leave it for a bit just to see. After 30 minutes it was still there,  so she went out with a napkin and as soon as she went to grab it, it flew off. So glad it made it. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on September 09/18/23, 06:47:38 PM
Hummers are still quite busy here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/18/23, 08:00:13 PM
Same here. I keep deadheading the cannas and watering the four o'clocks. Ants are bad enough but keeping those pesky smaller wasps out of these nectar feeders is next to impossible. Never had a problem with them or the hornets before this year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/19/23, 11:04:43 AM
just watched a young robin out by the bird bath, still some white on it's breast!!!   first one in a long time!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/20/23, 05:46:25 AM
I mowed out front on Monday & I seen that the only thing using the HB feeder out there was the small wasps. So, it came in yday, cleaned up & put away.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/20/23, 07:25:05 AM
Our is still up but will take it down today.  We sat on the deck and bees were abundant by the HB feeder yesterday.  Not wasps as usual.  ???
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/20/23, 09:47:23 AM
Still hummingbird activity here altho it seems like the numbers might be starting to wane. Will have to get their feeders cleaned out and refilled for what might be the last time. If these small wasps persist, might have to look for some feeders with the bee guards like we used to have for next year. Watered the four o'clocks again last night. The hummers have really worked them over this year for some reason. So have the sphinx moths. The plants looked pretty short & ratty for a while. Once I started watering them and they began flowering, they're pretty despite their short stature. Flowers seem larger than some years too.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/20/23, 10:34:57 AM
I see the mudhens are flocking up, another sign of fall...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on September 09/20/23, 01:09:26 PM
Have not seen a hummingbird here at the home in several days, now. More flies and hornets than hummingbirds. Still no robins, either.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/20/23, 04:00:41 PM
Since everyone is still hummer spotting...  I just saw one in our zenias in the NE Metro.  It didn't stick around long, so maybe it is just passing thru on its way south.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/23/23, 12:33:01 PM
Spied another one yesterday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on September 09/23/23, 01:20:26 PM
      I FINALLY saw a Robin. We got 1/2" of rain last my. I saw a couple of robins in a mud puddle.  Me thinks our hummingbirds are gone, though. Haven't seen one in six days, now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/23/23, 02:10:55 PM
Seeing robins using the birdbath almost daily yet. Still hummingbirds but numbers seem to be tapering off some. Not seeing them chasing each other around. Transitioning into fall with lots of goldfinches, chickadees & house finches hitting the seed feeders.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/23/23, 02:55:32 PM
You notice the male gold finches are losing there color? I counted 16 here this morning on the feeders and all but one ( and he looked ugly) were the dull female color.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/23/23, 03:44:38 PM
Yup boober, the bright yellow male goldfinches are more pastel yellow & the rest are drab olive-colored. Robins have been feeding on the berry & crabapple crop when they're not in the birdbath.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/25/23, 10:45:42 AM
Didn't notice any hummingbirds this a.m. Hafta monitor their whereabouts. Wondering if this last weather system was a memo for them to get moving south. Talked to a guy last nite at the picnic who said some of the Baltimore orioles from here wind up as far south Nicaragua. Sounds nice come January.  :cool: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/25/23, 06:39:59 PM
Couldn't get a pic this time like the last one but another Coopers Hawk scored a chipmunk under the bird feeders.  He didn't like I was in the window so took his friend across the street..lol. Hope he comes back for the red squirrel hanging around!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/25/23, 09:30:54 PM
How fun to see.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/26/23, 12:52:31 PM
Saw one hummingbird yesterday on the feeder under the crabapple tree. Have seen none today so far... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on September 09/26/23, 06:49:31 PM
Still have a few here but less than we had a few days ago.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/26/23, 07:54:21 PM
Saw one just before dusk at the feeder under the crabapple tree again.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/28/23, 03:09:06 PM
No hummingbirds the past 2 days. Betting that roony's the only one getting hummers around here...🤔
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/28/23, 03:29:29 PM
He's always getting hummers.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/28/23, 03:57:27 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/28/23, 07:37:44 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/28/23, 07:39:26 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on September 09/28/23, 07:49:29 PM
Yesterday had one, nothing today. Hummers that is.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/28/23, 07:53:26 PM
Yesterday had one, nothing today. Hummers that is.
:scratch: how many do you need in a day!! :confused: :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on September 09/28/23, 08:12:11 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/29/23, 07:20:56 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/29/23, 07:21:20 AM
 :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/29/23, 07:58:10 AM
 :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/29/23, 02:56:57 PM
I thought I was gettin' one last hummer...   :huh:

...but it turned out to be a finch pickin' seeds off the zinnias.   :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/29/23, 03:47:12 PM
Quite a difference in the two Steve!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/29/23, 03:51:38 PM
Tell me about it!   :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on September 09/29/23, 06:13:03 PM
Hummer Alert! Just had one here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/29/23, 06:42:38 PM
Noone gets more hummers than you Roony.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/29/23, 06:47:15 PM
Noone gets more hummers than you Roony.   :sleazy:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: even with a bad back!!!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/29/23, 06:52:20 PM
Noone gets more hummers than you Roony.   :sleazy:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: even with a bad back!!!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao:

easier on the back that way!!!   sorry roony Glenn made me say that!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/01/23, 06:26:19 PM
watched a flock of vultures, maybe 15 or so, tonight doing their thing flying over head for about 10 minutes this afternoon.. rather fun to watch them..  very little wing moment unless they were going else where!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/01/23, 07:24:33 PM
watched a flock of vultures, maybe 15 or so, tonight doing their thing flying over head for about 10 minutes this afternoon.. rather fun to watch them..  very little wing moment unless they were going else where!!
Vultures...  circling overhead...  I'd be worried about somethin...  Just sayin ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/01/23, 07:38:19 PM
over the farmers yard across the road!!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/03/23, 10:15:26 AM
Vultures circling...sounds like a Gunsmoke episode looking for a place to happen... :coffee:

Appears the goldfinches have thinned out here. Not going through the thistle seed like we were a few weeks ago. They've got lots of other stuff to fill their faces with in the CRP & the sunflower patch. Birdbath gets a workout daily. Prolly refill it at lunchtime. No hummers altho there's sugar water & lots of flowers blooming yet for them. White-lined sphinx moths are still nightly visitors. Lots of bumblebees working over the coleus flowers during the daytime. Aside from the large queens, like the sphinx moths, their days are numbered.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/23, 05:42:21 PM
Doing the final walk through at Mom's today, I decided to grab this. A feeder you stick peanut butter in. Is this a year round thing or just during the summer??

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/05/23, 07:00:13 PM
my guess would summer but try it in cold weather!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on October 10/05/23, 08:44:09 PM
I’ve got one, not nearly as cool looking, though. I don’t use it in the warm weather, only in winter. I mix peanut butter with seeds and push it into the holes and the chickadees and nuthatches go to work on it. I stop using it in late winter though, because I don’t want to attract bears.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/05/23, 08:50:11 PM
I’ve got one, not nearly as cool looking, though. I don’t use it in the warm weather, only in winter. I mix peanut butter with seeds and push it into the holes and the chickadees and nuthatches go to work on it. I stop using it in late winter though, because I don’t want to attract bears.
another guy I know one another site says the birds go bonkers over it during the winter . He makes his own home brew. I got 2 of them so one for here at home and one for the cabin
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/06/23, 07:34:16 AM
Very cool Glenn.  I used to screw the top of a peanut butter jar to a tree, then screw the bottle onto the cap and cut the bottom out of the plastic jar.  The deers, squirrels, birds all liked it. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/06/23, 08:16:27 AM
I’ve got one, not nearly as cool looking, though. I don’t use it in the warm weather, only in winter. I mix peanut butter with seeds and push it into the holes and the chickadees and nuthatches go to work on it. I stop using it in late winter though, because I don’t want to attract bears.
fishwidow, my stepdad made that he's a magician when it comes to woodworking!!!!! :happy1:

when he met mom they came up spearing, next time he came up he had made up a bunch of decoys......pretty impressive looking for the first time making decoys.  he made/built a rocking horse for one of moms grandkids my great grandson has int now. but he's made others and got 4 grand for the ones he sold!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on October 10/06/23, 09:34:46 AM
That’s pretty cool,  Glenn. Wish I had that kind (or any kind) of talent.
There’s a show/market every year in Grand Rapids called Goods from the Woods. Lots of nice stuff made by really creative people.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/06/23, 10:56:30 AM
been to a decoy show..........some guy north od grand rapids on 38 had a hand carved ruffed grouse on a log. that thing was totally awesome. wanted 3 grand.  :surrender: Mikey wouldnt buy it for me!!!!!!! :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on October 10/06/23, 03:26:34 PM
My ex-father in law was from Norway. His brother still lived there and would send a wooden crate, probably 4’ x 2’ x 2’ over every Christmas. It contained chocolates, really awful smelling cheeses, handmade Norwegian sweaters, and hand carved Norwegian trolls.
He had a hand carved wooden sculpture of two hunters resting near a tree with the most detailed and intricate carving I’ve ever seen. One of the hunters was smoking a pipe, the guns leaned against the tree, the dog napped at their feet, and the birds were laying on the ground. The feathers, the details on the guns, the fur on the dog, the bark on the tree, and the lines on their faces were all portrayed in amazing detail. The whole thing was only about a foot wide and stood probably 10 inches high. I can’t imagine what the value would be.
The backstory is that it was carved by a Norwegian logger who was crippled in a logging accident and took up carving for a way to make a living.
I think it was carved in the 1960’s. He received another carved wood sculpture with a similar scene in the late 70’s or early 80’s that was done by the same guy. It was extremely good, too, but nowhere near the quality of the earlier one. Not sure, but I got the impression that he had built up a pretty good following and maybe sacrificed quality for higher volumes.
I still wonder what became of them. My guess is the money-grubbing son walked away with anything of value after his folks died.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/07/23, 06:07:19 PM
Replaced two of the 3 nectar feeders with suet feeders this afternoon. Seeing a lot of chickadees at the feeders this fall. Actually did most of the summer too. The house finches are more numerous this fall than they have been in years. Lots of nuthatches as well. Downies and hairies are back as are the red-bellied woodpeckers feeding on the ear corn. Blue jays blow the whistle on the cats when they venture into the backyard. Fall has arrived at the ranch.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/07/23, 08:12:58 PM
Dotch... the bird whisperer!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/08/23, 10:27:48 AM
We still have a variety of birds here but some musta left already cuz we aren't filling the feeders as often.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/08/23, 10:39:52 AM
Odd you say that boober, starting to see more purple finches

 at the feeders lately.

Even had a woodpecker at my new peanut butter feeder this morning!! :happy1:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/08/23, 12:12:34 PM
woodpeckers like that sort of stuff!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/10/23, 12:27:18 PM
fall must be getting closer, 2 swans out on the lake...   neighbor said his bird bath had a coating of ice on it too..  mine stayed open...  so far!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/14/23, 01:43:12 PM
Juncos are back here today. May have been here earlier but it was the 1st time they were close enough to the patio to see them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/15/23, 09:47:59 AM
We had lots of them a week ago but now that you mentioned it I haven't seen them for a few days.  Must have moved through?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/18/23, 11:47:25 AM
Hadn't noticed any robins in the last several weeks, but there is a bunch of 'em in the front yard right now.  I wonder if they are a flock passing thru from up nort'   :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/22/23, 09:02:37 AM
Holy crap a robin siting this morning. Seen them at the cabin.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/29/23, 01:02:26 PM
Lots of bird activity recently. A flock of robins will descend  on the crabapples, leave, and be replaced by a flock of cedar waxwings. Can hear bluebirds as they're passing through when I take Poppy out to do her business. Woodpeckers busy on the suet with the red-bellies & blue jays working on the ear corn, once the fox squirrels have had their fill. Chickadees, house finches & nuthatches are routinely plucking sunflower seeds from the red hanging feeder. Even a few goldfinches coming back around on the thistle feeders. Cardinals also reappearing while the juncos pick at whatever they can find on the ground.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/29/23, 01:05:45 PM
the blue jays are really not happy with my bird bath being froze over...  they keep pecking away to find water...   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/29/23, 04:57:26 PM
We have juncos again.  Bluejays, chicadees, nuthatches too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/29/23, 05:01:24 PM
the feeders at home got hammered while i was gone. they were getting hit hard at the cabin to but them f^&*&^ ing blue jays.  :angry2: :angry2:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/29/23, 06:41:15 PM
hey those are god's creatures too!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/29/23, 07:13:43 PM
hey those are god's creatures too!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: those creatures can feed somewhere else. I've been trying to feed them lead  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on October 10/29/23, 07:15:04 PM
Not as bad as tham wrens.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/29/23, 08:09:38 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: FishThumper on October 10/30/23, 08:43:31 AM
I can not believe the amount of bird food I’ve been going through. At the cost of it this year I may have to put the birds on a diet ration. I need to find a good source for a good amount of corn. I started putting some corn in the deer feeder and it didn’t take them long to start showing up. First few days just a fork horn. Then he must have told a few friends, and now a few of them are showing up. Fun to get up each morning and check the trail camera pictures on my cell phone. Have a BIG buck I’ve been following for 4 years now. Hope he is still alive. Got picture of him for 3 years now. Been fun watching him grow. He showed up last winter with a bad leg injury. Not sure if he survived winter.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/30/23, 08:45:55 AM
I feel like I have gone through more sunflower seeds than ever too.  They just dropped $5 a bag here.  Maybe due to the harvest. ???
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: FishThumper on October 10/30/23, 09:37:48 AM
I feel like I have gone through more sunflower seeds than ever too.  They just dropped $5 a bag here.  Maybe due to the harvest. ???

Yes the sunflower seeds are getting hit hard. The Finch food even harder. Sometimes there are so many birds on the finch feeder I can not see the tube.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/30/23, 10:11:06 AM
Guessing the increased acreage planted in the US & extremely good yields probably made the prices go down some. Even though global production is forecast to be down some, the US isn't one of the major players on the world market & exports a relatively small percentage of the crop. Worked with sunflower growers for 3 years when I got out of college. Fascinating crop & NSA has a fun site to dig thru.




Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/30/23, 10:16:46 AM
I knew you would have the answer Dotch.   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on October 10/31/23, 11:19:40 AM
I saw a magpie fly across the road as I was driving yesterday. I didn’t know they were around this far East. I’ve seen lots of them west of here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: FishThumper on October 10/31/23, 12:40:18 PM
After the fresh snow and colder temps, The birds were really hitting the feeders this morning. Has to go knock the snow off of them and refill.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/31/23, 01:51:35 PM
After the fresh snow and colder temps, The birds were really hitting the feeders this morning. Has to go knock the snow off of them and refill.
same here got a bunch of Juncos!!!!! :happy1:

i'll refill them tomorrow before i head north.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/31/23, 03:02:08 PM
How far east are you fishwidow? Saw some magpies near Blackduck and points north to I Falls last week. They were common when I lived in the Little House on the Prairie in ND. They loved rummaging through the goose gut piles dumped in the slough.

Checked the suet feeders when I was home a little bit ago. They've been getting hit hard too. Just got more suet so will have to restock the feeders in a day or so.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/31/23, 03:08:11 PM
I recall seeing some North of Cass Lake about 10 or 12 miles years ago... 

on a side note the birds and tree rats are sure quiet here today...   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/31/23, 03:16:20 PM
I saw a magpie fly across the road as I was driving yesterday. I didn’t know they were around this far East. I’ve seen lots of them west of here.
been seeing these magpies up north recently......seems like only in the fall for the most part????????
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on October 10/31/23, 04:19:52 PM
Hey, Dotch. North of Grand Rapids and maybe 6-7 miles East. I can remember seeing them in the Dakotas and points west, but I don’t think I have seen any in Minnesota.

Another bird I recall seeing a lot as a kid was meadowlarks. I have seen them further west in relatively recent times. But then I don’t spend as much time on the prairie as I do in the woods.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on October 10/31/23, 07:44:14 PM
We have magpies here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on November 11/01/23, 07:30:35 AM
We have magpies here.
Yes, we see lots of them up here
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on November 11/01/23, 06:40:12 PM
      Not a backyard bird (well, not my backyard) but I haven't seen many Canada geese this year. They must fear me and stay away.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/03/23, 01:43:34 PM
Since I'm positive Barry is now playing the sunflower market based on these posts, here's the latest on black oil sunflower prices from Fargo ND:

A year ago: $26/cwt

Last week: $16.80/cwt

This week: $16.30/cwt

Projections are prices in the $16.50 range for Dec, $17.35 for Jan-Mar, & $18 for Apr-Jun.

Should be cheaper bird feeding this winter than last year based on that and prices being seen in the stores. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/04/23, 08:57:59 AM
Thanks Dotch.  We will hit the Big M today and get some more seeds.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/07/23, 06:16:22 PM
Feeder activity has slowed somewhat with the warmer temperatures. Still a bunch of robins feeding on the fruit and berry trees & bushes. A few goldfinches reappearing & a loyal group of house finches has developed. Been a few years since we've had them consistently.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/07/23, 06:27:54 PM
I'll trade roony wrens for all these effin....f_&-+++( blue jays up here. :angry2: :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/25/23, 08:26:11 AM
I can cross another bird off the list, we had a pair of Northern Flickers stop by yesterday.  We do get a good variety of wood peckers, although I don't have a suet feeder out they like the tray feeder. I might just try the suet again.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/25/23, 08:30:30 AM
must be at least 50 swans on the north end of the lake this morning!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on November 11/25/23, 09:14:23 AM
Any ice on your lake Mike?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/25/23, 09:23:40 AM
thin layer on the south end is all
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on November 11/25/23, 09:34:06 AM
I heard/saw a flock of cranes fly over while I was enjoying the warm sunny WI breezes yesterday afternoon.  It must be getting colder up north.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/25/23, 10:43:13 AM
Did see a robin Thanksgiving Day. Three snows on the Robin's tail... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/25/23, 10:45:52 AM
haven't seen a robin in a long time!!!   :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on November 11/26/23, 08:14:51 AM
Snowing here today, the 🦃 are feeding under the bird feeders.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/02/23, 09:13:27 AM
Still have a flicker hanging around, literally. Has been hanging upside down, feeding on the horizontal suet feeders. Surprised as big & fat as it is that it could pull that off. Must've figured out that if the red-belly can do it, it can too. Goldfinches have run me out of thistle seed so will have to restock before they run the feeders dry. :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on December 12/02/23, 09:42:15 AM
had a flicker in the bird bath yesterday that was pecking away at the edge of the ice and chopping it...  then swallow the ice chips!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/06/23, 01:25:33 PM
What kinda bird is this. :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/06/23, 01:30:59 PM
The 4-legged kind. Looks like you need a squirrel baffle... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/06/23, 03:39:11 PM
The 4-legged kind. Looks like you need a squirrel baffle... :coffee:
them tree rats usually dont get on these feeders.......if they do they have problems getting to the seeds. it was hilarious watching this one, he finally fell off!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on December 12/26/23, 08:06:27 AM
The last few days we have been inundated with Pine Siskins.  They come in a big flock of over 100 of them I think.  They fill the feeder and the railings on the deck.  The chickadees and nuthatches must be pissed at them.  I will keep the feeder filled with sunflower seeds. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/26/23, 08:20:35 AM
we get them at the cabin too.......fun to watch!!!!!! :happy1:

even betterr is when the evening and morning grosebeaks show up!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/26/23, 10:17:31 AM
We'll see the occasional siskin and the odd redpoll but seems like there needs to be an irruption before they appear in numbers here. In 2009, between the two species, they emptied the feeders daily. This warm, open winter has meant rather slow bird watching at times. The rain didn't do the seed in the feeders any favors so Poppy & I will have to clean out the soggy stuff. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/26/23, 10:50:52 AM
Yea cleaning the wet soggy feeders are on my agenda also.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on December 12/26/23, 10:59:26 AM
We do get redpolls too and they are a flock when they appear too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: deadeye on December 12/26/23, 04:14:41 PM
Lots of robins around the yard the past week or so. I don't know if they haven't left for the winter yet or have just returned for the summer.  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on December 12/26/23, 06:44:14 PM
      I really hope I'm mistaken but, earlier today, I thought I saw an Indigo Bunting feeding off the sunflower seeds under one of our feeders. Colors weren't as bright and I saw it for maybe 2 seconds. It sure looked like one, though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/26/23, 06:45:55 PM
      I really hope I'm mistaken but, earlier today, I thought I saw an Indigo Bunting feeding off the sunflower seeds under one of our feeders. Colors weren't as bright and I saw it for maybe 2 seconds. It sure looked like one, though.
maybe it was  the egg nog!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on December 12/26/23, 07:25:30 PM
      I really hope I'm mistaken but, earlier today, I thought I saw an Indigo Bunting feeding off the sunflower seeds under one of our feeders. Colors weren't as bright and I saw it for maybe 2 seconds. It sure looked like one, though.

I would love to see one of them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/26/23, 09:24:31 PM
We have been seeing a butt load of redpolls here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on December 12/27/23, 02:54:03 PM
We have been seeing a butt load of redpolls here.
How many is a "butt load"? I think I saw what I would call a butt load of crows last week.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on December 12/27/23, 05:14:54 PM
The Red Polls haven't found our feeder yet but they will. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on December 12/27/23, 09:53:25 PM
We have been seeing a butt load of redpolls here.
How many is a "butt load"? I think I saw what I would call a butt load of crows last week.
Oh probably a 100 or more. They are small, so takes a lot of them to make a butt load.  ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/30/23, 07:16:51 AM
Had a pre-dawn visitor at the feeders this morning.  Flying squirrel  :happy1: :happy1: hadn't seen them all summer.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/30/23, 11:11:34 AM
Cleaned the frozen crud out of the feeders and filled them this a.m. Seems to be more activity today with the potential for a little snow. Came over here to see boober's new feeder but the Mrs. must have him tied up... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on December 12/30/23, 11:34:09 AM
Had a Morning dove in the tray feeder this morning.  Have never saw one this late or not feeding on the ground under the feeders.   :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/30/23, 01:20:33 PM
The whipper snapper gave it to us for Xmas.  The hardest part was pairing it to our wifi, the feeder will only support 2.4 gigs where ours is 5. Soooo some how the wife was able to split it on the cable app to make it work. Can take pics, videos, has a solar roof kinda neat. Took em bout an hour to land and check it out. I shoulda put straight sunflower seeds in it cuz the other feeder is full of finches.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on December 12/30/23, 02:13:36 PM
way cool Bobber!!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on December 12/30/23, 03:04:53 PM
Yes it sure is. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/30/23, 03:50:02 PM
 :sleazy: now we could possibly  see da misses boober chasin  Mr boober!  :sleazy: :tut: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/13/24, 09:30:14 AM
The finches have been thick lately where we had to turn off the notifications, Have some really neat videos also. Mainly gold finches but we had a house finch stop by!!

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/24, 09:37:04 AM
that second picture looks like a female cardinal!!!!!!!! birds here at home are pretty non existent, cept for bugs bunny under the feeder this morning.

same with the feeders at the cabin. didnt need to add much when i was up there last time. my mom had some homemade feeders made out of small tree branches. i mixed sunflower seeds with cheap peanut butter..........the woodpeckers, and finches up there clean that thing out every other day.  this spring i'm gonna make me some more of them. i know where i can get the tree branches!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/13/24, 09:38:39 AM
Couple more.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/13/24, 09:43:41 AM
I've been running straight sunflower seeds in another feeder and I'm filling daily cuz of dem finches. The sparrows go for the tube feeder with a Midwest blend.  There well fed around here. I couldn't find the pic with male and female cardinal so the otter one had to do.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/24, 09:47:08 AM
I've been running straight sunflower seeds in another feeder and I'm filling daily cuz of dem finches. The sparrows go for the tube feeder with a Midwest blend.  There well fed around here. I couldn't find the pic with male and female cardinal so the otter one had to do.
i only feed sunflower seeds and thistle seeds. i aint feeding them friggin sparrows. :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/13/24, 09:53:28 AM
Same here just sunflowers and finch feed.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishingstar on January 01/13/24, 10:20:20 AM
I feed thistle seed and mix sunflower and cracked corn. I don't care what birds eat it. But I do get a lot of sparrows.
I also go though a lot of suit. There is always a woodpecker there and piliated.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on January 01/13/24, 01:42:51 PM
Lots of chickadees here, plus finches, nuthatches, and a few blue jays.  A couple of hairy woodpeckers. I don’t feed suet anymore because it attracts too many woodpeckers and they like wrecking my siding.
Got some good quality finch food at Fleet Farm and just opened a bag of a mix from Costco that looks promising. Mostly stick with black oilers, but this also had a few peanuts, some safflower, and no millet.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/13/24, 02:05:38 PM
Black oil sunflower & thistle are the mainstays with 3 suet feeders along with ear corn for squirrels,  blue jays, red-bellies, etc.

Today with the weather it's been goldfinches, chickadees, blue jays, house finches, cardinals, white-breasted nuthatches, juncos, downies, hairies, red-bellies, house sparrows, & a rooster pheasant. And fox squirrels of course.

Pheasants are camera shy when they get close to the house. There are two in the photo. One on the ground & another one concealed in the spruce on the left above him ~5' up.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/13/24, 03:47:03 PM
That's dinner running around Dotch, Free range chicken ! I haven't had good success with thistle,  I hung a sock and the finches hit it but my thistle tube feeder was slow. I have 6 feeders out, but between the ground and 3 of em I lost count with around 40 finches this afternoon. Think I seen the whipper snappers kitty Kat drooling..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on January 01/13/24, 04:00:18 PM
Sunflower seeds, thistle seeds, ear corn and suet here this time of year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/13/24, 04:43:03 PM
Speaking of kitty cats boober, watched Mother Nature at work this afternoon. Looked out the east window & out of the corner of my eye saw something pounce underneath the spruce tree. At 1st glance, it looked like the gray striped tomcat but could see a fairly large wing.  :scratch: Suddenly it uncoiled & stood up, revealing a mature Cooper's Hawk. It quickly took off, clutching lunch in its talons, either a junco or house sparrow. Stuff they didn't show ya on Disney.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/20/24, 12:31:17 PM
Finches have been tearing thru the thistle at a pretty good clip thru this cold snap. Sunflower likewise with everything else hitting that. Got the feeders filled & heard a rooster earlier. Sporadic activity at the feeders today. Suspect there's a hawk lurking in the area again. Saw one a few times this past week. Hasn't stopped Poppy from keeping the squirrels on their exercise program.  :coffee:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/20/24, 12:47:31 PM
good job!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/20/24, 01:45:47 PM
 :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/21/24, 09:55:16 AM
Saw a Cooper's hawk yesterday after I posted. Not sure if it's the same one. Poppy scared it off. Hopefully he went to the neighbor's to snack on some nice juicy house sparrows.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/21/24, 10:01:23 AM
We just had a sparrow hawk land on our feeder for a minute.  Haven't seen a bird since.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/21/24, 10:34:15 AM
birds are scarce around here big time. even at the cabin i was surprised how little food i needed to add.........except that peanut butter type feeder. they hammer that thing!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishingstar on January 01/21/24, 03:48:25 PM
around here there are more birds at my feeders now that it has been colder.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on January 01/25/24, 02:30:14 PM
Been seeing a flicker this winter which seems very unusual. Just now there was a grackle under the sunflower feeder. What the heck?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/25/24, 02:48:46 PM
We had 1 grackle the other day too. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/25/24, 02:49:21 PM
Activity at and around the birdfeeders here has tailed off dramatically. Think we had a flicker yet back in December but don't recall seeing it in January. Thought I heard a red-winged blackbird when we finished chores to a few nites ago but didn't see it. Was a pair of those Eurasian collared doves that I saw the other day.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/25/24, 03:07:06 PM
thought I saw a flicker before the cold spell...  seen a few doves yesterday, the good ones... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on January 01/25/24, 06:42:45 PM
      Just the usual dark eyed juncos, woodpeckers, and bluejays here. What has been fun to watch is the raccoon carcass in the ditch near the house that a couple of bald eagles have been munching on.

      I've often watched eagles eat roadkill. I wonder if they realize they are our national emblem. They shouldn't be eating roadkill.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/25/24, 06:48:42 PM
You can shoot those Eurasians any time.  A few dove breasts are a pretty special treat. I am not an avid hunter of them but have had a few sauteed in butter!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishingstar on January 01/25/24, 07:53:54 PM
funny what a little warm weather does. The only thing at my feeders are wood peckers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on January 01/25/24, 08:25:40 PM
I’ve had flickers all winter. Other than that, it’s been juncos, chickadees, nuthatches, and a few blue jays, plus hairy, downy, and pileated woodpeckers.
We’re losing ash trees to emerald ash borers at the house north of the cities. The woodpeckers are feasting on the larvae. The wood, branches, and chips all have to be hauled to a landfill that’s equipped to take them. That’s going to cost a small fortune. Maybe even a medium fortune.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/26/24, 03:14:44 PM
seen a robin a bit ago!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/26/24, 03:18:05 PM
seen a robin a bit ago!!
you drinkin?, :confused: :rotflmao:

Picture or it didn't happen   :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/26/24, 03:22:38 PM
just water right now!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/26/24, 03:31:36 PM
just water right now!!!
:happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/26/24, 03:56:02 PM
Water.....and then.. ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on January 01/26/24, 05:49:56 PM
Saw a bunch of robins early this afternoon probably 20-30 of them, picking away in the grass.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/26/24, 06:53:11 PM
Water.....and then.. ;)

couple cold beers and now a brandy water...    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/27/24, 12:27:44 PM
robins are still here!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/27/24, 12:34:13 PM
robins are still here!!
yea and I see loons on the lake too!!  :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Be kinda sweet to see though in Jan/feb... but you know what they say... see robins,they get snowed on 3 times!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/27/24, 12:58:24 PM
I'm sure we will get more snow sometimes these next couple months...   I would think anyway!!!   :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on January 01/27/24, 05:14:50 PM
Yup, we got a ton of Robins running around here too....

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/24, 09:38:19 AM
Had a flicker back at the feeders this a.m. Other notables include blue hays, juncos, chickadees, nuthatches, cardinals, house finches, downies, hairies & a red belly. Not surprisingly, the feeders don't need filling as often. Thistle seed price is outrageous so bought a small bag of finch mix to tide them over. Still like the price of my ear corn-free!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/24, 10:38:41 AM
birds are nonexistent here at home. maybe get a few finches once a week that i notice!!

last time at the cabin they had cleaned out the feeders from the last time i was up. that peanut butter feeder .......that was emptied every night.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on February 02/04/24, 10:42:14 AM
A gang of really fat blue jays really gorging themselves here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/04/24, 10:42:55 AM
Bigfoot loves peanut butter.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/24, 10:50:42 AM
Bigfoot loves peanut butter.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i kept looking for his tracks......but didnt find any.......... and my dog .'s hair on his back didnt stand up, so.....

i'm more concerned about them effin wolves........if anyone read that thread on IDO......i'm bringing a big gun up this next time!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/24, 02:56:18 PM
Here's the  peanut butter  bird feeder I've been yapping about. The 1 at home anyway . This spring I'm gonna gather some oak birch and maple branches and  make some. :happy1:

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/02/04/1000001037.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000001037.WZAf)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/04/24, 03:31:44 PM
Good idea.  Did you make the holes and then fill with peanut butter or do you look for one with holes in it?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/24, 04:04:12 PM
mom had these when we were cleaning out the house, so i decided to use them. i'm going to make some. the holes wer put in. i'd assume with wood auger bits. thats what i'm going to do.

with the way they clean them out at the cabin i need a few more.  :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/04/24, 04:45:30 PM
Seems like a good idea that your mother thought of.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/24, 04:48:25 PM
Seems like a good idea that your mother thought of.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: yea i'd bet my step dad made them and thought of it from others!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/04/24, 05:16:54 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:   SO do add anything to the peanut butter or just give it to them straight?   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/24, 05:19:20 PM
I mix sunflower seeds in the peanut butter 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/04/24, 06:04:26 PM
Think I'll try that out west Glenn,  thanks.  I'm filling feeders here in town like they've never ate before.  The finches are just plain nuts. It's funny tho the neighbors brush piles house the sparrows,  in the afternoons they use my wheel wells as a hiding spot. I barely had the pick em up in park and they landed on my tires..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/04/24, 06:32:52 PM
How bout tree rats, how you keeping them out?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/24, 06:43:58 PM
How bout tree rats, how you keeping them out?
both the feeders i have like that at the cabin and here at home i have hanging from a Shepards hook away from trees. i've never noticed any tree rats around them...........there to busy under the sunflower feeders!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on February 02/04/24, 07:17:24 PM
The peanut butter feeder I have is three 1”x 3” s about a foot long that are glued together with 1 1/2” holes drilled through them.   Same idea.  Bought some natural peanut butter with a bunch of different seeds already in it. I didn’t care for it myself, but I mixed sunflower chips and thistle in it to make it pretty thick and the birds really liked it. Especially the nuthatches.

When I bought this house there were several old birdhouses that someone had made out of birch about 6” high and 4” in diameter, hollowed out with some lathe shingles for a roof. They’ve all fallen apart now, but I keep thinking about making some new ones.
Could send the plans to you to attract some wrens, Roony.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/04/24, 07:41:10 PM
^^^^ :super smiley: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/04/24, 09:44:11 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on February 02/05/24, 06:37:03 AM
How bout tree rats, how you keeping them out?

17cal HMR.  ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/05/24, 07:48:25 AM
I like to put sticky traps in the wren houses.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/05/24, 08:08:42 AM
I think you really love wrens.  You may be a wren wrangler.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/05/24, 08:40:20 AM
The bliebird killing sob's.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/06/24, 11:27:11 AM
Noted a few more goldfinches yesterday. Starting to see some subtle hints of yellow on a few of them. Guessing they're the males. Chickadees are doing their springtime "fee-bee" call while the cardinals are starting to sing in the mornings. A couple of fox squirrels have been squashed in the road. Cats must've dragged them into the barn to snack on. Corn fed so they should be tasty.  :happy1: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on February 02/06/24, 11:53:03 AM
      Dotch, your lucky. We haven't seen a goldfinch in a long time. Finch feeders haven't been touched.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/06/24, 02:22:51 PM
The goldfinches appear to be real sporadic though. Saw them this a.m. then noticed they hadn't pulled the feeders down appreciably when I was home at lunchtime. There was a sudden smattering of goldfinches then and as quickly as they appeared, they were gone. Got a feeling the Cooper's and sharp-shinned hawks have been following them along with lots of other birds recently. Plus with the snow all gone, they've got access to lots of food other than what's in our feeders. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/06/24, 02:24:26 PM
Had a red squirrel die of lead poisoning yesterday in the feeder.  Jake retrieved him for me.  LOL 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/06/24, 02:31:54 PM
yup a squirrely dog!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/06/24, 02:52:27 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/06/24, 04:03:37 PM
my first lab, good ole spike, devoured one in one shallow after i shot it ant the cabin!!!!!!!!!!!!  :bonk: :bonk: :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/06/24, 08:01:44 PM
I was afraid Jake was going to swallow it too.  I kept talking to him and walking towards him and he gave it to me.   Lucky catch.  Really praised him a lot.  Cooper doesn't like it when I get my Ruger out and will leave the room if I am going to shoot out the window.  Jake is ready for action.  Once I shoot Cooper is raring to go too.  Need to go to a pheasant farm with them.  Used to do that a couple of times a year in the offseason. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/09/24, 08:01:55 AM
We had about 40 visitors yesterday...

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/02/09/PXL_20240208_231203408.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/PXL-20240208-231203408.xB2N)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/09/24, 08:08:54 AM
That is amazing.  A lot of turkeys.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/09/24, 08:12:33 AM
not a tree rat to be seen...........and you keep telling me there are all kinds!!!!! :confused: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/09/24, 08:46:06 AM
Since it involves the bird feeder I think it is appropriate to post here.  It is now Red Squirrels 0.  Jake 3. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/09/24, 09:13:15 AM
not a tree rat to be seen...........and you keep telling me there are all kinds!!!!! :confused: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:


(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/02/09/PXL_20240209_150849091.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/PXL-20240209-150849091.xpCK)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/09/24, 09:22:10 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :surrender:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/09/24, 01:34:04 PM
That is alot of turkeys. Cool!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/14/24, 03:02:49 PM
7 swans winging their way northward over the ranch this a.m.... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/14/24, 03:11:03 PM
7 swans winging their way northward over the ranch this a.m.... :coffee:
what about 3 Turtle doves?? :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/14/24, 06:18:31 PM
He has pheasants and a pear tree too.  Don't know about partridge.  Never heard him mention them.    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/14/24, 06:20:16 PM
He has pheasants and a pear tree too.  Don't know about partridge.  Never heard him mention them.    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/14/24, 07:38:28 PM
We have Huns blow thru here occasionally. The drier seasons of the late 80's were favorable so we could see more if the drier seasons continue. glenn has the 7 large Inger maids a milking... :whistling:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on February 02/14/24, 08:01:43 PM
glenn has the 7 large Inger maids a milking... :whistling:
Might not be cows they’re pulling on.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/14/24, 08:39:06 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/15/24, 02:07:17 PM
Canada geese were heading south last nite at choretime. Flicker was still around yesterday afternoon. The goldfinches were on the feeders this a.m. before sunup. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: delcecchi on February 02/15/24, 11:12:31 PM
glenn has the 7 large Inger maids a milking... :whistling:
Might not be cows they’re pulling on.
Get away from the table...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/25/24, 07:57:10 AM
Red squirrels 0  Jake 5  He almost swallowed it but decided to give it to me. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/25/24, 12:04:09 PM
At least it wasn't presented half digested on the kitchen floor!  :shocked:

Lots of geese flying at treetop level this morning, heard a robin & some killdeers. I saw some of the shallow wetlands were thawing & opening up yesterday. Must've been the cue for the geese.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/25/24, 02:39:54 PM
My afternoon project.   :happy1:

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/02/25/1000001123.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/1000001123.Q2VV)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/25/24, 03:25:28 PM
I'm locked and loaded for a certain evil bird.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/02/24, 08:02:30 AM

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/03/02/PXL_20240302_135716820.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/PXL-20240302-135716820.aG6M)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/02/24, 08:08:39 AM

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/03/02/PXL_20240302_135716820.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/PXL-20240302-135716820.aG6M)
hhey ..your pretty good at bird identification!!!!! :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:

i put the birdbath out yesterday and filled it.......also put the nets under my bigger feeders......that outta make it snow and get cold!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/02/24, 11:34:00 AM

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/03/02/PXL_20240302_135716820.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/PXL-20240302-135716820.aG6M)
hhey ..your pretty good at bird identification!!!!! :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:

i put the birdbath out yesterday and filled it.......also put the nets under my bigger feeders......that outta make it snow and get cold!

What do you mean by "nets" ?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/02/24, 11:52:34 AM

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/02/24, 11:53:44 AM
 :confused: for some reason the tiny pixels wouldn't load it for the picture to sow up correctly.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/02/24, 12:00:28 PM
Where did you get those from?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/02/24, 12:04:35 PM
well.......the feeders i think you can get at FF, think i seen them there.....these are old.....i had them at the camper.....tree rat proof.

the nets i found in town here at the country store.......i havent looked anywhere else or paid much attention to who else might have them.

all i know is it helps from killing the grass completely under the feeders........the oil in the sunflowers do that!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/02/24, 12:19:38 PM
Lotsa red-wing blackbirds thru the area this a.m. Goldfinches & chickadees common at the feeders today. Kinda sporadic.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on March 03/02/24, 12:48:31 PM
well.......the feeders i think you can get at FF, think i seen them there.....these are old.....i had them at the camper.....tree rat proof.

the nets i found in town here at the country store.......i havent looked anywhere else or paid much attention to who else might have them.

all i know is it helps from killing the grass completely under the feeders........the oil in the sunflowers do that!

The Turkeys, Squirrels and the Deer kill the grass under the feeders here.
I thought maybe the nets were for catching some of the extra feed from those messy Blue Jays.....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/02/24, 12:51:07 PM
That's exactly what there for.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/02/24, 01:03:10 PM
Saw my first swan of the year today sitting on the ice in the river.  Also saw a flock of a dozen Canadas flying over the river.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on March 03/02/24, 04:23:24 PM
Saw my first swan of the year today sitting on the ice in the river.  Also saw a flock of a dozen Canadas flying over the river.

There are 4 swans standing out on the ice here this morning.  Every year they stop here for a couple weeks and then move on.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/02/24, 07:26:35 PM
Love their sounds. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/04/24, 12:45:10 PM
had 3 robins in the back yard a bit ago............you know what Reb used to say! its gonna snow on them 3 times!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rolleyes: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/04/24, 01:24:25 PM
Looks like the males are back to set up nesting territories. Some earthworm castings spotted yesterday so they've got that going for them, at least until the surface soil freezes up again. Jeez those flickers are pigs. We've seen an occasional one at the feeders over the years but now I see we have two. Buggers can really eat suet.     
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/11/24, 10:07:21 AM
finally seen some robins!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/11/24, 11:22:01 AM
seen it somewhere...... :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: that there starting to track the migration of the hummingbirds!!!!!

i'll believe its spring when i see blue herons and loons!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/11/24, 11:28:45 AM

just set this site to your county!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/11/24, 01:57:57 PM
Nice find mikey! Been seeing some flocks of geese way up high some mornings. By the looks & sounds of things based on the link you posted for our county, they're probably cackling geese. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on March 03/11/24, 02:16:46 PM

just set this site to your county!!!
Wait what?  Wonder how this done?  They paying Glenn to stay up all night with nightvision goggles on?   :cool:  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/11/24, 07:57:25 PM
Saw a pair of sandhill cranes today.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/14/24, 11:02:30 AM
seen one of them today!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/14/24, 11:54:29 AM
I saw somethin the other day I've never seen before... 

There was a dead robin with a bloody beak with no other apparent injuries.  Not far away the ground was spattered with blood.

I know males get territorial this time of year, but I've never known them to battle to the death.  I wonder what gives.   :scratch:

Or, perhaps, did this make have some sort of bird flu and died of coughing up blood?   :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/14/24, 12:34:59 PM
Clear cut case of Wren violence.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/14/24, 12:42:54 PM
Clear cut case of Wren violence.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/14/24, 12:43:48 PM
hit a window maybe
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/14/24, 01:08:50 PM
I thought that, and we have had problem in the past of robins attacking "reflection rivals" in our windows, but this happened over night.  It is possible the bird did fly fast in to the window, fell down 8 feet from the house, flopped around leaving a pool of blood, and then flopped some more four feet away and died.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/16/24, 01:20:23 PM
A flock of red polls stopped by for a lunch of sunflower seeds
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/16/24, 01:24:23 PM

seen this elsewhere, thought it was kind cool!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/17/24, 02:31:59 PM
Thought maybe I'd have to get the oriole & hummingbird feeders out the way it was going. Back to reality. Ground is froze on top. No earthworms so robins are hitting the crabapple tree hard. Lots of woodpeckers feeding on suet with the goldfinches, house finches & chickadees doing their thing. Mid-March. It's still supposed to be cold.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/17/24, 03:24:23 PM
Thought maybe I'd have to get the oriole & hummingbird feeders out the way it was going. Back to reality. Ground is froze on top. No earthworms so robins are hitting the crabapple tree hard. Lots of woodpeckers feeding on suet with the goldfinches, house finches & chickadees doing their thing. Mid-March. It's still supposed to be cold.  :coffee:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on March 03/18/24, 09:05:02 AM
Starting to see some migrating birds here.  Swans are everywhere and I see there is a raft of diver ducks out in the open water this morning.  The eagles were in the tree above my deck yesterday.  They never perch there in the winter but all summer long they are there.   I named one of them George.  He will fly in and I will say hi George and he squawks.   Beautiful bird but MESSY.   

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/03/18/IMG_20230803_083305220.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-20230803-083305220.VWux)
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/03/18/IMG_20230803_082708173.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-20230803-082708173.VHNS)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/18/24, 11:30:02 AM
Very cool.  Our neighbors have two eagle nests.  They occasionally sit in our pines but no nest yet.  We would love to have one. They do land in the pasture and steal hay for their nests.  I told the neighbor and he said just shoot them.  He was kidding.  lol
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on March 03/18/24, 11:37:59 AM
Some day I need to get out the camera and take some good pictures.  I just snapped those quick from the deck with my phone.    They are fun to watch and listen to but like I said messy birds.  They go out and fish, bring the fish in and take about three bites out them and then drop them on the deck or in the yard.  They also have been known to white wash the deck if the wind is blowing just right too.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/18/24, 12:54:07 PM
yep cool birds.......we had a pair nesting on the point by our place for many years.........storm took the big pine down.........but thye built a new one on the north side of the lake.......just not as big of a nest......yet!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/18/24, 06:02:42 PM
Driving down the road yesterday and saw an eagle land that looked like it had been covered in mud. I thought maybe it had been working on the inside of a roadkilled deer and had blood on its head. Turned around snd headed back for a closer look. When  I got close it took off and I could plainly see that it was an immature one.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/24, 08:16:57 AM
 :doah: :scratch: :confused: feeling kinda bad fer the robins. thinkin i might put out my mealworm feeder after the snowmaggedden?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/23/24, 10:08:11 AM
Was at the kitchen table reading the outdoor news and a small bird smacked the bay window.  Turned and looked to find this fella sitting there. Google told me Sharp-Shinned Hawk, no birds came back to feed for close to an hour..

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/23/24, 10:26:25 AM
thats a cool looking feeder!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/23/24, 10:53:38 AM
that is cool Bobber!!!     :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/23/24, 03:11:11 PM
:doah: :scratch: :confused: feeling kinda bad fer the robins. thinkin i might put out my mealworm feeder after the snowmaggedden?

A ton of robins really working the crabapples over today. Weather needs to warm up again soon or the crabapples will be gone. American cranberry & nannyberry supply gone a while ago. Bet they'd appreciate the mealworms.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/23/24, 08:20:56 PM
Saw our first robin of the year today at Loman. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on March 03/25/24, 08:31:32 AM
:doah: :scratch: :confused: feeling kinda bad fer the robins. thinkin i might put out my mealworm feeder after the snowmaggedden?
I don't know what kind of tree it was, maybe crab apple, maybe something else, but it had a bunch of small dried fruit still on it and on the ground.  The robins were all over it.

I've also heard tell of birds getting 'drunk' off the fermented juice of these dried fruits.  I don't know if that is true or not.  So I do feel bad for the robins when they can't get to their worms, but they do seem to find a way to get by.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/25/24, 12:14:28 PM
I imagine robins can get a jag on but don't remember seeing it. I know the squirrels on St. Paul campus at the U were drunks in the fall, especially if it had been warmer. The crabapples would ferment and the little buggers would come back daily to feast on them. By afternoon they were just blotto & would fall out of the tree. They must've crawled back to their nests or holes to sleep it off, then came back for more the next day. Amusing to say the least. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/25/24, 01:21:15 PM
I imagine robins can get a jag on but don't remember seeing it. I know the squirrels on St. Paul campus at the U were drunks in the fall, especially if it had been warmer. The crabapples would ferment and the little buggers would come back daily to feast on them. By afternoon they were just blotto & would fall out of the tree. They must've crawled back to their nests or holes to sleep it off, then came back for more the next day. Amusing to say the least.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: kinda like you college students then ........huh!!!!!!! :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

once this snow quits......i'm gonna put out my mealworm feeder!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/25/24, 03:04:21 PM
How did they taste Mark?@
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/25/24, 04:19:06 PM
They were older grays so I wasn't interested but there was a column in the MN Daily student paper, where the guy wrote about his character, Elmo, fricasseeing them. It was a joke, but it got every liberal on Minneapolis campus worked up.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/30/24, 10:05:29 AM
Had dome Juncos at the backyard feeder a bit ago.  Now I'll  believe LPS... spring might be here. :rotflmao:

Put the mealworm feeder up few days ago and gave a few robins dining   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/30/24, 10:46:15 AM
 :happy1: :happy1:  birds in the backyard.   So the wife yells at me to come look out the window.  It looked like Jake was fighting with an eagle in the yard.  I went out and here it is a goose carcass with the wings and all.  The body was just bone.  He was flopping it around so much it looked alive.  I went and threw it in a ditch to get rid of it.  I think the neighborhood fox drags that stuff here and then Jake gets it.  The fox is all over the place haunting Jake.  He barks at it a lot.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on March 03/31/24, 07:29:02 AM
We have a neighborhood fox up at the lake too. He likes to visit our compost pile just about the time the sun starts going down too. :scratch:I'm not sure how much he gets though as the crows must sit & watch it because they're on it almost before I can get back inside a lot of the time.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/24, 08:33:15 AM
had some friggin gosh damn starlings on the mealworm feeder yesterday!!!!! :angry2: i let it sit empty most the day......havent seen them since!!!

Gunner......you cant have all that big of a composite pile, do you??? at the cabin we just toss biodegradable stuff in the woods never really started a pile afraid of gathering racoons and skunks. at home i toss alot of that stuff right in the garden!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/31/24, 09:31:57 AM
At my buddy's Canadian getaway they compost in a plastic bin thingy. Toss stuff like egg shells in it and the bears tear into it. One time I stepped in some of the poop they left behind, proving that bears do indeed chit in the woods.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/31/24, 10:13:23 AM
At my buddy's Canadian getaway they compost in a plastic bin thingy. Toss stuff like egg shells in it and the bears tear into it. One time I stepped in some of the poop they left behind, proving that bears do indeed chit in the woods.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: oh they leave plenty in the woods!!!! especially around bear bait stations.........sometimes its not pretty!!!!!1 :doah: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on March 03/31/24, 07:44:59 PM
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/04/01/20190716_133000.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/20190716-133000.ehVM)
Good thing I didn't step in it. By Black Duck Lake near Orr.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/31/24, 07:46:07 PM
 :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on March 03/31/24, 08:03:19 PM
Got the resident pair of swans cruising around in front of the house. Also a few geese.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/01/24, 06:35:29 PM
Squirrel Infestation Problem
The Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrel infestation.  After much prayer and consideration, they concluded that the squirrels were predestined to be there, and they should not interfere with God’s divine will.
At the Baptist church, the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistry.  The deacons met and decided to put a water-slide on the baptistry and let the squirrels drown themselves.  The squirrels liked the slide and, unfortunately, knew instinctively how to swim, so twice as many squirrels showed up the following week.
The Lutheran church decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God’s creatures.  So, they humanely trapped their squirrels and set them free near the Baptist church.  Two weeks later, the squirrels were back when the Baptists took down the water-slide.
The Episcopalians tried a much more unique path by setting out pans of whiskey around their church in an effort to kill the squirrels with alcohol poisoning.  They sadly learned how much damage a band of drunk squirrels can do.
But the Catholic church came up with a more creative strategy!  They baptized all the squirrels and made them members of the church.  Now they only see them at Christmas and Easter.
Not much was heard from the Jewish synagogue.  They took the first squirrel and circumcised him.  They haven’t seen a squirrel since.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/01/24, 06:38:02 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/01/24, 08:05:15 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/01/24, 08:25:40 PM
 :bonk: :bonk: :rotflmao:

there ya go HD get dem skurrels denutted!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/02/24, 07:19:56 AM
gray heron's are back!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/03/24, 04:07:49 PM
🦃 Turkey's everywhere!

(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/04/03/PXL_20240403_205901059.MP.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/PXL-20240403-205901059.MP.jF9X)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/03/24, 04:28:03 PM
Beautiful pic HD.  Could be a post card. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/04/24, 06:56:34 AM
seen a pair of loons fly over the lake last night!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/04/24, 07:38:39 AM
Lots of ducks flying over the river.  Saw some divers landing.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/04/24, 06:41:32 PM
Word has it last weekend we had 5 loons on the cabin waters. What's up with the little birds, they nesting already? I havnt filled a feeder since Monday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/04/24, 06:46:55 PM
Word has it last weekend we had 5 loons on the cabin waters. What's up with the little birds, they nesting already? I havnt filled a feeder since Monday.
i highly doubt there nesting yet.......with the snow gone they could be feeding on other things.

i'm finally getting a few more birds!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/04/24, 06:47:07 PM
Seen a couple of robins here tonight.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/04/24, 06:52:27 PM
Don't anyone ever really get any Blue Bird in the blue bird houses?  I have 3 at my new house but didn't see anything use them last year? 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/04/24, 07:39:49 PM
Don't anyone ever really get any Blue Bird in the blue bird houses?  I have 3 at my new house but didn't see anything use them last year?
Leech, 2 or 3 years ago the bluebirds took a serious hit to the population.

On there migration north, a pretty bad snowstorm hit the bluebirds hard. I had a pair last year for the first time in a while. They won't be around till more bugs are out

Also those houses need to be cleaned out every year. Barn swallow like using them to 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/04/24, 07:44:53 PM
and wrens and sparrows too...    :tut:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/04/24, 07:56:42 PM
and wrens and sparrows too...    :tut:
agreed! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/04/24, 08:05:20 PM
Flicking wrens.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/05/24, 08:18:29 AM
Don't anyone ever really get any Blue Bird in the blue bird houses?  I have 3 at my new house but didn't see anything use them last year?
Leech, 2 or 3 years ago the bluebirds took a serious hit to the population.

On there migration north, a pretty bad snowstorm hit the bluebirds hard. I had a pair last year for the first time in a while. They won't be around till more bugs are out

Also those houses need to be cleaned out every year. Barn swallow like using them to
All 3 boxes were replace new as the old ones that were there looked like Red squirrels made the holes as big and worn out as Stormy Daniels!  :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/05/24, 08:24:46 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/05/24, 08:35:57 AM
Don't anyone ever really get any Blue Bird in the blue bird houses?  I have 3 at my new house but didn't see anything use them last year?
Leech, 2 or 3 years ago the bluebirds took a serious hit to the population.

On there migration north, a pretty bad snowstorm hit the bluebirds hard. I had a pair last year for the first time in a while. They won't be around till more bugs are out

Also those houses need to be cleaned out every year. Barn swallow like using them to
All 3 boxes were replace new as the old ones that were there looked like Red squirrels made the holes as big and worn out as Stormy Daniels!  :doah:
:scratch: :scratch: and Leech...........how exactly do you know how big and worn  Stormy is????? :scratch: :doah: :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/05/24, 08:42:04 AM
I heard she's into sasquatch... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/05/24, 09:11:06 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/05/24, 09:21:20 AM
Don't anyone ever really get any Blue Bird in the blue bird houses?  I have 3 at my new house but didn't see anything use them last year?
Leech, 2 or 3 years ago the bluebirds took a serious hit to the population.

On there migration north, a pretty bad snowstorm hit the bluebirds hard. I had a pair last year for the first time in a while. They won't be around till more bugs are out

Also those houses need to be cleaned out every year. Barn swallow like using them to
All 3 boxes were replace new as the old ones that were there looked like Red squirrels made the holes as big and worn out as Stormy Daniels!  :doah:
:scratch: :scratch: and Leech...........how exactly do you know how big and worn  Stormy is????? :scratch: :doah: :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
MSNBC told me Trump, said so! 🤭
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/05/24, 09:49:49 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :bonk:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/07/24, 03:38:19 PM
The Grackles showed up the otter day, hitting all the feeders even the suet. Today the red wing blackbirds came around.  That's a sound of spring fishing for us, with them hanging around the cattails.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/07/24, 03:48:46 PM
they been here a few days now..  and they are all over the yard with the rain getting food and nesting material
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/07/24, 03:51:08 PM
Grackles here too. They like to clean out the one sunflower feeder. Luckily Poppy likes chasing them. Restocked the thistle feeders & the goldfinches came out of the woodwork.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/07/24, 05:17:14 PM
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2024/04/07/FB_IMG_1712434991393.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/FB-IMG-1712434991393.4fnr)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/07/24, 07:19:45 PM
Robins all over the place today.  Waiting for our favorites the tree swallows.  They nest here every year.  We did have a bluebird a couple of years ago.  Was real friendly and sat on the deck near us many times.  Hope her offspring comes back. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on April 04/07/24, 09:34:50 PM
Grackles showed up here yesterday too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/08/24, 04:53:58 PM
just watched a hen and drake mallard under the sunflower feeders........ :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/08/24, 05:42:55 PM
Grackles showed up here yesterday too.

Haven't seen a grackle here yet but I have the ol Targetmaster ready to go. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on April 04/08/24, 05:44:53 PM
      If anyone needs a few (hundred) grackles or starlings, I can set you up . Just let me know.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/09/24, 05:35:49 PM
I might have seen a flocking wren. Not positive.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/09/24, 05:48:58 PM
A flocking wren.  That is creative.  LOL  Saw the first morning dove on the power line right by the house.  Must have been tired as heck since she was there for a few hours all in one spot.  Well maybe an hour and a half. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/09/24, 06:24:43 PM
We has lots a wrens at the cabin,  gramps had us kids make houses( something to do I'm sure). Believe it or not some are still on tree's,  kinda in tough shape but we're talking over 40 yrs ago. The house finches have been regular visitors this week and it seems the gold finches are turning more brightly by the day.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on April 04/09/24, 06:32:01 PM
      Not a bird but, we saw at least 6 red admiral butterflies.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/10/24, 10:21:42 AM
Can't remember exactly where you're at tt but I know it's down in this latitude somewhere. Got a text Saturday from my pal, the Boy Entomologist, and he mentioned he had red admirals over by New Ulm. Their appearance in the spring frequently coincides with the arrival of black cutworm moths. Both are blown up here from the south. Sure enough, a couple days ago there were significant captures in the Brown Co. trap. Both of us in the office also had a black cutworm moth in our traps yesterday morning. The weekend weather system was ideal for their northward migration. 

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on April 04/10/24, 07:14:08 PM
      Makes sense, Dotch. I'm in SW Blue Earth County.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/10/24, 08:29:18 PM
Wasn't long after I posted that, looked out the window & saw a red admiral on the Buick. One of my favorite butterflies back to when I was a little kid.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/13/24, 07:28:40 AM
Had a male English grosbeak at our feeder.  Been awhile since we have seen on of them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on April 04/13/24, 07:33:08 AM
Had a male English grosbeak at our feeder.  Been awhile since we have seen on of them.
Now that you mention it, it's been a while since I've seen one, too. Not many gold finches, either.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/13/24, 07:46:17 AM
Just about out of black oil sunflower again. Looks like prices may increase in the upcoming season.  :pouty:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/15/24, 12:39:15 PM
kind on interesting with the bird bath, I think the tree rats are using it as much as the birds...   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/15/24, 01:14:03 PM
Tree swallows are back as of yesterday late afternoon. Heard them but didn't visually confirm until this morning. Barn shallows can't be far behind. Juncos are dwindling so white-throated, white-crowned & Harris's sparrows should take their place soon. Be time to ready the oriole & hummingbird feeders then.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/15/24, 03:19:49 PM
Good to know.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/17/24, 10:53:04 AM
We have had robins around and now we have flickers on the ground eating things.  The wife heard a bang yesterday and didn't know what it was until I was out later and here a ruffed grouse was laying next to the house.  Jake wanted it.  It must have flown right into the side of the house and killed itself.  Had one fly right into the passenger door of a gravel truck I was driving.  Sounded like someone shot me.  Found parts of it on the running board steps.  Not the smartest birds.  I wonder how they survive. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/17/24, 10:58:35 AM
flickers showed up here the other day too!!   fun to watch
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/17/24, 11:55:47 AM
Brown thrashers arrived here yesterday. Hummers rumored to be in Chicago & Northern MO.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/17/24, 03:26:25 PM
Brown thrashers arrived here yesterday. Hummers rumored to be in Chicago & Northern MO.
:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: whatabout.......the wrens!!!???? :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jrasmussen on April 04/17/24, 04:53:35 PM
Brown thrashers arrived here yesterday. Hummers rumored to be in Chicago & Northern MO.

So roughly when would you think the hummers will be back?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/17/24, 05:18:39 PM
May 3rd for the hummers. May 5th for Orioles and Grosbeaks.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/18/24, 07:55:55 AM
Heard the 1st white-throated sparrows of the season this a.m. The song I heard and typically hear this time of year sounds like the 2nd one submitted from New York in the link below. Don't know if it's the cover, food, or just what in the windbreak & EQIP acreage, but they hang out there a few days first. They typically don't appear in the backyard until a few days after I hear them. Heard but not seen. Within a few days, they're all over the place.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/18/24, 12:48:23 PM
That sounds familiar.  We have a yellow rumped warbler at our sunflower feeder.  The little birds are really eating a lot.  Had to fill it again today.  Happy to do it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on April 04/19/24, 01:09:31 PM
May 3rd for the hummers. May 5th for Orioles and Grosbeaks.
Looking at the migration map, it looks like the hummingbirds are in northern Iowa now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/24, 01:24:51 PM
May 3rd for the hummers. May 5th for Orioles and Grosbeaks.
Looking at the migration map, it looks like the hummingbirds are in northern Iowa now.
there going to need there winter coats around here.  :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/19/24, 02:07:05 PM
I'm putting some gin in my feeders. It won't freeze, they'll get a shine on & it'll warm the little buggers up!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/19/24, 02:13:57 PM
That's what a U of M education will do for you!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/19/24, 02:48:34 PM
That's what a U of M education will do for you!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/19/24, 03:00:08 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/21/24, 02:45:09 PM
pelicans are back here
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/22/24, 04:01:19 PM
Saw a male yellow warbler yesterday while I was raking sticks in the backyard. It was perched on the sunflower feeder and wasn't feeding. Might've flown there from the birdbath but couldn't be positive. At first I thought it was a goldfinch but the way it acted, not shying away quickly, allowed me to get a closer look. Pretty sure we've had them over the years given their song, just hadn't seen them. We certainly have a lot of the right kind of habitat.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/22/24, 04:16:30 PM
Nice looking bird.  That yellow rump warbler is still here.   :happy1: I am going to check the feeder right now.  Never gone through this much seeds.  Ok with us too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/22/24, 04:58:48 PM
Saw a male yellow warbler yesterday while I was raking sticks in the backyard. It was perched on the sunflower feeder and wasn't feeding. Might've flown there from the birdbath but couldn't be positive. At first I thought it was a goldfinch but the way it acted, not shying away quickly, allowed me to get a closer look. Pretty sure we've had them over the years given their song, just hadn't seen them. We certainly have a lot of the right kind of habitat.

:scratch: :scratch:are you sure you werent a bit "wobbly"?? :scratch: :cool: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/23/24, 09:21:49 AM
Don't you have some enemas to demo for customers?  :scratch:

Finally saw the white-throated sparrows in the backyard last nite. There were a half dozen or so. Didn't see it but thought I heard a wren this a.m. Lord knows there are plenty of little sticks they can haul with them to the Waseca area... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/23/24, 09:53:09 AM
Anyone seeing morning doves?? Seems to be absent here. :scratch: my wife claims she seen some when I was north. I have yet to see one. There usually under the sunflower feeders?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/23/24, 10:05:39 AM
doves are here
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/23/24, 10:09:17 AM
Have some mourning doves and some Eurasian collared doves. Not real fond of the latter. I've always enjoyed the soothing, relaxing sound of the mourning doves. These collared doves make sounds ranging from that of a small owl to an obnoxious squawk. Some time when the Mrs. is gone I should off some of them and try the breasts on the grill wrapped with some bacon. Maybe I'd like them better that way... :scratch: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/23/24, 11:16:29 AM
I've been seeing morning doves daily here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/24/24, 09:39:28 AM
finally seen a pair of doves this morning!!!!! :happy1: there in my big maple out front. looks like there checking out an old nest from last year.

looks like a robin is making a feeble attempt to make a nest under my deck..........they've been trying thst for 3 years......more crap on the ground then where there trying to build!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/24/24, 09:52:58 AM
Maybe you can erase them with yer new crossbow... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/24/24, 12:59:48 PM
Barn swallows are back in Bugtussle itself. Haven't seen them at the ranch yet. I better get my jelly and nectar feeders out soon.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/25/24, 10:34:54 AM
Took down a couple suet feeders and put up two hummingbird feeders last nite. Also put out the jelly feeder. Thought maybe I'd heard an orchard oriole so decided to be ready for either species & a hummer of course.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on April 04/25/24, 11:10:34 AM
Ok just got an Oriole feeder and read this!  Now what? They are taking about Hummers.   :confused:

Why not feed grape jelly to orioles?
The central Wisconsin nonprofit shared photos to raise awareness that grape jelly is a sticky danger for the delicate birds. They said it has become common practice for people to put out jelly for orioles. However, when it is this warm, the jelly melts and sticks in other bird's feathers and feet.Jun 2, 2023
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/25/24, 11:28:27 AM
Author is Karen
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/25/24, 11:38:41 AM
I remember reading about that last year. Has to be climate change! :rolleyes: Seeing as how it came from 'Sconnie, they were probably dumping PBR or Blatz in with it, hence the problem!  :doah:

In ~25 years of feeding grape jelly, never recall seeing the hummingbirds even get close to our grape jelly feeder or having a problem with it liquifying for that matter. The only time it gets a little dicey is if we use the full jar-type jelly feeder. Then occasionally we'll see some liquid on the tray. The orioles make short work of it if that happens. When we've used it the past several seasons it's been to allow the orioles more access when they become numerous or when the rotten house sparrows become a nuisance. We have a cup-type jelly feeder and one nectar feeder that orioles & hummers can both access. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/26/24, 11:04:31 AM
got yellow finches on the feeders this morning!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/26/24, 11:11:06 AM
Barn swallows were back at the ranch as of last nite. House finch was eating jelly this a.m.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/27/24, 09:56:48 AM
A Harris's sparrow was just seen here. Orioles shouldn't be far behind. Some of the nannyberry trees/bushes are getting almost enough leaves for them to hide in. Hummingbirds reported in Rice Co. to our north by KARE 11 this a.m.

Aaannndddd...we have the trifecta. Have seen the white-throated's and the Harris's a little bit ago, now the white-crowned sparrow. Am sure they're looking at the lawn and wondering, why doesn't this guy mow parts of it?  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/27/24, 01:26:09 PM
I'm surprised to see the orioles are back. One at the bird bath and one in an apple tree. Grape jelly is going out now!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/27/24, 01:30:44 PM
mine went out thursday afternoon!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/28/24, 07:47:59 AM
Another surprise. When we got back from Mankato we saw a red headed woodpecker. The finches were busy this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/28/24, 08:26:49 AM
Heard what sounded like an oriole when I woke up. Couldn't confirm it as I can't see the jelly feeder from the oval office.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/28/24, 09:11:59 AM
I put a couple ears of corn out and it didn't take long for Mr Redhead to find them. They really like corn.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/28/24, 09:17:26 AM
You get all the good redheads... :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: deadeye on April 04/28/24, 09:20:07 AM
I'm still alive!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on April 04/28/24, 09:23:30 AM
The redwings have returned, along with the blue birds and Wrens....of course the finches, chickadees, turkey and juncos never really left.....

Funny thing is, when the redwings meet the .17..... they seem to disappear 🫠

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/24, 10:06:17 AM
 :pouty: wish i could shoot some of them bastages!!!!!!! :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/28/24, 07:43:09 PM
Damn robins. :rotflmao: they've trid building nests 2 times under my deck. Twice on the flood light on the deck, now there trying on the flood light on the garage! :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/30/24, 08:16:19 AM
Saw the first Rose-Breasted Grosbeak of the season at the sunflower seed feeder just now
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/30/24, 08:23:12 AM
roony gets all the red-breasted things... :pouty:

Stuck on the white-crowned sparrows yet here. No orioles, grosbeaks, hummingbirds or hummers... :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/30/24, 08:38:46 AM
I would love to see a red headed woodpecker like Roony though.  I haven't seen one in decades. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on April 04/30/24, 08:59:49 AM
I need to learn more about these desirable sparrows that Dotch speaks of.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/24, 09:16:47 AM
in my walkabouts around the yard yesterday i noticed the robins are finally getting a nest built under the deck in a corner.

need to go fill the jelly feeder........i noticed they found that also!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on April 04/30/24, 01:30:06 PM
      Took a break from working in the coop to enjoy my usual PB&J. Looked out at the feeders and we saw 5 goldfinch males. Also saw a red-bellied woodpecker munching on the suet. My bride put out one hummingbird feeder earlier this morning.
      I should eat PB&J more often.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/24, 01:35:22 PM
TT... your going  to get extremely chastised for even bringing up PB& J's.  :confused:

Seen my first tree swallow. Bug eating machines!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on April 04/30/24, 02:05:31 PM
TT... your going  to get extremely chastised for even bringing up PB& J's.  :confused:

Seen my first tree swallow. Bug eating machines!! :happy1:

why??   he just had a sandwich...   asking for a friend!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/30/24, 02:39:07 PM
Good to hear about the tree swallows.  They nest here and we like them but wish they stayed longer.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on April 04/30/24, 03:50:00 PM
TT... your going  to get extremely chastised for even bringing up PB& J's.  :confused:

Seen my first tree swallow. Bug eating machines!! :happy1:
I've been married to the same woman for 47 years. This would not be the first time I have been chastised.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/24, 04:10:07 PM
TT... your going  to get extremely chastised for even bringing up PB& J's.  :confused:

Seen my first tree swallow. Bug eating machines!! :happy1:
I've been married to the same woman for 47 years. This would not be the first time I have been chastised.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: i'm not talking about your bride.......its the yahoos here!!!!!!! :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on April 04/30/24, 04:52:13 PM
He's good Glenn,  he's having it fer lunch, and not pairing it with steak or spaghetti.. :bonk:  ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on April 04/30/24, 06:21:03 PM
For roony: Think I posted the stuff on the white-throated sparrows but you know how these things get buried on these threads. First started noticing these three species coming through every spring here about 25 - 30 years ago. They may have been here prior to that but I may not have paid any attention to them, thinking they were just small brown sparrows of some kind. Their arrival was always followed closely by the orioles and hummingbirds. Sometimes in recent years all 5 species are present about the same time. The kinda cool thing is I've seen the white-throated sparrows in Canada at Bill's cabin during the summer months. Makes me wonder if they're some of the same birds that pass through at the ranch in the spring. Doubtful but you never know.  :scratch:


Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/30/24, 06:33:44 PM
A few ducks wandering around in the backyard. Looks like they’re foraging for acorns. Also a couple turkeys and a few deer in the front yard earlier this afternoon. Also saw a good sized snapper down the road doing some excavation for an egg drop. Kind of like wild kingdom today.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/30/24, 06:51:57 PM
We have always fed the birds and love it.  I am paying more attention to what they are after listening to your bird talk.  I saw a bluebird today and it was as blue as could be.  Also I walked outside and here a Tree Swallow was singing on the power line right above me.  How cool is that???   LOLOL
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/24, 06:57:50 PM
We have always fed the birds and love it.  I am paying more attention to what they are after listening to your bird talk.  I saw a bluebird today and it was as blue as could be.  Also I walked outside and here a Tree Swallow was singing on the power line right above me.  How cool is that???   LOLOL
if it that blue are you sure it wasnt an inidgo bunting??? there smaller then a bluebird and way more blue then the bluebird????
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/30/24, 07:01:34 PM
No I don't know for sure at all Glenn.  We were sitting on the deck and a small bird swerved away from us so we saw it's back and that is the blue we saw.  Was right above the ground and landed in a boxelder tree.  Bright blue. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on April 04/30/24, 07:03:37 PM
No I don't know for sure at all Glenn.  We were sitting on the deck and a small bird swerved away from us so we saw it's back and that is the blue we saw.  Was right above the ground and landed in a boxelder tree.  Bright blue.
how deep into HH was it!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on April 04/30/24, 07:07:43 PM
We both saw it, was pretty cool. All I know is that it was bright blue. On it's back as that was what was towards us. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on April 04/30/24, 08:19:59 PM
Bluebirds are back at my place. They do fly near the ground, LPS. They are insect eaters.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/01/24, 09:07:54 AM
We've had a few Brown Thrashers here. They seem to prefer eating on the ground under the feeders. So do the "good" sparrows. Ooh, just saw a couple catbirds.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/01/24, 10:28:29 AM
More wrens here this a.m. & in Bugtussle. Gotta love it! Still no sign of the orioles or hummingbirds yet. Apple trees are about to burst into bloom so that should help. Will be on the lookout for the catbirds as there are usually a troupe of them here. Not that they're great singers but they like to help themselves to the grape jelly whenever everything else isn't feasting on it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/01/24, 10:53:24 AM
I bet the wrens are keeping the orioles and hummingbirds away.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jrasmussen on May 05/01/24, 10:56:55 AM
I just put out the humming bird feeder last night. Thinking about putting out some jelly for the oriels too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on May 05/01/24, 12:18:11 PM
Have not seen any oriels or hummingbirds up here yet either.  Hoping now that it rained Yogi can find something to eat and will leave the feeders alone.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/01/24, 12:25:06 PM
Been still seein quite a few younger :deer: eating what's green on the side of the roads in our travels lately too. So, there's not a lot out in the woods yet IMO.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/24, 12:48:30 PM
 :happy1: :happy1: just had the first oriole!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/02/24, 02:30:33 PM
Glad to hear it Glenn!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/02/24, 02:40:56 PM
Rose-breasted grosbeak here just a little bit ago... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/02/24, 02:55:20 PM
I told one of mine to go there and spread the cheer.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/02/24, 02:56:29 PM
I'm expecting a hummer tomorrow. (Bird)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/02/24, 03:12:30 PM
I'm expecting a hummer tomorrow. (Bird)

good thing you explained that for Glenn!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/02/24, 03:26:22 PM
I'm expecting a hummer tomorrow. (Bird)

good thing you explained that for Glenn!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/03/24, 05:27:42 PM
5:15 1st hummer of the season! Saw out the kitchen window whilst I was cutting up some rhubarb for the warden.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/03/24, 07:05:35 PM
Good deal! Now you can focus on getting your hummer!  :happy1:

Speaking of that, the chorus frogs & the American toads must be having an orgy down in the wetland. Thank goodness the wife took off for a hen party so it'll be safe to grill tonite. 🍔
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on May 05/04/24, 07:18:27 AM
Good deal! Now you can focus on getting your hummer!  :happy1:

Speaking of that, the chorus frogs & the American toads must be having an orgy down in the wetland. Thank goodness the wife took off for a hen party so it'll be safe to grill tonite. 🍔
Dotch, I hope you're not grilling frogs and toads.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/04/24, 07:20:12 AM
I love hearing the froggies
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/24, 07:24:39 AM
Haven't noticed them yet.  I will listen more carefully now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishingstar on May 05/04/24, 08:09:00 AM
Seen the first oriole yesterday. Didn't see any on the feeder but there here today. 3 to 4 at a time at the jelly. It's getting more expensive to put out jelly it's up to 2.60 a jar.
Have not seen any hummers yet.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/24, 09:19:52 AM
Well tt, ya never know around here. The U of M is encouraging people to eat bugs!  :doah:

At least 2 Baltimore orioles this a.m. Hard to tell as they're moving from feeder to feeder so quickly. 3 rose-breasted grosbeaks & a catbird to round out the morning. Spotted some ants on the patio, so I put water in the ant guards on the nectar feeders last nite. Looks like Mother Nature topped them off this a.m. Awaiting the arrival of the hummingbirds & orchard orioles.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/24, 09:34:54 AM
As if on cue, the 1st orchard oriole of the season!  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/24, 10:44:50 AM
I think I saw a female red wing blackbird at the feeder yesterday.  Update:  What I saw in the feeder was a cowbird not a red winged blackbird. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/24, 11:26:11 AM
Pretty certain I spotted  a Wren this  morning.  :happy1:

NO boober not her from the #5.  :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/24, 03:20:05 PM
We have a white crowned sparrow at our feeder.  Had to look it up of course.  Nice looking bird. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/24, 03:30:51 PM
I just read that a cowbird can lay 300 eggs a summer since they don't expend energy making a nest as they put the eggs in others nest.  I see there are even a few birds that their population has plummeted due the cowbirds using their nests.  The cowbird babies hatch earlier and they grow faster so the real birds babies get pushed out of nests and killed often. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/24, 03:55:10 PM
We have a white crowned sparrow at our feeder.  Had to look it up of course.  Nice looking bird.

I really like the trifecta (white-throated, white-crowned & Harris's) when they come through every spring. I remember hearing the white-throated sparrows the 1st time when I was kid. We'd fish on Cox Lake near Zerkel & their call was distinctive. Didn't know what they were until I started hearing & seeing them here in early May 20+ years later. Now it's just not spring until we've seen all 3.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/04/24, 06:14:22 PM
In my quest to  get wood to burn, I took a peek in that robin nest under the deck. 3 eggs. Man that didn't take long once the nest was built.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/04/24, 06:30:58 PM
I have heard you talking about the cowbirds before.  I did check out your big three of the sparrow birds too.  We have had two of them now but can't say I have seen the harris sparrow yet this spring.  I am getting better at looking birds up too. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on May 05/04/24, 07:27:25 PM
As if on cue, the 1st orchard oriole of the season!  :happy1:
So my wife goes out to take pictures of her Tulips and scares off our first Oriole ever, and a Cardinal.  :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/04/24, 07:37:51 PM
As if on cue, the 1st orchard oriole of the season!  :happy1:
So my wife goes out to take pictures of her Tulips and scares off our first Oriole ever, and a Cardinal.  :pouty:

bird bath and they will be back, besides the bird feeders!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/04/24, 07:59:30 PM
I’ve got a big flock of Buffleheads on the lake right now. Never seen that here before. Noisy little buggers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/04/24, 08:49:06 PM
As if on cue, the 1st orchard oriole of the season!  :happy1:
So my wife goes out to take pictures of her Tulips and scares off our first Oriole ever, and a Cardinal.  :pouty:

Mike's right. The orioles here put up with an afternoon of Poppy flying out the sliding glass doors chasing squirrels. After a while they just ignored her. They'll be back tomorrow morning bright and early.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/05/24, 04:02:58 PM
1st hummingbird just spotted at the ranch. My Mexican buddy is a good luck charm, especially after we've had a couple beers!👍
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/05/24, 06:58:49 PM
We will get ready.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on May 05/06/24, 08:41:40 AM
      No hummingbirds yet. Have 6 goldfinches at the feeder . Have a few Orioles around.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/06/24, 11:47:58 AM
goldfinches here today!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jrasmussen on May 05/06/24, 01:31:12 PM
How often are you guys changing out the humming bird juice? Still have yet to see one.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/07/24, 05:16:13 AM
I change about once a week or little more. Depends on temperature. If it gets cloudy I change it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/07/24, 06:58:06 AM
Exactly how we operate. Every few weeks I thoroughly clean them as part of the process. Soap & hot water. Run a q-tip thru the ports also to clean the guck out of those while I'm at it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/24, 07:05:28 AM
I got ours out yesterday.  No takers yet.  I soak ours in the sink of hot water when I change water.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/24, 08:23:20 AM
No hummingbirds yet, and only that one oriole.  :confused: :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/07/24, 08:45:53 AM
Saw our first orchard oriole and an Indigo Bunting this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/07/24, 09:05:22 AM
Breaking: just saw a scarlet Tanager. Rare sighting for me.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/24, 10:37:38 AM
Those and a red headed woodpecker?  May you must have some good habitat for them there Roony. Those are some awesome sightings.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/07/24, 10:40:04 AM
Still on hummer watch here.  The tree swallows are loving there bird house.  I made them bigger for them a few years ago.  Sometimes a nuthatch beats them to those houses and then the swallows nest in the martin house.  Never have had a martin in it yet so glad they use it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/07/24, 06:49:32 PM
oh no!!  roony's bird of choice  is back here, wrens!!!  might have to send a few else where...   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/07/24, 06:52:18 PM
Seen my first humminbird!!

Mike don't tell Roony that, he'll wanna move in! :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/08/24, 02:55:22 PM
Those and a red headed woodpecker?  May you must have some good habitat for them there Roony. Those are some awesome sightings.
If you can rid yourself of the dang wrens you'll find that's like opening the door to some desirable songbirds.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/08/24, 03:25:41 PM
had 3 male orioles whilst putzing in the garden at the feeders!!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/08/24, 07:47:57 PM
they showed up here today too!!!    :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/08/24, 08:07:44 PM
Every night when I feed the bottle lamb, these two are perched on the extension cord. They're making progress on a nest already.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/09/24, 07:27:07 AM
Those darn barn swallows are pretty birds but as a kid I hated them diving at me when at my Grandmas.  lol  Well we have a male oriole at the hummer feeder yesterday but no hummers yet.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/09/24, 09:51:29 AM
I've always had a soft spot for barn swallows. Watching them almost effortlessly sweep the lawn and pasture for insects can be almost mesmerizing. Sure, their nests can be messy but they eat a lot of bugs especially flies. They get a pass on the mess as long as they limit their nesting to the barns and granary. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/09/24, 10:10:05 AM
I like to watch the barn swallow dive at cats.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/09/24, 10:32:01 AM
Those darn barn swallows are pretty birds but as a kid I hated them diving at me when at my Grandmas.  lol  Well we have a male oriole at the hummer feeder yesterday but no hummers yet.
I could hear an Oriole this morning when I went out to leave for work. I will get the jelly out today when we get home.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/09/24, 12:19:43 PM
The swallows were in my Grandmas car port nesting between the rafters.  We had to walk through there to get in the house.  They dive bombed the heck out of us kids.  Was pretty funny now that I look back on it. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/09/24, 12:48:05 PM
 :rotflmao: the dive bombing experts where the purple martins..... :confused: mom and dad had a bunch.....holy sheet......... :shocked: :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/09/24, 02:08:52 PM
I saw Barry's faves, the cowbirds, were back over the weekend.

Letting Poppy out at lunchtime when the Mrs. is working is OK but I cuss when I have to feed the bottle lamb. Just as I was starting to get the bottle ready, I spied an odd looking bird with reddish blotches on it. At first I thought it had caught glenn's rash but after looking at the bird longer, I could rule out a cardinal or house finch. Very tanager-esque, but lacking the dark wings of the scarlet tanager & more olive colored between the red blotches. Out of its normal range but it appeared to be a young molting male summer tanager. Others have been seen in MN over the past 5 years. It went from feeder to feeder & settled on grape jelly. A definite first & doubtful I'll see one here again.

My attempts to photograph it were unrewarding. Attached photo from Cornell Lab looks very similar although the one I saw was probably farther along in the molting process. The one here at the ranch was definitely redder.


[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/09/24, 04:18:54 PM
Very cool bird.  We have bright yellow goldfinches now.  Man what a difference.  Oh ya it was in the bird feeder so I say it is on topic.  I got pine squirrel number 8 today.  That is way above the normal 3 or so that we usually get.  I threw it by the fox den when the dogs weren't watching.  At least I don't think they saw what I was doing. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/24, 04:57:38 PM
Saw the tanager yesterday but a no-show today. Appears all the migratory sparrows have moved on. One newbie today: a male pine siskin. They appear from time to time here but no numbers during the snow-free months. Winter irruptions are a different story but it's been a while.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/11/24, 05:26:37 PM
Wren got your Tanager. Bummer
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/11/24, 05:58:24 PM
🤣 :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/11/24, 06:34:41 PM
seen a hummingbird today!!!  it was checking out the apple tree blossoms!!!  and they are really opening now too!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/12/24, 07:57:20 AM
One male and two female cowbirds are here.  Just read up on them.  They used to follow buffalo herds and were called buffalo birds.  Leaving their eggs in other nests allowed them to just stay with the buffalo herd.  Then when buffalo got scarcer and cows were introduced they switched to being with cows, hence now being cowbirds.  They are protected so it is illegal to take their eggs out of nests and of course to kill the birds.  So just let them be seems to be the norm as it has been going on for many decades.  In some areas their favorite bird nests to use, that bird species is becoming scarce.  I don't know what nests they prefer.  It didn't say. For a long time we thought they were female red wing black birds.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on May 05/12/24, 09:48:28 AM
      Saturday, 11:44 AM, our first Ruby Throated hummingbird of the year,
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jrasmussen on May 05/13/24, 03:01:15 PM
So still no humming bird sighting, mentioned it to the wife and she says there was a few orange birds checking it out the other day. So off I went to FF and got a jelly feeder set up. You guys put out fresh oranges too?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/13/24, 03:23:52 PM
So still no humming bird sighting, mentioned it to the wife and she says there was a few orange birds checking it out the other day. So off I went to FF and got a jelly feeder set up. You guys put out fresh oranges too?
some do......i dont....i eat the oranges!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/13/24, 03:24:51 PM
We have put out oranges in the past. Haven't don it for a couple of years. When we had the redheaded wood peckers around they would devour the oranges. After they disappeared seems like the orioles don't eat them as much.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/13/24, 03:25:35 PM
seen it done too, seems not so many do it now
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/13/24, 05:48:11 PM
Lots of colors at the feeders today. House finches and gold finches pushing each other around, an evening grosbeak, an oriole, and a bully grackle. Plus the usual assortment of chickadees, nuthatches, and woodpeckers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/24, 07:16:56 AM
I eat the oranges my self but if we get a bad batch I give them to the birds.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/14/24, 07:30:02 AM
Neighbor said the hummingbirds showed up at his place on Sunday. So, our feeders will go back out as soon as we get back up there, which looks like it might be Thursday. :happy1: :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/14/24, 08:51:39 AM
got to watch a green heron this morning, cool birds!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/14/24, 03:41:58 PM
Had two male rose breasted grosbeaks here today.   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/15/24, 01:30:33 PM
Female orioles must be in nest building mode. When I replenished the feeders this a.m., there were some long, coarse, horse hairs from the mane or tail stuck in the jelly dishes. We don't have any horses but the neighbors do. Also appeared to be some Corgi hair. Don't think Poppy can jump that high so guessing they were picking it out of the backyard after she was brushed. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on May 05/16/24, 08:18:45 PM
Left here late afternoon yesterday and spent the night in the cities. On the way back today a bear crossed the road in front of me just north of Big Sandy. Got back home about 6:30 and planned on filling the bird feeders, but one of them was gone as well as the branch it was suspended from. No sign of it anywhere nearby.   Friggin’ bears—#!%#*#!!!!!!.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/17/24, 07:33:37 AM
The lady at the eye clinic in Bemidji said there are bears all over around there too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on May 05/18/24, 07:14:31 AM
The lady at the eye clinic in Bemidji said there are bears all over around there too.
More than usual?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/18/24, 07:23:51 AM
Put our feeders out 1st thing Thursday morning when we got here & it didn't take long for the hummingbirds to find them. Only seen a couple males so far, when we were over having a little HH with the neighbor yday. :toast:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/24, 07:24:00 AM
Seems like it.  They don't give out as many hunting permits as they used to.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/18/24, 08:41:27 AM
Seems like it.  They don't give out as many hunting permits as they used to.
Nope. Takes 5 years to draw up here now. We had a bear in the yard Sunday night. Seen him on the camera. Walked right over to the bird feeder. Still surprised he left it alone.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/18/24, 08:50:33 AM
No bears here... yet! Put feeders out Thursday when I got Herr, within 5 minutes had Orioles going goofy. Seeing some hummers and a pair of red breasted grosebeak. Driving into the cabin had a scarlet tanager. Haven't seen it since. :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/24, 01:43:58 PM
dragonflies are out!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/18/24, 01:53:26 PM
As we sat on the deck last night the wife got bit by a mosquito. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/18/24, 04:29:11 PM
Had a skeet land on my hand this morning early, never got bit though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/18/24, 04:38:31 PM
They come out here after dark now. Aggressive altho not thick yet like in Canada ~ mid-July. Been hearing them but hadn't seen a toad until this morning. Great big one down by the barn. Guessing it might be one that hangs out down there to cash in on the flies.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on May 05/18/24, 06:43:12 PM
the Minnesota bird!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/19/24, 07:07:48 AM
two orioles here at the hummer feeders.   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/19/24, 07:34:01 AM
Ya, the Orioles are busy her this morning too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/19/24, 08:37:29 AM
While filling birdfeeders, I see the wrens are building a nest in the cheapy gas grill I rarely use. WWRD?  :scratch: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/19/24, 09:28:37 AM
Saw a pair of Red Headed Woodpeckers just now. They must be nesting here someplace. Hope the wrens don't get them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/20/24, 08:10:32 AM
It never fails to amaze me how perceptive birds are. They notice the new grape jelly and other feed almost as soon as you put it out. Their eyesight is incredible.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on May 05/20/24, 09:57:13 AM
Still have one junco that must not have got the memo. When they fly, they have the distinctive white border on both sides of the tail. Noticed it yesterday & got close enough to positively ID it this a.m.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/24, 01:54:57 PM
Hummingbirds are bat sh!t crazy up here. Haven't seen the Orioles for a few days,  :pouty: don't have a feeder to accommodate them.  Have 3 pair of red breastfed grosbeaks.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jrasmussen on May 05/21/24, 04:36:28 PM
The Humming birds were crazy up on Bowstring this weekend too. Almost hit my buddy in the head a couple times while sitting on the deck.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/21/24, 07:48:13 PM
Pretty crazy,  I mean lime there's like 5 hummingbirds feeders out,  doing up the dishes I had 7 hoovering around the same one! :crazy: :rotflmao:

Kinda like Gunner55 and  John at Inger !! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :surrender: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jrasmussen on May 05/22/24, 07:46:10 AM
Well you don't want to be last  :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on May 05/23/24, 09:00:01 PM
Good friggin gawd... :confused: :crazy: the hummingbirds are crazy up here.. 5 feeders out and I'm filling at leastv1 a day.    :doofus:  it's like the first of the  month at the welfare line! :shocked:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on May 05/23/24, 09:08:15 PM
  :cry:          :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on May 05/25/24, 07:49:14 AM
Have an oriole going at it on our suet cake.  Must need more grape jelly. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on May 05/25/24, 07:55:02 AM
I need to refill the hummingbird feeder again. When the wind whips off of the lake it shakes it empty. And put out more jelly.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on May 05/25/24, 10:18:38 AM
Got a hen turkey that has been pecking away under the feeders. I threw an ear of corn there and she really goes after that!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/04/24, 10:57:36 AM
Stumbled across 40# of black oil sunflower for $14.99 at FF yesterday. Cardinal has been singing his heart out every day so didn't want to run out. Orioles can sing but nothin' like this dude.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jrasmussen on June 06/05/24, 01:49:42 PM
Had a bird about the size of the orioles but it was brown/grey body and had a crimson colored head. The female had a darker color and the head seemed black almost, didn't get a real good look at them. Can't recall seeing them before and they were on the jelly feeder. Anyone have an idea what it might have been?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/06/24, 08:59:07 AM
Could they be cowbirds?  We had a wren sitting on the new deck addition railing the other day.  Was thinking of you Roony.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:  It may have a nest in the pellet heater exhaust tube again.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/06/24, 09:18:39 AM
I was thinking possibly cowbird too Barry. Sometimes the way the light catches their feathers, especially on a sunny day, they look different.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/06/24, 10:58:07 AM
I just had what I think was a dingy looking female oriole just going to town on the suet feeder.  Hung around for a few minutes too.  I don't think I have ever seen an oriole on it before.  ???
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jrasmussen on June 06/06/24, 11:10:08 AM
I got another look at it yesterday, I think it was just a house finch. I dismissed the idea of it being one since I thought it was to dark of red.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/10/24, 07:40:03 AM
seen the first baby robins this morning!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/10/24, 09:25:28 AM
Looks like the neighbors must've had a good hatch of house sparrows, again. A-holes brought their young & are monopolizing the sunflower & jelly feeders. Usually let the one sunflower feeder they really like to run out. They seem to go elsewhere for a while anyway. Need to get my sparrow trap operational & see if we can thin the herd. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on June 06/10/24, 10:49:19 AM
Are you sure they're not wrens?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/10/24, 11:00:03 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/15/24, 11:30:06 AM
Had to go a little redneck on the robins this year. For some reason, they have been trying to nest on the lights under the porch....

G gave me some dove decoys that the wings spin.... They did the trick  :rotflmao:

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/24/24, 06:26:48 PM
 :pouty: without really knowing what the hell, walking to the house i got bombed by a robin. then i noticed a baby laying in my landscape rock.  i left it alone not sure what was going to happen. later i found another in the grass. well.......now i buried them they were dead.  :doah: bummer.

i got f@$%^&* starlings cleaning out my mealworm feeder.  :angry2: :confused: not even the wrens chase them away!!! :rotflmao: taking it down for a while!!!! :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/24/24, 06:35:04 PM
I hope there's a special place in hell for those fools who brought house sparrows and starlings over here then released them.  :mad1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on June 06/24/24, 06:53:17 PM
We slowed down on the Bird feeding, one because we are infested with grackles and redwings... and bears... so no more suet till winter....

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on June 06/24/24, 06:59:21 PM
We slowed down on the Bird feeding, one because we are infested with grackles and redwings... and bears... so no more suet till winter....


future bear dinner!!!   :happy1: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on June 06/25/24, 08:26:33 AM
Great video HD.  I need to figure out how to do the youtube thing.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/25/24, 09:30:35 AM
datz a really big skurrel!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on June 06/30/24, 01:17:14 PM
Orioles and just about everything else eating the jelly these days. Still have a fair number of goldfinches on the thistle feeders. Because of the goldfinch's diet, almost strictly seeds including to their young, they'll starve young cowbirds out of their nest because they can't survive on seeds. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on June 06/30/24, 01:56:20 PM
Orioles and just about everything else eating the jelly these days. Still have a fair number of goldfinches on the thistle feeders. Because of the goldfinch's diet, almost strictly seeds including to their young, they'll starve young cowbirds out of their nest because they can't survive on seeds.
i noticed that as well.......but i dont go through alot of thistle seeds.....just dont have many goldfinches.

did notice those starlings like to stop by to check if the mealworm feeder is back........sucks to be them!!!!!  :tut: :rotflmao:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on July 07/02/24, 10:22:33 AM
These two came out in the front yard yesterday afternoon. I magnified as much as I could but they’re still kinda hard to see. Plus I had to keep the dog from seeing them and taking off.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on July 07/02/24, 04:14:24 PM
I bought these from Menards and posted them on the side of the Gnome garden.... not sure what they are, but the hummingbird's love them....I only payed $5 per hanging pot, so I thought it was a good buy.

Any idea what type of flower? They weren't marked, so I have no idea...

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/02/24, 04:19:37 PM
i'm no where near a flower expert........maybe begonia's????!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/02/24, 04:44:25 PM
I have seen them before.  Pretty flowers.  $5 heck of a deal.  They are kind of like a petunia.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on July 07/02/24, 04:52:50 PM
Had a hawk grab a bird at our suet feeder. I'm not sure what bird it was it all happened so fast. Hope it wasn't the red headed woodpecker.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/02/24, 04:59:49 PM
Darn that would be a shame. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/02/24, 06:46:08 PM
Catalina® Midnight Blue Torenia

just a guess
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/02/24, 07:12:47 PM
Think ya nailed it mikey. I was gonna phone a friend but ya beat me to it. Kinda nice plants the way it looks. Can tolerate partial shade. Think it's the same plant the wife replaced the portulaca that the bunnies devoured with. :happy1:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/04/24, 04:05:47 PM
Haven't seen Orioles in about 2 weeks, so when this jar of jelly is gone, nothing the juice and jelly feeders are coming down and wasp traps are going up
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on July 07/04/24, 04:42:44 PM
We get a lot of Orioles at the cabin, just few around here. But I'm filling these feeders daily with all the other birds ( too many kinds to list) that I'm surprised they can still fly they chow so much. Although a Coopers Hawk dropped by today, not a bird to be seen for a spell.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/12/24, 05:53:26 AM
So on Sunday morning I seen a redhead wood pecker in our bird feeder. Been a couple of years. We use to have a pair of them here for 6-7 years and they would bring their babies to the feeder later in the summer. Well, that pair loved the oranges I would put out. One of them would rap on the top of the bird feeder in the morning until I brought out a new orange half for them. Had me trained I guess. So I picked a orange Monday. The redhead was back last night again. It went for the grape jelly. Not sure if it is into the orange yet. Hoping it sticks around.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/12/24, 08:07:05 AM
I haven't seen one of them in years.  How cool to see one JB.  You and Roony have all the red headed woodpeckers.  Would love to even see a pic of them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on July 07/12/24, 08:18:39 AM
Neighbor has a Pileated woodpecker visit regularly over there, but I haven't seen him here. One year we had a pair of em. :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/12/24, 09:11:16 AM
They are fun.  We have them here but haven't seen on for a few weeks.  I like their noises. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on July 07/14/24, 09:13:27 PM
The Redhead has been here every day now for the last week. Sure like the grape jelly. Have been trying to get a picture, but takes off before I can.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/15/24, 09:06:16 AM
Finally got around to cleaning out the hummingbird feeders after letting them go a lot longer than I normally do. Pretty disgusting but I ran them thru a deep clean so hopefully that'll hold them for the week. When it was raining all the time, it kept the ant moats full of water and they stayed pretty clean. Tough to keep up on the jelly too. With all the various species feeding on it these days they can blow thru more than 2 qts. a week here. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on July 07/24/24, 10:22:37 AM
Have had a lot of rose breasted grosbeaks here lately.  They like sunflower seeds.  So yesterday I am watching and a nuthatch was feeding.  Here comes a young male grosbeak.  He is feeding and the nuthatch was having a fit. The nuthatch had his wings spread and was moving back and forth trying to scare the grosbeak.  Didn't bother the grosbeak a bit.  He just kept feeding and watching the nuthatch.  Funny as heck.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/24/24, 11:21:43 AM
i thought last week i seen a juvenile male grosbeak here at home on one of the feeders!. :scratch: dont get them here at home.

see them at the cabin all the time. they like wooded areas!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on July 07/24/24, 11:33:12 AM
Have had grosbeaks here most of the summer. Looks like there are some young ones occasionally at the sunflower feeders.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on July 07/24/24, 06:03:40 PM
      I haven't seen our Baltimore Orioles lately.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on July 07/24/24, 06:52:00 PM
      I haven't seen our Baltimore Orioles lately.
haven't seen them in close to a month. par for the course here.......i put those feeders away!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on July 07/24/24, 06:55:23 PM
We are still feeding them a lot of grape jelly. I'm thinking some of them are young ones.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on July 07/24/24, 07:13:10 PM
      I haven't seen our Baltimore Orioles lately.

had some at the bird bath lately... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/01/24, 11:01:06 AM
Still seeing some orioles here at the jelly feeder daily, both Baltimore & orchard types. Not the numbers we saw 7 - 10 days ago however. Also have catbirds frequently. Saw the first hummingbird in a while on the feeder outside the oval office. Haven't been as many this summer here as some years. They don't pull the sugar water down very fast. Suspect that'll change as August wears on. The cannas by the well are about to start flowering so that should keep them occupied. Plenty of morning glories too.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on August 08/01/24, 01:02:25 PM
We only have a couple hummingbirds here this year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/01/24, 01:51:26 PM
Seeing orioles yet up here to. Also still seeing the Redhead in the seed feeder every night.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/01/24, 02:20:38 PM
Seeing orioles yet up here to. Also still seeing the Redhead in the seed feeder every night.
:sleazy: is thats redhead HOT!!!!!! :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao:

LPS wanted to know!!!!!! :doah: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/01/24, 03:29:14 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/02/24, 05:13:48 AM
Sure is.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/25/24, 08:13:22 AM
We have had 1 grackle visiting the feeder the last 2 days.  Hope all of his buddies don't show up now.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/26/24, 09:16:52 AM
We have had 1 grackle visiting the feeder the last 2 days.  Hope all of his buddies don't show up now.
We have a few of his buddies at our place.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/26/24, 05:51:27 PM
Haven't cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders since I got back from Crop Tour so need to do that. They're sure busy on the cannas, petunias, salvia, and numerous other flowering plants. Will also put out some of the remaining cheap jelly in case there are any oriole stragglers about. Time to refill the sunflower feeders too. A few goldfinches around the thistle feeders but they're hanging out in the CREP acreage as the composite family plants come online, producing the seeds they like.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/27/24, 07:06:22 PM
the past few days the hummingbird's have really been nonstop busy here..... is winter coming LPS!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

unfortunately so have them friggin flies!!!!!!!!! training-087 training-087 :taz:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on August 08/27/24, 07:43:10 PM
I have to clean my hummer feeder tomorrow too.  Got cloudy fast this time. Done with the 90's Glenn.   :sleazy:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/27/24, 09:00:02 PM
Put some jelly out last nite. Thought I heard an oriole just before that but didn't see one. Something ate some of it. Numerous suspects including squirrels. Lotsa hummingbirds showing up. Cleaned and refilled the hummer feeders tonite. My gawd the mosquitoes are awful here! They're small and don't waste time. They land and bite, lots of them! Worst of all I've brought some of them back inside with me. Little pricks! :angry:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on August 08/28/24, 05:44:20 AM
Lots of hummingbirds here too. Orioles were really hammering the jelly. But that really slowed the last couple of days now. Wonder if they are starting to move southward.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on August 08/28/24, 07:16:42 AM
Just cleaned & put fresh in our hummingbird feeders in the last 2-3 days too. The 1 out front by the dock steps gets hit a lot harder so I keep a close eye on it. The flies been bad here too since late last week, even tough to go out in shorts for very long. :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/28/24, 09:09:25 AM
Heard an oriole while I was doing chores this a.m. and sure enough, there was a fully colored male on the feeder when I came back in the house. Usually Labor Day marks about the end of their stay at the ranch. Didn't see the hummers but am pretty sure they're out there. Will refill the sunflower feeders tonite & see what shows up. Are some chickadees, nuthatches, house finches and blue jays hanging around. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on August 08/28/24, 09:19:16 AM
Just cleaned & put fresh in our hummingbird feeders in the last 2-3 days too. The 1 out front by the dock steps gets hit a lot harder so I keep a close eye on it. The flies been bad here too since late last week, even tough to go out in shorts for very long. :pouty:
wow........they moved in fast.........i couldnt believe how bug free it was when i was up there last week!!!!!!!! my kid is going to be there over the long weekend......it'll be interesting to see what he encounters!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on August 08/31/24, 02:44:40 PM
Nice breeze here today so the bugs are having a tough time navigating. Hummers aren't. They're all over the place. Lots of orioles of all ages coming through. Got about one more fill of the cruddy jelly left for them so bought a jar of the good stuff for us. We'll share with them if need be.  :cool: Hasn't been near the activity at the sunflower feeders that I thought there might be altho I did see a female cardinal back again today.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/02/24, 12:00:41 PM
Still orioles here today. Made a swing thru town so got another jar of the cheap jelly that was on sale. Even if they don't eat it all, it'll keep just fine until they return next spring. Hummingbirds are having a blast, going from feeder to feeder and flower to flower then chasing each other all over the yard. Sure fun to watch.  :cool:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/02/24, 01:40:59 PM
Hummers are still busy here.  We now have 2 grackles.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on September 09/02/24, 04:58:26 PM
Not birds, but while I uncovered the boat I had three otters popping their heads up out of the water within about 10 feet.  The dog was going crazy, and I thought he might jump in. They hung around for about 10 minutes, popping up to watch and then slipping under only to do it again.  Fun to watch.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/02/24, 05:19:48 PM
Very cool.  Haven't see on in a long time.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/02/24, 06:23:29 PM
Not birds, but while I uncovered the boat I had three otters popping their heads up out of the water within about 10 feet.  The dog was going crazy, and I thought he might jump in. They hung around for about 10 minutes, popping up to watch and then slipping under only to do it again.  Fun to watch.

they sure are!!

sitting outside a while ago I see a humming bird race up to my USMC flag, bright red, and suddenly stop and look at it..  tuned real fast and went to the apple and work over an apple!!   fun to watch..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on September 09/03/24, 06:24:31 PM
Not a bird, but under the bird feeders.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/04/24, 05:36:41 AM
Still lots of hummingbirds here yet. The orioles seem to have disappeared here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/04/24, 09:21:16 AM
Didn't see an oriole this a.m. but thought I heard one during chores. Won't be long and they're gone. Hundreds of swallows have been grouping up on the electric lines across the road from the ranch daily. Flying insect pests have been taking a hit between them, the large barn spiders and toads. Some particularly large toads, about as wide as they are long, hopping around the barn recently hunting for flies. Fun to watch them pick them off.

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Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on September 09/04/24, 04:54:26 PM
Not birds but the dragonflies have sure been thick here lately.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/04/24, 06:08:41 PM
We had a lot of them this last weekend too.  Some blue ones and some purple ones.  Mosquito hawks.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/04/24, 06:46:34 PM
anyone else?????? i dont recall seeing any robins lately. i usually have them cleaning out the mealworms in the feeder, but not lately! :doah: :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/04/24, 06:55:29 PM
yer right not seeing them much...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on September 09/04/24, 07:59:23 PM
They’re still around here, but not as plentiful as a while back. I’ve been spreading grass seed over some pretty big areas and keeping it watered, so they are finding some easy pickins for mealtime.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/05/24, 08:55:12 AM
Had a robin in the birdbath this a.m. but otherwise haven't heard or seen much out of them. There was still an oriole here this a.m. holed up in the Norway maple. Leaves are so thick you couldn't see him but could hear him. The jelly hasn't been disappearing as fast as it was a few days ago.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/06/24, 03:54:20 PM
Did see an oriole late yesterday afternoon & still heard one chattering last nite. Filled the jelly feeder one more time as it was getting down there again. Haven't seen or heard any today. Some robins around the yard. Guessing they're part of what's pecking holes in the apples.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on September 09/06/24, 07:02:07 PM
      Less of several birds. Robins, finches, Orioles and hummingbirds. Tiss that time of r.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on September 09/06/24, 07:03:51 PM
      Not a bird but, we saw no big orb weaver spiders this year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/07/24, 08:20:21 AM
We haven't seen a lot of robins this year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/07/24, 09:10:39 AM
      Not a bird but, we saw no big orb weaver spiders this year.
come to think about it, I haven't seen my pet spiders in my garage either??? :scratch:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/07/24, 09:25:14 AM
I could mail you some large barn spiders... :coffee: Haven't seen any of the golden garden spiders when out & about. Wet weather has affected a lot of spiders & insects negatively, including some crop inect pests such as rootworms as well as backyard pests like boxelder bugs.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/07/24, 09:31:19 AM
We haven't seen a lot of robins this year.
We have a pair that nests here every Spring, but I haven't seen any lately. They usually have a nest on the light fixture at the peak of the east side of the garage.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/07/24, 09:36:35 AM
Our annual nest in the boxelder didn't happen this year. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/07/24, 09:37:06 AM
I did hear a robin the other day. Did see one also. But that's been it. Feeders are busy
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/07/24, 09:44:48 AM
Looked like we had about the usual robin numbers here this spring & summer but once the second brood fledged, they didn't hang around long after that. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/08/24, 04:30:49 PM
One lone oriole yet this morning. Looked like an immature female possibly. 🤔
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/08/24, 04:46:34 PM
The male Goldfinches have lost most of there color, looks like a pile of females nowadays.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/10/24, 08:25:15 AM
Just cleaned & refilled both our HB feeders in the last 2-3 days, so they must still be around here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on September 09/10/24, 05:33:13 PM
      I saw five killdeer in our backyard Tuesday afternoon. Isn't that a Moody Blues song?
      Anyway, I got to go look it up to see where the killdeer around these parts migrate too. Pretty sure the migrate. Not many hummingbirds lately, though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/10/24, 06:30:41 PM
Had to look it up too to see where they go. I know they don't hang around over winter here. Not a bad idea actually... :coffee:

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/11/24, 09:59:49 AM
Hummingbirds were on a tear yesterday. There's a passel of them here right now. As fast as they're whipping around the yard it's hard to tell just how many there are. They emptied 2 out of the 3 nectar feeders yesterday so cleaned & refilled those. They were squeaking at me as I was putting the feeders back up. When they're not on the nectar feeders they're hitting the cannas, 4 o'clocks, salvia, petunias impatiens, and other assorted flowers. Looks like the orioles have gone for good. 

But wait, there's more! Saw an oriole picking away at the jelly feeder just now at lunchtime. Put a few more tablespoons worth in it so they can help themselves.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jrasmussen on September 09/12/24, 11:44:44 AM
I almost put the humming bird feeder away. I haven't seen one in a while. I don't spend a lot of time watching the feeder so maybe I am missing a few.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on September 09/12/24, 11:58:46 AM
It isn't safe to step outside here with all hummers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/12/24, 12:14:35 PM
Maybe ours have moved down to you guys.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on September 09/12/24, 12:18:22 PM
Little buzz saws.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/12/24, 02:57:14 PM
I just seen a hummer at our place on Tuesday.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on September 09/12/24, 05:15:46 PM
Lots of flickers around. We’ve got some pretty big bare spots from a landscaping project and they are really going after the ants that are scattered everywhere.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/13/24, 03:53:41 PM
Just spied another oriole! I might get rid of the last of that icky cheap grape jelly yet. That way I won't be tempted to eat it if I run out of the good stuff...🫐🍞
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/13/24, 03:58:45 PM
I still haven't seen a hummer for days.  ???
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/14/24, 08:40:21 AM
I was just watching  a hummer on the feeder this morning. Still one anyway.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/14/24, 08:43:15 AM
Most years we have at least one till it gets cold out.  I wonder if they found natural things around here that they like?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/14/24, 08:44:35 AM
Or they are just sneaky.  ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/14/24, 08:45:45 AM
That could be too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on September 09/14/24, 04:06:06 PM
I still haven't seen a hummer for days.  ???
I haven't seen a hummer in years....oops, wrong thread....  :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on September 09/14/24, 06:18:31 PM
I think those hummers have become extinct.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on September 09/14/24, 07:30:46 PM
They got et.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/14/24, 09:50:46 PM
Was still an oriole here on the jelly feeder this afternoon. Refill it one more time & the jar will be empty.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/16/24, 09:09:20 AM
Didn't see one yesterday but this morning there was an oriole on the jelly feeder around sunrise. It didn't stay long but there was no doubt about what appeared to be a young male.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/17/24, 08:53:08 AM
had a hummingbird or 2 around yet!!!! but when that juice is done.........so are the feeders!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/17/24, 04:41:57 PM
 :scratch: Thought I seen a robin out here today.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/17/24, 06:41:48 PM
:scratch: Thought I seen a robin out here today.

HH all ready!!!!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/17/24, 11:19:22 PM
 :tut: Nope, FBI was about 1/2 over before I had me a lemonade with some horsepower.  ;) :smiley:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/18/24, 05:36:50 AM
I like lemonade with horse power too. Usually Tittos. Sometimes I will put Crown Royal Peech in pink lemonade too. I call those Peech flamingos.  ;)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/18/24, 04:25:13 PM
sheez you guys!!!!!! :pouty: :surrender: back on topic!!!!! :sleazy: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

hummingbird feeders are cleaned and ready to get put away tomorrow!!!!!!

this is a Union operation........4;30 and clocking out of work stuff fer the day!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/18/24, 08:45:49 PM
sheez you guys!!!!!! :pouty: :surrender: back on topic!!!!! :sleazy: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

hummingbird feeders are cleaned and ready to get put away tomorrow!!!!!!

this is a Union operation........4;30 and clocking out of work stuff fer the day!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
:confused: What you mean? A flamingo is a bird.  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/19/24, 07:15:33 AM
I will clean and put ours away today too. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/19/24, 11:47:27 AM
I should refill our hummingbird feeders again. There are still a lot of them zooming around the yard yet. Lots of flowers still in bloom even if I didn't but there's already sugar water mixed up for them. May as well use it. More room for tonic syrup & club soda in the fridge that way... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on September 09/19/24, 12:38:49 PM
... but there's already sugar water mixed up for them. May as well use it. ... :coffee:
Simple Syrup!  :happy1: :toast: :tequila;
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on September 09/19/24, 07:31:16 PM
I took ours down and warshed them up today. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on September 09/20/24, 05:39:11 AM
Taking ours down tomorrow and washing it. Been a couple days now since I have seen a hummingbird here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/20/24, 08:26:37 AM
Thought about that here yday too, as it's probably been a week since I seen 1. I did see 3-4 robins again.........................& it was ~ 8-8:30.....................so no HH.......................mike.  :tut: :rolleyes:      ;) :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/20/24, 08:34:31 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/20/24, 09:40:25 AM
Emptied, cleaned & refilled the hummingbird feeders last nite. They had pulled them down so there wasn't much to dump. Speaking of robins, they've been flocking to the birdbath on their way thru. Looks like lots of young ones with speckled breasts. The nannyberries are ripening and they're picking them as fast as they can. The bottom of the birdbath is covered with nannyberry pits when I go to refill it.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Leech~~ on September 09/20/24, 12:45:10 PM
What I'm seening is hummers still going to my wife's flowers but have stopped coming to the feeder. Maybe they get better stuff for their long flight from flowers?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/20/24, 01:27:57 PM
Gotta be climate change related... :bs:  :rolleyes:

Could be something to do with the flowers I suppose. Just gawked out the window here & they go to any of the 3 feeders, chase each other around, go to any of the numerous flowers, chase each other around some more, rinse & repeat. Thought about mixing the sugar water blend 3:1 but left it at 4:1 for now. Can use up what I have mixed then spike the next batch. Could put that in a couple feeders to see if they hit those harder.

Multi-colored Asian lady beetles are starting to build up on the side of the house. They're running out of soft bodied insects to eat so time to annoy the crap out of us for 6 or 7 months.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/20/24, 02:56:01 PM
Haven't seen the bettles yet, and totally surprised I haven't seen them effin box elder bugs.... yet! :confused:

But it's still early, I suspect once harvesting starts...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/20/24, 03:12:33 PM
Haven't seen the bettles yet, and totally surprised I haven't seen them effin box elder bugs.... yet! :confused:

But it's still early, I suspect once harvesting starts...

same here
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on September 09/20/24, 03:58:38 PM
Haven't seen the bettles yet, and totally surprised I haven't seen them effin box elder bugs.... yet! :confused:

But it's still early, I suspect once harvesting starts...
Yep, I'd imagine once harvest starts,  it's seems those nice warm days in October those Beatles are everywhere. Not sure what's going on, I refilled my bird feeders every other day for months. Once the last week, even with the nice temps you think they took off already?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/21/24, 11:03:17 AM
Put our hummer feeders away this morning.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on September 09/23/24, 08:20:06 AM
Put our hummer feeders away this morning.
We had only one hummingbird at our feeder yesterday. We'll probably leave ours out till close to freeze time just in case there are any late stragglers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/26/24, 09:30:48 AM
Saw no hummingbirds this morning when I was refilling the ant moats on their feeders. Think I'll empty the stuff that's in them & replace it with what's in the fridge in case there are some that happen by. Supposed to stay warm until Tuesday. There are still lots of flowers they like yet too. Robins continue to bathe in the birdbath daily so it needs to be emptied & refilled each morning. They can really make the water fly when they get in there. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/27/24, 07:02:47 AM
From my seat in the oval office, I spied a hummingbird at tge feeder outside the window. They aren't gone yet... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/27/24, 07:06:38 AM
From my seat in the oval office, I spied a hummingbird at tge feeder outside the window. They aren't gone yet... :coffee:
hope they can't see in... they could make record time to mexico. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on September 09/27/24, 07:13:20 AM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on September 09/27/24, 07:36:21 AM
I didn't count 'em but it looks like our robins sent out some invitations to their friends as I think we had 6-8 of 'em here yday........................................morning. ;) :smiley: Mike.............. :tut:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/27/24, 12:23:41 PM
From my seat in the oval office, I spied a hummingbird at tge feeder outside the window. They aren't gone yet... :coffee:
hope they can't see in... they could make record time to mexico. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Ya, they were probably wondering what I was putting in that priority mail container... :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/28/24, 09:50:12 AM
No hummers here this a.m., feathered or otherwise... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on September 09/28/24, 09:54:07 AM
Been 3 days here
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on September 09/28/24, 09:58:58 AM
cant speak for hummers.....of either kind!!!! :rotflmao: put my feeders away a while back. but have noticed a significant downturns at the other bird feeders too!!! and there isnt alot of others in the neighborhood that feed birds!!!! :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on September 09/28/24, 10:33:50 AM
Been 3 days here

At least you still have the hummingbirds... :coffee:

I cleaned & refilled their 3 feeders last nite. I used up the last of the 4:1 sugar water mix & filled one of the feeders with a  3:1 blend. Watered all the planters, 4 o'clocks & cannas too. No excuses for going hungry should they happen by. Appears to be lots of warblers in their fall attire here today. No time to sit and watch them but given their shape & size, that's probably who they are. Did see a brown creeper earlier. Lord knows there are bugs of all kinds to eat here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/08/24, 08:52:21 AM
sure dont have many birds around!!!!!! :pouty: but i got an effin red squirrel on the feeder out front.  :angry2: :angry2: :fudd: cant shoot the little fudder mucker!!!! :confused: livin in town and a few neighbors i wouldnt trust any further then i can throw them!!! :pouty:

i've had a live trap set under the feeder for 4 days....never see it on the ground!!!!!!!! so, sincei dont have many birds at the moment.....taking the feeder down.......mayhaps he'll move on!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/08/24, 10:55:14 AM
I looked out the window this a.m. to see the oriole/hummer feeder had been knocked down sometime between yesterday a.m. & this morning. Sure enough, the ground is so hard, the glass was smashed to pieces. I didn't happen to look at it last nite when I got home around dusk. It either fell victim to one of the a-hole squirrels yesterday or a raccoon overnite. There was a huge raccoon schmucked in the road just down the hill from the house this morning so wonder if that wasn't the culprit. Took the other 2 hummer feeders down. Will replace them with suet feeders soon. Plenty of flowers yet should any stray hummingbirds happen by.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on October 10/11/24, 11:05:14 AM
A few goldfinches showing up. All their yellow coloration appears to be gone. Was watching one from the backside on the birdbath this a.m. Until I got a side view wasn't positive just who it was. See between the squirrels, blue jays & red-bellied woodpeckers they went thru the partial ears of corn I put out for them a few days ago. Can restock that when I go home at lunchtime & let Poppy out. Squirrels need some exercise.  :coffee: 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on October 10/14/24, 03:48:19 PM
Yep still alotta Goldfinches here also Dotch,  but they all look the same color wise. Late Saturday afternoon the Grackles were thick here, none today but the red wing black birds showed up with a junco bouncing around under the feeders.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/14/24, 06:49:25 PM
seen a robin earlier today!!   was surprised to see it.. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/14/24, 06:54:16 PM
seen a robin earlier today!!   was surprised to see it..
was batman with!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :doah:

 :sorry: .Just before da vodka talking! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/14/24, 07:22:53 PM
no vodka here, unless it's a bloody Mary!!   been a long time since I had one!!   thanks for the reminder!!! 

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on October 10/25/24, 07:02:26 PM
Lot's of peckers here lately....
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on October 10/25/24, 07:11:52 PM
seen more latley also!!!!!1 even a red headed one.........havent seen him all year!!!!!!

robins around to.....just watched 4 by the bird bath frolicking around........ havent seen morning doves in a while though!!!!! :scratch: :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on October 10/25/24, 07:18:32 PM
doves are around here... 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on October 10/25/24, 07:35:02 PM
Hate those nasty little peckers. They really raise hell with my redwood siding. Never have found a long term cure or repellent.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on October 10/25/24, 07:47:47 PM
I've been hearing, seeing robins flit thru in the morning.  No big flocks though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/14/24, 06:10:36 PM
A couple bluebirds on the birdbath this afternoon. Hope they liked what they saw. Need to focus on getting their houses back in order. Maybe with my plans to slow down at work, I can start getting to some of those projects that I really care about rather than some people's BS that I don't.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/15/24, 05:41:07 PM
Yes!! :rocker; :blues brothers: :dancinred: haven't filled the bird feeders at the cabin since yogi and booboo visited.  Filled them up earlier this week.

Got da flying squirrels back! Hot dignity dogg! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/15/24, 05:50:41 PM
I came back from Waseca earlier this afternoon and saw 9 swans feeding in a corn field 3 miles to our north. I'm sure there was plenty of corn on the ground but this field also had a cover crop of some kind greening up. Not positive what they were eating but they looked pretty content.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/15/24, 06:03:01 PM
The other afternoon I was sitting inside looking out and all of a sudden one of the feeders started swinging hard with finches going every direction.  Turns out some sorta rapter dive bombed em, last I seen it was about a foot behind a finch then disappeared around the house. Pretty sure the little guy didn't make it...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/16/24, 10:48:07 AM
Seeing more goldfinches earlier this morning. Just squashed a female mosquito in the house a few minutes ago. Refilled the sunflower feeders & put out some new ear corn last nite. Not much activity now with the wind speed increasing.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/28/24, 11:43:58 AM
After cleaning & refilling feeders this a.m., about a half dozen huge blue jays & a smattering of smaller birds today. Mostly chickadees, a few goldfinches, hairies,  downies, nuthatches, & juncos.Thought maybe we'd see more activity but just happy they aren't going hungry.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on November 11/28/24, 06:14:24 PM
Before we went to Turkey day at my daughter's house, I checked the back yard....

That ain't no Turkey!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/28/24, 06:25:56 PM
Peacock.  There friggin cool birds!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/28/24, 06:46:33 PM
very interesting crew he running or flying with!!!  that is cool to see!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/29/24, 10:47:39 AM
That is pretty cool. One of the neighbor's or is it just living on the loose?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on November 11/29/24, 11:37:55 AM
That is pretty cool. One of the neighbor's or is it just living on the loose?
It's running loose. About 5 miles away I seen a mating pair on the gravel road.... but that was 3 years ago. I heard that they are as bad as Guinea hens (hard to keep penned up)
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on November 11/29/24, 12:35:23 PM
and they are very loud!!!   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on November 11/30/24, 07:20:17 AM
I posted the video on the community Fartbook page and they said that there is more than one and they have been on the run for over 6 months
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on November 11/30/24, 08:11:51 AM
I posted the video on the community Fartbook page and they said that there is more than one and they have been on the run for over 6 months
:scratch: maybe it Identifies as a turkey??? :rolleyes:

on the other hand.........that thing would make a pretty mount!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on November 11/30/24, 08:16:13 AM
That's cool stuff HD, especially on the run. We use to see some just outside of Lake Lillian,  they were free to roam but musta always went back to a coop or something.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on November 11/30/24, 09:48:20 AM
I posted the video on the community Fartbook page and they said that there is more than one and they have been on the run for over 6 months
:scratch: maybe it Identifies as a turkey??? :rolleyes:

Must be brotherhood Union thing.....  :whistling:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on November 11/30/24, 10:07:36 AM
On our overnite car cruise to the casino in Black River Falls last fall, we noticed a bunch of bird crap in front of our cars in the parking lot the next morning. Upon closer inspection, there were some guinea feathers interspersed with it. When we inquired about it at the desk they laughed. There was a roving band of guineas running wild in the area. Everyone locally was trying to catch them but to no avail. Raising guineas growing up, we had a hard time keeping them around. They'd just disappear from time to time & never return. Always figured they probably wound up being lunch for a fox.  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/03/24, 03:21:35 PM
topped off the feeders that needed it. good amount of activity with the redpolls and a few other assorted birds. still have Junco's around  :scratch: though they'd be already southbound by now.

while i was throwing the training dummy for shadow had a sizeable flock of ducks headed south......
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on December 12/03/24, 06:59:34 PM
hundreds of swans still around here...   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/04/24, 10:02:39 AM
 :rotflmao: poor birds are having a  heck of a time hanging on the feeders! :huh:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on December 12/04/24, 04:03:21 PM
This guy came in to check out the bird feeders...

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/04/24, 04:15:50 PM
This guy came in to check out the bird feeders...

pretty awesome......thats a damn big skurrel!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

when i got back from st cloud i went around the house to the patio door to go in the house because the wind would rip the screen door out of your hands. found a dead cardinal !!!! :confused: :doah: :embarrassed: looked like the same one that was on the feeder earlier!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on December 12/04/24, 04:30:35 PM
Nice one!  The sunflower shells are blowing out of the feeder nicely. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/17/24, 03:18:34 PM
not much for bird activity here at the homestead. an occasional cardinal, some woodpeckers going after the beef suet and my peanut butter/sunflower feeder. mostly redpols here.

at the cabin..... after the 2nd day.....birds finally found it again.......been 6 weeks. woodpeckers and redpols mostly. 1 morning i had 3 black skurrels and 6 grays chasing each other around!!! didnt see the flying skurrels however......... bummer!!!

at deer hunting i brought up 4 dog food bags of the 50 lb variety stuff with maple leaves and dumped them back behind one of our sheds.....went to look when i got up there, the deer had that pile just trashed and gone!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on December 12/17/24, 04:30:07 PM
I’ve got a gang of bluejays hanging around this year. They knock a lot of food off the feeder and push out the smaller birds. I might suspend feeding for a while to see if they move on.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on December 12/17/24, 04:36:27 PM
Saw a Robin yesterday. I dont believe I've ever seen one out here this late in the year. In town yes but not out here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/17/24, 04:47:21 PM
I’ve got a gang of bluejays hanging around this year. They knock a lot of food off the feeder and push out the smaller birds. I might suspend feeding for a while to see if they move on.
yea them damn things! :angry2: :angry2: :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on December 12/17/24, 09:10:01 PM
Saw a Robin yesterday. I dont believe I've ever seen one out here this late in the year. In town yes but not out here.

There is a flock of them up here too.   Not sure if they are crazy or if they think spring is coming early. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/19/24, 12:13:45 PM
Haven't seen any robins for over a month now. Lotsa blue jays but they seem to come and go lately. They're kinda the alarm system when a hawk shows up in the yard. Otherwise it's been slower than usual bird watching than some Decembers w/o much snow cover.  Still quite a few downies, hairies & red-bellies on the suet. Have been cardinals coming early mornings & evenings so fun to see them.  :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on December 12/19/24, 02:16:58 PM
Our bird count has gone way down.  Some chickadees and nuthatches and small woodpeckers is about it.  Haven't seen a grosbeak for a long time.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on December 12/21/24, 10:27:29 AM
Figured out why the birds have been somewhat sporadic recently. Were lots of them earlier this a.m. then suddenly nothing. Could make out the outline of what was likely a Cooper's hawk through the plum brush. Even the squirrels decided not to take their chances with that bugger around. Must've left again as I see the birds are back. So is Poppy's squirrel. Sliding patio door is froze shut so she's having a hissy. Seeing more goldfinches and house finches again lately. The male cardinal made a brief appearance a minute ago & is gone again.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on December 12/21/24, 05:37:13 PM
Those cooper hawks have a way of doing just that. We still have a big gaggle of gold finches that visit, this morning 4 morning doves were hunkered on the tray feeder. With  the garage being unattached the sparrows fly thru low coming from the neighbors,  Maisy is totally beside herself with the action. The squirrels with the snow have been staying high, don't blame them...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on December 12/21/24, 06:28:07 PM
Happen to see a cardinal on the feeders this afternoon  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/04/25, 11:03:37 AM
Saw a flicker again this a.m. Thought it was a red-belly at first but too big & awkward maneuvering onto the horizontal suet feeder. Male cardinal stopped by too.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/04/25, 12:47:54 PM
tweety birds have been far and few between lately!!!!!!! :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/04/25, 08:52:00 PM
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on January 01/05/25, 07:00:50 AM
Lots of chickadees, red poles and finches. A couple cardinals and bluejays. I haven't seen any grosbeaks yet, which is strange. But, even more strange is this guy is still hanging around 🤔
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on January 01/05/25, 07:04:38 AM
must like the offering's you put out!!! 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on January 01/05/25, 07:13:35 AM
must like the offering's you put out!!!
Pretty sure you nailed that one Mikey!  :bow:
A few weeks ago, I was cleaning out the barn. I found several bags of old duck/turkey/goose feed pellets. Jr got them for free and was going to add them to his bear bait. Welp, he forgot about them. So I asked him if I could feed the wild turkeys with it, and he said "go for it"
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/05/25, 08:46:56 AM
Lots of chickadees, red poles and finches. A couple cardinals and bluejays. I haven't seen any grosbeaks yet, which is strange. But, even more strange is this guy is still hanging around 🤔
HD.....are you referring to the pine and evening grosbeaks??????? if so i think they only come down from Canada when the going gets tuff up there.  :scratch: thats what i've noticed at the cabin anyway. usually when they get piles of snow and cold!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/12/25, 02:38:14 PM
Saw a Coopers hawk here yesterday on one of my return trips from the field. Today, no hawk so far & lots of bird activity. More goldfinches & lots of chickadees.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/12/25, 02:45:32 PM
Had a magpie hanging around the other day.  Haven't seen one in a while.  We put dog food in the bird feeder when we first moved here and they magpies showed up big time.  Scared all of the other birds away so never did that again.  There used to be a lot of sheep here.  Heard people cus the magpies saying they would peck the eyes out of lambs. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/12/25, 02:53:22 PM
Don't see magpies around home, but do up north  ut seems like only in the fall and winter?? :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/13/25, 07:57:09 AM
I think they will poke the eyes out of little calves too. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on January 01/13/25, 09:34:33 AM
None in these parts so can't verify that they'd peck the eyes out on a lamb. Had lots of magpies around the Little House on the Prairie where I lived in ND. Hadn't seen many near the buildings until I started dumping duck & goose guts out in the slough amongst some of the old farm equipment parked there. The magpies would have a party soon afterwards. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on January 01/13/25, 03:08:54 PM
How'd ya like to have the name " Magpie" I'm gonna look them up, not sure what they look like..lol.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on January 01/13/25, 04:36:51 PM
big black and white bird!!!!!!!  :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on January 01/13/25, 06:30:24 PM
Real long tail.  Nice looking bird. Kind of like a crow with a long tail and white on its breast.  They look black but pictures show it is real dark green. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/06/25, 11:50:51 AM
Been a fair amount of bird activity again after a lull during the warm temps. Yesterday the goldfinches reappeared as well as a large group of house finches. Don't recall seeing that many house finches in a group here before. The chickadees & nuthatches have been busy. Look like they have a relay going between the sunflower feeders & the bushes, back & forth. Plenty of woodpeckers including a flicker. Lotsa almost leghorn-sized blue jays. Suckers are huge! Pair of cardinals appear daily early and late but occasionally will be some during the day mixed in with the ground feeding juncos. Poppy's been keeping an eye on her squirrels & exercising them when they clean up under the feeders.

From the oval office, have been watching a hole in the elm tree getting larger over the course of the fall & winter. It's enlarged to a about 3" wide and 4" tall. Haven't seen just who's doing it but they're doing a nice job. Wondering whether the wood ducks might take a look at it this spring if the wetland gets refilled. They've come up to the yard several times over the years to check out potential spots in the soft maple that weren't really deep enough & didn't provide much of a cavity. If they decide to check it out, be tempting to put a piece of aluminum flashing above and below the hole so the cats, raccoons, possums, squirrels, etc., can't mess with them. Would be fun to watch them while I'm doing paperwork.  :coffee:   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/06/25, 12:19:28 PM
We have had a lot of little birds here lately.  Siskins, house sparrows, chickadees, nuthatches etc
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/06/25, 01:39:31 PM
havent had Jack........fer birds lately!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/06/25, 02:13:01 PM
Sparrows, cardinals, starlings, red bellied woodpecker, finches, flickers, both hairy and downy woodpeckers and a soon to be dead bunny rabbit.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on February 02/06/25, 02:18:49 PM
      Not a lot of variety at my feeders, either. Sparrows, dark eyed juncos, nuthatches and the occasional woodpecker.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/06/25, 02:52:43 PM
Lottsa birds here, especially them dam sparrows.  They sit on our railing a chit all over. If I park in the driveway they use my wheel wells as a hangout.  Quite a few finches both varieties and what must be a family of 4 mourning Doves that hangout quite a bit. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/06/25, 04:01:39 PM
You fellers with the sparrows must be feeding cracked corn or some type of millet seeds. I don't feeding that and have no sparrows. 

Them bastages seem to know when I  open the bluebird houses though! :angry2: :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/06/25, 04:16:11 PM
Nope, wrong again Glenn. All we feed is suet and sunflower seeds. And some ear corn for the squirrels. Come spring we will feed thistle seed also.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/06/25, 04:20:51 PM
Corn is attracting the sparrows. Wver notice what kind of birds are on a pile of spilt corn on a road!

I worked at a grain elevator
/ feed mill during high school and we weren't seeing bluebirds around dumped corn or feed.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/06/25, 06:26:42 PM
Sparrows don't go near the ear corn. They eat itty bitty pieces of the sunflowers off the ground. Wrong again.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/06/25, 06:35:03 PM
Sparrows don't go near the ear corn. They eat itty bitty pieces of the sunflowers off the ground. Wrong again.
:pouty: whatever....not gonna argue.....go take a nap!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/06/25, 06:55:54 PM
House sparrows are very adaptable. When we moved here 40 years ago, I could get by with feeding straight sunflower seed and they left it alone. After a few years, they figured it out and began emptying the sunflower feeder daily, tossing most of it out on the ground. I switched to confection sunflower (striped) and that seemed to help for a while but again, they figured it out and same result. Safflower was about the only thing they wouldn't eat but aside from the cardinals, lot of the other birds didn't like that either. Thistle seed was fine for finches but again, not a universally liked food. So, what to do?

Got to the point where I'd let the sunflower feeders large numbers had easy access to run out and remain that way when they got to being a nuisance. The smaller feeders they couldn't monopolize easily remained full. It seemed to help. Something else that helped especially when we had deep snow, I was feeding the pheasants corn screenings &/or cracked corn. I spilled some cracked corn in the driveway the other day and noticed all the bird tracks in the snow surrounding it this afternoon, guessing it was sparrows. They didn't bother the sunflower feeders nearly as much as they do somedays and it puts them out in the open where Cooper's or sharp-shinned hawks have a shot at them. The sparrows don't like the squirrel proof roller feeder very well and the other squirrel-proof feeder is adjusted light enough so if more than a couple are on it, it closes their access to the seed.

I worked at the elevator in town here back in the day for 3 years. I remember the sparrows used to get in the bay where they parked the feed truck over the weekend. They'd crap all over everything. The feed guys got sick of it so they'd put a feed pan full of ground corn laced with Furadan out for them on Saturday when they left. Bad chit. There were dead sparrows all over the place come Monday morning! Trouble was, all the sudden there were also dead cats all over town so they had to discontinue that practice.  :huh:   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/06/25, 06:59:56 PM
I made a huge mistake when talking about the birds here.  I hate house sparrows and makes good target practice.  House Finches is what I meant.  The reddish ones.  They are nice birds.  I only feed sunflower seeds and thistle seeds.  We also have a suet block out. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/06/25, 07:01:19 PM
i dont have sparrows at no feeders. i feed sunflowers, safflowers and thistle seeds.

like i said before the only time they seem to show up is when i open up the bluebird houses..... to each  there own i guess!!!!! this is just what i see here in little old Cold Spring!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/06/25, 07:40:03 PM
I've thought about getting the trusty old Crossman Pumpmaster out and shoot the sparrows and starlings that are visiting the feeders.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/06/25, 07:41:00 PM
If'n its ok with Glenn that is.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/06/25, 07:44:18 PM
If'n its ok with Glenn that is.
:rotflmao: have at it,  just don't shoot your eye out! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/06/25, 07:56:50 PM
 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/06/25, 07:59:10 PM
I'll mail glenn some of our sparrows roony. That'll learn him... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/08/25, 03:25:43 PM
We had a nice big healthy looking male and female Pine Grosbeak show up yesterday and they are still here.  Been awhile since we have seen them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Jerkbiat on February 02/10/25, 11:19:03 AM
We had a nice big healthy looking male and female Pine Grosbeak show up yesterday and they are still here.  Been awhile since we have seen them.
We have them showing up at our feeder also. We get them usually every winter as long as I keep the feeder full. It is the Evenings that we don't see very often anymore.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/10/25, 11:19:58 AM
You guys up north get all the good grosbeaks... :pouty:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/10/25, 11:25:33 AM
I dont think I've ever seen one. I better get the bird book out.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/10/25, 11:26:34 AM
damn.....makes me wanna head up to fill the feeders......ok fish to then........but not when its this blasted cold!!!!!! food must be getting in short supply in Canada.

wonder if da trumpty dumbty charged a tariff on them too!!!!  :sleazy: :shocked: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/10/25, 11:33:15 AM
Elon cut them off... :coffee:

Have seen them a few times in Canada. Usually here we see the rose-breasted models starting in early May. They usually don't hang around tho.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/10/25, 11:36:32 AM
For some reason the rose breasted stuck around here well into the summer last year.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/10/25, 11:42:18 AM
i havent had a rose breasted here in town for years......we had a bunch when we had the camper......rose breasted grosebeaks thrive in wooded areas!! we have them at the cabin!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/10/25, 11:47:23 AM
For some reason the rose breasted stuck around here well into the summer last year.

Ours seemed to as well as they have a few times over the years. There have been occasions where it appears they may have nested here after the young birds came to the feeders.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on February 02/10/25, 03:17:54 PM
I have not had any rose breasted here yet this winter.  Normally have a few. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/10/25, 04:30:18 PM
Musta been the snow the day before but the gold finches were WILD on Sunday.  They were stacked on all 4 feeders, I tried to count em all but the way they switching in and out made it tough. Looks like it was quieter today Looking at the seed levels..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on February 02/11/25, 05:12:01 AM
I have had a pretty big flock of Finch in each day.  This is the first time I have had them in the winter.  Normally they hit the feeder early spring.  They seem to like the sun flowers.   

What is everyone feeding?
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/11/25, 09:25:20 AM
my feeders consist of sunflower seeds, sunflower seeds mixed with safflower seed. cardinals love them. thistle seed, suet and peanut butter mixed with sunflower seeds!!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/11/25, 03:23:55 PM
I go thru sunflower hearts n chips and golden safflower like crazy. As a matter of fact I went back to white safflower to slow em down. 1 feeder has bigger nuts n berries that bring in the bigger birds, wood packers, cardinals,  doves... although them sparrows hit every feeder i have..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/11/25, 05:07:14 PM
We do sunflowers on a roofed shelf feeder by the window.  On that there are 2 Lindell Rod Holders. One holds a suet block and the other holds the thistle seed tube.   Hardly ever get a house sparrows but it has happened.  I start trying to snipe them and they take off right away.  They check out the bird houses so make good targets.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on February 02/11/25, 08:32:51 PM
I'm pretty much feeding straight sunflowers and have a couple of suet's out.   Suets do not last long because of the large wood peckers.   Was thinking I should go to something smaller but there must have been 20 or more finches on the sunflowers today.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on February 02/12/25, 07:43:56 AM
Ribcage from a whitetail. Woodpeckers, chickadees and nuthatches love it. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on February 02/12/25, 08:42:47 AM
On a normal year we have a George that might get into some fish remains that I put in the yard (just until I can put them in the garbage of course)  I keep telling him he has to leave them alone but instead he brings his friends.   

George lives in the tree directly above my deck.  Sort of amazes me I have any birds or squirrels that come to the feeders .   But they don't seem to be bothered by him or his guest. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/12/25, 08:53:12 AM
On a normal year we have a George that might get into some fish remains that I put in the yard (just until I can put them in the garbage of course)  I keep telling him he has to leave them alone but instead he brings his friends.   

George lives in the tree directly above my deck.  Sort of amazes me I have any birds or squirrels that come to the feeders .   But they don't seem to be bothered by him or his guest.
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: he's looking at you sayin......what the hell.......your slackin on my fish diet!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on February 02/12/25, 09:12:22 AM
It is actually pretty fun to have an eagle sit that close to you.  We can visit on the deck and he is not bothered at all.   There are some draw backs however.  There is not many days that go by they do not drop fish in the yard or on the deck.  They only eat part of it and then drop it.  I have to get to it before the dog does.  And then there is a reason I am going to put a roof on the deck.  They crap like a cow. That end of the deck gets whitewashed every day.  If the wind is blowing hard you might get white washed on the other end of the deck too. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on February 02/19/25, 06:51:51 PM
Not exactly in the backyard, but right down the road, I had a great grey owl fly across the road in front of me. I’ve heard that they were moving south from Canada this winter. But that’s the first one I saw this year.

Maybe 15 years ago, I couldn’t drive the 20 miles to town without seeing 6-8 of them. Cool birds.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/19/25, 07:33:47 PM
Not exactly in the backyard, but right down the road, I had a great grey owl fly across the road in front of me. I’ve heard that they were moving south from Canada this winter. But that’s the first one I saw this year.

Maybe 15 years ago, I couldn’t drive the 20 miles to town without seeing 6-8 of them. Cool birds.

heard that on the news too!!  yes cool birds!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/22/25, 09:58:31 AM
Just had a Pileated at the suet feeder.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/22/25, 10:00:25 AM
Anyone see snowy owls?  I wonder what makes greys come down vs snowy ones.  :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on February 02/22/25, 10:18:26 AM
Just had a Pileated at the suet feeder.

You can keep those.   I have one left that pretty much destroys a suet.  Thing takes chunks the size of beaver bites.
I have not seen any Snowy Owls but I have one here someplace at night because he hoots and we can hear him but not see him.  He is some place close.  Not sure what kind he is either. 

We do have a BUNCH of eagles here today.   Mostly we have "George" and maybe 1 other.  Today I seen 5 all in the air at one time and George in the tree.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/22/25, 11:11:24 AM
Well it is a rare occasion for me to see one. Maybe once or twice a year. I think they are a beautiful bird and have their place in nature like most other non invasive animals. To each their own though.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/22/25, 01:53:53 PM
Same here but I know of people up north who've had their siding destroyed by pileated woodpeckers, one of them not far from Scenic.

I see some of the goldfiches are starting to show a little more yellow today. I hope so after this past week.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/22/25, 02:10:25 PM
We see them often and they even drop dead elm trees here if I don't get to them in time.  Have a downed one along the driveway that a pileated pecked the bottom about like a beaver does.  Then I have to go cut them up for firewood. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/22/25, 02:22:43 PM
My brother hates them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/25, 02:29:40 PM
i have a smaller maple tree out back the woodpeckers pretty much killed....i'll be cutting that down this spring......i didnt like that tree anyway!!!!!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/22/25, 02:42:18 PM
I saw several trees like this during deer season tbat were absolutely torn appart.  I assumed it was piliated peckers.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/22/25, 03:01:43 PM
Nope, Downy Woodpeckers, so named because of the trees they take down.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on February 02/22/25, 05:49:01 PM
Well it is a rare occasion for me to see one. Maybe once or twice a year. I think they are a beautiful bird and have their place in nature like most other non invasive animals. To each their own though.

Beautiful birds without question.  If they were not so destructive I would love to have them.  We have cedar siding and they love the stuff.  Once they start a hole you can't get them to stop.  They try boring a hole right below the eves for nesting.   We also have trees that they have destroyed.   Everyone says "they won't peck on anything that don't have bugs in it".  That is complete BS...My son has one that pecks on a stainless stove pipe.   He loves that thing.  We have one the pecks on our deck light.  How do they explain that?   Yep each to our own.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on February 02/22/25, 05:58:54 PM
I saw several trees like this during deer season tbat were absolutely torn appart.  I assumed it was piliated peckers.

That is exactly what that is from!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/22/25, 06:57:15 PM
Probably a matter of how big the population is where you live. I'm fond of shooting Cottondale rabbits and woodchuck on sight. Like I said, it's very rare for me to see a Pileated.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: fishwidow on February 02/22/25, 07:14:54 PM
I’ve got holes in my little barn, my shed, and my house.  I see occasional pileateds, but I’ve never seen one damaging the buildings. It’s downys, hairys, redbellies, and even nuthatches. I’ve had a redbelly the last few years that goes after drainpipes and even windows. Nothing discourages them. I’m considering cement or steel siding.

We’ve got ash trees that with emerald ash borers that attracts the peckers, too. They’ve killed some that had to be taken down. I’ve got three left with some damage and I’m treating them in early spring to kill the borer larvae. That seems to help.

Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on February 02/22/25, 08:06:41 PM
Probably a matter of how big the population is where you live. I'm fond of shooting Cottondale rabbits and woodchuck on sight. Like I said, it's very rare for me to see a Pileated.

Pileateds in my yard within 15 minutes it's no surprise to see 3 or 4 of them pretty much at any given time.   The ones pecking on the house I know for a fact were and ummm they are no longer pecking on the house.   You can always tell when they are Tearing stuff up.  There are CHUNKS everywhere.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/22/25, 08:23:22 PM
I have a personal hatred towards blue jays! :angry2: :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: tangle tooth on February 02/22/25, 08:55:46 PM
      Them blue jays aren't my favorite either
 But I'd rather have them than starlings or grackles.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: HD on February 02/23/25, 08:34:46 AM
Seeing Robins here... seems early...
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/23/25, 09:42:46 AM
We get 1 or 2 of the pileated woodpeckers here every year too. Lots of ants in most all the trees they like when they fall here.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/23/25, 09:50:30 AM
Seeing Robins here... seems early...
That one might not have migrated.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/23/25, 10:04:56 AM
Climate change... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/23/25, 11:08:34 AM
havent seen any robin yet....... but if i do i reckon i'll set out the mealworm feeders for them.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: markn on February 02/23/25, 11:11:28 AM
I did see a robin this morning in Sebeka on my way home. :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/23/25, 11:16:53 AM
Started seeing horned larks along the roadsides in late January. While they're technically not considered migrators by a lot of people, they move to get out of real cruddy conditions. Normally don't start noticing them here until mid-February. Haven't seen any robins but a few weeks ago when it was warm, there were some red-winged blackbirds in the yard. They left when it dropped the hammer.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on February 02/23/25, 08:25:19 PM
Wow it's early for robins.  I have not seen any here yet. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/24/25, 06:02:49 AM
Me neither.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on February 02/24/25, 11:03:19 AM
I give this suet about 3 hours at tops. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/24/25, 11:23:25 AM
Man they are large! We don't see them that often but still remember that 1st one. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought it was a crow! All our suet feeders now are horizontal after problems with starlings and sparrows. A pileated would have a hard time getting on the two smaller metal feeders. The larger wooden one they'd have a better chance.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Gunner55 on February 02/24/25, 03:50:50 PM
 :scratch: We usually only see those in the fall here but it's rare to go out & not here 1 of the smaller ones working on a nearby tree.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on February 02/24/25, 04:52:56 PM
Nice pic scenic! We usually see several at cabin, lots of tainted ash trees that away. They fly funny, kinda flutter in a way.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/24/25, 05:59:03 PM
Started seeing horned larks along the roadsides in late January. While they're technically not considered migrators by a lot of people, they move to get out of real cruddy conditions. Normally don't start noticing them here until mid-February.
I saw a flock of them flitting thru the trees in my yard.  I didn't know what they were, til I saw yer post.  I looked em up, and yep, thats what they were.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on February 02/24/25, 06:25:23 PM
Started hearing them tonite during chores. They frequent our pasture this time of year. Their tinkling call tells me that Barry is right, spring is just around the corner!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Steve-o on February 02/24/25, 08:10:17 PM
I heard some bluebirds down in Iowa 2day, but I didn't see them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on February 02/25/25, 05:53:29 AM
Man they are large! We don't see them that often but still remember that 1st one. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought it was a crow! All our suet feeders now are horizontal after problems with starlings and sparrows. A pileated would have a hard time getting on the two smaller metal feeders. The larger wooden one they'd have a better chance.

About like a small chicken.  Neat bird to watch if they were not so destructive.  That suet lasted less than an hour.   I won't put up another one for a few days now.  I wouldn't care if they actually ate them but they just destroy them. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/25/25, 11:52:40 AM
Here is a typical dead elm that the pileated love to peck at the bottom of them and knock them over.  You can see the previous tree that was there also had the same outcome. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on February 02/25/25, 11:54:39 AM
Had a few magpies running around in the pasture today. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: roony on February 02/25/25, 11:58:21 AM
Here is a typical dead elm that the pileated love to peck at the bottom of them and knock them over.  You can see the previous tree that was there also had the same outcome.
Doing some of your work for you!
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on February 02/25/25, 12:20:21 PM
Had a few magpies running around in the pasture today.

interesting bird
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on February 02/25/25, 12:35:33 PM
Had a few magpies running around in the pasture today.
its weird......we only see them come fall around deer huntin!!!!!! :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/02/25, 10:26:09 AM
1st robin spotted here during morning chores in the crabapple on the east side of the house. Didn't hang around where we can see them but there are dozens of crabapple & other berry trees on our place & elsewhere nearby. Ground is still frozen so no earthworms. They'll have to rely on other sources of food in the meantime.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/02/25, 11:00:48 AM
Had to sit a goldfinch back in the feeder after hitting the window.  Looks like she made it and few away.  I usually shoot 2 or 3 pine squirrels every year out of the bird feeder.  This year none so far.  I just saw one running up a tree from my easy chair so have my gun ready.   :sleazy:  Last year I got about 8 of them.  Bumper crop.  They could have raised heck in my crawl space. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/02/25, 11:05:03 AM
Had to sit a goldfinch back in the feeder after hitting the window.  Looks like she made it and few away.  I usually shoot 2 or 3 pine squirrels every year out of the bird feeder.  This year none so far.  I just saw one running up a tree from my easy chair so have my gun ready.   :sleazy:  Last year I got about 8 of them.  Bumper crop.  They could have raised heck in my crawl space.
no robins spotted here.

i had one of them damn red skurrels here at home.....havney seen it for a while now........cant shoot in town  :confused:

last time at the cabin i disposed of 4 of them dang things........i bet a shot adozen last year......dont know where they manage to come from!!!!!! :scratch: :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/02/25, 11:20:25 AM
get a live trap
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/02/25, 11:47:50 AM
get a live trap
i have one, next time i see him i will.  :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/02/25, 12:58:43 PM
get a live trap
i have one, next time i see him i will.  :happy1:
Spose you'll catch the neighbors kitty cat..lol.  I hear ya, I still try in town here with my old wimpy bb guns, I see 3 of them bastages on occasion.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on March 03/02/25, 02:56:21 PM
Some of these new pellet rifles that are out now are pretty dang wild.  Sure a lot different than the old Daisy guns.  Like putting a silencer on a .22
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/02/25, 04:11:06 PM
Some of these new pellet rifles that are out now are pretty dang wild.  Sure a lot different than the old Daisy guns.  Like putting a silencer on a .22
mt buddy has one he uses to pick off skurrels on his feeders.....yea pretty impressive!!!!!! :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/02/25, 04:39:50 PM
I gotta gets one..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on March 03/02/25, 04:53:52 PM
I don't mind the grey squirrels in the feeders.  I can see 4 in mine right now.   But the reds just tear stuff up.   They are just plain mean.   
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/02/25, 05:03:24 PM
Some of these new pellet rifles that are out now are pretty dang wild.  Sure a lot different than the old Daisy guns.  Like putting a silencer on a .22

do you have any thoughts on a good brand or a good pellet rifle maybe?? 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on March 03/02/25, 05:16:04 PM
I have the Gamo Raptor that works very well.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/02/25, 05:22:51 PM
Those new guns look great.  When I lived in town I used CB shorts in an old bolt action gun right out of the window.  If the neighbors were outside grilling they may not have heard it.  Like a super pellet gun and quiet. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/02/25, 05:56:58 PM
My next run to fleet farm I'll look into em..
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/02/25, 06:38:25 PM
I don't mind the grey squirrels in the feeders.  I can see 4 in mine right now.   But the reds just tear stuff up.   They are just plain mean.
:happy1: yep same here.....dont mind the grays.....also something i've been thinking about keep bugs bunny's relatives out of the garden.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: mike89 on March 03/02/25, 06:51:45 PM
I have the Gamo Raptor that works very well.

thanks kind sir!!   :happy1:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/03/25, 07:04:23 AM
We like the gray squirrels too. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/03/25, 08:42:59 AM
 Another robin this a.m.... :coffee:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/11/25, 09:40:50 AM
By golly, seen my first Robin. Wife said she seen one while I was at the cabin so put mealworm and birdbath out yesterday,  now it's froze. :confused: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/11/25, 09:49:09 AM
Lotsa red-winged blackbirds, a grackle and some killdeers yesterday. Numerous flocks of geese, mostly lessers and speckle bellies moving thru. Rooster pheasants are all over the place. Mating plumage is awesome especially when the sun hits them.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Bobberineyes on March 03/11/25, 05:55:11 PM
Is it illegal to shoot rowsters around feed....KERPOW...lol.
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/11/25, 06:46:21 PM
Is it illegal to shoot rowsters around feed....KERPOW...lol.
only ififn Dotch's bride isnt watching!!!!!! :sleazy: :rolleyes: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Scenic on March 03/12/25, 05:29:11 AM
Starting to see a few more birds up here.  Seen the first robin of the year yesterday and a pair of swans have been hanging around.  No idea why the swans are on the lake here.  There is no open water at all.   Looking for nesting area is my guess. :confused:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: LPS on March 03/12/25, 07:34:03 AM
Saw a pair of Canadas fly by the other day.  Saw a pair of swans Monday by Bemidji.  No robins yet. 
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/25, 08:23:28 AM
Starting to see a few more birds up here.  Seen the first robin of the year yesterday and a pair of swans have been hanging around.  No idea why the swans are on the lake here.  There is no open water at all.   Looking for nesting area is my guess. :confused:
yea i seen a pair of swans fly over sunday afternoon at the cabin wondering what the hell  :scratch: but they were heading south!!!!! :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/12/25, 09:32:36 AM
Saw some swans fly over back around March 2nd.  :confused:  :scratch:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: glenn57 on March 03/12/25, 09:49:23 AM
 :pouty: doing up my fish for pickling i seen a cardinal on the bird bath.......it was froze over!!!!! :doah:
Title: Re: Birds in the back yard
Post by: Dotch on March 03/12/25, 10:28:22 AM
Pretty slow at the birdfeeders lately as the snow retreats. The cardinals or at least the female has been showing up when the sun gets low but the rest of the day, it's occasional activity with most of the birds. A few red-bellies & blue jays on the ear corn. Chickadees, some house finches & nuthatches on the sunflower. Still some hairies & downies working at the suet periodically. See & hear the odd goldfinch but they're not as active as they were right after the blizzard. Was surprised after the rain & heavy snow that the feeders didn't have more caked, wet, nasty seed inside. They weren't bad to clean out for whatever reason. 

I finally purchased a feeder for the seed cylinder Auntie Mar Mar gave me for Christmas. Also purchased another squirrel baffle as I could envision it being a magnet for them. After checking to see what they cost, (~$12) I ain't feeding squirrels with it. Can buy a lot of suet cakes in comparison. Given the composition of the seed cylinder (has a bunch of millet, peanut, sunflower, berries, etc., embedded in suet, I envision it being attractive to house sparrows and starlings. That's why I went with a cage-type feeder rather than one that was essentially a top and a bottom. There are other mixes sans millet in other varieties of cylinders so there are other options. Got it put out last nite so will see what shows up. Suspect it'll be a winter only feeder.  :coffee: