Minnesota Outdoorsman
General Category => The BBQ Shack, Wildlife recipes and Cooking => Topic started by: Bobberineyes on April 04/06/19, 01:00:58 PM
8 # belly quartered and cured, was going to do two different brines but couldn't make up my mind so I did em all the same.. I'll try to save ya some Glenn!! :happy1:
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yea but ya probably added olives!!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty:
Great idea!! Bacon wrapped olives.. :bow:
Great idea!! Bacon wrapped olives.. :bow:
bacon wrapped anything is good!!!!!
good eats comin up for ya Boober!!!
Hell, bacon wrapped bacon is great...on a bed of olives! :rotflmao:
Just got my ring bologna kit from Curley's today. Will make them and smoke them soon.
10 # belly cut in half, one was brined brown sugar, tsp of pink #1, kosher salt, cayenne and pure honey... the taste test on this one was real good. The other had brown sugar, tender quick, crushed red pepper, black pepper, a little garlic powder and pure maple syrup... had to soak this a bit in water..fresh out tge smoker for 4 hrs.
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lookin good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how long in yur bring ??? and what temp did ya sm9ke?
how long in yur bring ??? and what temp did ya sm9ke?
the last time was 6 days, this time 7. With this smoker I'll run it at 150 and let the smoke roll for bout 2hrs tgen I turn it up to 200 until the slabs reach 150, the next morning they slice real nicely.. might have to put a piece on a crawler harness next week and see what happens... lol.
Great job Bobber!!! That's about as good as it get's. good luck.
yup great job bob!!
Did these pork shoulders last week in the smoker for some good pulled pork at my Son-in-laws cabin last weekend. :happy1:
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That will feed a crowd!! See you got the claws as well. good luck.
I have a couple of pork butts in the freezer I plan to do that too. Nummy there Leech.
I haven't done bacon for 3 or 4 years. I really enjoyed it but can't find any slabs if I don't get a hog butchered. They look great! Yours looks great too Leech. Man that's a lot of pork.
That will feed a crowd!! See you got the claws as well. good luck.
Yep lots of left overs for me! :happy1:
I got the claws from my Son-in-law for a gift and at first thought they were a bit of a joke? Then I tried them on this pile and glad I got them! :happy1:
this was yesterdays fun
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:wowza: :hubba:
very nice!!!!
Tgat looks dynamite MRA.. 3 little chuck eyes with some chicken for smoked fajitas on Monday , for tomorrow a fat chuck roast will get smoked to bout 160 internal then I'll put in the fridge and itll hit a crock pot tomorrow to finish off for French dips.. :happy1:
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:hubba: :taz:
lookin good Boober!!!
That is a great idea with the chuck roast BB. I have to remember that.
Sometimes it seems the chuck turns out a little stringy but it makes a great sammich, who knows I might take it further than 160 to get some more crunch. Now if I could just get my hands on some homemade horseradish, anybody know of any? :confused:
There is some of that in the area too. So how long do you put the chuck in the crock pot? Man it sounds luscious. I love chuck roasts as a pot roast in the oven.
I'll start it at kickoff tomorrow with a little water on medium heat and hopefully its shreddable around 4ish. One good thing if ya dont wanna dip it in auju you can cook down some veggies and make philly's also on hoagie buns..
Put some beef bouillon in that water, Boob............... :tongue:
Sounds great! Good Viking victory meal! :happy1:
Put some beef bouillon in that water, Boob............... :tongue:
Yep tgats good and beef broth. This should be flavorful but itll be a game time decision if it needs anything else.. :cool:
or try RH's gravy!!!
Right Hand gravy?! :scratch:
Sometimes it seems the chuck turns out a little stringy but it makes a great sammich, who knows I might take it further than 160 to get some more crunch. Now if I could just get my hands on some homemade horseradish, anybody know of any? :confused:
Yeppers!! :mooning: gotta fresh 47 hard chilling in the fridge. From the ground to the frig in aboot 6 hours. :mooning: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao: baby food jars that is. Come on up. :sleazy:
47 horseradishes? How big is a horseradish?
Bit smaller than a henway... :whistling:
47 horseradishes? How big is a horseradish?
:pouty: :pouty: :tut: you at HH :crazy: :doofus: :drinking: :rotflmao: pretty clear I said baby food jars. Quit hanging around Reb!! :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :rotflmao:
47 horseradishes? How big is a horseradish?
:pouty: :pouty: :tut: you at HH :crazy: :doofus: :drinking: :rotflmao: pretty clear I said baby food jars. Quit hanging around Reb!! :banghead: :banghead: :taz: :rotflmao:
Smart is as smart does!!! ;)
So, to answer Barry, they're as big as baby food jars? Ya sure they ain't horseapples? :scratch:
I didn't see baby food jars mentioned that is why I inquired about the 53 horseradishes. LOL
Sometimes it seems the chuck turns out a little stringy but it makes a great sammich, who knows I might take it further than 160 to get some more crunch. Now if I could just get my hands on some homemade horseradish, anybody know of any? :confused:
Yeppers!! :mooning: gotta fresh 47 hard chilling in the fridge. From the ground to the frig in aboot 6 hours. :mooning: :mooning: :evil: :rotflmao: baby food jars that is. Come on up. :sleazy:
yup but one of them is mine!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I didn't see baby food jars mentioned that is why I inquired about the 53 horseradishes. LOL
Thought it was 47? :scratch: You're not alone LPS, as he had me :confused: too. But I'm kinda used to that :rolleyes: 'specially considerin the source. ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :happy1:
:pouty: :pouty: :tut: :crazy: :confused: what a bunch of :Turkey: :Turkey:
Aren't you bear hunting?! For a big bear to smoke?! :scratch:
No I got stuff that needed my undivided attention. This weekend being gone so much lately. My kid is up there and I haven't seen or heard of anything.
4 hrs on the smoker and 4 in the crockpot and it was done. Hoagie buns with with provolone under the broiler with chips n dips . Here's round 1.. I'm stuffed!
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Alright!!! And WOEBERS!!!!!!! Yes! Pump it up, like Elvis Costello said! :happy1: :hubba:
Horseradish sauce..... :snow3: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :pouty: :pouty: from a store. :banghead: :banghead:
But it's soooo creamy and tasty! Um numm! :tongue:
looks awesome Boober!!!! wish I was there!!!
Momma was yappin bout needing ham for soup this winter, sooo think I'll pick up a bone in slab o ham and put it in the pellet smoker during the game tomorrow.. :happy1: Might even put the green bean casserole in it also!!
well the meat loaf on the pellet smoker is taking on some nice color... sure don't care for all this wind!!!! I made a creamy wild rice and chicken soup yesterday and that turned out good!!! I grilled the the chicken before slicing it and putting it the soup...
well the meat loaf on the pellet smoker is taking on some nice color... sure don't care for all this wind!!!! I made a creamy wild rice and chicken soup yesterday and that turned out good!!! I grilled the the chicken before slicing it and putting it the soup...
;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
13 # of pork shoulder going on in the morning. Not looking to serve it up tomorrow so dont care when it's done, but this will be brought to mainly family members for grub over the next few weeks. Pretty sure I'll get to keep some tho. :happy1:
got 5 pound pork loin going into the smoker in the morning to... had it marinating since this morning!! supposed to be a cuban flavor, it was gifted to me..
Got all week off next week. Suppose to stay away from folks so it's just going to be me, a 12 lbs split turkey, smoker, lawn chair and maybe a little mix in my pop! :happy1:
have a good week Leech!!!!!
Sounds like a perfect day Leech!
Got all week off next week. Suppose to stay away from folks so it's just going to be me, a 12 lbs split turkey, smoker, lawn chair and maybe a little mix in my pop! :happy1:
:happy1: If I stay in the truck, could I join ya or do a drive-thru? :rotflmao: :tongue:
well that pork loin I marinated in the cuban flavored sauce turned out very good and moist when I took it off the smoker... a very nice smoke ring around the outside of it..
Social distancing.
Please stay away!
I wouldn't want your clothes to smell like Cherry wood! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Great way to smoke chicken Leech!!! Can get the flavor's all over that bird. good luck.
going to smoke some chicken tomorrow myself!!! enjoy leech!!!!
going to smoke some chicken tomorrow myself!!! enjoy leech!!!!
don't you guys have a hard time rolling them in such small papers!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
going to smoke some chicken tomorrow myself!!! enjoy leech!!!!
don't you guys have a hard time rolling them in such small papers!!!!!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Looks perfect Leech! Kick back and enjoy! Can't beat chicky offa da grill! :happy1:
Great way to smoke chicken Leech!!! Can get the flavor's all over that bird. good luck.
Split 12-13lbs Turkey bud. :happy1:
Great way to smoke chicken Leech!!! Can get the flavor's all over that bird. good luck.
Split 12-13lbs Turkey bud. :happy1:
I've got a couple turkey breasts in freezer from last fall. Need to get them out and do something. Maybe smoke half of one and do the other half "turkey to go" style. Now all I need is some decent weather.
Pot roast tonight.
It's a tough job Leech but someone has to do it. Looks like you have it under control. :happy1: :happy1:
Hey it says Deadeye on your hat. You do know the back way in there don't you. :sleazy: Buddy....
Leech, do you marinate it in anything first? Just wondering if it dries out a bit on smoker, more than chicky, since it tends to be a drier meat. Never have done a turkey before....
I've never done turkey before neither but that looks fun. I wondered about if you marinate it too. How long at what heat?
I've never done turkey before neither but that looks fun. I wondered about if you marinate it too. How long at what heat?
Leech, do you marinate it in anything first? Just wondering if it dries out a bit on smoker, more than chicky, since it tends to be a drier meat. Never have done a turkey before....
I have done several turkeys on the smokers over the years, generally I always injected them and brined them or marinate if you want something different.. I sure enjoy how the meat stays so nice and juicy!!! and on the weber charcoal grill I do it in-direct cooking method again it's very good!!!! and the left overs are even better!!! hope this helps ya!!!
Thanks Mikey.
Thanks Mikey.
:happy1: :happy1:
Looks dynamite Leech!! Having the right equipment is always a plus.
Whole turkey is the thing that made me want to buy a weber. One of the "young guys" at work invited a bunch of us over to his dad's place by St Charles to try to reduce the bullhead population in his dad's ponds. So we fished for bullheads and he made a couple turkeys on the weber. Some of the best food I ever ate.
And he is a heck of a trout fisherman as well...
I've grilled a pile of whole turkeys over charcoal. Indirect heat. I make up my own concotion for a marinade and inject it in the bird the day before I grill it.
Great now I wanna grill a turkey. :Turkey: :Turkey:
Leech, do you marinate it in anything first? Just wondering if it dries out a bit on smoker, more than chicky, since it tends to be a drier meat. Never have done a turkey before....
Nua, I really like just adding a dry rub and smoking, seems to work out pretty well. I fill the water can with chicken broth to add some moisture after the first hour of smoking to help keep it from drying out. Crazy good last night. :happy1:
I set it at 250F, it was about 4hrs on the smoker to hit temp.
looks good leech, got my chicken ready for the smoker today too!!!
:happy1: :cool: Mmmmmm!! Smoked turkey, my favorite. :party1: :happybounce: Usually on the Weber with indirect heat & the pan of liquid to keep it moist here.
damn leech...…..looks wunnerful!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
ya ever take the carcass and boil them up to make soup???? man off a smoker or charcoal grill does that make a mighty tasty soup broth!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: never did do it in halves though!!!!!
Ya I like the looks of those halves. Neat way to do it..
Ya I like the looks of those halves. Neat way to do it..
Drunken spatchcock. :rotflmao:
damn leech...…..looks wunnerful!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
ya ever take the carcass and boil them up to make soup???? man off a smoker or charcoal grill does that make a mighty tasty soup broth!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: never did do it in halves though!!!!!
I would love to try and make some good old home made soup out of them. :happy1:
But me just caveman, know throw on fire smoke meat auug! :taz: :rotflmao:
Looks fantastic leech, I've spatched chicken's before but not a Turkey , will hafta try it! :happy1:
I am either going to grill or smoke some regular pork chops bone in.
Chicken stir fry today but tomorrow smoking a boneless pork roast. good luck.
Oatmeal cookies and some sort of chicken thing, and rice on the side... Maybe some brussel sprouts or something to fend off the coronavirus.
Yer smoking all those things? :scratch:
nah, but see if I put any out for you. Maybe you should just go spraypaint mr sparkles along with the deck chairs... :thumbs:
Well! And here I was gonna put an omelet in yer PB box! :rotflmao: (and I DID spray the trailer hitch and sway bars yday)
Get back to smokin'............
Well! And here I was gonna put an omelet in yer PB box! :rotflmao: (and I DID spray the trailer hitch and sway bars yday)
Get back to smokin'............
I eat real eggs since we'll probably all die from corona virus anyway... :pouty:
I do too. In fact, gonna make some hard-boiled ones in a bit. Just like the fake ones for omelets and such. No muss, no fuss. I find as I get older I don't wanna screw around making stuff as much anymore. Shortcuts. Gettin' kinda tired of cooking for myself.
Wow, I just cant keep up with all the :scratch: ing posts..
Then don't.
:happy1: dang them are nice sized tullies? :happy1:
:happy1: dang them are nice sized tullies? :happy1:
Huge, it was a blast. Caught 40 myself in a little over 4 hours. Most were in the 1st 2 hours.
nice score dakids!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
I bet that was fun. Like Glenn said they look like real long ones.
and yea I would love to be there when they come off the smoker too!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Next year for sure. Nice catch on those big tully's. I usually brine and smoke them for my buddy's and they let me keep some. good luck.
damm i knew i shoulda went with!! nice job!
damm i knew i shoulda went with!! nice job!
well you know what they say...…..wish in one hand and...…..see which one fills first!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I dunno know...……..but ice this time of year gives me the willies...…...I love to fish but just not worth going in the drink for them!!!
Giving politics a break but not smoking. I put a boneless pork loin in the smoker yesterday. Set the smoker at 250 and used my pipe smoker tool using cherry wood pellets. Pulled the loin at 155 internal. Very tender and juicy. Peas and carrots, mashed taters, and my gravy. good luck.
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I love doing those boneless pork loins on both the grill and the smoker!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
O boy, that looks great! :hubba:
That is beautiful RH.
I think he's the Picasso of pork. :rotflmao:
Oh man. Makes me hungry for a pork loin. I love doing them on the charcoal grill and throw some dry popal branches in the coals to give it some smoke.
man that really looks scrumptious!!!!!! so far I have never been real impressed with them loins you get at the grocery store? :doah: :scratch: and I always grill them.
maybe cause i'm spoiled with the ones we order. my favorite meat place does a rolled and seasoned loin when we order one. its tied but man is it good.
Reiny………...do you do anything special or different to them. :scratch:
Nothing real special. They are already enhanced with a salt and water solution to help keep them moist and more tender [and add profit]. It's important not to roast them at a high temp. Grilling on in-direct heat is best on the grill and for some reason the smoker is the best for them and most other meats. I do them at 250 degrees and pull them at 155 internal. I also put them in a throw away tray and baste them once in awhile from the natural juice and a little beef broth I put in there. good luck.
I use apple juice or fresh apple cider in the pan. Tastes good with anything pigger. 'Course, ya could use about anything ya want. (Not gin, Dotch)
Hey it is usually fun to laugh at peoples stupid antics. This is one of those:
Gawd......makes my head hurt watching idjits! :doofus:
reb, you'd have a headache everyday all day long if you were working with me. :happy1:
:rotflmao: Thanks, but no thanks. Saw enough of it every day in my job. :doah:
Glenn, when I do the loins on the grill they are wrapped in tin foil and will have a marinate too most of the time... on the smoker I do them unwrapped but unlike Rh I try to only take them to 148.. and yes I love them both ways!!!
I bought some chuck roasts over time even before this virus thing and took one out for burnt ends. Put the roast in a aluminum pan with a little beef broth and just some garlic salt and black pepper and put it in the smoker at 275. When the internal temp got to be around 180 I took the roast out put the juices in a plastic container for later use [froze it]. Then I sliced the roast in one inch strips. Cut the strips into cubes and put them back in the pan with some sweet and zesty BBQ sause. Put the pan back in the smoker until the cubes were tender. Served them with rice. Was going to have them with mashed taters but didn't have any. Tender as a butchers heart. One of my favorites. good luck.
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Nothing real special. They are already enhanced with a salt and water solution to help keep them moist and more tender [and add profit]. It's important not to roast them at a high temp. Grilling on in-direct heat is best on the grill and for some reason the smoker is the best for them and most other meats. I do them at 250 degrees and pull them at 155 internal. I also put them in a throw away tray and baste them once in awhile from the natural juice and a little beef broth I put in there. good luck.
Sous Vide at 140 to 145 for 5 or so hours also works great...Give them a sear...
I bought some chuck roasts over time even before this virus thing and took one out for burnt ends. Put the roast in a aluminum pan with a little beef broth and just some garlic salt and black pepper and put it in the smoker at 275. When the internal temp got to be around 180 I took the roast out put the juices in a plastic container for later use [froze it]. Then I sliced the roast in one inch strips. Cut the strips into cubes and put them back in the pan with some sweet and zesty BBQ sause. Put the pan back in the smoker until the cubes were tender. Served them with rice. Was going to have them with mashed taters but didn't have any. Tender as a butchers heart. One of my favorites. good luck.
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Holy Cow, RH - Amazing! I have a question. Did you continue to add smoke once you put the sauce on and put it back in the smoker? I've never done burnt ends with beef before - this is going to have to happen soon. I have a couple of chuck roasts to use up, myself. Doing your injected beef roast for sandwiches this weekend, I think. Have a rolled sirloin roast in the freezer as well and I haven't made these in a while.
Thunder, I put a little smoke after I take the foil off and cut the chuck in chunks and put the sauce on. I have a tube smoker [Amazen Tube] that I use a lot and hardly ever use the chip tray. But for that time span without the foil I did use the chip tray with some cherry chips. good luck.
I'm thinking about smoking some chicken breasts that are seasoned with cilantro and lime... it might interesting... what do you think Rh??
I like to have the chicken breasts marinaded for use in the smoker or the grill. Otherwise they get too dry. I'm using boneless chicken thighs more and more now and I even marinade them. When I use boneless breasts or thighs for the grill or smoker I make kabobs with whatever you like in between. Problem with breasts is to make sure you don't over cook them [as you probably know]. I like to baste them also during the process to keep them more juicy. At work we sell pre seasoned breasts. Variety of flavors. They have been marinaded and are ready for the grill. Maybe you bought those from a store? If so they should be marinaded. good luck.
I did get them at the store and yes they are pre-marinated... I was also thinking of covering them with bacon while on the smoker too... to help with the moisture part.. thanks for your thoughts!!!!
so Reiny…………..is there ANYTHING you cooked or made up you didn't like???????????????????
you've had to come across a few bummer reciepes?????? :rotflmao:
Years ago I cut a 1 and a half thick sirloin stead with the bone still in it which you dont see anymore. I put it on the Weber at the time on in direct heat. Got distracted for a long time Well it was not adult beverage related but It was destroyed for sure. Forgot about it for a few hours. Turned out it was totally black and beyond help. This was back in the 70's. Never forgot that day. Had a few almost times since then. So over time I watch what I make more closely. Thanks for asking for it does bring back memories. good luck.
well I have the smoker fired up and I have 6 chicken breasts marinated in a cilantro and lime seasoning and wrapped in bacon ready to on it!! I look forward to trying those and of course sharing them.. 2 for Jim and 2 each for Linda and me... :happy1:
well I have the smoker fired up and I have 6 chicken breasts marinated in a cilantro and lime seasoning and wrapped in bacon ready to on it!! I look forward to trying those and of course sharing them.. 2 for Jim and 2 each for Linda and me... :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: aren't you and Linda supposed to be social distancing!!!!! :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
shame …………….shame...………..shame!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :evil: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well I have the smoker fired up and I have 6 chicken breasts marinated in a cilantro and lime seasoning and wrapped in bacon ready to on it!! I look forward to trying those and of course sharing them.. 2 for Jim and 2 each for Linda and me... :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: aren't you and Linda supposed to be social distancing!!!!! :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
shame …………….shame...………..shame!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :evil: :doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
we are most days!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Hows about nights? :sleazy:
Hows about nights? :sleazy:
:pouty: :pouty: ders dat seks stuff again!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hows about nights? :sleazy:
and nights too!! dang it!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
That good food will lure her in.
she's working this weekend...
she's working this weekend...
yea but here's a lot that can still go down after 3 pm. :tut: :scratch: just sayin!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I didn't feel like doing the ribs in the pellet smoker so the big rig got the nod. Usually I never cut the ribs in half but to get an even cook I had to. Foiled n sauced and are really close to devouring, you think I'd have learned by now Dotch.. :surrender:
See them chunks of wood also to give the ribs some love. You are having a great day. good luck.
well the chicky breasts that I wrapped in bacon sure were good!! I will be doing some thing that more often!!
well this morning I mixed up 5 pounds of ground beef and pork, added mixins and made 3 loafs.. now it's on the smoker getting flavored!!! I did something I have not done before.. cheese in the middle and bacon on the top of them... I'm thinking good eats later today!!!
You will love it. I've made meat loaves in the smoker and it's the best way to do it. good luck.
Sounds great! :hubba: Uh...5 lbs?! Who ya feedin'? Coxey's army? :rotflmao:
:scratch: Sounds like he's expectin company. :sleazy: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Mouth watering!!!! :happy1:
:scratch: Sounds like he's expectin company. :sleazy: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
nope no company, give some to Jim and some to Linda when I see her... share else where or freeze it....
Leftovers make a great sandwich too. good luck.
Leftovers make a great sandwich too. good luck.
you are so correct there!!! thanks guys!!!
well my smoked meat loaf came out very good tasting!!! will do the bacon wrap again... but the cheese leaked out and I figure it is operator error, I think I didn't get it sealed good enough... oh well!!
Mike next time try high temp cheese and that won't happen. regular cheese just melts out. good luck.
Mike next time try high temp cheese and that won't happen. regular cheese just melts out. good luck.
I know where to get some so I will... thanks!!!
can that be purchased in block form or is it always cut up??? never seen block style before is why I ask...
I have seen it in block form. We get it in shredded form frozen. Like little cubes ready to go. good luck.
that's all I have even seen too... thanks Rh!!! will have to buy a bag I guess..
Little dinner snack.
Dry rub smoked hot wings!
Didn't even need the Tabasco. :happy1:
Pretty selfish ain't ya. :rotflmao: screw stay at home. :rotflmao:
:happy1: looks awesome.
looks good Leech!!! :happy1:
You ain't gonna eat ALL that are ya, ya 🐷 ? :rotflmao:
Looks great! I have a bag of wings I need to cook up too.
Doing a batch of bacon cheeseburger breast this weekend, gonnankeepmhalf fresh and smoke the other half
Look tasty Leech. Haven't done wings in the smoker yet. Did you need to crispen them up a bit in the oven after smoking? good luck.
I wondered that too RH. Looks like a fun way to smoke wings. I like the dry rub idea too.
Long day yesterday. Smoked a 10lb pork butt. Turned out great!
looks darn good!!!
looks darn good!!!
Stop posting one second before I do!!! :taz: :rotflmao:
Great job, Coop! :hubba:
Did a small brisket flat about 3 1/2 pounds. rubbed it with mustard and put some Montreal steak rub on it. The mustard is the glue that holds the seasoning on the meat. Put it in the smoker at 250. Spritzed it with apple juice and brandy. Sprayed my mouth a couple of times with that in case a virus was around. Pulled it at 180 internal and then cut it into cubes. Put the cubes in a aluminum pan with some sweet heat BBQ sauce on them. Put foil on top and back in the smoker until tender as a butchers heart. Good stuff. good luck.
(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/04/26/NBkAh.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/NBkAh)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/04/26/NBJMi.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/NBJMi)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/04/26/NBoaw.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/NBoaw)
(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/04/26/NBD02.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/NBD02)
looking good rh, I've done pork belly burnt ends but not brisket, you make it look easy!! :happy1: Gonna hafta give it a go!!
I might have to buy a brisket and try that too!!
I have always wanted to try brisket too. So how long did that all take RH? Did you leave it at 250 when you put the chunks back in?
Took me about 6 hours to get it too 180 but I put it in cold. Normally I let it set on the counter till room temp. Did a 14 pound whole packer brisket once that took 18 hours. So plan early. Yes I left it at 250 with the cut chunks and sauce. The time should be a ball park figure because smokers are different, do they have consistent temps, weather outside ect. Brisket is a low and slow process for sure but worth it. good luck.
I see one store has them on sale for $2.99 a pound.. says it is whole brisket too.. will be checking it out tomorrow!!!
Took me about 6 hours to get it too 180 but I put it in cold. Normally I let it set on the counter till room temp. Did a 14 pound whole packer brisket once that took 18 hours. So plan early. Yes I left it at 250 with the cut chunks and sauce. The time should be a ball park figure because smokers are different, do they have consistent temps, weather outside ect. Brisket is a low and slow process for sure but worth it. good luck.
When I do a whole packer brisket, which isn’t to often, it goes in the smoker in the evening before I go to bed. It’s a big slab of meat and takes along time to cook.
Took me about 6 hours to get it too 180 but I put it in cold. Normally I let it set on the counter till room temp. Did a 14 pound whole packer brisket once that took 18 hours. So plan early. Yes I left it at 250 with the cut chunks and sauce. The time should be a ball park figure because smokers are different, do they have consistent temps, weather outside ect. Brisket is a low and slow process for sure but worth it. good luck.
When I do a whole packer brisket, which isn’t to often, it goes in the smoker in the evening before I go to bed. It’s a big slab of meat and takes along time to cook.
what temp do you set your smoker at when ya do that??? thanks!!
Yep Cooper that is best with a whole packer brisket. First time I did one I started in the morning and went into the night. So didn't get to eat some of the brisket that night. That was a few years ago. Didn't ask anyone and just went on my own. That's how you learn I guess by mistakes. good luck.
I did it at 250 Mike. good luck.
thanks Rh!! is that $2.99 a good price, I think so...
Just went and stocked up on ribs. I did wear gloves and a mask. A few others were too. Mainly the over 60 crowd wore them. I got 6 racks of some real nice looking spares and 5 racks of extra meaty baby backs. Also got a 10 lb tube of their burger. Should be good for awhile. They said beef and pork at going up in price.
2.99 is a damn good price for a brisket flat. That's what I paid for the two I have. They were close dated and that's why I got the deal. Normally the trimed flats are 5.99 at the Cubs that have them but I"m sure Cosco has them cheaper and bigger [flats]. Your set LPS. good luck.
well I scored a 5 pound chunk!!! going to smoke it tomorrow... so Rh did ya season it the night before or the day of??? I hope to have it on the smoker by 8am at 250... got the mustard ready and the seasoning... this way if it turns out good I can go back and get more!!!
Mike you can smear the mustard and then put the seasoning on and wrap it in plastic wrap the night before. Lot's of guys do it and I think some of that flavor sinks in the meat a bit which is good. I do it the day of just because I have done it that way for years. Fat side up and drip tray below. Use a drip pan that covers the whole brisket but doesn't cover the whole area of the smoke. That will cut off a lot of the heat. I do spritz it with apple juice with a little brandy in it a few times. I forgot to add that when the fat side is up I cut lines to the meat but not in the meat in a criss cross pattern so the fat stays on the brisket more that just slide off. good luck.
thank you kind sir!!! :happy1:
well I scored a 5 pound chunk!!! going to smoke it tomorrow... so Rh did ya season it the night before or the day of??? I hope to have it on the smoker by 8am at 250... got the mustard ready and the seasoning... this way if it turns out good I can go back and get more!!!
another "WE" meal!!!!!!!!!! :smoking: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well I scored a 5 pound chunk!!! going to smoke it tomorrow... so Rh did ya season it the night before or the day of??? I hope to have it on the smoker by 8am at 250... got the mustard ready and the seasoning... this way if it turns out good I can go back and get more!!!
another "WE" meal!!!!!!!!!! :smoking: :tut: :tut: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
this will be shared only if I can get it right... then yup "WE" meal....
hey Rh, when ya do a brisket do you do that at 225 too, I mean when you are not making burnt ends.,. and never had them yet either.. and then do ya wrap in foil and finish or just take to some where around 200?? thanks again!!
You can do it at 225 but as you know it would take longer. 250 for me. Yes when the internal hits 180 I wrap it in foil or butcher paper and put it back in the smoker till 205 then take it out and then wrap it some more and let it rest. good luck.
well I scored a 5 pound chunk!!! going to smoke it tomorrow... so Rh did ya season it the night before or the day of??? I hope to have it on the smoker by 8am at 250... got the mustard ready and the seasoning... this way if it turns out good I can go back and get more!!!
Mike, did you smoke that brisket today? And if so, how did it turn out?
yup I did it yesterday, 14 hours later I enjoyed it!!! came out very tender and juicy!!! I'm not sure I'm in a rush to do another any time soon but I would do another... but over all I learned and enjoyed the time and the eats!!! was going to post this earlier but I got side tracked by Glenn!!!
yup I did it yesterday, 14 hours later I enjoyed it!!! came out very tender and juicy!!! I'm not sure I'm in a rush to do another any time soon but I would do another... but over all I learned and enjoyed the time and the eats!!! was going to post this earlier but I got side tracked by Glenn!!!
:tut: :tut: :tut: I get blamed for everything else...……...may as well be that too!!!!!!!! :pouty: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Wowser, 14 hrs fir a 5 pounder, he is distracting. :rotflmao: :mooning:
Wow that is a long time and good to know. So you don't sound real excited even though it was tender and juicy. ?? Those are the two things I am the most worried about. You must not have liked the flavor?? What temp did you pick, 225 or 250?
Wow that is a long time and good to know. So you don't sound real excited even though it was tender and juicy. ?? Those are the two things I am the most worried about. You must not have liked the flavor?? What temp did you pick, 225 or 250?
that messed me up, I was going to do the 250, but forgot and set it 225.. 6 hours later the light bulb came on and I bumped it up I wrapped it at almost 180, but I think I would do it at 160 next time.. who knows maybe I'll break down and get another brisket tomorrow!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I think you should. And let me know how it goes. :happy1: :happy1:
Wow that is a long time and good to know. So you don't sound real excited even though it was tender and juicy. ?? Those are the two things I am the most worried about. You must not have liked the flavor?? What temp did you pick, 225 or 250?
that messed me up, I was going to do the 250, but forgot and set it 225.. 6 hours later the light bulb came on and I bumped it up I wrapped it at almost 180, but I think I would do it at 160 next time.. who knows maybe I'll break down and get another brisket tomorrow!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea I heard that light is really dim at times!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning:
I think you should. And let me know how it goes. :happy1: :happy1:
we will see!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
still debating about another brisket........ :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I have had smoked brisket that friends have smoked before. they where ok but seemed to be real fatty. :scratch: not a fan of that. not something I would run out and do I guess! I would always be willing however to be a sampler!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao:
decided to pass on the brisket for now or at least today!!!! picked up burger instead!!!
well I have a pork butt/shoulder on the smoker.. sliced the fat cap like a ham this time to see how that works.. got it seasoned up and am going to make pulled pork!!! good eats this weekend!!!
You are the Man! Sounds great. I have to decide what kind of ribs to do for Sunday. Spares, BB, or Beef. Or with the cold and windy weekend forecasted maybe I will do them on Saturday.
well I have a pork butt/shoulder on the smoker.. sliced the fat cap like a ham this time to see how that works.. got it seasoned up and am going to make pulled pork!!! good eats this weekend!!!
Mike, we hear about all the good cooking you do, how about some photos?
well I have a pork butt/shoulder on the smoker.. sliced the fat cap like a ham this time to see how that works.. got it seasoned up and am going to make pulled pork!!! good eats this weekend!!!
Mike, we hear about all the good cooking you do, how about some photos?
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :evil: oh wait. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :confused:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
You are the Man! Sounds great. I have to decide what kind of ribs to do for Sunday. Spares, BB, or Beef. Or with the cold and windy weekend forecasted maybe I will do them on Saturday.
You too LPS, you’ve got that new smoker. Glenn’s got an excuse because he hasn’t learned how to take photos. Someone has to make up for Reb and Reinhard not posting.
You are the Man! Sounds great. I have to decide what kind of ribs to do for Sunday. Spares, BB, or Beef. Or with the cold and windy weekend forecasted maybe I will do them on Saturday.
You too LPS, you’ve got that new smoker. Glenn’s got an excuse because he hasn’t learned how to take photos.
oh i can take photos...........its this @#%%^&%$% new phone!!!!!!! :confused: :pouty:
well I have a pork butt/shoulder on the smoker.. sliced the fat cap like a ham this time to see how that works.. got it seasoned up and am going to make pulled pork!!! good eats this weekend!!!
Mike, we hear about all the good cooking you do, how about some photos?
I have no idea of how to post a picture from my phone to the puter to here... so sorry my friend!!!!
well I have a pork butt/shoulder on the smoker.. sliced the fat cap like a ham this time to see how that works.. got it seasoned up and am going to make pulled pork!!! good eats this weekend!!!
Dang-it Mike. Buy a cheap digital camera! :undecided:
well I have a pork butt/shoulder on the smoker.. sliced the fat cap like a ham this time to see how that works.. got it seasoned up and am going to make pulled pork!!! good eats this weekend!!!
Dang-it Mike. Buy a cheap digital camera! :undecided:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Have your woman show you how.
ya know the funny part is some figure it out and some don't... I really don't care about learning about posting a picture at this time.. maybe someday I will... if ya want to see a picture give me your cell number and maybe I can figure out how to forward the picture for you to post for me....
LPS I have yours would you want me to send them to ya?
Have your woman show you how.
there supposed to be SIP!!!!!!!!! :tut: :tut: :tut: :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :happy1: but I will see her tomorrow... she's bring over supper and an apple blueberry crisp. she's making a chicken cordon Blu hot dish... it's not everyday I have a birthday... yes tomorrow I'm a year older.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
got the pork in the crock pot now... got it to 140 on the smoker and it looked and smelled great!!!
:happy1: :happy1: but I will see her tomorrow... she's bring over supper and an apple blueberry crisp. she's making a chicken cordon Blu hot dish... it's not everyday I have a birthday... yes tomorrow I'm a year older.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
got the pork in the crock pot now... got it to 140 on the smoker and it looked and smelled great!!!
WELL :dancinred: :dancinred: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: ya auld phart!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :cool:
:happy1: :happy1: but I will see her tomorrow... she's bring over supper and an apple blueberry crisp. she's making a chicken cordon Blu hot dish... it's not everyday I have a birthday... yes tomorrow I'm a year older.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
got the pork in the crock pot now... got it to 140 on the smoker and it looked and smelled great!!!
WELL :dancinred: :dancinred: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: ya auld phart!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :cool:
old phart is right I think!! 68!!! thanks bud!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Congrats Mike!! :party3: :party3: :party3: :Clap: :happybday:
:happy1: :happy1: but I will see her tomorrow... she's bring over supper and an apple blueberry crisp. she's making a chicken cordon Blu hot dish... it's not everyday I have a birthday... yes tomorrow I'm a year older.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
got the pork in the crock pot now... got it to 140 on the smoker and it looked and smelled great!!!
:happybday: :happybday: :party1: :cool:
Congrats Mike. Chicken Corden Blue hot dish sounds great. I will post your pork roast tomorrow. Looks awesome!!!
:happy1: :happy1: but I will see her tomorrow... she's bring over supper and an apple blueberry crisp. she's making a chicken cordon Blu hot dish... it's not everyday I have a birthday... yes tomorrow I'm a year older.... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
got the pork in the crock pot now... got it to 140 on the smoker and it looked and smelled great!!!
Well cheese and rice! Happy Birthday Mikey and many more!
:party3: :party3: :party3: :happybday: :happybday: :happybday: :Clap:
Happy Birthday Mike!!! :happybday: :party3:
thanks all!!! :happy1: :happy1:
and the pulled pork turned out great!!!!
Happy Birthday Mikey! The pork roast looks great but it won't post here. Must be too big.
Happy Birthday Mikey! The pork roast looks great but it won't post here. Must be too big.
ok thanks!!
Happy birthday Mike. Sorry for being late.🎂
His bday is today,
That Linda must have Mikey smokin :sleazy: :sleazy: he's been awefully quiet today. :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao:
That Linda must have Mikey smokin :sleazy: :sleazy: he's been awefully quiet today. :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: Bet she's A LOT nicer :angel: to him than you :evil: are. ;) ;D ;D
That Linda must have Mikey smokin :sleazy: :sleazy: he's been awefully quiet today. :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: Bet she's A LOT nicer :angel: to him than you :evil: are. ;) ;D ;D
:tut: I'm nice to everyone. :sleazy: :rolleyes: :evil:
lets ask a few certain people!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
That Linda must have Mikey smokin :sleazy: :sleazy: he's been awefully quiet today. :sleazy: :smoking: :rotflmao:
:scratch: :doah: Bet she's A LOT nicer :angel: to him than you :evil: are. ;) ;D ;D
:tut: I'm nice to everyone. :sleazy: :rolleyes: :evil:
:scratch: :bs: What day? :doah: Does it end in Y? :bonk: :rolleyes: :nerd: :nerd: ;) :laugh: :laugh:
lets ask a few certain people!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:go ahead. They won't answer that!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
lets ask a few certain people!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:go ahead. They won't answer that!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I hear ya!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
well today I'm going to put some taters and burgers on the smoker... and some asparagus to try that out!!! the Taters I'm going to slice open every 1/4 in or so to fan it open some...
well today I'm going to put some taters and burgers on the smoker... and some asparagus to try that out!!! the Taters I'm going to slice open every 1/4 in or so to fan it open some...
well that sounds interesting??????
I have done the taters before and they are good.. 1st time to burgers and asparagus... looking forward to eating them!!!
My neighbor said he smokes burgers occasionally, says there the best burgers. Do you use premade burger patties or buy plain ground beef??
Personally I think those premade patties suck, most of them anyway.
My neighbor said he smokes burgers occasionally, says there the best burgers. Do you use premade burger patties or buy plain ground beef??
Personally I think those premade patties suck, most of them anyway.
I like to make my own but some pre made are good.. these 3 are the gourmet burger from Coborns... they aren't to bad.... 2 mushroom and swiss and bacon cheddar....
:scratch: that's alot of food for one guy?? :scratch: :tut: :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
yup yer right, Jim had the taters so 1/2 are his... and one burger for him too... the rest is for me!!! left overs!!! and the asparagus I only placed a few stalks on it to try out... I'll have company tomorrow!!! then it will grillen time!!
yup yer right, Jim had the taters so 1/2 are his... and one burger for him too... the rest is for me!!! left overs!!! and the asparagus I only places a few stalks on it to try out... I'll have company tomorrow!!! then it will grillen time!!
:scratch: :scratch: Hmmmmmmm!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
well the asparagus turned out very good!!! as did the burgers!!!!! the taters are finishing up now... but I would do the asparagus again!!!
Well I smoked a brisket in the Pit Barrel cooker and it turned out great!
This time I removed the point and made burn’t ends. They we’re so good, tender and flavorful. If you don’t do this with a brisket point you’re really missing out. The wife calls them “meat candy” I have to agree.
well I have St. Louis style ribs and taters on the smoker!!! dry rubbed the ribs...
well I have St. Louis style ribs and taters on the smoker!!! dry rubbed the ribs...
Mike, I’ve got a rack of St Louis, and 2 chicken halves going into the Pit Barrel tomorrow.
well I have St. Louis style ribs and taters on the smoker!!! dry rubbed the ribs...
Mike, I’ve got a rack of St Louis, and 2 chicken halves going into the Pit Barrel tomorrow.
tomorrow I will grill a top sirloin and then we can have ribs and steak for supper!!! yours sounds super too!!!! :happy1:
Man you guys. I better step up to the plate and grill/smoke something this weekend. I am thinking ribs.
Man you guys. I better step up to the plate and grill/smoke something this weekend. I am thinking ribs.
and here I thought I was keeping up with you!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
The last 2 weeks I looked around for a brisket or a nice tri tip roast to smoke, but the shelves are pretty picked over and beef really jumped up in price so I grabbed a 10 # bone in pork shoulder instead. Injected with apple juice slathered it up with some rub and put it on bout 5:30 this morning.
I'm heading out to the deep freeze and grabbing a rack of St. Louis spares to rub and put in the Smokin-It. Will use hickory chunks.
The Pit Barrel in action. Chicken & Ribs
Looks great coop!! Any rotation needed for even heating?
Looks great coop!! Any rotation needed for even heating?
I’m not an expert with the Pit Barrel yet, I just got it the end of last summer, but I haven’t had to do any rotating. They say because of the way the air flows that the whole barrel keeps the same temperature. I like that you just light it, hang it or use the grate and walk away.
Coopy……….is there a cover to that bad boy????? and that sure does look nummy!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
I have friends that use that method and love it too!!! let us know when ya have a get together!!! :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Just put some tulibees from last winter in Rieny's brine. Will smoke tomorrow.
(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/06/09/NLhOg.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/NLhOg)
Coopy……….is there a cover to that bad boy????? and that sure does look nummy!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Thanks, Yes there is a cover. Sorry about the photo?
never seen one like that... all are home made here... that is cool for sure!!!
Is there an electric element in it? Put wood chips or chunks on it? Looks like fun.
never seen one like that... all are home made here... that is cool for sure!!!
Ya Mike a lot of people make there own, but I’ve got other stuff to spend my time on. When they are homemade they call them UDS, or ugly drum smokers.
Is there an electric element in it? Put wood chips or chunks on it? Looks like fun.
LPS, no electric, all charcoal. Yes, you can just drop wood chips or chucks on top of the coal. The nice thing about the Pit Barrel is one load of charcoal is enough to last for an entire brisket smoke without adding.
never seen one like that... all are home made here... that is cool for sure!!!
Ya Mike a lot of people make there own, but I’ve got other stuff to spend my time on. When they are homemade they call them UDS, or ugly drum smokers.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
No toy arrived yesterday. Slapped it together and got it broke in last night with a package of pig chops. It sure isn't a gas grill. Can't wait to try to smoke some ribs on it. :happy1:
No toy arrived yesterday. Slapped it together and got it broke in last night with a package of pig chops. It sure isn't a gas grill. Can't wait to try to smoke some ribs on it. :happy1:
you will like that thing Markn!!! I had that brand first and loved it, just to small so when I upgraded I ended up with a Green Mountain.. both are solid!!!
I have always used hickory pellets. But I ordered some pecan and some cherry pellets on Amazon. Curious to try them.
Tulibees on the rack drying for last hour. Starting to get tacky. Will be putting smome to the shortly.
(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/06/10/NM71N.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/NM71N)
Coopy……….is there a cover to that bad boy????? and that sure does look nummy!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Thanks, Yes there is a cover. Sorry about the photo?
Here yea go. :happy1:
Coopy……….is there a cover to that bad boy????? and that sure does look nummy!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Thanks, Yes there is a cover. Sorry about the photo?
Here yea go. :happy1:
Thanks Leech!
Here are the tulibees coming out of the smoker. They hit 160 little over 2 hours. I let them go just a little longer. I put them in the fridge and will sample today.
(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/06/11/NTNxL.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/NTNxL)
I like them better after they are cooled off too. They look great JB!
Here are the tulibees coming out of the smoker. They hit 160 little over 2 hours. I let them go just a little longer. I put them in the fridge and will sample today.
(https://tinypix.top/images/2020/06/11/NTNxL.md.jpg) (https://tinypix.top/i/NTNxL)
i'll send you my address!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: those look great!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Hope they taste as good as they look. I followed Rieny's recipe.
For all you charcoal grill in madmen, home depot's git charcoal on sale. Twin pack 20 lbers fer $16.88. picking me up some tomorrow. :happy1:
I use hardwood limp charcoal. Don’t know if it’s still on, but Costco had 34# bags for about $20.00 not long ago. One if the bags I got had really big pieces which work out well for long smokes, like brisket and pork butts.
That would be lump charcoal. Limp charcoal is hard to light.
That would be lump charcoal. Limp charcoal is hard to light.
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
Happy Father’s Day guys. These are my first attempt on the new Pit Boss. Another 30 minutes in the fridge and in they go. :happy1:
Have a few days off work and thought I would try something new to me for lunch.
Dry rub thick cut pork chops! Came out dang good. :happy1:
looks to me like ya done good there!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
That looks great Leech. Being retired I have wondered if I shouldn't be doing that during the day at times too. Sounds like a great lunch. How long did you go with those thick chops? 225?
ya if that's lunch I can't wait to see supper!! :happy1:
That looks great Leech. Being retired I have wondered if I shouldn't be doing that during the day at times too. Sounds like a great lunch. How long did you go with those thick chops? 225?
205 for about 3 hours. Thought they would dry out but still very moist. :happy1:
:scratch: :scratch: mailman musta lost my invite. :pouty: :pouty: :confused:
:happy1: :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: and Dotch says yes to all the above. :rotflmao:
:happy1: :happy1:
excellent Leech!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Gonna be hotter than heck here this weekend but I would like to smoke something. I have pork and beef ribs in the freezer. Will see what the weather really does when the time comes.
Gonna be hotter than heck here this weekend but I would like to smoke something. I have pork and beef ribs in the freezer. Will see what the weather really does when the time comes.
so you gonna smoke a Doobie or cigs while your smomin? :scratch: :rotflmao:
Gonna be hotter than heck here this weekend but I would like to smoke something. I have pork and beef ribs in the freezer. Will see what the weather really does when the time comes.
leaning to grilling myself....
Gonna be hotter than heck here this weekend but I would like to smoke something. I have pork and beef ribs in the freezer. Will see what the weather really does when the time comes.
so you gonna smoke a Doobie or cigs while your smomin? :scratch: :rotflmao:
You are pretty funny Glenn.
Gonna be hotter than heck here this weekend but I would like to smoke something. I have pork and beef ribs in the freezer. Will see what the weather really does when the time comes.
so you gonna smoke a Doobie or cigs while your smomin? :scratch: :rotflmao:
:nerd: :nerd: :nerd:
You are pretty funny Glenn.
I quit smoking cigs in 1987. Best thing I ever did was quit them.
Gonna be hotter than heck here this weekend but I would like to smoke something. I have pork and beef ribs in the freezer. Will see what the weather really does when the time comes.
so you gonna smoke a Doobie or cigs while your smomin? :scratch: :rotflmao:
You are pretty funny....................................................................... lookin Glenn.
There, that's better!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I thought this thread was about smoking food?
Pork belly into the brine for bacon!
I thought this thread was about smoking food?
Pork belly into the brine for bacon!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Gonna be hotter than heck here this weekend but I would like to smoke something. I have pork and beef ribs in the freezer. Will see what the weather really does when the time comes.
so you gonna smoke a Doobie or cigs while your smomin? :scratch: :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut: :tut:
You are pretty funny....................................................................... lookin Glenn.
There, that's better!! :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Looks like fun. Haven't done that in a long time.
Looks delicious coop!! You ever run into the bacon curls up more frying with a wet brine?
Looks delicious coop!! You ever run into the bacon curls up more frying with a wet brine?
No Bobber I haven’t noticed the bacon curling. I mostly slice it thick cut, so I don’t know if that makes a difference. I’ve always used wet brine, but I’ve always wanted to try the dry brine.
I had an extra slab of pork belly, so I made some pork belly burn’t ends. Into the smoker with rub, pulled after a couple hours of smoke. Into an aluminum pan covered, with brown sugar, honey, and butter. Back into the smoker for 1 1/2. Over to the Weber to caramelized.
dang that looks great!!! :happy1:
dang that looks great!!! :happy1:
yep had me droolin until I seen brown sugar and honey. :pouty: :pouty: :doah:
dang that looks great!!! :happy1:
yep had me droolin until I seen brown sugar and honey. :pouty: :pouty: :doah:
so now brown sugar needs to be added to the "list"!!!!!!!! honey is already on it... HD!!!!!!!
The only way I'll knownly eat brown sugar is in cookies or the like. My ex wife made chili or something with brown sugar, I swear she put 5 lbs in it. Although she'd ef up a pot of boiling water.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
AND ya don't put sugar of any kind in chili for cripes sake. :doofus: :doah: :censored:
dang that looks great!!! :happy1:
yep had me droolin until I seen brown sugar and honey. :pouty: :pouty: :doah:
Well Glenn, what do you think they put in barbecue sauce? It’s only a 1/4 cup of each.
yea i know.......i maybe go through a jar of BBQ a year. some just taste a lot less like brown sugar then some.
Don't get me wrong coop, that looks really good :happy1:
Don't feel bad coop, I tried to give Glenn some homemade bacon at rebs, but he ran like a Somalian from that.. :mooning: He did tho grab some Canadian bacon I brought, which was brined in pops ( brown sugar, white and molasses). See, your still breathing.. :rotflmao:
Don't feel bad coop, I tried to give Glenn some homemade bacon at rebs, but he ran like a Somalian from that.. :mooning: He did tho grab some Canadian bacon I brought, which was brined in pops ( brown sugar, white and molasses). See, your still breathing.. :rotflmao:
:scratch: :scratch: I don't recall?? :scratch: :evil: :confused:
Don't feel bad coop, I tried to give Glenn some homemade bacon at rebs, but he ran like a Somalian from that.. :mooning: He did tho grab some Canadian bacon I brought, which was brined in pops ( brown sugar, white and molasses). See, your still breathing.. :rotflmao:
:scratch: :scratch: I don't recall?? :scratch: :evil: :confused:
you are so full of :bs: :bs:!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:confused: :pouty: :pouty:
Don't feel bad coop, I tried to give Glenn some homemade bacon at rebs, but he ran like a Somalian from that.. :mooning: He did tho grab some Canadian bacon I brought, which was brined in pops ( brown sugar, white and molasses). See, your still breathing.. :rotflmao:
:scratch: :scratch: I don't recall?? :scratch: :evil: :confused:
Uh huh.. Nice try!! :bonk:
Those burnt ends look great. Did they taste as good as they look?
Don't feel bad coop, I tried to give Glenn some homemade bacon at rebs, but he ran like a Somalian from that.. :mooning: He did tho grab some Canadian bacon I brought, which was brined in pops ( brown sugar, white and molasses). See, your still breathing.. :rotflmao:
:scratch: :scratch: I don't recall?? :scratch: :evil: :confused:
:bonk: :doah: :laughroll: :laughroll:
well I have 2 chunks of boneless pork loin in apple cider till tomorrow and then on the smoker they will go!!!! might have to make some hard boiled eggs too so they can go on there at the same time!!!
well the pork loin is still smoking away!! did the eggs too and now I have a bunch of smoked deviled eggs!!! and they taste good too!! a few more hours and the loin will be ready too!!
Mike, how long do you leave the eggs in the smoker? It sounds like they would be great. Thanks. :happy1: :happy1:
Mike, how long do you leave the eggs in the smoker? It sounds like they would be great. Thanks. :happy1: :happy1:
Mark, any where from 1/2 hour to an hour.. but mostly done by 45 minutes... they can get rubbery other wise... and lowest temp too and you are welcome!! :happy1: :happy1:
also when I did these I cut some in 1/2 before smoking to try some thing different.. good luck with them!!!
Mike, how long do you leave the eggs in the smoker? It sounds like they would be great. Thanks. :happy1: :happy1:
Mark, any where from 1/2 hour to an hour.. but mostly done by 45 minutes... they can get rubbery other wise... and lowest temp too and you are welcome!! :happy1: :happy1:
also when I did these I cut some in 1/2 before smoking to try some thing different.. good luck with them!!!
few times i did eggs, I Used pellets and one of those tube things... They work great.
Mike, how long do you leave the eggs in the smoker? It sounds like they would be great. Thanks. :happy1: :happy1:
Mark, any where from 1/2 hour to an hour.. but mostly done by 45 minutes... they can get rubbery other wise... and lowest temp too and you are welcome!! :happy1: :happy1:
also when I did these I cut some in 1/2 before smoking to try some thing different.. good luck with them!!!
few times i did eggs, I Used pellets and one of those tube things... They work great.
×2 an hour will do a cold smoked egg wonders.
Smoked eggs might be on the menu for tomorrow...
The boys could use some pics del.. :happy1:
The boys could use some pics del.. :happy1:
OK, haven't done anything yet...
Did a pork butt instead..... but no pics.
well I got the porcupine meatballs made, 3# of burger and made 21 meatballs, now they are on the smoker.. we shall see!!!
Good luck Mike, I did look em up but I'm not a huge fan of rice. Although I'd give one a shot. :happy1: Someday I'm gonna do cheesy smoked meatballs, that'll do the arteries some good!
Good luck Mike, I did look em up but I'm not a huge fan of rice. Although I'd give one a shot. :happy1: Someday I'm gonna do cheesy smoked meatballs, that'll do the arteries some good!
I'm the same about rice but this just sounded good.. and I thought about adding cheese to them too!!! next time!!! and thanks!!
well other than the bottom of the meatball got a little crispy, they turned out good I'd say!! some thing different... :happy1:
I had an extra slab of pork belly, so I made some pork belly burn’t ends. Into the smoker with rub, pulled after a couple hours of smoke. Into an aluminum pan covered, with brown sugar, honey, and butter. Back into the smoker for 1 1/2. Over to the Weber to caramelized.
looks great but holy cholesterol,neighbor does a good job on burnt ends but fattly as hell,does "buffalo turds" as well but nary a sample of those yet,
I had an extra slab of pork belly, so I made some pork belly burn’t ends. Into the smoker with rub, pulled after a couple hours of smoke. Into an aluminum pan covered, with brown sugar, honey, and butter. Back into the smoker for 1 1/2. Over to the Weber to caramelized.
looks great but holy cholesterol,neighbor does a good job on burnt ends but fattly as hell,does "buffalo turds" as well but nary a sample of those yet,
yes, a lot of fat with the pork belly burnt ends. I much prefer brisket burnt ends made from the point. More meat than fat and a lot more tender.
Can't match what coop has goin on but my fave in the fall,bacon wrapped duck/goose chunks charcoal and hickory smoke.
looks good snow!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Dang right snow, we always did em fresh around camp over a fire in sodak!! Tasty. :happy1:
Yes that looks great!
So, I'm thinking of doing Texas sacrilege!
We are deep frying our turkey for Thanksgiving and I'm thinking of deep frying, then smoke finishing a packer Brisket with the left over oil! 😲
Why? Cuz I'm lazy and saw it on YouTube! 😁
Forgot to post pictures. Turned out great! Very tender and not dried out. Great flavor.
not sure about deep frying it but what the heck!! taters looked darn good too!!!
Go for it Leech!! Looked tasty!
Be interesting to hear if the smoking does anything much in the way of flavor after deep frying first.
most likely won't take the smoke
Tried a wet brine this time around, it consisted of canning salt, brown sugar, dill weed, turmeric , black pepper and sliced onion. Sprinkled a little more dill on then let it sit in the fridge for probably 4 hrs then get smoked at 180 for a few. We'll see i guess. Should have cut some belly meat off but oh well.
damn that looks nummy already..........you got my address right????? :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
save me some!!!
Got a 12lb full packer brisket in the brine. After it’s corned I plan on rubbing and smoking for pastrami.
Looks like fun.
send me your address so I can help ya eat it!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Looks good coop, I've always wanted to try that.
I plan on smoking at least one corned beef this year too.. been thinking about it and the only thing stopping me is me!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
I plan on smoking at least one corned beef this year too.. been thinking about it and the only thing stopping me is me!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
:confused:well well quit your damn kanoodling with Linda and get to it. :rotflmao:
oh I will!!!
oh I will!!!
:happy1: :happy1:
Got a 12lb full packer brisket in the brine. After it’s corned I plan on rubbing and smoking for pastrami.
Well here it is, and it is amazing. This is without a doubt the best pastrami I’ve made, or possible ever had. About 8 days in the Corning brine, 8 hrs to desalinated, 2 day in the refrigerator with the pastrami rub, then into the Pit Barrel cooker. The color is amazing.
that looks so awesome!! how many hours on the smoker??? :happy1:
that looks so awesome!! how many hours on the smoker??? :happy1:
About 6 or 7 hours. Pulled at internal temp of 205*
so what was the smoker temp thru the whole process?? and thanks!!!!
so what was the smoker temp thru the whole process?? and thanks!!!!
I don’t know exactly what the temperature was. With the Pit Barrel cooker there is no temperature adjustment. You set the vent for your elevation and everything cooks the same way. I’ve heard the temperature runs about 275 to 325?
so I'm thinking that pit barrel cooks like an Orion cooker. the only difference would be the charcoal is inside yours and the Orion it's on the outside... interesting!!!!
Didn't know what else to do but wanted to smoke something today so put a rack of extra meaty baby backs in the smoker. Will be done in about an hour. When I wrapped them I put some Baby Rays honey bbq sauce on them. Used Famous Daves rub. Maybe pics later.
so I'm thinking that pit barrel cooks like an Orion cooker. the only difference would be the charcoal is inside yours and the Orion it's on the outside... interesting!!!!
Mike, I don’t know much about the Orion. The PBC you always fill the charcoal pan to the top, pull out 40 briquettes and start them in a starter chimney. When they turn white you dump them on top of the unlit coals. You can either put whatever you are cooking on the grate or hang using hooks on the rebar. I hung the brisket until about IT of 150, then wrapped in foil with some beer, and put on the grill grate until done. The more I use this cooker, the more I like it.
Holy contraption cooperman,quite the process making that darn good looking pastrami,wish I had taste-o -vision on my puter. :happy1: on your tenacity making your corned pastrami.
doesn't the charcoal all fall out with it hanging down like that :crazy: :crazy:
Getting close!
great looking color there Bobber!!!!
:hubba: :hubba: :hubba: :wowza:
Looks great Bob.
Momma accidentally bought a spiral, but still was really juicey, yanked it at 120°
Momma accidentally bought a spiral, but still was really juicey, yanked it at 120°
ya gonna spank her later for it. :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:police: :sleazy:
Back in town for easter sunday,checking in on my pop's as of yesterday he bumped up the bribe from $100 to $500 to get him outof the senior care home,poor guy,I watched him yesterday eyeballing the window in his room,could see the wheels turning (what he has left) thinking of busting out the window,jail break deal?
beautiful sunday afternoon,fired up my weber charcoal grill, latherd mustard on the roast then a home dry rub,hickory wood for smoke,smoked the shoulder roast and a side of 5 bean bbq in sauce.,took the roast off 3.5 hours later,wrapped it in tin foil to rest,then fell asleep until midnight,my old age bustin arse spring goose hunting is taking a toll,humping around in the mud wore me out,I feel taller as pulling my feet outof the clay/mud stretched me out,might be pushing 6'5 these days.
I bought some chicken tenders yesterday, bacon wrapped them and smoked them today... darn good!!!!!!
That sounds great Mike. The wife bought some Pagoda pork egg rolls. She baked them and they were real good. Looking forward to the chicken ones she got too.
That sounds great Mike. The wife bought some Pagoda pork egg rolls. She baked them and they were real good. Looking forward to the chicken ones she got too.
I picked some of them up from Aldi's yesterday, lunch or supper Sat... different brand
baby back ribs and pork steak going on the smoker today!!! :happy1:
baby back ribs and pork steak going on the smoker today!!! :happy1:
:sleazy: :smoking: i'll be there by 5!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: then i gotta go to Alex to sample some smoked pulled pork!!!!!!!!! :evil: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
baby back ribs and pork steak going on the smoker today!!! :happy1:
:sleazy: :smoking: i'll be there by 5!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: then i gotta go to Alex to sample some smoked pulled pork!!!!!!!!! :evil: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
go to Alex first and bring me some!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well I did the baby back ribs the old way I'd say.. 4 and 3/4 hours at 225 and just let it go... came out very good and tender!! placed some pork steaks on smoker at the same time but pulled them at 2 1/2 hours.. came out looking great too!!! first time smoking them and I will be doing that again!!!
Did you wrap them at any time Mike or just leave them naked? Any sauce? Sounds great.
For the 4th I grilled a whole black Angus steer on a spit over a open pit!
Its was delicious! 😋😋
Of course, without "Pictures" you will just have to believe me! 😉 🤭
Did you wrap them at any time Mike or just leave them naked? Any sauce? Sounds great.
did these naked for something different, no sauce. I prefer my ribs that way, sauce can be added after if someone wants it... and yes all was good!!
:happy1: :happy1: i like nekked!!!!!!!!! :smoking: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
For the 4th I grilled a whole black Angus steer on a spit over a open pit!
Its was delicious! 😋😋
Of course, without "Pictures" you will just have to believe me! 😉 🤭
Did you skin it first or just throw it on the fire and burn the hair off? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
For the 4th I grilled a whole black Angus steer on a spit over a open pit!
Its was delicious! 😋😋
Of course, without "Pictures" you will just have to believe me! 😉 🤭
Did you skin it first or just throw it on the fire and burn the hair off? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: he never said anything about gutting it either. :doah: :doah: :rotflmao:
For the 4th I grilled a whole black Angus steer on a spit over a open pit!
Its was delicious! 😋😋
Of course, without "Pictures" you will just have to believe me! 😉 🤭
hard to think a person of your education and age ya still need pictures to understand what's going on with a conversation!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
For the 4th I grilled a whole black Angus steer on a spit over a open pit!
Its was delicious! 😋😋
Of course, without "Pictures" you will just have to believe me! 😉 🤭
Did you skin it first or just throw it on the fire and burn the hair off? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
This should work everywhere! 🤭 "hard to think a person of your education and age ya still need pictures to understand what's going on with a conversation!!" :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Like glenn and Mike I love pork steak over charcoal,always add apple or pecan wood for added sweet smoke flavor,went in to the butcher shop for a steak saturday prices on beef still suck came out with a oversized pork steak,more like a 2" boston cut shoulder roast,dry rubbed for 4 hours grilled /semi'd smoke for 45 minutes.no temp gauge just eye ball qualify sitting in the smokey joe weber charcoal grill.last night hickory smoked chicken wings another fantastic delicacy after 24hrs in a zesty italian /hot sauce marinaid then blacken pepper dry rub to seal the3 deal.
doing a beef tri tip roast tomorrow on the smoker.. first time for one of those.. always wanted to just never did before now...
just placed a turkey on smoker... dang thing was still a little frozen by the tail area, after a week in the fridge!!! WTH!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
good beer fridge!!! :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Good beer fridge! :happy1: :happy1:
just placed a turkey on smoker... dang thing was still a little frozen by the tail area, after a week in the fridge!!! WTH!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
good beer fridge!!! :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Ya, ya don't want cold tail! :evil: Sounds good! What kinda wood ya using, or do you have a pellet smoker? ?Haven't had any turkey since I can't remember when... :tongue:
just placed a turkey on smoker... dang thing was still a little frozen by the tail area, after a week in the fridge!!! WTH!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
good beer fridge!!! :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
did you do a wet brine or dry or dry rub??????????
oh i should make it in time when its done!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :mooning: :super smiley: :laughroll:
wet, injected, and no rub this time, boning it out when it's cooled down...
wet, injected, and no rub this time, boning it out when it's cooled down...
man keep that carcass and make soup....... :happy1: :happy1:
just placed a turkey on smoker... dang thing was still a little frozen by the tail area, after a week in the fridge!!! WTH!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
good beer fridge!!! :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Ya, ya don't want cold tail! :evil: Sounds good! What kinda wood ya using, or do you have a pellet smoker? ?Haven't had any turkey since I can't remember when... :tongue:
just placed a turkey on smoker... dang thing was still a little frozen by the tail area, after a week in the fridge!!! WTH!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
good beer fridge!!! :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
Ya, ya don't want cold tail! :evil: Sounds good! What kinda wood ya using, or do you have a pellet smoker? ?Haven't had any turkey since I can't remember when... :tongue:
oppppps missed this one!! pellet smoker today... using a blend of woods
just checked the bird getting close to done!!! perfect color too!!!
Well, hold on! I'm on the way with the 'tater salad and iced tea!!!!!! :tongue:
Well, hold on! I'm on the way with the 'tater salad and iced tea!!!!!! :tongue:
better get rollin!!! :rotflmao:
I was waitin' for smoked turkey pics.... :tongue:
it's already cut up and ready to eat!!!
Well the plan was to go to the State fair today but the wife said lets give it another year! 🙁
So I got out the smoker and rubbed some ribs. Not cheese curds, or corn dogs, but they did fall off the bone! 😋
Looks awesome leech. :happy1: :happy1:
yup good eats there!!! :happy1:
:hubba: Yum Yum!!!!
:happy1: :happy1: dang leech....that looks good!!!!!!!!!!! at least you dodnt have your sh.......awe never mind!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :sleazy:
:wowza: :wowza:
By golly those look good!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :tongue:
looks good buddy!!! :happy1:
Not bad for a smurf... :bonk:
Ya, looking good! :happy1:
Bet it's all gone, ground is littered with empty beer cans, and Smokin' Glenn is tipped back in his yard chair, with drool running out of one corner of his mouth. *GAZAAAWK* :rotflmao:
Bet it's all gone, ground is littered with empty beer cans, and Smokin' Glenn is tipped back in his yard chair, with drool running out of one corner of his mouth. *GAZAAAWK* :rotflmao:
:tut: :tut: :tut: not a drop of alcohol was used in this process.
Besides it was like 7:30 am when I started this. No can drink booze of any sort in the morning. :tut:
I never drink during the week either. Maybe when someone stops over. Then occasionally when I'm alone or with somebody. :sleazy: :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Now tomorrow all bets are off!!!
Well!! How'd they turn out?? Sure look good!! Bout time you blew the dust off dat smoker!
What the hell?? Ya pull those outa the ditch or something?
Well!! How'd they turn out?? Sure look good!! Bout time you blew the dust off dat smoker!
they turned out awesome???👍👍
Boar .... bite me. :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao:
My bait pile looks more appealing than those
My bait pile looks more appealing than those
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: then go eat your bait pile!!!!!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Fine!! I will! ...
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I got me some ground pork and some bacon so I can do some fatties in the next day or two.
Is Delmar gonna be helpin' wid dose fatties? :smoking: :rotflmao:
I got me some ground pork and some bacon so I can do some fatties in the next day or two.
Oh man, fatties. Been awhile since we seen one, that sounds super lps!!
I like to make two of them. Good leftovers for during the week. May be a good thing to do tomorrow with the rains coming. I rubbed a ribeye yesterday that will get grilled later today. The frig smells so good I could almost eat it raw. 22 0z'er. :sleazy:
What time can I come over for dinner? Just kidding. I thought a "fatty" was a hand-made cig with something other than tobacco. LOL :sleazy:At least it was in the seventies. :smoking:
I will post pics of them when they are done. Not doobies but fatties. :sleazy:
seasoned tri-tip roast going on the smoker is a few minutes!!!
seasoned tri-tip roast going on the smoker is a few minutes!!!
Interesting mike,been thinking of putting a beef roast on the charcoal grill with cherry wood,tell me how you prep/smoketemp you use please,I've got pork roast's down pat,big ole sirloin or tri tip might be a good change.
this isn't the first one I've done... just set the temp to 225 and pull it when it hits 145 or so... it was pre-seasoned from Aldi's. next will a pork butt or a chuck roast I think...
seasoned tri-tip roast going on the smoker is a few minutes!!!
Interesting mike,been thinking of putting a beef roast on the charcoal grill with cherry wood,tell me how you prep/smoketemp you use please,I've got pork roast's down pat,big ole sirloin or tri tip might be a good change.
Thanx mike,dang beef had another price hike in my area yesterday when I was trolling the butcher shop,I may bite the bullet and give a sirloin roast a whirl for the weekend,my butcher was cutting chuck roast's yesterday had me contemplating doing a pot roast this weekend but landed a nice thick chuck-eye steak he cut for me instead,next best cut to a ribeye for half the price,I'll save the pot roast for when it cools down more.It's not a good idea to grocery shop on an empty stomach.
changed my mind too!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: next I'll be doing a wild rice meat loaf with cream cheese in it, bacon wrapped of course!!! most likely Friday or Saturday...
our local grocery store has homemade wild rice meat loaf,it sucked,not sure why,used low heat on my pellet grill,came out dry and not much flavor.
Down the road from my place,local butcher,home to over 100 different flavored brats has the best homemade meat loaf barr none ...I usually add chopped onions and pine nuts and lay a bead of bbq sauce down the center for the charcoal grill flavor,good call for this weekend,you talked me into it.
Naa, ya can't beat my Reb-o-licious zingy meatloaf with topping..... :hubba:
I'll PM ya the recipe if ya want it.
Naa, ya can't beat my Reb-o-licious zingy meatloaf with topping..... :hubba:
I'll PM ya the recipe if ya want it.
post it in the recipe's....
so where's that recipe Reb's?? looked in the recipe forum and couldn't find it...
well got my cheese filled wild rice meat loaf wrapped in bacon waiting to go on the smoker in a while!!!
I can send it to ya, Mike. I'm not postin' any more recipes...
I can send it to ya, Mike. I'm not postin' any more recipes...
ok sounds good...
Well as much as I wanted to put a meat loaf in on the weber charcoal grill,I ended up with a small sirloin roast as sirloin was on sale saturday at our butcher shop,(more like a large family steak about 3" thick),dry rubbed over night,added cherry wood to charcoal,boy did that sucker come out good,perfect med/rare....nice crust on both sides as I seared it first over direct charcoals ,then indirect and added cherry wood,this added great flavor.
tonight is meat loaf monday....my charcoal supply is getting low anyone see a sale on "kingsgford"? usually home depot has twin 20lb bags on sale but not lately,last summer one could get the twin pak for $10.99,this year over memorial day sale we paid 16.99 for two 20lb bags,still a decent deal compared to our grocery store $10 for 5lb bag.
Better 🏃♂️ fast to yer Flat Farm before they're all gone...they're on clearance.
Thanx Reb,never knew you were the fugal shopper... ;)
Me?! I haveta be! 'Bout the only time I buy something I need is if it's on sale!
If it ain't, I'll haggle it down! Must be the Scots in me.... :azn:
Marvelous Maple Bacon, 10 lbs. fresh off the smoke. Sliced and packaged. Did a wet brine, and a hot smoke this time.
Wow! Nice job! Can yu post yur recipe?
:hubba: :happy1:
darn good lookin bacon!!! :happy1:
Beautiful Coop. Do you have a slicer or use a knife?
my guess is a slicer set about 1/8 inch cut... :scratch:
My guess is the Ronco Slice-o-Matic, set at "just right". :tongue: :rotflmao:
Wow! Nice job! Can yu post yur recipe?
Boar, it’s a recipe from Meatheads AmazingRibs.com
The recipe you use depends on the amount of liquid you use and the pounds and thickness of the bellies. I get my bellies from Costco, they are usually around 10 lbs, so I cut them in half and brine them separately.
Beautiful Coop. Do you have a slicer or use a knife?
LPS, I have a meat slicer, just a cheap one, but it works. I usually try and do half thick cut and half thin.
I tried a wet brine once but the bacon curled up pretty bad while frying, the dry didn't. You see that while using this recipe coop? Looks outstanding!!
I tried a wet brine once but the bacon curled up pretty bad while frying, the dry didn't. You see that while using this recipe coop? Looks outstanding!!
I have always wet brined my pork bellies, but I’ve never noticed an excessive amount of curling. No more than store bought. Usually when I wet brine, the whole belly is completely submerged in liquid in a plastic meat bin. This recipe the only liquid was 1-1/4 cup of water, and 1/2 cup of maple syrup per 5 lb. slab in a ziploc bag, on a cookie sheet, turning twice a day. If you look at the recipe there is a box that says “slices”. If you adjust that number, you will see the pounds of meat and additional ingredients change. I had to change the slices to 125 to get 5 lb.
down at the bottom of this page is a brine calculator for getting the right amount of cure and the number of day to brine. I used 150ppm cure for 3 days.
Hot wings in the smoker for the Viks game!
Win or lose I'm eaten good! 😋
what you do to make them "hot". by the way there not healthy!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
what you do to make them "hot". by the way there not healthy!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
Why aren't they healthy? Their not deep fried and most of the fat cooks out of them, see drip pan! :huh:
I use a mix of low salt blackening rubs and a few dashes of cayenne pepper powder. :happy1:
what you do to make them "hot". by the way there not healthy!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :rotflmao:
Why aren't they healthy? Their not deep fried and most of the fat cooks out of them, see drip pan! :huh:
I use a mix of low salt blackening rubs and a few dashes of cayenne pepper powder. :happy1:
there healthy for me.......not you!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Sausage time.....10 lbs Venison/Beef Summer Sausage
15 Lbs Venison/Pork Polish Sausage.
Good stuff. :toast: :toast: :toast:
looking good Ken!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Since I'm done sitting in a tree this year. :surrender: Two Turkeys going in the smoker on Sat! :happy1:
That sounds fun Leech. I've never done that but sounds great.
Since I'm done sitting in a tree this year. :surrender: Two Turkeys going in the smoker on Sat! :happy1:
:happy1: :happy1:I'LL BRING THE BEER!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:tut: :scratch: He drink GOOD beer!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
That sounds fun Leech. I've never done that but sounds great.
they are great that way!!! :happy1:
:tut: :scratch: He drink GOOD beer!! ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
he smokes 2 turkeys........i'll even buy his brand!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning:
That sounds fun Leech. I've never done that but sounds great.
I've done a few smoked and they turn out pretty darn good! :happy1:
I usually spatchcock or split them. They get done faster and the smoke hits all areas then doing a whole bird.
Dry rub and smoke. Usually smaller birds around 12lbs. It would be hard to fit a split 20+ lbs bird on the racks.
So Leech, what time do I need to be there by??🤭 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So Leech, what time do I need to be there by??🤭 :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
3-4hrs! 😋
:tongue: man looks good already. How big are those?? I have about a 10-11 lber I may experiment with.
Any tricks to a marinade or rub??
need some smell a vision!!! lookin good!! :happy1:
:tongue: man looks good already. How big are those?? I have about a 10-11 lber I may experiment with.
Any tricks to a marinade or rub??
Their 11-12lbs.
I use a mix of Wee willy #2 rub, little chili powder, and blacking rub. All low salt as it can get pretty salty. I also put chicken broth in the water container to keep it moist.👍
Finally, Yuum! 😋
:scratch: :doah: awe.... There's a half missing?? :confused:
:scratch: :doah: awe.... There's a half missing?? :confused:
Yep hauled one before I took the shoot.
:tongue: man looks good already. How big are those?? I have about a 10-11 lber I may experiment with.
Any tricks to a marinade or rub??
Glenn, forget about smoking a turkey, this is perfect for you.
:tongue: man looks good already. How big are those?? I have about a 10-11 lber I may experiment with.
Any tricks to a marinade or rub??
Glenn, forget about smoking a turkey, this is perfect for you.
now that's funny!!! Glenn and sous vide!!!
:confused: :pouty: :mad1: :surrender: :bs: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Might as well Glenn, isn't your smoker of 4 years still in the box? :scratch: :bonk: ;)
Might as well Glenn, isn't your smoker of 4 years still in the box? :scratch: :bonk: ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: :tut: :tut: no, i've smoked 2 batches of fish with it recently!!!!!!!! :mooning: you seem to forget da pictures!!!!! :doah: :rotflmao:
Might as well Glenn, isn't your smoker of 4 years still in the box? :scratch: :bonk: ;)
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :tut: :tut: :tut: no, i've smoked 2 batches of fish with it recently!!!!!!!! :mooning: you seem to forget da pictures!!!!! :doah: :rotflmao:
Glenn, you know Morey’s fish is already smoked.
:pouty: :pouty: :doah: :embarrassed: oh the abuse!!!!!!! :pouty: :surrender: :surrender:
Helping the DNR!! :happy1:
yup lookin good fer sure!! :happy1:
Dang right Glenn, looks great.
Dang right Glenn, looks great.
and no spear marks in these!!!!!! :mooning: :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
On we all gave him a pat on the back, back to smack talk or it will go to his head...
On we all gave him a pat on the back, back to smack talk or it will go to his head...
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning:
What brine did ya use Glenn??
dill pickle
What brine did ya use Glenn??
i'll post it later in the reciepe section!!!!!!!
dill pickle
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: your a dill pickle!!!!!!! :mooning: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
just found out we have a new boys toy store in Alex!!!! Yahoo!!! it's called the smoke stack!!! BBQ supply store, they have one in Brainerd but have not been to it yet.. next week I'll be checking this one out!!! they have a web site so check it out!!!
I thinks I may have to stop in and see what they have. Stocking stuffers. :happy1: :happy1:
I thinks I may have to stop in and see what they have. Stocking stuffers. :happy1: :happy1:
sounds like a 10 am opening each day...
Mike it sounds like a good Monday morning project after the car wash. :happy1:
Mike it sounds like a good Monday morning project after the car wash. :happy1:
not sure I'll get there this week so let us know what ya think of the place!!!
got some burgers on the smoker and a small pork tenderloin, enough to get me by the next couple or so days of the cold weather.. love that smell!!!
firing up the smoker, want some ribs!! got 2 racks of St. Louis style ribs for $2.99.. $2 cheaper than baby backs so had to go with them... got them rubbed and ready to go on!!!
:quote author=mike89 link=topic=38286.msg400579#msg400579 date=1645196107]
firing up the smoker, want some ribs!! got 2 racks of St. Louis style ribs for $2.99.. $2 cheaper than baby backs so had to go with them... got them rubbed and ready to go on!!!
[/quote] i can be there in an hour!!!!!!!!!! :nerd: :nerd: :nerd: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Man that is one heck of a deal. I had to pay $6.99 lb. for a rack of St Louis cut spares here a couple of weeks ago. Unreal. Like $23 for a rack of spare ribs.
Man that is one heck of a deal. I had to pay $6.99 lb. for a rack of St Louis cut spares here a couple of weeks ago. Unreal. Like $23 for a rack of spare ribs.
hey probably got them from boar and one of his road kills!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
it'll take way more than an hour to be ready!!
got them at Aldi's!!
and speaking of Boar!!! that was a very tasty selection of goodies he sent me!! all tasted very good and Glenn no quills!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
it'll take way more than an hour to be ready!!
got them at Aldi's!!
and speaking of Boar!!! that was a very tasty selection of goodies he sent me!! all tasted very good and Glenn no quills!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yea boober got them!!!!!! :smoking: :rotflmao:
then of course it started snowing as I got every thing going.. so closed the garage door most of the way down and put up with some smoke in the it.. oh well the garage and truck will smell good!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
firing up the smoker, want some ribs!! got 2 racks of St. Louis style ribs for $2.99.. $2 cheaper than baby backs so had to go with them... got them rubbed and ready to go on!!!
That's a good price nowadays. :wowza: :wowza: What kind of smoker do you have?
firing up the smoker, want some ribs!! got 2 racks of St. Louis style ribs for $2.99.. $2 cheaper than baby backs so had to go with them... got them rubbed and ready to go on!!!
That's a good price nowadays. :wowza: :wowza: What kind of smoker do you have?
I have a Green Mountain pellet smoker and I have a propane wood one too.. using the pellet smoker today.. :happy1:
it'll take way more than an hour to be ready!!
got them at Aldi's!!
and speaking of Boar!!! that was a very tasty selection of goodies he sent me!! all tasted very good and Glenn no quills!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
We grabbed some Wednesday when we went to town too.
it'll take way more than an hour to be ready!!
got them at Aldi's!!
and speaking of Boar!!! that was a very tasty selection of goodies he sent me!! all tasted very good and Glenn no quills!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
We grabbed some Wednesday when we went to town too.
I don't think Ash Wednesday means picking up more smoking pellets? :scratch: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
firing up the smoker, want some ribs!! got 2 racks of St. Louis style ribs for $2.99.. $2 cheaper than baby backs so had to go with them... got them rubbed and ready to go on!!!
I have a pellet smoker also. Plus an electric Masterbuilt. The pellet smoker just doesn't give enough smoke taste for me. So I put a Smokin Tube inwith the ribs.
That's a good price nowadays. :wowza: :wowza: What kind of smoker do you have?
I have a Green Mountain pellet smoker and I have a propane wood one too.. using the pellet smoker today.. :happy1:
I've tried the tube in with a variety of grills n smokers but the tube ends up losing the oxygen battle and goes out. Any issues Ken?
Yeah....I had that also. Started filling the tube only half way with the pellets. Not packed in as much and they stayed lit. Make sure it is really lit well with the torch.
Yeah....I had that also. Started filling the tube only half way with the pellets. Not packed in as much and they stayed lit. Make sure it is really lit well with the torch.
You guys ever tried smoking watermelon? Tried it last 4th
Yeah....I had that also. Started filling the tube only half way with the pellets. Not packed in as much and they stayed lit. Make sure it is really lit well with the torch.
You guys ever tried smoking watermelon? Tried it last 4th
:undecided: :undecided: :scratch:
sooo how was it???
Smoking watermelon????
sooo how was it???
It was “edible.” It would have been a lot better had i not used the brine and so much salt.
It was something fun too smoke. :smoking:
The only way watermelon should be doctored up is with vodka!!! :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
sooo how was it???
It was “edible.” It would have been a lot better had i not used the brine and so much salt.
It was something fun too smoke. :smoking:
ok so you brine a soaking wet water melon... some smoke is best used else where maybe!! glad ya had fun so now I don't have to do it!! oh wait I don't like water melon very much so i'll pass any way.. too funny!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
sooo how was it???
It was “edible.” It would have been a lot better had i not used the brine and so much salt.
It was something fun too smoke. :smoking:
ok so you brine a soaking wet water melon... some smoke is best used else where maybe!! glad ya had fun so now I don't have to do it!! oh wait I don't like water melon very much so i'll pass any way.. too funny!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
you goofy Mike... Can't wait for watermelon season. Think we hot 20 last summer. :hubba:
sooo how was it???
It was “edible.” It would have been a lot better had i not used the brine and so much salt.
It was something fun too smoke. :smoking:
ok so you brine a soaking wet water melon... some smoke is best used else where maybe!! glad ya had fun so now I don't have to do it!! oh wait I don't like water melon very much so i'll pass any way.. too funny!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
you goofy Mike... Can't wait for watermelon season. Think we hot 20 last summer. :hubba:
Dad used bring home 3 or 4 a week when we young, ate to many... like all the rest of the melons :happy1: :happy1:
Grandkids love yellow watermelon. Bring on August and homegrown ripe melons. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
A lot more cantaloupe & honey dew disappear here. We do make a melon salad that has watermelon in it that's good otherwise they seem pretty bland tasting to me most of the time. :rolleyes:
well got the corned beef on the smoker and for good measure I decided to smoke a few burgers too!!! :happy1:
The wife made a turkey pot pie hot dish yesterday so I may be waiting a few days to do my brisket. I have read to leave them in the cryovac for a week or two to tender it up so should be ok next weekend.
just popped a whole chicken and a couple burgers on the smoker!!! burgers for lunch!!! wild rice burgers too!!
just popped a whole chicken and a couple burgers on the smoker!!! burgers for lunch!!! wild rice burgers too!!
i should make it fore chow tonight!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: make sure you make soup outta dat smoked chicky carcass!!!!!!!! :hubba: :rotflmao:
speaking of burglurs........i just mixed up some burger for supper tonight....letting it meld!!!!! montreal steak seasoning, salt, pepper, egg, lawrys, oatmeal!!!!! nummy!!!!!!!! that'll hit the grill.
I hear ya on the soup but I'm not a big soup fan.. I like it but not all that often.... I'll give it to Linda if she wants to use it!! :happy1:
I hear ya on the soup but I'm not a big soup fan.. I like it but not all that often.... I'll give it to Linda if she wants to use it!! :happy1:
what?????? :confused: :doah: i heard you like CAMBELLS soup!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy:
only stuff I use from them is the cream one's for cooking!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
only stuff I use from them is the cream one's for cooking!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yeah me to. I make my own chicken noodle and beef barley. A LOT better than Campbells.
rack of St. Louis style ribs and a couple burgers going on the smoker soon!!! :happy1:
When it stops blowing and raining, hopefully tomorrow. I'm throwing on 3-4 doz dry rub hot wings in the smoker! Hope they turn out as good as last time! :happy1:
good luck with the wind!!!! that's why mine is in the garage, close to the door... not raining now so just the wind and it's not to bad so far...
what dry rub do you use on the wings??
I used a smoky mesquite today on the ribs
what dry rub do you use on the wings??
I wish I remember or even wrote it down. I just open the spice cabinet, pull out a bunch that sound or taste good for what I'm trying to make. Throw them all in a zip lock and mix them up. I try not to go to salty, and I hate sweet or fruity on smoked meat. You will never find maple sugar, honey, pineapple or any of that crap on my smoked meat! :puke:
what dry rub do you use on the wings??
I wish I remember or even wrote it down. I just open the spice cabinet, pull out a bunch that sound or taste good for what I'm trying to make. Throw them all in a zip lock and mix them up. I try not to go to salty, and I hate sweet or fruity on smoked meat. You will never find maple sugar, honey, pineapple or any of that crap on my smoked meat! :puke:
:happy1: :happy1: NOW...thats my kinds cook!!!!!!! :happy1: maybe we can get along!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
NOW...thats my kinds cook!!!!!!! :happy1: maybe we can get along!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
dats funny!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
I will use some sugar to get a little burnt look and some for taste. BUT it is not the big taste. I like to run through the cabinet too. I haven't done wings for years and they look so good when you guys post pics of them. What temp and for how long Leech?
I will use some sugar to get a little burnt look and some for taste. BUT it is not the big taste. I like to run through the cabinet too. I haven't done wings for years and they look so good when you guys post pics of them. What temp and for how long Leech?
Well with this wind sucking the heat out I may have to go up a bit to 225f or so for about 3hrs, we will see?
Cheese.... Is what got smomed today!!
just put some whole chicky thighs on the smoker, seasoned up nicely!!! Jim is under the weather so he'll get a few too!! froze up about 7 #'s of skinless boneless thighs to for later!!!! chicky, it's what's for supper!!! :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1:
bacon wrapped top sirloin and corn on the cob off the smoker last night... good stuff!!!
:hubba: :hubba: fresh off the smomer!!!
That looks great Glenn! I am going to grill some cheddar brats that the store makes today. Have them with asparagus and our first two radishes.
looks good smurf!!! :happy1:
Those look dynamite Glenn!!
Those look dynamite Glenn!!
thanks :happy1: I tried a piece a bit ago OMG :hubba: :hubba: drool slobber.
That was almost better then seks! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
So dem nortens tasted like tuna?? Almost.. :scratch: ;)
So dem nortens tasted like tuna?? Almost.. :scratch: ;)
that was / is salmon. Norderns are hitting the smomer in the morning!!
Smoked norderns!! :happy1:
ship some out!!! looks good!! :happy1:
ship some out!!! looks good!! :happy1:
:scratch: you must have me mistaken for someone else here that mails things out??? :confused: :mooning: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
What the hell are those?? Shingles for a cedar roof??
What the hell are those?? Shingles for a cedar roof??
:pouty: :mooning: jealous??? :scratch: :rotflmao:
If i was shingleing a roof yea!
Smoked norderns!! :happy1:
You should try a little smoked paprika to give those ghost fil-lits some color! :happy1:
Yea I don't know why they turned out so light. Still a good smoky flavor though.
Trust me the brine has plenty of goodies, garlic, Lawry's, poultry seasoning, cayenne pepper, course pepper, soy sauce.... And that's just what I can think of off the top of my head!!
smoked a pork tenderloin last night and I decided to try some asparagus on the smoker.. not bad!!!
You mean a regular pork loin Mike? I have one that I need to do something with. Thinking I should brine it first.
You mean a regular pork loin Mike? I have one that I need to do something with. Thinking I should brine it first.
nope a nice big tenderloin!!! pork loin I do also and marinate is a good idea too!!
I get a seasoned rolled pork loin once in a while from plantenbergs in Richmond. Grill it over charcoal. My kids request it at Christmas.
I like them with raspberry chipotle marinate too!! :happy1:
Cherry wood smoked pork steaks!
Decided to try smoking some pork steak this time.
Seasoned, then into the Cookshack for 2 hour, pulled and sauced, back in for another 30 minutes. Turned out very good, will be doing this again.
looks darn good!!! I have done pork steak before and liked them too!! but it's been to long!!
2 racks of St. Louis style ribs are on the smoker!!! :happy1:
I've been thinking about trying to do a rack of ribs on the fire pit sometime. I see some guys do that.
More shingles for a cedar roof!!! :mooning: :rotflmao:
Smoked spatchcock chicken. Turned out awesome!
:hubba: :hubba: I gotta try that!!👍
What do you use for a brine, or marinade or rub??
How hot and how long. Internal temp???
Been thinking of getting some turkey legs and chicken hind quarters and run through the smoker with the brine I use for the fish
Smoked spatchcock chicken. Turned out awesome!
they are great for smoking!! cooks way more evenly I think!!! looks great Cooperman!! :happy1:
Just remove the backbone, tail, fat (save for stock or soup) no brine, brush with oil, and apply a chicken rub. Lay it out flat and smoke with whatever wood you like. Like Mike said it cooks more evenly, and faster. Internal temp 165.
Since I had the smoker out, I decided to make some smoked pineapple bacon baked beans
man coopy, those look dynomite.......until i seen the pineapple. :doah: i LOVE pineapple just not cooked of in a can!!!!!!! :shocked: yea gotta be fresh!!!!!!!
man that has to be great!!!!
just wrapped 2 pork tenderloins in bacon, Farmland.. I think that was one Reb liked... man talk loaded with fat... trimmed lots off... but got them things done and on the smoker now!! with a couple burgers too...
Who is going to help you eat all of the goodness? :hubba:
the tenders are small, so the 2 of them only weighed about 2 1/2 pounds... and the GF might come over tomorrow... she's been MIA in Wis for a few days...
If I was closer I would come over and inspect them for you. :sleazy:
:rotflmao: :happy1:
Since I had the smoker out, I decided to make some smoked pineapple bacon baked beans
Hey, Coop, any special recipe on these
Fishwidow, this recipe came from the smokin meat forum. When I make these again I will definitely use crushed pineapple instead of chunks, and maybe not as much. I thought it was a little to sweet, but the wife loved it.
Dutch's Wicked Baked Beans
Beans that will even make Chili Heads happy
Course Side Dish
Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 3 hours
* 6-8 each strips of bacon cut into 1/2 inch squares
* 1/2 each Medium onion , diced
* 1/2 each Bell pepper , diced
* 1 - 2 each Jalapeño Peppers , diced (seeding is optional)
* 1 can Bush's Baked Beans 55 ounces
* 1 can pineapple chunks or crushed , drained (8 ounces)
* 1 Cup Brown Sugar , packed
* 1 Cup ketchup
* 1 TBS dry (ground) mustard
* Sauté bacon pieces in fry pan until crispy and remove from pan with a slotted spoon. Sauté onion, bell pepper and jalapeño pepper until tender.
* In a large mixing bowl combine beans, pineapple, brown sugar, ketchup and dry mustard. Stir in bacon pieces and vegetables. Pour into a 12X9 or a deep 9X9 aluminum baking pan. (While mixing if things look dry, add additional ketchup 1/4 -1/2 cup at a time)
* Place in a 220-250°F smoker for 2 1/2 – 3 hours (make sure temperature of the baked beans reaches 160°F ) or place in a 350°F oven and bake for 1 hour.
If you are making these beans as a side dish for Kansas City style pork ribs, smoke the removed skirt meat for 1-1 1/2 hours, then dice the skirt meat and stir into the Baked Beans.
With the jalapeño pepper and the dry mustard these beans have the potential for some MAJOR heat. CAUTION should be exercised when feeding these beans to small children and/or the elderly.
To make this recipe family friendly, omit the jalapeño pepper and the dry mustard.
I'm going to have to make those beans next time I smom some of Meathead Goldwyn's Famous Last Meal Ribs from AmazingRibs.com.
The Best Smoked BBQ Ribs You’ve Ever Tasted: Last Meal Ribs Recipe (https://amazingribs.com/best-barbecue-ribs-recipe/)
got some bacon wrapped chicken breasts on the smoker and a couple burgers too... it's what for lunch!!! :happy1:
I am just doing burgers for supper. Will have MW, mustard, and ketchup on mine. Man Mike you go all out. :happy1: :happy1:
I am just doing burgers for supper. Will have MW, mustard, and ketchup on mine. Man Mike you go all out. :happy1: :happy1:
they are smaller ones I got from costco... enough for about 3 to meals... darn tasty for sure!!!
picked up a nice 4 pound chuck roast yesterday, salted it last night, seasoned it this morning and now it's on the smoker for lots of hours... going to smoke it like a brisket..
Now you are talking my language. I love chuckies. Been thinking of getting one myself. I love them as a pot roast in the oven so it gets dark colored on top. With carrots, onions, spuds. Reminds me of when my Mom made them.
yup got this one for $4.88 and a darn nice looking one too!!!
Cant wait to sink my teeth into these!
That ain't gonna help you lose weight bucko!!! :rotflmao:
Not for me bucko!!
Not for me bucko!!
:doofus: :scratch: :doah: the post before you stated you can't wait to sink your teeth into those?? :pouty: wadda gonna do, chew on the bones! :rotflmao:
they look great Boar!!! :happy1:
they look great Boar!!! :happy1:
yep, they do. His wife does good work!!! :happy1:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well leech gave an idea a while back and I'm going to make them Friday hopefully. smoked shotgun shells!!! stuffed manicotti shells and bacon wrapped... also smoke some bacon wrapped chicken tenders too!!! going to have some left overs I think!! good thing Glenn is gone , he won't know till I'm done with them!!!
Smoked blue cheese stuffed bacon wrapped wild turkey breasts and burnt ends.
I'd love to taste text that!!! :happy1:
now I have to change my plans for Friday, skip the chicken tenders and do more chicken breasts... forgot my son and family are coming up!!! that will fun!! I'll do the tenders labor day now... :rotflmao:
got the shells stuffed with the iltalian sausage, mixed about 3 or 4oz of both cream and cheddar cheese into 12 shells, last one only half full.. let them meld until tomorrow when I smoke them!!!
those rascals turned out great!!! everyone liked them and will do them again next weekend when some friends come up!!
They sure sound good Mike.
I should add that they are not that hard to make up too!!!
I wondered about that. So you must boil the large shells so they are soft enough to get the meat mixture in them? Then bake them in a sauce?
Oh ya you smoked them.
yup, you mix 1# sausage or burger of choice with 4oz of cream cheese and 4oz of shredded cheese of choice.. then pick up small amounts at a time and stuff the raw shells, manicotti shells, wrap shell with thin sliced bacon and let rest over night in the fridge.. set smoker to 250 for cook for 60 minutes.. up the smoker to 350 to finish them.. 10 to 30 minutes!!!! very tasty!!! :happy1:
Mike, do they look like this, because we never know
yup but I serve the BBQ sauce on the side, so without the would be my picture... :rotflmao: :happy1:
Well after trimming the 14 pound packer, it hit the smoker around midnight at 10.5 pounds. Maybe I shoulda waited a little but I was shooting fir taking it off around 2 today to rest. As of 7:30 it's already at 159°, oh well at least it'll be done in time..lol.
What are you shooting for temp wise? That looks great. The one I did was dry.
203ish. I turned it down from 225 to 180 is next setting on this traeger, the internal temp dropped 5 ° also. I'm gonna foil it at 165 and add some beef broth to it this time.
Seasoning Glenn!
I have to heads of red cabbage, was thinking about cooking one today... then thought about using the smoker... looked up cab bage and 2 out of three recipes said to wrap the wedges in tin foil... well how is that smoking?? I call that cooking... any way I'm going to quarter one and try it on the smoker later today.... oil it and season it with salt and pepper I'm thinking....
Curious to see how it works out Mike.
Sounds good enough to eat.
Sounds good enough to eat.
well folks it was good enough to eat!!!! smoke flavor and still some back bone to it!!!! I would to that again!!! recipe called for 250 for 1 hour... roll them every 20 minutes... I started them at 150 for 45 minutes and then went to 250... rolled them once and enjoyed them!!!! might have to try rib seasoning too!!!
Thanks for the report. I love cooked cabbage.
Interesting!! Poor toilet tomorrow. :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Good ole chef tell!!👍
Interesting!! Poor toilet tomorrow. :sleazy: :rotflmao:
Good ole chef tell!!👍
naw it was a small one so no issues!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
welp gots a big ol meat loaf on the smoker!!! bacon covered too!!! and stuffed with cheese!!!! :happy1:
That sounds great Mike.
St Louis cut ribs.....2 hours in the smoker and 3 hours in the oven. Why use up pellets for 3 hours when the oven does the same when they are wrapped in tinfoil.
Last 1/2 hour with Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce.
Ok this may be a stupid question, but iffin your gonna smoke something why wrap it in tinfoil?? :scratch: doesn't that defeat the purpose of smoking!
Kinda new to this smoking gig but looking to learn!!
Ok this may be a stupid question, but iffin your gonna smoke something why wrap it in tinfoil?? :scratch: doesn't that defeat the purpose of smoking!
Kinda new to this smoking gig but looking to learn!!
the meat will only take so much smoke.. once it hits about 130 that's about it...
Wrapping in foil keeps them juicier
:happy1: :laughroll::happy1: and who says you can't learn something on MNO from misfits!!👍 :rotflmao: :sleazy: :shocked:
:happy1: :laughroll::happy1: and who says you can't learn something on MNO from misfits!!👍 :rotflmao: :sleazy: :shocked:
if the shoe fits, wear it!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Take the ribs and remove the silver skin from the back with a paper towel. Put on a good rub and let them sit for a few hours to start absorbing the rub. The paprika in it will turn them a nice red color.
Place the racks in the smoker unwrapped for 2 hours to take on the smoke. After that wrap in tinfoil so they don't get anymore smoke and don't dry out. I put apple juice in the tin foil and spray the top with butter/margarine.
I then bring them in the house and put in the oven because why waste the pellets when the oven does the same thing?
Last 1/2 hour uncover and baste with BBQ sauce. May have to turn up to broil to get it to caramelize.
St Louis cut....5-6 hours
Babybacks......4-5 hours.
I have some baby backs all spiced and double wrapped in foil now meat side down so the meat is in the juices. Will do them at 275 for 3 hours and then see if a tooth pick slides into them easily. If not they will stay in another hour. Then I open the foil and turn the ribs meat side up and broil them or use my torch like they do on TV to put a crust on them. Think I will try the torch. Then you get them the way you like perfectly. I will put them in the oven at half time. I like your method too Ken. May try that the next time.
You aren't getting any smoke flavor if wrapped from the start.
Do you put BBQ sauce on them?
I did these in the oven. Usually I do a couple of hours of smoke first and then wrap them if in the smoker.
Yup sauced at the end of the cook.
10 lbs. of Marvelous Maple bacon.
looks darn good!!!
What did you put on to make the bacon so shiny? Maple syrup?
Marvelous sums it up coop!! I don't remember are you using pops brine?
I had to peek again, that's mouth watering at its finest!! :happy1:
What did you put on to make the bacon so shiny? Maple syrup?
Ken, there is 5 Tbl. Of dark brown sugar, and about. Cup of maple syrup in each 5 lb. Slab. That is probably what give it the shine.
Marvelous sums it up coop!! I don't remember are you using pops brine?
Bobber, I have used Pop's brine in the past with good results. The last two batches I have been doing a hot smoke which I think I like better. It's from amazing ribs. https://amazingribs.com/best-maple-bacon-recipe/
Interesting read, thanks coop.
What a doofus..... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
she must have been from New York... just sayin....
:scratch: My description would start with a B! ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
:hubba: :hubba:
Nice Glenn! I gotta try that some time.
been years since I have done them!! are they hen legs??
Nice Glenn! I gotta try that some time.
thanks coopy. I read to wrap them in tin foil after the smoker, so that's where there at now
been years since I have done them!! are they hen legs??
I have no clue. The meat probe went in pretty easy. Teal's had them about 2 weeks ago. I waited to long. When he ordered more and when they came in I used my charm and he put them in back!! :evil:
I'm guessing by tomorrow I can tell you how they turned out. :sleazy:
tom legs have the tendons in them, hens don't
I didn't know that Mike. I have had a few turkey legs and don't care if I ever have another one. They were so full of tendons I couldn't hardly take a bite out of them.
Interesting Mike, who'd a thunk. Aren't you Turkeyed out yet Glenn??
Is there a way to tell before you buy them?
Interesting Mike, who'd a thunk. Aren't you Turkeyed out yet Glenn??
same with pheasants too.. get a hen from a farm raised place and you'll see..
Interesting Mike, who'd a thunk. Aren't you Turkeyed out yet Glenn??
I will be tomorrow!🤣 I had the turkey soup for lunch today, I have 1 meal of leftovers yet and I'm having 1 of those legs then I'll be turkey'd out
Thing is I like poultry!👍 Tomorrow when there completely chilled I'll vacuum pack the rest and freeze them. Not sure if I'll do it with the tin foil off or on??? :scratch: :scratch:. Wadda think?
tom legs have the tendons in them, hens don't
my quests is that hen turkey legs are in way more demand if that is the case!
no difference between hen and tom legs. The tom is always larger and heavier thus requiring larger tendons.
that is most likely very true, I just know the eating difference... and from what I have seen in the past
The leg had tendons just like every other turkey legs I've eaten. No issues for me and was good stuff!
And as long as I had the brine made :sleazy:
Looking awesome Glenn! You finally fire that electric smoker up or what you been using??
Looking awesome Glenn! You finally fire that electric smoker up or what you been using??
yeppers 👍👍👍👍
I watched my brother do it at the cabin, that gave me the courage to do it on my own. Already set that old charcoal smoker on the curb FREE. And presto... Gone!😂
good for you!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Looking awesome Glenn! You finally fire that electric smoker up or what you been using??
yeppers 👍👍👍👍
I watched my brother do it at the cabin, that gave me the courage to do it on my own. Already set that old charcoal smoker on the curb FREE. And presto... Gone!😂
We could use some action shots!! :happy1:
Ya want action. Here's how I surgically debone them fish!!
looks darn good Glenn!!! :happy1:
Beautiful Glenn.
Dinner last night was 3 racks of smommed baby backs.
The went on at 9AM wgen it was 3 degrees below zero and came off at 3. I'm kinda surprised the electric smoker held temp all day.
Getting ready for the smomer.
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2022/12/27/IMG_20221227_082317443.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-20221227-082317443.7ghc)
Here is the finished product. Pretty tasty too. Thinking some of this and over easy eggs for breakfast. Yum.
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2022/12/28/IMG_20221228_070207394.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-20221228-070207394.7Unh)
looks real good!!! :happy1:
looks real good!!! :happy1:
sure does :happy1: :happy1:
ya'd think dotch would mail me something like that :tut: :tut: but no :confused: :banghead: its always dripping!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
He's doing ya a favor Glenn, not fully cooked so all you need to do is finish it on da grill.. :happy1: :rotflmao:
Smommed fish: rainbow trout, lake trout, and store bought salmon on sale. ...Tried canning it tgus time. We'll see how that works out.
And then i smommed a rack 'o lamb just cause i had the smoker out. :smoking:
The wife's nephew gets herring from a fisherman when he comes in at Two Harbors I think. He cans it and it is absolutely awesome. He gives us a few jars now and then. Best thing I have ever had from a jar.
got the meat loaf on the smoker, extra bacon in it too.. and for good measure I had a top sirloin thawed out so that is on it too!!!
We're waiting on pics Mike... ;) I put a 3# brisket flat in the brine today for smoked pastrami.
Mike's bacon wrapped smoked meatloaf!! Looks good bud!
That looks awesome and thanks for getting it posted. I love meat loaf of any kind.
Bobber is my go to guy from here on out for pics!!! Thanks Bud!!!
the top sirloin came out great too!!!!
Bobber is my go to guy from here on out for pics!!! Thanks Bud!!!
the top sirloin came out great too!!!!
OR :pouty: we could just show you how to do it!! :tut: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
this works!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Brother smoked deer hearts. They are tasty.
Interesting. Is it like jerky then?
never had it that way... sounds good!!
Brother smoked deer hearts. They are tasty.
The only time i had deer heart was boil't. :puke: maybe smomming it would make it better.
hd it sliced, flowered and fried in a pan...
My ma always floured and fried beef liver til it was hard. Arent you supposed to cook dishes like liver and onions rare or m rare? :confused:
I ask cause i wonder if deer heart should be cooked m rare or well done.
Brother smoked deer hearts. They are tasty.
:scratch: Kind of looked like somethin else to me ;).............................. :moon: at 1st. :doah: ;) :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
I used to buy beef hearts a lot when we were young bachelors learning to cook. They were cheap. We put it in chili or just boilt and cut into slices for sandwiches with mayo and ketchup and man were they tender and just like roast beef. I mean really good. Even started buying liver cuz it was cheap. Used a ton of ketchup on that.
I may save some walleyes to smoke. Those that Boar did awhile back looked good.
I've had it different ways and didn't like it. Yea have to slice it thin. It sat it his patented " world famous" :sleazy: :rotflmao: brine for 48 hours. I like it.
Ill see if i can find my recipe barry, glenn, go fill yur boat with gas
Brother smoked deer hearts. They are tasty.
How'd you get by the crusty outside?? ;) :nerd: Can't say I've ever tried em..
Here ya go barry
Thank you very much. I will print that out and use it soon. I will post picks too. :sleazy:
good recipe Boar!!
LPS. recipe we use is way better. :police: :rotflmao:
It's posted in the recipe section 👍
For shingles maybe....
For shingles maybe....
:pouty: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Round 1 of 2 is done 👍
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Looks good! Not as dark this time around?
Looks good! Not as dark this time around?
:scratch: yea its darker then the picture shows........still tasty, i mighta hada piece!!!!!1 :sleazy:
Nice Glenn!
Looks yummy!
thinking about a corned beef on the smoker this weekend, I always wanted to do it.. anyone else done one?
I have done the regular corned beefs in the brine in my smoker before. Then you have pastrami. Pretty darn good. Dryer but great for sandwiches. Good for lunches back when I still worked.
changed my plans, it's in the crock pot now.... supper!!!!
changed my plans, it's in the crock pot now.... supper!!!!
:happy1: Linda coming for some kanoodling later!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Dotch was asking??????? :sleazy: :evil:
changed my plans, it's in the crock pot now.... supper!!!!
:happy1: Linda coming for some kanoodling later!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
Dotch was asking??????? :sleazy: :evil:
Deboning more shingles!! :bonk: :rotflmao:
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The sole of my work boots look netter
The sole of my work boots look netter
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: well then I don't need to worry about giving you any! :mooning:
Looks good Glenn!! :happy1:
3 racks of baby back ribs on the ReqTec
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2 racks of baby back ribs on the smoker today.... and 2 eggs...
Put this gem on at 3 am!
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looks great Boar!!! :happy1:
Yes it sure does. :happy1:
I can't believe he'd post cooking up his roadkill!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Seriously looks damn good bud
U called it that on face book
U called it that on face book
:happy1: :happy1: :sleazy:
I can't believe he'd post cooking up his roadkill!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Seriously looks damn good bud
Glenn my smokimg talents are that of the Gods! If that was road kil, yud wouldnt be able to tell.
Looks awesome!!!
My invite must have been lost in the mail. Maybe next time.
Wen yur cabins done)!!
:hubba: :hubba:
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:happy1: :happy1:
Looks good Glenn!!
Fish is on the agenda tomorrow.
:Clap: :wowza:
I see Eldon's in Alex has BB ribs for $1.99 this week.. just might have get some!!!
I have a nice big rack of St. Louis ribs thawing out to smoke during the Vikes game.
Pics please :hubba:
Will do.
This is how Boar smokes his pork...... :rotflmao:
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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So I have done a hundred ribs in the smoker and or the pellet stove. Have all been good but rarely great. I do the 2-2-1 with baby backs and 3-2-1 with spares. I have been seeing lately how that is not the way to do it but instead use temp. 195ish is pull of the bone ribs and 205 is fall off the bone ribs. This was my first attempt at it and I believe it is the way to go. Granted we just get regular ribs and the big guys get premium ribs. BUT these were pretty darn good. The pic is of the smaller half of the rack and tomorrow night we will have the thicker half. Will let you know how there were too. I like to foil my ribs but just did for the last half hour on these with some Sweet Baby Rays on them. May foil them earlier the next time.
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/09/11/IMG_2047.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-2047.Zxyn)
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/09/11/IMG_2048.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-2048.ZSYS)
I just put rub on the ribs and set the smoker at 225, put them in til done... used to do the 3-2-1 too.. BBQ on the side only for me...
looks darn tasty LPS!!! :happy1: :hubba:
Smoked up some buckboard and belly bacon. 14 hour smoke.
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/10/16/IMG_20231015_221401902.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-20231015-221401902.OyAK)
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salmon chunks finally got done after a long slow smoke. I am liking this cooler weather.
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/10/19/IMG_20231019_003200124.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-20231019-003200124.bf27)
:hubba: :hubba: stayed up way past your bedtime to get them done bud!! :rotflmao:
It did get a bit late :smoking:
Those are beautiful Scenic. I can taste them from here.
Thanks. This time of the year when the temps start dropping is the time I do a bunch of smoking. Sausages are next on the list. Have some sticks, polish and summer sausage to do.
Those are beautiful Scenic. I can taste them from here.
:bow: MMMMMM!!! Smoked salmon, my favorite. :wowza:
Thanks. This time of the year when the temps start dropping is the time I do a bunch of smoking. Sausages are next on the list. Have some sticks, polish and summer sausage to do.
I agree, I have been waiting for cooler weather. On the schedule is Ribs, pulled pork and wings! :dancinred:
As boar would call'em smoked another batch of shingles!! :crazy: :doofus: :pouty: :rotflmao:
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I'm heading that way real soon!!! lunch on you buddy!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
they sure look good again!!! :happy1: :happy1:
I'm heading that way real soon!!! lunch on you buddy!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
they sure look good again!!! :happy1: :happy1:
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: i'm home for mist the day!!!!!
I'd love too, but the computer gal is coming back out to finish up on my PC...
Is she hot? Better have a bottle of wine sitting right there so she see's it. :happy1:
Is she hot? Better have a bottle of wine sitting right there so she see's it. :happy1:
aw nope.. and don't need that headache!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
After trimming off 3 pounds of fat , the brisket was at 8 pounds. Hit the Traeger bout 5:30 this morning, Hopefully it'll come off around 1 or 2 to rest for an hour.
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Looks great
:hubba: YUM!!!
Fired up the pit boss bout 10. 7.5# Rack of pork, can't say I've ever done one, so this will be a learning adventure. Some online say they'll go 4 hrs at 225, but I'm thinking this thick chunk of meat will probably go n hour per pound, we'll see!!
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me likes!!!
Yowza!!! That looks great!
best hook up da chasitity belt now already!!!!!!! :surrender: :surrender: :rotflmao:
Maybe Glenn!! Well verdict is in, very tasty and tender. Yanked it at 142 and let rest for 15 minutes. No need for Dotch's cutlery Glenn!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :hubba: :hubba: :hubba: :hubba:
yup me likes!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
That is absolutely beautiful. I can smell it from here.
That is absolutely beautiful. I can smell it from here.
not me, wind is in the direction I guess :rotflmao:
It has a great smoke ring on it. Bet it was tasty!
Goose Summer Sausage. Best I can make. Kids love it. As good as store bought.
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Maybe Glenn!! Well verdict is in, very tasty and tender. Yanked it at 142 and let rest for 15 minutes. No need for Dotch's cutlery Glenn!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
I missed this one....looks really good.
Goose Summer Sausage. Best I can make. Kids love it. As good as store bought.
Looks great. That is one I have not made yet.
I have used powdered smoke for quite a few years for all my sausages. I still use my smoker for ribs, pork butts, and brisket.
With summer sausage I add a fermenter [powdered buttermilk]. Then allow it to sit in the fridge for 2-3 days after baking to ferment and get the tangy taste of summer sausage. Then slice it.
Don't need a smoker
Tastes the same every time.....not to much smoke or not enough smoke
Can cook all of it in the oven, just put tinfoil on the bottom for drippings
Don't need smoker wood
So what does powdered buttermilk cost compared to fermento? We use fermento in our summer sausage.
Ken, if your recipe isn't secret, would u share the whole thing?
The powdered smoke and buttermilk sound innovative.
So what does powdered buttermilk cost compared to fermento? We use fermento in our summer sausage.
Yup....but Fermento is basically milk turned into buttermilk and called Fermento. But harder to find. Grocery stores have powdered buttermilk in a can. Basically the same thing. And it gives the same tangy taste after allowing it to sit in the fridge for a few days to ferment.
I used to use Fermento years ago. But found that buttermilk does the same thing. 1 cup for 10 lbs of meat. If you are making a big batch, just use a carton of buttermilk. But you have to add some kind of sugar for the bacteria in the buttermilk to feed on and make it tangy. I use Corn Syrup Solids.
I usually mix it 50-50 game meat and beef. Beef makes a firmer SS than adding pork. Especially when using soft bird meat.
I will post up my recipe.
Thanks good to know. I get 5 lbs of fermento for $50 from sausage maker.com. We mix our SS 60/40 venison to pork. I should try beef next time to compare.
Yup.....beef will make it much firmer when you slice and eat it. Even though ground beef costs more than pork.
Gonna do those fatties today. One with garlic pork and one with Italian pork. Will avhe some jalapenos, onions, green peppers, and lots of cheese. Will be wrapped with a bacon weave.
Gonna do those fatties today. One with garlic pork and one with Italian pork. Will avhe some jalapenos, onions, green peppers, and lots of cheese. Will be wrapped with a bacon weave.
Those sound good.
Sure does!! I've been looking forward to a few fatties since there legal now but Barry's will hafta do....aaah Barry .... are they ready?? Meanwhile the mrs. Went fishing at cub and caught part of a Salmon, a quick 4 hr dry brine , hot smoked with apple and alder..
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That is why I said I will have some fatties in the smoker instead of saying I will be smoking some fatties. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: And here they are. Both tasted great. May have to freeze one for later.
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/12/18/IMG_2169.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-2169.oPD4)
(https://tinypix.co.uk/images/2023/12/18/IMG_2170.md.jpeg) (https://tinypix.co.uk/image/IMG-2170.oUZr)
looks awesome !!! freeze some for me!!!!
See in the one on the right I also put some ham slices in it. And the one on the left I filled with swiss cheese, cheddar on the right.
darn good idea with the ham!!!! bet that was great!!! :happy1:
Man those look awesome!!!
Very nice lps!!! :happy1:
These look really good
1st attempt at smoked veni summer sausage. I promised i'd post up - good or bad. Mistakes were made. Sausage was not good. Lessons were learned.
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It looks good.
Thanks. It did indeed. But it was too salty* and way too crumbly. Not enough moisture in the mix and I smommed it too long at low temp before I tried to bring it up to the desired heat temp.
I'm hoping Ken will post up his recipe and I'll give it another whirl.
*My potential, future SIL suggested I crumble it up in a cream cheese mix and make a chip dip out of it. I like his thinking, but I don't know what I'm going to do with three quarts of chip dip. :rotflmao: :bonk:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
nacho and so many other flavors!!!
:scratch: :scratch: no picture of any slices????
to salty= more beer!!!!!!! :toast:
Thanks. It did indeed. But it was too salty* and way too crumbly. Not enough moisture in the mix and I smommed it too long at low temp before I tried to bring it up to the desired heat temp.
I'm hoping Ken will post up his recipe and I'll give it another whirl.
*My potential, future SIL suggested I crumble it up in a cream cheese mix and make a chip dip out of it. I like his thinking, but I don't know what I'm going to do with three quarts of chip dip. :rotflmao: :bonk:
To crumbly normally comes from not enough fat, over cooked or not mixed enough to break down the proteins. When mixing you have to mix and mix again. Mix until it turns sticky to the point you can have a patty stick to your hand.
so.....ole Reiny used to always preach letting this sit overnight to "meld", before he stuffed it into casings. do you guys do this. just curious!!!!
my brother makes alot of his own sausage, and he makes alot. and he doesnt!
We always hold it over night before smoking. This allows it to meld as well as for the cure to work.
This was my veni to pork to pork fat ratio. It was mixed and sticky. It did sit overnight in the bowl.
I think the main problem was overcooking. That and too much salt.
But keep the feedback and recipes coming. I'm determined to make the next batch better. Thanks, guys.
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what percent fat you using?
I have it written down somewhere - what I used. I thought it was close to some of the recipes I was seeing. From memory, I had about 3 lbs of venison with just over a pound of pork back fat. You can see the distribution of the pure pork fat and the fatty pork meat that was attached to it.
I don't know if it should have been a whole pound of pure fat or if what I did was close enough. That's why I'm asking. ;)
The other thing I read about making summer sausage is that you have to keep the fat super cold when you are grinding - otherwise it "melts" into the meat. Apparently, for summer sausage, you want to keep those white chunks of fat intact, and I didn't do that.
And now that I went thru the process once, I understand what they are talking about. My sausage looked more like a dry braunschweigert than a summer sausage.
What temp did you have the smoker set at?
it doesn't look that bad... and I see no indication of blowouts, overcooking...
10 # Meat, 5 lbs venison/moose, 5 lbs. pork
4-5 TBS salt
2 tsp. cure#1
2 TBS. Onion Powder
2 TBS. Garlic Powder
2 TBS. Black Pepper coarsely ground
1 TBS. Mustard Seed
2 TBS. Sugar
2 tsp. Nutmeg
2 tsp. Coriander Seed
1 cup ice water
1/2 Cup milk powder
Grind all meats thru a 3/16” plate. Add spices and ice water. Mix well then regrind thru 3/16” plate.
Stuff into fibrous casings. Refrigerate for 24 hrs. Let them reach room temp before smoking.
Place in Smoker at 130 degrees F. for 2 Hours. No smoke.
turn smoker up to 150 smoke for 4 hrs. with a heavy smoke
Increase smoker to 175 and smoke until internal temp is 155
Shower with cold water and hang at room temp for a couple of hours.
Refrigerate overnight.
Y'er narrowing in on the problem, Ken. I don't remember exactly, but it probably started at 170.
I saw the temp was rising fast (probe inserted into sausage). I re-read the recipe, which said to smoke the sausage low for about an hour, and then increase cook temp to bring the meat up to between 150 and 160. (I think someone on here recommended 155 ;) )
So I turned the temp down to 130, smoked for an hour, and then it took 2.5-3 hours to get the meat up to 150 after I cranked the heat up again.
Way too much cook time, I fear. Plus, I have a cheap smoker that has a hard time keeping a consistent temp, and it was a cold day. I wrapped the smoker in tarps to try to keep the heat in, but for sure I had fluctuating temps the whole time.
red meat to 158 or time and temp... use the FSIS charts for both cooking/smoking and chilling..... poultry to 165
go to page 35 for the cooking times
some more info
OK.....never more than 175. otherwise the fat will render out onto the bottom of the smoker. Resulting in a crumbly sausage. Fat is a great binder. Did you have fat on the bottom of the smoker?
Sorry, I don't remember. Certainly not so much that it made a mess that I noticed.
I don't think you got it hot enough to do that.. the chubs would have shown that...
I wonder if powdered milk is the key. I see Scenic mentioned it, and Reinhardt uses it with everything from sticks, sausages and brats...Sausageheavenoutdoors.com. Although he's blending pork butts and beef with Venison.
That looks like plenty of fat. As you say......maybe to much cook time. I have a copy of the Sausage Makers Bible.......
"Great Sausage recipes and Meat Curing." By Rytek Kutas from "The Sausage Maker." in Buffalo. Originally printed in 1984. His Venison Summer Sausage recipe says to cook until Temp. of 145. That's what I go by. Turns out good all the time for many years. I will give you his recipe.
As for powdered milk....Bobber is correct. I add it to all my sausages.
EXCEPT for Summer Sausage when I add powdered Buttermilk to get the tangy taste of Summer Sausage. I also add 1 pint of water for 10 lbs. Not 1 cup.
Rytek's recipe....10 lbs of meat. I have also used a premix Summer Sausage Seasoning from Cashwise Grocery Stores.
1 Tbs Black Pepper
5 Tbs Salt
2 Tbs Powdered Sugar
2 tsp Pink Cure
1 Tbs ground Coriander
1 tsp ground mustard
1 tsp ground Ginger
1 tsp Garlic Powder
6 Tbs Corn Syrup Solids
4 Tbs Fermento or Powdered Buttermilk mixed in
1 Pint Water
The sugar and corn syrup give the bacteria in the Buttermilk something to feed on. So it should be allowed to ferment in the fridge for 2-3 days.
I am guessing your recipe would work fine. But to taste like summer sausage it needs sugar and buttermilk. Oh and I also use powdered smoke. And cook in the oven. You can buy it on line. No more guessing and wind up smoked to strong or not enough.
With no fermenting you are basically making a version of Salami. That's OK too but not really summer sausage.
Steve, how did you mix that and with what kind of mixer??
I am no expert but it to me it looks like it was mixed too long almost turning into a puree like you would want for hotdogs.
Either over mixed or too many passes through the grinder plate or wrong size plate???
You mentioned being way to salty, I am curious if you used to much curing salt??
That stuff has to be weighed or measured perfectly per pound batch weight.
I always use plenty of water, not to the point of being able to wring it out but close, it stuffs much easier especially with smaller sticks and I have never had it shrink up.
good questions!! :happy1:
Steve, how did you mix that and with what kind of mixer??
Just mixed it by repeatedy running it thru the grinder.
I am no expert but it to me it looks like it was mixed too long almost turning into a puree like you would want for hotdogs.
Either over mixed or too many passes through the grinder plate or wrong size plate???
3 or 4 passes thru the plate with the big holes with 1 pass thru the small hole plate. Because the meat/fat was not ice cold, i see what they mean about the fat "melting" into the meat after the last pass.
You mentioned being way to salty, I am curious if you used to much curing salt??
First i used sausageMaker.com's (pink) instantcure #1 according to package directions. My googled recipe also called for some amount of kosher salt. I didn't have that, so i used some "good" crystalized sea salt we had, again according to the recipe amount.
Then the recipe suggested encapsolated citric acid as a substitute for fermento (or Ken's powdered buttermilk) to give it tang. I didn't know exactly what encapsolated citric acid was, but my wife had powdered citric acid in her natural supplement chem kit, so i used an equivalent amount of powder. And let it sit overnight.
All of that together, no doubt, led to the too salty flavor.
That stuff has to be weighed or measured perfectly per pound batch weight.
I'm living and learning.
I always use plenty of water, not to the point of being able to wring it out but close, it stuffs much easier especially with smaller sticks and I have never had it shrink up.
I added a splash of water, because I thought i should, but no where near enough.
Hey, confession IS good for the soul. :angel: And you learn stuff too! :happy1: Thanks. I can't wait to get to the next batch.
Thanks, Ken, for posting your recipe.
only 2 times threw the grinder is a good way too do it...
Aint enough JD in the world for me to confess anything!!
Yes, too many passes through the grinder is your biggest issue, that is how you make hotdog meat with smaller plates.
If you have to mix by hand, this is how I did it before I bought a mixer that attaches to my grinder,.
Place the meat in a large tub and flatten it out as much as possible, mix your seasonings with water and pour half of it over the ground meat, start folding the meat over itself several times, and flatten out again, add the rest of the seasoning, repeat the folding process until you feel comfortable that it is thoroughly mixed.
Add additional water as required for stuffing, caution on the seasoning packets:
Depending on what you use you have about twenty minutes after mixing before that stuff starts setting up and it can be a bugger to run through the stuffer.
I have never let it set overnight to meld, and I find no need to, I might try that after it is stuffed though.
If and when you buy a mixer attachment, Do not mix anymore than absolutely necessary as you will toughen the meat.
Again, mix the ingredients with water, add half to mixer while its running, add the other half and mix again.
Add water as required so that it will stuff easily, sausage doesnt need as much water snack sticks and the like do.
Another tip, you learned how to make glue by mixing warm meat and the fat you added.
Chill the meat before grinding, and this helps too, place the assembled grinder head in the freezer if you can remove it from the powerhead.
Chill the meat again before mixing, use COLD water while mixing and stuff from there.
I will be brave and toss this out there too, if you havent already, for each grinder plate you have, buy a knife for them as well and keep them as matched pairs, trust me this will more than double the grinder knife life.
Interesting you said that. I only have a cheap grinder (and a cheap smommer). I'm a rookie all the way.
But after seeing the way the meat went thru the plates the first time, smearing the fat and getting all clogged, i did take my plates and knife into the shop to flatten them the same way i tuned my table saw arbor washer.
The grinder performed much better after that.
More help if you want it.
When you tighten up the nut that holds the plate and knife in place, it doesnt have to be torqued down with a three foot bar, just snug, otherwise it will build heat and wreck the knife, if you are constantly plugging the plate with sinew that is a clue to the fact you are not trimming it enough.
The grinder will cut through some of it, smaller plates especially proper trimming is critical.
What works for me, and again, I am no pro, coarse grind the meat and place in freezer, coarse grind the fat and place in fridge while the grinder attachment sits in the freezer for a bit, when its frosted over you know its ready.
mix the meat and fat thoroughly in a tub and run both through the grinder with the small plate.
IF it is still cold enough to chill your hands go ahead and mix it with the seasonings, stuff from there.
It took me five years to build the collection of tools I have now, all of it came from LEM products and with each step things got easier and faster, it would scare me to add it up but worth every penny.
I have one piece that is priceless to me, its my moms old National #7 pressure cooker, I replaced the seal, safety valve, gauge and petcock.
That thing was built in 1938 !! and it still works great ! in fact I just canned five quarts and five pints of chuck roast this past weekend.
That looks like plenty of fat. As you say......maybe to much cook time. I have a copy of the Sausage Makers Bible.......
"Great Sausage recipes and Meat Curing." By Rytek Kutas from "The Sausage Maker." in Buffalo. Originally printed in 1984. His Venison Summer Sausage recipe says to cook until Temp. of 145. That's what I go by. Turns out good all the time for many years. I will give you his recipe.
You beat me to mentioning this. IMO that is the best sausage bible out there. There is so much information in that book. Well worth the money.
Grinding: We try to have our chunks just about at freezing when we are running them through the grinder. Keeping everything as cold as possible is very important. We even add shaved ice along with our water when mixing.
As for placing the meat in the refrigerator to meld over night, we do this AFTER it is stuffed in the casings.
Sausage making is almost an art and you need the tools. As Iowaboy stated "It took me five years to build the collection of tools I have now, all of it came from LEM products and with each step things got easier and faster, it would scare me to add it up but worth every penny." I know it took me at least that long as well. Started with a small grinder, then the next year we added a small stuffer and then upgraded the grinder, then added a mixer and larger stuffer. Then 3 years ago I bought a 30 lb. electric stuffer.
Yes.....I meant place in the fridge AFTER cooking it to let it get that "tangy" summer sausage taste. But it won't unless the right ingredients are in it. If you look at the ingredients list on commercially made Summer Sausage you will see "Cultured Milk" or "Encapsulated Citric Acid" on it. Otherwise as I said it is basically Salami.
Don't get me wrong. I like Salami too. Basically Salami is 3 flavors......Smoke, Garlic, and black pepper. In fact commercially made Salami has peppercorns in it. But my grandkids didn't like biting into it and getting a mouth full of pepper. So I just add regular ground pepper.
I agree with all of the above about keeping everything cold. At this time of year.....just set it outside.
Here is my version of summer sausage from the book Ken was talking about. That is a great book. You should get it.
Ingredients for 10 Lbs.
6 lbs Venison
4 lbs pork butts
1/3 cup salt
2 tsp. Insta Cure™ No. 1
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 cup ferment
6 Tb. Powdered dextrose
5 Tb. Corn syrup solids
1 tsp. ground black pepper
1 tsp. ground mustard seed
1 tsp. ground nutmeg
Ingredients for 25 Lbs.
15 lbs Venison
10 lbs pork butts
1 cup salt
5 tsp. Insta Cure™ No. 1
3 tsp. garlic powder
2-1/2 cups fermento
1 cup Powdered dextrose
¾ cup Corn syrup solids
2-1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
2-1/2 tsp. ground mustard seed
2-1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
Use protein-lined Fibrous casings
Grind Venison and pork butts through a 3/8" or ½” grinder plate. Add all in- gredients to the meat mixture and blend thoroughly until evenly distributed. Place the mixture into a 38-40° F refrigerator overnight. Pack the meat tightly in a container eliminating all air pockets. After this period, remove the meat from the refrigerator and mix one more time. Then grind through a 1/8” or 3/16” plate and stuff into casings.
Allow the sausage to dry and cure at room temperature for 3 hours. (I will let hang overnight to dry and put in smoker early the next morning) Place in a 90° F preheated smokehouse and keep there in heavy smoke for about 10-12 hours. Then increase the smoker temperature to 150° F until the internal temperature reaches 138-140° F. Be sure to check the internal temperatures of several sausages from different parts of the smokehouse to ensure these temperatures have been attained. Shower the sausage with cool water to reduce the internal temperature to 90-95° F. Hang overnight at 60-65° to let bloom.
To sum up.....
First......not enough water added.....1 pint for 10 lbs of meat
Second.....you probably cooked it too long.....145 degrees internal temp
Third.....add sugar and a fermenter
Forth…..get the book!
Pecan smoked spares
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looks darn good Cooperman!! got a 16 pound turkey and taters on the smoker here...
Looks really good Coop!!!
Looks awesome coop. Hope Mike posts his turkey. :mooning: :rotflmao:
Man that does look good.
looks darn good Cooperman!! got a 16 pound turkey and taters on the smoker here...
Let’s see it Mike.
Mikey's bird n spuds, looks great!!!
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Looks like he is doing it on his pellet smoker. Looks great.
Bobberineyes, that's almost like the turkey pot pies I had. Almost? OK, nowhere near it. It does look good.
OK Mike give us the details. Looks great!
nothing special, injected with a cajun butter flavor and a cajun rub on the outside smoked.. started at 225 and after a few hours kicked it up to 260 to finish it..
Great job Mike! Looks fantastic.
Picked up a 16lb. prime full packer at Costco today. Been along time since I’ve seen prime there. Now I have to figure out how to get my smoker out of storage.
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that will be good eats!!! good score!!!
I'll have to take a closer look when I work the store in the morning, but they got cuts looking similar to that... for about 130 bucks!! :crazy: :surrender:
That looks great. Nice chunk of meat. Turn it into a few things.
Looks dynamite Coop! My last one was 14# but after cutting out a bunch of fat it was at 10 when it hit the smoker. That'll be tasty!
I would give it more than on like if I could. LOL Can't wait for pics to show me how to do something that big.
Good score
Fired up the Recteq stampede, St. Louis ribs.
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awesome job Cooperman!!!
Holy moly, dat looks splendid :hubba: :hubba:
Last weekend. Thought if I was going to start up the smoker for one rack, may as well make some left overs! :happy1:
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that's the way to do it Leech!!!
What temp and time do you do Leech? Do you wrap them or spritz them?
What temp and time do you do Leech? Do you wrap them or spritz them?
Temp 225f, dry rub, sauced at table, heavy on the hickey smoke, spritz and wrap about 7hrs in all. Son-in-law said the bark was great and they were the best ribs he has ever had. I'll take that! :happy1:
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those look Dyno-mite bud!!!!!! :happy1: :hubba: :hubba: pretty sure the inivte got lost in the mail!!!!! :scratch: :doah: :rotflmao:
thinkin it was 2 weekends ago......same weekend the game feed was!!!!! but who's counting!!! :rolleyes: :rotflmao:
They look great. I have a Smokin-it electric smoker. So easy to use but I still need to up my game a bit. I have been doing 225 and wrap after about 2 hours. Baby backs I do for about 4-5 hours total. Spares 5 plus. So you go 7 hours. I may have to go longer. They turn out good but not great.
That's alotta ribs, good work leech!!
They look great. I have a Smokin-it electric smoker. So easy to use but I still need to up my game a bit. I have been doing 225 and wrap after about 2 hours. Baby backs I do for about 4-5 hours total. Spares 5 plus. So you go 7 hours. I may have to go longer. They turn out good but not great.
Not always stuck on a set time. Keep an eye on look and internal temp. Cold outside temps change the overall time as well.
That's alotta ribs, good work leech!!
6 family members put a good dent in the pile! :happy1:
Those look great. I just finished up left over Super Bowl ribs 2 days ago. I always buy St. Louis cut ribs when on sale.
Teals just had a one day meat sale thursday when i worked.....not sure what was flying out more the ribs or the pork shoulders!!! :doofus:
Teals just had a one day meat sale thursday when i worked.....not sure what was flying out more the ribs or the pork shoulders!!! :doofus:
Coburn's has some good sales on baby back ribs from time to time.
Beef back ribs on the Reqtec.
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Beef back ribs on the Reqtec.
I don't know much about Beef ribs, would like to try them but can't afford them. Can't remember what restaurant we were at last weekend, but just reading the I can't afford part. Beef ribs were $49.99 for one bone and $144 for a 3 bone meal! :surrender: :surrender:
Beef back ribs on the Reqtec.
I don't know much about Beef ribs, would like to try them but can't afford them. Can't remember what restaurant we were at last weekend, but just reading the I can't afford part. Beef ribs were $49.99 for one bone and $144 for a 3 bone meal! :surrender: :surrender:
$144 for a meal of ribs???? I would have waved the white flag to. Then got up and left. :crazy: :crazy:
Beef back ribs on the Reqtec.
I don't know much about Beef ribs, would like to try them but can't afford them. Can't remember what restaurant we were at last weekend, but just reading the I can't afford part. Beef ribs were $49.99 for one bone and $144 for a 3 bone meal! :surrender: :surrender:
$144 for a meal of ribs???? I would have waved the white flag to. Then got up and left. :crazy: :crazy:
It was at Buddy Boy Fine Barbeque 8175 MN-7, Minnetrista, MN 55375. They don't show their prices on-line.
These were only $21 at Costco. Good size slab. They have a higher fat content than pork ribs, so they are really juicy and flavorful.
Nice looking ribs there. I have a rack of baby backs in the freezer that are on my mind. Big 2 day meat sale here today and tomorrow too. I saw a fish smoking show yesterday so that looked good too. Maybe I will smoke some walleye if we get any this weekend. The wife and I usually fish for at least a couple of hours on Mother's Day. :happy1: :happy1:
Goona smom some baby backs 2day n finish em in the oven 2morrow morning 4 Mother's Day.
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Do you smoke for a couple of hours then wrap and put in the oven like Ken does? How long and what temp?
I don't know... kinda goona make it up as i go along. ;)
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and it looks like ya done a good job!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Sure does
I need some expert advice. I plan on smoking some chicken quarters next weekend. Probably gonna use my old electric smoker. Never done them in a smoker before. I have mesquite, hickory, apple and cherry wood chips.
Any tips or advice?
going to brine them??
Do you smoke for a couple of hours then wrap and put in the oven like Ken does? How long and what temp?
Thanks 4 reminding me of those posts from you and Ken. :happy1: I went back to 2022 to find them.
Ribs were on the apple electric smoke for 3 hrs at ~220/225 yesterday. Fridged overnight. Not having apple juice or butter sptitz, I simply wrapped each half rack in foil with a small ice cube. Into the oven at 180 for 2 hours while at church. Next, sauce, brown sugar, carmalize under the broiler - picking each one off as it got bubbly, and into the crock to keep warm for Mom's Day lunch.
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going to brine them??
:happy1: brine them..good advice. :rotflmao: dont over smoke/cook them. i've smoked turkey thighs and legs....turned out great. think i posted a brine i use for fish and chicken.....works and tastes awesome!!!!!
Do you smoke for a couple of hours then wrap and put in the oven like Ken does? How long and what temp?
Thanks 4 reminding me of those posts from you and Ken. :happy1: I went back to 2022 to find them.
Ribs were on the apple electric smoke for 3 hrs at ~220/225 yesterday. Fridged overnight. Not having apple juice or butter sptitz, I simply wrapped each half rack in foil with a small ice cube. Into the oven at 180 for 2 hours while at church. Next, sauce, brown sugar, carmalize under the broiler - picking each one off as it got bubbly, and into the crock to keep warm for Mom's Day lunch.
That would be hard for me to think about the Lord, when I got ribs that might get burnt or dried out, if sister Mary wanted to sing a few extra songs! 😬😇😄
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
going to brine them??
I sometimes marinade most other cuts of meat. I thought a brine was different.
going to brine them??
I sometimes marinade most other cuts of meat. I thought a brine was different.
That would be hard for me to think about the Lord, when I got ribs that might get burnt or dried out, if sister Mary wanted to sing a few extra songs! 😬😇😄
- No music or singing at the 7:30 mass. ;)
- The ice cube keeps the meat from drying out. :azn:
But you have to be careful with the ice cube and don't steam them with too much water or for too long. Meathead's AmazingRibs.com website also cautions about this somewhere. If you steam too long in the packets, it will destroy the bark you built in the smoker. There is a fine line between fall-off-the-bone tender and mushy meat.
One more thing... I know you can buy gourmet rubs and sauces all over the place, and I'll bet they're all pretty good. But my sister found this place down in Texas that has a rub and sauce with a very unique bite - its the right kind of spicy, but not hot. If y'er into buying mail-order grilling/smomming accoutrements, consider giving these guys a try. (This is not a paid-for endorsement. :embarrassed: )
Rudy's Real Texas Bar-B-Q (https://rudysbbq.com/)
Good info. Thanks.
That would be hard for me to think about the Lord, when I got ribs that might get burnt or dried out, if sister Mary wanted to sing a few extra songs! 😬😇😄
- No music or singing at the 7:30 mass. ;)
- The ice cube keeps the meat from drying out. :azn:
But you have to be careful with the ice cube.
1) I'm not Catholic so us sinners go around 10:00am. :angel:
2) I use the 3-2-1 but a bit extended. I liked spraying on a mix of beef broth and melted butter during smoking and the wrap, the last hour brings the bark back.
I'm sure yours are great too, I never had a bad, free rib! 😋
That would be hard for me to think about the Lord, when I got ribs that might get burnt or dried out, if sister Mary wanted to sing a few extra songs! 😬😇😄
- No music or singing at the 7:30 mass. ;)
- The ice cube keeps the meat from drying out. :azn:
But you have to be careful with the ice cube.
1) I'm not Catholic so us sinners go around 10:00am. :angel:
2) I use the 3-2-1 but a bit extended. I liked spraying on a mix of beef broth and melted butter during smoking and the wrap, the last hour brings the bark back.
I'm sure yours are great too, I never had a bad, free rib! 😋
Basically, I used the 3-2-1 method and they came out fine.
Here is what Meathead from AmazingRibs.com has to say about the 3-2-1 method. His website has been recommended before and quite a few of us have read his stuff. Buy it just goes to show you... there's more than one way to skin a cat ( or smom a rib ;) ) - and he does say, they are rules, not guidelines. Mine were in the foil for two hours with liquid and they weren't mushy (yet). However, more time in the package, and they might have become so.
Many websites tout the “3-2-1 method.” It says you should cook a slab of St. Louis cut pork ribs for 3 hours, then wrap it in foil for 2 hours, then take it out of the foil for 1 hour. Don’t do it.
Sterling Ball of BigPoppaSmokers.com and winner of the prestigious American Royal in Kansas City says “I’d like to kill the man who came up with the 3-2-1 concept. He’s ruined more meat…”
I and every champion competitor I know agree. Two hours in foil is waaaay too long for pork ribs, especially if there is liquid in the foil. ... I think anything more than 1 hour softens the meat too much and makes it mushy.
Experiment until you and your cooker get it the way you like it best. Your mileage might vary. These are guidelines not rules.
Good thing I didn't go to the 10 AM service or things might have turned out bad. No one wants mushy meat :bonk:
The other thing I have working against me is that I only have a cheap, entry level Masterbuilt electric smoker that doesn't maintain constant temperature very well - so it is tough for me to gauge how long my ribs should stay on smoke. Every time it seems a little different.
That would be hard for me to think about the Lord, when I got ribs that might get burnt or dried out, if sister Mary wanted to sing a few extra songs! 😬😇😄
- No music or singing at the 7:30 mass. ;)
- The ice cube keeps the meat from drying out. :azn:
But you have to be careful with the ice cube.
1) I'm not Catholic so us sinners go around 10:00am. :angel:
2) I use the 3-2-1 but a bit extended. I liked spraying on a mix of beef broth and melted butter during smoking and the wrap, the last hour brings the bark back.
I'm sure yours are great too, I never had a bad, free rib! 😋
Basically, I used the 3-2-1 method and they came out fine.
Here is what Meathead from AmazingRibs.com has to say about the 3-2-1 method. His website has been recommended before and quite a few of us have read his stuff. Buy it just goes to show you... there's more than one way to skin a cat ( or smom a rib ;) ) - and he does say, they are rules, not guidelines. Mine were in the foil for two hours with liquid and they weren't mushy (yet). However, more time in the package, and they might have become so.
Many websites tout the “3-2-1 method.” It says you should cook a slab of St. Louis cut pork ribs for 3 hours, then wrap it in foil for 2 hours, then take it out of the foil for 1 hour. Don’t do it.
Sterling Ball of BigPoppaSmokers.com and winner of the prestigious American Royal in Kansas City says “I’d like to kill the man who came up with the 3-2-1 concept. He’s ruined more meat…”
I and every champion competitor I know agree. Two hours in foil is waaaay too long for pork ribs, especially if there is liquid in the foil. ... I think anything more than 1 hour softens the meat too much and makes it mushy.
Experiment until you and your cooker get it the way you like it best. Your mileage might vary. These are guidelines not rules.
Good thing I didn't go to the 10 AM service or things might have turned out bad. No one wants mushy meat :bonk:
Well, after all, it is from someone named Meathead.........So. :rotflmao:
My pellet grill does a good job cooking ribs, but my favorite way is on the Performer. I just love the combination of charcoal and wood smoke.
Well, after all, it is from someone named Meathead.........So. :rotflmao:
I gotta figure any guy who looks like this has gotta know his way around a BBQ. :azn:
Yeah, he knows his $hit. I love his Marvelous Maple bacon recipe!
Meathead definitely has some if the best grill and smoke advice available in my opinion. Another guy, now deceased, who has some good stuff is Carwash Mike.
I like some of his stuff as well.
And our relatives in Brainerd Pit Happens catering have some good advice too. That's me far left sunglasses next to bald guy. :happy1:
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There's BBQ sauce on your cheek :mooning: :rotflmao:
There's BBQ sauce on your cheek :mooning: :rotflmao:
Probably, it was a fun day of sampling. :smiley:
Yeah, Raichlen does some pretty cool stuff.
Pork and beef ribs. The 4ths going to be tasty up at the lake! :dancinred:
Click-it! For view.
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That looks great Leech!! Beef ribs is on my to do list, any recommendations where to get some??
last time I found them you had to buy almost 20 pounds at a time, nope... not for one...
That looks great Leech!! Beef ribs is on my to do list, any recommendations where to get some??
These were at St. Joe's meat martket and were like end cuts off some rich guys full ribs! 😆
Tried a sample of each pork and beef and they were very good. 😋
That is one heck of a lot of meat Leech. Well done sir! :happy1:
Pork and beef ribs. The 4ths going to be tasty up at the lake! :dancinred:
Click-it! For view.
:scratch: any leftovers????????
Pork and beef ribs. The 4ths going to be tasty up at the lake! :dancinred:
Click-it! For view.
:scratch: any leftovers????????
A few, with my name on um! ;)
Aldi has St. Louis cut Ribs for $1.99 a lb again this week. :happy1: :happy1:
Aldi has St. Louis cut Ribs for $1.99 a lb again this week. :happy1: :happy1:
Aldi has St. Louis cut Ribs for $1.99 a lb again this week. :happy1: :happy1:
huum, doesn't seem like any better sale, when posted 1hrs ago? :scratch: :rotflmao:
Aldi sales run from midnight this morning till midnight next Wed. Actually not starting till 9 when they opened this morning.
As boar calls them .... shingles! :surrender: :bonk: :confused:
Smoked nords? Good job.
Smoked nords? Good job.
yep. Thanks.
As boar calls them .... shingles! :surrender: :bonk: :confused:
In that case... pass me a shingle! :azn: :happy1:
As boar calls them .... shingles! :surrender: :bonk: :confused:
How many shingles can that roof have? :scratch:
Maybe you need to mount in your boat to keep track! :happy1:
2 baby backs so tender and juicy. Didn’t care for the rub I used, but otherwise great!
dang great lookin ribs!!! :happy1:
Beautiful ribs. :happy1: :happy1: How long and how hot?
2 baby backs so tender and juicy. Didn’t care for the rub I used, but otherwise great!
What were your thoughts on the rub. To sweet, to salty, to hot? What did you use?
A good rub can make you break a good rack. I like more of a salty and smoking rib with a little hint of heat.
I have never added brown sugar, but that's me. :happy1:
Those ribs look wonderful coop!!
Beautiful ribs. :happy1: :happy1: How long and how hot?
About 4 hrs, 225-250. No wrap, no sauce.
2 baby backs so tender and juicy. Didn’t care for the rub I used, but otherwise great!
What were your thoughts on the rub. To sweet, to salty, to hot? What did you use?
A good rub can make you break a good rack. I like more of a salty and smoking rib with a little hint of heat.
I have never added brown sugar, but that's me. :happy1:
The rub was Meatheads Memphis dust, and it does have brown sugar in it, and that is what I didn’t like. And yes, I would’ve like a little heat.
2 baby backs so tender and juicy. Didn’t care for the rub I used, but otherwise great!
What were your thoughts on the rub. To sweet, to salty, to hot? What did you use?
A good rub can make you break a good rack. I like more of a salty and smoking rib with a little hint of heat.
I have never added brown sugar, but that's me. :happy1:
The rub was Meatheads Memphis dust, and it does have brown sugar in it, and that is what I didn’t like. And yes, I would’ve like a little heat.
It does kind of suk when you buy a big jar of rub and it's to sweet. I've actually just thrown whole new jars out at first taste knowing I wouldn't like ribs made with it. :thumbs:
done that too... :pouty:
Got the turkey soaking in the brine. I know it's looking forward to spending time in the smoker tomorrow.
Got a chunk of beef back ribs all rubbed last night and am gonna smoke in the new Pitt Boss today. 250 till about 170 then wrap till about 200. Then sauce for a few minutes. Did this with pork ribs and they were the best I ever made. Takes about 2.5 - 3 hours to get to 170. Another 1.5 hrs to get to 200ish.
Sounds great lps, we gotta drool over some pics. The only beef ribs I've seen around here are small 2 bone chunks.
My new grill has made my stuff much better so hope these turn out great too! I will do some pics.
which pit boss did you get LPS??
Got it at Menards. PB1250CS So Pitt Boss 1250 sq in of cooking area and Competition Series. Like I said earlier that the wifi was not a big deal to me but I love it. Fun to look at your phone and direct things and see temps of probes. That is big stuff to me in my IT world. LOLOL I think it was $699. Just got a insulated cover to cook in colder weather. AND this is so important!!! This model has a removable ash box underneath so you don't have to access it from inside which means taking out all of the grates and plates and stuff. Did it for 12 years. When I saw that feature I knew it was the one I wanted. Temp seems accurate as heck.
This is the beef ribs at 2 1/2 hours. Never spritzed or anything. Did when I put them on but didn't peek. They were about 175. Now they are wrapped and will let them sit there for an hour and check on them. I guess you want around 200 degrees or a little more to be done. This has really changed my game. LOL 3-2-1 was overcooking them and watched some videos on the Tube about this.
I have a Pit Boss Kamado. Just want to mention that they have outstanding customer service. I had two issues and neither one was their fault, but they replaced both items at no cost.
This is the beef ribs at 2 1/2 hours. Never spritzed or anything. Did when I put them on but didn't peek. They were about 175. Now they are wrapped and will let them sit there for an hour and check on them. I guess you want around 200 degrees or a little more to be done. This has really changed my game. LOL 3-2-1 was overcooking them and watched some videos on the Tube about this.
I always chuckled over the 3 2 1 method, good for you lps!
This is the beef ribs at 2 1/2 hours. Never spritzed or anything. Did when I put them on but didn't peek. They were about 175. Now they are wrapped and will let them sit there for an hour and check on them. I guess you want around 200 degrees or a little more to be done. This has really changed my game. LOL 3-2-1 was overcooking them and watched some videos on the Tube about this.
I always chuckled over the 3 2 1 method, good for you lps!
i reckon 3-2-1 and done! :sleazy: :mooning: :rotflmao:
Come on Mikey was thinking it :sleazy: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Here are the pics.
Click on them to get upright.
They were real juicy and tender. I won't say Pitt Boss is the best one out there but it is the one I have and I couldn't be more pleased with it.
I am thinking about doing a half ham in the PB for Christmas. Still in the planning stage so subject to change. Sounds fun.
Love pellet grill! Anyone see this before. Its a first for me. I coiked a pork shoulder in the ive cause of time. All i did was press kinders butter roasted garlic season on it. After it rested i put out in the garage fir the night to seperate today, opended the lid and the grinch pulled my pork! The coloration seems to be in the fat! Never seen it green befor! Ife used kinders all the time. Obvious in the fat only, growth hormones? Any idea?
that's scary!!!
EEEW! Did you eat it?
Lol no, could it ne tje pan finnaly lost its coating?
Love pellet grill! Anyone see this before. Its a first for me. I coiked a pork shoulder in the ive cause of time. All i did was press kinders butter roasted garlic season on it. After it rested i put out in the garage fir the night to seperate today, opended the lid and the grinch pulled my pork! The coloration seems to be in the fat! Never seen it green befor! Ife used kinders all the time. Obvious in the fat only, growth hormones? Any idea?
Lol. Tell your wife her blue berry crumble cake looks great! 😝
very interesting Boar... eat away!!!
Right.. never seen anyfhing like this before. Maybe i jusy haven let it sit and oxidi before, and just immedialy pulled and ate
Guys we're being Punked! :tut: :surrender:
Picture #1 Roast. Meat fibers, no white edge.
Picture #2 Muffin or cake. No meat fibers, white frosting on edge.
Looks like the blue is the bottom of the roasting pan after he pulled the butt out, the brown is congealed fat. So yes he’s trying to punk us.
The things you don't learn her. :happy1:
Coffe is right but im not punkin, this is actually glenns roast and hes to embarrassed to say it.
Coffe is right but im not punkin, this is actually glenns roast and hes to embarrassed to say it.
:doah: :tut: :tut: is not! :confused: :doah:
Here are the pics.
Looks great. Have a nice rack of beef ribs from St. Joe's meats in the freezer I'll have to give it a try on. :happy1: :happy1:
Lps that looks awesome and nice set up. We do our ham every yr on the pellet grill. Boar, I can't say I've ever seen that, been several times I've ran otta time and finished the next day. Maybe your goggle info has a point " if your looking it ain't cooking" ( air and light) :confused:
So just thinking Boar. What did you use that pan for the last time it was used? Did you warsh it? LOL
So just thinking Boar. What did you use that pan for the last time it was used? Did you warsh it? LOL
painted the bath room!!!
So just thinking Boar. What did you use that pan for the last time it was used? Did you warsh it? LOL
painted the bath room!!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Oh i WASHED it alright....
So just thinking Boar. What did you use that pan for the last time it was used? Did you warsh it? LOL
painted the bath room!!!
Same color as the roast. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Old school today, bout an hour and a half in. Just lit more coals to get the temp up to 300, foil/ sauce and get the bibs ready! Hopefully i shouldn't see anything blue like....
Old school today, bout an hour and a half in. Just lit more coals to get the temp up to 300, foil/ sauce and get the bibs ready! Hopefully i shouldn't see anything blue like....
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
what is that boober????? looks like a pork loin. :scratch: i'm doing a pork loin christmas eve when the kids come over. mine i split open, seasoned and tied.....its melding as we speak!!!!! :happy1:
i used to get them from plantenbergs in Richmond......since i work at the grocery store now, i had me a conversation with the meat manager........figured id give it a shot!!!!
Having an in is awesome Glenn! This is baby back ribs, I decided to give the pellet grills a break and back to our roots. One thing I miss and can't find are beef loins, good stuff!
Having an in is awesome Glenn! This is baby back ribs, I decided to give the pellet grills a break and back to our roots. One thing I miss and can't find are beef loins, good stuff!
aldi's has the from time to time and always a good price... got the kid even buying them!!!
Thanks Mike, I'll hafta check. We used to be able to get i believe pepper flavored loins,dang we're those good..
For Christmas tomorrow. My rib roast salt brined and drying in the frig. since Yesterday.
That's gonna be tasty, definitely a 3 beer job!!
That's gonna be tasty, definitely a 3 beer job!!
2nd that!!! great eats!!
That's gonna be tasty, definitely a 3 beer job!!
with that kinda beer next to the meat..........meats gonna spoil!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rolleyes: :shocked: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
That's gonna be tasty, definitely a 3 beer job!!
with that kinda beer next to the meat..........meats gonna spoil!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :rolleyes: :shocked: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So, your saying it's only good to throw bean bags at? :scratch: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Made the bacon. Taste test tomorrow
Good job. Looks great. Been a long time since I have done that.
looks darn good!!!
Dang those look good boar. Yep it's been too long this away also lps! Was it a wet brine or dry boar?
Yup a syrup, sugar, salt type mixture on slab i used jalapeno juce to see ifnthat adds a zingy.
Ok you talked me into it. I'm gonna get me a chunk of pork belly. I saw it advertised here at the local meat market.
Yup a syrup, sugar, salt type mixture on slab i used jalapeno juce to see ifnthat adds a zingy.
Did someone mention "jalapeno"?
Yup a syrup, sugar, salt type mixture on slab i used jalapeno juce to see ifnthat adds a zingy.
Did someone mention "jalapeno"?
That is a great idea TT. Never thought about it before. We freeze them to use for soups etc. I may put a few in my brine. They are soft when thawed but still have some heat. I can't get too wild with it or the wife won't want any. WAIT, then there would be more for me.
:scratch: so... what are you trying to tell us LPS .. your all the HOT your wife can handle! :rotflmao: :rolleyes: :sleazy: :surrender:
That is sure a good way to put it. LOLOL
That bacon looks good. This is my favorite time of the year to make bacon.
Boar do you have a slicer?
Mine should arrive on Wed along with the dehydrator. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I mixed up the brine for the belly and was looking all over for the #1 pink salt and couldn't find it. Glad I didn't open the belly cryopac. Again, good ol Amazon will drop it off on Wed. Called every store in town and noone had it. Have a nice rack of baby backs rubbed for some action tomorrow.
tender quick will work too
I wondered about that.
I wondered about that.
I'm going to use it on some pork tenderloins real soon!!
Mine should arrive on Wed along with the dehydrator. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I mixed up the brine for the belly and was looking all over for the #1 pink salt and couldn't find it. Glad I didn't open the belly cryopac. Again, good ol Amazon will drop it off on Wed. Called every store in town and noone had it. Have a nice rack of baby backs rubbed for some action tomorrow.
Does your wife approve of this prior to ordering? :scratch: Probably is this a ask for forgiveness rather then permission?
I remember that conversation at Noma lake! :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: Oh ya we both enjoy the wheeling and dealing. You aren't going to believe this. She said is that all it costs? I thought it would be more than that. :confused: :confused: :confused: SO I canceled that order and I am back in shopping and research mode for a nicer one. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I am kind of in shock. She likes the idea of cooking our own meat and slicing it up. And then making jerky and dried fruits and stuff. I'm all in and it does sound fun. Gathering.
mine is a food saver type, works great!!
tender quick will work too
Not to be confrontational any way but Pink cure Insta Cure #1 contains salt and 6.25% sodium nitrite. Tender Quick contains salt, sugar, 0.5% sodium nitrite, and 0.5% sodium nitrate, as well as propylene glycol. Tender quick is designed to be used for things that are cured for short period of time. Both have their place and uses.
When making bacon I soak or cure my bellies at least 10-14 days depending on how thick they are. The pink cure kills any bacteria that could result from the brining process as well as while smoking at low temps.
Oh I agree Scenic, was just throwing that out to get him by.. thanks!!
This is normally the time of the year I like to smoke bacon. It's easier to keep the smoker temp down. Fun projects that eat well.
Thinking back in believe i used pink cure with pops brine for Canadian bacon and tender quick for the dry brined bellies. I'd hafta find my notes but guessing the bellies were in the fridge 6 or 7 days.
Pops brine is a super user friendly brine that works for about everything. I use it as a base for a lot of things. Yes I believe it has a table spoon of #1 per gallon of water.
Yup that is what I read too. A bottle of it will last a life time if you don't lose it.
4.5 pound pork shoulder butt, thought I'd try something different and rub it down with Worcester sauce first before the mustard and seasonings. Momma smuggled this seasoning back from Texas, we'll see i guess, I am spritzing it with an apple juice concoction. Might as well wear the shirt to boot!
Momma will be all over you!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
Momma will be all over you!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
:rotflmao: YEA both he and dotch are gluten for punishment!!!!!! :surrender: :rotflmao:
You are in trouble Bobb. LOL I have a rack of baby backs on now. They are getting close.
:hubba: :happy1:
Looks good Glenn! You do those in the microwave? Don't see no action shots.. :coffee:
Looks good Glenn! You do those in the microwave? Don't see no action shots.. :coffee:
:pouty: it's in da smoking thread :confused: :rotflmao: wadda think! :happy1: it's kinda wierd though, they got way more color in real life then this picture? :scratch:
You have AI in real life Glenn.
:scratch: I'm not so sure it's really about what's in front of the camera..............................but actually more about what's on the other end................... :whistling: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:scratch: I'm not so sure it's really about what's in front of the camera..............................but actually more about what's on the other end................... :whistling: ;) :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :mooning: :mooning: :mooning: :tut:
After Boars inspiration here is my latest and best bacon experience. I read that if you have a nice magnet that it helps as a handle to hold the blade. I have a kick azz one that used and it did work great. So the new slicer is like magic. Can't even tell it is cutting the meat it is so smooth. The bacon is salty but not way too much at all. Best batch ever.
Smoked till about 138 142 ish. Didn't want to cook it just give it a lot of flavor. Used hickory pellets and at 185 they really smoked good.
AI bacon!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Looks good
Action shots just for boober! :happy1:
Nice! Yeah I'm a technique kinda guy, love to see the different methods :happy1:
So do you rotate the racks at all Glenn?
So do you rotate the racks at all Glenn?
nope!!!!!! smoked these with cherry wood......good flavor...........i dont get why they look d light in the picture? :scratch: :doah: they are really a nice golden brown.....and tasty :sleazy: :sleazy: my brother thinks its some are getting sunlight in the picture?????
That's cool, the smoker must have nice even heat. Not mine, fire pot is on the bottom where top racks are alot cooler..
That's cool, the smoker must have nice even heat. Not mine, fire pot is on the bottom where top racks are alot cooler..
its a newer smoker i bought from Mike. doesnt look like it was used much. i got it after mine took a dump. the burner was toast. i did get a new burner and its up at the cabin now, but based on using this one that burner had to of been getting bad for a while. :scratch: this one heats pretty quick.
that dont make sense though??? heat rises?? :scratch: so does smoke......i start from the top down putting my stuff on???
Going old school today, had a few chunks of apple wood laying around yet. The ribs seen smoke for an hour, foiled as we speak. Usually I add sauce when I foil but this time when they are fork tender I'll quickly sauce and char a smidge...yes Glenn char.. :happy1:
Those look good. Without char marks you just as well cook them in the oven.
Those look good. Without char marks you just as well cook them in the oven.
:pouty: Or use liquid smoke & a crockpot!! :rolleyes:
Uff...not my thing.
Those look good. Without char marks you just as well cook them in the oven.
:pouty: Or use liquid smoke & a crockpot!! :rolleyes:
It's a Weber kettle for us for smoking here too. Usually along with apple & maybe some hickory chips. When we have company, they often spend most of the day riding their wheelers though. So, they'll do the crockpot method when they're up.
When it is -30 I have done them indoors when I have the urge but don't want to brave the elements.
At the cabin when all of us are there, we'll smoke 4 racks on the weber with just a small amount of coals, rotate em around for an hour and half or so then put em in casserole dishes in the oven. When done they hit the grill for saucing. In my opinion they take on a lot more smoke on the weber vs my pellet grill.
At the cabin when all of us are there, we'll smoke 4 racks on the weber with just a small amount of coals, rotate em around for an hour and half or so then put em in casserole dishes in the oven. When done they hit the grill for saucing. In my opinion they take on a lot more smoke on the weber vs my pellet grill.
Yes Bobber I’ve tried many different way to smoke ribs and alway come back to the kettle. The charcoal and wood chunk make the difference.
My pellet grill smokes a lot at 185 but not near as much when hotter.
My pellet grill smokes a lot at 185 but not near as much when hotter.
Yep, That's they way they are set up. Don't get me wrong, they still do a good job, just sometimes it's hard to beat old school.
For sure. We had an old frig one and had no idea what we were doing and we still think it was the best smoking ribs etc ever. LOLOL
I have a smoke tube that I sometimes use in mine for lower temps or more smoke. Add a hand full of pellets and light one end.
I bought 2 eye of rounds and made one into jerky that worked out good. Still munching on it. I wonder if I could brine the other one to be like corned beef? So probably not as sweet as Pop's brine?? Ever done that? I just buy the corned beefs at the store already packed but this may be fun to do.
I have a smoke tube that I sometimes use in mine for lower temps or more smoke. Add a hand full of pellets and light one end.
:happy1: i got one of them smoke tubes also, but only rime i've used it is when i've cold smoked cheese!!!!
Scenic....is yours the 12 inch or 6 inch???/
Those do work good.
I bought 2 eye of rounds and made one into jerky that worked out good. Still munching on it. I wonder if I could brine the other one to be like corned beef? So probably not as sweet as Pop's brine?? Ever done that? I just buy the corned beefs at the store already packed but this may be fun to do.
I have only tried it once. Using Pops brine I backed off the sugar just a bit and then added a couple tablespoons of pickling spice. I also added some black pepper, garlic and onion powder to the brine.
I have the 12" smoke tube. A friend of mine sent me an A-maZ-en smoke maze that I have not had a chance to try yet. He uses his for cold smoking bacon. I also want to smoke some cream cheese.
Here ya go LPS
Fun read Scenic. I have never bought a brisket but always think about it. I will keep my eyes peeled for a flat. Sounds like fun. Thanks.
I sent that more for your round and more for the recipe. Brisket is good but the price is not nearly as good.
Great. Thanks again. I will try it.
I took out that hunk of meat last night to thaw out and it is an eye of round. 4 lbs. Will get it brined today. :happy1: