Minnesota Outdoorsman
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dotch on September 09/06/22, 08:31:40 PM
Our long wait is over or will be in October. Actually we had spoken for her at State Fair time but once we discovered she could not be docked (Corgi's tails need to be docked at 3 days old or sooner) we decided we'd wait for another litter. Broke my heart to let her go but she would be 11 - 12 weeks old by Oct. However, as we discussed afterwards, it really wouldn't matter if the dog had a tail. These are reputable breeders & they use their Corgi's for helping with their 300 Katahdin ewes. They will have her started for us. She'll have her work cut out for her with these Cheviots. Pembroke Corgi breeders have started going away from tail docking with the animal rights people becoming more of a factor. I gotta admit, the little white tip on the tail is kinda cute. They text messaged the wife to see if we'd reconsider & she said yes. Meet Poppy.
Congratulations on the new fur baby.
Aaaaaw, cute lil feller. Congrats Dotch!
aww nothing but per love and cuteness for sure!!! :happy1:
Ahh, what a cutie!!!
Looks great! Are they normally docked for hygienic reasons?
I sure miss my Frieda. I was thinking about her again and how we were together for nearly a fourth of my life. I have pretty much decided to wait until after I retire to get a puppy
Best wishes with the little one. .
Hi Poppy.
That dog's gonna have a good life!
Awesome, Good for you two.
Looks great! Are they normally docked for hygienic reasons?
I sure miss my Frieda. I was thinking about her again and how we were together for nearly a fourth of my life. I have pretty much decided to wait until after I retire to get a puppy
Best wishes with the little one. .
Thanks roony and to all of you. Really looking forward to actually meeting the little fur ball. Other than appearance (tri-color) there were some other attributes we were looking for that genetically this dog should have, including being quiet & only barking when warranted. Corgis can be yippers but with the lines this one comes from it shouldn't be. Hopefully she can become a good gate watcher as they're noted for nipping at critters heels. I can feel it in my joints on days when I have to get on and off equipment to open and close gates all the time.
The tail docking has an interesting origin. It was a means of differentiating a working or herding dog from one that was a pet in jolly old England. If the dog was a pet, it was considered a luxury and subject to a tax. The working or herding Corgi was docked so it wasn't taxed. Tail docking has since been banned in the UK and some blamed the ban for the decrease in popularity of the breed there. As some have mentioned, there can be sensitivity that never goes away when the tail is docked. The breed standard from the AKC for Pembroke Corgi's still calls for the tail to be docked. For show purposes, the tail interferes with the contour of the topline. For our purposes, it doesn't matter. We're not showing or planning on breeding her. It'll be what's inside this little dog that counts.
Good lookin pup, Dotch. Spoil her.
Our long wait is over or will be in October. Actually we had spoken for her at State Fair time but once we discovered she could not be docked (Corgi's tails need to be docked at 3 days old or sooner) we decided we'd wait for another litter. Broke my heart to let her go but she would be 11 - 12 weeks old by Oct. However, as we discussed afterwards, it really wouldn't matter if the dog had a tail. These are reputable breeders & they use their Corgi's for helping with their 300 Katahdin ewes. They will have her started for us. She'll have her work cut out for her with these Cheviots. Pembroke Corgi breeders have started going away from tail docking with the animal rights people becoming more of a factor. I gotta admit, the little white tip on the tail is kinda cute. They text messaged the wife to see if we'd reconsider & she said yes. Meet Poppy.
Hope you got "half off" :happy1: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Aren't you afraid it will get lost in the grass and you'll run it over mowing the lawn? ;) Just kidding, cute pup.
Congrats on the new pup Dotch!! :happy1:
Poppy (puppy's name) loves people. Cats not so much. Definite interest in the sheep. Nite #2 was more trying. She wants to be around us all the time & that's understandable. She was penned with a group of 8 -10 of her little Corgi buddies at the breeder's so it's a major change. Mowed the front lawn so those stubby little legs have an easier time contending with the grass. She does the "zooomies", something the Corgis at the breeders did, meaning running circles as fast as they can around you. Looks hilarious but they're faster than one thinks as is the case with Poppy. These Corgis are bred to work livestock so am excited to see that piece of the puzzle. No rush. Need to give her time to be a puppy. Potty training is going well so far. No messes in the carrier. Poops and pees when we let her out, then tears around checking things out. Likes her naps afterwards. We both took a nap before I went to bed. Way different than the Border Collies we've had. There's actually an off switch on this one.
That is great Dotch. Will she be able to jump up on the bed with those short legs? Cooper sleeps with us and Buddy does for a few minutes. I love it.
Dotch, you put her in a kennel at night, correct?? Put the kennel in your bedroom with you. The dog will still probably whimper some, but if she can smell you 2 it helps.
And if you noticed, I was nice about the smelling you part!!🤪🤣 :evil: :rotflmao:
And if you noticed, I was nice about the smiling you part!!🤪🤣 :evil: :rotflmao:
smiling?? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
congrats guys and a great looking pup!!! :happy1:
And if you noticed, I was nice about the smiling you part!!🤪🤣 :evil: :rotflmao:
smiling?? :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:confused: friggin auto correct!! :crazy:
Dotch, you put her in a kennel at night, correct?? Put the kennel in your bedroom with you. The dog will still probably whimper some, but if she can smell you 2 it helps.
Yes we do & the carrier/kennel is <5' from where the wife sleeps. She has to have the TV on all nite which probably isn't the best idea. I prefer dark & quiet hence the sleeping arrangements. The carrier is also 3' from the front door making it less likely for accidents to happen. I wore Poppy out at lunchtime so she's down for the count now. She went out & came back in twice using the front steps so lots of positive reinforcement for that. One small pee spot on her towel in the carrier but that's on me for not getting home quickly enough. Puppies this size have bladders the size of a thimble.
Good for you guys Dotch! I'm jealous want to get another but not sure I'm ready. Keep us posted on her progress!
Poppy is catching on quickly to the routine at the ranch. Twice a day choretime gets her away from the house although she is on a leash when we're in the barn. Too much stuff to get into. The brood ewes were up by the fence last night and she barked at them, a good sign. The sheep didn't like hearing it, also a good sign. Wife got Poppy some toys. The Chuck It balls are a little too big yet. She needs stuff to chew on so there's an assortment. She likes being outside so try to spend as much time as possible outdoors so she can explore the yard. Poppy enjoyed going to the garden the wife said. All kinds of new things to see. She's getting the hang of bedtime too. Lights out, time for quiet. We take her out in the middle of the night & when we come back in, no noise. Only bad thing is there are suddenly little dog terds all over the front yard. I can live with that. Once I put the blower on the tractor, out of sight out of mind... :whistling:
darn good lookin pup for sure!!!!
Has she gotten into your boodles yet!🤣
She's become acclimated quickly and is entering that wild puppy stage. Strong for her size too when trying to get her to settle down. Maybe some Boodles would help! :rotflmao: She does wear out after a while though. She's chewing/biting more so that's part of the equation. It's what puppies do. Wifey gave her a bone shaped chew toy and that seemed to keep her occupied. She retrieved the small tennis ball night before last, then lost interest in that, very unlike the ball crazy Border Collies we've raised. Give them a ball and they'd entertain themselves for hours. Or drive you nuts staring at it or pestering you to throw it. :rolleyes::doah:
I see where you have her trained pretty well already. She masters the Dotch nap like nobody's business!!🤣🤣
Love the puppies.
Poppy's coming along well in the potty training dept. with only a couple minor incidents. Those were on us for not reading her cues when we should have. Caught her mid-incident and she finished the job outside. Otherwise she's been great that way. Sleeps from about 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. Doesn't raise a fuss very long once she's back in the carrier. Goes potty right away when we let her out. Likes to bite & chew but we keep her supervised with something safe to chew on. Enjoys her ball but isn't obsessed with it like the Border Collies were. Loves being outside chasing leaves and playing with the corn stalks from the corn shock. After a good workout, Poppy's ready for a nap. After playing with her, so am I a lot of times. She is a little cuddlebug.
So good to hear all is going good Dotch. Makes me want a puppy. We have to wait though 2 dogs is perfect. 3 is too much for us.
It has been pretty fun so far. I hear ya about more than 2 dogs. Have known some folks with 3 or more. An absolute zoo. Not trying to get ahead of ourselves here but the plan at this point is to get another Border Collie in 3 years or so. That way they have each other for playmates & there is hopefully continuity for us.
I got a big doofy one I can bring you tomorrow!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
She already has a big doofy one to play with: me!
It was 2 weeks ago we made the trip to Missouri. We're not sorry at this point. She's a handful from time to time but most of the time, just too cute to stay mad at very long. Will get her outside today and work on her commands some. Mostly want to get her to stay close with the long leash. We take her out on the short leash at night for potty. Probably a good thing. There's been some eau de skunk recently and we don't need that.
She looks pretty sweet and innocent to me. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Those looks can be deceiving... :doah: Poppy ate a plastic candy wrapper yesterday morning and pooped it out in the yard last nite. Today the little fart got the carrier door open while I was outside getting the mail. When I got back in the house she was standing there looking at me. Assuming she'd probably done her business somewhere in the house already I hooked her up to the leash to take her outside. She pooped but didn't pee so figured there was likely a pee spot somewhere inside. There was, right on the rug closest to her carrier. Not the end of the world. The rubber backing on that rug has become hard & slippery on the laminate floor. Should be replaced anyway. That's on me for not getting the carrier latched securely. Hey, when I put her in the kennel I had to pee really bad myself after she'd slept on me for a couple hours! Big weekend, lots of people and attention. Tuckered her out. She's been super about potty training otherwise, standing by the door when she needs to go out several times already. Making progress.
Dang she sure is a cutie! Take advantage of those ears she has, especially grilling! She twitches them one bit....RUN! Might want to lose the crocks tho.. :whistling:
Dang she sure is a cutie! Take advantage of those ears she has, especially grilling! She twitches them one bit....RUN! Might want to lose the crocks tho.. :whistling:
:happy1: :rotflmao: I I was gonna say something about them things. He might need to give up his man card after seeing him wearing them!!!🤣🤣 :confused:
I like my nap twice as much when Cooper is on my lap!
Dang she sure is a cutie! Take advantage of those ears she has, especially grilling! She twitches them one bit....RUN! Might want to lose the crocks tho.. :whistling:
:happy1: :rotflmao: I I was gonna say something about them things. He might need to give up his man card after seeing him wearing them!!!🤣🤣 :confused:
Yer lucky I wasn't wearing my camo crocs. I am even more stealthy in those...👍
i;ll admit i got me a knock off brand of crocs.........stictly for using in the boat to load and unload off the trailer!!!!!
I flop around in crocs in the summer too. Nice and comfy in the boat and when it is hot out.
With the nice weather been spending as much time as possible outside with Poppy. One of these days that nice weather will likely come to a screeching halt. Some work to do on coming when called. She gets the general idea but doesn't always like to follow through. She'll get it but she's not a Border Collie. They made training look easy. She goes to the vet tomorrow for her 1st appointment & some shot updates. May discuss getting her chipped or at least what it costs.
I wondered about chipping too.
so she's alot like her master then!!!!!!!!!! doesnt listen well either!!!!!!!!1 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :sleazy: :nerd: :nerd: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :mooning:
:tut: :tut: :tut: I got some new packing tape. Supposed to seal boxes up so they don't drip so much... :whistling:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :happy1:
Poppy got thru her 1st vet appt. yesterday but was a little lethargic last nite from the shots. Got lepto, lymes, and her 1st rabies shot. She was fine again this a.m., playing and biting like normal. Not unusual when you blast a small puppy with that much stuff. She weighs a whopping 7.8 lbs. so guessing she'll end up around 20 - 25 based on her mother's size. Inquired about the chipping thing too. Know people who lost their dogs and got them back because they were chipped. The cost is ~$65 but they won't do it until the dog is about a year old. In the case of a female dog, her 1st heat cycle or about the time they're spayed. The needle used in the procedure is fairly large I was told and since the animal would be under anesthesia anyway, no big deal. Makes me wonder how all these people with chips in their COVID shots are doing? :scratch:
Some of them were probably lost and returned to George Soros and Bill Gates.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Good one Dotch!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I didn't realize Corgis got that heavy.
They're little guys and gals but they're stocky. I can't get over how thick Poppy's legs are. Her tail is thick too, almost like my black Lab's was. Loves to wag it when she gets attention and it's usually straight up when she's trotting around. Kinda glad they left it.
Very cool Dotch.
Poppy is really into this football game...
smart pup!!! :happy1: :happy1:
That's ruffing it. :happy1:
Poppy is really into this football game...
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: boy does she have your number already!!!!!!!!! :happy1:
Amazing how fast Poppy is growing. She was up to 11 lbs. at her vet appt. Thurs. Lotsa zoomies when she's done eating her food followed by chewing & ball playing.
cute little shyster!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :happy1:
yes a darn good lookin pup!!! :happy1:
She has her moments. She'll do 15 - 20 zoomies around the couch then lull you to sleep for an hour as she chews on her toys. Better be watching then because she may try to sneak off & pee on the floor. Caught her in the act last nite & let her know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't acceptable. She finished her business outside. Hopefully that was a teaching moment. She has been good therapy for the wife.
She is a cutie, probably running the show already!!
Had a little scare this a.m. Had taken a few stale breadcrusts & vegetable peelings out in a bread wrapper for the sheep. When I pulled the wrapper out of my pocket to throw it away once back inside, the twist tie must've fallen out. Poppy found it & was chewing on it when I spotted her. Tried to get it away from her but she was defiant & ran off with me in hot pursuit. Had seen an episode of Dr. Pol where a small dog had ingested a twist tie & died as a result by the time they figured it out. When I finally caught Poppy & pried her jaws open, I found nothing. Crap! Luckily I spied it on the kitchen floor a few minutes later. Whew! Better than looking for it in her terds. 💩
My big azzhat chewed up a Rona test while I was gone!!!
Want another one Dotch!! :confused: :bs: he's been awful lately. Needless to say I haven't seen him much since I've been back home!
Well, did he have the 'rona or not? :rotflmao:
Well, did he have the 'rona or not? :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: not sure but I bet he's got a sore azz!!
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Poppy really enjoyed the Vikings game yesterday. Tuckered her out! :doah:
Me too!
Some friends from up by NY Mills sent us a Corgi lawn ornament so we put it together which sent Poppy into a tizzy at 1st. She adjusted. She really enjoys helping fill the bird feeders and running thru the snow. I've been giving her more latitude as she's become much better at coming when called. Smart little dog, just a little different personality than the 25 years of Border Collies. One thing is the same: If someone farts 5 miles away, she lets you know about it.
that's cool as heck!! :happy1:
Poppy & I are in control here in the white house at the ranch. Took her to the vet day before last. She weighed in at 14 lbs., up about 3 lbs. from just under a month ago. She gets more worked up about vet visits than our Borders did but they were exceptional that way. Poppy was good with the company we've had recently. Luckily they've been livestock dog gals so it's been great exposure for a 5 1/2 month old Corgi. It breaks up the routine as well. Tossed some out of code squash over the fence to the sheep. Poppy barked at them. They were not amused.
Nice to have live entertainment but Poppy can wear us out. She's been the most destructive puppy on dog toys we've had since we've been married. Buy one that appears durable from a reputable manufacturer and within an hour she's dismembered or decapitated it. It does tucker her out though so at least there is that. :coffee:
:scratch: You sure she's not related to glenn's new buddy? ;) :laugh: :laugh:
First off you need to give up your man card wearing Crocs. :confused: :scratch: :rotflmao:
As far as chew toys have you tried a Kong chew toy?? Even my big dopus can't wreck it.
First off you need to give up your man card wearing Crocs. :confused: :scratch: :rotflmao:
As far as chew toys have you tried a Kong chew toy?? Even my big dopus can't wreck it.
Glenn do you put peanut butter in it??? that really drives them crazy!!! fun to watch too!!!
First off you need to give up your man card wearing Crocs. :confused: :scratch: :rotflmao:
As far as chew toys have you tried a Kong chew toy?? Even my big dopus can't wreck it.
Glenn do you put peanut butter in it??? that really drives them crazy!!! fun to watch too!!!
no shadow is crazy enough!!😂 Besides peanut butter is specifically designed for PB&J's :happy1: :rotflmao:
First off you need to give up your man card wearing Crocs. :confused: :scratch: :rotflmao:
As far as chew toys have you tried a Kong chew toy?? Even my big dopus can't wreck it.
Glenn do you put peanut butter in it??? that really drives them crazy!!! fun to watch too!!!
no shadow is crazy enough!!😂 Besides peanut butter is specifically designed for PB&J's :happy1: :rotflmao:
ya have to do that once to see the fun!!!!! well worth the price!!!
First off you need to give up your man card wearing Crocs. :confused: :scratch: :rotflmao:
As far as chew toys have you tried a Kong chew toy?? Even my big dopus can't wreck it.
Glenn do you put peanut butter in it??? that really drives them crazy!!! fun to watch too!!!
no shadow is crazy enough!!😂 Besides peanut butter is specifically designed for PB&J's :happy1: :rotflmao:
ya have to do that once to see the fun!!!!! well worth the price!!!
We have a kong toy like the one pictured & another cylindrical kong toy that can be stuffed with treats. Unfortunately they are one dimensional. Stick treats and stuff in them and she chews on them a while. Once the stuff is out, BORING!!!! Give a Border Collie a ball, they're happy. These smaller herding dogs tho are a whole 'nother ballgame. Teething has been part of the problem. Looks like all her adult teeth are in with some of the last molars just poking thru. When Poppy goes outside, one of the first things she does is grab a chunk of ice & chews on it. What surprises me about the squeaky toys we've bought is they're also manufactured by Kong. She really enjoys squeaking them and shaking the ever living snot out of them but also loves wrecking them. The material they're made from is tough enough but if there's any kind of an appendage or a seam, she'll have them ripped off or apart within an hour. I expected better from a company that specializes in dog toys. Smaller squeaky tennis balls are OK but she wrecks them after a while too. Also manufactured by Kong, we need to monitor that situation closely. We don't want her to bust one open along the seam (which she's done) when we're not looking, get a squeaker down her throat and make an emergency trip to see Dr. Pol. Poppy's a tireless little ball player. That wears us out especially after fishing balls out from under the furniture a few dozen times. The good news is she's left the furniture, cords, clothing and other stuff alone thanks in part to all the toys she's destroyed.
Somewhere in my files I think I have a link to some Smurf crocs... :whistling: :cool:
Cooper can actually eat a foot long rawhide thing in a couple of hours. We got them and one day I looked all over for the one I just gave him. Nowhere. He ate it that fast. Never got another one. Someone on here mentioned shin bones and that is what we get them now. Last a long time. We have 4 of them on the floor right now. They are loud on hard wood floors but ok on the carpet.
Finally tapped Ruby's chuckit ball stash. We kept a supply as she'd wear them out at the seams after a few months. Got Poppy a chuckit Frisbee. The sewn seam on that lasted under an hour. We now have a bazillion orange threads all over the house & in her terds. 💩
Lookin good Poppy. :happy1:
Some days Poppy just sits & looks cute. Usually by the time I got the camera out she wanders off. Sometimes though she stays put but gives you the eye after a while, telling you to hurry it up. She has toys, newspapers & magazines to destroy! :rolleyes:
Looks awfully innocent to me!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
At least she can't get on the cupboards.
At least she can't get on the cupboards.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: ya got that right!!!!!!!! :doah: :confused: :confused: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
yet!!! :rotflmao:
At least she can't get on the cupboards.
yet!!! :rotflmao:
:scratch: Wait 'til she's really unhappy with mom & dad!!!! ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
At least she can't get on the cupboards.
yet!!! :rotflmao:
:scratch: Wait 'til she's really unhappy with mom & dad!!!! ;) :rolleyes: :smiley:
oh boy!!! look at the lab brothers!!!
I'm not putting anything past this little twerp. She can hop over the arm on the recliner and clear it easily at 6 months. She's long enough so once she's full grown, we'll need to be very careful about anything left near the edge on a countertop.
Whatta cutie! Maybe just maybe you can teach her everytime the grill gets fired up to distract momma !!
Poppy has really taken to the couch's "dog-hole". It's a depression that Ruby left behind after curling up & napping on it 100's of times over the years. Instant backache if you sit in that spot. Didn't take Poppy long to figure out it was there.
Was that after a busy day outside?? Or after she got into your G & T??🤔🤔
We've been outside several times today. Not for extremely long stretches but constantly on the move when we are. Not much time for G&T's. With the colder temps, the VSOP supply has taken a major hit. :coffee:
Watching a webinar while Poppy watches the birds. They keep her attention for a while but like most puppies, that attention span is limited. Doesn't take long & she wanders off so they're just a temporary diversion. Pheasants were back so that helps her focus.
:happy1: :happy1: i've noticed shadow is starting to do that more often. even at night when we close the curtains, he pushes them aside with his nose and gotta look out, especially if he hears something!!!!!!
Poppy has developed a habit of wanting to sit on my lap during webinars. Her retention isn't real good & she likes to lick the keyboard. :scratch:
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^^^^^^^ thats funny.......now you got someone to fill in when your busy :rolleyes: with other more important things!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
did you spill some boodles on the keyboard by chance??? :rotflmao:
Our cat does that with me. :happy1:
Poppy has developed a habit of wanting to sit on my lap during webinars. Her retention isn't real good & she likes to lick the keyboard. :scratch:
She takes after you? :confused: :rotflmao:
Poppy has developed a habit of wanting to sit on my lap during webinars. Her retention isn't real good & she likes to lick the keyboard. :scratch:
She takes after you? :confused: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:hope he dont have your address SteveO :shocked: :rotflmao:
Poppy has developed a habit of wanting to sit on my lap during webinars. Her retention isn't real good & she likes to lick the keyboard. :scratch:
She takes after you? :confused: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:hope he dont have your address SteveO :shocked: :rotflmao:
Ah... no thanks. ;)
Poppy still loves the snow. We'd lost most of it before Sat. a.m. but it replenished our supply. Thank goodness most of it left but didn't stop her from having a blast in the meantime. Looked like she was peeing but she wasn't. Trying to get her attention between pouncing and digging in the snow. Introduced her to the latest attempt at a toy she wouldn't be able to chew up. Made it about 12 hours before it was destroyed.
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Had a good weekend bonding with the munchkin. Poppy likes her naps just like her owners, especially if Hallmark is on. :happy1:
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dotch....you ever take the little munchkin along with you on a driveabout??????
I have some but am kinda careful about it. I don't want to leave her alone in the vehicle for any length of time. I'd hate to have someone steal her and there's no telling what she might chew up. Not a good time to bring her into the office right now either. A lot of traffic inside and outside the building. Need more rain days. They've been scarce for a while. Wife has been taking time off during the week so she gets a lot of weekday attention and I spend as much time with her on the weekend as is possible.
Trouble is with do-gooders these days... if you leave your dog in the car - even in conditions that are not harmful for them - someone is apt to call the cops on you.
The grocery store has a sign now that says, "If you see unattended children or pets in vehicles, call 911."
I guess that is the difference between living in the city and living in the country these days.
so true Steve-o
I did a quick in and out for one item in the grocery store a few years back. Was about 70. I left both windows open in the ol Ford and left the dogs there. I was out in minutes. There were tourists standing in front of my truck looking at their watch. I said hi real nice jumped in my truck and took off. Didn't give them time to talk.
good points....never give much thought to the negative nellies........ yea i dont take them with to the store or nutting usually when i go and they can get out and run around where my destination is. i get a good amount oh i love your dog or dogs. especially the sheltie.
and with shadow being so damn friendly they wanna pet him. i worry more about them doofuses accidently locking the truck up and me not having keys to get in. :doofus: ask me how i know!!!!! :bonk: :bonk: i have fixed that issue!!!! :sleazy:
i used to worry about someone stealing the sheltie but now that sje's so old......not so much. with shadow....good luck to them!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
When I leave the windows open everyone wants to pet my dogs. I do worry about someone taking Cooper.
I was more apt to take the Border Collies along with me, partially because they could easily jump in my 4 wheel drive pickups. That and as anal as they were, if someone took one they'd wish they hadn't. Drive them nuts! With Poppy and those short Corgi legs, I have to pick her up and set her in the seat. She's OK with riding but too many of her trips to this point have been to the vet for shots, spaying, etc., so she can be a little gun shy at first. She also likes to wander off exploring and isn't as attentive as I'd like, things that can get a dog in trouble in a hurry in the wrong situation. She's getting better about it but like any dog, it takes a while for them to grow up and follow commands consistently. 25 years of Border Collies really spoiled me in that respect. It's a small sample size but this Corgi has tested my patience a lot more. Too cute to stay mad at her very long though. And we have some gate watching potential to explore when we feel comfortable to start doing it.
Our sheltie did lock my Chevy Luv pickup one time in the winter. I'd gone to Auntie Mar Mar & Unkie Gregory's. They had a big, nasty cat so I couldn't bring her in their house with me. I left the pickup running and the heater on so Murphy would be nice and warm. Well, as warm as a crappy Chevy Luv heater would keep you anyway. When I came back out of their house, Murph was wagging her tail, licking the window all happy to see me. She pushed both of the locks down in the process. Greg gave me a ride back to our place so I could get a spare key. He and Mar Mar thought it was pretty funny. I was not amused.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: I was lucky the other door was still open. I keep the window down some now.
I could bring shadow down for a week if you really want your patience tested. :sleazy: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I learned to carry the car or truck remote in my pocket. not on the key chain...
Poppy has had some quiet time today. Been in and out but she's taken a shine to the AC. Have some transplants I want to stick in the ground yet so she can help with that before I make a feed run. In the meantime she's having a nice nap on the cool floor. Quiet and where I can see her is preferable to quiet and where I can't especially inside. No telling what she she might chew up & eat, or find a place to sneak off & pee or poop when I'm not looking. She's gotten better about that but she has definitely been the hardest dog to house break of any of them we've had thus far. A lot of fun but has selective hearing. Time for some rope training sessions methinks. :coffee:
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Man those are some short legs. LOL Nice girl.
I know. Looking at those stubby little legs almost makes me laugh. She's very quick tho. When she does zoomies around the couch she makes us dizzy.
Almost forgot, it's International Corgi Day!
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looks like she just woke up!!! or got woke up!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
She did actually. Was sound asleep when I got a text from the wife. :rolleyes: Now Poppy's off to help fill birdfeeders.
Someone had a hissy after I pulled the fertilizer spreader home into HER yard... :doah:*
*Note UFO flying in sky above fertilizer spreader. If you squint you can see sasquatch peeking out of the trees... :coffee:
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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: just be happy it wasn't the wife :happy1:
she's taking over!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
she's large and in charge!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Yep, new Sheriff in town!!! I like it!!
She looks great!
After chores, eating her supper& tearing around on a warm evening, taking a nap on the cool floor works. Likes her people too.
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Someone has discovered that squirrels are a blast to chase.
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Mentioned over on the garden thread that I had a lot of dog help in the garden yesterday. So much in fact that when I did chores last nite, Poppy conked out and took a nap! I was jealous. Sometimes she eats the weeds I pull up which makes me chuckle. She had a ball chasing all the Carolina grasshoppers, eventually catching one and eating it. Luckily she didn't yack that stuff up in the house. At one point I couldn't find her. Poppy's so much smaller than we're used to that sometimes she disappears almost right before your eyes. I called her and there she was, hanging out in the sunflowers right in front of me.
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Poppy has kept me thoroughly entertained while the has been gone. No shortage of energy & likes to help in the garden. Eats string beans. Also likes to look out the window, growl, oof, then bark. Rinse, repeat.
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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: the garden one cracks me up!!!! :happy1: :rotflmao:
She is a cutie! And like Dotch said, he doesn't have to worry about her jumping up to get stuff off of countertops.
See glenn? If I'd yanked all my string beans out, the Corgi wouldn't have a place to hide or beans to eat! :rotflmao: I also would've been done picking them a couple weeks ago... :doah:
After being gone a good chunk of yesterday, I promised Poppy a "dog day". Thought maybe she'd want to play but apparently wanted time with her people. More like napping on her people. 😴
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Dogs are the best!!!
:happy1: :happy1: :rotflmao: i'm questioning who's doing the most napping!!!!!!!! :sleazy:
She found something dead to roll in tonite. Couldn't find it but the way it smells, I'm guessing dead reptile or amphibian. 🦨
It's National Dog Week! Here’s an action photo of Poppy doing her best glenn impression... :coffee:
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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
:tut: :tut: :banghead: :banghead: training-087 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Just like Ruby used to do, Poppy likes to keep an eye on things. Could be sheep grazing on the hillside below, birds on the birdfeeders or squirrels in need of exercise.
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Looks like a Remington picture. :happy1:
Keeping those squirrels exercised this afternoon now that the sliding glass door is thawed out... :coffee:
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Oh what a cutie! I love corgis!! 😍❤️😍😊
Poppy is a cutie and she knows it sometimes. Still takes a little getting used to after the years of Border Collies but she's definitely one of the highlights of my day. Makes me laugh especially when she does zoomies in the house. A lot more active perhaps than I expected a Corgi to be altho she's also capable of deciding it's nap time for relatively long stretches.
I awoke from my nap only to find a Corgi wedged against my leg... :scratch:
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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: appears to be following its owners footsteps!!!!!! :rotflmao:
good thing she like you!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Decided to take the afternoon off, do some odd jobs & spend some quality time with Poppy. This is one of her favorite spots in the afternoon. She can keep an eye on the traffic & her little buddies, the squirrels. Lotsa warm sunshine today. :cool:
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She looks great and happy.
Even tho Poppy loves snow, she's really been enjoying this weather. So have we and she's outside with us as much as possible. The two smaller cats are her playmates whenever we're around the barn. Sounds like we'll have more visitors with kids coming to see lambs over the next few weekends so that'll be right up her alley. :happy1:
Hey dotch, with poppy the corgi, gotta ask. Not sure how much time you spend on the book of faces, but you ever come across the short videos of a couple corgis name Hammy and Olivia ?? Funny as heck
I don't use Facebook other than to look at Marketplace. Too busy mailing stuff to spend a lot of time there! :bonk: I could take a look to see what Hammy & Olivia are all about sometime tho. I the meantime, Poppy continues to give the squirrels their daily workouts. Will be some of the most physically fit fox squirrels in SC MN come fall. training-087
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Therez been a couple videos out recently where Olivia passed on. Last one hit me kinda hard. Reminded me of burying our sheltie last a summer at the cabin
Someone has enjoyed her people time this holiday weekend. Between playing ball & with her other toys, there's always time for a nap.
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one good looking pup!! :happy1:
Yup nice looking dog Dotch. She sure looks like she is happy too.
Looks great Dotch! Wonder how she would do at the corgi races at Canterbury?? :happy1:
I was thinking about that too until I remembered how much she likes to stop and dawdle when she's called. Definitely not a Border Collie. :doah:
Funny how they dilly dally when their name is called to come in..
sounds like the 2 of you when your grillin!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :bonk: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Poppy turned 2 today. Wasn't that long ago we went to pick her up it seems. Hope she's enjoying her life so far. :cool:
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Will there be a big birthday party?
I bet she is happy as heck Dotch.
I think so. She celebrated a little bit ago... :coffee:
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Poppy turned 2 today. Wasn't that long ago we went to pick her up it seems. Hope she's enjoying her life so far. :cool:
:happy1: :happy1: yea Dotch.....i'm bettin she's enjoy life to the max out there in hooterville!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
Thanks for sharing.
LPS can appreciate that!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yup, we make sure she takes her stool softener... :happy1:
:happy1: :happy1:
Poppy was having a hissy before chores. Told her to be quiet but she persisted. Let her out and she took offf on a dead run with her hackles all up. More DNR livestock. She got it to fly up on the garage roof then it disappeared. Could've had Thanksgiving dinner. I would've let her eat the giblets after that performance.
to funny but I like butter ball turkeys... just sayin....
How fun is that... Good for her. Quite a relationship they have. AND that is a good thing!!
Poppy in one of her favorite spots. The wife was concerned that perhaps something was wrong as she was spending so much time sleeping. She did some research & found it's not out of the question for Corgi's to sleep up to 20 hours a day! I doubt Poppy sleeps quite that much but she does nap a lot some days.
Poppy in one of her favorite spots. The wife was concerned that perhaps something was wrong as she was spending so much time sleeping. She did some research & found it's not out of the question for Corgi's to sleep up to 20 hours a day! I doubt Poppy sleeps quite that much but she does nap a lot some days.
:rotflmao: :happy1: they say a pet takes and acts alot like there owner after a while!!!!! :rolleyes: :evil: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
i've been kinda wondering about poppy.........you havnet been posting her much lately..........thought she might even be behaving!!!!! :happy1:
shadow seems to like to nap to........unless i head to the door.........or he smells food!!!!!!! :crazy: :rotflmao:
Poppy really has been good throughout what has been a brutal lambing season. We try to give her some extra attention and make sure we have some "dog days" where we're around and staying bonded. She's done so well on house training despite earlier issues and communicates better all the time with her actions. Although she tries to use it to her advantage sometimes to get treats. She'll go stand by the door then just stand on the porch once she's outside. Thinks she should get a treat for that. Not so much on this end. :coffee:
She likes her people time... :coffee:
She likes her people time... :coffee:
:scratch: so....she's watching that webinar for you????? :bonk: :scratch: :rotflmao:
She probably takes the test afterwards too. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: