Minnesota Outdoorsman
General Category => Sports Forums => Topic started by: KEN W on July 07/26/24, 03:18:54 PM
Anyone watching the opening ceremonies on NBC right now???
Definitely different being on water instead of land.
:happy1: :happy1:
They can be assured. I will not watch one minute of the 2024 Olympics after that total trash opening ceremony!
What does a bunch of Trans, mocking the last supper have to do with sports?
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Is it the trans Olympics or the real Olympics? :confused:
Is it the trans Olympics or the real Olympics? :confused:
The other real sad part, is they had to add a child into their little perv skit! :undecided:
I have the same question as Barry.
I have the same question as Barry.
Would it make it right if there was? So far there's still a shred of morality left in this world to not allow them to complete. Still, what does mocking anyone's religion, have to do with sports.
I'm not the most religious or spiritual guy here but, I have to believe that God is keeping track of this.
On the other hand, it could be argued that God didn't paint the Last Supper, man did. This could be a long, heated debate.
Just my 2¢.
I didn't see the Last Supper reference but saw enough other crap prior to that that turned me off. Won't make the odds of me watching any of it very high. Am sure the advertisers will be hearing about it. Actions have consequences.
I'm not the most religious or spiritual guy here but, I have to believe that God is keeping track of this.
On the other hand, it could be argued that God didn't paint the Last Supper, man did. This could be a long, heated debate.
Just my 2¢.
So their should be a debate, over if some perv man dressed up as woman should involve children and induce their sexual dysphoria at a world wide historical sports event? OK then. :shocked:
I just watch the sporting events. I pay little to no attention to the other garbage. That is all they want is attention and I refuse to give it to them.
Ya it is pretty sick. You are either born male or female. Period! Don't involve me in your lies about who you are.
I'm not the most religious or spiritual guy here but, I have to believe that God is keeping track of this.
On the other hand, it could be argued that God didn't paint the Last Supper, man did. This could be a long, heated debate.
Just my 2¢.
So their should be a debate, over if some perv man dressed up as woman should involve children and induce their sexual dysphoria at a world wide historical sports event? OK then. :shocked:
I agree with you, Leech. In my opinion this display is absolutely wrong. As the meme I saw explains, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of what we are told to embrace and celebrate.
I've been reading a little about this display. If this segment of society wants all people to be accepted then why are they mocking Christianity. Although I have my failures I really think we all need to just be kind to one another. Even when we don't understand or agree with them.
Don't take me wrong, if you and the wife like to chase each other around the hay loft with the cattle prod after the milking is done more power to yea!
I just don't think my kids and grandkids need to hear on the world stage, what dairy farms like to do on their free time! :undecided: Keep that in the barn! :happy1:
Oh, um nothing against Dairy farmers. It was just a generalized example of anyone. 🤗
I really don't care.....I'm watching the athletic events.
During lunch today I watched rugby, dang I need to watch more cuz I didn't understand any of it..lol. Then they switched to water polo ( I believe) those girls are some endurance machines treading water the whole time. Basketball came on, then the t.v. went off..lol.
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:doah: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:confused: :pouty: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I've been reading a little about this display. If this segment of society wants all people to be accepted then why are they mocking Christianity. Although I have my failures I really think we all need to just be kind to one another. Even when we don't understand or agree with them.
Heres my 2 cents. I don't need to be kind nor understand them. I won't acknowledge them period. I won't talk to them, wave at them, read anything they write or produce. I also won't physically or mentally harm them. To me they don't exist. Now as for any media that does choose to push them into mainstream America i'll ignore them also the best that I can. To me it's like basketball & soccer. I don't like either sport and do my utmost best to never watch them.
I see a lady from Italy got her but whooped by a dude in women's boxing. :crazy: F'ed up!!
It's too bad. I used to like to watch the Olympics almost daily when it was on. When they came out of the chute as they did and made a political statement, my viewership moved down the priority list. And I can do the ya, whatever thing with some of that but when it comes to having biological males compete against females, it just moved my odds of watching any of it even farther down the list. Virtue signaling doesn't pay the bills.
Its all that WOKE, progressive, enlightened thinking. :angry: If that big, tough boxer feels prettier in ladies panties... why shouldn't he be allowed to fight against women? :confused: And if you see it different than the whacked-out lefties... y'er a homophobic bigot.
What really confuses me is why would ANY woman compete against these attention whores? If real women refused to compete against men with an identity crisis and forfeited every event - this whole issue would be over tomorrow. I can't believe the feminists put up with this nonsense and don't speak out against it.
I see a lady from Italy got her but whooped by a dude in women's boxing. :crazy: F'ed up!!
she actually quit about 46 seconds in to the fight I heard.. should of never happened to begin with...
As long as we are pointing out things we don't like....I have a problem with Snoop Dogg carrying the torch and seemingly having such an important role in NBC's coverage. Gangster and felon. Somehow got acquitted of murder.
Biles.....wins another Gold Medal.
Sandecky becomes the best women's Olympic athlete. She has won 13 medals.
think the nightly news also said thta the USA also leads in medals.....including 9 gold!!!! :happy1:
I see a lady from Italy got her but whooped by a dude in women's boxing. :crazy: F'ed up!!
she actually quit about 46 seconds in to the fight I heard.. should of never happened to begin with...
read the woman/dude didnt pass the sex test either...........WTF..................
seen that too... WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read this one on X: Why would you pay money to watch an Algerian man beat up European women at the Olympics when you can walk around Paris and see it for free? :scratch:
He has been approved so he must have male and female parts. That is a big thing with all of these dominant athletes. The women have partial mens parts and it is not at all uncommon. A lot of gray area it seems but I don't like the man vs woman thing going on.
what does this individuals birth certificate say???????? i read somewhere she/it was born female but is doing something to make this not right. if said she/it was taking hormones to switch......she/it needs to stay home or fight males. end of story. like this lia thomas thing!!!
I just googled Lia and it was denied entry to the Olympics.
I just googled Lia and it was denied entry to the Olympics.
rightfully so!!!!!!! :happy1:
:scratch: https://www.news.com.au/sport/olympics/explained-the-boxing-controversy-that-has-rocked-paris-olympics/news-s :confused:
No matter what all LBGTQ-XYZ folks on YouTube and the internet jabber about. Their has never been a case of folks with "both toys", having a period or getting pregnant if they were born with male genes. Their fantasies need to stop being pushed on the majority. :doah:
Back in the ring
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I see a lady from Italy got her but whooped by a dude in women's boxing. :crazy: F'ed up!!
Yeah, where Tonya Harding now? When you need a good knee capping! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I see a lady from Italy got her but whooped by a dude in women's boxing. :crazy: F'ed up!!
Yeah, where Tonya Harding now? When you need a good knee capping! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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:rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:happy1: :happy1: Good point!
Katie Ladecky first woman to win 4 straight gold medals in any single event in any sport!!!!
800 meter freestyle. :happy1: :happy1:
14 total Olympic Medals.......9 Golds :happy1::happy1:
oh boy!!
Disqualified, for using two poles!
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LOL well he is a lock in for adult entertainment.
Watching the US Women BB play France for the Gold Medal. On NBC right now. :happy1:
Final day of the 2024 Summer Games.
Great win......67-66 over France. 8 straight gold medals. 61 Olympic wins in a row!!!!
France final shot to tie was 1 foot over the 3 point line. What a battle. Especially since it was in France.
US made 6 straight free throws in the final 15 seconds to win it. :happy1: :happy1: :happy1:
Men beat France for the Gold last night. :happy1: :happy1:
Nice they could close the thing a bit normal. Suppose all the Trans strippers they had hired weren't to happy? :taz: :taz: :coffee:
Loved Tom Cruise coming down from above the Stadium and taking the Olympic Flag on his motorcycle to a plane to Los Angeles for 2028.
I see it's over now. I watched one little girl go flipping across a tumbling mat for a few seconds. That was the extent of my watching.
Somewhere growing up I thought the Olympics were about people competing. Years back I read what it costs and what these athletes make competing. Add in the doping and it's all about producing the winners at any cost. It's nationalism at it's finest.
The staggering dollar amounts these cities and country pay to host these things is ridiculous. You can run third world countries on whats spent. Hell you could end hunger in Ethiopia forever. Now I read that the LA games spectators are going to be required to take busses and trains to events only. No cars are allowed for the LA games. That should create quite the competition between Hamas, Isis and a few others in the terrorists competition.
I'm glad everybody enjoys watching but for me it's a hard pass which is also ok.
I got a glimpse of girls climbing that wall. It took a few seconds. Surprised me.
Somewhere growing up I thought the Olympics were about people competing. Years back I read what it costs and what these athletes make competing. Add in the doping and it's all about producing the winners at any cost. It's nationalism at it's finest.
I'm glad everybody enjoys watching but for me it's a hard pass which is also ok.
It is interesting how East Germany used to win a lot, when they threatened to kill them or their family. :scratch:
I too passed, other then a few oddities shown on YouTube that popped up on the stream. :coffee:
I liked the Youtube highlights reels too. The women relay team just kicked ass and that one black USA lady ran her ass off and won another race by a huge margin. That was fun to watch.
The only thing that would have made the women’s 4x400m better is if there was an average slob like me trying to run to compare how fast even the slowest ones are.
Anyone else notice articles and memes about transgender or men competing as women in the Olympics being scrubbed off Google? I saw a great one over the weekend I was going to share with a buddy and when I looked in my history and clicked the link it is no longer found?
The only thing that would have made the women’s 4x400m better is if there was an average slob like me trying to run to compare how fast even the slowest ones are.
Anyone else notice articles and memes about transgender or men competing as women in the Olympics being scrubbed off Google? I saw a great one over the weekend I was going to share with a buddy and when I looked in my history and clicked the link it is no longer found?
Yeah, but the poor pole vaulter with the "johnson problem" is all over the internet! Perv's! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: He won't have trouble getting a date. He probably already has a porn contract!
he was offered one right after the jump... $250,000. for one hour of work... is what I read..
Raw deal for Jordan Chiles. :thumbs:
"USA Gymnastics was notified by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on Monday that their rules do not allow for an arbitral award to be reconsidered even when conclusive new evidence is presented," the statement read. "We are deeply disappointed by the notification and will continue to pursue every possible avenue and appeal process, including to the Swiss Federal Tribunal, to ensure the just scoring, placement, and medal award for Jordan."