Minnesota Outdoorsman
General Category => Anything & Everything => Topic started by: Iowaboy1 on January 01/01/25, 07:13:01 PM
A couple of days ago Scenic took a nasty tumble on the ice, If he feels up to chiming in I well let him tell the story as I want it told correctly.
Anyway, his left leg is busted up pretty good, being a believer in go big or go home he went big.
Keep him in your prayers please, he has a long road of recovery ahead of him.
I will say Mrs. Scenic and their faithful companion Chelsea who alerted her to the trouble are both due a lot of credit in that Scenic didnt lay on the ice for very long.
I think both are due a steak supper when he is healed up!
Get well soon bud!! we have some fishing to do this coming June!
:confused: damn sorry to hear. Sure hope he heals up.
Get well soon bud :happy1:
Thanks for the heads up iowaboy. :happy1:
Hope you heal up soon Scenic. Them falls can be tuff on us.
yes they can, 2 years ago a rally bad one.. no breaks but torn up a bunch
good luck Scenic!!! my beat to ya!!!
WHAT????? Scenic what did you do? I want to hear the story..
Scenic. Don't do stuff like that. It hurts.
Hope recovery is quick.
Thanks guys. So carrying a box with three gallons of pickles in it i hit a slippery spot. I knew immediately it was not good. I could not get off the ground because my left leg was all twisted up under me and to slippery to get any footing with my right foot. I let out a good yell. The dog heard me and raised hell in the house until my wife finally let her out...was then she seen me laying there.
My left leg went under me and full body weight with my knee landed on it. I broke both the left leg bones about 3" below my knee. Broke both of those same bones just above the ankle and broke the ankle bone as well.
Then to make matters worse I am allergic to just about any happy drugs. I hate even taking aspirin but got Fentanyl and Toredahl. Take enough of them and they work.
And no not all the pickles jars made it. I was in ER smelling like pickles.
Tomorrow I find out how much hardware they are going to put in. Already been told a rod, some pins and maybe a plate.
Wow! That’s a bad way to start the new year. Hope it heals up well for you. Good luck and take it easy.
dang that's nasty!! good luck to you!!
Man Scenic I feel for you. I hope they get the pain meds to work for you. That will be #1 priority. Good luck to you. I was going to ask about the pickles.
Good luck healing. Drink some apple juice with the pain meds.
Does that help Roony? Help with the constipation? That is a huge issue Scenic. Take the stool softeners religiously. Metamucil turned out to be a lifesaver for me. A glass of it every night and I was a better man for it. Orange flavored.
Works for me Barry. We squeeze our own apples.
Great idea!
Scenic, good luck. I hope you have some hobbies you can do.
Best wishes and prayers for a full recovery, Scenic.
Geez Scenic you really did a number! Could make a lot of Bloody Marys with 3 gallons worth of pickles. Hope they get you put back together soon & on the mend quickly with therapy. Damn ice anyway. :angry:
I walked out of the house early Monday morning, the fog had unexpectedly glazed the sidewalk with ice, and I fell flat on my back. Thankfully I didn't get hurt.
Wow! Heal good scenic, sorry for the tough deal. Can always be worse
think all the fish are breathing a si of relief though!!!!!! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
sorry bud!!!!!! :pouty: just take it easy and heal up right da first time!!!!!! :happy1:
Sorry to hear that Scenic, take care and get better soon. Dam ice.
Good lord scenic, that could happen to any of us. That's a pretty bad injury but thankfully it wasn't your Mellon. Take it easy and you'll be fixing up boats in no time..
Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers. I will be finding things to do. I have a graphics program that i need to learn.
Yes this can happen to anyone and it happens fast. One wrong step and I was down.
Surgery on Monday. I will be gaing hardware.
good luck sir!!
I have sent word out to several people out in Wisconsin for ya Scenic, several dairy farm workers are pulling for ya!!
Good luck with the surgery and healing up Scenic. Your fall sounds very similar to my fall in 2023. I missed a step coming down the stairs and got my leg wrapped up underneath me like that. Heard a loud snap and thought I broke my leg like you. In the end I tore off my petellar tendon. Pretty minor compared to you. Hope your recovery goes well.
yep.........good luck with the surgery bud!!!!!!!! be nice to the nurses!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Best of luck on the upcoming surgery Scenic. Was a couple years ago now the wife had her ankle operated on just before Thanksgiving after breaking it in 3 places. 7 screws & a plate plus several months of physical therapy later, she's doing pretty well now, physically anyway. :rotflmao: I realize your injuries are much more extensive & you'll set off security systems at airports given all that hardware but betting you'll do great. :happy1:
Sorry to hear about this. I hope you recover fast!
I'm pray'in for ya!
Slipping on the ice sucks!
I went down a couple years ago, but I wasn't carrying pickles...I had 4 cans of full beers in my jacket pockets, landed on my side and broke 3 ribs.
Did the beer survive?
Did the beer survive?
Yup, they did.
I guess bones break easier than compressing full beer cans. :rolleyes:
Thanks All. I'm ready to get this surgery done so I can get to healing. Seen 3 doctors and I get a bit worried when they all say....wow you did a number on that one. I did finally get some sleep today so that's a start.
Scenic goes in for surgery today around 0900, if you would, lift him, his family, the surgeon and the entire medical staff up in prayer this morning.
I am sure the nurses will be needing prayed for after putting up with his ornery hide.
Get well soon bud!!
hang in there buddy!! it will get netter!! good luck!!
Good luck scenic, listen to the doctors and get plenty of naps. We just don't "bounce" as well as when we were younger. :happy1: :happy1:
Good morning Scenic and I hope you have smooth sailing through the surgery. Is it in Bemidji? Best Orthopedic place there.
Hope you come through surgery well Scenic and you can get started on the road to recovery soon.
Good luck with surgery and your recovery Scenic.
Good luck with surgery and your recovery Scenic.
Scenic had an appointment at 0900, that stretched out to a little before noon before they got around to him.
Just got a text that he is headed home and is exhausted, he sent me a couple of pics, I will see if I can attach them, looks like a mess.
that's a lot of hardware!! and sent home already!!! WOW!!! heal fast!!
not even enough time to tease the nurse's!!
It will be nap time now.
That is a lot of hardware. Glad they got it fixed up. It will all grow back nicely now.
is Scenic are 6 million dollar boat fixer upper now!!!!!!!! :scratch: :happy1:
here's to a quick getting healed up Scenic to get back at what ya do!!!!!!! :happy1: :old fisherman: :stillfish:
Wowsirs! I can hear those airport security metal detectors going off now! They do nice work. Hope you can get back to yours as soon as you are able Scenic! :happy1:
Gee wiz scenic, hopefully your doing good with the meds, do what they say and you'll be doing cartwheels in no time!!
Scenic is on the road to recovery but its going to be a long haul.
Hes been resting,about all he can do considering, a week or two before he can put the leg down and 6 weeks before he can put the lightest pressure on it.
In the mean time,I figured out a way he can get to the shop.
Scenic is on the road to recovery but its going to be a long haul.
Hes been resting,about all he can do considering, a week or two before he can put the leg down and 6 weeks before he can put the lightest pressure on it.
In the mean time,I figured a way he can get to the shop.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Scenic is on the road to recovery but its going to be a long haul.
Hes been resting,about all he can do considering, a week or two before he can put the leg down and 6 weeks before he can put the lightest pressure on it.
In the mean time,I figured out a way he can get to the shop.
did you put one of your extra motors in that thing!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Ive got 3 he can choose from Mike,a 9.9, 40 hp and a 90 hp.
But I think for his safety I am putting on a set of oars to help rebuild his upper body strength and he learns to steer and stop.
He is crazy enough that if I put that 90 on it he will be buzzing the ice huts on the lake.
Then of course being a pilot he will want a set of wings.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :happy1:
Thanks for the humor. I needed that tonight. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
And Iowaboy it sure would make a good Para glide. With folding wings. I'd try it. Might be a few weeks though.... :rotflmao:
That is a major double break so I wondered what the time line was going to be. Looking at spring before much action.
That is a major double break so I wondered what the time line was going to be. Looking at spring before much action.
I was told a long time. 6 weeks in hard cast and then 4 weeks in a boot cast before I can put any pressure on it.
How ya doing Scenic :scratch:
Driving the wife nutz yet! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
I was about to ask you the same question... :rotflmao:
Seriously, how are you doing Scenic? Don't have to feel embarrassed about staying indoors. Unloaded & stacked cornstalks myself & never broke a sweat at 8 above. It's one heckuva lot colder up there.
I was about to ask you the same question... :rotflmao:
Seriously, how are you doing Scenic? Don't have to feel embarrassed about staying indoors. Unloaded & stacked cornstalks myself & never broke a sweat at 8 above. It's one heckuva lot colder up there.
:scratch: maybe that contraption iowaboy built missed scenic shop?? :rolleyes: :surrender: :rotflmao:
I was about to ask you the same question... :rotflmao:
Seriously, how are you doing Scenic? Don't have to feel embarrassed about staying indoors. Unloaded & stacked cornstalks myself & never broke a sweat at 8 above. It's one heckuva lot colder up there.
:scratch: maybe that contraption iowaboy built missed scenic shop?? :rolleyes: :surrender: :rotflmao:
HAHA! He didnt miss the shop, he went clean over it, spiked the landing like a pro, we are still trying to get some chair parts out of his,, ah, er, ahem, lets just say there are some parts we havent found yet.
I can tell you he is doing well considering that he has to keep the leg elevated so the staples dont tear out, he is used to being active and being tied down trying to follow Drs. orders are tough on him.
I am certain he will chime in soon, he is worn out from the pain, sitting around, not being able to do something.
I do know he appreciates all of you guys, oh, and we are rebuilding the chair, going to put some tank belly in the seat area this time with more foam too!!
Anybody got an extra set of skis?? we used parts of the last one,,,,,to splint the other leg, Just kidding!!
:laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll: :laughroll:
I have a pair of skies!!! free!!!
hope you are doing good Scenic!! :happy1:
Sorry for not being on. I'm hanging in there. As mentioned this sitting around stuff is driving me nuts. Even nutty enough to make me think about that contraption...and try it out too.
Had my first week post op today. Actually got to see the leg. Stiches, staples, pins, rods and plates. Worst part is this sit around with my leg propped up. I got way to much to do for this.
Another week and can move to a chair and let my leg down a bit at a time. With these happy drugs I sure could give that Iowa boat a classic paint scheme!!
Tough to po op on happy drugs..
You be careful Scenic. It will get better. Don't push it. Get a good book to read. Or 10 of them. LOL
You be careful Scenic. It will get better. Don't push it. Get a good book to read. Or 10 of them. LOL
I'm trying!! Spent more time in the house this week than in the last year. Have not got to the point of watching soaps or eating Bon Bons yet....yet. This afternoon nap thing is pretty ok though. Thankfully we have streaming TV because this cable is just garbage.
I spent a lot of time on YouTube when I was recovering.
I spent a lot of time on YouTube when I was recovering.
Oh yeah...been on there plenty too. Good stuff on there.
Hey Scenic! how about an update??
I heard they took enough staples out of him he can build a log chain now.
The ski chair was taken away from him, the rockets I installed on the back kept setting the snack isle on fire, I told him and I told him to not use full boost when inside of a store.
Hey Scenic! how about an update??
I heard they took enough staples out of him he can build a log chain now.
The ski chair was taken away from him, the rockets I installed on the back kept setting the snack isle on fire, I told him and I told him to not use full boost when inside of a store.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: well just maybe when he gets that log chain made from those staples.......he could attach it to the chair as not to disrupt the snack isle!!! :mooning: :happy1: :rotflmao:
Good thing that you are helping out IGuy. LOLOL
Hey Scenic! how about an update??
I heard they took enough staples out of him he can build a log chain now.
The ski chair was taken away from him, the rockets I installed on the back kept setting the snack isle on fire, I told him and I told him to not use full boost when inside of a store.
That plan is shot if we can't have snacks. This down time has made me look at a few planes. I have rebuilt cars, trucks and boats. Never restored a bird. Nice piper on Market place. Kid says...NO. topic wasn't even open for discussion!!! Out of price range anyway.
So yesterday they removed 77 staples and I don't know how many stitches. I'll tell you I would rather have staples pulled than them damn stitches. Then to x-ray we went. Twist and turn this way and that.... rods and plates are seated. Was told no pressure on leg for another 5-6 weeks. Then i might be able to start putting pressure on it.
The good news is I can start to put it down. I might start that tomorrow a bit. Today was not a comfort day.
sounds like you are moving along nicely!! keep it up!!
Good news Scenic. Keep on doing what you are doing. LOL
Good news, Scenic. Probably a good call with the plane.
Good news on your progress!
Good to hear you're making headway, Scenic! Holy balls that's a lot of staples! :huh:
Thanks All. This sitting around is testing my patience. Dr said i had to have patience. I told him if I wanted patience I would be a Dr.
But trying to behave... I guess I want this to heal up right. Now that I can put it down I will find things to do. Good news, Scenic. Probably a good call with the plane.
if i could figure out a way to justify one other than just fun i would do it. Wish I had done it in the early 90s when they were much more reasonable.
did they ever tell you how many stiches and staples they put in??????
did they ever tell you how many stiches and staples they put in??????
I guess I did not get a total. But I didn't ask either. A bunch. Don't care to do this again
did they ever tell you how many stiches and staples they put in??????
I guess I did not get a total. But I didn't ask either. A bunch. Don't care to do this again
cant say as i blame ya........sounds like your healing up pretty good!!!!!!! :happy1: