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Author Topic: Central Mn report  (Read 2417 times)

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Offline Fish Guide

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    • Minnesota Fishing Guide Service
Water temps up to high 50's, 56-59 on most area lakes.  Crappies are active everywhere--1.5 ft to 3 ft.  Gills are in 1/2 ft to 3 ft.  Annandale area lakes are going stong now with crappies and walleye.  Walleye down to 17 ft on some lakes, but mainly shallower than you think 2-4 ft not uncommon.  Richmond chain , Rice and Koronis all are giving up walleyes in the 3-6 ft range.  Briggs Lake Chain also couphing up walleyes in 7-10 ft .--water temps at 57.  The Mississippi north of Sauk Rapids also on a good walleye bite along the shore w/ cranks down to 10ft.  Big Birch is also doing well, eyes from 3-17 on average.  Play the wind.  Good Luck, Capt. Josh
"To put fish in the box, fish outside the box"

Minnesota Fishing Guide Service

Offline GirlGuide

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  • (aka ~gg)
Great Report, thanks Capt' Josh!  :fishing:
