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Author Topic: 10/11/09 Report (Dist. 1-5)  (Read 1625 times)

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Offline Woody

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District 1 - Baudette area

CO Ben Huener (Roseau) primarily worked waterfowl hunting at Thief Lake and Roseau River WMAs. Archery deer hunting activity was monitored, as well as early antlerless deer hunting.

CO Larry Milbridge (Warroad) worked the early antlerless deer season this past weekend with few complaints, few deer harvested and few hunters participating. Cold weather may have been a factor. Waterfowl hunters seemed to have better success than on the opener with new ducks blowing into the LOW area. Enforcement action was taken on one group that shot and left a seagull, common tern, and a cormorant. Other enforcement action for the week included waterfowl and boating violations.

CO Jeff Birchem (Baudette) continued to investigate wetlands and protected waters violations. Grouse hunters continue to see a good number of birds in the area as the leaves are starting to fall. Duck numbers continue to remain low. CO Birchem assisted the sheriff’s department with a hunting accident in the Beltrami Island State Forest. An interview was conducted with a local newspaper on new hunting laws.

CO Jeremy Woinarowicz (Thief River Falls) spoke at the Warren Rod and Gun Club monthly meeting concerning new regulations and hunter ethics. Waterfowl hunters were checked finding an over limit violation. CO Woinarowicz worked the Early Antlerless Firearms deer season noting violations for shooting from a roadway at a big game animal, transporting a loaded firearm in a motor vehicle, and operating a motor vehicle in a WMA where prohibited. He also responded to a shooting from the road complaint that resulted in charges to a man for shooting from roadway at big game animal, transport illegally taken big game animal, recreational trespass, untagged deer, and take deer in closed season. The suspect forfeited two illegally taken deer and his firearm was seized.

CO Keith Backer (Blackduck) investigated a wolf depredation complaint, worked a shining detail, and worked on an angling complaint. With the cold weather a few more ducks have moved into the area. Grouse hunters willing to walk have found good numbers of birds. Enforcement action for the week included license and stamp violations.

CO Brice Vollbrecht (Blackduck) focused enforcement efforts on waterfowl and grouse hunting. Grouse hunters are starting to see more birds as the trees start to lose their leaves. Waterfowl hunters also observed an increase in birds over the weekend as the cold and wind drove migrant ducks south. Time was spent working the early antlerless deer hunt on the north side of Red Lake. CO Vollbrecht worked with the Community Ed director in Kelliher to set up dates for upcoming safety classes. Assistance was provided to the sheriff’s department on a call of a burglary in progress.

CO Robert Gorecki (Baudette) monitored fishing, waterfowl, and deer hunting throughout the week. Deer hunters reported poor hunting due to the extreme wind and temperature. Fishing continues to be good in the river, and anglers are reporting numerous walleye over 20” inches being caught. A report of an injured eagle was investigated and commercial minnow harvest was monitored. Enforcement action during the week included angling and deer hunting violations.

Karlstad - vacant.

Warroad #2 - vacant.

District 2 - Bemidji area

CO Stuart Bensen (Erskine) reports a slow Early Antlerless Deer Season; success was low and few hunters participated. Waterfowl hunters also had a slow week. Complaints of trespass and shooting an antlered deer during the antlerless season were investigated. The officer met with other DNR staff regarding a wetland alteration violation. He also assisted a neighboring officer with a group camping in an illegal area. The officer met with two college students interested in a conservation officer career.

CO Dan Malinowski (Fosston) checked ATVs, waterfowl hunters, archery and early antlerless deer hunters, and leech trappers. Complaints of people camping on WMAs/ WPAs, stolen hunting equipment, and deer shining were investigated.

CO Tim Gray (Bagley) assisted Clearwater County deputies look for lost hunters. The hunters were located. Early Antlerless Deer Season hunter numbers appeared to increase this year. Deer hunters were checked and deer shining complaints investigated.

CO Mike Hruza (Bemidji) investigated waterfowl hunting complaints regarding late shooting and hunting in a refuge. A few more ducks moved into the area recently. The officer assisted with a high school career day at an area college.

CO Stacey Sharp (Bemidji) checked anglers, small game hunters, and waterfowl hunters. Duck numbers in the area remain low but there are lots of Canada geese around. ATV activity has slowed, probably due to the weather. ATVers riding in State Forests are reminded to read the signs, which state if the trails are open or closed. The officer assisted the Clearwater County SO look for a pair of young waterfowl hunters. The hunters were found safe and dry.

CO Chris Vinton (Perham) attended a local law enforcement intelligence meeting. Pheasant hunters experienced a slow start to the season. Waterfowl hunters, archery deer hunters, and anglers were checked. The walleye bite is improving. The officer assisted other law enforcement officers with vehicle crashes or cars in the ditch from icy roads. Violations included hunt waterfowl with unplugged shotgun, license/stamp issues, trespass, and no Firearm Safety Training.

CO Phil Seefeldt (Moorhead) reports some migrating ducks in the area. Waterfowl hunter success was quite good. Pheasant hunters are seeing fewer birds than past years and hunter success was low. An interview with a local radio station about the firearm deer season was done. Complaints of early/late shooting, trespass, and deer baiting were investigated.

CO Joe Stattelman (Detroit Lakes) checked archery deer hunters and waterfowl hunters. Complaints of deer baiting, deer shining, and TIP Calls were investigated. APM investigations were completed and the paperwork filed.

CO Al Peterson (Osage) delivered evidence to the BCA Laboratory for analysis. Trespass and dogs chasing deer complaints were investigated. Waterfowl hunters and archery deer hunters were checked.

CO Gary Forsberg (Pelican Rapids) focused enforcement efforts on waterfowl, pheasant, and archery deer hunting activity. Waterfowl hunting has improved; some migrating ducks have moved into the area. Pheasant hunters struggled, hunter and bird numbers were down. Complaints of deer baiting, late shooting, and wolf/cougar sightings were investigated.

District 3 - Fergus Falls area

CO Troy Richards (Fergus Falls) attended a district meeting and performed maintenance on a watercraft. Richards issued Cease and Desist Orders for wetland and public waters violations. CO Richards taught law and ethics along with the wildlife portion for the firearms safety class in Breckenridge. Violations addressed during the week were related to waterfowl hunting, angling, and wetland issues.

CO Tricia Plautz (Henning) found the cold weather kept the pheasants and hunters minimal. Waterfowl hunters found more birds than opening weekend. Several bow hunters were observed and having good success. Plautz took care of a car injured deer and donated it to a local Amish family.

CO Paul Nelson (Elbow Lake) concentrated on checking area waterfowl hunters. Pheasant hunting activity was worked this past weekend but standing crops made the hunting difficult. Other activity included checking anglers, complaints of duck and goose parts thrown on private property and investigating and ongoing TIP complaint.

CO Shane Osborne (Evansville) responded to a complaint of a group of goose hunters hunting after the 4 p.m. closure. Upon contact, Osborne observed the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from one of the goose hunters. The subject failed field sobriety tests and was arrested for hunting while intoxicated.

CO Mike Shelden (Alexandria) spent most of the past week checking waterfowl hunters, archery deer baiting complaints and the pheasant opener. There are quite a few new ducks in the area now due to the unseasonably cool temperatures. The pheasant opener was spotty due to the lack of corn harvested in the area, but hunters did have some success. Officers Shelden and Osborne did a presentation to the Jr. Viking Sportsmen on waterfowl, pheasant and deer regulations and ethics.

CO Jeff Johanson (Osakis) worked the pheasant opener with heavy hunting pressure and average success experienced. Waterfowl hunters were checked and were having some success, as it appears the cold, windy weather brought down some new birds. Additional time was spent checking fishermen and small game hunters, following up on an aquatic vegetation case, and handling violations on State WMAs. An archery deer hunter was caught hunting over bait and now faces a substantial fine and bow seizure.

CO Daniel Baumbarger (Wheaton) reports cold, windy weather didn’t keep pheasant and duck hunters away this past weekend. CO Baumbarger observed a large number of pheasant hunters out, but with the lower bird numbers and the amount of crops still in the field, harvest was low. Enforcement efforts for the week included checking waterfowl, pheasant, and deer hunters. Time was also spent checking public areas for illegal camping, and answering questions on the new gun case law, which does not allow loaded guns in or on motor vehicles. Enforcement action was taken for no license in possession, no HIP, over-limit of waterfowl, and unplugged shotguns.

CO Tony Anderson (Morris) reports pheasant season hunters were out for in force for the opening weekend in the Morris area. Most hunting parties had only a bird or two after a day of hunting in difficult weather conditions. Archery deer hunters report good numbers of deer observed and a few have harvested their animal. CO Anderson reports seeing a few more ducks in the area with the wintery weather. CO Anderson received a trespassing complaint that is under investigation. He fielded calls about gun case law changes, pheasant hunting and deer season licenses/laws.

CO Kurt Nelson (Glenwood) reports rainy weather kept outdoor activity in check during the week. The pheasant opener was one of the slowest in recent years. Virtually no crops have been harvested in the county and the bird count was also down. Only one bagged bird was checked on the opener. Most hunters reported seeing few birds. The strong cold front moved in migrant divers. Waterfowl hunters had better success. Goose populations remain low, but with no fields to feed in, they may be bypassing the area. He investigated two complaint areas where people were driving thru public land to access water. A complaint was received from a landowner who, upon hearing gunfire, drove out to the road only to find three dead turkeys left to rot. This is still under investigation. Anyone with any information should call the TIP line at 1-800-652-9093..

District 4 - Wadena area

CO Paul Parthun (Lake George) spent a day talking with high school students when he worked a career exploration fair at the Northwest Technical College. He addressed complaints of hunter trespass and shooting from the road. Officer Parthun checked fall anglers and conducted additional equipment maintenance. He worked with township and forestry officials on a daytime burning request and followed up with the Hubbard County Attorney’s Office on two active cases. CO Parthun also checked small game and archery deer hunters in the area.

CO Sam Hunter (Park Rapids) checked archery deer, goose, duck, and grouse hunters during the past week. Officer Hunter investigated a TIP report of duck hunters hunting after hours. CO Hunter also worked Leech Lake this weekend checking waterfowl hunters.

CO Greg Oldakowski (Wadena) responded to a call from the local sheriff’s office regarding a suspicious vehicle. The vehicle was found by a deputy and stopped. After several versions of the truth were told, it was determined that the occupants of the vehicle shot at a deer with the aid of their vehicle headlights.

CO Gary Sommers (Walker) focused on sport fishing, boating, small game, and waterfowl hunting activity. He received a call regarding a sick/injured raccoon, assisted the Cass County Water Patrol with the retrieval of an abandoned boat on Leech Lake, and assisted the Park Rapids area CO with a TIP call in the Lake George station. Officer Sommers received a request from Bemidji area CO Sharp in reference to the use of his shallow drive workboat to help locate a group of missing/overdue young duck hunters in Clearwater County. CO Sharp indicated it was a large, shallow, vegetation filled basin, making it difficult to use a conventional outboard. CO Sommers responded and just prior to his arrival an airplane spotted the hunters and all appeared to be OK. Further contact with the group was made and it was verified that all was OK.

CO Mark Mathy (Cass Lake) checked duck, grouse, and deer hunters in the area. The unusually cold weather has kept some activity down. Officer Mathy also taught at a Firearms Safety Class and received calls regarding wanton waste of fish and deer poaching activity.

CO Larry Francis (Remer) received calls regarding a possible over limit of fish, a continuation of a hunter harassment issue, damage to a forest road, and a request for his appearance at a lakeshore association meeting. Officer Francis monitored waterfowl hunting activity, with success sporadic and seemingly weather dependant. Enforcement action was taken for no license in possession, unsigned stamps, and damaging a forest road.

CO Duke Broughten (Longville) monitored hunting and angling activities. Hunting and fishing success slowed this past week. Waterfowl hunters claim to be seeing fewer ducks compared to past years. CO Broughten also handled several nuisance beaver issues and answered questions concerning the 2009 deer season. CO Broughten was checking hunting activity when he observed a vehicle leave the roadway, drive through a fence, and crash into a tree. CO Broughten responded to check for injuries where he found the driver to be intoxicated. The driver of the vehicle was then arrested for DWI. Additional enforcement action was taken on no throwable PFD and no HIP certification.

CO Jeff Halverson (Staples) worked the pheasant season opener during the weekend.
Officer Halverson assisted Officer Oldakowski with a gross misdemeanor deer poaching case. CO Halverson encountered a group of duck hunters out during closed hours. They mistakenly believed that shooting hours shifted to sunset one day earlier than they actually did. As the officer left this group of hunters he encountered an individual illegally operating a newly purchased ATV down a county road. As the encounter progressed Officer Halverson realized that the operator of the ATV was the father of the duck hunters he had just encountered. When the father was advised of this fact he advised that it runs in the family. All parties were cooperative and all received an education. Enforcement contacts were made for hunting ducks in closed hours and operating ATV’s on the highway.

CO Colleen Adam (OHV Recreation Officer Park Rapids) checked OHVs, anglers, grouse and waterfowl hunters. She responded to an OHM accident in the Paul Bunyan State Forest. Officer Adam also investigated issues of hunting over a baited area for deer, as well as waterfowl, and conducted equipment maintenance. Violations encountered including license, stamps, and baiting violations.

District 5 - Eveleth area

CO Lloyd Steen (Ray/Kabetogama) continued checking grouse hunters, whitefish netters, and fishermen on area lakes during the week. Violations for no ATV registrations and illegal operation of ATVs on roadways were handled. He also investigated several complaints of ATVs illegally operating on closed DNR trails and state snowmobile trails. He completed a joint investigation with Voyageurs National Park Rangers that resulted in a court conviction of a Commercial Rough Fish Netter who illegally retained accidentally caught game fish.

CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports working on maintenance issues over the week. Outdoor activities continue to be monitored. Phone calls regarding outdoor topics continue along with a variety of administrative tasks.

CO Don Bozovsky (Hibbing) taught the CO portion of a Firearms Safety Class in Buhl, stopped an ATV driver for a violation and arrested him on a warrant, followed up on litter violations, worked ATVs, a deer shining complaint, small game and waterfowl hunters and balsam bought cutters. Deer baiting complaints are coming in and may exceed last year’s. Hunters on posted private land should not feel immune to being caught baiting deer on their property. Some of the complaints came from such places this year and in the past, so be aware the law may pay them a visit. Several citations were sent out for bear bait station violations encountered during the bear season. Enforcement action was taken on transporting loaded firearm, recreational vehicle trespass, operate vehicle on a state trail and a number of ATV violations.

CO Matt Frericks (Virginia) spoke at a Firearms Safety Class for the Virginia area. An injured eagle was transported to a rehab center. Area duck hunters were checked. Most reported seeing some birds but not getting much shooting in. Grouse hunters are becoming more successful now that some of the leaves are coming off the trees. An incident where a swan was shot is being investigated with CO Hanzal.

CO Mark Fredin (Aurora) saw a few hardy fishermen out doing some fall fishing catching some nice walleye and crappie. Very few hunters seen throughout the week due to the poor weather conditions. Deer are moving and being hit on the road and many of these road-kill deer are being scooped up by people without permission from law enforcement.

I. Falls # 2 - vacant.
« Last Edit: October 10/12/09, 04:35:38 PM by Jeff »
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