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Author Topic: New Years Resolutions!  (Read 767 times)

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Offline Bobby Bass

  • Master Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 5203
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2011 time for them New Years resolutions. At my age I think I have made them all so there is really not any new ones to make just a re instatement of past ones that may or may not have worked. So where do I start, I promise to say yes more then no to my children, grand children and OK the wife to. I promise to not take up smoking pipes or cigarettes but an occasional cigar is allowed. Of course the cigar does have to be a good one and I must give time to the smoking of the cigar. Can't just lite one up and the do work like painting or mowing grass, fishing is an OK activity to do while smoking a cigar or reading a really good book on the deck sitting in the swing.

I promise to eat a little better, drink less pop and make sure my Hamms is always cold when I do drink it. Wild Turkey should always be drank neat and must have a reason for drinking it. I promise to fish at least five lakes that I have never been on and to fish with five people I have never fished with before. I promise to spend more time with my dogs Bud and Barney and to bring a camera with me as much as I can to capture them. I think that is a pretty good list of things to do, Anything else I add will just be stuff that I will never get done. Like actually have the Honey Do List complete or actually wash dishes for the wife.

There might be some promises that I know that I will get done but it would not be fair to say they are resolutions. Some examples would be to go fishing more, work less and take more time to just stop and look around at what is going on around me. Keep adding to the web page, make more videos and try to see the world from the height of my grand kids. Spend time sitting in deep green grass along a river, watch it get dark and see the fireflies. Cook hot dogs on an open flame go fishing for bluegills and chase frogs in my bare feet. Laugh so hard I tear up and with any luck not go to any funerals.

Try and teach my kids something new everyday and learn something new myself every day. Try and show more patience with people younger then me, I have already given up on people older then me. Try and get up earlier in the morning so I don't waste that quiet time before everyone else is up and the lawn mowers start mowing. That sounds like a pretty good list at least for now.
Bobby Bass

Bud and now Barney working the trail again in front of me.

It is not how many years you live, it is how you lived your years!