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Author Topic: Coyotes getting out of hand!  (Read 2770 times)

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Offline jkcmj

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I had a visit on the wild side tonight with a coyote pack coming right through the yard and into the shed to steal a laying hen and kill a turkey dragging it off several hundered yards.  :fudd:

I was first alerted by one of my hens cackling just outside my bedroom window about 11 pm.  I tracked the feathers and paw prints out and found the dead hen buried in a snow drift 1/4 mile away. 4 white guinea fowl missing as well, presumed dead. Others were scattered in the trees and on top the house trying to escape the carnage.

When I went out to retrieve the turkey carcass, the coyotes stayed out a ways screaming, barking, and howling at me as I headed back to the house! I sat in the garage with my rifle for an hour, but they did not come back.  I have been here 10 years and never had coyotes come in the yard.  Coons, cats, skunks, and possum, but never coyotes.

Offline nic53

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Sounds like a bad situation! Need to lay the smack down on them! Do you coyote hunt at all?

Offline mncowboy

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about what part of the state are ya from?

Offline The General

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I sure would be willing to do some Yote shooting if you're not too far away to help you with the problem.  You can always send me a PM.
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Offline jkcmj

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I only have 13 acres, but am planning to go ask neighbors for permission today.  I think they will be fine with it.  I live in SE MN near Rushford/Winona and could likely set up a few locations to give it a try nearby.

Offline The General

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Sorry, but that is to far for me to travel.  I'm sure someone here could help you out though.
Eastwood v. Wayne Challenge Winner 2011

The Boogie Man may check his closet for John Wayne but John Wayne checks under his bed for Clint Eastwood

Offline jkcmj

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I checked the birds outside at 1:00 am last night and all was well so I figured I was good to go.  When I went out at 7:30 this morning, I was missing a royal turkey hen, a black copper maran hen, and a bantam rooster.  On a positive note, one of the 3 missing guinea hens has returned from the dead so I have 5 of the 7 still.  I need to try something drastic.  Last night I had left the dog outside and went out checking every so often with flashlight to try detering any activity, but obviously they are now determined.  I got permission from the farmer across the road to hunt coyotes over there so my brother is going to come with an electronic caller and we are going to give it a try tonight. 

Offline nic53

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Until you have time to whip them out you should leave a radio playing in the area of the birds. I have never tried but think it would be worth a shot!