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Author Topic: Fur price update  (Read 2203 times)

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Offline GRIZ

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 This is just my take on what the markets are or will be doing.
 Rats- Good demand with good prices and I think this will continue for awhile. The local buyers are buying but want to turn them around fast also while the price is still good. They are trying to get rid of them before the feb auction at NAFA just incase something goes sour like it did in 07.
 I don't think things will go sour for another yr or so on rats. I have been wrong like 07 I was offered $8 from a local buyer but shipped hoping for better but ended getting$3.90 at auction. I did predict an increase of $10 tops that yr which it did but it tanked sooner than I'd thought.
 Mink-Demand is there with decent prices. This one seems to follow on the shirttails of the ranched item which has been doing well. I think this one could surprise people a little bit. Another month will tell how much it's going to wake up.
 Beaver-Now that china has figured out how to process these better an have joined in the market prices have spiked a bit and I expect to see it advance a little more. There was good clearance on everything except the low grade section III.
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson

Offline GRIZ

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 Just continueing.
 Fox-Reds are doing real well with a good demand. The prices quoted on the FHA jan auction are a little inflated as they only included the first section pelts. Idon't think it will go up much more but should hold solidly. Greys are not doing as well as reds, I'd say this one is in a sideways direction.
 Yotes-Good demand on the better heavy stuff. Demand is still selective but they are paying well for the stuff they want. Too bad much of the mn coyote doesn't fit in the better end of this market. Local buyers still looking for them but prices vary to area. Also many of the yotes a local buyer gets are carcass and processing for them isn't cheap either. If one has the ability to put these up you would be very pleased with the prices.
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson

Offline GRIZ

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 Coon-With the weather we have been haveing the coon have been moving up until this last cold snap. That means there are lots of coon coming to market and alot of good coon at that. The demand is still there for the better heavy stuff. Color is a big factor on this one with the brown and yellows not so attractive. Local buyers are getting real nervous as they have more than they want already and really don't want anymore yet they are still taking them at reduced prices. I'm afraid only the prime AB colors will be selling.
 Otter-The chinese have joined this market again and the price reflects it with some major increases. These are doing real well.
« Last Edit: January 01/25/12, 05:24:09 AM by GRIZ »
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson