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Author Topic: Ely area Forest Service updates  (Read 1431 times)

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Offline greatoutdoors

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Superior National Forest
Update: 7-26-12
CAUSE : Most fires are believed to have been caused by lightning. One fire was from an   escaped campfire. 

AGENCY:  Superior National Forest

RESOURCES:  Fire patrols and fire suppression are being done with Forest Service DeHavilland Beavers. Helicopters are assisting suppression efforts with water drops.

FIRE INFORMATION:      (218) 365-7600


TODAY’S MESSAGE:  This will be the last update on these fires. 1” of precipitation fell across the forest early July 25th with an additional small amount early today. With the significant precipitation, crews made good progress and many of the fires have been either declared controlled or out.  Only the Yodeler fire is still smoldering. A fire is considered contained when there is a fire line (which may include natural barriers such as lakes) encircling the fire, but the fire is not under control. A fire is considered controlled when there is a complete fire line around the fire and all hot spots that are an immediate threat to the fire line have been cooled down.


Additional Information:

·         When the Yodeler Fire was spotted late in the day on 7-23-12 it was estimated at one tenth of an acre. Its location is T66, R14, Section 36 (the school section north of Shell Lake in the northwestern portion of the BWCAW). The size is now estimated at 1.1 acres. A crew is mopping up hot spots and anticipates calling the fire controlled within a few days.

·         The Coleman Island Fire is on a peninsula of a large island in Lac LaCroix. This fire was discovered on 7-22-12. Declared out on 7-25-12.

·         Merrit Lake 2 was detected on 7-21-12. It was designated as controlled on 7-25.

·         The Hustler Lake Fire was detected on 7-23 and was called out on 7-25.

·         The Perent Lake Fire on the southeastern edge of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness is approximately three acres. First detected on 7-3-12, this fire was designated controlled on 7-24-12.

·         The Portage River Fire was discovered on July 21 and deemed controlled on 7-24. Its location is: T65, R14, S14: ¾ of a mile north of the Echo Trail and ¼ mile west of the Portage River.

·         The Ed Shave Fire is south of Ed Shave Lake, east of Big Lake: T65, R13, SW corner of Section 36. This fire is one fourth of an acre in size and was controlled on 7-23.

·         Forest Service crews are also clearing forest roads in the Lake Leander area due to damaging winds earlier this week.



Becca Manlove

Information Assistant

Kawishiwi Ranger District



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