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Author Topic: Camp Near and Deer report  (Read 1824 times)

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Offline deadeye

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Saturday my son saw 16 deer and his son (now being a seasoned hunter of 13 was alone in his own stand) said he saw more than that.  Main while I only saw 12.  Lots of 1.5 year old bucks and a few 2.5 years old.  Some of the 2.5 year old were pretty nice but no one shot one.  My grandson took some nice pictures of the deer around him.  Lots of bucks chasing does.  My brother in laws nephew got the buck in the picture.  Short story. Shot it across a small 100 yard swamp.  Hit it low and it ran directly at him.  He fired a couple more shots and finally shot straight below him as the deer passed under his stand.  The scope mark on his forehead is the result of not properly holding his 7MM mag.  On Sunday morning I saw 19 deer.  Three bucks chasing does one big one running two does across a swamp but never slowed or stopped and I didn't want to chance a shot. My grandson didn't want to take a head on shot at a big 8 as it was facing him.  It took off after another deer before he could get off a shot.  There were a couple lucky big bucks that thanks to the does they were chasing didn't present shots for the hunters.  However, I will say we saw more deer than ever before. 

Scope tattoo

Trail camera picture of the buck
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline dakids

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Great report.  With the cold weather, is everyone fighting for the enclosed stands?
Anything that is free is worth saving up for.