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Author Topic: Be careful out there  (Read 1845 times)

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Offline GrandpaTom

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We have seen a spike in deer-car accidents in the last week, therefor just a friendly reminder its almost October and the deer are starting to move more!
Be cautious at dawn and dusk, we wouldn't want to meet you by accident!

Online mike89

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more and more ya hear about now...
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Yes, be careful this time of year! Years ago, when they were popular , I bought a pkg of those deer whistles. Didn't work. The deer just weren't able to hold them with their hooves to blow...... :bonk:

Offline GrandpaTom

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Offline gophergunner

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We live in the Brainerd Lakes area, and try to get off 371 before dark, especially in the fall. Lots of deer get hit between Jenkins and Little Falls.

Offline snow1

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Agreed,as urban sprawl continues to expand our deer herds decline.

couple years ago near white bear lake minnesota,upity neighborhood (delwood area) folks started to complain about all the car /deer collisions on a nearby hiway,new houses going up by leaps n bounds,animal control came in and took out 44 deer that fall,as I field hunted geese in this area we always had curious deer in our decoy spread until this animal control operation came in,sad to see this.

In colorado Estes park area deer elk migration takes place right thru town,ppl give them space as they built the town on they're natural migration route,in alaska the pipeline,seen it first hand,the pipeline above ground as the perma frost continually moves the ground,caribou/raindeer migration routes are disrupted by these construction sites causing problems for these critters to migrate.

In our state during our deer seasonal rutt soon to start,the deer travel easy routes as stated above,usually hiways,seems most folks travel during low light periods with blinders on or tunnel vision not watching for glowing eyes in road ditches,bad deaL.

Online Dotch

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A lot of critters are starting to be on the move in these parts. Harvest is moving at warp speed with the dry conditions. Crop will come off fast meaning fewer places for them to hang out w/o detection. Seeing lots of raccoons, squirrels, possums, a few deer & even the occasional bunny schmucked on the road. I dunno about the deer herd size here but with all the feed available and less hunting pressure every year, guessing it's doing OK. Overwintering habitat must get pretty crowded in areas tho. Aside from river bottoms and areas around the lakes, we lack the large tracts of wooded shelter to our east.   
« Last Edit: October 10/06/21, 09:52:52 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Online roony

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Dotch, in my opinion deer numbers are high in our area. Too high in my opinion. They are destructive critters, hard to get young trees established with those ravenous beasts.

Online Dotch

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I would tend to concur roony even tho I don't hunt them. I do see the amount of crop they consume however and it seems to be increasing over the last 36 years. The amount of deer terds in my hay ground when it breaks dormancy in the spring makes it look like the sheep overwintered there. Farmers with land adjacent to their hangouts tell me the combines get a little quieter along those areas every year. When locals or friends ask to hunt them on my ground, they are welcomed with open arms. I'm tired of putting the fences back up after Bambi runs thru them.😖   
« Last Edit: October 10/07/21, 08:04:35 PM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)