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Author Topic: What rod?  (Read 6962 times)

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Offline Rodwork

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Edit: I am new to this form and thought I would share a little of what makes me tick.

How many times have you been sitting right next to your buddy with the exact same lure on and he is catching multiple fish to your one. You are matching his jigging cadence to a tee and doing everything the same as him. He must just be in the hot hole.

One of my hobbies is making fishing rods and lures. I have done some studies where I made a jig to hold 4 rods and put the same setup on all of the rods. Then my son jumped next to it to create a light jigging motion. Like you would jig the jig to seal the deal once the fish is engaged. I also tested the way the rod flexed with a load to simulate how the rod would react in a fight. It was fascinating. I had 10 buddies stop by and bring some of their favorite rods to add to the testing. Every blank used was recorded along with guide placement. One of my buddies looked at me and said these rods are like instruments. Some you have to be very talented with it to get it to sound good and then there are some where any kid could bang on it and it would sound great! You can see this in the clips. Matching up the right action rod to the right lure just makes it play without effort. The same rod that won with the spoons didn’t win with a jig of the same weight. This is because with a less aggressive prestation we wanted less movement. Different rods performed better with different weights. It was very hard to feel the differences between the rods by flexing them with your hands. But you can see it with the way the jig reacted. Check out the second to last rod with these 1/16 oz jigs in this test.
I was able to achieve that action by removing some of the material from the blank before I built it. It surprised me where I had to adjust the tapper of the blank to get it to react the way it did. You see how some lures jig a little, some a lot (that 2nd to last one just dances so nice), and some just swing. I was surprised when I put the jigs in a tote of water. The lures reacted almost the same. Only just a tiny bit less movement. I thought the resistance of jigging in water would have muted the dancing more. The clip just proves sometimes it is the rod and not the angler. You can see how if I had rod #3 and was catching all the fish. You could match my lure and the way I am jigging. But you will not get the same action out of your lure to seal the deal. It all has to do with the right combination of tapper and guide placement. Things you can’t feel by flexing the blank.

I am curious what makes you pick one rod over another?

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« Last Edit: November 11/04/23, 11:19:10 AM by Rodwork »

Offline Rodwork

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Offline LPS

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I made a medium heavy spinning rod at a rod building class here.  The instructor said that just may be your favorite rod and it certainly is.  It is a St Croix blank.  It is a great jigging rod to me. 

Offline Rodwork

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It is a rewarding feeling catching something on something you made.
« Last Edit: November 11/04/23, 11:20:41 AM by Rodwork »

Offline Bobberineyes

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What makes me pick a rod over the other? Usually brand, sometimes cost. Your example is just like we went thru this past spring,  I was on em and the bro wasn't,  both jigging but I had a mono leader and he didn't.  The jig moves different when braid is not tied directly to the jig. I also had a faster tip than his jigging rod, but then again when the fish are active I've witnessed the kids and there Scooby-Doo poles do just fine..

Offline Boar

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I guesse i had and jigged with somany rods icefishing over 4 decades, i  choose one the just happens to feels right, cant realy explain it. I have a couple coustom rods made by chad hurdele, and those are by far my go to rods

Offline LPS

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I have a couple of those old Jig a Whopper rods that must be 30 years old.  Cork handles and they are just the right feel for me whilst ice fishing.  I still use nothing but mono too.

Offline roony

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Yes, I get heckled by some for using mono. The old trilene green xl has never let me down.
« Last Edit: November 11/05/23, 07:27:27 AM by roony »

Offline Scenic

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For me I want a rod that feels right from the beginning in my hand.  I want an extra fast tip with backbone beyond the tip.   Your study is right on showing that different lures act different on each rod which can trigger fish or turn them off.   Once I see how fish react to my presentation on electronics  I also know how to jig that rod on that particular day.   

What I am using for a lure will also determine what rod I am going to use.  I have seen many times where people will over load the tip of their rod.   This results in not being able to detect bites or get the lure to preform how the fish want it that day. 

Learning your rods and how they preform can make the difference of catching fish or holding the line.

Offline tumhoefer

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When I got my boat I started buying equipment.
I have Veritas, Eyecons, St Croix Legend tourney, Ugly Sticks, a Cabelas short froggin rod, Fenwicks
I like them all for the reasons I use them for.
If they feel right in my hand that's a big plus. I am NOT THAT GOOD that I can discern a great deal of difference using them for the same thing.  My walleye rods are super fast and I can feel the bite better for sure but otherwise......
It’s hard to be the only utility player in a landscape dominated by special teams.
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Offline Iowaboy1

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I need you to build another rod for me, absolutely love the one you built me two years ago and I am ready to upgrade from it if thats possible.

Offline Rodwork

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I need you to build another rod for me, absolutely love the one you built me two years ago and I am ready to upgrade from it if thats possible.

I am glad you are enjoying the rod. There are always options. Reach out and we can go over them.

Offline glenn57

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I need you to build another rod for me, absolutely love the one you built me two years ago and I am ready to upgrade from it if thats possible.
to catch bullheads? :scratch:
EPG wanted to know  :sleazy: :rotflmao:

2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rodwork

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to catch bullheads? :scratch:
EPG wanted to know  :sleazy: :rotflmao:

 :rotflmao: Nice.
Not sure how hard he can poke after breaking 3 of the rods I made him. None of them broke while he was fishing with them. :scratch:

Offline glenn57

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 :rotflmao: that's why I invested in carrying/ travel cases for all my fishing rods!
« Last Edit: November 11/09/23, 01:35:51 PM by glenn57 »
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!