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Author Topic: heated sock!!  (Read 3054 times)

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Offline mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Steve-o

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Dang.  Who all had one of these things?  Dad had one he never used and I was too young to figure out how to make it work.  With my hands freezing all the time in knitted mittens, I asked him why he never used it.  He said because it was dangerous.

Offline glenn57

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My dad had 1 of those.  They were as bad as the old zipper lighters, leaking fluid . :confused:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline glenn57

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 :sleazy: Mike said he ain't trying his heated underwear now that this is out  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :surrender:

Ok, ok... I stole this line! :sleazy: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline mike89

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I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually makes something like that!!!  besides long johns I mean..      :thumbs:
« Last Edit: December 12/18/24, 01:16:47 PM by mike89 »
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline mike89

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:sleazy: Mike said he ain't trying his heated underwear now that this is out  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :surrender:

Ok, ok... I stole this line! :sleazy: :rotflmao:

roasted nuts!!!    :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline Dotch

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I lit a fart once in my skivvies after a bomb session with Schmidt Big Mouths and split pea soup. Talk about heated underwear!  :shocked:

Buddy of mine had one of these Jon - E handwarmers when I was a kid. Usually something got lit on fire that shouldn't have after he filled it.

« Last Edit: December 12/18/24, 01:46:37 PM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline LPS

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Oh heck ya, all of us young guys had those Jon-E Hand warmers.  It was fun messing with lighter fluid and then starting them and putting them in your mitten.  What could go wrong.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Offline Bobberineyes

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Back in Jr. High we had a string of outdoor hockey practices and the temp didn't matter.  Pops buys me a pair of battery operated heated socks to try,  batteries musta been bad cuz that was the only time some of my toes turned black...

Offline LPS

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Our fun with buying big cans of lighter fluid may have even got us into lighters which may have gotten us into smoking cigs.  The Jon-E was a gateway tool.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Offline deadeye

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Back a few years ago I had one of the Zippo type hand warmers. If I remember correctly, it did work ok but was a bit messy with having to add fluid and all. I also had electric socks for the cold days of snowmobiling. Probably didn't have alkaline D cells back then so they didn't last too long.
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline roony

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The warden bought me a pair of those battery socks for ice fishing way back when. Like you said, the batteries don't last long.

Offline Boar

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Wowhaving read thru this.

Offline Dotch

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Our fun with buying big cans of lighter fluid may have even got us into lighters which may have gotten us into smoking cigs.  The Jon-E was a gateway tool.   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I forgot about that. There was a hole on those Jon E's where you could light your smokes off the wick. I remember us doing it.
« Last Edit: December 12/19/24, 11:27:49 AM by Dotch »
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)