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Author Topic: Re-doing the duck spread.....  (Read 2543 times)

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Offline ChrisWallace

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I am re-doing my entire duck spread this year for the most part.

So here's the list:
GHG Oversize Mallards (2) Dozen Boxes
Life size Woodie (one box or two? (Budgeted for two))
Green wing Teal
Bluewing teal
The teal are loaded in the 17 ponds I have in Andover the first few weeks, plus I was just thinking of adding a little color into some of my spread.

Life size Mallards (2) dozen boxes

Would it be worth buying some of the Oversized full bodies?

I was also gonna pick up the ffd mallard heads as well.

I already have two robos and besides the one being shot to **** from a buddy, I was gonna touch up the paint some.

So what else would you add or eliminate from them?

I was also thinking of getting a box of coots to mix, plus i like shooting them lil buggers. They dont taste that bad.....

When hunting bigger lakes is it worth mixing in ducks together or no? Do you think it adds or detracts? For me its been fifty fifty.

Give me your thoughts?

Offline kenhuntin

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Sounds like you got it covered
   The one thing I've employed the past three years is a Winduk.
Most of the people that see them in the store turn up their nose because of their sillouette profile.
 I tell you honestly though it takes so little wind to get them moving and they bring in birds as well as robos. plus they are legal over h2o in early season.
 A jerk string is also a plus on windless days check out Macks prairie wings on pictures. I've seen mallards circling my spread three times and one pull on my doz. G&H standards locks them right in
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Offline Benny

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IMO I would just go with a dozen woodies and teal, becuase either will decoy in to a good Mallard spread.

Teal will sit right in with them, but woodies tend to be loaners and will sit off to the side and see what's up.

The larger the dek the easier they can be seen from afar, go with the big boys.

Now this is just from my own experiance having spent big bucks on the GHG FFD goose deks, there is another company out there that goes to the game fair each year who has a better flocking.
Can't recall the name now, but they had duck and goose deks with flocking that didn't wear near as bad as the GHG did.

My FFD's are one season old and already look like they went through a war, and I took great pains to keep them protected from rubbing together.

I used the sock over them and used the GHG bags that have the protective rope tie cover, and I still had several that the flocking wore off.

« Last Edit: March 03/19/07, 11:20:32 PM by Benny »
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Offline ChrisWallace

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you ever try to re-flock em with your kits?

Is any else starting to get itchy to shoot some ducks right now. lol.

Offline Benny

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I seen the kits but after only one year I thought they would be in almost new condition still.

I will reflock them after next year, but they will be good enough for this year.

We are headed out tomorrow for a couple days in SD, going out by Desmitt and Huron area with Top Gun guides.

They said they are in SD now just hammering them and figure the snows will move through rather fast with the super warm weather comming this week.

"What we have here is a failure to communicate"

Offline ChrisWallace

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Have you tried putting them inside grain bags? That works really well for us.