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Author Topic: Ely area report 6-11  (Read 1673 times)

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Offline greatoutdoors

  • Master Outdoorsman
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The lakes in the area seem to turning over, leading to the slower fishing, along with reported May Fly hatches. Burntside surface temps approaching 70 degrees, walleye visible to the eye are totally ignoring bait in about 6 feet of water. We did manage to catch one using a leech and plain hook/no sinker. Other fish seen in the same small area were suckers, smallies, sunfish, rock bass, and northern. Obviously some type of hatch or food, but nothing that can be seen with the naked eye. All things considered, the fishing should be good within a few days, when the water mixing is done. Will follow with Snowbank and White Iron chain reports in the next day or two.
The Great Outdoors
419 East Sheridan Street
Ely, MN 55731 USA

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