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Author Topic: phesant feeders  (Read 2028 times)

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Offline rod-man

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Does any one  know of or have plans for a phesant/ground feeder?
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Offline 3willy

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We use a 30 or a 55 gallon barrel with the removable top cut 2 ea 1.5 to 2" hole in the side of the barrel on  the bottom opposit of each other. bolt the barrel to a pallet  for ease of moving take to your favorite spot fill up with grain put top on and away you go. Cation the trick is not to cut the holes to big otherwish water will get in and if they are way to big to much grain will spill out and be waisted.  the pallet give the grain somthing to fall on to and keeps the barrel off the ground these work very well all year around if you go out in western mn you find a few here and there especially in big stone and stevens county.

Offline deadeye

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My uncle made a few out of those big wooden spools that used to hold highline cable.  Just lay them on the flat side cut a few holes in the center for feed to spill out, and cut a hole in the top to add feed.  Simple and effective.
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline The General

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I'll try and get a few pictures of the ones i made.  In storage over at my parents place.
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Offline Mayfly

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This would work for a pheasant feeder.....

« Last Edit: September 09/24/08, 11:25:37 AM by Tim »

Online Dotch

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rod man,

I have plans for a shell corn pheasant feeder I got once upon a time from Al Berner, the former DNR pheasant guru at Madelia. Would be glad to snail mail a copy of them to you. Could attempt to scan it in and send it that way but knowing my ineptitude with techincal computer issues, hard copy is probably safer. E-mail me at the address on my profile and we'll git 'er done.

Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)