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Author Topic: ABUSE OF POWER  (Read 3048 times)

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Offline huntr42

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I want to relate three instances of law enforcment abusing their authority,Now these all occured within 10 miles of belgrade,mn.First a C.O went into Belgrade and spoke with two businessmen and  told them about a local person who was the biggest poacher around and this C.O. had been after this person for years nevermind that the person in question had never had a violation in their life,and the only thing he was found guilty of was hunting a lot.Of course the person complained to the C.O.s supervisor and then filed complaints with the head of the D.N.R and also the Govenors office.The results? he couldnt even get an apology from the C.O. Now the person has to do business in a small community where the C.O has led people to believe he is a poacher.(no evidence was ever found to support this and no charges were ever filed)
 The next is about the same C.O. and another who were caught by the land owner hunting ducks in his cornfield without permission and in uniform,The sheriffs office was called but refused to ticket the C.Os altho they were caught red handed by the landowner and 2 of his friends.
 The third is even scarier,A local man has a storage business by his house and had reason to belive the units were being broken into.He went out to the units carrying a shotgun,where he found 2 teenage boys breaking into his storage units one boy apperently ran and the other was held by the owner(now be advised the owner never pointed the shotgun at the boys) the sherriff was called and when they arrived they promptly arrested the owner.He now has been charged and must appear to answer charges in court,all for trying to protect his property now I know this man and wouldnt believe for a moment he would hurt the boys or even threaten them with a gun.I wasnt aware that our rights are so curtailed as we cannot even protect our own propery and enforcement officers are free to break the laws they are hired to enforce and may make any accusation they please without evidence,I am looking forward to reading the members replies to this

Offline Cody Gruchow

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had a CO like that around our hunting area, awhile back. just a real  :censored: . finally my grandpa went hunting with one of his buddys who happens to be a lawyer and the CO stopped them and was going to confenscate (sp) there shotguns, for no reason. i know that my grandpa would never do nothing against the law but anyways when he came to the lawyer to take his gun, when he asked him for the gun the lawyer didnt say anything and laid the gun on the ground, the CO got mad and picked it up and then left. then they called and complained and took the CO to court for stealing the shotgun, because it wasnt handed to the CO. anyways long story short the CO got moved to a different area. :offtopic:

certain cops in this area beleive they are above the law also. now when it comes to the older stopping the kids from stealing out of his storage. same thing happened i heard on the news a few years ago that an older gentleman had caught a guy stealing his neighboors gas from his gas barrels and held the guy at gun point with his shotgun and the cops got there and arrested the older gentleman and let the other guy go and charged the older gentleman with assault with a deadly weapon

its all BULL  :censored:

Offline Big E

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Wow! You've even got me mad. Who is the law really there to protect???
Let the small bucks walk. Don't assume the neighbors will shoot them if you don't. If you shoot him what chance does that buck have to grow......ZERO!

Offline wisbar

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To bad about the guy stopping the theives.  Even though he was trying to do the right thing he should have called the police.  Unfortunately it's probably going to be an expensive court battle that he'll probably loose.  The moment you confront someone with a gun off your property you're screwed unless you have a carry permit and meet the three criteria (life in danger, willing participant, no lesser force will do).  Makes me want to move to Texas :taz:
« Last Edit: September 09/30/08, 01:36:13 PM by wisbar »

Offline dakids

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I know of a person that was baiting with corn, and pumpkins that was turned into the CO by a handful of neighbors.  2 days before the season the CO calls him and asks him if he was planning on hunting over the bait.  NO ticket. Nothing.  Its not what you do its who you know!!
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Offline The General

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Its not what you do its who you know!!

Nothing wiser has ever been said!
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Offline Auggie

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Offline dew2

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Well whats shady here is I know both COs.Your story seems just that (A STORY)
This person from belgrade Why havent I read of this in the WestCentralTribune?? Seems like a news paper story? But could be true. I have to call ya out on the CO story tho! I dont believe you!
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Offline cobb

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The moment you confront someone with a gun off your property you're screwed unless you have a carry permit and meet the three criteria (life in danger, willing participant, no lesser force will do).   :taz:
You forgot "and retreat is not practical".  You are still under the obligation to retreat in Minnesota.
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