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Author Topic: shot gun  (Read 1813 times)

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Offline meatman23

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I have a mossberg 12 Gauge 28 inch barrel with accu choke. I'm I able to shot slugs?

Offline kenhuntin

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Not if the barrel is ported. A bird barrel will take a slug through it but with very minimal accuracy. Remember to shoot rifled slugs through a smooth bore.
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Those without are subjects

Offline schuebob

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Correction: Any 12 guage slug will pass thru a cylinder or improved cylinder choke, threaded or unthreaded. Listen, DON'T shoot a removable choke barrel WITHOUT the choke installed correctly! Lead slugs are pure lead and expand at the base to conform to the bore diameter. The same malleability of lead allows the slug to reform to whatever choke is at the end, as long as you stay with Clyinder or Improved Clyinder dimensions. The ony reason a "bird barrel" would be less effective would simply be that bird barrels have bead sights and not Rifle sights.  You could also easily purchase the "sabot" slugs or "rifled" slugs and have a good result.  The thought on rifled slugs is that the slug would tend to rotate a little in flight and give it gyroscopic stability.  I myself, use a 69 Caliber round lead ball in a reloaded shotshell and it outshoots slugs all day and saves 2 bucks a shot. A round ball is well known for is good behavior in flight, it's just that it's too simple of a trick and the manufactures can't market "simple"....only complex and spendy sells!  I can cast you a handfull of these puppies and you can see for yer sef.
Launching lead with Swiss P210/P240 fun guns at a range near you.

Offline meatman23

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thank for your info