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Author Topic: 1/10/10 Report (Dist. 1-5)  (Read 1623 times)

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Offline Woody

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District 1 - Baudette area
Last updated: 2010-01-11

CO Larry Milbridge (Warroad) checked anglers on Lake of the Woods during the week finding fishing success to be good. Enforcement action for the week included angling and fish house violations.

CO Jeff Birchem (Baudette) checked angling activity on Lake of the Woods during the week. A Northwest Angle patrol was worked with other COs. Violations encountered included over length walleye, over limit of walleye, license violations, and fish house violations.

CO Jeremy Woinarowicz (Thief River Falls) checked area elk hunters in the Grygla zone who were lucky enough to fill their unused elk tags. Area angling and snowmobiling activity was monitored and a college ride along was conducted. CO Woinarowicz worked with CO Benson patrolling area snowmobile trails finding violations for speed, no registration, failure to stop, and no state trail permits. Other enforcement action for the week included angle without license and angle with extra lines.

CO Keith Backer (Blackduck) taught the classroom law portion of snowmobile safety to an area class and conducted the field day where 20 students successfully completed the course. Fishing activity was checked as well as complaints of illegal snowmobile operation along state trails. Enforcement action for the week included snowmobile registration violations.

CO Brice Vollbrecht (Blackduck) monitored angling activity on Red Lake during the week. Area snowmobile activity was checked finding good safety compliance. CO Vollbrecht worked a Northwest Angle patrol on snowmobile with other officers. Enforcement action for the week included license violations and fish house violations.

CO Robert Gorecki (Baudette) checked area snowmobile and angling activity during the week. A Northwest Angle snowmobile patrol was worked on the weekend with other COs. Violations encountered included license violations, fish house violations, illegal length walleye, and snowmobile registration violations.

Karlstad - vacant.

Warroad #2 - vacant.

District 2 - Bemidji area
Last updated: 2010-01-11

CO Stuart Bensen (Erskine) reports many snowmobiles on the trails. Angling activity is slow and some water remains on top of the ice and under the snow. A stranded motorist was assisted.

CO Dan Malinowski (Fosston) checked snowmobiles, anglers, and fish houses. Complaints of trespass and an owl killing chickens were investigated. The officer had a high school student job shadow, attended a sportsman club meeting, and spoke to a Snowmobile Safety Class regarding laws, safety, and riding ethics.

CO Tim Gray (Bagley) monitored angling and snowmobile activity. The officer testified in a deer baiting case from the firearms deer season. The violator was found guilty.

CO Mike Hruza (Bemidji) reports angling activity has increased but angler success remains low. Snowmobilers and trappers were checked. Snowmobile trails were monitored, and an injured fox dispatched.

CO Stacey Sharp (Bemidji) patrolled snowmobile trails and responded to complaints of ORVs operating on the Grant-in-Aid Snowmobile Trails. Angler success has slowed. Warmer temperatures brought out some cross-country skiers. Skiers are reminded of the trail pass requirement on designated ski trails.

CO Chris Vinton (Perham) reports cold temperatures kept outdoor activity at low levels. A snowmobile trespass complaint was investigated. Snowmobiles were leaving a marked trail and entering an agricultural field. Snowmobilers are reminded to stay on the trails, agricultural land does not have to be posted and you need permission to enter.

CO Phil Seefeldt (Moorhead) reports an increase in snowmobile activity over the weekend. Trails are in rough condition, and some trails have hard drifts caused by the wind. Snowmobilers are reminded of the trail permit requirement for snowmobile trails. Angler success is low. Travel on lakes is limited to snowmobiles unless there is a plowed road. Trespass and wanton waste of waterfowl complaints were investigated.

CO Joe Stattelman (Detroit Lakes) focused enforcement efforts on snowmobile and angling activity. Trapping and trespass complaints were investigated. Shelters on lakes were checked for identification and litter on the ice. The officer met with the county attorney’s office about pending cases.

CO Al Peterson (Osage) checked snowmobilers and anglers. During the cold weather, outdoor activity was minimal. A complaint of deer poaching was investigated. The officer assisted DNR Wildlife with fur registration. Enforcement action was taken for using too many lines angling and over limit of fish.

CO Gary Forsberg (Pelican Rapids) assisted with a Snowmobile Safety Class in Fergus Falls. Anglers and snowmobilers were checked. Aeration sites were inspected. People venturing on to the ice are reminded that some lakes are aerated and to watch for warning signs at the accesses and around the aerator site.

District 3 - Fergus Falls area
Last updated: 2010-01-11

CO Troy Richards (Fergus Falls) checked anglers and monitored debris around fish houses. Complaints from the firearm deer season are still being investigated. CO Forsberg and CO Plautz assisted the officer with a Snowmobile Safety Class in Fergus Falls.

CO Tricia Plautz (Henning) focused enforcement efforts on angling and snowmobile activity. The snowmobile trails have been well used and getting rough. Fish houses without identification are still being found. Angler success is minimal. The officer assisted with a Snowmobile Safety Class in Fergus Falls, certifying approximately 40 young riders. Fish house break-ins are increasing and anglers should take precautions. The officer watched a group of Amish children enjoying winter recreation by skiing the road ditch while being pulled by a horse drawn wagon.

CO Paul Nelson (Elbow Lake) participated in work crews focusing on snowmobile activity in Otter Tail, Stevens, and Grant counties. Anglers and predator hunters were checked. Shelters on the ice without identification remain a problem.

CO Shane Osborne (Evansville) attended a court hearing related to a 2008 Boating While Intoxicated case. The defendant from Kansas did not show. A warrant for his arrest was issued and a $700 bail forfeited. Snowmobilers and anglers were checked. Angling activity and success has slowed.

CO Mike Shelden (Alexandria) monitored angling and snowmobile activity. Angling pressure in the Alexandria area remains strong. A call of a truck that caught fire and burned on Lake Miltona was received.

CO Jeff Johanson (Osakis) focused enforcement efforts on angling/spearing and snowmobile activity. Snowmobile trails are still in good shape. ATVs and predator hunters were also checked. WMAs and WPAs were patrolled for activity.

CO Daniel Baumbarger (Wheaton) participated in snowmobile work crews in the district. Anglers, ATVs, and predator hunters were also checked. Calls about injured deer and a young moose stuck in a snow bank were received.

CO Tony Anderson (Morris) focused enforcement efforts on snowmobile, fish house identification, and angling activity. Outdoor activity increased as the temperatures became more tolerable. The officer participated in works crews focusing on snowmobile activity in the district. Predator hunters were also checked. Questions regarding snowmobile operation, snowmobile registration, fish house identification, and spring turkey license application were answered.

CO Kurt Nelson (Glenwood) checked anglers and snowmobilers. Angling activity remains high. Outdoor activity increased as the temperatures warmed a little. The snowmobile trails remain in good condition but use seems lower than normal.

District 4 - Wadena area
Last updated: 2010-01-11

CO Paul Parthun (Lake George) checked anglers and snowmobilers. He also conducted equipment maintenance issues and assisted the BCA with a pending case. Officer Parthun reports snowmobile trails in the area are deteriorating and could use some more snow.

CO Greg Oldakowski (Wadena) worked at a furbearer registration station after the close of the bobcat and otter seasons and inspected and tagged furs. He also took a report of a car injured gray wolf. When CO Oldakowski arrived he determined that the wolf appeared partially paralyzed and unable to move its rear legs. It was also suffering from a severe case of mange and hypothermia. Officer Oldakowski was forced to dispatch the animal.

CO Gary Sommers (Walker) focused on ice fishing and snowmobile activity. He also made arrangements and reserved a meeting room for an upcoming certification class for volunteer firearms safety instructors and assisted the area wildlife manager with fur tagging. So many bobcats came in for registration that there weren’t enough tags, so some were shuttled from Detroit Lakes to Park Rapids and Backus. Officer Sommers handled a TIP call regarding a deer that had been taken from a field by an individual and placed in the back of a truck. Another deer, which had blood in one of its ears, was left behind and the caller reported it had been shot. The caller followed the suspect vehicle, which went down a dead end road, and provided a license plate number and address. It turns out that both deer had been hit and killed by a vehicle, a doe and a fawn, most likely at the same time as both were still pliable and not fully frozen. Officer Sommers issued the caller a possession permit and the sheriff’s department issued another to the suspect, who had contacted them to report the incident.

CO Mark Mathy (Cass Lake) primarily checked anglers and found success was sporadic. Officer Mathy also assisted DNR Wildlife with fur registration in Backus. A rare white Fisher was brought in; unfortunately it was trapped out of season and seized. Enforcement action was taken for unattended line, angle with extra lines, possession of a filleted walleye on a special regulation lake, no angling licenses in possession, and possession of a small amount of marijuana.

CO Duke Broughten (Longville) monitored ice angling, spearing, and snowmobiling activity during the last week. Angling success slowed with the cold temperatures. Snowmobile trails are in rough shape and are in need of new snow. CO Broughten also assisted DNR Wildlife staff with fur registration. Enforcement action included no angling license in possession, operating a snowmobile without required equipment, and no ID on ice shelter.

CO Jeff Halverson (Staples) worked snowmobile enforcement and registered fur for local trappers. Trails are in good condition, however few sleds were out. Officer Halverson reports that anglers have been driving on area lakes.

CO Colleen Adam (OHV Recreation Officer Park Rapids) checked on fish houses and snowmobile trails. Anglers are finding mixed success. The groomers have been out trying to keep the trails in good condition. More snow is needed to sustain the trail base. Riders are encouraged to double check for proper registration and trail stickers.

District 5 - Eveleth area
Last updated: 2010-01-11

CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls) checked on road-kill calf moose, however, upon arrival someone had already taken the animal. The rest of the activity for the week revolved around ice fishing enforcement on Rainy Lake and snowmobile enforcement activity on area trails which are in fair to good shape.

CO Lloyd Steen (Ray/Kabetogama) patrolled area lakes and trails checking snowmobile activity. He also assisted Koochiching County Sheriff’s Office with recovering a stolen snowmobile.

CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports the week was spent dealing with computer related problems. Free time was spent repairing equipment.

CO Brad Schultz (Cook) reports continued severe cold temperatures kept outdoor recreation down to a minimum. Very little snowmobile traffic was observed. A couple car-killed deer were dealt with.

CO Dan Starr (Tower) assisted Officer Bozovsky with an animal theft from a legal trap site. The animal was recovered for the rightful owner and a person was charged with tampering with a legal set. He checked fishermen in the Babbitt station and reports some success on Birch Lake for walleyes and crappies. Enforcement action during the week involved no license violations, possess fillet fish on experimental lake, unattended lines, failure to display name/number on a fish house, no snowmobile registration, loud exhaust on a snowmobile, and operate a snowmobile without a safety certificate. He also addressed a dealership renting snowmobiles without proper registration.

CO Don Bozovsky (Hibbing) registered otter and bobcat at fur registration day and followed up on a big game case that resulted in a hunter being cited for failing to register a deer. A trap tampering case was worked after an individual shot and stole a bobcat in a trap, which did not belong to him. CO Bozovsky and CO Starr spent considerable time investigating the case and after two interviews the suspect admitted to committing the offense and was charged. The trapper provided valuable information and leads in the processing of the case.

CO Mark Fredin (Aurora) observed little activity throughout the week due to cold conditions and lack of snow. Those out fishing were finding it slow going. Equipment was maintained and office work completed. Evidence was found of fishing on a designated trout lake that will not be open until Friday, January 15.

I. Falls # 2 - vacant.
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