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Author Topic: Legislative alert House is at it again!  (Read 1566 times)

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Offline Joe@deerhunters

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 Your  :banghead: Voice Needs to be Heard   
This week the House of Representatives will review the funding bill (HR3790) for the Lessard Councils' proposed fish, game and wildlife, habitat projects.  This bill will allow the legacy sales tax dollars to be allocated to fund these important conservation projects.  Unfortunately, some very disturbing amendments have been added to the bill that not only interfere with sound science of the prairie restoration projects, but also dictate additional authority and funding for audits of all projects.  These amendments are a blatant attempt to bend authority and requirements so certain powerful legislators can dictate personal preferences for funding of projects and dictating additional restrictions.
Your help is needed this week; especially for those of you in the Twin Cities Metro area!

Please contact your local Minnesota House Representative by phone or email with a message similar to the the one below.  To find your local legislator, click HERE.

To: (Representative Name)
From: Your Constituent
Subject:  From Your Constituent HF3790
Dear Representative (Name):
Regarding HF3790, please do everything you can to pass a clean, unamended HF3790 bill to fund the legacy projects.
Your Constituent,
(C, S, Z)

« Last Edit: May 05/07/10, 11:22:08 AM by MNO »

Offline Joe@deerhunters

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I noticed the link did not transfer.  On the MDHA facebook page you can get the link if you do not know who your house rep is yet.

Offline Joe@deerhunters

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passed on the house! Some compromise but a much better bill to go to conference with the senate. 

If you called or emailed your rep.  You helped.  More than two hours of personal conference time was set aside with conservation groups and leaders in the house.  This is unprecedented and shows the sportsmen vote carries strength.