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Author Topic: Good Dove hunting spots  (Read 1872 times)

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Offline Hick727

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Ive been trying Vermillion River WMA and havent had much luck. How do you guys find good land? Even if it isnt a WMA?
« Last Edit: September 09/05/10, 01:06:42 PM by Hick727 »

Offline kenhuntin

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I believe the state manages some dove areas in wmas. Carlos Avery is one of them. I go west for the Doves to Pope and Renville counties. Areas with bare dirt and or gravel with nearby water small grains and trees hold the tasty morsels. They will not hang around in the cool weather though. They will be off to Mexico soon. If you see numbers of Doves you just gotta get the gumption up and ask permission.
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