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Author Topic: Fall mushrooms  (Read 1831 times)

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Offline GRIZ

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Anyone been out finding any?

Not much here but I usually stuble upon a few while hunting ginseng. This w/e found one 4 lb chicken o the woods and this 8 lb hen o the woods.

"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
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Offline HUNTER2

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Is that a brain?
I.B.O.T.'s 249 & 250
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                        you can't eat it or hump it.

                         Piss on it and walk away

Offline dakids

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Nice find.  How do you prepare them and what do they taste like?  Morrells?
Anything that is free is worth saving up for.

Offline GRIZ

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I just fry in butter and oil and add some season salt. They(hen) are a pretty firm mushroom like the chicken. Probly the firmest mushroom I've ate but for explaining taste, I don't know how to explain taste. It taste like a mushroom kinda unlike the chicken. I like it the most but others like a moral better.

I havn't been pickin shrooms that long so don't have much experience, only a few yrs. It seems to me pickin wild ones, one doesn't really know much about it. In your garden you get to observe your crop regularly as with wild shrooms you don't. A more experienced shroomer may be able to tel the differences in prime, not quit and over prime.

I've been talking to a fellow that does alot of it and he said this one was primo yet it is much firmer than one I found last yr that was primo butn only a lb. I don't know if size plays a part in it or just growing conditions. I've heard that most mushrooms grow in less than a week and go south just a s fast, IDK. I'm still learning.

A couple mushrooms that I havn't found yet but want to are the chantrelle and shaggy main. I have only done research on them but havn't seen anything that resembles them in the woods. Like any wild shroom if your not sure let it bee or have someone who knows positvely identify it. Side note with the chicken one must also be able to identify what kind of tree it grew from or it could be toxic.
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
~Thomas Jefferson

Offline mnswd

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Thank you for posting a pic - I have had this mushroom in my back yard the last two years...Now I know I can eat it.

Can't wait till next fall


  • Master Outdoorsman
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I was seeing alot of mushrooms this year after we got that big rain storm.
Found alot of puff-balls and ate a few, first time trying them and they were pretty good!  Also saw alot of colorful ones on/in dead tree - which werent edible.
Never seen one like that GRIZZ, do they grow near certain trees, etc?  If they are tastey I might have to look for them next year.