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Author Topic: Wildgame Innovations Trail Camera - Blade 3 Review  (Read 1608 times)

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Offline Mayfly

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    • MNO
Just picked up two of these cameras at Gander Mountain today on sale for $129.99 down from $179.99.

They are last years camera so they dropped the price some.

I have heard some good things and bad things about the lower end Wildgame cameras. The price was right for two so I figure i'll give them a whirl and see how they perform.

I'll post my results here!  :happy1:

Just the basics. I put up two cameras loaded with 8 AA's and each have a 4gb memory card. One was over a food source so we'll get feeding deer and the other one I put on a heavy trail that the deer use. Its positioned to shoot down the trail so we will either get them coming or going and generally not cutting across the trail.

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« Last Edit: June 06/09/14, 07:57:31 PM by MNO »

Offline stevejedlenski

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how have these been working for you? i see menards has some on sale for $49.99 after rebate. i think they are the 5MP but only have 40' flash.
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