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Author Topic: One last deer story.... ok maybe not the last.  (Read 2347 times)

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Offline deadeye

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Last Saturday evening I went with my grandson to a stand near camp.  After watching the light snow fall for an hour, I though I better take a picture of Evan in the stand.  First I took a couple of him looking out over the plot.  Then I took a bunch of selfies. This took a bit of effort to hold the camera with cold fingers and still get it to take a picture.  Well after a bit of fumbling around I finally got a few that I felt weren't too bad.  As I lowered the camera, I saw this doe walking right in front of us.  Being I had the camera I took a picture of the deer.  She stopped and looked at us a few times but didn't seem to concerned.  I told Even to sit tight and when she gets past us, he could get his gun in position to shoot.  She would look between us and straight in front of her.  She didn't like something and turned straight away and trotted off.  I told Evan to get ready as she will stop at the far side of the plot.  She never stopped and just as quick as it started, it was over.  Great show but no shot but still a great way to end the season. 

Evan watching for the big one.

Snow accumulating on stand and plot.

Selfie of us (deer must have been watching us)

Being I had the camera in hand, I had to take a picture.
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***

Offline Leech~~

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Little Dudes like. Dang Grandpa stop screwing around with the seflies and lets hunt!  :bonk: :bonk:  :rotflmao:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline markn

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deadeye, this is my hunting buddy on Sunday morning opening weekend. It was only for 10 minutes and then he shot a nice doe about two hours later. Having him with me for two days made my whole season, and I got an eight point later that day.

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Offline deadeye

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Yes, it's really a blast to have the youngns with you on the hunt.  At 12 he's a pretty experienced deer hunter being he started at age 10.  He's pretty good at pointing out small deer or fawns and has no problem watching small(er) bucks walk by. 
***I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.***