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Author Topic: Dock Demon.  (Read 3203 times)

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Offline tangle tooth

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Simple question. Is the Zebco Dock Demon a child's outfit or a legitimate fishing tool?
It wouldn't be me go to combo for muskie or northerns but I've used it for some bank or dock fishing several times when I stumbled on to fishey looking water.
It does have some serious limitations. Not a quality reel on this thing. Only got a 20" rod. I think I only paid something like $10 for it. Kind of embarrassing using it when I see someone with a "grown up" rod & reel.
Thought about seeing how it would work as an ice fishing rod but I think it might be too stiff for that.
What say you?
I used to be cute and adorable. Then, I had my first birthday. Been downhill ever since.

Offline glenn57

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i graduated from Zebcos 50 years ago!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

seriously.....never heard of i aint no help. :doah:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Leech~~

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I'm not Catholic, but some times these forums are better then a confessional.
For give me guys, but I have sinned!   :rotflmao: :rotflmao: 

Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline tangle tooth

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I like spincast reels. I have 8 Zebco and 6 old Johnson spincast reels. Nothing wrong with them. I have spinning reels, too. Sometimes I fish with a cane pole. The old spincasts are, in my opinion, just fun. That's what fishing should be.
Many crappies and bluegills have graced the table thanks to spincast reels.
I used to be cute and adorable. Then, I had my first birthday. Been downhill ever since.

Offline Steve-o

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I used to grab my kid's rigs all the time when I was lounging on the pontoon and decided to flip for sunnies between the docs.

When they started fishing, I set them up with "underspin" reels with left-hand retrieve so they would learn to turn the crank with their "weak" hand and fight fish with their strong arm.

And the lever/trigger bail was very easy for them to learn and I still think it is fun to fish with.

So go ahead an knock yourself out with yer Dock Demon.

Offline snow1

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Been years since I seen these reels,brings back memories fishing mille lacs as a kid,my gramps was always dicking around with his zebco reel and a rats nest,I have all my grandpa's old fishing gear, zebco 202 reels,attached to a 5' noodle fiber glass rods,aluminum tackle box with his favorite atificial lures like hulla poppers,bassarino lures,for walleyes he loved his yellow or white hair jigs we tipped with a fathead back in the day,most often loosing the minnow on short bites as zero fiberglass rod sensitivity so he attached a "stinger hook" to the jig shank hook,package of these jigs are called the "canadian doll fly" jig.

Never left a bait shop in milaca w/o fatheads,crawlers and later years leeches,fun times,no electronics but we caught walleyes,amazing.
« Last Edit: December 12/20/21, 09:18:28 AM by snow1 »

Offline LPS

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I caught a 30 lb catfish with a Zebco 33 and a flimsy rod.  Took an hour to get it in.

Offline glenn57

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TT........if ya wanna use that, or a stick with line tied to it.....go for it!!!!!!! :happy1: you shouldnt give 2 dog turds what others think!!!!! :happy1: i dont!!!!!!!!! :sleazy: :evil: :happy1:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline tangle tooth

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It's all in fun. I bought 4 of the Johnson rod & reel combos at a garage sale about 3 years ago. All 4 for $5. They needed work but a good winter project.
I used to be cute and adorable. Then, I had my first birthday. Been downhill ever since.