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Author Topic: Dec 13th Report  (Read 2023 times)

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Offline WestWindResort

  • Outdoorsman
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  • West Wind Resort on Upper Red Lake
    • West Wind Resort
The ice on the lake is slowly starting to thicken up. Now we have 10-12 inches in most of the untouched portions of the lake. The roads and snowmobile packed areas have around 14 inches. We have a road plowed out 1.5 miles and will be working on getting out farther everyday we can. If you see the plows out there working on a road, stay out of the way and let them do their job. We will let you know when the road is useable. We are letting smaller trucks and suv's onto the lake now. You should be careful with off road travel since the snow is about 9 inches deep and drifted more in some spots.
  Now for the fishing report. The walleye have been hitting very good lately in 10 to 11 feet of water and also just off the last break in 7 feet. The crappies have been hard to find so far but will begin to show up soon. The pike are still in shallow around the river and just off the last break. With cold weather forecast at night the ice should start to come around and soon we will be out into crappie country. Good luck and be safe.
West Wind Resort
54719 Hwy 72 NE
Waskish, MN 56685

Offline JohnWester

  • Master Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 2294
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  • Kabetogama, MN
The ice on the lake is slowly starting to thicken up. Now we have 10-12 inches in most of the untouched portions of the lake. The roads and snowmobile packed areas have around 14 inches. We have a road plowed out 1.5 miles and will be working on getting out farther everyday we can. If you see the plows out there working on a road, stay out of the way and let them do their job. We will let you know when the road is useable.

great news, thanks for the update!!
If a gun kills people then I can blame a pen for my misspells?

IBOT# 286 big_fish_guy