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Author Topic: "terrorism to our trout waters"  (Read 4621 times)

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Offline WoodChuck

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Bingo, yes.? A few years ago someone stocked largemouth bass in Allen
 lake.? We believe it was the person who called us several years ago asking us to stock bass.? When I explained to him that it was a designated trout lake, that we would not change management and that it would be against the law to stock it with bass, "someone" stocked it and the bass population is now exploding.? I cannot prove who did it but we are investigating the issue.? In the mean time, we have tentative plans to try to remove the bass with electrofishing.? Potentially, we could be considering a rotenone treatment to remove everything and start over.? I am sorry you had such a lousy trout fishing experience.? I am with you, this needs to be rectified.? Thanks for contacting us.? Tim Brastrup, Area Fisheries Supervisor, Brainerd.

>>> "david stelter" <> 6/4/2006 11:07 PM >>>
???, lake alen in ne. crow wing normaly filled with rainbow trout! the last couple of years there has been a steady decline in the size and number of fish. this year it is full of large mouth bass, which has not been there in any great numbers before! i have fished alen for 20 pluse years and never bin skunked, but this year? all we caught were 2, 6 inch r.b.s and 50 l.bass for 5 fisherman in 2 days of fishing. i counted school after school of bass which numbered about 25 fish per sch. and in 5 minutes time 15 differant sch,s? of bass and not the same sch.twice as we followed them down the shore line QUESTION: WHATS GOING ON !? did some one plant them there to make it their own bass lake. DAVID STELTER, PILLAGER, MN? >:(
"i am not the KING FISHER , nor the fisher of men , but i am a fisherman "    membership n. 141