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Author Topic: May report...  (Read 1441 times)

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Offline DarterGuy

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  • Posts: 60
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    • Northcountry Guides
Walleyes in the area continue to bite more readily as the water temperatures keep going up. Fish can be found on many area lakes in the 5-11 foot range, wih many good bites coming on gravel or weed flats in the 7-8 foot range on a jig and shiner. Last night it took a mere 2 hours to get two limits with 4 toss backs in the 19-23" range. Sat. was a diff. story, as myself and the owner of Phelp's Tackle put up our tournament limit in the Eagles tourney, but didn't find the kicker to put us up in the money. We were somewhere in the 27-30th range by eyeballing the board! Point is, if you're after 'eyes, they're ready to be had!

Crappies and 'gills are moving into the shallows in larger umbers by the day. They're both feeding heavily when found, getting ready for their upcoming spawn.

Pike are also on the prowl. It's an easy task getting a limit of eater sized pike if they're your poison! Same areas as the walleyes, and everywhere else in the lake!

Good luck if you're coming up to the Northcountry!

Here's a nice 22" 'eye from last night... as well as our limits from opener!

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