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Author Topic: Ice Ice Ice...  (Read 2622 times)

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Offline USMC03

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As I can tel lby driving around lately most of the lakes and ponds are pretty much frozen over or at least decently glazed over with ice.  As disappointing a time of year this is my duck boat is on the verge of going into storage for the year.
But before I do how many of you are still going to tough it out, break ice and keep hunting?
Or do you still see open water?


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I will be out hunting in the boat for the remainder of the season, there is 1-2 of ice but nothing you cant break through for the next week. Good luck.

Offline PJ Maguire

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Yes! Everything is pretty much frozen, which is good for late season duck hunting IMO. You just have to stay away from the 'still' water and look for concentrations of Mallards.
Where I'm from calling, flagging and decoying are just basic skills and the kids will do a little guiding just to pay off some bills.

Offline finch

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I was on my way to break some ice on saturday AM.  one of the bearings decided to lock up on the trailer, I'll try to post pics up of the carnage.
"Give me your tired, your hungry, your poor... It's Americans that are tired, hungry, and poor.  so until you take care of that, close the book!" - Edward Norton, American History X

Offline USMC03

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Yes! Everything is pretty much frozen, which is good for late season duck hunting IMO. You just have to stay away from the 'still' water and look for concentrations of Mallards.


Offline JohnWester

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in my opinion
If a gun kills people then I can blame a pen for my misspells?

IBOT# 286 big_fish_guy

Offline ChrisWallace

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I will be out hunting in the boat for the remainder of the season, there is 1-2 of ice but nothing you cant break through for the next week. Good luck.

We bagged 8 drakes this am down by Baulers place....lots of ice to break till you get there than its wide open again homes.

Offline USMC03

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No luck for me this morning. The ducks seem too smart this time of year and my calling skills aren't quite up to par...