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Author Topic: Ad Posting Guidelines-Please Read Before Posting!!!  (Read 6643 times)

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Offline Woody

  • Master Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 2792
  • Karma: +1/-0
Absolutely no commercial ads are allowed in the free classifieds forum without authorization from an administrator, our free classifieds are reserved for personal one time sales of used product.

Any unauthorized ads will be immediately removed from this public board and moved to a staff only board, an administrator will contact you regarding your ad.

If you have any questions regarding our free classifieds forum, please contact HD

These types of ads will be considered a "commercial" ad, and are not allowed unless you receive authorization first.

No bulk sales of the same product, anything more than 1 is considered a "commercial ad"

If you have questions or doubts, your ad will probably be considered a "commercial" ad.

Other than that, please feel free to continue to use our free classifieds forum.
« Last Edit: February 02/22/13, 03:02:55 PM by HD »
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. ~Thomas Jefferson

Got Freedom? Thank a Vet!!!