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Author Topic: Acorn Hill Resort, Leech Lake, Walker, Minn  (Read 3269 times)

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Offline Acorn Hill Resort

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    • Acorn Hill
Hello everybody! Well ice fishing is on the way. We have some people fishing in the smaller bay's on Leech, but not to many fish houses out yet. We will be getting ours our on Walker Bay maybe this week. The ice is getting thicker, and everybody is getting excited, because of the great year we had last year. We will keep you informed. As of right now the pan fishing is good on Shingobee Bay. and the smaller bays on the lake. We have our cabins open for you, and the fish houses will be ready by next week. If interested, please call Doug, opwner/manager at 1 800 237 1015, or e-mail me at if you have any questions.

Have a great new year of ice fishing
Richard Breda
Acorn Hill Resort
Acorn Hill Resort
4691 Acorn Hill Lane NW
Walker, Mn 56484

Offline Woody

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Welcome back Acorn Hill Resort!   ::welcome::  Out of curiosity, how much ice is in the bays and main lake?  Hopefully this storm doesn't impare ice conditions. 
« Last Edit: December 12/14/08, 11:10:23 AM by Jeff »
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Offline Randy Kaar

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