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Author Topic: LOTW Report 1/14  (Read 1535 times)

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Offline WheelersPointResort

  • Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 37
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    • Wheelers Point Resort and Lodge
Fishing is slower than usual for this time of year, but I am hearing this from people fishing other lakes as well.  The good part is that slow on LOTW would be considered good on many others.  Our houses are still spread from 21 - 34 feet and here is a report from 1 angler with a nice pic....

Hi Wheelers,


Spent the last weekend in one of your sleepers.  Fishing was slow, but had a great time.  I managed to catch this pig.  It took a while as I was using light line, 4lb and 2 lb for the tight lipped little ones.  This fish was caught with 2 lb line on an ultra lite crappie set up and took bout 15 minutes to get it to the ice(34’ deep).  Anyhow, had a good time, wish you were closer to Star Prairie, WI.



Thank you,



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John and Tammy Fitzpatrick
Wheelers Point Resort and Lodge
"Where the famous Rainy River enters
legendary Lake of the Woods, Minnesota"
218 634-2629   800 542-2435