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Author Topic: wanted 4 serious kayakers/fishing  (Read 1618 times)

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Offline trout whisperer

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
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walleye opener this year:  im looking for two sets of kayakers for a total of six people. my partner is all were lookin for four daugter- dad son- mom daughter.....coed-whatever.......its a twenty two mile trip.  we can do the entire stretch in one day ......we fish oxbows and deep pools.......leap frog the river......three need to be in good phyical condition..

you need your own kayak...12 fters or less .....(current lis...kayak and fishing...) your going to need a pick-up truck..per team....we haul yaks to the drop off and stash a truck at the take out...if you dont know how to run a river......this is not for jackets we be worn on the entire trip....rain gear, we travel as a group....but we travel light...

no minnows to heavy....jigs and powerbait/ stick baits...we do a boil up at lunch...everyone sleeps at my place friday night...bring a camper/tent if you want to use my yard  or sleeping bag for indoors..we have lots of floor and five couches......then a fish fry saturday night......bonfire ....or you can pull the pin- up to  you...

six people make a perfect size group......this is remote......we will have a map meeting on friday night.....your cell phone is not going to work, much as you love a gps.....each team has to have one regular compass.......

i take care of all the potatoes, fish fryers, this is no bring your positive attitude rain or have to be careful.......but its not a killer trip...

so if your interested drop me a pm.......looking for serious fishin folks..and experienced kaykers...the gal in charge of me........has the final say on who comes just in charge of the open invatation to meet new friends......just friends -by the
trout whisperer author/guide

Offline schwinger

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What an awesome offer.

I don't fit the requirements, no kayak and have never used one, Sure sounds like fun though. I hope you get some takers.

Offline JoeFisherman

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
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Might this trip be up at the boundary waters?