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Author Topic: Ducks  (Read 9686 times)

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Offline snow

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Cody,"one at-time"  or are ya braggin you got a triple... ;D very few ducks around my area as well.

SoDak is bustin at the seams still,came back a day early because we filled.Friends in NoDak tell me the honkers are just showing up since the weekend,north central region near Minot/New Town area.
« Last Edit: November 11/24/09, 03:28:58 PM by snow »
Hevi Shot Pro Staff

Offline prosupermag

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Are there any birds moveing yet or are my plans to go out tomorrow more a waste of time  than a good chance at seeing some birds I am going either way but wondering if there  are still some birds up north as i am hunting south west Minnesota about 45 min from the South Dakota border

Offline Tyler Rother

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Buddy John from FWC shot a nice bull Can and a fully plumed drake Spoonbill...both in the Taxidermy. Taxidermist said that's the prettiest Spoon he's seen in 20 years of business.

There's birds out... Just gotta put in the effort to find em.

Offline snow

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MAG,Your in the best area to connect,head north some towards Dawson and start scouting,keep your eyes peeled as you pass the standing flooded crops,thats where the birds are,you won't see'em sitting,rather see them lifting or landing way out,food,water and safety,no need for loafing on big water.Chances are you'll find big wads of mallards if you put the time in right now.
Hevi Shot Pro Staff

Offline prosupermag

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Well I went out this morning and all I ended up with was a pair of brused shins and a very cold foot    the Ice was a half inch thick as we pushed the boat acrost it this morning and then after we broke open a spot about 100 yards wide by 75 yards deep  and slid the sheets of ice under the other ice and sat till noon with only one flock of geese flying over we picked up and on the way back a chunk of ice cut my waders open flooding my foot with water so no luck with any birds and a frozen foot I think tomorrow will be spent muzzleloading instead of bird hunting

Offline finch

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NESD is the place to be!  went up last weekend but as said before, the majority of birds are sitting in flooded areas in the middle of the sections.  lots of corn left up there.  saw probably 30-40,000 snows and blues.  some birds were very not into the decoys and others landed in the water right in front of us and I didn't even notice them until I heard their feet hit the water.
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Offline snow

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Yeah finch,pretty crazy huh? with the lack of hunting pressure I'm sure the birds will hang around for a while.I wonder how SoDak gets away with limiting only 3500 no-res tags? (10 days) Rubs me the wrong way,with all the money we donate to DU,then they spread it around in different states and we find ourselves limited on were we can hunt not to mention they stick it to us in license fee's,NoDak you can get a license but only 14 days to hunt,nebraska just buy a small game and have a federal stamp and hunt till mid january,Iowa samething,Missouri $10 and there season is just starting.

« Last Edit: November 11/30/09, 11:07:17 AM by snow »
Hevi Shot Pro Staff