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Author Topic: 10/25/09 Report (Dist. 6-11)  (Read 2300 times)

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Offline Woody

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District 6 - Two Harbors area

CO John Velsvaag (Ely) checked grouse and duck hunters this past week with duck hunters are seeing a little more success. CO Velsvaag also checked trappers and followed up on trapping complaint. CO Velsvaag also received several calls on duck hunting and trapping regulations.

CO Marty Stage (Ely) worked duck and grouse hunters and found both groups to be happy. The cold and snow had moved some ducks into the area and the grouse are reasonably common on the trails. Officers investigated an incident of a wolf killing a dog right up close to his home. Upon leaving the scene, there was a wolf standing along Highway #169 about three miles away. The wolf resisted leaving the road and only showed fear when a cell phone rang. He finally went into the woods edge only to return and mark the grass next to the officer’s vehicle. He eventually crossed the highway right in front of the CO’s truck. The wolf seemed to be in otherwise good health, but has obviously lost fear of humans or vehicles. Keep close watch on your pets when they go outside.

CO Darin Fagerman (Grand Marais) had a big timberwolf visit his house during the middle of the day last week that tried to eat his daughter's dog Kipp. The little Rat Terrier/ Chihuahua mix thought he was the big dog on the block as he chased the wolf towards the woods. Little did he know what would have happened if he would have continued the chase. The wolf paid no attention to the people who were out in the yard thinking that they were going to witness a disaster. The wolf hung around the edge of the woods for about 10 minutes before walking off. The CO checked whitefish nets. The grouse trails in the Arrowhead had very heavy pressure this year.

CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Tofte) focused enforcement efforts on grouse hunters and ATV activity in the area. Grouse hunters are seeing more birds as the leaves have fallen off the trees. The Officer assisted Lake County search and rescue and the Coast Guard with his patrol boat on Lake Superior searching for a missing kayaker near Twin Points. Wahlstrom worked on winterizing boats and motors for the upcoming winter season.

CO Dan Thomasen (Two Harbors) took many calls regarding trespassing and baiting throughout the week and looked into possible violations. It is evident that people are out in the woods preparing for deer season, as they are finding the potential illegal activities of others and reporting them. Assistance was given to Lake County Search and Rescue in looking for a missing kayaker on Lake Superior after an empty kayak was found washed up on shore.

CO Mary Manning (Hovland) saw a marked slowdown in activity long with the snowfall. Manning checked OHM trails with CO Sherack in the Nemadji area. Manning, along with CO Wahlstrom, also assisted Lake County Search and Rescue with a search for a missing kayaker on Lake Superior. The officer checked anglers and grouse hunters, worked on seasonal equipment maintenance, and answered questions about the upcoming firearms deer season and the new uncased gun law.

Babbitt - vacant.

Silver Bay - vacant.

District 7 - Grand Rapids area

CO Randy Patten (Northome) checked grouse hunters, spoke with bough buyers, and investigated complaints on wolves, baited areas, shooting within 500’ of an occupied dwelling, and trespass.

CO Sarah Sindelir (Grand Rapids) performed equipment maintenance this past week. She also checked hunters locally and worked shining activity. Enforcement action was taken for ATV violations.

CO Jon Paurus (Hill City) spoke with a few duck hunters who were frustrated by the lack of birds. Grouse hunters were having better success despite the weather. ATV and deer baiting complaints continue to come in and investigations are ongoing. Trapping activity was also checked.

CO Jeff Koehn (Grand Rapids - OHV Specialist) patrolled for OHV activity. He investigated a report of damage on a snowmobile trail caused by ATV use. CO Koehn assisted another CO investigate a report of deer baiting. He arrested an operator of an off-highway motorcycle who was wanted on two arrest warrants. Enforcement activity for the week included, allow illegal juvenile operation of an ATV, operate an ATV in a roadway with no drivers license, unregistered ATV, no youth ATV safety certificate, operate OHM with youth passenger no helmet, operate OHM in a roadway, operate motor vehicle with a canceled drivers license.

CO Gary Lefebvre (Pengilly) worked ATVs, small game and waterfowl hunters. He also worked trappers and handled several tip complaints during the week.

CO Mike Fairbanks (Deer River) checked anglers, waterfowl hunters, worked shining complaints and trapping enforcement. Waterfowl success was poor. Rainy weather hampered grouse hunters. Enforcement action taken for bough harvest, small game, and ATV on a roadway violation.

Bigfork - vacant.

District 8 - Cloquet area

CO Jeff Humphrey (Cloquet) worked OHV and hunting enforcement throughout the week. Calls continue with questions, concerns, and complaints about law changes, ATVs, and deer licensing. He assisted in a District 9 detail for unlawful deer shining activity. He continued investigation of illegal bough harvesting. Waterfowlers were reporting mixed success in the area with mallards and ringnecks being taken. Completed seasonal equipment maintenance and changeover.

CO Kipp Duncan (Duluth) attended training on the emerald ash borer. Several nights were worked at complaint areas of night deer shining. An ongoing investigation involving deer hunting continues. Several beaver traps were checked over the weekend. Several calls were also returned each day.

CO Scott Staples (Carlton) spent the past week answering law questions and issuing permits. More wolf complaints were investigated in the area where the culprits turned out to be coyotes this time. Other time was spent on equipment maintenance and follow up on old complaints.

CO Andy Schmidt (Brookston) spent much of the week working illegal deer shiners. The officer continued to work ongoing TIP complaints. Two investigations were completed with Fond Du Lac Tribal Wardens that resulted in numerous tribal citations for registration, tagging, and shining of deer. Waterfowl in the area were definitely on the move this past week with rafts of migrating ducks hitting local ponds and rivers. Schmidt continues to investigate complaints regarding trespassing, shining, and after hours shooting.

CO Randy Hanzal (Duluth) received a call about a man burning a cabin. When the officer arrived the suspect showed him a brush-burning permit. Enforcement action was taken for burning of prohibited material. Two men were educated about their lack of good judgment as they were seen sighing in their deer rifles and allowing their stray bullets to cross a navigable river. The officer assisted in a late night shining detail. Small game, archery and waterfowl hunters were also checked during the week.

District 9 - Brainerd area

CO Nikki Shoutz (Pine River) checked archery hunters, duck hunters and rifle hunters getting stands ready. More duck hunters than ducks were observed in the area, although there were some ring-necks and mallards in the bag. An investigation continues on concerns with deer stand construction and location, including one bridge being built over a wetland. County ordinance prohibiting permanent deer stands on county land will be handled by respective counties (Cass and Crow Wing). Trespass issues with deer stands and blinds were handled as well. An investigation continues involving two individuals operating mud trucks on a closed snowmobile trail and ripping up a wetland in Cass County. They were observed by a camouflaged bow hunter who watched it all happen from his tree stand.

CO Jim Guida (Brainerd) beaver trapping starts in the South Zone on Oct. 31st. Officer Guida attended a township meeting addressing the request for an all-terrain vehicle grant in aid trail system to be established through the township.

CO Karl Hadrits (Crosby) focused on waterfowl and deer hunting activity, investigating baiting and litter complaints, and working deer shining activity. Equipment was seized and charges were issued in a deer baiting case. Other enforcement contacts were made for shooting signs and transporting loaded firearm.

CO Tim Collette (Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area) checked waterfowl hunters, duck numbers were very low. Other activities included attending an advisory meeting for the rec area, investigated a call of over-limit on crappies, focused on invasive species issues at public accesses, answered hunting and trespassing questions, and worked a deer shining detail with fellow officers.

CO Bob Mlynar (Aitkin) focused on archery deer, waterfowl and grouse activity. He also worked a shining detail, timber trespass and a litter case. A pair of waterfowl hunters were happy to hear that the fast and furious action they had on a foggy Saturday morning, resulting in 9 ducks in the bag, were actually ring-necked ducks. They quit shooting because of their inability to identify the birds from scaup when in hand. They were also informed that party hunting for waterfowl is illegal.

CO Brent Speldrich (McGregor) worked several big game violation cases, followed up on TIPs that were receiving during the week, and continued to check waterfowl hunters in the area. Speldrich also completed reports for investigations and attended the quarterly MCOA meeting in St. Paul. He worked with a local game farm operator who had an escaped red deer at large. The animal was dispatched.

CO Chad Sherack (Pequot Lakes) checked waterfowl hunters, archery hunters, and late season anglers. Officer Sherack also took time following up on TIP calls and baiting complaints. Officer Sherack also took enforcement action for no license in possession, no HIP certification, and failure to display ATV registration.

CO Randy Posner (Brainerd) focused on hunting and fishing related enforcement issues. Angler activity and success has slowed, mainly due to the wet cold weather. Archery hunters report that the deer activity has also slowed. Reports from duck and goose hunters indicate that some northern birds are migrating through the area. A complaint of hunters shooting close to a residence was investigated and a complaint of garbage dumping also received some enforcement attention.

District 10 - Mille Lacs area

CO Greg Verkuilen (Garrison) checked small game hunters still dealing with a lot of leaves. A few duck hunters were out also but having generally poor success. Verkuilen also checked a few anglers, worked shining enforcement, and assisted with finding three lost hunters.

CO Mike Lee (Isle) completed fall equipment maintenance and started on equipment storage. Officer Lee also completed equipment inspections along with storage buildings being inspected as well. Officer assisted with a shining detail with fellow neighboring officers. Enforcement action was taken for failing to drain live well, and operate ATV on public highway.

CO Scott Fitzgerald (Malmo) reports working on a TIP complaint of an individual taking deer illegally. The Malmo Officer also was interviewed on “Bear Facts and Fish Tails” radio show about new laws and the upcoming deer season. Waterfowl hunters were also checked throughout the week with a few getting a mixed bag of birds. Shining activity was also monitored. The Malmo Officer and Wealthwood Officer assisted Aitkin County Sheriff’s Office in locating three hunters lost in the Wealthwood State Forest. A complaint of someone setting traps early was also investigated. Questions regarding the upcoming deer season were answered throughout the week.

CO Dustie Heaton (Willow River) followed up on wetland investigations, baiting complaints, attended Emerald Ash Borer training and worked a shining detail.

CO Dan Perron (Onamia) took calls about the upcoming deer and ongoing duck seasons. He found duck hunters on Onamia Lake have been doing well. He performed maintenance on equipment and got boats ready for winter storage (early winter?). He worked a shinning detail and checked problem areas from years past. He also followed up on baiting complaints where corn was piled under stands but no one showed up to hunt the stands.

CO Bret Grundmeier (Hinckley) provided training on recreational vehicle laws to deputies from the area and gave a presentation at the township officer’s association annual meeting. Complaints of tree stand and game camera theft were taken along with complaints of trespassing. Duck hunters checked reported seeing more northern ducks.

CO Eugene Wynn (Pine City) spent time prepping for an ATV law class during the week. He took calls regarding car-killed deer and answered questions regarding the upcoming deer season. CO Wynn and CO Grundmeier put on a class for the Pine County Sheriff’s Department updating them on current ATV laws. He spent time checking area hunters and assisted in a work detail with CO Grundmeier over the weekend.

CO Luke Croatt (Wealthwood) checked waterfowl and small game hunters. Duck numbers increased slightly and grouse are being seen more that the leaves are falling. Croatt completed inventory and vehicle maintenance during the week. Shining activity was also monitored.

District 11 - Albany area

CO Robert Haberman (Little Falls) investigated several TIP calls involving deer baiting. CO Haberman also investigated several shining calls in the area. Small game hunters had some luck with grouse over the week.

CO Paul Kuske (Pierz) investigated a TIP call, which involved an untagged deer. The deer was found butchered and in the freezer. The archery hunter (who hunts in a lottery area) did not tag or register the deer. When asked why, the hunter said his arthritis was so bad he couldn’t tag the deer and he didn’t register it because he shot it on his own property. In another TIP call investigation of a possible illegal deer, a subsequent search of a residence did not result in finding a deer, but approximately 50 bicycles. The residence owner had picked them up at an estate sale and offered a free bike to the two investigating COs. The generous offer was refused. Hunters are finding practically no ducks in the area. Pheasant hunters are having equally poor success. CO Kuske assisted the Morrison County SO with a call where a potentially vulnerable adult took off into the woods after dark. The person showed up the next morning, at home, in good condition. CO Kuske participated in two deer shining work details, as shining complaints continue to be reported throughout the area.

CO Keith Bertram (Sauk Centre) spent the week checking anglers and hunters. Pheasant and duck hunting success remain slow in the area. Enforcement action was taken for license violations and insufficient boat safety equipment. Deer shining complaint areas were also worked.

CO Todd VanderWeyst (Paynesville) reports working on fishing, big game, waterfowl and trapping enforcement. The officer fielded calls regarding injured animals, car-killed animals, and big game violations. Enforcement action was taken for illegal party hunting, lend and borrow. Further action was taken for common fishing and waterfowl violations.

CO Chad Thesing (Albany) spent the week working hunting activity, ATVs, and deer shining complaints. Officer Thesing participated in two deer shining work crews, assisting neighboring officers. Duck and pheasant numbers in the area still seem to be down. Enforcement action for the week included no hunting license in possession, alter cross section of lake, and fail to display ATV registration.

CO Mike Martin (St Cloud) responded to a complaint of two hunters shooting ducks on private property and within a State Refuge. When Officer Martin arrived, he found 10 dead mallards on the pond and his dog, Jeb, found two wounded mallard hens in the cattails. The hunters had left the scene when a car approached. Eight of the twelve dead mallards were hens; the limit for hen mallards is one per hunter. The hunters were located, issued summons for court, and charged restitution for the mallards ($50 for each duck). The hunters said they didn’t know they “had to pick them up” when asked why they left the ducks on the water. An interesting side-note is the hunters had picked up a coot that they had shot earlier in the day. Officer Martin worked deer baiting and deer shining issues, taught a firearms safety class in Sherburne County, and assisted a local police dept. on a traffic stop, during the past week. Officer Martin took a TIP call of a husband and wife who were illegally tagging deer in a lottery area. Enforcement action included lend, borrow, or transfer license; over limit of hen mallard; unplugged gun used to hunt waterfowl; hunt on goose refuge; wanton waste; use lead shot to take waterfowl; and recreational trespassing.

CO Brian Mies (Annandale) checked anglers in Wright County. CO Mies assisted with a shining work crew. CO Mies worked on wetland complaints and TIP calls, along with checking big game hunters.

CO Rhonda Keniston (Long Prairie) participated in shining details. Equipment maintenance was tended to. Few anglers were out and success was poor. Few waterfowl, pheasant, and small game hunters were out. Pheasants and waterfowl were scarce. There appeared to be an increase in archery deer hunters. Follow up monitoring was done on APM cases.
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