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Author Topic: 11/29/09 Report (Dist. 12-17)  (Read 1890 times)

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Offline Woody

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District 12 - St. Cloud area

CO Brandon McGaw (Mora) received several calls before, during and after firearms deer season regarding improper disposal of deer carcasses. Hunters are reminded to dispose of your deer properly either through your local sanitation facility or with permission from a landowner. Roadside ditches, creeks, road overpasses and alleys are not appropriate sites. Bird hunters are taking to the fields but most areas have crops which cannot be harvested due to wet ground and grain-moisture content. Waterfowl hunters are not seeing birds, as northern birds have not pushed into the area. Enforcement action was taken on ATV’s on highway and a wetland violation.

CO Tony Musatov (Sauk Rapids) checked deer and pheasant hunters. Violations were found for hunt deer over bait and muzzleloaders with scopes. Shining complaint areas were also worked.

CO Brian Dobbick (Cambridge) worked area hunters during the opening weekend of muzzleloader deer season. Waterfowl hunters and trappers were also checked. Possible wetland violations were investigated and complaints of dumped deer carcasses continue to be received.

CO David Schottenbauer (Princeton) worked area angling activity. Time was spent working a few baiting complaints as well. CO Schottenbauer checked several duck hunters this past weekend as well; many hunters were forced to bust ice to get to their favorite hunting spots.

CO Rick Reller (Buffalo) checked muzzleloader hunters over opening weekend and found that the numbers of hunters were down and success rate was low. Waterfowl hunters also were not fairing very well. Enforcement action was taken for blaze orange requirements and over limit waterfowl.

CO Todd Langevin (Center City) reports watching two duck hunters hunt past sunset. When the hunters finally came to the access, Officer Langevin asked what was the legal shooting hours for waterfowl. After a long pause, one hunter said, “Half hour before sunset.” When asked when sunset was, the hunter had no idea or a watch. Shooting hours were explained and the hunters were educated. Officer Langevin also ran into many bow hunters not wearing blaze orange during the start of muzzle loader season.

District 13 - West Metro area

CO Kevin Neitzke (Ft. Snelling) worked fishing enforcement. He patrolled Ft. Snelling State Park. CO Neitzke worked the 3B deer season with CO Quandt. They checked deer hunters and did follow-up investigations on possible illegally taken deer.

CO Steve Walter (Waconia) worked the 3-B deer season and the muzzleloader deer opener; quite a few hunters were checked but no deer were observed harvested. Pheasant hunters and waterfowl hunters were checked all week with zero birds in the bag. Telephone calls were still being returned all week on deer regulation questions.

CO Thephong Le (ELCOP) checked deer and duck hunters who took advantage of the holiday weekend and hunted the last weekend of the Metro area 601 and 3B season. He worked with CO Walter on the Muzzleloader Deer Season Opener in the West Metro District. He responded to a call involving illegal squirrel hunting in a Federal refuge and a call about a dead bald eagle. He took enforcement action for no blaze orange during deer firearms season and hunting waterfowl while in possession of toxic shotgun shells. While checking an adult deer hunter’s license, he asked the hunter if his gun was unloaded (the gun was laying on a pick-up-truck tailgate), the hunter said, “Yes.” CO Le then pointed out to the hunter that there was a shell still in the chamber. The hunter picked up the gun and swung its barrel across CO Le before trying to unload it! Please control your firearm’s muzzle.

CO Thor Nelson (Bloomington) spent the week working deer baiting cases. He also received calls regarding animal nuisances and possible poisoning of wildlife. CO Nelson wishes to remind hunters and anglers that a receipt is required when gifting game and fish. The receipt must include the name, address and DNR License # of the hunter/angler giving the gift as well as the date and a description of the gift. Giving a gift of game or fish without a receipt is illegal and it could give the recipient of the gift legal problems as well if they aren't licensed to possess the game or fish involved.

CO Jackie Glaser (Mound) worked the 3B deer season in southeastern MN with CO Kruse. Several citations and warnings were issued for failing to tag deer, untagged deer, and no blaze orange. She also checked duck hunters and worked shining complaint areas in Hennepin County.

CO Adam Block (Prior Lake) spent most of the week focusing on deer hunting activity. Several nuisance animal complaints were received during the week. Violations detected included trespass, blaze orange violations, stamp violations, wanton waste of big game, deer overlimit and hunt deer over baited area. Shotguns and antlers were seized as part of investigations.

CO Vang Lee (ELCOP) worked duck and bow hunters in the metro area. He checked anglers and worked at the Lao Family office answering questions to public on hunting and fishing regulations. He also took calls from hunters who encountered hunting violations.

CO Todd Kanieski (Osseo) focused on waterfowl and deer hunting enforcement efforts. He responded to several hunting complaints and deer baiting activities in the area. He also assisted the Anoka County CO on a trespass case, unauthorized firearm during the muzzleloader season and a baiting investigation.

District 14 - East Metro area

CO Greg Salo (East Metro) followed up on more baiting issues. Several big game cases were wrapped up and maintenance was performed on equipment. CO Salo also met with CO Joyce Kuske and they are in the process of revamping the internship program. Several phone calls were answered regarding the end of the waterfowl season.

CO Tony Salzer (Eagan) patrolled Dakota County for waterfowl and big game activity. Salzer also patrolled for trapping activity and checked big game hunters in Dakota County. He found a hunter who was trespassing on railroad property; enforcement action was taken.

CO Alex Gutierrez (Forest Lake) checked waterfowl hunters in the area having limited success. CO Gutierrez worked the muzzleloader season opener with many hunters seen. The CO assisted area COs with a trespass case which the suspect was found not only trespassing but also using a scope on a muzzleloader with no permit and not wearing blaze orange. CO Gutierrez also tracked down several archery hunters not wearing blaze orange in local wildlife management areas.

CO Vuthy Pril (ELCOP) worked the muzzle loader opener, checked small game hunters, patrolled wildlife management areas, and checked waterfowl hunters. He worked at his Cambodian Center office where he met people and answered their questions about fishing and hunting laws. He also spent some time on equipment maintenance.

CO Patrick McGowan (Hastings) patrolled Washington and Dakota counties for deer hunting activity. Deer hunters were seeing slightly better success with the weather cooling off. CO McGowan also monitored waterfowl hunters and trapping activity.

CO Travis Muyres (Ham Lake) worked the firearm and muzzleloader deer seasons. CO Muyres requested assistance from COs Kanieski and Gutierrez to investigate a complaint of muzzleloader hunters trespassing. CO Muyres located a trespassing muzzleloader hunter dressed in camo. CO Gutierrez was directed to the hunter’s location. CO Muyres observed the hunter remove the scope from his muzzleloader and put on an orange vest. The hunter was subsequently arrested for trespassing, no blaze orange, and muzzleloader hunting with a scope.

CO Lisa Kruse (White Bear Lake) worked the 3B season in southeast Minnesota with CO Glaser for a day. She handled a couple TIP calls and finished up on a couple deer cases. CO Kruse handled a trespassing complaint and worked ATV enforcement in Anoka County.

CO Brad Johnson (Maplewood) is investigating a case where numerous deer parts were dumped illegally at the State Fair grounds. He checked late season waterfowl hunters during the week. CO Johnson also checked the last of the metro firearms deer hunters and opening muzzleloader hunters this past weekend. He received several calls on injured deer.

District 15 - Marshall area

CO Ed Picht (Montevideo) checked the last few goose hunters during the end of the West-Central goose zone. The lack of birds throughout the year proved to be a disappointment for many hunters.

CO Neil Henriksen (Benson) reports enforcement time was sent checking fishermen, hunters and OHV operators. The waterfowl hunting remained poor this past week. Pheasant hunters are finding more birds as the corn is harvested.

CO Matt Loftness (Marshall) reports that pheasant hunters were out in full force during the week and weekend due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Even with most of the fieldwork done, pheasant harvest numbers are down. The muzzleloader opener was busy as well. Complaints of trespass, shooting from a roadway, and other illegal taking violations were received. Assistance was also given with a deer investigation in Renville County. With only a few days left of the waterfowl season and no ducks around most hunters have put away their decoys. Two separate incidents of accidentally trapped otter were investigated.

CO Doug Lage (Lake Benton) reports that violations of not wearing enough blaze orange during the muzzleloader deer season have been a great safety issue. Several warnings issued and safety talks have been frequent. Assisted District 16 with a deer investigation. Muzzleloader deer hunters still finding corn in the field and tough going.

CO Craig Miska (Ortonville) spent time checking deer hunters during the opening weekend of the muzzleloader season, with success among hunters being low. The final week of the waterfowl season was monitored, with duck numbers remaining low.

CO Jim Robinson (Slayton) spent the past week checking hunters and conducting investigations. Muzzleloader Season opened with extremely high hunter numbers and fair success. Pheasant hunters were out in full force as well. Their success seemed very limited. Enforcement action was taken for hunt deer with shotgun, shoot from roadway, trespass, no blaze orange, and license/stamp/registration violations.

CO Gary Nordseth (Worthington) checked pheasant hunters and muzzleloader deer hunters. The officer took enforcement action on several gross misdemeanor shining violations, which resulted in firearms being confiscated. The officer also investigated reports of deer baiting and trespassing. Pheasant hunting continues to improve.

Madison - vacant.

Redwood Falls - vacant.

District 16 - New Ulm area

CO Jim Steffen (Willmar) spent the week checking anglers, pheasant, archery, and waterfowl hunters. Time was also spent following up on big game violation investigations and conducting interviews. Pheasant hunting has been improving with the corn coming out of the fields.

CO Brett Oberg (Hutchinson) spent the week following up on deer cases from the firearms season. Time was also spent checking pheasant hunters and anglers going after walleye. also He also worked complaints on the Luce Line Trail.

CO Jeff Denz (Willmar) continued to follow up on multiple deer cases involving illegal party hunting. He worked the muzzleloader season and continued to check anglers, pheasant hunters and trappers. He received many calls requesting clarification on the muzzleloader law changes.

CO Eric Schettler (Fairmont) spent the opener of muzzleloader deer hunting checking few hunters. Small game and pheasant hunting activity continues to be strong. Night raccoon hunting is especially high. Angling activity is slow. Trespassing complaints are also still common regarding small game hunting activity.

CO Wayne Hatlestad (Litchfield) checked archery and muzzleloader deer hunting activity. Additional time was spent following up on cases from the firearms deer season. Hatlestad also checked waterfowl and pheasant hunting activity, as well as trapping activity.

CO Greg Abraham (New Ulm) worked waterfowl hunters, trappers, and walleye anglers. Officer Abraham encountered very large group’s party hunting for the muzzleloader opener and very few individual hunters. Public hunting areas were full of pheasant hunters making it look like opening day. Officer Abraham also is continuing to work on big game violation investigations with neighboring officers.

CO Mike Gruhlke (Jackson) continued to work deer, pheasant, waterfowl and trapping seasons. He continues to follow up on information being provided concerning the regular firearms season and has responded to illegal dumping of deer carcasses and wanton waste issues. Enforcement action was taken on camping on a public access and insufficient blaze orange during the muzzleloader season.

CO Angela Graham (Hutchinson) worked deer, and small game hunters, trappers, and ATVs. Angling success has picked up on local lakes. Enforcement action and calls where taken on trespassing, no blaze orange, bear sighting, no license in possession, and unplugged gun.

Windom - vacant.

District 17 - Albert Lea area

CO Corey Wiebusch (Mankato) found checked several hunters this past week. Muzzleloader season was fairly uneventful with very few deer seen. The officer continues to receive several trapping and trespassing complaints. Fall river fishing is improving.

CO Bob Geving (Mankato) conducted follow up on trapping complaints and deer registration issues. He also assisted with transporting DNR aircraft to maintenance facilities. Geving worked small game hunting activities. Enforcement actions included unsigned license and license not in possession.

CO Tom Hutchins (Albert Lea) reports spending part of last week working the 3B deer season. Landowner complaints regarding trespass and hunting from the roadway were received. Time was also spent checking pheasant hunters, goose hunters, trappers, and anglers. Muzzleloader hunters were also checked. Violations included various deer hunting violations, no blaze orange, and no small game license.

CO Chris Howe (St. Peter) worked small game, waterfowl, and muzzle loading activity. Pheasant hunting activity was moderate, duck hunting remains slow, lots of geese are moving in the area. Muzzleloader activity seemed much lighter than in years past. Howe spoke on Laws and Ethics to a snowmobile safety class.

CO Phil George (Mantorville) checked deer hunters during the end of the 3B season and took complaints of hunters hunting around combines, trespass, and hunting over baited stands. Checked a few shore anglers as well. Located a hunter on the opening of the muzzle loader season hunting over bait with a muzzleloader and the suspect’s juvenile brother hunting over another bait pile along the same river. He located a large buck that had been caped and discarded in the ditch 2 miles east of the Claremont Refuge. The buck was shot and discarded sometime between November 28th and the morning of the 29th. Anyone with information should the Turn In Poachers line at 800-652-9093.

CO Julie Siems (Faribault) reports working mostly deer hunting enforcement. Angling activity is also picking up. Violations include no angling license, hunt deer over bait, insufficient blaze orange during the deer season, and burn prohibited materials.

CO Brent Ihnen (Waseca) spent the week checking deer, pheasant and waterfowl hunters, as well as fishermen and ATV operators. Time was also spent concluding several investigations from the firearms deer season resulting in a multitude of violations.

Spring Valley - vacant.
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. ~Thomas Jefferson

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