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Author Topic: 12/13/09 Report (Dist. 1-5)  (Read 1858 times)

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Offline Woody

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District 1 - Baudette area

CO Larry Milbridge (Warroad) noted that anglers are inching out onto Lake of the Woods. Extreme cold is making good ice fast. Most muzzleloader hunters are done for the year. Calls were handled regarding fur registration, nuisance animals, and ice thickness. Equipment issues were also addressed.

CO Jeremy Woinarowicz (Thief River Falls) monitored ice conditions and checked local anglers on the Red Lake River. Success was moderate during the bitter cold temperatures. Equipment maintenance was conducted and predator hunters were checked.

CO Angie Warren (Thief River Falls) monitored muzzleloader hunting activity with hunters commenting on mediocre success. Area WMAs were patrolled and snowmobile activity was monitored. CO Warren followed up on a call of dogs chasing deer.

CO Keith Backer (Blackduck) checked muzzleloader hunting activity and archery hunting activity. The cold weather kept hunting activity slow. Trapping activity was monitored as well as late season grouse hunters. Small fish houses are beginning to show up on area lakes.

CO Brice Vollbrecht (Blackduck) assisted the DNR Wildlife Office in Bemidji with fur registration day. The amount of furs registered appeared to be down from last year. CO Vollbrecht checked fishing activity on Upper Red Lake. Anglers are now reporting around 8 inches of ice and the first permanent fish houses were observed on the lake. Ice conditions are still spotty, use caution when traveling on the ice. ATV activity was also monitored during the week. Enforcement activity for the week included angle without license in possession, fail to display ATV registration, and no identification on shelter.

CO Robert Gorecki (Baudette) monitored fishing and snowmobiling activity throughout the week. Ice conditions on Lake of the Woods have greatly improved with most anglers reporting more than 9+ inches in front of Morris Point and Pine Island. Fishing has been excellent with many anglers catching more than 30+ fish per day. CO Gorecki attended a Lake of the Woods Fisheries Technical Meeting. Enforcement action taken during the week included fishing violations.

Karlstad - vacant.

Warroad #2 - vacant.

District 2 - Bemidji area

CO Stuart Bensen (Erskine) reports a few shelters on area lakes. Ice conditions vary and caution is urged. The muzzleloader deer season ended, and the harvest appears to be low. The officer participated in a radio interview and newspaper interview regarding outdoor topics, outdoor safety, and albino/piebald deer.

CO Dan Malinowski (Fosston) checked anglers, spearers, and muzzleloader deer hunters. Shelters are being moved onto the ice. A wanton waste case was completed, and an investigation started on a shooting of a coon/bobcat hunting dog. The officer also assisted other law enforcement officers with a disruptive person at a hospital emergency room.

CO Tim Gray (Bagley) checked muzzleloader deer hunters, anglers, and trappers. The officer assisted DNR Wildlife with registering fur.

CO Stacey Sharp (Bemidji) reports 6-9 inches of ice on area lakes. Anglers are taking a few walleyes and panfish. The muzzleloader deer season ended quietly. Several complaints from the firearms deer season are still under investigation.

CO Chris Vinton (Perham) reports a steady stream of anglers heading to the frozen lakes. Ice thickness varies and many areas report 4-11 inches. Shelter owners are reminded that identification is required on all shelters; either name/address, driver license number, or DNR number. A shelter license is required for all shelters left on the ice over night unattended. Violations detected included no shelter identification, no angling license, no license in possession, and fail to register fisher by deadline.

CO Phil Seefeldt (Moorhead) monitored angling activity. Most angling activity involved portable shelters and foot traffic. Some ATVs were observed on the ice. Ice thickness varies but averages 5-8 inches. Anglers found some crappies and sunfish, with a few walleyes. The muzzleloader deer season ended with few deer taken. The officer spoke to a Snowmobile Safety Class in Barnsville about laws, safety, and riding ethics. The officer also participated in a radio interview about ice safety.

CO Joe Stattelman (Detroit Lakes) continues to investigate complaints from the firearm deer season. Several investigations were closed and charges pending. Hunting and angling activity was monitored. Ice thickness varies and people venturing onto the ice should be careful. The officer attended a Use of Force instructors meeting, spoke with a television station reporter about ice safety, and spoke to a Snowmobile Safety Class in Wolf Lake about laws, safety, and riding ethics.

CO Al Peterson (Osage) checked anglers and fishing shelters. Ice thicknesses vary from an inch to six inches or more. A request for a car-kill deer possession permit resulted in an investigation into a freshly shot deer. The investigation continues.

CO Gary Forsberg (Pelican Rapids) reports improving ice conditions on area lakes. Many areas have 4-8 inches of ice, but there is still open water in the area. Angler success was spotty. Pheasant, goose, and deer hunters were checked. Trespass complaints and a report of a lost hunter were responded to.

District 3 - Fergus Falls area

CO Troy Richards (Fergus Falls) monitored late season goose hunting, angling, and deer hunting activity. Goose hunters are having success in the Fergus Falls area. Ice conditions vary from lake to lake, and some open water remains. Anglers were busy over the weekend.

CO Tricia Plautz (Henning) checked anglers and muzzleloader deer hunters. Many shelters are being put on the lakes. Ice conditions are pretty good, but be careful. Shelter owners are reminded that identification is needed on all shelters. That’s name and address, driver license number, or DNR number. A wanton waste case is under investigation, some careless anglers left fish on the ice.

CO Paul Nelson (Elbow Lake) spoke to a Snowmobile Safety Class in Ashby regarding laws, safety, and riding ethics. Anglers were checked and shelter movement/placement monitored. Ice conditions vary from 2-10 inches.

CO Shane Osborne (Evansville) checked anglers, snowmobilers, small game hunters, and muzzleloader deer hunters. The officer participated in an ice safety interview with a television station from Alexandria. Complaints of injured animals, trespass, trapping, and shooting from the roadway were investigated.

CO Jeff Johanson (Osakis) monitored muzzleloader deer hunting activity and responded to complaints. In one incident, the officer assisted CO Bertram with a hunter that trespassed and shot a doe in a lottery area. In another incident, two hunters were trespassing and transporting an untagged deer. Anglers, ATVers, trappers, pheasant hunters, and archery deer hunters were also checked. The officer spoke to a Snowmobile Safety Class in Osakis about laws, safety, and riding ethics.

CO Daniel Baumbarger (Wheaton) checked anglers venturing onto the icy lakes and rivers. Success is limited, and the ice thickness varies greatly, so be careful. Pheasant, muzzleloader deer, and archery deer hunters were checked. Enforcement action was taken for shooting from the road, transport loaded firearm in motor vehicle, no license in possession, no blaze orange clothing, and possess small amount of marijuana.

CO Tony Anderson (Morris) reports a quiet end to the muzzleloader deer season. Pheasant hunting activity was slow, probably due to the cold temperatures. Angler activity increased greatly over the weekend. Many shelters were placed on the ice. Shelters are reminded that identification is required on all shelters placed on the ice. Late season goose hunters had a poor weekend. The officer participated in a radio interview regarding ice safety and Snowmobile Safety Training.

CO Kurt Nelson (Glenwood) checked anglers, deer hunters, and pheasant hunters. The hunting activity was below average, possibly due to the cold temperatures. Many anglers are taking to the ice. Ice thickness varies but is generally 6-8 inches. A Cease & Desist Order was issued where a road was being built through a wetland.

District 4 - Wadena area

CO Paul Parthun (Lake George) met with a prosecutor, responded to car-killed deer, and answered questions regarding foxhunting, ATV and snowmobile operation. Officer Parthun addressed issues related to the Paul Bunyan State Trail and took care of several equipment issues. Muzzleloader hunters reported seeing few deer. Ice shelters and anglers are beginning to show on area lakes. Enforcement action was taken for no reflective material on ice shelters and no license in possession.

CO Sam Hunter (Park Rapids) checked deer hunters, trappers, and fishermen. She reports that ice conditions are looking better, with up to 8 inches of ice on some smaller lakes in the area.

CO Greg Oldakowski (Wadena) checked ice anglers around the area. Ice conditions are generally good, but anglers should proceed with caution. A few muzzleloader hunters were still out. Officer Oldakowski also taught two snowmobile safety classes and seized an accidentally taken fisher.

CO Gary Sommers’ (Walker) primary enforcement efforts this past week focused on big game hunting activity and early ice fishing. In addition, he assisted with a youth snowmobile safety class in Walker.

CO Mark Mathy (Cass Lake) checked anglers and recreational vehicles used to access those angling locations. Ice has developed quickly on area lakes due to very cold temperatures. Enforcement action was taken for angling and ATV violations.

CO Duke Broughten (Longville) continued to monitor trapping and muzzleloader deer hunting activity where success was limited. CO Broughten observed a few anglers on the ice but fishermen are still advised to check the ice conditions before venturing out. Small lakes in the area are reported to have 3 to 5 inches of ice but conditions vary from lake to lake. He also responded to an injured swan and completed equipment maintenance and winterization. Enforcement action included no small game license in possession and trespass.

CO Jeff Halverson (Staples) worked muzzleloader hunters and early ice fishermen. Officer Halverson delivered an injured eagle to Non-Game Wildlife and registered fur with local trappers. He also spoke at the Staples Lions Club meeting about the 2009 deer season.

CO Colleen Adam (OHV Recreation Officer Park Rapids) worked the end of a slow muzzleloader deer season. She reports that some anxious ice anglers are getting out onto the ice by foot and on some lakes with ATVs. Officer Adam conducted additional investigation on potential big game violations from this fall.

District 5 - Eveleth area

CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls) attended two weeks US Coast Guard, MPOC Instructor Course in Charleston, SC. Several trapping and muzzleloader questions were handled via phone also during the last two weeks.

CO Lloyd Steen (Ray/Kabetogama) checked northern spearing on Lake Kabetogama. Several days of 21 below zero have made ice thickness from 6 to 10 inches in most bays. Fifty spear houses were checked on the weekend and several northerns observed in the teens, but most were complaining of the lack of numbers of fish.

CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports monitoring angling activities on area lakes, ice thickness varies across the station - some angling taking place for those willing to venture onto ice. Rabbit hunting activities were checked for, no hunters observed. Snowshoe hares were common sights over the week. CO Fondie coordinated equipment return with neighboring officer. CO Fondie met with radio techs on equipment issues.

CO Dan Starr (Tower) worked on the two special muzzleloading seasons that are in full swing. Shooting too close to occupied residence issues came up. Fur registration was worked with numbers of fisher found to be down. The ice was found to be thick enough for ATVs, but fishing success was found to be slow. A snowmobile safety class spoken to, with the field/driving portion attended as well. A local cross-country ski trail was found to have ATV’s running around on it; investigation is currently pending.

CO Don Bozovsky (Hibbing) worked trappers, muzzleloader deer hunters, investigated a litter case, received reports of trap tampering and theft, and salvaged a road-killed deer. Fisher, marten, bobcat and otter were registered with the area DNR Wildlife Manager, but trappers did not do too well as registered furs were down from recent years. An accidentally snared gray wolf incident was investigated. Anglers were beginning to set up fish houses and venture onto the ice, however some were pushing their luck with ATV’s on the ice on less than 4 inches of ice. Enforcement action was taken on trapping without a license.

CO Matt Frericks (Virginia) assisted instructors during the riding portion of a Snowmobile Safety Class. Over 40 students received their certification. Colder temps brought thicker ice and the first ice fishermen on to the ice with limited success. People spearing from dark houses were also observed out on the ice. It seems that the dark house spearers enjoyed a little more success. Some issues from deer season were wrapped up and fur registration was attended.

CO Mark Fredin (Aurora) assisted DNR Wildlife with fisher/marten fur tagging day.

I. Falls # 2 - vacant.
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