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Author Topic: Virginia-Area Trip Planning Help  (Read 2147 times)

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Offline joshdude

  • Posts: 1
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Hi Minnesotans.

Registered here seeking help in planning a trip, because admittedly I have no clue of anything outside of the metro area, cloud, and GW State Forest.

Here's the deal: My friend and I (and two lovely ladies - oh we're all in our early 20's I should add since that adds to the excitement) have rented a villa at Giants Ridge (Virginia, specifically Biwabik) for four days. We're outdoorsy (as are the women), and we know that going way up there yields a lot of things to do outside. We all want to go canoeing, kayaking, fishing, whitewater rafting, maybe even rent a boat. But we're stuck in the process of planning it all, since none of us have a canoe, kayak, or a raft. It'd be great if we had the ability to splurge and go to Gander and outright buy everything we want to do, but I'm sure (hoping, really), that there are some places to rent said things way up 'dere in the sticks.

So what I'm basically asking is where should we go, what should we do, and how do we make this worthwhile (besides bringing the ladies, of course).

Thanks dudes,


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Sorry I just saw this post.  If you still need help let me know. I might be able to give you some helpful information.  I just returned from Giants ridge.  It is a fantastic area and you will not run out of things to do.  Have a great time.
Pai Mei tells the Godfather when it's time to tell Wayne  to pimp slap Eastwood.