I think you are trying to describe the old Truman-Kennedy Democrat... too bad they are few in numbers now-a-days. ?Too many 'urban liberals' running under the DFL ticket for my liking. ?They are so far out there in lefty land that I can't even begin to stomach what platforms they are running on. ?Look at all the dolt's that make up the MPLS and Henn. county seats.
I agree Bush is not a great representative of the GOP... He spends money faster than they can print it. ?I don't agree with many of the decisions he's made of late, but to tie all Republicans into the same fold is not fair to each candidate. ?I'm sure there are many outstate DFL'rs who are fine candidates, but trying to swallow the BS the big city Dems try and fork down our throats is a tough pill to swallow..
I personally think Pawlenty's done a fine job with the State, considering what was handed to him when dip-sh*t left office. ?
This should be a wake-up call for all of us that have retirement coming in the second half of our lives. ?Save up for retirement. ?S-S was never since day 1 of being created , suppose to be a plan to be the sole means for you to get by your retired life on. ?Yet many to this day expect it to and complain they can't get by on their social security. ?As our population ages (and is able to live much longer) ?seniors will cost us more money. ?That's a fact. ?That is a huge burden on those that work. ?The programs that we've set in place were developed in eras when the average age at death was 15-20 years younger than it is now, but are still suppose to be funded to the same levels to pay out the additional 15-20 years of a senior's retirement... that is a big pill to swallow when the retired 'boomers' will outnumber the workers in another decade. ? But in order to keep a 'job' in politics, they will keep funding them by raising taxes till the cows come home. ? I think we owe all seniors their Social security and Medi-care... but a decision has to be made by them if the programs don't cover the cost, are they willing to pay for it. ?My wife and I deal with this dilema dialy with our disabled son. ?We get rejected all the time for medical needs and procedures by our insurance... we just have to decide from there what we will and won't pay for.
We plain and simple have beome a much too dependent society. ?We all want 'Big Brother' to take care of everything from cradle to grave... I, for one, refuse to buy into it and will do my best to vote against it each and every election. ?We owe some standard of living to every member of our society that cannot make it on their own, but I don't think that standard should be equal across the board. ? Free health care is one of those areas that needs to be addressed. ?There is no such thing as 'free'. ?The amount of health care you recieve for 'free' should not equal what I pay a couple of thousand dollars a month for. ?Welfare is another one that needs to go through a lot more restructuring. ?Help, when needed should be available, but help is just that... HELP. ?It's not a permanent option, it's not a way for you to become dependant. ?This is from a guy who was 13 when his Dad died at 39 and his family needed help. ?We got by on next to nothing... I hated every minute of it. ?We didn't eat the best meals and we didn't have great clothes and we ate reduced priced hot-lunch at school etc, etc. ?We took very little help, but the help we got, we used and it got us by. ?Guess what, I made it a point to get a job at 14 so I wouldn't have to live like that forever and have never looked back. ?I look at all these inner-city (worked there for a couple years) folks who sit around without jobs and b*tch because they aren't getting enough money from the govt. and sit in the hospital emergency rooms because their kid has a cold and they don't need to pay the bill, and get debit cards for food stamps and welfare and blah blah blah. ?Am I angry? ?For all I see wasted everyday... Yep. ? This is an already very charitable country, yet we get back little from those who benefit most from this charity. ?For this I will always vote for the candidate who at least claims they will try and change the system... not continue to expand it.
Good Luck!