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Author Topic: Walleyes & Crappies  (Read 2921 times)

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Offline Jeremy (Yeti)

  • Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 40
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Just wanted to see how everyone was doing?  I was out this past weekend on Lida and didn't do awesome but caught 3 eyes (17", 18" & 15").  Caught two of them on a gold cubby dartar and one of them on a white and green jig.  Anyone know of any lakes that are producing good numbers on crappies?
There's nothing like a day in the stand.

Offline pickelfarmer

  • Xtreme Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 119
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I sure haven't seen much for walleye action as of late. I really havn't been fishing them either. Reports I have been getting from others in the area are all pretty dismal. Winter duldrums I guess.
How was the travel out on Lida when you were out there? I drove down to the access last week but didn't dare chance driving out there. Looked like a big slush hole just out from the access?!?
Where did I catch all these fish you ask??? right in the lip....


  • Master Outdoorsman
  • Posts: 1429
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I have heard fishing has been pretty slow up there as well - not producing the same numbers as the previous years, but thats how its been alot of areas of the state, not just the DL area.

Nice to see you were able to catch some walleyes on Lida.   :fishing2: