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Author Topic: Upper Red Lake Flooding  (Read 5227 times)

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Offline Moline Gang

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My parents were up at the cabin this past holiday weekend and the water levels are way up around URL.

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« Last Edit: June 06/02/11, 06:27:48 AM by Moline Gang »
Upper Red Lake deer camp

Offline Moline Gang

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Here are a few more I found posted on another site.

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Upper Red Lake deer camp

Offline Outdoors Junkie

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I heard it is the highest the water has ever been.
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Offline Big D

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I heard it is the highest the water has ever been.

Highest we've ever seen it in Waskish!
As they say in Alaska...."It's not Waskish, but the next best thing!" :)

Offline cookie

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The high wind and high water has done quite a bit of shoreline damage, With miles apon miles of shoreline lost forever. But on a good note every piece of litter is now intangled in reeds on shore. Every golf ball I ever hit into the water is now somwhere on shore. Uncle Loyde and his crew staying at westwind ask me where all the golf balls came from. I have never  thought of them as liter as there to fun to hit into the lake. Some how the water movement has sent many, many golf balls that way. I can not hit them a 1/4 mile.And do not hit them that way.
Beach combing is on my list today and I will alos bring a bucket for liter but I expect that will be full in no time. Westwinds shoreline is littered with reeds,sand and litter.They have been busting butt cleaning it all up. I can not imagine how much sand has gotten deposited on shore. I did not have anythying to slow the water down from sloshing back and fourth so I did not get a nice sand beach while Henry got a nice little beach, Uncle Pete had installed tires down along there shoreline year ago.
Anyone interested in beach combing should bring a bucket for litter. A walk along the eastern shorline and who knows what you will find ,Loyde's nephew had found a half dozen lures as of yesterday.
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake

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Water here on red lake is still to high.. My shoreline is just a big mud pit when the water drains and I do not expect it to dry out at all this summer. Oh well mother nature and the army corps working together.
 There has been mixed reports on the fishing with some locals saying there catching fish and others not so well. last time I caught anything was 4 walleyes one keeper and one small pike casting a small bulldog. grand kids were up for two weeks so it was lots of swimming and tubing. None seemed to want to go fishing. I guess I could of twisted there arms. We sure had fun with water baloons and I interduced them to pea shooters.
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake