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Author Topic: Ely area lake temps drop/fishing slows last week  (Read 1510 times)

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Offline greatoutdoors

  • Master Outdoorsman
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Colder weather and eternal northeast winds have dropped the water temps on lakes in the Ely area.
Male smallies were moving onto their beds last week, waiting for the non existant females, and colder water has even pushed the males into deeper water.
Fishing has slowed, with fish biting very lightly.  The weather for the next week to 10 days looks to be very warm which will help things along.
It may be too late for bass to spawn on many lakes this year.  Burntside had 60-61 degree surface temps at 5 tonight.  Two days ago it was 62 degrees surface, and the same down to 12 FOW.  It dropped to 61 degrees at 13 FOW and I didn't try any deeper.  These temps were taken in the middle of the lake.
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