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Author Topic: stupid tv people  (Read 1621 times)

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Offline dakids

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I think I just watched the dumbest thing I have ever seen on TV.  A winner from "top shot" just did a little 2 min segment on patterning your shotgun.  He said to go to a junk yard and get yourself a piece of 1/4 inch plate steel and shoot it with your shotgut.  After your shot you can just repaint it with paint and use it again.  How did this guy live so long?

What is the dumbest thing you have ever seen on a TV show?
Anything that is free is worth saving up for.

Offline lentz

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Some one was practically yelling at the cameras and had on LOuD hunting gear and pulled back on a coyote and it ran off

Then 2 does come out in the field still talking loud he was complaning why the deer didant come by him (they just walked acrosse the field like a normal deer)

Another one is the girl shot a buck with a spine it didant show her draw back but saw the arrow hit the deer she had 2 arrows in the quiver and 1 on the rest when it showed her talking in the stand she had 3 arrows in her quiver and one in the deer makes you think rite?
« Last Edit: August 08/27/12, 11:51:09 AM by lentz »

Offline bweyer

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The "Pro" fisherman I saw deer hunting. You could see the deer running along the high fence.