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Author Topic: cookies upper red lake report from the shores of upper red lake  (Read 276597 times)

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Online LPS

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Unfortunately we vote for the lesser of two evils.  Some people keep voting the wackos right back in every time.

Offline markn

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I got the same line of BS from a few of OUR state senators from the Duluth and Rochester areas last year when I emailed them and told them I thought they shouldn't pass anymore gun control laws. Pretty much "you're not a constituent so pack sand up your _ss." Cute. :angry2:

Keep digging everyone. There's a bill outlawing lead EVERYTHING in St. Paul now. Bullets, shotgun shot and sinkers. :angry2:

Offline cookie

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I will start with a fishing report since I know someone that went fishing on friday and what thy caught. Jonny boy escorted Darrin, big tony and 2 young ones Mason and Major. Tony did bring the cheatmaster 3000 fish catching machine. Most say you still have to get them to bite. The area they fished; I think someone with upper red lake knowledge could have found them without the machine. Jonny boy shared a video of them catching the ever-elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. It looked pretty exciting for all involved. It sure set off many memories of landing on the motherlode. Upper red lake has given who knows how many fisher people the best fishing of their life. I'm not kidding either. Let's hear some stories! on the facebook pages. Back in the 80s we were here visiting grama Olga enjoying our time here eating, fishing, swimming, The hammer, I and my good friend the Greek.  "Grama gave him that nickname because he gave her some some greek seasoning salt ! She also gave me my nickname Cookie when I was just a baby. Anyway back to the fishing story we were trolling spinners because that was the best way. The hammer and greek were catching left and right I could not get a bite. After they had caught many fish, I finally had the big one. It was fighting so good. as we scooped it up, I caught a rock with a little hole in it the hook had gone right in it.
 The next day was quite the opposite as I had the hot hand as they both struggled to catch a fish. It might not have been the best fishing that weekend, but it is one of a million stories to remember and share.
 I've caught my biggest crappie here, the hammer has caught her biggest who knows how many others have? I have caught my biggest pike here as well as the hammer. She has also caught here biggest walleye her on a grand lake that owes us nothing.
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake

Online LPS

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Offline Outdoors Junkie

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So this will be more about asking for everyone's support. If you have not heard the red lake nation has taken steps federal and state to acquire all of red lake and a 1 mile buffer zone around the lake. They would take big bog state park, the boat ramp access Plus the red lake state forest. I beleave there top priority is getting control of the lake. This has put a emotional toll on all it effects. Our best bet is to start asap e- mailing or calling  as many of the state senators and reps from your districts and others districts as well. If they were rewarded a mile around the lake we would lose our home, business, and waskish would basically be gone. There would be no access to the lake .
 This is a small community. This effects every hunter,fishermen,and visitor to the area.
 My great grandpa Norman came here in 1909 and homesteaded here. my grandmother Olga was born and raised here. She lived her entire life here 92 years. She raised 3 children here. My dad John was going home to bemidji from waskish when he was tragically killed in a car accident. He was only 38 years old. This winter we had our great grandson here to make it 7th generation. This is Mary K Kunesh 39 dfl. Anyone in here district needs to call and or email her. even if you are not in her district call or email to oppose the land back bill 651 296 4334. This is 34 dfl John a Hoffman 651 296 4154 Grant Hauschild 03 dfl 651 296 1789 all the support we can get would greatly be appreciated.

For those of you on Facebook, there is a Facebook group named "Opposition To Upper Red Lake Proposed Bill HF4780 & SF5080". I encourage you to search for the group and join it. There is lots of information being shared. My family has had a cabin in Waskish for over 60 years. My grandparents, parents, aunt, and sister all own cabins. My parents and I also own 40 acres in Pine Island State Forest. This impacts many more people than us. We need to fight this crazy land grab! You can find the petition that is gathering signatures who oppose this. Please sign the petition the post and link should be pinned at the top of the comments in the Facebook group. Or here is a direct link: Thanks!
« Last Edit: March 03/25/24, 02:56:01 PM by Outdoors Junkie »
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Online Gunner55

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 Me too & donated to the circulation of the petition.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline KEN W

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  • "Conservative on some things...Liberal on others."
Conservative on some things.....Liberal on others.....Sane most of the time.

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Online Jerkbiat

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Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline cookie

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Well, a little good news. Writing our senators and reps has paid off for now. The bills have been tabled which means they suspend
consideration of a bill indefinitely. That sounds like it could be presented again but not this year. I feel we still need to keep a eye on what the federal level is doing. We all need to keep letting Amy Klobuchar Also Tina Smith. let them know how we feel.
 We encourage all to join
 This news from the beginning upset quite a few people.  I know it was always burning on my mind. It also has made me think about all the times I've been here starting in 1966. My mom left our step farther Carl and we came up here from Colorado in a 1956 lite purple Cadillac. We left when he was not around, so he had no idea where we had gone. We arrived here sometime in the early summer. Every day we could we were playing in the lake it was so much fun on the real windy days. We would run full speed into the water tell it made us fall down. I hate to say I'm too old for that now. We also had our uncle Pete and aunt Bertha next door. I do not know how but we were all small enough to crawl through the culverts in the ditch.  My real dad came up at some point, so he was able to take me fishing. I would get seasick and crawl up in the bow of the boat. Sometimes I would throw up chumming in the water. My dad encouraged me to keep pucking as it helped the bite. We also got to meet our cousin Stan. He was maybe 12 13 years old. For some reason he took me, my sister and another kid fishing. At some point we ran out of gas way out in the middle of the lake. So we were trying to ore back as a storm was coming. We were getting pushed around in the waves and lost one of the ores.  We had no clue we were in any danger. At some point we lost the other ore. Then after a while one of the ores came next to the boat. We were laughing throwing minnows at each other splashing each other. That's probably how we lost the oars. Then what seemed out of nowhere a big boat pulled up and rescued us. We did not even know we needed to be rescued. When we got back here, we wanted to go down and play in the big waves. It was a firm no. That was 58 years ago.
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake

Online Jerkbiat

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Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline cookie

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thanks for all the support. This land back movement needs to be figured out its happing all over the united states. The redlake nation should be proud they were able to stay. Some other tribes got taken to Oaklahoma, Forida. Others got completely wiped out.
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake

Online LPS

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Online Jerkbiat

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Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline Leech~~

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Some folks just aren't seeing all these crazy move are being done by Dem's to keep them in power.
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Online LPS

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Not all Dems, just the two that quickly did it without any discussion.  Blindsided them all both parties. 

Online Gunner55

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Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Leech~~

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Top priority for MTG & her buddies.............. :doah:
You mean like renaming schools, Lakes, parks, sports teams, food product boxes, streets, roads and giving away 1000's of acres of public land.   They will never rename the Air port to Trump, it's a joke.   :bonk:
Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Online Gunner55

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Some folks just aren't seeing all these crazy move are being done by Dem's to keep them in power.
:scratch: So obviously, you think 1 party might knowingly do something that would help the other party gain control? :doah:
« Last Edit: April 04/10/24, 09:25:01 PM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline Leech~~

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Some folks just aren't seeing all these crazy move are being done by Dem's to keep them in power.
:scratch: So obviously, you think 1 party might knowingly do something that would help the other party gain control? :doah:
No I'm just sharing facts that have already happened by one party, to rumors that may happen by another. 

Tampons in boys school restrooms, giving 1000 of acers of public land away, calling Easter the day of Trans visibility, man in womans sports, man using girls lockrooms and restrooms, open borders, on and on and on.................................. are all from one party and for why?  To get hard working middle class Americans votes? 

Cooking over a open fire is all fun and games until someone losses a wiener!

Offline Coffee118

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if you kick me when I'm down you better pray I don't get up.

Online Jerkbiat

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Leech is a 100% correct  I have been saying it for a long time now. The DFL has been taking over by the left. They are no longer the working mans party. There are very few moderates anymore. Just look at where all this crazy stuff comes from and gets passed  just start at the state level and look at all the crazy stuff they have passed with their trifecta. You all  talked about being taxed on SS. The Rs pushed to eliminate it last year and the Ds said no as they spent a 19 billion surplus. Now they are saying we will be in a deficit in the next couple of years. All this woke garbage they push is all the Ds. Just observe what policies they are constantly pushing. All the green garbage. Making everyone get EVs that most don't want. On and on. Yes, the are some extreme in the Rs to. That I get. All I am saying is just really look at what the Ds are pushing. It is not good for us.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Online Gunner55

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At least you admit that there's radicals on the right too, JB. But I'm sure it's not very many in St Paul & I agree much of the DEI stuff has gone too far. Just to be clear here................I did sign the petition against giving the tribe URL.................& I think I even gave 'em a few $ to help circulate it too. But I'm not going to even start on all the :bs: that MTG & the Crazy 8 has done in DC. :doah:
« Last Edit: April 04/11/24, 06:56:45 AM by Gunner55 »
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Online Jerkbiat

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Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline cookie

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wow been 5 months since i posted anything. The fishing this summer has been bad, good, great, so so.  I think I only got skunked twice. We did find a few elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies but not what we expected. Although some fishermen with the cheatmaster 3,000 did get on to them. I believe Alabama is trying to make them illegal. The guys using them Ice fishing have dialed them in pretty good.
 At this time we should have the same fleet to rent this year. We are looking for a couple more big ice castle to rent for customers. They pick a few dates when they come up the house is on fresh ice ready to go.
 I again will be doing less of the manual labor as the old body just cannot keep up to the young guys. With bear hunting started our books are open and we have taken a few reservations at this time. Old minnesota took a beating last year and does have some major repairs we need to tackle, it always hard to get going on the projects during the there always so much going on including work. I've been rehabbing my body as being 64 is catching up.
 Blue thunder needs a new starter installed. The red baron still needs a transfer case. Rusty trusty has been fired up and moved a couple times. black beauty will again be my lake beater she only has 1rst 2nd and reverse. We also may have acquired a custom-made house and will give it a name and put on our website when it's a done deal.
 Jonny boy will again be handling finding the fish for the houses to be placed. After last years cruddy ice everyone up here are hoping for a much better season of ice.  Thats it for now on a grand lake that owes us nothing
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake

Online glenn57

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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
 :happy1: great to hear from ya cookie! :bow: the grand poompaw oder red lake! :happy1: :rotflmao:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online mike89

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a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at work!!

Offline cookie

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We have been plugging away on all the shacks the last few weeks. Jonny boy had his hands full repairing old Minnesota. He did a great job installing a new window, rebuilding a wall and putting new runners on her. We figure she's 48 years old.
 We also have added another ice castle which I have named Nevada. It has 4 bunks 20 footer with 4 foot v. I'll get some pics on our web site soon
 Dan and Darrin also brought up a 4 person skid house that we will be able to rent for them.
 The reservations have been trickling in with still plenty of days open for reservations.
 I was able to get new paint on old minnesota and montana. Florida is also on the list.
 A local got a pic of a large cougar on his trail cam headed south. I have a hard time sneaking out to my stand with a bow in the morning thinking a cougar was in the area.
 Ive seen a couple boats on the lake the past week but no clue if they caught fish.
 I have plenty to still get done before the weather turns cold. Got the golf clubs put away for the season.
 To all the deer hunters' good luck and enjoy those days in the woods.
 This season we will be allowed 4 fish with 3 under 17 and 1 any size.
 Our good friends Rick and Bob are not coming up for deer season this year after not having much success the past few years. 
 well that's about it for now were looking at another fun challenging season here on the shores of upper red lake
Cookie's on Upper Red Lake

Online glenn57

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  • 2015 deer contest champ!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!