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Author Topic: Good Morning!!!!!!  (Read 6088214 times)

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Offline lovebigbluegills

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Merry Christmas, all. Have a safe and happy one.  :snow4:

Absolutely, you too buddy!!!!!

Offline delcecchi

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Ho ho Merry Christmas to all.  Had a nice dinner with the kids and grandkids. 

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's

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Offline Reinhard

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Merry Christmas to everyone here from our family.  Busy times and good times.  Making a whole boneless NY strip that is 16 pounds.  Good luck.

Offline Boar

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Morning! on our way home trying to get a head of the pending storm.little icy but we plugin g along. gona try toswing over to.reinys for tha delicius sound xmas meal. porbably not gona make it reiny. merry Chrismas everyone


Offline Bobberineyes

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Good morning all, had a prime rib dinner last night with cabbage casserole.  Heading to ma and pas bout noon. Have a great day and Merry Christmas fellas!!

Offline LPS

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Ya RH does it up right doesn't he.   We went to the Falls early yesterday morning to get home in time for the disappointing Vikes game.  We even listened to some Christmas songs on the way.  Heard the 12 Days of Christmas.  Man is that a long song.  I remember singing it in school.  Was always a challenge to remember all of the things.  Was always wondering about the maids a milking....    ;)  The sky is a weird color here.  Pre storm is guess.  My brother at Ottertail already has ice occurring we may have 5-9" of snow coming.  They downgraded the snow but upped the wind as it now could reach 40 mph.  I have been doing good fishing so would like to be in the fish house for some of the storm.  i do see a few flakes in the air now and the wind is picking up.  Well we are snug and warm here and that is where we will stay.  Have a great day to all of you....

Offline lovebigbluegills

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Good morning all!!! RH will be having a fantastic meal later for sure--maybe we could start up a side bet on what he'll be making to go with the ny strip.  Drive safe boar, last I saw on the forecast is that it won't be starting til later in the afternoon...for teef river anyways. Sounds like you had a dandy meal yesterday boober, have a good time at your parents today!!!  Have fun in the fish house later LPS, hopefully they'll have the feedbag on!! I'm with you, no way I could remember all 12 days.

Pretty laid back day here today. Just the wife, marvin and I. I've got some pork jerky to smome today and some straightening up in the garage to do.

Online Dotch

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Kicking back here today. Grilled a couple NY strips for supper last nite-yum! Starting to get nasty outside, been raining a half hour or so and windy. Mrs. Cheviot told me I don't have to grill today. Code for "I'm going to try to take advantage of you". I'm wise to her ways. I bet I can move the grill to the other side of the house out of the wind! 😆

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Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline Bobberineyes

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Looks dynamite dotch!! Plop that grill in the middle of the kitchen, that'll keep her at bay for a bit.  I sure get a kick otta watching the dogs over the years tearing into presents. All the pouches have been that way, we had the sis in laws crapzu (and that's what she is) for the last few days and all the puppy presents were hers in her mind, remi would try to paw an un opened one away and she would snap . Anyhow can't believe how fast this past year went by, gonna run through the auger and the rest of the ice fishing stuff in the morning and hopefully get out soon.     

Offline lovebigbluegills

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That's fer sure boober, those darn dogs know when Christmas is, and know that they have a bone or whatever wrapped up. At least that they have a free day of shredding paper!!! My oldest dog (passed away this past september) loved to shred wrapping paper at Christmas, and had since he was a pup, and passed that trait on to Marvin. I usually wrap up some kind of treat for the dog(s), so they feel like part of the undwrapping thing too.

Merry Christmas again to all of you guys!!!

Offline The General

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I did the same thing for both of the dogs.  The young pup needed no teaching from the old man on unwrapping presents.  However once they both had their presents open the pup tried to,take a lick from the old man's bone.  He wasn't having that. ;)
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The Boogie Man may check his closet for John Wayne but John Wayne checks under his bed for Clint Eastwood

Offline glenn57

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morning fellas..............glad Christmas is over! go figure a hard working union guy got the day off today............PAID!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1:
HOPING THE WIND DIES DOWN!!!!!!! would like to load wheeler and fishhouses on my trailer today, and pick up branches ole mother nature cleaned outta the trees!!!!!
that rain turned my driveway from snow packed to a skating rink. momma's gonna take the tree down today, I will be working on getting all the stuff ready for out new years fishing trip.
Thursday I get a step daddy and 2 step sisters.........Friday............GONE FISHIN!!!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Boar

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have fun buddy, but be honest it certainly ain gone catchin! hahahahaha!

Offline glenn57

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have fun buddy, but be honest it certainly ain gone catchin! hahahahaha!
ha..........just have that phone charged up!!!!!!!!!!! :moon:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Online Dotch

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Survived the big blast here. All rain, .52" in Bugtussle & .49" at the ranch. Anyplace that wasn't scraped down good is now glare ice. Flurrying so will really have to watch your step. Wind with the ice was the worst thing. Loads of sticks and branches to pick up in the backyard. Neighbor David had a 30' spruce snapped about 3' - 4' off the ground. He has nothing better to do than worry about it so am sure his grandson will hear about it until it's removed. Coming into town the wind and ice snapped the top of a power pole on the main transmission line so that ain't good. Just sorta dangling there w/wires still attached. Power's still on so that's the main thing. Too windy to mess with it today. And it finished off the sign at the office that it started on during a summer storm. Nasty stomach flu outbreak in the locally so will need to be on the lookout for that. :puke:   
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)

Offline ThunderLund78

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I was hoping to maybe chase some tip-ups today...  But after the rain pelting the already questionable ice and the wind howling, it's gonna be a while before you'll see me out there in any capacity.  Guess I'll get started on helping the kids open up all their toys - it takes 5-10 minutes to get the average toy truck/tractor out of its box these days - almost need a chainsaw and a blowtorch.

Online Gunner55

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Just back from the weekend, so I thought I would check in. About 3" at mom's on Friday, some nasty freezin rain/rain for all of Saturday & most of Sunday. Big wind & enough snow on the drive home to cause visibility problems.
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline LPS

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Morning boys.  Well back to reality today.  Work work work for us union guys...   ;)  Oh well long weekend next week  too so that is something to look forward to.  Had those big shrimp on the grill and turned out great.  Will do that again.  0 here right now with a high of 10.  Lots of drifting over the last couple of days.  Turned the heat off in the fish house.  Will redrill out the holes on Friday for the weekend.  Caught some nice fish but get home too late from work to get down there during the week.

Offline Boar

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Morning all, heading to bagley this smornin with the wheeler. wish me luck. other than that not much new, waiting for the first trip of the seaon. Have a good day everyone...

Offline Jerkbiat

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Morning all! I survived the big holiday weekend. Pulled the fish house out on Saturday. Fished a little Saturday and sunday. Fishing was so so. have friends coming up to fish this weekend so we will hit it hard then. Had 12" of ice this past weekend. Have a good one.
Hey look your bobber is up!

Offline glenn57

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morning fellers............roads were pretty good considering!!!!!!!!!! in a giddy mood today!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy1: :happy1: christmas is OVER!!!!!!!! and da first fishing/spearing trip up nort is just a few short days away. cant wait!!!!!!!!!
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Bobberineyes

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Morning gents, I'm in a better mood today Glenn, sorry bout bashing your pic skills. Anyhow just finished inhaling prime rib and casserole for lunch , now I need a nap.  Later boys!

Offline glenn57

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Morning gents, I'm in a better mood today Glenn, sorry bout bashing your pic skills. Anyhow just finished inhaling prime rib and casserole for lunch , now I need a nap.  Later boys!
no biggy dude.............cant argue the truth..........i suck big time at it!!!!!!!!!! :surrender: :surrender:
2015 deer slayer!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Rebel SS

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  • "Seems like time is here and gone".....Doobie's
Morning gents, I'm in a better mood today Glenn, sorry bout bashing your pic skills. Anyhow just finished inhaling prime rib and casserole for lunch , now I need a nap.  Later boys!
no biggy dude.............cant argue the truth..........i suck big time at it!!!!!!!!!! :surrender: :surrender:

And yer Mom dressses ya funny too!!!  Shtroumpf!    :rotflmao:

Offline ThunderLund78

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I tell ya what.  I'd never thought I'd say "Man I'm sick of all the bacon, cream cheese, sour cream, onion, shredded cheese and hot pepper dip" but I'm officially done with Holiday appetizers for a while.  It's pretty much all I've eaten the last 4 days.  Throw a random over-sized Holiday dinner in there a couple times along with plenty of beers and other cups holiday cheer and this guy's body is crying uncle. 

After we got back home from all the Family fun yesterday, my wife and I made sure we had a good salad with supper last night.  I've always liked fruits and veggies anyway, but my body's in all-out CRAVE mode for all things healthy right now.  I guess it makes the New Year's Resolution easier.

Online Gunner55

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Morning all, we got 22 now, headin for 28. Wind has finally let up. Kind of glad it's over too, glenn. Now we can start thinkin about going back up to our favorite part of Itasca Co. If it all goes good we could be looking at going up Friday, if we hit  some snags it will probably be Monday. Hope you all have a good 1
Life............. what happens while your making other plans. John Lennon

Offline LPS

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I'm with you Thunder.  Sometimes I just crave a good salad.  It is almost a healing feeling eating something healthy like that.  I should eat them more often.  Man that dip sounds great.....  Have you posted that on here before?

Offline hawg

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At my son's house this weekend he had some good old brown bottle Michelob Light, not the Golden Light. When I got home I drove straight to the beer store for a 12 pack. I forgot how good that stuff was, ya never see it much anymore. Still big time ice on our roads around here but the sun is starting to get rid of some of it now.
I've been your age, you never been mine!

Online Dotch

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We used to splurge and buy the original Mich once in a while many moons ago. It was good. Since that time, my tastes have tended to run more to 2 kinds: cold and someone else's.  :happy1:  Sunshine today after a cloudy stretch. The wind isn't howling so it's decent out. 23 with a forecast high of 25. Tomorrow more sun & back up to 34. I hear ya about the fruit & veggie thing too. Was disappointed that the FFA missed us this year selling fruit. And I really miss not being able to have grapefruit. Stupid meds anyway.  :banghead:
Time itself is bought and sold, the spreading fear of growing old contains a thousand foolish games that we play. (Neil Young)